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Reflect on the following Course Objectives and give your initial insights.

At the end of the semester, you should be able to:

1.Understand the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal and his legacies to the Filipino


>Rizal life has been introduced to us in elementary days until in college Rizal is being knows as brilliance,
creative, patriot in our country and being excellent in academics that why Rizal studied in big
universities. Jose Rizal writings give us the peak of freedom to awaken our Filipino Nationalism for him,
“the pen was mightier than the sword.” And through his writings, he exposed the corruption and
wrongdoings of government officials as well as the Spanish friars. For my understanding of life of Rizal
his journey to bring off the freedom may the inspiration for being a Filipino hard works, being creative
and hone our skills may big effect to our environment and to remember and reflect to others that Rizal
works may give the best in ours and to county.

2.Know the importance of Rizal’s teachings in present times; and

>As a BSIT student and a Filipino the teachings of Rizal in youth or community gives us the ideas of
freedom and being nationalism through their works of Rizal the inspiration gives of our heroes is our fire
to love our country, to develop better environment and shape and develop better character especially
the works of Rizal. If the works of Rizal are still recognizing many of young ones will be inspire to fight
fair not violence just like Rizal do to fought the invaders to achieve our freedom.

3.Develop a sense of nationalism and patriotism as a student of Rizal course and as a



Rizal Law

Answer the following questions.

1.What is the important provision of Rizal Law?


2. What is the significance of the passage of RA 1425?


3. Was Rizal an American sponsored hero?


4.What is your reaction about Rizal being an American made hero?


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