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Title: A Critique of "The New Normal in Basic Education" by ACCRALAW - Jenny Ann A.



The article titled "The New Normal in Basic Education" authored by Jenny Ann A. Pimentel-Tibon,
published by ACCRALAW, attempts to shed light on the challenges and changes in basic education in
light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While the article provides some valuable insights into the
topic, it also falls short in several key areas, including a lack of depth in analysis, biased perspectives, and
a failure to consider alternative viewpoints. This critique aims to examine these shortcomings in order to
present a comprehensive evaluation of the article.

Insufficient Analysis:

One of the major weaknesses of the article is its shallow analysis of the subject matter. The author
presents a brief overview of the challenges faced by basic education due to the pandemic but fails to
delve into the complexities and nuances associated with the transition to online learning. The article
could have benefited from a more in-depth exploration of the various pedagogical approaches,
technological infrastructure requirements, and the impact on students with limited access to resources.
The lack of comprehensive analysis limits the article's effectiveness in providing a well-rounded
understanding of the issues at hand.

Biased Perspectives:

Throughout the article, there is a noticeable bias towards promoting online learning as the sole solution
for the new normal in basic education. The author fails to acknowledge the inherent limitations and
drawbacks of remote education, such as the lack of personal interaction, increased screen time for
students, and the potential for further exacerbating educational inequalities. A more balanced approach
that considers both the advantages and disadvantages of online learning would have provided a more
credible and unbiased viewpoint.

Failure to Consider Alternative Viewpoints:

Another significant drawback of the article is its failure to acknowledge or address alternative
viewpoints on the new normal in basic education. The author predominantly focuses on the benefits of
online learning without giving due consideration to other possible alternatives or hybrid models. There
is a lack of discussion regarding the potential role of blended learning, which combines online and in-
person instruction, or the importance of teacher-student interaction in a physical classroom setting. By
disregarding alternative viewpoints, the article limits its credibility and fails to present a comprehensive
analysis of the topic.

"The New Normal in Basic Education" by ACCRALAW, written by Jenny Ann A. Pimentel-Tibon, provides a
brief overview of the challenges faced by basic education during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the
article falls short in several key areas, including a lack of depth in analysis, biased perspectives in favor of
online learning, and a failure to consider alternative viewpoints. To provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the topic, future revisions of the article should strive for a more balanced analysis,
explore alternative solutions, and address the limitations and drawbacks associated with the new
normal in basic education.

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