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Chapter 5 Oliver

on warm days, in her small house

Maylie took Rose and Oliver on holiday
leaving servants and Giles looking after hers
and then went to her house to stay

So worried, Maylie was. she cried and sobbed,

that Rose was ill, and almost died.
Oliver saw that Rose was so good,
to her, nothing bad at all would happen.

She didn’t get better, which worried Maylie

sending letters to Losberne and her son Harry

That time, his help was on its way.

going home, he walked into a nervous man.
dark, cruel eyes and angry expression.
Oliver didn’t know if he was ill or mad.

Dr Losberne came and wasn’t hopeful.

staying looking after Rose until she awaked.
sleeping for a long time, Mrs. Maylie thought
she would pass away, and then Losberne said

She’d be up and about in no time.

Maylie and Oliver laughed getting her some flowers
Harry and Giles came to know what Rose news was
Giles then returned, Harry went to his mother

Although she was pleased, she was blamed for not

telling what had happened to Rose to Harry
who cared about her, his dear so much but
Maylie didn’t want to make her son worry.

Harry, every day, brought flowers to Rose’s room.

that would help her become a little better.
for the first time Oliver felt happy, soon
that was because completely Rose recovered.

most of the summer, Oliver spent his time studying

In late August, He had a terrible dream on reading
Fagin and a man through a window were looking
he shouted out as in really he wasn’t dreaming

Harry and Giles ran to see where they were going.

but the criminals could run away and vanished
asking nearest village people if seeing anything
the strange men actually were forgotten.
On going home, Oliver was asked by Harry.
as long as he could write and read then,
To write him telling about Rose and Maylie
they left leaving Rose crying for them

changes at workhouse, Mr Bumble became the master.

He was also now married to Mrs. Corney.
On raining, went into an inn saw a stranger.
reading a newspaper under table gave him money.

to tell him about a boy who was called Oliver

working as an apprentice, and then ran to London
Monks wanted Sally, he didn’t need Oliver
but unfortunately, she died last winter

Bumble knew a person, getting about Sally

his wife Mrs Corney, would come the next morning
to a factory by the river, in a poor part really
written on the paper, go, ask for Monks.

muddy narrow streets, wooden houses could collapse.

slums of criminals, Mrs Corney wasn’t able
to wait and entered the place in the address
Monks put a bag of coins there on the table

Sally said she took the gold locket of the dead mother
She died before she could tell Corney any more
He threatened; she gave him the locket of the mother
Saw “Agnes” and lifted the door in the floor.
 A close shave
1. a room full of giants, a baby dropped me.
2. The fall would surely have broken my neck.
3. not hit the floor but landed in a soft blanket, luckily,.
4. the children laughed again, the baby joined ‘em.

5. the farmer did realize, I could have been killed.

6. He picked me up to see if I was hurt.
7. It was strange to see his face so close.
8. I could see great big lines in his skin

9. his hairs looked like the branches of trees.

10. he ordered his wife to take me to a bed,
11. she put me down with a handkerchief
12. over legs leaving me, suddenly I slept

13. dreamt of my family, which made me sad

14. I was alone on a bed in a giant room.
15. it was perhaps eight metres high
16. not know how to get down to the floor.

17. I thought about calling out to the farmer's wife,

18. the door was thick my voice would be quiet.

 out of the blue

19. Suddenly, seeing two rats, the size of two dogs,
20. Running across the floor and towards the bed.
21. They attacked me One held onto the sleeve
22. with its teeth, the size of swords.

23. I held up my knife to defend myself

24. I hurt the rat, which gave a loud cry
25. quickly running away, Its horrible friend
26. looked surprised, then worried, and vanished,
through a hole

27. farmer's wife looked very surprised

28. to see me sitting on the bed with a knife.
29. Through signs I tried to explain what had happened.
30. She seemed to understand, and took me outside
for some fresh air.

 do a good turn
31. the farmer's daughter, Glumdalclitch, who was 9 years old,
32. helped her mother to prepare for me a tiny bed.

33. They put the bed on a shelf low

34. inside a cupboard, to be my bedroom
safe from any rats.
35. The girl loved sewing, and made me clothes
36. she had made me seven shirts, four trousers pairs
37. dressed me like a doll. teaching language by pointing
38. to things and telling me what they were called.
39. She was very kind and called me Grildrig,
40. I found out that the name means "puppet".
41. the farmer’s neighbours heard he found a tiny man
42. the farmer’s old friend arrived to see me.
43. the farmer put me on his table in the kitchen
44. I said how are you, sir I’m very pleased to meet

45. he asked me to walk up and down and say

46. the name of the objects that he pointed to
47. in their language I said that is a chair
48. this is a table and that’s a window

49. putting on his glasses I looked at him

50. I thought that his eyes look like two giant moons
51. seen through two enormous windows,
52. this made me laugh. he thought me rude
53. he took his revenge by making a suggestion
54. the farmer could make me do performance and shows
55. that's a really good idea. It's market day tomorrow.

56. When Glumdalclitch heard about these

57. plans, she was very worried about me.

58. what if the people are cruel to Grildrig?

59. They'll want to pick up and play with him.
60. They might break his arms or drop him!
61. to strangers I don't want him to perform."

62. Just think of the money we can get for him!"

63. "Let me come with you, then.
64. I can be a guard, to check
65. that people don't hurt him."

66. put in a wooden box for the half-hour ride

67. it had three holes for me to breathelook out
68. she put some dolls, soft blankets on the floor
69. it was a very uncomfortable journey for me.

70. The horse went about fourteen metres with each step
71. the box moved so much as if I was in a storm.
72. arrived at an inn the farmer asked a friend
73. to advertise what he had inside the box:

a tiny human who could say things and perform for the public.

 do the trick
74. put on a table, she sat on a low stool next to me,
75. to look after me and to tell me what to do.
76. The farmer allowed thirty people at a time to come
77. into the room to see me. My job was to welcome

78. the people when they came into the room,

79. I walked up and down when I was asked.
80. I answered Glum's questions using the words I knew.
81. The people who were watching laughed at this.

82. a school boy threw a nut the size of a rock

83. it nearly hit my head. I would have been killed me
84. I was shown to twelve different groups of people
85. All the farmer's neighbours paid the farmer to see me
 money spinner
86. The farmer decided to take me to all the cities
87. He packed all the things necessary for a long journey
88. set off for the capital, It was 3 thousand kilometres
89. in the box filled with many more of her dolls' soft blankets

90. shown in all of the towns some of the villages to the capital.
91. We stopped at eighteen large towns, many small villages
92. even some private houses., Glumdalclitch often told her
93. father that she was tired and wanted to rest during the journey.

94. she would take me out of the box to give me some air,
95. sometimes spending some time teaching me more of their language.
96. She also liked to show me where we were travelling.
97. enormous buildings and five or six rivers wider than the Nile.

98. After ten weeks, we arrived in the capital Lorbrulgrud.

99. The farmer found a hotel, not far from the King's palace,
100. put up signs to advertise what I could do and hired
101. a room in the hotel with a huge table where I could perform.

102. After a few weeks, I had lost a lot of weight

103. The farmer saw that I looked like a skeleton
104. I would die. But luck was with me, because just when
105. a servant from the palace said that the farmer should

106. show me to the Queen It was a short journey to

107. the enormous palace, where I bowed down to the Queen .
108. seeing her I said, very pleased to meet you,"
109. She smiled when she saw me and then asked me

110. "You are an intelligent person despite your size.

111. Perhaps you'd like to live here, with our family?
112. to live with you, but only if the farmer agrees
113. "That's a very kind offer, I would be happy

114. The farmer, knowing that perhaps I would soon die,

115. he would be happy to sell me for a thousand pieces of gold.
116. "Can I ask one small request? Would you mind
117. letting me keep Glumd as my teacher? She's very kind

118. I didn’t say goodbye to the farmer, the ueen said”why”

119. he had made me work, he only wanted to make money
120. She picked me up and carried me carefully to the King,
121. When the King saw me, he looked at me in surprise.

122. "What's this? Why have you brought me a toy?"

123. the Queen asked me to tell him about my life,
124. The King had had a very good education and knew
125. about mathematics and the history and geography
126. "I believe that clever farmer has tricked you ".
127. He looked at me angrily. Had I made an enemy already?

Earl Smythe's house at EarlShall Park was much bigger than Birtwick Park and more modern.

The daughter, Lady Anne, her brother and cousins liked

to ride me around the park. I enjoyed these rides
with Ginger and Lizzie.
I was a popular horse with Earl Smythe's wife as well as his daughter
Lady Smythe always used me to pull carriages.
She liked the latest fashions, for horses to use special reins.
These kept the horses' heads high in the air all the time.
the reins were very uncomfortable and it was almost impossible to pull the carriage up a hill.
"If they do not tighten the reins more, I will do what they ask me," said Ginger.
"I can see that this is a good home and that they are good people.
But if they tighten them anymore, there will be trouble."
she wanted the reins to hold our heads up even higher.
Ginger began to kick so hard that she fell to the ground.
we both had to be cut from the carriage as soon as possible.
We were both hurt after the fall.
helper, York, was angry about the special reins,
there was nothing he could do to stop Lady Smythe's love of fashion.
He washed our wounds with hot water
it took a long time before we recovered.
Ginger and I were put in a field to recover,
but my knees were badly damaged.
We were not well enough to run as we used to do, so we spent a lot of time chatting.
Then one day, the Earl came to see us with York.
if they cannot pull a carriage, we must sell them."
"I know a man in Bath who needs a good horse,"
"We can still get good money for Black Beauty. I'm not so sure about Ginger."
A week later, I was taken away from the field and said a quick goodbye to Ginger.
I was taken in a train to the town of Bath.
It was my first journey on a train, but the experience was not a bad one.
My new owner lived in a small house in the town, and he had many horses. People could hire
the horses for a day. This meant that many of them were not good drivers. I was a gentle horse, so
my new owner often let bad drivers take me because he knew I would behave well.
Some of these riders pulled the reins so hard that it hurt my mouth. Some did not use the
reins at all, so that I did not know what to do. Others did not understand that a horse cannot work
when it has a stone in its foot. One driver complained that he had hired a bad horse because I could
not walk very fast. The stone in my foot was very painful and it was very difficult for me to get home
However, there were also good drivers in Bath. One of these liked me so much that he asked
my owner if his friend could buy me, and soon I had another new owner. His name was Mr. Barry.
He was a businessman who had little exercise and his doctor advised him to ride a horse to keep him
healthy. He had a helper called Filcher to look after me and bought me the best food he could find.
Filcher was good to me and for a time I was happy. I did not know then that my life was not going to
be happy for long.
Filcher began to give me less food each week and I became hungry. I had less energy and
started to feel exhausted all the time. When Mr. Barry visited a farmer friend in the country, the
friend said, "Your horse does not look the same. Has it been ill?"
"No, but Filcher told me that horses often have less energy in the autumn and that it's nothing
to worry about," Mr. Barry replied.
"That's not true!" cried the farmer.
"If you buy good food for this horse, then it isn't eating it. Something else is! I suggest that
you give this horse some good food for the next few weeks! And I advised you to watch your helper.
There are some men who will steal food even from an animal."
Of course I knew what happened to my food. Filcher put most of it into a basket and took it
home. His family kept rabbits which they sold at the market, and my food was given to them.
Mr. Barry called the police after this, and they later arrested Filcher.
This experience made Mr. Barry feel bad, and he decided to sell me.
I was taken to a market for horses. There were horses there of all shapes and sizes; some
were tall and strong, others were old and sick. It worried me to see some of the horses who looked
very thin. Would I be like that one day?
I stood with three other strong-looking horses and many people came to look at us.
The men who thought about buying me opened my mouth, looked in my eyes and felt my
skin. Many of them saw that my knees were damaged and some were rough with me.
There was one man, however, who felt my legs gently and spoke softly. I liked him and hoped he
would buy me.
"I think we'll be good for each other," he said. He paid twenty-four pounds and I had another
new owner.

what will happen?

let’s set it.
Do it.
Come here
Oh yeah

Mr and Mrs Bumble looked at the cold water running

They felt really horrified they thought they would be thrown

The locket, Monks had to bury. in water, he threw it really

so that they felt happy asking them to forget it

Sikes got out of bed for the first after 3 weeks.

since he left Oliver in the field so he had been ill.

Fagin took him some food and then entered his room
with Charley and Artful But he asked for more

Money, and sent Nancy with Fagin to bring him this.

suddenly, a man at the door appeared oh, this man was Monks

So tall, dark-eyed man he was taking Fagin upstairs

Nancy was worried, so quietly outside their room, she stood

Fagin ordered her to go as they had some business to do

Nancy left and walked thinking about what she had heard
he started to cry and hurried through the streets
in a rich part, she stopped inside a small hotel, she went.
A woman at the hotel desk looked up in surprise when

a poor young woman with an old shawl round her shoulders walked
into the expensive-looking hotel. She asked about Rose.

A servant went up to tell Miss Maylie about that gal.

A few minutes later, he returned On seeing her, Rose was puzzled

Nancy was the woman that Kidnapped Oliver, took him back
to the thieves, she was afraid if Rose wouldn’t understand

She did that being poor Rose was really sorry to hear
asking him who Monks was who knew she was here

an evil man wanted Fagin to make Oliver a thief first

The only thing to know the boy lied in the river bottom

he had the boy's money with Rose Oliver was staying

and now he wanted Oliver his brother put in prison."

Nancy told Rose to see someone to help her, advise ’em

On Sunday, at 11 o’clock London Bridge, she’d walk across.

leaving Rose worried and upset. in London for only two days
Who could she ask for advice? Oliver ran into at that moment.

He saw Mr. Brownlow near a house he walked into

Giles took the address from a servant So Rose decided to go

Rose went first to talk to the man he was a cheerful-looking man

she saw that he was trusted was introduced to the gentleman.

she told him about the boy he said that he had to see.
Oliver was asked to come seeing Bedwin, he ran to her

Mr Brownlow visited them at their hotel that evening.

they were all very anxious. with Dr Losberne, he discussed

they must find out who Oliver's mother

and about the money that should be his
they must speak to that man Monks
asking Nancy where they could find him

all sensible people, they agreed that

to get other people to help them
and Dr Losberne suggested Harry Maylie
and Brownlow suggested Grimwig

Noah Claypole met a young woman called Charlotte and they got married.
they decided to go to London. - So, Noah and his wife were walking
into an old inn asking for food. While they were eating at the inn
, Noah told her how he would like to be a thief, and rich.

It was easy to take money from the coffin maker, Sowerberry

Fagin was sitting at a nearby table. offer’em to join’em, agreed in hurry.

Fagin could get them work. they kept half of what they take
he keep the other half of course they could get food and a bed.

Noah looked pleased and thanked him asking and when they would begin
he could take money from children sent by their mothers to buy something

Mr Morris Bolter, Noah named himself. Charley Bates came into the inn.
In a low voice, he told Fagin the police arrested Jack Dawkins.

Do what I say I will keep you safe

if you don't, to prison you’ll be sent
Noah and Charlotte looked worried.
and I’d say it was the end

Chapter 7
Noah was now part of Fagin's gang of thieves.
his first job was to find out about Jack.
Fagin gave him directions to the magistrates,
He waited patiently inside the building until Jack walked

"Send me to prison, I don't care!" "My lawyer will set me free

it was nearly eleven o'clock, Nancy stood and wore her coat.
"I don't feel well. I’ll have a walk,"
"It's too late," and the door was locked.

Fagin watched Nancy who was upset.

He knew she was planning something,
he decided she should be watched.
When Noah had finished first day .

"Now I have a nice job for you.

I want you to watch a young woman
Find out where she goes, who
she sees and what she says.
I’ll tell you which one to follow
"A pound note,". " wait till Sunday,."

Nancy left the house at quarter to eleven.

Noah followed her to London Bridge
he saw a young lady and a grey- haired gentleman
arrive in a coach. Nancy approached them.

She told them which inn Monks visited.

" tall and strong with dark hair and eyes,"
"He's about 28 but looks much older.
always nervous, on his neck a red mark he has ... "

Thank you for helping us. Now let us help you.

Come with us, away from your old life."
"I cannot leave it," "I must go home."

Noah ran back to Fagin's house quickly.

When Fagin heard, he was furious
sent a boy to tell Sikes to come.
Noah told him he said nothing
but jumped up and ran out of the house.
Sikes locked the door to his and left
He travelled to the countryside north of London.
sleeping in the open and drank water from lakes.
he passed an inn, he heard some men talking.
a woman was killed in London last week"
the killer has gone north to Birmingham.

Mr Sikes walked away, so the police knew his place.

He was frightened, he had a plan. He decided to go back

to London

Mr Brownlow got out of a coach and knocked on the door

to his house. Then two guards got out with another man.

It was Monks. They all walked into the house without speaking.

"If he does not do what we say,"

"take him into the street and call the police."

"I did not think my father's oldest friend would be so unkind

to me."
I was going to marry your father’s sister, your aunt,
before she died. That is why I have you here, Edward Leeford.
I am pleased you have the name of your kind family changed."
"After your mother died," "a rich relative left
your father a lot of money. But your father became ill
in Italy and he also died. No will was found,
so all his money became yours."

"But before he went to Italy," "he visited me.

He told me he had married a young woman called Agnes.
He gave me a painting of her which I put on my wall.
and I know she really had a baby boy."
When I first found Oliver, I could see that
he looked very like the young woman in the painting,"
"But you kidnapped the boy before I could know more."
"When I could not find Oliver, I decided to find you.
So I went to the West Indies where you were working
But you were not there, so I returned to London."
Your father did have a will, but you burned it.
The locket your father gave to Agnes was the only thing
to show who the boy was. but You dropped it
in the river. And now a woman has been killed!"

Dr Losberne ran into the room. He was excited

"The policeman says they think the man who killed Nancy
is coming back to London!" "Stay in this room
until I return," "It is your only hope for staying safe."

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