CGE674 Assignment 1

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Student ID: 2022981765
Group: CEEH2433A
a. Describe the working principle of Caliper and Photoelectric logs and their applications in
well log interpretation. Use appropriate sketches to support your answer.

Caliper logs

The diameter or size of a borehole is measured in the oil and gas sector using a
unique kind of well logging gear called a caliper log. The sensor-equipped arm or fingers that
are inserted into the wellbore stretch outward and measure the diameter of the borehole at
different depths. The arms or fingers of the instrument extend as it is lowered or lifted into
the borehole and make contact with the borehole wall. Both the tool's movement and the
pressure the borehole wall places on the arms regulate how much they expand. Each arm is
frequently connected to a potentiometer, which alters resistance in response to variations in
borehole diameter. This causes an electrical signal to fluctuate, showing the changing shape
of the borehole, which is subsequently relayed to the surface for recording and
interpretation. A caliper log is produced by numerically converting these signals into
numerical measurements of the borehole diameter and plotting them versus depth. The
insertion of the tool into the wellbore on a wireline connection is the basic operating concept
of caliper logs.

Caliper logs are used in a variety of well log interpretation applications. The first
application is borehole quality assessment. Caliper logs reveal details about the borehole's
size and shape. Variations in diameter may signify expansion of the borehole, washouts, or
narrow portions that might provide difficulties during drilling or completion. The evaluation of
the casing and cement comes next, when calliper logs are utilised to rate the casing's
condition and the effectiveness of the cement's connection with the borehole wall. Other
than that, another application for caliper logs is formation evaluation. Geologists and
petrophysicists can establish the lithology of the formations encountered by examining the
caliper log along with other well logs. Caliper logs are also used for analysing wellbore
stability. By highlighting areas where the borehole diameter is greater than the casing size,
caliper logs aid in determining the borehole's stability. Last but not least, wellbore trajectory
and survey adjustments are another use for caliper logs. Caliper logs offer accurate borehole
diameter measurements, which are crucial for adjusting wellbore trajectories and survey
Diagram 1: Caliper Logging Tool

Photoelectric logs

In the petroleum business, photoelectric logs are a sort of well logging instrument
that are used to measure the electron density or photoelectric absorption of rocks in a
borehole and offer important details on the lithology, porosity, and fluid content of the
formations. The interaction of gamma rays with matter provides the basis for the operation of
photoelectric logs. gamma rays were released into the formation, where they interacted with
the electrons in the rock's atomic structure. A scintillation detector or a sodium iodide
detector can detect and quantify some of the gamma rays that are absorbed as a result of
the collision. Higher atomic number rocks tend to absorb more gamma rays than lower
atomic number rocks. The density of the rocks also has an impact on absorption. Counts per
second (cps) are commonly used to represent the measurements taken from photoelectric
logs. Following that, the log data are transformed into photoelectric absorption (PEA) or
photoelectric factor (PEF) units, which are numerical indicators of the electron density of the

The following are the applications for photoelectric logs in well log interpretation.
Photoelectric logs may be used to detect and distinguish between different lithologies found
in a wellbore in two main ways. The examination of porosity comes next, where the electron
density obtained from photoelectric logs may be utilised to determine how porous a
formation is. To identify fluid in addition, photoelectric logs are also utilised. The fluid content
of the formations may be ascertained with the use of photoelectric logs. The presence of
hydrocarbons or water can be determined by examining the differences in photoelectric
absorption of various fluids. The following applications include correlation and stratigraphic
analysis, where photoelectric logs offer important data for comparing formations between
several wells and creating stratigraphic frameworks. Not to mention, photoelectric logs are
also used to characterise reservoirs. It is a tool for describing the characteristics of
reservoirs, including the rock's quality and fluid saturation. They can aid in locating areas
that may have hydrocarbon-bearing formations or have a lot of water saturation.

Diagram 2: Photoelectric Logging Tool

b. Interpret the log and answer the following questions. Give justifications and show detail
methodologies in your answer. Refer to charts or plots wherever appropriate:

i. Zone the sections into possible reservoirs and non-reservoirs.

Reservoir zone

➢ At depth 1841.524 m until 1861.1836 m.

➢ At depth 1867.2796 m until 1872.1564 m.

Non-reservoir zone

➢ At depth 1840 m until 1841.3716 m.

➢ At depth 1861.336 m until 1867.1272 m.

ii. Identify the depth(s) of possible hydrocarbon location in the well log.

➢ At depth 1841.524 m until 1850.8204 m

iii. Determine M and N of depth 1847 m, 1852 m and 1864 m. Plot the values on M-N
crossplot and determine the lithologies.

The M and N formula are as follows:

0.01(𝑡𝑓 − 𝑡)
𝑃𝑏 − 𝑃𝑓

∅𝑁𝑓 − ∅𝑁
𝑁= , 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ∅𝑁𝑓 = 1
∅𝑏 − ∅𝑓

The reservoir is assumed as fresh mud, where pf = 189 µsec/ft and tf = 1.0 g/cm3
➢ At depth 1847 m:
0.01(189 − 78.85)
𝑀= = 0.78
2.4188 − 1

1 − 0.17802
𝑁= = 0.58
2.4188 − 1

• The lithologies is dolomite.

➢ At depth 1852 m:
0.01(189 − 79.77)
𝑀= = 0.81
2.34884 − 1

1 − 0.1793
𝑁= = 0.61
2.34884 − 1

• The lithologies is dolomite

➢ At depth 1864 m.
0.01(189 − 83.6)
𝑀= = 0.79
2.33374 − 1

1 − 0.3115
𝑁= = 0.52
2.33374 − 1

• The lithologies is dolomite.



Yellow: 1847 m.

Green: 1852 m.

Red: 1864 m.
iv. Calculate the water saturation at depth 1847 m, 1852 m and 1864 m.

By using Archie’s water saturation equation:

𝑆𝑤𝑛 =


F= 1/Ø2


➢ At depth 1847 m:

𝐹= = 31.555

𝑅𝑤 = (0.17802)2 (12.637) = 0.4

𝑆𝑤 = √ =1

➢ At depth 1852 m:

𝐹= = 31.10566

𝑅𝑤 = (0.1793)2 (2.08107) = 0.07

𝑆𝑤 = √ =1
➢ At depth 1864 m:

𝐹= = 10.30585

𝑅𝑤 = (0.3115)2 (3.6573) = 0.355

𝑆𝑤 = √ =1

16. the sonic or Acoustic Log 16.1 introduction - University of Leeds. (n.d.).

Caliper_log. caliper log | Energy Glossary. (n.d.).

Logging tool. Logging Tool - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.).

Logging-while-drilling adnvision* tool. Division of Marine and Large Programs. (n.d.).

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