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Reception Analysis of Millennials Generation to Ads in Social Media

Setiya Hertanti Oktayusita1, Basuki Agus Suparno2, Christina Rochayanti3

Hygee Home Indonesia (Novasolo Furniture)
Randuguang, Sariharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman Regency, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55581, Indonesia
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik,
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
Jl. Babarsari 2, Tambakbayan, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
Email: setiyaho@gmail.com1; basuki.agus@gmail.com2*; christina.rochayanti@upnyk.ac.id3
*corresponding author

Gerindra presented an ad under the title of “Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat version Sarjana
Kerja Kerja Kerja!”, but due to the use of symbols and visualization, it became viral and caused controversy
in the community. This study aims to determine the opinion of millennials response after watching the ads.
The research is qualitative research approach used is the analysis of the reception, the technique of collecting
data is using interviews, observation and document analysis. The theory used to analyze the meaning of the
audience is the encoding-decoding, reception analysis theory and new media theory. The result of this study
indicate three position of millennials reception, namely a dominant, negotiated, and oppositional position. In
the dominant position, it’s considered as a good political ad because it successfully criticizes the government by
presenting the reality of the existing problems. In the negotiating position, millennials saw the ads containing
a message of criticism without a solution, in this condition millennials refused some symbols such as the use
of profession symbols and titles in it, while in the opposition position, millennials considered the ads irrelevant
and interpret it as a black campaign. There are several factors that become the benchmark of the millennials in
perceiving that ads in social media like the character of millennials, education background, job, experience and
view or tendencies to political parties. This research contributes in the form of policy recommendations to the
Gerinda Party to pay more attention to solutions to criticism of advertising so as not to cause new problems.
Keywords: Advertising; Millennial Generation; Reception Analysis

Gerindra mempresentasikan iklan dengan judul "Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat versi
Sarjana Kerja Kerja!", tetapi karena penggunaan simbol dan visualisasi, iklan tersebut menjadi viral dan
menyebabkan kontroversi di masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pendapat tanggapan
milenial setelah menonton iklan tersebut. Menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif yang menganalisis
penerimaan, teknik mengumpulkan data adalah dengan wawancara, pengamatan dan analisis dokumen.
Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis persepsi penonton adalah pengkodean-decoding, teori analisis
penerimaan dan teori media baru. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tiga posisi penerimaan milenial, yaitu
posisi dominan, dinegosiasikan, dan oposisi. Dalam posisi dominan, iklan dianggap bersifat politik yang baik
karena berhasil mengkritik pemerintah dengan menyajikan realitas masalah yang ada. Dalam posisi negosiasi,
generasi milenial melihat iklan yang berisi pesan kritik tanpa solusi, dalam kondisi ini generasi milenial
menolak beberapa simbol seperti penggunaan simbol profesi dan judul di dalamnya, sementara dalam posisi
oposisi, generasi milenial menganggap iklan tersebut tidak relevan dan menafsirkannya sebagai kampanye
hitam. Ada beberapa faktor yang menjadi tolok ukur generasi milenial dalam memahami bahwa iklan di media
sosial seperti karakter milenial, latar belakang pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengalaman, dan pandangan atau
kecenderungan terhadap partai politik. Penelitian ini berkontribusi dalam bentuk rekomendasi kebijakan kepada
Partai Gerinda untuk lebih memperhatikan solusi kritik terhadap iklan agar tidak menimbulkan masalah baru.
Kata Kunci: Iklan; Generasi Milenial; Analisis Resepsi

Introduction on aspects of people's lives, including in

The development of information and communicating and seeking information. The
communication technology in the current hig h rate social media usage in Indonesia
era of globalization has a major influence is used by several parties as an advertising

126 Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Volume 17 Nomor 2, Agustus 2019, halaman 125-132

media. Advertising is a promotional tool that is governor election campaign film through social
widely used to provide information about the media, which stated that the audience received
benefits or advantages of products. The current messages from Ahok-Djarot's campaign ad about
advertising activity is not only carried out by diversity in a hard and straightforward way,
producers or service providers, but also political while the Anies-Sandi campaign clan tended to
parties and leaders who have certain interests, The audience is interpreted as more egalitarian
social media is now also used for campaign. and displays the issue of SARA through the
The Gerindra Party recently released a perspective of harmony, tolerance, and tolerance.
campaign video under the title of Indonesia However, Anies-Sandi's campaign ad does not
Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat versi present a clear message so that it still seems
“Sarjana Kerja Kerja Kerja!” by raising the conceptual. Another research on advertising was
issue of employment that faced by millennial carried out by Purwaningsih and Fardila (2018)
which resulted in the influence of the Mars Party
generation. The 61-second video on December
Perindo advertisement, which generated trust
27, 2018 at 09:00 AM has been seen 348,000
and sympathy and support from the viewing
times. Gerindra Party ads basically tell an
community. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh
architectural scholar with magna cumlaude rank
Addasuqi (2015) menghasilkan bahwa tidak ada
who has a problem in getting a job. Ads look
pengaruh antara iklan politik dengan pengambilan
a little bit sensitive because this ad involved a keputusan, namun terdapat pengaruh antara
several jobs such as online motorcycle drivers, persepsi dan pengambilan keputusan.
photographers, doormans, and valet parking From the explanation above, there is an
services. Lately this ad caused a controversy interesting phenomenon to be investigated
because its considered degrading and regarding the meaning of the millennial generation
detrimental to some parties, which has its own to an ads with title Indonesia Bergerak Bersama
interpretation among millennials (Boer, 2013). Gerindra dan Rakyat version Sarjana Kerja
Millennials are individual who born in the Kerja Kerja!” in social media. The informant in
early 1980s and they are the children of baby this study is a millennial generation who have
boomers, more specifically this generation seen the ads. This research was conducted on
are those who born between 1980 and 2000 the basis of the controversy that come from a
(Faisal, 2017:9). Some of the criteria inherent different meaning from advertising messages
in the millennial generation are full of visionary, by community and several existing figures. In
innovative ideas and also has a tendency to use addition to seeing the position of the millennial
technology and emphasize work performance. generation as the target of the advertisement,
The selection of millennial generation as a this research is expected to be used as a study by
subject in the study is because the millennial advertisers to create a better ad. The objectives
generation is very close to technology especially of this study include analyzing the millennial
the internet, has a more open communication and generation's meaning in advertising and also
view pattern and very reactive to environmental analyzing the position of the visualization
changes that occur around it. Yogyakarta was of the message that received by millennial
chosen as the location of the study because generation informants from the advertisement.
Yogyakarta has a large number of millennial
generations with diverse cultural backgrounds Encoding - Decoding
(Pramudyo, 2012), it will lead to diverse attitudes Encoding-decoding is a model that developed
and thoughts. Saputra, Fajar, and AR (2017) by Stuart Hall, as the audience process consumes
researched the analysis of the reception for the and produces meaning in the process of receiving
Setiya et al. Reception Analysis of Millennials ... 127

and consume a mass media content. Driven by last way that audiences do in decoding media
the development of new media in the study of messages is occurs when a critical audience
British culture, this encoding-decoding model changes or rejected the message that delivered by
of Stuart Hall became a pioneer of audience the media with an alternative message or code.
reception analysis studies. From Hall's concept The encoding-decoding model by Stuart
of encoding-decoding the field of media studies Hall is used to reveal that the meaning of the text
has undergone a major paradigm shift, where the lies between the text maker (encoder) and the
meaning in the process of mass communication reader (decoder). Encoding - decoding theory
changed from text to textual relations with encourages diverse interpretations of media texts
the audience (Littlejohn & Foss, 2009: 555). during the production process and reception.
Encoding is the process of securing information This theory can be interpreted as an audience
by making it unreadable without the help of process in consuming and producing meaning
special knowledge (Wijaya & Rahmat, 2012). in the process of receiving and consumed
Hall explained that basically meaning is the mass media content (Ida, 2014: 161).
encoded by the sender and decoded by the
recipient and the encoded meaning can be Reception Analysis Theory
translated into something different by the Reception analysis is a research method
recipient. That means, senders encode meaning that focuses on how the audience interpret the
in messages according to their perceptions and messages that conveyed by a media. Reception
goals. The focus of the encoding-decoding model analysis seeks to show that the audience is an
is on the relationship between media messages active audience in producing a meaning of
that constructed by media producers, and by the messages or code from the media. Reception
way of message that constructed by the audience. studies are usually related to the study of the
Encoding and decoding are interrelated because audience of television viewers, although it
both are focused on the same text, however is possible to do it on other media. Media
certain ways of encoding do not always direct messages are always open, meaningful and
certain decoding. In this age, social class, race, also interpreted according to the recipient's
gender plays an important role in providing context and culture (McQuail, 2011: 80).
cultural tools for decoding. According to Stuart Reception analysis theory argues that
Hall, audiences decode media messages through contextual factors influence the way audiences
three possible positions (Susanti, 2014: 6-7): receive or read a media, such as films or
1) Dominant Hegemony Position, which is a television programs (Prijana, 2008). Contextual
situation where the audience receives the message factors include elements of audience identity,
conveyed by the media. It using the dominant perceptions of the film or genre of television
cultural code in society. Both the media and programs, even including social, historical
the public share the same dominant culture; 2) and political issues. In short, this theory places
Negotiation Position, which is a position where viewers or readers in the context of various
the audience generally accepts the dominant factors that influence how to watch or read and
ideology but refuses an application in certain create meaning from the text. In the reception
cases. In this case, the audience is willing to analysis, a communicator will do the encoding,
accept the dominant ideology that is of a general and the communicant will decode the message
nature, but they will make a few exceptions in that has been conveyed by the communicator
its application that are adjusted to the rules of through a media. The framework that dominates
the local culture; 3) Opposition Position, The the audience's research in the tradition of
128 Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Volume 17 Nomor 2, Agustus 2019, halaman 125-132

cultural studies is the paradigm of the active Research Methods

audience. This paradigm develops as a reaction The research is qualitative with analysis
to various studies of the audience with the of the reception method that emphasizes
inherent assumption that television viewers have awareness or the way the subject understands
a passive character, but instead want to show objects and events with individual experiences.
that the audience is active to produce meanings The subjects of this study is a millennial
in their own cultural context (Littlejohn & Foss, generation in Yogyakarta who had seen the
2009: 66). The use of reception analysis theory advertisement. The objects in this research are
as a support in the study of audiences is intended the Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra dan
to place the audience not only as a passive but Rakyat versi Sarjana Kerja Kerja Kerja! ads.
seen as a cultural agent who has its power in The technique of collecting data is using: 1)
terms of producing meanings from the various in-depth interviews with millennial generation in
discourses offered by the media (Suryani, 2013). Yogyakarta, namely: Chitra Dwi Prastiwi (24),
Liutamima Setiyo Fiqih (19), Yodi Prapeta Dewi
New Media Theory (34), Iqbal Fadhil (21), Ahmad Zulfikar Ali Zain
The term 'new media' has been used since the ( 21), Muhammad Abizar Algifary (23), Romano
1960s and has included a growing and diverse Giri Permana (22), and Inayah Nur Hanifah
set of applied communication technologies. The (20); 2) observation about Indonesia Bergerak
concept of new media is discussed by various Bersama Gerindra dan Rakyat versi Sarjana
studies. In the science and study of culture, new Kerja Kerja Kerja! ads; and 3) document analysis
media are discussed from many sides, ranging of data such as advertising related images.
from character to the influence of new media Data analysis that used in this study is
in social life. The previous communication reception analysis by collecting data through
theory was challenged to be able to adjust to the interviews, the data collected and in accordance
development of the media, besides that there with the object are then analyzed, and the
also appeared various new theories based on results of the analysis become the conclusions
previous theories in interpreting the new media. of this study. The validity test in this study is
In the practice of communication, both by source triangulation techniques (Sugiyono,
individuals, groups, organizations and countries, 2012: 274) that derived from any source.
have used new media as a tool to support the
communication process. As with print and Results of Research and Discussion
electronic media, new media also has the ability Advertising is a promotional tool that is
to convey information to the target audience. widely used to provide information about the
Examples of new media include: Internet and benefits and advantages of products. At present
website, digital television, cell phone/PDA political parties also use advertisements to offer
phone, Streaming Video, and other related excellence and introduce their vision and mission.
media (Efendi, Astuti, dan Rahayu, 20117). Political party advertisements are not only found
According to Denis McQuail in his book in conventional mass media, but also in new
Mass Communication Theory (2011: 43) media such as Gerindra Party that tries to reach
the main characteristic of new media is the millennial generation. Millennial generation as
existence of mutual interconnection, access to the research subject is a generation that born on
individual audiences as recipients and senders 1980 to 2000. Millennials have criteria full of
of messages, interactivity, diverse uses as visionary ideas, innovative, have a tendency to
open characters, and their ubiquitous nature. use technology and prioritize work performance,
Setiya et al. Reception Analysis of Millennials ... 129

besides this generation is also known to be more Zain and Romano Giri Permana and Inayah
creative and trusting self that is quite high. This Nur Hanifah. The five informants indicated
research is qualitative research using a reception that they had interpreted according to what
analysis where the audience is considered active the advertiser wanted to say, but there were
in perceiving messages and producing meaning, alternative interpretations because they did not
not just being passive individuals who accept agree with some aspects such as the solutions
the meaning that produced by mass media. that they could not meet and some symbols that
The encoding-decoding theory from Stuart used such as titles and some of the profession
Hall encourages diverse interpretations of in the ad. In this position, the millennial
media texts during the production process and generation actually knows and understands the
reception. In other words the meaning that message, but provides other alternative thinking,
arises is never certain. The following are three it shows the critical attitude of the millennial
interpretations introduced by Hall, including: generation in responding and assessing the ads.
dominant position, negotiating position and In addition, in this study there was one
opposition position. Based on the results of informant, Muhammad Abizar Algifary, who was
research that conducted on eight informants who in the opposition. Algi provides meaning that is
had watched the ads by using five assessment contrary to what is conveyed by the ad producer
categories such as understanding the concept (encoder). Millennial generation informants
and content of advertising messages, informants at this position rate the ad as black campaign
assessment of advertisements, informants and according to him the advertisement only
views of titles scholars and professional provides persuasive tendency without providing
symbols that used in ads, solutions offered in a solution. According to him, the advertisement
ads, the results obtained in the form of three must do a lot of research and be more creative
meaningful positions in accordance with the especially when choosing millennial generation
theory of encoding-decoding of Stuart Hall. as a targets, because millennials have a level
There were two informants who were in of education and knowledge more than the
the dominant position, namely informant Chitra previous generation. At this position the
Dwi Prastiwi and Iqbal Fadhil. In this dominant
millennial generation shows its tendency to
position, the informant outlines the advertisement
think critically and have more knowledge to
in accordance with what the advertiser wants.
answer the questions that given by researchers.
Chitra and Iqbal interpreted it as a good ad that
Based on the results of the millennial
describe the problem of the availability of jobs
generation's meaning in the ads that had describe
which are currently faced by many millennials,
above, there are various interpretations of the
especially for fresh graduates, and the problems
in the ads is accordance with the existing reality. dominant meanings offered by researchers.
The two informants in the dominant position In addition to the fact that the millennial
said they agreed with the advertisement and character, diverse backgrounds ranging
did not show rejection about the category of from education, employment, knowledge,
questions that used by the researcher. In this experience and political views in this matter
position, millennial generation informants also have an influence in causing diverse
showed knowledge and a sense of confidence meanings among the millennial generation.
in assessing and supporting a media message. In terms of political views, for example, two
There were five informants with negotiating informants who were in a dominant position,
meaning positions, namely Liutamima Setiyo namely informant Chitra Dwi Prastiwi and
Fiqih, Yodi Prapeta Dewi, Ahmad Zulfikar Ali Iqbal Fadhil, had political views and tendencies
130 Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Volume 17 Nomor 2, Agustus 2019, halaman 125-132

towards the same political party. Chitra said she problems that exist in society today are likely to
disagreed with the current government because arise due to the views, knowledge and closeness
she considered the current government is only or connection of individuals to these titles.
prioritize infrastructure development aspect and Regarding the word "Kerja Kerja Kerja" that
put aside the quality of existing human resources, used in the advertisement, all informants said
so she wanted a change. Similar to Chitra, there was no problem in using the word. Most
Iqbal openly said his tendency and support for informants know that the word is used by Joko
the Gerindra Party, he thinks that was a good Widodo and is identic to the current government.
and competent party, this was shown by an The informant responded to this as a critical
actualization, adjustment and good reputation. message that could be used as an evaluation for the
As for the research carried out, the current government on the issue of the availability
researchers obtained several findings that of jobs that aimed by Gerindra in its campaign ad.
illustrated the meaning and understanding In the Indonesia Bergerak Bersama Gerindra
of the millennial generation of the bachelor dan Rakyat versi Sarjana Kerja Kerja Kerja!”
version of the ads. In the advertisement, the ads there are labor issues that currently occur
Gerindra Party wants to describe the problem in the community and are quite experienced
of job availability that many millennials are by the current millennial generation, this is in
currently experiencing. The Gerindra Party also accordance with the existing reality. Regarding
gave criticism to the government which was the solution to the problems offered in the
considered to have paid less attention to the advertisement, most of the millennial generation
informants have not been able to capture clearly
problem with used "Kerja Kerja Kerja" which
the solutions offered in the advertisement, even
was identical to the current government’s slogan.
some of them said they only caught criticism and
Overall, the eight informants considered
with no solutions. After giving an assessment
the advertisement is good in selecting issues or of the concept and content of the message in
problems because it was in accordance with the the advertisement, the informant suggested the
existing reality, only some millennial generation Gerindra Party to add research to obtain accurate
informants criticized the description of the data, besides that it also needed to describe
problem and the use of profession symbols and solutions in advertising while considering the use
bachelor's degrees in the advertisement.According of symbols used such as titles and professions
to the informant who was in a negotiating and that have a potential to cause other problems.
opposition position in an interview that had been Based on the results of the research that
conducted before, the advertisement required described above, it can be concluded that the
several improvements, especially in terms of the differences in meaning that occur in the millennial
use of symbols and also solutions to the problems. generation informants are natural and in
In terms of character selection and accordance with Stuart Hall's theory of encoding
advertisement visualization, all of the informants that encourages diverse interpretations of media
stated that they agreed, according to them the texts during the production and acceptance
selection of existing figures was appropriate in process. In addition, this also supports the theory of
playing a scholar and representing the message reception analysis where the audience is currently
and purpose of the advertisement. Meanwhile, considered active in interpreting meaning of
for the use of a bachelor's architecture degree media messages, the audience is influenced by
and the use of professional symbols that used several factors such as background, knowledge
in advertising, some informants said there were and critical mindset of objects that are owned
no problems in using the bachelor's degree, in seeing, reading or hearing media messages.
Setiya et al. Reception Analysis of Millennials ... 131

New media has changed an access in this study is influenced by factors such as
information to be easier. One of them is the differences in background, education, work, and
use of social media in finding the information experience or knowledge possessed; 3) Factors of
and communication needs of the millennial political views and the tendency of one political
generation. Apart from the use side, social media party to influence the millennial generation in
by the millennial generation, social media is interpreting the advertisement, this can be seen
also used by several producers providing goods from the meaning carried out by the millennial
and services as a media to advertise, even today generation in a dominant position; 4) There
political parties also do the same. In this study are two millennial generations in the dominant
all informants agreed with the selection of social position. They interpreted the ads same as what
media as an advertising media that carried out the message maker want without any rejection.
by Gerindra. According to the informants, Both of them consider that the advertisement
the selection of social media as an advertising can reflect the reality regarding the current
medium is appropriate in reaching the target employment problems and assess the ad as a
audience of advertisements, especially by criticism aimed at the current government; 5) In
considering the current trends in the use of social negotiations position, there are five millennial
media, especially for the millennial generation.
generations. They interpreted according to what
The character of millennial generation
the producers wanted to convey but had other
that is adaptive, critical, and quickly captures
alternatives because they disagreed with some
information and knowledge that smells digital
aspects of the advertisement such as the use of
also influences the meaning and assessment. In
professional symbols and existing bachelor's
this research, social media is interpreted as an
degrees and the lack of solutions that raised in
advertising medium and also a communication
these advertisements; 6) There is one millennial
tool in fulfilling the need for information by
the public. Millennial generation informants generation in the opposition position. In this
in this study stated that through social media position the meaning offered by the message
they could gain knowledge and watch the producer and the advertiser is rejected and
advertisement. In this case, the results of the interpreted in an opposite manner, millennials
study support the use of new media theory in this position replaced it with a new meaning,
which explains that new media significantly at this position the advertisement is interpreted
changes people's behavior, one of which is by as a black campaign which only contains
fulfilling audio and visual information needs. criticism without any description of the solution
in it. This research contributes in the form of
Conclusion policy recommendations to the Gerinda Party
Based on the results of the analysis described, to pay more attention to solutions to criticism
the results of this study can be summarized: 1) The of advertising so as not to cause new problems.
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