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Empower, Conquer, Recover

We cannot prevent natural calamities, but we can empower ourselves with awareness; if
disaster preparedness had been comprehensive, many lives could have been saved. The webinar
showcased how fortunate we were to have dedicated experts ready to tackle any tragedy they
might encounter. They are amazingly efficient in creating learning and share everything with
students who need this information for themselves and their families. Saving everyone's life is
very important and challenging; with this knowledge, anybody may ensure that no one's life will
be forcibly taken.

As a country with experience dealing with earthquakes, storm surges, and other natural
disasters, disaster risk reduction integration should be emphasized. As a result, we emphasize
disaster prevention and recovery investments. Disaster preparedness does tackle not only lives
but also the livelihood of everybody. That is why from personal insight, the Philippines should
develop a post-recovery plan to mitigate ourselves faster aside from resiliency.

Even with all our technology and developments, modern life is much easier than it used
to be. All of it may be swept away by a catastrophic natural disaster, reminding us that we are
still at the mercy of nature here on Earth. Our weaknesses are humble compared to the powerful
winds and massive hills that can kill us. Without preparedness for passed calamities, we would
surely be dead. However, thankfully, professionals foster a safer world where we can grow, and
now it is our turn to protect our lives from inevitable dangers that may come.

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