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I am ------------------- spouse to Gen ----------------------- of the united states

army currently serving with the UN in afghanistan . i am writing to apply for a

vacation certificate for him. i want him to come and visit me here in
-----------------------. i promise he will return safely. i am ready to incur any
charges/requirements that it may cost you to grant Gen------------------the
vacation certificate. i plead that my request be considered and granted.

best regards :

I am ------------------- spouse to Gen -------------------- of the united states

army currently serving with the UN in Syria . I am writing to apply for His family
belongings in your costody. i want The trunk boxes in --------------------- I am
ready to incur any charges/requirements that it may cost you to grant Gen
----------------------- trunk boxes to me. i plead that my request be considered
and granted.

best regards

I write to request an emergency leave for my fiance Harry b Harris

who is curreently serving in Syria Damacuse
I need his presence urgently as his absence is causing me
health and emotional issues.
If there be any additional iformaton you need, let me know
I would be glad if my request is granted

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