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Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology ISSN 1066-5234


The Role of Iron Status in the Early Progression of

Metronidazole Resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis Under
Microaerophilic Conditions

Wendy Arg aez-Correaa, Marıa E. Alvarez-Sanchezb, Victor E. Arana-Argaezc, Mario A. Ramırez-Camachod,

Jazmın S. Novelo-Castilla , Tania I. Coral-Martınezf & Julio C. Torres-Romeroa

a Laboratorio de Bioquımica y Genetica Molecular, Facultad de Quımica de la Universidad Autonoma de Yucat an, Merida 97069, Yucat xico
an, Me
b Posgrado en Ciencias Geno micas, Universidad Autonoma de la Ciudad de Me xico, Mexico City 03100, Me xico
noma de Yucat
c Laboratorio de Farmacologıa, Facultad de Quımica de la Universidad Auto an, Merida 97069, Yucat an, Mexico
d Centro de Informacion de Medicamentos, Facultad de Quımica de la Universidad Auto noma de Yucat an, Merida 97069, Yucat an, Mexico
e Laboratorio de Espectroscopıa Atomica, Facultad de Quımica de la Universidad Autonoma de Yucat an, Merida 97069, Yucat an, Mexico
noma de Yucat
f Laboratorio de Cromatografıa, Facultad de Quımica de la Universidad Auto an, Merida 97069, Yucatan, Me xico

drug resistance; gene expression;
protozoan. Trichomonas vaginalis is the etiological agent of human trichomoniasis.
Metronidazole has high treatment success rate among trichomoniasis patients.
Correspondence However, metronidazole-resistant T. vaginalis has been reported, contributing
J.C. Torres-Romero, Laboratorio de Bio- in an increasing number of refractory cases. The mechanism of metronidazole
quımica y Gene tica Molecular, Facultad de resistance in this parasite is still unclear. In the vaginal environment, where
Quımica de la Universidad Auto noma de the microaerophilic conditions prevail but the iron concentration is constantly
Yucatan, Calle 43 No. 613 x C. 90 Col. fluctuating, the metronidazole resistance profile of T. vaginalis could be
ambrica, CP 97069 Me rida, Yucatan, altered. In this study, we developed metronidazole-resistant strains of T. vagi-
Mexico nalis and evaluate if iron availability is important to the action of the drug. The
Telephone number: +52 (999) 922-57-11 modulation of iron levels and iron chelation affected the actions of metronida-
Ext. 38124; Fax number: +52 (999) 922-57- zole both in susceptible and resistant strains. Interestingly, the early resistant
08; e-mail: julio.torres@correo.uady.mx strains exhibited minor iron content. The results of transcription analysis in the
early resistant strains showed dysregulation in the expression of genes that
Received: 25 April 2018; revised 14 June codified proteins involved in iron transporter, iron–sulfur cluster assemblage,
2018; accepted July 18, 2018. and oxidative stress response, which could not be observed in the late resis-
Early View publication August 14, 2018
tant and susceptible strains. Our results indicate that iron content plays an
important role in the metronidazole action in T. vaginalis and likely to be
related to iron–sulfur proteins involved in metronidazole activation and oxida-
tive stress via Fenton reaction.

TRICHOMONAS vaginalis, a flagellate protist parasite, is host for this parasite. Unlike in men, where spontaneous
the causative agent of the condition termed trichomonia- resolution of the disease is common, trichomoniasis can
sis, which is the most prevalent nonviral sexually transmit- persist for long periods in the female urogenital tract.
ted infection (STI) in the world. The World Health Although trichomoniasis is not life threatening in itself, it
Organization (WHO) estimates an incidence of 276 million can be debilitating and increases the risk of adverse preg-
new cases each year and prevalence of 187 million of nancy outcomes, HIV infection, and, possibly, neoplasias
infected individuals. However, the epidemiology of this in the prostate and the cervix (Cudmore and Garber 2010;
STI is not completely known because the T. vaginalis Leitsch 2016).
infections are not notifiable and surveillance is not done Metronidazole, a member of the nitroimidazole drug
(Kissinger 2015; Menezes et al. 2016). class, serves as drug of choice for treatment in T. vagi-
Trichomonas vaginalis infection occurs in the female nalis infection. Metronidazole was introduced for the treat-
and male urogenital tract and humans are the only natural ment of trichomoniasis in 1959. However, clinical failure

© 2018 International Society of Protistologists

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2019, 66, 309–315 309
Iron Limit Metronidazole Resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis Arg
aez-Correa et al.

of metronidazole treatment has been reported since such trypticase–yeast extract–maltose (TYM medium) supple-
date. Until now, the exact mechanisms of metronidazole mented with 12% heat-inactivated horse serum. Para-
resistance in T. vaginalis remains unknown (Kissinger sites were incubated at 37 °C in microaerophilic
2015; Watt and Jennison 1960). atmosphere in fully filled and sealed culture flasks. The
Metronidazole is the most frequently prescribed drug iron-supplemented medium was prepared by adding fer-
for anaerobic infections worldwide. However, despite high rous sulfate at different final concentrations (30, 60, and
carbon dioxide (CO2) requirements, T. vaginalis is not 120 lM). Iron was depleted by adding 2,20 -dipyridyl
strictly anaerobic and consumes oxygen (O2) at low levels, (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), a membrane per-
which correlates with the microaerophilic conditions that meable Fe2+ chelator, at a final concentration of
prevail in the vaginal environment (Cudmore et al. 2004; 100 lM.
O’Hanlon et al. 2013; Upcroft and Upcroft 2001). For this
reason, both aerobic and anaerobic resistance to metron-
idazole has been proposed in T. vaginalis. Aerobic resis- Metronidazole resistance development
tance of T. vaginalis is typically characterized by Three metronidazole-resistant strains of T. vaginalis strain
decreased metronidazole toxicity by re-oxidizing nitroradi- MICH01 (TvST-MRs) were developed for this study, as
cal in presence of intracellular oxygen. On the other hand, described previously (Rasoloson et al. 2002), with some
anaerobic resistance has been characterized by the modifications. Briefly, parasites growing under microaero-
absence of hydrogenosomal iron-sulfur proteins that would philic conditions were exposed initially to low concentra-
normally activate metronidazole, including pyruvate:ferre- tion of metronidazole: 0.25 lg/ml (~1.5 lM) for 48 h and
doxin oxidoreductase (PFO) and ferredoxin (Fdx) (Cudmore the surviving trophozoites were transferred to fresh
et al. 2004; Weinstock et al. 2008). drug-free TYM medium and allowed to grow for 48 h.
The role of iron metabolism in drug response and resis- The procedure was repeated with the same concentra-
tance has been established in several infectious microor- tion for at least five times by serial transfers in 48 h
ganisms, explicitly, yeast Candida albicans, protozoa intervals before higher drug concentrations were used.
parasite Leishmania donovani, and bacterias as Escheri- MICH01 trophozoites were adapted to 0.75 lg/ml
chia coli, Mycobacterium, and Pseudomonas species metronidazole (~4.5 lM = TvSt-MR1), then to 1.5 lg/ml
(Me hi et al. 2014; Pal et al. 2015; Prasad et al. 2006; Sen metronidazole (~9.0 lM = TvSt-MR2), and finally to
et al. 2008; Yeom et al. 2010). Specifically, iron homeosta- 3.0 lg/ml metronidazole (~17.5 lM = TvSt-MR3) over a
sis have been related to metronidazole resistance in Heli- period of 4 mo.
cobacter pylori and Bacteroides fragilis (Tsugawa et al.
2011; Veeranagouda et al. 2014). Iron has also been pro-
posed to be involved in metronidazole resistance of Metronidazole susceptibility assay
T. vaginalis, particularly that involving the PFO/Fdx path-
Susceptibility of trichomonads to metronidazole was deter-
way. Although an iron-independent mechanism of metron-
mined in vitro. Briefly, 1.5 9 105 Trichomonas tropho-
idazole activation via flavin reductase (FR) has been
zoites per ml were incubated in the presence of serially
described, iron metabolism in T. vaginalis is highly depen-
diluted metronidazole (0–20 lg/ml for susceptible strains
dent on FR1, and thus resistant parasites must adjust their
and 0–200 lg/ml for resistant strains) in the TYM medium
iron-dependent pathways in the absence of this enzyme
(1.0 ml final volume), using microtubes at 37 °C. The via-
(Leitsch et al. 2009).
bility of the cells was determined by trypan blue exclusion
Recently, it was established that metronidazole resis-
assay. Parasites were counted using a hemocytometer.
tance in T. vaginalis predominantly occurs through pro-
Minimum concentration of metronidazole, at which nonvi-
cesses that restrict drug activation due to the number of
able cells were found, was considered as its MIC. The
downregulated genes in resistant strains and that changes
experiment was repeated at least three times to confirm
in iron-dependent processes in this parasite represent con-
the MIC.
sequences of metronidazole resistance (Bradic et al.
2017). However, all data about resistance in T. vaginalis
has been found through the comparison of metronidazole-
Quantification of iron in T. vaginalis parasites
susceptible and moderate-, and/or high-resistant strains
(Bradic et al. 2017; Leitsch et al. 2009; Weinstock et al. Parasites grown in normal medium for 48 h were
2008). Herein, we focused on the role of iron status in the seeded at 107 ml1 in the different conditions tested.
mechanism of metronidazole resistance in T. vaginalis into Aliquots of approximately 108 parasites were harvested
an evolutionary context in the early stages of conversion. and washed twice in ice-cold PBS (0.1 M sodium phos-
phate buffer pH 7.2, 0.15 M NaCl) and pellets were dis-
solved in 69% (v/v) nitric acid and digested by
microwave heating (T = 175 °C, P = 15 bar, 10 min ramp
from room temperature) by 10 min and analyzed by
Parasite culture
flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) in the M
Trichomonas vaginalis strain MICH01, susceptible to series atomic absorption spectrometer (Thermo Fisher
metronidazole (TvSt-MS), was grown in Diamond’s Scientific-Life Technologies, Waltham, MA, USA).

© 2018 International Society of Protistologists

310 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2019, 66, 309–315
aez-Correa et al. Iron Limit Metronidazole Resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis

conditions. Moreover, when the metronidazole susceptibil-

Isolation of RNA and first strand cDNA synthesis
ity was tested in the presence of iron, a dose-dependent
Total RNA was isolated from susceptible and resistant decline in viability rates was observed in trophozoites of
T. vaginalis trophozoites using RNAeasy (QIAGEN, Hilden, TvSt-MS in media containing different increased concen-
Germany) following the manufacturer’s instructions. The trations of FeSO4 (Fig. 1). Exposure of TvSt-MS to media
isolated RNA (150 ng) was treated with DNase (Roche, containing 60 lM of FeSO4 significantly decreased the
Basel, Switzerland), to ensure that there was no contami- MIC of metronidazole to 9.1 lg/ml. Further increments in
nation with genomic DNA in the qRT-PCR analysis. First- the level of FeSO4 to 120 lM significantly decrease the
strand cDNA was synthesized using RevertAid First Strand viability rates (~45%) compared to those observed in
cDNA Synthesis Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific-Life Tech- trophozoites of TvSt-MS cultured in medium containing
nologies) using DNase-treated RNA following manufac- only metronidazole.
turer’s instructions. To check if an increase in the susceptibility of T. vaginalis
to metronidazole due to iron supplementation is limited to
nonresistant strains, we performed MIC tests for three
Real-time PCR analysis
early low-resistant strains. In addition, a ferrous iron chelat-
Quantitative reverse trancriptase PCR (qRT-PCR) was per- ing agent (2,20 -dipyridyl—DIP) was used to validate the iron
formed to quantify the fold change in expression of target effect. Comparison of MICs for early low-resistant strains
genes with cDNA equivalent to 30 ng RNA using Thermo with those for wild-type strain showed that metronidazole
Scientific Maxima SYBR Green/ROX qPCR Master Mix (2X) MICs for TvSt-MR1, TvSt-MR2, and TvSt-MR3 strains were
in StepOne real-time PCR instrument (Applied Biosystems, ~2-, ~4-, and ~6-times higher than for TvSt-MS, respectively
Foster City, CA, USA). Thermal cycling was performed using (Table 2). Interestingly, when parasite cultures were sup-
two-step cycling protocol according to the company’s pro- plemented with iron by addition of exogenous FeSO4
cedures as follow: 10 min initial activation step at 95 °C fol- (120 lM), it significantly increased the sensitivity to metro-
lowed by 40 cycles of 95 °C for 15 s and 60 °C for 60 s nidazole only in the first two resistant strains (TvSt-MR1
(annealing and extension). DDCt method was used to com- and TvSt-MR2). No significant differences were detected in
pare the relative expression of the metronidazole suscepti- the MIC values for TvSt-MR3 strain grown in different con-
ble vs. metronidazole resistance conditions (Livak and centrations of iron. The addition of DIP (100 lM) to iron-rich
Schmittgen 2001). The DNATopII gene was used as internal medium caused the rapid recovery of MIC values for all
control to normalize the expression (dos Santos et al. 2015). resistant strains, showing that increased sensitivity to
The primers used for the study were designed specifically metronidazole was due to iron effect.
for real-time PCR and have been detailed in Table 1. In order to confirm the role of iron in the metronidazole
susceptibility of T. vaginalis trophozoites, we measured
the intracellular iron content of both susceptible and
Statistical analyses
metronidazole-resistant parasites grown in different iron
Statistical analyses were conducted with GraphPad Prism conditions. No significant changes in the iron contents for
6.0 (GraphPad, San Diego, CA, USA). Statistically signifi- all strains cultured in standard TYM medium were
cant expression changes were calculated using one-way observed (Fig. 2). However, following iron supplementa-
ANOVA. The level of significance was also determined by tion with FeSO4 (120 lM), the levels of cytosolic iron
the Bonferroni method comparing all groups vs. the con- were increased in all strains, but when we performed a
trol (P < 0.05). comparison of iron content in both susceptible and
metronidazole-resistant parasites, revealed that the extent
of iron levels for TvSt-MR1 and TvSt-MR2 strains was sig-
nificantly lower (P < 0.05) than that in the TvSt-MS and
The MIC against strain TvSt-MS confirmed susceptibility TvSt-MR3 strains, which showed similar iron levels. The
(15.2 lg/ml) to metronidazole in microaerophilic latter difference in iron decrease was more significant

Table 1. List of primers used in this study for real-time PCR analysis

Primer sequences (50 -30 )

Genes Forward Reverse



© 2018 International Society of Protistologists

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2019, 66, 309–315 311
Iron Limit Metronidazole Resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis Arg
aez-Correa et al.

100 *
Normal medium 60 **
80 30 μM FeSO4 TvSt-MS strain
Trophozoite viability (%)

60 μM FeSO4 50 TvSt-MR1 strain

Intracellular Iron Content (µM)

120 μM FeSO4 TvSt-MR2 strain
60 TvSt-MR3 strain

40 30

20 20

0 10
0 3 6 9 12 15
Metronidazole concentraon (μg/ml) 0

TYM medium TYM medium TYM medium

Figure 1 Assessment of metronidazole activity against Trichomonas + FeSO4 (120 µM) + FeSO4 (120 µM)
+ Dipyridyl (100 µM)
vaginalis in response to iron. The effect of metronidazole on the viabil-
ity of trophozoites of T. vaginalis was measured in normal medium Figure 2 Metronidazole resistance of Trichomonas vaginalis is linked
and in the presence of 30-, 60-, and 120 lM of ferrous sulfate to iron content. Susceptible and metronidazole-resistant strains of
(FeSO4) to confirm the effect of iron supplementation on susceptibili- T. vaginalis were grown on TYM medium alone (control) in the pres-
ties. Mean and standard deviations of at least three independent sets ence of 120 lM of FeSO4, showing lowest iron content in the early
of experiments are shown. stages of metronidazole resistance. Supplementation of 100 lM for
2,2, dipyridyl showing restoring iron values compared to control. Cul-
ture pellets were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry for their
content in iron. Mean and standard deviations of at least three inde-
Table 2. Impact of iron in the MICs of metronidazole-resistant strains
pendent sets of experiments are shown. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.
of Trichomonas vaginalis

MIC (lg/ml)
this metal and that have been implicated in iron transport
Metronidazole- FeSO4
resistant strains Normal FeSO4 (120 lM) + Dip
(TvZIP4), Fe-S cluster assembly (TvIscA), and oxidative
of T. vaginalis medium (120 lM) (100 lM) stress protection (TvSOD-Fe) were measured. The qRT-
PCR analysis showed significant difference between
Strain TvSt-MR1 31.15  3.52* 19.53  4.66* 36.35  3.51 TvST-MS and TvSt-MR strains in the expression of TvZIP4,
Strain TvSt-MR2 60.94  4.49* 47.11  3.24* 69.02  4.75 TvIscA, and TvSOD-Fe genes (Fig. 3). Interestingly, tran-
Strain TvSt-MR3 94.06  8.19 87.41  5.17 101.12  6.86 scription levels of TvZIP4 and TvIscA genes were down-
regulated in TvSt-MR1 strain and maintain diminished in
*P < 0.05.
TvSt-MR2 strain, while their expression levels in the TvSt-
MR3 strain were restored to similar values observed in
the TvST-MS strain. In contrast, expression levels of the
(P < 0.01) for the first metronidazole resistant-strain (TvSt- TvSOD-Fe gene were upregulated in TvSt-MR1 strain,
MR1). Interestingly, when trophozoites were cultured in after normalized levels were observed in TvSt-MR2 strain,
the presence of DIP (100 lM) in addition to FeSO4, the to later being downregulated in the TvSt-MR3 strain.
intracellular iron levels decrease substantially (Fig. 2),
restoring intracellular iron content to the observed in nor-
mal medium.
Earlier studies had demonstrated diminished transcrip- It has been reported that iron metabolism in several
tion, and in some instances iron-regulated expression, of microorganisms is relevant for the activity of diverse
several genes in metronidazole-resistant strains of T. vagi- antimicrobial agents and that this situation could change
nalis, including TvHyd (Hydrogenase-Fe), TvFdx (ferre- evolution of antibiotic resistance (Me hi et al. 2014).
doxin), and TvPfo (PFO) involved in metronidazole Indeed, in aerobic or microaerophilic habitats, the involve-
activation. Therefore, transcription levels of these genes ment of iron metabolism in the antimicrobial activity
were measured of both susceptible and metronidazole- includes alterations in drug-mediated redox stress, which
resistant parasites using qRT-PCR analysis (Fig. 3). No may induce an additional oxidative damage via Fenton
changes in transcription levels of TvHyd, TvFdx, and TvPfo reaction, by the formation of either highly reactive hydro-
between TvSt-MS and TvSt-MRs strains were seen, xyl radicals or iron–oxo intermediates (Bresgen and Eckl
except for TvHyd whose level of expression was seen 2015; Martınez and Rojo 2011).
increased in TvSt-M3 in comparison with the parent A high iron dependency has been reported for T. vagi-
susceptible strain. nalis, which favors its growth and regulates some of the tri-
Drug treatments might result in alteration in iron trans- chomonal virulence properties (Lehker and Alderete 1992).
port and iron-related oxidative stress. Therefore, transcrip- Here, we explored if iron availability affects the susceptibil-
tion levels of the genes that are known to be regulated by ity of T. vaginalis to metronidazole. Our results demonstrate

© 2018 International Society of Protistologists

312 Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 2019, 66, 309–315
aez-Correa et al. Iron Limit Metronidazole Resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis

Figure 3 Evaluation of differential gene expression in metronidazole-susceptible and metronidazole-resistant strains of Trichomonas vaginalis by
real-time PCR analysis. Compared with TvSt-MS and TvSt-MR3, TvSt-MR1 and TvSt-MR2 strains showed a significant decrease of both TvZIP4
and TvIscA expression. In resistant TvSt-MR1 strain, a significant increase of TvSOD-Fe expression was observed. No significant differences
between the four strains were seen for expression of TvHyd, TvFdx, and TvPfo. Significances are indicated for comparison with the TvSt-MS
strain. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

that iron supplementation results in increased sensitivity of This decrease in intracellular Fe2+ in the metronidazole-
T. vaginalis to metronidazole in both susceptible- and resis- resistant strains TvSt-MR1 and TvSt-MR2 could be related
tant strains (Fig. 1, Table 2). To confirm whether the to differential expression of iron-regulated genes, which
enhanced susceptibilities observed are due to iron only, we may have subsequent effects on the expression of redox
diminished the iron concentrations in the supplemented pathways that affect either metronidazole activation or
media by iron chelating, which restored the metronidazole- metronidazole toxicity as described previously (Bresgen
resistant phenotypes similar to that for the corresponding and Eckl 2015; Veeranagouda et al. 2014). With respect to
parent strains when grown on media without iron. These metronidazole activation in T. vaginalis, reduction of tran-
results are similar to that seen in Bacteroides fragilis, where scription of TvHyd, TvFdx, and TvPfo genes has been
its metronidazole susceptibility is dependent on the iron sta- related to drug-resistance, principally in anaerobic condi-
tus of the cell (Veeranagouda et al. 2014). tions (Kulda et al. 1993). In the case of the TvSt-MR1 and
Our results revealed that the TvSt-MS strain can incor- TvSt-MR2 strains, no significant changes were observed in
porate higher concentration of iron (Fe2+) compared to the transcription of TvHyd, TvFdx, and Tvpfo genes, which
TvSt-MR1 and TvSt-MR2 strains. This increase in intracel- indicates that the expression of these genes is not respon-
lular Fe2+ in the metronidazole-susceptible strain suggests sible for the metronidazole-resistance observed in these
the presence of an important mechanism in T. vaginalis to strains, consistently with that reported for metronidazole
derive an oxidative stress induced by intracellular iron resistance in the presence of oxygen, denominated aerobic
accumulation. Also, we demonstrate a decrease in iron resistance (Leitsch et al. 2009; Tachezy et al. 1993).
content in the early low-resistant strains TvSt-MR1 and Our results have shown that the expression of TvZIP4,
TvSt-MR2 in comparison to the susceptible strain, which TvIscA, and TvSOD-Fe genes change significantly in TvSt-
supports that these changes in the intracellular iron con- MR1 strain (Fig. 3). We previously suggested the possible
centration could play a role in the mechanism of metron- role of TvZIP4 as an iron transporter through the plasmatic
idazole resistance in T. vaginalis. membrane in T. vaginalis (Fern andez-Martın et al. 2017).

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Iron Limit Metronidazole Resistance in Trichomonas vaginalis Arg
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