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Bilinda Biñas BEED 2-A MC SSC 102

Activity 8:
Search for three sample lesson plans online for Social Studies. You can also check the DepEd
website for sample daily lesson plans (DLP) and daily lesson logs (DLP) in Social Studies. Answer
the following questions:
1.) What are the components of the lesson plan in a DLP and DLL?
 The components of a lesson plan in a DLP and DLL typically include the following:
 Objectives
 Content
 Learning Resources
 Procedures
 Assessment
2.) Do you think all the components written are applicable in Social Studies class?
 Yes, all the components written are applicable in Social Studies class. Objectives help
teachers set specific goals for their lessons, while content outlines what will be taught and
learned. Learning resources provide materials and references that will aid in the learning
process, while procedures guide teachers on how to conduct the lesson. Lastly,
assessment helps teachers evaluate the effectiveness of their lessons and determine if the
objectives have been met.
3.) If yes, how? If not, how can it be further improved?
 The components written in a DLP and DLL are already applicable in Social Studies class.
However, teachers can further improve their lesson plans by ensuring that the objectives
are measurable and attainable, the content is relevant and engaging, the learning
resources are accessible and varied, the procedures are clear and concise, and the
assessment is aligned with the objectives and content. Additionally, teachers can also
incorporate more interactive and collaborative activities to enhance student engagement
and participation.

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