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Subject: Communication & Presentation skills.

Semester 2 BSSE.
Ms. Khushboo Amir.

 What is communication?
The word Communication (derived from the Latin ‘Communicare’ it means ‘to
share’) is the act of sharing ideas, emotions, and feelings between two or more
It is a process of creating and sharing ideas, information, views, facts, feelings
from one place, person or group to another. Communication is a process that
involves sending and receiving messages through the verbal and non-verbal
methods. Communication is a two-way means of communicating information in
the form of thoughts, opinions, and ideas between two or more individuals with
the purpose of building an understanding.
 For Example: Face to face discussions, Presentations.

 Importance of Communication: In our daily life, communication helps us

build relationships by allowing us to share our experiences, and needs, and
helps us connect to others. It's the essence of life, allowing us to express
feelings, pass on information and share thoughts. We all need to
communicate. Communication is a very important part of our day-to-day
life. it helps us in our personal, social and professional areas.

 Features Of Communication:
 It is a two-way process.
 It is a social activity.
 It is a continuous process.
 It may be formal or informal.

 Communication Skills:
Effective communication depends on the communication skills.
Communication skills are the abilities you use when giving and receiving
different kinds of information. Some examples include communicating new
ideas, feelings.

Communication skills are the tools that we use to remove the barriers to
effective communication.

Of course, communication is a two-way street. The person on the other side

of those barriers will also try to send messages back to you. Your ability to
understand them clearly could be left to a dependence on their ability to
use communication skills.
 For Example: A manager may be highly qualified and skilled but if he does
not possess good communication skills, all his ability becomes irrelevant.
A manager must communicate his directions effectively to the
subordinates to get the work done from them properly.

 How to improve your communication skills:

 Listen attentively to others.

 Think before speaking.
 Remain calm during arguments.
 Avoid saying uh and um.
 Be brief yet specific.
 Be clear and concise.

 Importance of communication skills:

Human communication is one of the most important aspects of life.
Communication skills are the abilities that are used when giving and receiving
information in its various forms, which enable a person to pass information to
other people and to understand what is said to him. Developing your
communication skills can help all aspects of your life, from your professional life to
social gatherings and everything in between. The ability to communicate
information accurately, clearly and as intended, is a vital life skill and something
that should not be overlooked. It helps you convey your point quickly and clearly.

 Process Of Communication:

To have successful and effective communication it is very important to know

about the communication process. It always guides us towards realizing
effective communication. Every individual that follows the communication
process will have the opportunity to succeed in every aspect of their

It Involves:

1) Sender: The sender or the communicator generates the message and

conveys it to the receiver. He is the source and the one who starts the
communication. In order to be a good source, you need to be clear
about the message that you are sending

2) Message: This refers to the information that the sender is conveying to

the receiver. Without message there is no cause for communicating.

3) Encoding: The message generated by the sender is encoded

symbolically such as in the form of words, pictures, gestures, etc. before
it is being conveyed.
4) Channel: The Channel is the method of communication that you choose
to convey your message such as face-to-face, by telephone, or via email.
The choice of medium is decided by the sender.

5) Decoding: Decoding happens when you receive the message that has
been sent. The communication skills required to decode a message
successfully include the ability to read and comprehend, listen actively,
or ask clarifying questions when needed.

6) Receiver: He is the person who is last in the chain and for whom the
message was sent by the sender. Once the receiver receives the message
and understands it in proper perspective and acts according to the
message, only then the purpose of communication is successful.

7) Feedback: No matter what channel you have used to convey your

message, you can use feedback to help determine how successful your
communication was. If you are face-to-face with your audience, you can
read body language and ask questions to ensure understanding. If you
have communicated via writing, you can gauge the success of your
communication by the response that you get or by seeing if the result
you wanted is delivered.

8) Context: The context is the situation in which you are communicating. It

involves the environment that you are in and that in which your
audience is in, the culture of your organization(s), and elements such as
the relationship between you and your audience. You communication
process will not look the same when you are communicating with your
boss as it will when you are communicating with a friend. The context
helps determine the tone and style of your communication.
2) Perspectives in Communication:
We all see the world with our own thinking and understanding known as
individual perceptions. Our Individual perceptions are actual the filters
through which we see understand the world. It is our view through which
we handle a situation. All persons may have different opinions/ Thinking.

1) Visual Perception: It is the ability to see and interpret the visual

It Includes: Visual Discrimination: Ability to notice differences like
shape, size, color.

Spatial Relations: Ability to recognize the positioning of the objects.

Language: The different perspectives we experience can be with
language as well. The same words can have very different meanings
depending on how we interpret them.

For Example: A woman without her man is nothing.

(No punctuation except the final period\ Full stop at the end of a
sentence. This sentence says that without her man a woman is

Look again. If you add punctuation, how does the meaning change?

A woman. Without her, man is nothing.

This sentence says a man is nothing he has no value without a woman.

 Others Factors Affecting Our Perspective:

 Past Experiences: Your communication is being affected by your past

experience. You enter a situation, a meeting, or a conversation, with certain
expectations of what will happen in that scenario, and you behave
accordingly. Sometimes, when we face a situation to which we have gone
through earlier, we predict what will be going to happen next as we have
faced the same situation in the past. That past experience will shape your
attitude towards the situation, place of people.

 Prejudices: It is usually unfavorable feelings towards people or a person

because of values, age, occupation language or any personal characteristics.
If you are communicating to a person through a perceived prejudice or
stereotype, at the very least you are greatly limiting the chances of your
communication being successful or producing the desired result. We must
treat each person as separate person and respect his ideas.
 Feeling: Feelings may influence the communication, if you feel well, you’ll
communicate in one way and if you feel ill, you’ll communicate in another.
When we feel happy, we communicate better and if we feel ill we will not
communicate effectively.
The second aspect related to feelings refers to how you feel about a specific
person. When you genuinely like someone, the way you communicate is
going to show it. Unfortunately, the same can be said for when you don’t
like someone.

 Environment: All of us may communicate differently in different

environment. For Example: Communication with friends and teachers.

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