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Use Vytautas Magnus University style for the

The first slide is your title slide. It includes the
title of the thesis, the student’s names, the
supervisor’s title/position and names and the
Student: Justė Vaitiekūnaitė
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ingrida Žindžiuvienė
The second slide (it may have a title)
• It includes the following issues:
- The aim
- Objectives (for linguistics papers)

Please make sure the font in the slides is

32 – 36 pt.
The third slide (it may have a title)
• The main theoretical framework / findings
The fourth slide (it may have a title)
• The findings of your practical / analytical /
empirical part
• You can include more than one slide
• Include some examples or statistics, etc.
• Conclusions for a linguistic paper
• Conclusion (singular) for a paper on literature
• You may have one or two concluding slides
• Please DO NOT include the slide with the
words “Thank you” at the end: this is not
necessary. However, you may say these
words aloud.
The procedure of the defense
The time allotted for each student is 15 min.
(1) The duration of the student’s
presentation is 7 min.
(2) The student answers the reviewer’s
(3) Other questions or remarks follow and
the student answers them.
(4) The defense is over.

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