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Total Page 2 C/ 15/BCA/4” Beme. IPrec.


•ttb 8eosea ter gxa¥afztatfoq
PAPER—9996 (6BI‘-1)
Pull Mark:s : 100
Time : 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Cnndidotes are required to 9iue their answers in their
own words as far as practicable.
Jfusfrote the answers wherever rrecessorp.

Answer any to questions (on Lottery Bosis) : 2 x 25

Write a C++ program to find the volume of cube, rectangle

and cylinder ueing function overloading.
Write a C++ program to find the area of rectangle using
pointer to data member.
3. Write a C++ program to display the student details using
classes and object as array.
4. Write a C++ program to display the account number and balance
ueing constructor overloading.
s. Write a C++ program to add two complex numbers using
object as argument.

(Turn Ouer}

Write a C+ + program to perform matrix multiplication using

static variable, default argument and friend function.

Write a C++ program to add two valuee using stream operator

8. Write a C-r* program to overload new and delete operators.
9. Write a C++ program for matrix manipulation with dynamic
memory allocation ueing copy constructor and overloading of
assignment operator.
10. Write a C** program to convert centimeter to meter using basic
to class type.
11. Write a C+* program to add two complex numbers ueing binary
operator overloading.
12. Write a C*+ program for unary operator overloading.
13. Write a C++ program for bubble eort using template.
14. Write a C++ program to swap two variables using function
15. Write a C++ program to convert degree to radian using “ class to
class type.
16. Write a C+ + program to display student details ueing virtual
base class.

Practical Note BooL : 10

Viva-Voce IO
fnteraal Assesazaeat : 30

C/ 15/ BCA/ R“ Seme. (Prac.)/ 2296(Set- \)

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