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General Science

Chapter no 1: Astronomy and Geography

 Equinox
 The term means the equal duration day and night, this occurs twice in a year, around
21st March and 23 September.

 Local time difference

 Time difference two longitude is 4 minutes and 1 hour’s difference in local time
between two places is 15 degree longitude.

 Difference between tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn

 23.5 degree longitude north is tropic of cancer and 23.5 degree longitude south is
called known as tropic Capricorn
 Isobar
 Lines joining places of two equal air pressure on Map.

 isohyets
 The lines joining the places of equal rainfall on map.
 isotherm
 The lines joining the areas of equal temperature
 Tides and its types
 Tides are very long-period waves that move through the ocean in response to the forces
exerted by the moon and sun. Tides originate in the ocean and progress toward the
coastlines where they appear as the regular rise and fall of the sea surface
 Types of tide
 Spring tides, occurs when the earth , moon and sun are at straight line
known as high tides.
 Neap tides smaller tides , called neap tides, formed when the earth , sun
and moon form a right angle.

 Isthmus
 A narrow strip of land with sea on either side which separates two water bodies.

 International Dateline
 The International Date Line, established in 1884, passes through the mid-Pacific
Ocean and roughly follows a 180 degrees longitude north-south line on the Earth.

 The Great circle

 The equator is called the great circle which runs east to west all other line get smaller
at poles.
 Rocks and its types
 A rock is a natural substance composed of solid crystals of different minerals that
have been fused together into a solid lump
 There are three kinds of rock:
 igneous, Igneous rocks form when molten rock (magma or lava) cools and solidifies
 Sedimentary, Sedimentary rocks originate when particles settle out of water or air,
or by precipitation of minerals from water.
 Metamorphic , when pre-existing rocks change their shape and chemical
composition due heat and pressure
 Tundra region
 The region which gets no rain fall throughout year.
 Steppes
 A vast treeless region area in Russia

 Mass of earth
 5.97219 × 1024 kilograms almost nearly 81 times of moon
 Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis
 The northern polar light is known as Aurora Borealis.
 The southern polar light is known as Aurora Australis.

 Halley’s comet
 Halley was last seen in Earth's skies in 1986 and was met in space by an international
fleet of spacecraft. It will return in 2061 on its regular 76-year journey around the
 Venus
 Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is sometimes called Earth's "sister" or
"twin" planet as it is almost as large and has a similar composition. As an interior
planet to Earth, Venus appears in Earth's sky never far from the Sun, either as
morning star or evening star. Hottest planet surface temperature 480 C.

 Age of solar system

 The age of solar system is about 4.5 billion years.
 Planets with rings
 Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune their rings are less visible.

 The first man made satellite

 Sputnik 1, was the first artificial Earth satellite. It was launched into an elliptical low
Earth orbit by the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957 as part of the Soviet space
 Jupiter’s 4 biggest Moons
 Europa, Ganymede , Calisto and Lo
 Asteroid belt
 Belt lies between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.

 Moon
 The earth’s only known natural satellite is moon. The moon is the fifth largest
satellite of earth.
 First moon landing satellite
 Apollo 11 was the American spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon.
Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin landed the on July
20, 1969.

 Temperature of Moon.
 Day time 107 day
 Night -153
 Causes of tides
 Gravitational pull of the moon when it is very close to earth.
 Diameter of Earth
 equatorial diameter 12,756 km and 7926 miles
 Polar diameter 12713 km and 7899.86 miles
 World time zones
 world divided into 24 time zones
 Occurrence of Neap tides
 The neap tides occurs in first and third quarters of the moon.
 Occurrence of Solar and lunar Eclipse
 solar eclipse on new moon
 Lunar eclipse on full moon
 Layer of atmosphere
 Earth's atmosphere has five major and several secondary layers. From lowest to highest,
the major layers are.
 troposphere
 stratosphere
 mesosphere
 thermosphere
 Exosphere.
 GMT stands for
 Green which mean time
 characteristics of Atmosphere layers
 Weather phenomena in troposphere
 ionosphere reflects radio waves back to earth
 Atmosphere maintains earth temperature
 Sun light which reach to earth
 Sun light or energy which reach earth known radiation
 Light year
 A light year is a unit of distance, Light-year is the distance light travels in one year. Light
zips through interstellar space at 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second and 5.88
trillion miles (9.46 trillion kilometers) per year.
 The largest moon of our solar system
 The largest moon of our solar system is Ganymede.

 First earth orbiting satellite in history

 3 November 1957 the USSR successfully launched Sputnik 1 which was the first earth
orbiting satellite in history.

 First even living organisms into space.

 3 November 1957 the USSR launched sputnik 2 which carried first living organism into
space which was a dog named Laika.
 Explorer 1
 The explorer 1 launched by US and entered into space race it was the US first space
satellite launched in 31 January 1957.
 SCORE was the world first communication satellite launched by US in 18 December 1958 it
broad coast pre-recoded message of US president Dwight D Eisenhower in space and
became the first man to send voice into space.
 Early bird or Intelsat 1
 The world first commercial satellite was intelsat 1 launched in 6 April 1965.
 World first weather satellite
 US launched explorer 6 in 2 August 1959 was the world and obtained the first picture of
earth from space.
 USSR first satellite to space
 USSR launched Luna 2 in 12 September 1959 accomplished the mission to reached surface
of Moon.
 For first animal return alive from space.
 USSR launched sputnik 5 in 19 august 1960 for first time two animals return alive from
space (dogs) Belka and strelka.
 First human orbit around the earth space
 Vostok 1 launched by USSR in 12 april 1961 yuri gagarian became the first man to orbit
around the earth. He remained in space for one hour.
 First civilian woman to space
 Valentina Tereshkova became first civilian women and first women into space. 16 June
1963 by vostok 6 she remained three days in space.

 Satellite of Mars
 photos and deimos
 Age of earth
 the age of earth is 4.54 billion
 Which star is known as dog star
 Sirius known as Dog Star and brightest star in earth’s night sky.
 Maximum number volcanoes
 Venus has the maximum number of volcanoes
 lunar eclipse
 when earth is between sun and moon
 Three largest asteroid
 Ceres , pallas and Vesta are largest asteroids
 Olympus Moons
 A volcano on mars that is three times the size of Mt Everest
 The age of universe
 Scientist believes that the age of universe is 13.8 billion year old.
 Name the planet which is not named on Greek God.
 Earth is only planet
 Dark matter
 The majority of the Universe is compose of the Dark matter which is unknown material in
 why the universe is expanding
 The universe is expending due to Presence of dark energy.
 The planet which spins its backward
 Venus is only planet which spins backward
 comets are made up of
 Sand , ice and Carbon dioxide
 The gas giants planet on which walking is impossible
 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

 space junk
 Throughout the years of space travel human left a lot of trash in earth orbit called space
 A single day on Venus
 Is longer a year on earth.
 Speed of light is
 The speed of light in vacuum is 3×108 m/s. Sunlight takes about 8 minutes to reach the
Earth. Express distance of the Sun from Earth in standard form.
 The mass of sun
 The solar mass is a standard unit of mass in astronomy, equal to approximately 2×10³⁰ kg.
 Total amount of sun’s energy coming to earth
 One forth
 The phases of the moon are partially result of the
 Revolution of the moon about the earth
 the earth crust have abundant reserves of
 Silicone , nitrogen and Aluminum
 Constellations referred to as zodiac are
 the collection of stars as combined together into different groups almost there are twelve
pairs , Aries and Taurus

 Black hole refers to

 collapsing of object of high density
 Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth due to
 gravitational pull
 The layer of atmosphere
 troposphere , stratosphere , ionosphere , exosphere
 why spring tides occur on new moon
 Because the sun , moon and earth in a straight line
 Isobars
 The lines connecting the places of equal atmospheric pressure
 Aphelion
 The earth at greater distance from sun
 fastest rotating planet
 Jupiter
 smallest in diameter
 Mercury
 which layer of atmosphere makes Radio transmission possible
 Ionosphere
 The largest planet of Solar system
 Jupiter
 who discover the Jupiter
 Galileo
 The most abundant element of in the earth is
 Oxygen 46%
 who first time measure the earth Radius
 Eratosthenes
 Name of the nearest star to earth
 Proxima Centurai
 Name of the galaxy near to our Milky way galaxy
 Andromeda
 The Lunar eclipse occur when
 Earth come between sun and moon
 Day and night caused by
 Rotation of earth in its Axis
 The position of the earth from sun is
 third
 Hailey’s comet is visible after
 76/75 years
 which satellite enabled man to step on the moon
 Apollo 11
 morning star
 Venus
 Perihelion
 planet nearest to sun
 largest moon is
 Ganymede
 Equatorial Radius of Earth
 6400 km
 Circumference of earth
 40,000 km
 One rotation on Earth
 23 h 56 mn 4.9 sec
 shape of earth’s orbit around the sun
 Elliptical
 difference between earth’s radius equatorial and polar diameter
 43 km
 Layer of atmosphere closer to earth is
 Troposphere
 The earth is spheroid because of its
 Centrifugal force of rotation
 main agent of soil erosion
 wind and water
 most abundant element in earth’s atmosphere
 Nitrogen
 The greatest mass of ice on the earth is found
 Antarctica
 Distance between consecutive longitudes at poles
 Zero
 days and night are equal at
 Equator
 the rising of morning star indicates to
 west
 evening star
 Venus
 Revolution period of Uranus around sun
 84 years
 orbit around sun backward position east to west
 Venus
 Bodies fall from sky to earth surface
 Meteors
 Luminous celestial body movie around the sun known as
 Comets
 location of Earth is between
 Mar and Venus
 imaginary line on the earth surface at 180 degree
 International date line
 Holocene is the
 the current period of geological time
 Cosmic rays
 The sub-atomic particle arriving from outer space having high energy called cosmic ray.
 Pleistocene Epoch
 the last Major glacier period about 2000000 year ago
 Mountains of Europe
 Alps , Carpathians , Pyrenees, Apennines
 The largest fresh water lake in the Africa
 lake Victoria
 The Gulf of Bothnia
 This gulf separates Finland and Sweden in Europe
 Earth’s crust is made of sima
 Silica and Magnesium
 The highest Mount of Africa
 Mt kilimanjaro
 Highest sand Dunes are found in
 Sahara desert
 The island with coral covered surface in bay of Bengal are
 Nicobar island
 The ice age ended about year ago
 10000
 The island state of Australia is
 Tasmania
 The hot and cold desert in the earth.
 1/2
 The largest country by Area
 Russia
 The largest Fish exporting region in the world is
 The north-east Atlantic region
 The least explosive type of volcano is called
 Shield volcanoes
 The largest gold producing country in the world
 china
 The humidity of air depends upon
 Temperature , Weather and Location
 Savannah is a
 tropical grassland
 The great Victoria Deseret is in
 Australia
 The moon of Mars which smallest in the world
 Demios
 How many rings does Uranus have
 13
 which planet called the sister of earth
 Mars
 The great Red spot
 the storm on Jupiter
 The Milky way
 spiral
 The Umbra is
 the inner and dark portion of the shadow
 Steppes are
 Temperate grassland od Asia and Europe
 The moon’s volume is about that of earth
 1/50
 the earth moves
 West to east
 Richter scale is used to measure
 Earthquakes
 Pampas are
 Vast grassy plains of South America
 21th June the sun is vertically overhead to the
 tropic of cancer
 Duration of days at equator are
 10 hour
 name of the largest ocean of the world
 The pacific ocean
 Name of two main metals in the earth’s curst
 iron and nickel
 which one is hotter the center of sun or earth
 the center of earth
 what is the revolution speed of earth
 107200 km/h or 29.78km m/s
 what is circumference of earth
 40000 km
 which star is most the most magnificent and brightest
 pistol star
 What is big dipper?
 it is name of constellation
 first communication satellite sent into space i. e intelsat 1
 early bird
 Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet
 Mars
 what is name of Saturn largest moon
 Titan
 the mas of sun is
 1.98 x 1030 kg
 what is the temperature at the center of the sun
 15 million C
 Solar radiation reached to earth surface
 30 %
 the phases of the moon around partially the result of the
 revolution of the moon around the earth
 constellation referred to as zodiac are
 imaginary region that encompass the path of the planets
 Black holes refers to
 collapsing objects of high density
 the planet which orbit the sun clockwise direction
 Venus
 who was the first to measure the earth’s radius
 Eratosthenes
 nearer star to our sun
 Proxima centurai
 name of the regular nearer galaxy to our Milky way is
 Andromeda
 Earth is between the sun and moon
 Lunar eclipse
 first astronaut was who step on moon
 Neil Armstrong
 Mass of the moon in comparison to the earth is
 1/81
 Rising of the evening star is indicate
 West
 makemake , ceres and pluto are planet
 dwarf planet
 objects fall from the sky is known
 Meteoroids
 The umbra is
 the inner and dark portion of the shadow
 Universe
 The universe is everything. It includes all of space, and all the matter and energy that
space contains.
 The big-bang theory
 Georges Lemaître ,According to this theory the universe had its origin in giant explosion
about 18000 million year ago. The matter flung out from explosion consider as galaxies,
which are still rushing outward, matter flying outward faster than the current speed of
 The oscillating universe theory
 William McCrea ,the theory a variation on the big-bang theory suggest it expansion of the
universe will eventually slow down and stop, from constriction of galaxies.
 The steady state theory
 Sir Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Sir Fred Hoyle, an alternative view of the big-bang
theory, according to this theory the universe never originated at any instant nor will it
ever die. Universe expands new mater is creates to fill the space left, universe remain
 Humble galaxy classification
 Hubble's three main types of galaxies are elliptical, spiral, barred spiral, and irregular.
These galaxies are determined based on the structure and shape of the galaxy.
 Name of some famous and well known stars
 proxima centauri
 alpha centauri
 wolf 359
 lalaxde 21185
 Sirius
 Red dwarfs
 Stars of small mass and low temperature which grow feebly.
 while Dwarfs
 small dense stars near the end of their life cycle which are slowly cooling
 Hot sub dwarfs
 stars at the center of planetary nebula
 Parsec
 It is used to measure the star distance. it is equal to 3.26 light year.
 Astronomical Unit
 The smallest distance to measure the average distance of the earth from sun,
153 million km.
 why stars shines
 in the consequences of nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium which taking
place in their core , this reaction release energy in form of heat and light
 Neutron star
 A dim star of high density at the end of its life composed of Neutron.
 solar system
 comprise of the sun and 8 other planet which orbit the sun besides this the
solar system consist of natural satellite , several thousand minor planets called
asteroid , comets . solar system can be divided into two group.
A. Terrestrial planets….. internal circle
B. the gas giant planets…. outer circle
 Extra solar planets
 Just planets that orbit stars other than our Sun. As of October 1, 2020, we've
discovered 4,354 exoplanets in 3,218 planetary systems
 Pluto
 Discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 but is no longer a planet know as
consider as dwarf planet.
 The Sun
 The sun is made of extremely hot gases, like the all-stars the sun is made of
mainly Hydrogen, nuclear fusion take place in sun take give off energy in form
of light.
 distance from sun average 149, 598900 km( main distance as 150 Million
kn or 93 million miles)
 interior temperature 27,000,000 Fahrenheit (15,000,000 Celsius).
 equatorial diameter 864,000 miles (1,392,000 km) in diameter,
 rotation period 25 days 9 h 7 min
 sun rays to reach earth surface 8 and 1/3 minutes to get to us.
 age of sun 5 billion
 chemical composition , Hydrogen 73/74 % helium 26.5 /24% other 2.5 %
 planets details
1. Mercury ,
 Nearer to sun, smallest planet, same size as moon, name after roman god, no
atmosphere, revolves around sun in 88 days. Fastest revolving planet. 58
million from sun.
2. Venus
 known as evening star , morning star , the brightest object , hottest planet ,
temperature is 460-480 c. rotate east to west. slowest rotating planet , 243
earth days. Revolution period, 225 rings and no moon.
3. earth
 Biggest in size all terrestrial planet. Third in position from Sun, Venus is closet
planet to earth. One natural moon. Diameter is 12756 km 7926 miles.4 Sir
circumference equator 24902 mile , 40075 km. one moon , atmosphere , gases
nitrogen and oxygen , revolution 365 days , rotation 23 hour , 56 minutes and 4
second .
4. mars
 second largest smallest planet , called red planet , temperature very cold -30 C
, two moon photos and deimos , rotation 24 hour and 40 minutes, revolution
687 days. Distance 228 million, diameter 6780 km.
5. Jupiter
 Biggest and fastest rotating planet , largest storm called , biggest 1350 times
than moon , moon 67 , world largest moon Ganymede , one day equal to 9
hour 55 minutes, year 11 .86 year , rings are invisible.
6. Saturn
 second biggest planet , called ring planet made ice and dust, rotation period 10
h 15 minutes second fastest rotating period. Moon 62, distance 1430 million
7. Uranus
 Called green planet , because of atmosphere made up hydrogen , helium and
Methane, very cold , has 13 rings , moon 27 , rotation 17 hour , revolution 84
earth years.
8. Neptune
 Farthest planet , coldest , and slowest revolving planet. 165 years revolution ,
twin of Uranus , two thick and two tin rings , has 14 moons , rotation period 14
hours. biggest moon Triton, six of our solar system.
 Earth and movements
 two type of movement
 Rotation
 revolution
 Rotation
 the spins on its own imaginary axis from west to east once in 24 h . ( 23 h , 56 min
and 40 s). it is called diumal or daily motion.
o Effects of Rotation
 day and night
 change of direction of wind and ocean current
 longest day (short night ) june 22 . 22 december
 shortest day (longest night ) 21 September june 21
 equal day and night at equators through year
Important quests

 Rotation speed of earth is , 107200 km H or 29.78 km s

 Circumference of earth 40000 km
 which star is brightest star pistol star
 what is a big dipper , name of constellation
 first communication satellite sent to space intelsat 1 known as Early Bird
 Olympus Mons is volcanoes of Mars
 name of large Moon of Saturn , Titan
 Ganymede is moon of , Jupiter
 Name of First Satellite to space Sputnik 1
 first private spacecraft to take human to space is called , Dragon
 Ret planet , Mars
 first person walked on moon , Neil Armstrong
 Mercury is nearer planet to Sun
 An area in desert that have water and vegetation , oasis
 ring planet is Saturn
 Jupiter has big red spots
 hottest planet Jupiter
 2nd biggest planet Saturn
 area where fresh water of river meet salty water of ocean Estuary
 Driest desert of the world is Atacama
 meteorologist studies weather
 death valley of California is the driest valley in the world.
 which country experience most tornadoes USA
 one who studies earthquakes , Seismologist
 highest mountain on earth mt Everest

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