Responses of Cobb × Cobb 500 Broilers To Dietary Amino Acid Density Regimens

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©2010 Poultry Science Association, Inc.

Responses of Cobb × Cobb 500 broilers to dietary

amino acid density regimens

A. Corzo,*1 M. W. Schilling,† R. E. Loar II,* L. Mejia,* L. C. G. S. Barbosa,*

and M. T. Kidd‡

*Department of Poultry Science, and †Department of Food Science, Nutrition,

and Health Promotion, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State 39762;
and ‡Department of Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 72701

Primary Audience: Nutritionists, Feed Mill Managers, Live Production Personnel

Dietary amino acid density responses are fairly well documented for Ross broilers but are
sparse for the Cobb bird. Cobb 500 fast-feathering chicks were obtained from a commercial
hatchery and fed either high, moderate, or low dietary amino acid density diets through a starter
(0 to 14 d, in crumbles), grower (14 to 28 d, in pellets), and finisher (28 to 42 d, in pellets) phase
program, for a total of 17 possible treatment combinations at d 42. Before formulation of the
experimental diets, samples of the protein-contributing ingredients (corn, soybean meal, and
Pro-Plus) were analyzed for total amino acid concentration. Live performance, carcass traits,
breast and thigh meat composition, and feed cost efficiency served as evaluation criteria for this
study. Body weight gain (P < 0.05) and feed conversion (P < 0.001) were improved when broil-
ers were fed the high diets through most of their life, but mortality and BW uniformity remained
unaltered (P > 0.05). Carcass yield was unaffected (P > 0.05) by dietary treatments. Breast meat
yield was maximized (P < 0.05) in birds fed the high diets, whereas abdominal fat percentage
(P < 0.01) was increased in birds fed the low diets. Breast meat protein and fat content were
unaffected (P > 0.05) by diet, but protein concentration of thigh meat increased (P < 0.10) in
birds fed the high diets compared with those fed the low diets, and birds fed the moderate diets
had intermediate responses. The benefits observed when feeding high amino acid density diets
were not necessarily the most economical when feeding these throughout the entire grow-out
period. The Cobb 500 male showed an ability to respond to increasing amino acid density as the
bird aged, and any beneficial effects of feeding high amino acid density diets early in life may
not be warranted for this strain.

Key words: broiler, composition, amino acid

2010 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 19:227–236

DESCRPTION OF PROBLEM profitability, and possibly minimizing losses in

times of economic hardship or small profit mar-
Because of the extensive contribution of feed gins. Dietary amino acid density has been evalu-
to the total production costs of a broiler opera- ated as a way to increase performance [1–7]. In
tion, dietary strategies are vital to optimizing previous work, various broiler strains responded

Corresponding author:
228 JAPR: Research Report

differently to dietary amino acid density [1–3]. Diets and Dietary Treatments
Furthermore, in some of the previous research,
researchers have emphasized the importance Broilers were fed least-cost formulated diets
of optimizing dietary amino acid density in that were primarily composed of corn, soybean
later feeding phases, when feed consumption is meal, and H. J. Baker’s Pro-Plus [11]. To ensure
considerably increased compared with that of accurate formulation of all experimental diets,
younger birds [5, 6]. However, researchers have samples of corn, soybean meal, and Pro-Plus
not evaluated the effects of amino acid density were analyzed for total amino acids and CP com-
on the growth and carcass characteristics of the position [12]. On receiving the results of the CP
Cobb × Cobb 500 broiler. and amino acid analyses of the feed ingredients,
The Cobb × Cobb 500 broiler is a modern the nutrient matrix was updated and the feed
strain commercially available throughout the formulas were solved using linear programming
world. Because of the commercial impact this (Table 1). Digestible amino acid values were cal-
strain has on poultry markets worldwide, and culated from published digestibility coefficients
the characteristics in growth rate and yielding [13] by using the analyzed total amino acid con-
ability that separate it from other commercially tent of the ingredients. Crude protein was not as-
available strains, investigation is warranted re- signed a minimum value in formulation, and es-
garding dietary amino acid density feeding strat- sential digestible amino acids were maintained
egies. For that purpose, a study was conducted in all dietary treatments by setting minimum
to evaluate different dietary amino acid density formulation ratios relative to digestible lysine
regimens from hatch up to 42 d of age. (TSAA 75, threonine 65, valine 78, isoleucine
68, tryptophan 17, and arginine 105) and follow-
ing previously published recommendations [14].
MATERIALS AND METHODS All other essential nutrients were formulated to
Bird Husbandry meet or exceed nutrient recommendations [15].
After the feed was manufactured, representative
A total of 2,112 fast-feathering Cobb × Cobb samples from experimental diets were collected
500 male broiler chicks [8] were obtained from and analyzed for protein and amino acid compo-
a commercial hatchery, vent-sexed by trained sition [12] (Table 1). Least-cost formulated diets
personnel, and randomly distributed across 176 were mixed in a 1-ton double-ribbon horizon-
floor pens (12 chicks/pen; 0.09 m2/bird) at the tal mixer and steam pelleted. During the starter
Mississippi State University broiler research phase, 3 dietary treatments were formulated to
farm. Chicks were vaccinated at the hatchery contain either a high (H), moderate (M), or low
for Marek’s disease, Newcastle disease, and in- (L) amino acid density and were fed to the chicks
fectious bronchitis. They were reared in a solid from 0 to 14 d of age. At 14 d of age, birds were
wall-sided facility, and each pen was equipped then subdivided and fed either H, M, or L amino
with a hanging commercial feeder, a nipple acid density grower-phase diets, for a total of
drinker line (3 nipple drinkers/pen), and built- 9 possible treatment combinations (H-H, H-M,
up litter. Birds consumed feed and water on an H-L, M-H, M-M, M-L, L-H, L-M, and L-L). Fi-
ad libitum basis. Starter-phase diets were pro- nally, at 28 d of age, birds were further subdivid-
vided in crumbles from 0 to 14 d of age, whereas ed by being fed an H, M, or L amino acid density
grower and finisher diets were provided in pel- finisher-phase diet, for a total of 17 treatments.
lets from 14 to 28 and 28 to 42 d of age, respec- Although dietary amino acid minimum values
tively. Ambient temperature set points and the varied, dietary treatments were formulated so
lighting program used in this study have been that they were equal in AME, calcium, available
described [9]. Light intensity settings were veri- phosphorus, sodium, and choline.
fied [10] at the bird level (30 cm). Mortality was
Live Performance and Diet Cost
recorded daily, and all animal procedures were
approved by the Mississippi State University In- Bird weight and feed consumed were mea-
stitutional Animal Care and Use Committee. sured, by pen, at the beginning and the end of
Table 1. Composition of the experimental diets (as-is basis)

Starter, 0 to 14 d Grower, 14 to 28 d Finisher, 28 to 42 d

Item High Moderate Low High Moderate Low High Moderate Low

Ingredient,1 %
  Corn 58.327 62.942 66.96 63.954 68.593 72.562 67.712 71.695 75.669
  Soybean meal 32.002 28.142 24.825 27.08 23.217 19.906 23.798 20.485 17.174
  Pro-Plus 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
  Poultry oil 2.58 1.815 1.162 2.049 1.283 0.628 1.78 1.124 0.47
  Dicalcium phosphate 1.035 1.054 1.071 0.953 0.972 0.989 0.808 0.824 0.841
  Calcium carbonate 0.772 0.78 0.787 0.738 0.746 0.753 0.681 0.688 0.694
  Sodium chloride 0.421 0.422 0.423 0.423 0.424 0.426 0.425 0.426 0.427
  dl-Methionine 0.323 0.288 0.237 0.268 0.223 0.183 0.239 0.198 0.158
  Premix 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
  l-Lysine hydrochloride 0.182 0.19 0.179 0.178 0.186 0.188 0.192 0.193 0.195
  Coccidiostat 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
  Choline chloride, 60% 0.033 0.043 0.051 0.046 0.056 0.064 0.054 0.063 0.071
  l-Threonine 0.025 0.024 0.005 0.011 0.001 0.001 0.012 0.003 —
Nutrient composition2
  CP, % 23.41 21.84 20.45 21.36 19.77 18.41 20.01 18.65 17.29
  Calcium, % 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.80 0.80 0.80
  Available phosphorus, % 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.40 0.40 0.40
  AME, kcal/kg 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 3,125.00 3,125.00 3,125.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 3,150.00
  TSAA, % 0.95 0.89 0.81 0.87 0.80 0.75 0.82 0.77 0.71
  Lysine, % 1.37 1.22 1.16 1.19 1.09 1.01 1.16 1.06 0.99
  Threonine, % 0.85 0.78 0.73 0.75 0.69 0.64 0.74 0.67 0.61
  Isoleucine, % 0.87 0.80 0.76 0.79 0.71 0.65 0.75 0.71 0.63
  Valine, % 1.02 0.94 0.89 0.91 0.84 0.78 0.90 0.82 0.74
  Glycine + serine, % 2.18 2.04 1.92 2.00 1.86 1.75 1.88 1.77 1.65

  Digestible lysine, % 1.25 1.16 1.07 1.12 1.03 0.95 1.05 0.97 0.88
  Digestible TSAA, % 0.97 0.91 0.83 0.88 0.80 0.73 0.82 0.75 0.68
  Digestible threonine, % 0.78 0.72 0.66 0.70 0.63 0.59 0.65 0.60 0.55
Diet cost, $/metric ton 240.8 231.2 222.1 228.3 218.1 209.6 220.3 211.5 202.8
Pro-Plus is an animal by-product blend, with a CP content of 60% (H. J. Baker & Bros. Inc., Little Rock, AR). The vitamin and mineral premix contained (per kg of diet): retinyl acetate, 2,654
µg; cholecalciferol, 110 µg; dl-α-tocopherol acetate, 9.9 mg; menadione, 0.9 mg; vitamin B12, 0.01 mg; folic acid, 0.6 µg; choline, 379 mg; d-pantothenic acid, 8.8 mg; riboflavin, 5.0 mg;
niacin, 33 mg; thiamine, 1.0 mg; d-biotin, 0.1 mg; pyridoxine, 0.9 mg; ethoxyquin, 28 mg; manganese, 55 mg; zinc, 50 mg; iron, 28 mg; copper, 4 mg; iodine, 0.5 mg; selenium, 0.1 mg. The
coccidiostat provided 60 g of salinomycin sodium per 907.2 kg of diet to prevent intestinal coccidia from developing.
Values for total amino acid composition are analyzed; all other nutrients are calculated.
230 JAPR: Research Report

each experimental phase. Mortality was collect- was collected from these birds, placed into in-
ed twice daily, and the weight was recorded and dividually labeled bags, and frozen (−23°C) un-
used to adjust feed conversion values. Feed cost til analysis could be performed. Broiler breast
for each of the experimental diets was calculat- (boneless and skinless) and thigh meat samples
ed by formula solving via linear programming, (boneless and skinless) were analyzed for fat,
and are representative of feed ingredient prices protein, moisture, and collagen percentages us-
for a Mississippi integrator for March of 2009. ing an Association of Official Analytical Chem-
These diet prices were used to calculate the cost ists-approved [17] near-infrared spectrometer
of producing 1 kg of BW, carcass weight, and [18]. Samples were thawed for 1 d in a refrigera-
breast meat weight, by multiplying their price tor (4°C) and then ground with a meat grinder
by the amount of feed consumed by each pen [19] that was fitted with a 3-mm (1/8-in.) cutting
and then dividing by the absolute weight for the plate. Ground samples were packed tightly in a
corresponding pen. 140-mm sample cup before analysis.

Processing Statistics
At 42 d of age, 5 broilers from each pen (50/ A randomized complete block design with 58,
treatment; 880 total) were randomly selected 19, and 10 replications at the end of the starter,
for processing. Broilers were hung by their feet grower, and finisher feed phases, respectively,
in steel shackles and were electrically stunned was used to test the effects of different dietary
by placing their heads in a saturated saline bath amino acid regimens. Block corresponded to the
(11.5 V, <0.5 mA AC to DC current for 5 s). location of the experimental broiler house. When
The shackle line speed was constant and set so significant differences (P < 0.05) existed among
that approximately 22 broilers were stunned per treatments, Fisher’s least significant difference
minute. Unilateral neck cutting was mechani- option of SAS was used to separate treatment
cally performed immediately after stunning, means [20].
and bleeding lasted for 140 s. On completion
of exsanguination, the broilers were scalded at
53.3°C for 191 s and picked for 35 s using a ro-
tary drum picker [16]. Carcasses were then man- Formulated diets were analyzed for total
ually removed of heads and feet, at the hock, and amino acid composition and are displayed in
transferred to a separate room, where they were Table 1. For analyzed values, there was close
mechanically eviscerated [16]. Carcasses were agreement with calculated values. More impor-
removed from the line, their abdominal fat was tant, dietary treatments agreed with the assigned
removed, and hot carcass and abdominal fat pad amino acid density ranking value throughout all
weights were recorded for each carcass. Broiler feeding phases, thus validating the dietary treat-
carcasses were stored in ice water in metal con- ments fed to the Cobb × Cobb 500 male broil-
tainers (173 cm in length, 85 cm in width, and ers.
68.5 cm in depth). At 4 h postmortem, breast
(boneless and skinless) muscles were manually 14-d Live Performance
deboned and their weight was recorded.
Results were straightforward for this feed-
Near-Infrared Reflectance ing phase and, for the most part, are similar to
of Breast and Thigh Meat previous findings [1–3]. As dietary amino acid
density was increased, BW, feed intake, and
Immediately after the first batch of birds was feed conversion values were improved in these
processed, 2 birds from each pen corresponding chicks (Table 2). Mortality was unaffected by
to the dietary treatments H-H-H, M-M-M, or the dietary treatments imposed during this 0- to
L-L-L were randomly removed and processed 14-d feeding period. When the feed cost during
(20/treatment; 60 total). Broilers were chilled in this period was estimated based on values for
metal containers, as described previously. At 4 diet cost, feed consumption, and BW, we con-
h postmortem, breast and thigh (bone-in) meat cluded that feeding the L amino acid density di-

ets resulted in a cheaper feed cost per BW value L, M-H-H, M-M-H, M-M-M, and L-H-H diets
compared with the M or H diets (Table 2). (Table 4). As occurred with feed conversion at
28 d of age, the Cobb × Cobb 500 male broiler
28-d Live Performance seemed to be able to compensate for L amino
At 28 d of age, birds fed the H-H diet had su- acid density values earlier in life if they were
perior BW and feed intake compared with those subsequently fed H amino acid density diets
in other treatments (Table 3). Birds exhibited during the grower and finisher feeding phases.
a reduction in BW with decreased amino acid The poorest BW values were observed in birds
density, and this effect was more pronounced in fed the L-L-M or L-L-L diet, and these results
birds fed the L amino acid density diets during are in agreement with previous research with
the starter phase. Birds fed the H-H treatment other commercial broilers [1–3]. Feed consump-
exhibited the greatest feed consumption and dif- tion responses of the birds did not have a defined
fered from all other treatments, except for birds response to amino acid density, but it seems as
fed the H-M or H-L diet. The lowest feed intake though a greater intake was observed when birds
values were observed in birds fed the L amino received the H diets earlier in life (Table 4).
acid density diets. However, based on FCR Surprisingly, feeding the H-H-H or H-H-M
values, those birds fed the H diets during the diet did not lead to the best final FCR. Birds fed
grower phase, independently of the starter ami- the L-H-H and M-H-H diets had the best final
no acid density fed, had the best performance FCR (Table 4). Feeding L amino acid density di-
at this age (Table 3). In parallel with the 14-d ets later in life resulted in birds with detrimental
mortality, 28-d mortality was unaffected by di- feed conversion values. Therefore, we suggest
etary treatment. It seems that feeding the L-H that the Cobb × Cobb 500 male broiler converts
diets resulted in the most economical scenario, feed more efficiently when starter diets are mar-
based on values for feed cost per BW. These re- ginal in amino acid density, which is in contrast
sults are in agreement with the results observed with other commercially available strains that
at 14 d of age because feeding the H-H amino have been evaluated previously [1–7]. Incidence
acid density diets led to the best performance in of mortality was unaffected by the dietary treat-
most parameters but resulted in a less beneficial ments fed (Table 4). Final BW uniformity was
economic scenario. also unaffected by the treatments fed, in contrast
to the Arbor Acres Plus broiler [1]. Furthermore,
42-d Live Performance it is worth mentioning that uniformity, which
was determined by calculating the CV of the
The highest final BW observed was for birds BW of birds randomly selected for processing
fed the H-H-M diets. Birds fed the H-H-M feeds at 42 d of age, was observed to have remarkably
had superior BW compared with birds fed other low values, displaying a great attribute of this
diets, and their BW were found to be statistically strain, which should ultimately result in uniform
similar to those of birds fed the H-H-H, H-H- carcass size and tray-pack products.

Table 2. Live performance at 14 d of age of Cobb × Cobb 500 male chicks fed different amino acid density

Item BW, g Feed intake, g FCR2 Mortality, % Feed cost/BW3

  High 345a 382a 1.11c 2.8 0.266
  Moderate 329b 376b 1.14b 1.8 0.264
  Low 311c 368c 1.18a 3.3 0.261
SEM 2 2 0.01 0.6 0.001
P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.16 —
Means within a column not sharing a common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Observed means were calculated from 58 replicate values using the pen as the experimental unit.
Values represent the FCR after being corrected for mortality weight.
Values were calculated as follows: [(feed cost × feed consumption)/BW], and are expressed as US dollars per kilogram.
232 JAPR: Research Report

Table 3. Live performance at 28 d of age of Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers fed different amino acid density

Item BW, g Feed intake, g FCR2 Mortality, % Feed cost/BW3

  H-H 1,427a 2,016a 1.41c 3.0 0.325
  H-M 1,361b 1,991ab 1.46b 5.4 0.325
  H-L 1,316cd 1,987ab 1.52a 5.0 0.329

  M-H 1,361b 1,945bcd 1.41c 2.5 0.323

  M-M 1,314cd 1,929cd 1.47b 2.7 0.323
  M-L 1,294d 1,963bc 1.52a 5.0 0.324

  L-H 1,333bc 1,877ef 1.41c 4.2 0.320

  L-M 1,289d 1,899de 1.47b 4.2 0.322
  L-L 1,206e 1,841f 1.53a 3.5 0.324
SEM 9 13 0.01 0.8 0.002
P-value <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.51 —
Means within a column not sharing a common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Observed means were calculated from 19 replicate values using the pen as the experimental unit.
Values represent the FCR after being corrected for mortality weight.
Values were calculated as follows: [(feed cost × feed consumption)/BW] and are expressed as US dollars per kilogram.
Treatments: high (H), moderate (M), or low (L) amino acid density diets fed to chicks from 0 to 14 d of age, followed by H,
M, or L amino acid density grower-phase diets fed to chicks from 14 to 28 d of age.

Table 4. Live performance at 42 d of age of Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers fed different amino acid density

Item BW, g Feed intake, g FCR2 Mortality, % BW uniformity3

   H-H-H 2,665ab 4,397bc 1.629fg 3.03 6.82
   H-H-M 2,719a 4,487ab 1.637ef 5.30 7.37
   H-H-L 2,688ab 4,597a 1.691b 5.00 6.02
   H-M-M 2,609bcde 4,385bc 1.679b 5.95 7.23
   H-M-L 2,545def 4,376bc 1.719a 5.83 6.74
   H-L-L 2,531ef 4,387bc 1.733a 5.83 6.92

   M-H-H 2,668ab 4,303cd 1.613gh 1.85 5.50

   M-M-H 2,644abcd 4,329bc 1.639ef 7.50 5.89
   M-M-M 2,613abcde 4,322bc 1.656cde 3.79 6.20
   M-M-L 2,523ef 4,346bc 1.723a 5.00 7.65
   M-L-L 2,552cdef 4,354bc 1.725a 6.67 7.71

   L-H-H 2,660abc 4,253cdef 1.599h 6.25 6.38

   L-M-H 2,522ef 4,115f 1.632fg 8.33 6.55
   L-L-H 2,495f 4,117ef 1.650def 7.29 8.25
   L-M-M 2,555cdef 4,297cde 1.664cd 6.67 8.46
   L-L-M 2,465fg 4,127def 1.674bc 4.17 7.69
   L-L-L 2,381g 4,095f 1.721a 4.54 6.70

SEM 38 64 0.008 1.19 0.81

P-value <0.048 0.004 <0.0001 0.52 0.52
Means within a column not sharing a common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Observed means were calculated from 10 replicate values using the pen as the experimental unit.
Values represent the FCR after being corrected for mortality weight.
Values represent the CV (%).
Treatments: high (H), moderate (M), or low (L) amino acid density diets fed to chicks from 0 to 14 d of age, followed by H, M,
or L amino acid density grower-phase diets fed from 14 to 28 d of age, and then H, M, or L amino acid density finisher-phase
diets fed from 28 to 42 d of age.

Table 5. Carcass traits at 42 d of age of Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers fed different amino acid density

Carcass Breast meat Abdominal fat

Item Weight, g Yield, % Weight, g Yield, % Weight, g Yield, %

   H-H-H 1,957 69.16 649 22.90a 33.3efg 1.18ef
   H-H-M 1,903 68.53 630 22.43ab 36.2cdef 1.30def
   H-H-L 1,936 68.93 635 22.59ab 41.7ab 1.51b
   H-M-M 1,895 68.44 615 22.21bcd 36.6cde 1.33cde
   H-M-L 1,841 68.44 578 21.48fgh 39.0bcd 1.47bcd
   H-L-L 1,836 68.34 575 21.46gh 40.0bc 1.56b

   M-H-H 1,893 68.54 621 22.44ab 31.5fg 1.15f

   M-M-H 1,877 68.43 610 22.19bcde 31.2g 1.13f
   M-M-M 1,868 68.66 601 22.08bcdef 34.6defg 1.27ef
   M-M-L 1,781 68.45 558 21.61efg 41.5ab 1.60ab
   M-L-L 1,820 68.27 570 21.48fgh 38.7bcd 1.49bc

   L-H-H 1,882 68.60 612 22.33abc 31.5fg 1.18ef

   L-M-H 1,823 68.48 582 21.82cdefg 32.7efg 1.19ef
   L-L-H 1,833 68.42 574 21.67defg 32.6efg 1.29ef
   L-M-M 1,828 68.31 590 22.10bcde 33.2efg 1.23ef
   L-L-M 1,755 68.46 554 21.44gh 38.2bcd 1.48bc
   L-L-L 1,755 67.96 537 20.94h 45.0a 1.76a

SEM 24 0.26 13 0.22 1.7 0.06

P-value 0.53 0.13 0.24 0.043 0.024 0.007
Means within a column not sharing a common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05).
Observed means were calculated from 10 replicate values using the pen as the experimental unit. The mean from each pen was
calculated from 5 randomly selected carcasses corresponding to that pen.
Treatments: high (H), moderate (M), or low (L) amino acid density diets fed to chicks from 0 to 14 d of age, followed by H, M,
or L amino acid density grower-phase diets fed from 14 to 28 d of age, and then H, M, or L amino acid density finisher-phase
diets fed from 28 to 42 d of age.

Carcass Traits Considering that abdominal fat is known to

be a good indicator of overall body fat [21], we
Carcass weight and yield were unaffected by
suggest that when birds were fed the L amino
the dietary treatments fed (Table 5). Breast meat
acid density diets during the last feeding phase,
absolute weight was also unaffected by dietary
it led to higher values for abdominal fat percent-
treatment. However, in agreement with previous
age (Table 5). In contrast, as birds received in-
findings [1–6], breast meat yield was sensitive
creasing concentrations of amino acid density,
to amino acid density (Table 5). Broilers fed the
this resulted in lower abdominal fat absolute
H-H-H diets had the highest breast meat yield
and relative weights. These results are in close
values and differed from birds in all other treat-
agreement with previous amino acid density
ments, except for those fed the H diets for at
studies, in which abdominal fat weight and per-
least 2 of the 3 feeding phases. As broilers were
centage were shown to be sensitive to these diet
fed progressively lower amino acid density diets
modifications [1–6].
over time, breast meat yield responses were neg-
atively affected (Table 5). This result emphasiz-
Meat Composition
es the importance of providing the Cobb × Cobb
500 broiler with high amino acid density diets if It has been shown previously how diet com-
maximum breast meat yield is desired, and may position, and more specifically, dietary protein,
be of similar or perhaps greater importance in can ultimately affect carcass composition [22,
females, given that they typically yield higher 23]. Analysis of boneless-skinless breast and
amounts of breast meat than males. thigh meat from broilers fed either the H-H-
234 JAPR: Research Report

H, M-M-M, or L-L-L diet showed no effects mization of this cost while maintaining adequate
on protein or fat composition of these muscles live and carcass trait performance is of concern
(Table 6). However, thigh meat, which is known to every nutritionist responsible for formulating
to have a higher content of fat than breast meat, broiler feed. In this particular study, the final
had a borderline impact (P = 0.09) from dietary feed cost is representative of what birds in each
amino acid density; there were 1.1 and 3.2% in- individual treatment consumed and takes into
creases in thigh meat protein content with broil- consideration both diet price per metric ton and
ers fed the H-H-H diet compared with those fed feed consumption of each feed phase. Because
the M-M-M and L-L-L diet, respectively. These broiler operations have different objectives, this
trends provide some suggestive evidence of the final feed cost has been adjusted to 3 possible
impact of dietary amino acids on meat compo- markets: the live bird, carcass without giblets
sition, and although not statistically validated (WOG), and breast meat deboning markets
in this study, do warrant further investigation; (Table 7).
perhaps an increased sampling size (n) in future Live bird feed cost efficiency was optimized
analyses may elucidate any potential effects. when birds were fed the L-L-M and L-L-L di-
Thigh meat collagen content was unaffected by ets, but the difference in feed cost was only US
diet, but breast meat collagen content was af- 1.1¢/kg of BW when comparing the most vs. the
fected by diet (Table 6). The H-H-H diet had a least efficient treatments (Table 7). Furthermore,
lower percentage of collagen in the breast meat almost identical values were obtained when
than the M-M-M and L-L-L diets because of the comparing birds in the most efficient treatment
increase in breast meat yield and weight in broil- (L-L-M) with those who received significantly
ers fed the H-H-H diet compared with the M-M- higher amino acid densities, such as those in the
M and L-L-L diets. A higher amino acid density M-M-M and L-H-H treatments, and it is worth
typically causes an increase in breast meat yield recalling that birds in these treatments outper-
because of increases in lean muscle tissue and formed birds in the L-L-M and L-L-L treatments
not increases in collagen, which is a structural in all live and carcass trait measurements.
protein. Therefore, the percentage of collagen When the eviscerated carcass weight was
in the breast meat sample from the H-H-H diet adjusted for feed cost, this particular efficiency
would theoretically be less than that in breast was similar to that for BW (Table 7). Broilers in
meat from the L-L-L and M-M-M diets. the L-L-L treatment appeared to be the most effi-
cient, whereas those birds fed the highest amino
Cumulative Feed Cost Efficiency
acid density diets resulted in US 2¢/kg or more
Feed undoubtedly represents the majority of of WOG carcass. This US 3¢ spread in feed cost
all production costs in a broiler operation. Mini- associated with producing 1 kg of WOG carcass

Table 6. Composition of boneless-skinless breast fillet and thigh meat at 42 d of age of Cobb × Cobb 500 males
fed different amino acid density regimens1

Boneless-skinless breast fillet Boneless-skinless thigh

Item Protein Fat Moisture Collagen Protein Fat Moisture Collagen

  H-H-H 22.26 3.09 73.13 1.35b 19.12 9.31 69.96 1.38
  M-M-M 22.23 3.47 72.63 1.49a 18.91 10.17 69.46 1.44
  L-L-L 22.19 3.51 72.74 1.54a 18.53 10.20 69.78 1.41
SEM 0.31 0.23 0.17 0.05 0.18 0.68 0.55 0.07
P-value 0.35 0.35 0.09 0.009 0.09 0.33 0.64 0.61
Means within a column not sharing a common superscript differ significantly (P < 0.05). Values are the observed means of 2
subsample breasts or thighs collected from 2 randomly selected birds from each experimental unit.
Observed means were calculated from 10 replicate values using the pen as the experimental unit. The mean from each pen was
calculated from meat samples corresponding to 2 randomly selected broilers corresponding to that pen.
Treatments: high (H), moderate (M), or low (L) amino acid density diets fed to chicks from 0 to 14 d of age, followed by H, M,
or L amino acid density grower-phase diets fed from 14 to 28 d of age, and then H, M, or L amino acid density finisher-phase
diets fed from 28 to 42 d of age.

Table 7. Feed cost associated with producing a cast for corn, soybean meal, and fat for the year
kilogram of live, carcass, or breast meat ($US/kg) 2010, and perhaps could have resembled previ-
of Cobb × Cobb 500 males fed different amino acid
density regimens1
ously reported values [25]. Overall, we conclude
that it is of extreme importance to consider mul-
Item BW Carcass Breast meat tiple factors, such as age, market, and company
Treatment2 objectives, among others, when evaluating a pos-
   H-H-H 0.367 0.516 1.528 sible amino acid density feeding strategy for the
   H-H-M 0.361 0.514 1.568 Cobb × Cobb broiler. It would also be of great
   H-H-L 0.364 0.514 1.568 benefit to corroborate whether the Cobb × Cobb
   H-M-M 0.363 0.508 1.572
500 female broiler behaves in a similar manner
   H-M-L 0.364 0.513 1.593
   H-L-L 0.362 0.504 1.575 with various amino acid density regimens.

   M-H-H 0.362 0.510 1.533
   M-M-H 0.364 0.509 1.570
   M-M-M 0.357 0.493 1.536
   M-M-L 0.363 0.519 1.624 1. We suggest, based on results for live per-
   M-L-L 0.358 0.501 1.590 formance, breast meat yield, and abdom-
inal fat content, that the Cobb × Cobb
   L-H-H 0.357 0.500 1.538
   L-M-H 0.359 0.496 1.556 500 broiler benefited greatly from being
   L-L-H 0.357 0.496 1.566 fed high amino acid density diets, par-
   L-M-M 0.357 0.505 1.575 ticularly during the latter feeding phases
   L-L-M 0.355 0.498 1.581 of life.
   L-L-L 0.356 0.488 1.583
2. The protein and fat composition of
SEM 0.002 0.006 0.025 breast meat was unaffected by the dif-
ferent amino acid density regimens fed.
Values are the observed means of 10 replicate pens. Values
were calculated as follows: feed cost ($/metric ton) × feed However, there was a marginal response,
consumed in each feed phase/weight (live, carcass, or breast which we interpret to mean that feeding
meat). higher amino acid density diets may af-
Treatments: high (H), moderate (M), or low (L) amino acid fect thigh meat composition by increas-
density diets fed to chicks from 0 to 14 d of age, followed by
H, M, or L amino acid density grower-phase diets fed from ing the protein concentration at the ex-
14 to 28 d of age, and then H, M, or L amino acid density pense of fat content.
finisher-phase diets fed from 28 to 42 d of age. 3. Based on feed ingredient prices for a
Mississippi integrator in March of 2009,
is a wider range and a potentially greater impact feeding the Cobb × Cobb 500 male broil-
than that for BW feed cost efficiency. Converse- er diets with higher amino acid densities
ly, values for breast meat/feed cost efficiency did not result in the most economically
showed a tendency toward reversing the effects efficient feed cost scenario when evalu-
previously observed with BW and carcass effi- ating final BW, carcass weight, or breast
ciency. Increasing the amino acid density may meat weight.
result in more efficient breast meat/feed cost 4. Overall, the Cobb × Cobb 500 broiler
values. It is reasonable to assume that if these strain showed a great ability to respond
birds were raised to an older slaughter age, some to increasing amino acid densities over
more notable differences may have emerged, time, and any effects of feeding high
mostly as a consequence of the overwhelmingly amino acid density diets early in life may
high protein content of breast muscles compared not be justified.
with any other body tissue in the broiler [24].
It is important to realize that these feed cost
effects were observed during a period of high REFERENCES AND NOTES
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12. Association of Official Analytical Chemists Interna- products, nor similar ones not mentioned. The authors wish
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