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Chapter 1

1. What are Resources?

2. What does process of transformation of things available in our
environment involves an relationship between
3. Do you think resources are free gift of nature?
4. Who transforms available objects in our environment into resources and use
5. In how many ways resources can classified?
6. Which type of resource are obtained from the biosphere?
7. Abiotic resources are the composed of_____________________
8. Examples Biotic and Abiotic resources
9. In which cases a resource is considered as renewable?
10. Examples of renewable resources
11. How much time need for formation of non- renewable resources?
12. Examples of Non- renewable resources
13. How many types of resources are in the basis of ownership?
14. What are individual resources?
15. Which resources are accessible by all members of the community?
16. Examples of Community owned resources
17. Which type of resources can control other resources?
18. Which authority gets empowered by Government to acquire land?
19. Up to how much miles do oceans come under a national control
20. In which resources there are international institutions involved?
21. After how much Nautical miles of the exclusive economic Zone belong to
open ocean and no individual country can utilize without the permission of
international institution.
22. Resources that are found in an area, but have not been utilized are called
23. Examples of potential resources
24. What are developed Resources?
25. What are stock resources?
26. Examples of Stock resources
27. What are misconcepted free gift of nature?
28. What are the major problems caused by indiscriminal use of resources?
29. In which type of development resources are utilised without damaging
the environment and should not compromise with the needs of the future
30. What is the full form of UNCED?
31. Where did the first UNCED meeting took place and when?
32. What was the declaration signed by world leaders in 1992 at the UNCED
which took place at Rio de Janecio, Brazil?
33. What was the goal of Agenda 21?
34. What was the major objective of agenda 21?
35. Which is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources?
36. Why does planning is importance in India?
37. What does Rajasthan lack in?
38. Ladakh has an abundance of___________________
39. What does the unequality calls for?
40. Which one of the following resources is iron ore?
41. Under which of the following resource can tidal energy be put?
42. Which one of the following is the main cause of land degradation in
43. In which one of the following states is terrace cultivation practiced?
44. Which of the following state is black soil found?
45. What percentage of our land be under forest according to the national
forest policy?
46. Materials in the environment which have the potential to satisfy human
needs but human being do not have appropriate technology to access them
are called
47. India’s territorial water extends up to a distance of____________
48. Resource that take long geological time for their formation are
49. Area sown more than once in an agricultural year plus net sour area is
known a______________
50. The total degradable land in our country________________
51. Which state of India has mining caused severe land degradation?
52. The main cause of land degradation in Punjab, Haryana and Western UP
53. Which is the most common soil of Northern India?
54. Red soil is usually found in_____________________
55. Red soil is reddish in colour due to______________________
56. Which of the following is not important for soil?
57. Black soil is also called____________________
58. Black soil is common in____________________
59. Laterite soil is very useful for growing____________________
60. Black soil is deficient in _______________________________
61. Which of the following soil has self aeration capacity?
62. Ploughing along the conotur lines to decelerate the flow of water down
the slopes is called _____________________________
63. Which of the following is not a measure for soil conservation?
64. Land that is left as uncultivated for more than five agricultural years is
called __________________________________
65. What are the parts of resource planning?
66. What was the goal of The first five year planning launched in India after
67. The availability of resources is necessary for _______
68. What is the main attraction of Foreign inventers?
69. High level of technological development helped a country to
70. An Economy is Rich with ______________________________
71. Resource contributed in the growth of a nation only when they are
accompanied by ____________________________
72. Frational and overutilization of resources may cause
73. “ There is enough for everybody need and not for anybody’s greed” Who
have given this statement? ______________________
74. Who was against mass production? _______________________
75. What does land support?
76. How much percentage of land in India is plain? ____________
77. How much percentage of land in India is mountainous? _______
78. How much percentage of land in India is Plateau? __________
79. The land which not available for cultivation is called?
80. What is the use of Barren Land?
81. The land which is not used for cultivation for long five years is called?
82. Area sown more than once in agricultural year plus net sown is known as
83. The use of land is determined by
84. What is the total geographical area of India?
85. Data is available for only
86. Which states of India’s area is yet not completely measured?
87. Which parts of India is not surveyed?
88. The land under permanent pasture has _____________________
89. What is the percentage of NSA of India is reporting Area?_____
90. What does wate land include?
91. Land put to non- agricultural use is used for____________________
92. Continuous use of land over a period of time without taking appropriate
measures to conserve and manage it results in
93. How much percentage of our basic needs of food is obtained from
94. Reasons for land degradation
95. When mining sites are abandoned after work what do we see
96. What is the reason for land degradation in India? ____________
97. What is the cause of land degradation in Jharkhand?__________
98. What is the cause of land degradation in Haryana, Punjab, Western UP?
99. Water logging in soil increase ___________________________
100. Mining and grinding of soapstone, limestone calcite etc releases a large
amount of __________________________________
101. What has become a major source of land and water pollution in any parts
of the country _______________________________
102. Ways to solve land degradation
103. Which is the most renewable land resource?_______________
104. How much time does it take for soil formation up to a few cms in depth _
105. What are the factors affecting soil formation?
106. Varied relief features, landfarms, climate condition------------ vegetation
types have created ____________________________
107. Which is the most widely spread and important soil?__________
108. Alluvial soil has majority in which part of India
109. It is deposited by three important revers____________________
110. What does alluvial soil consist of?
111. In Doars, chas and Jerai has what type of soil________________
112. What do we call old Alluvial soils? _________________
113. What do we call new Alluvial soil?__________________
114. Bangan soil has higher concentration of____________________
115. Which is the most fertile soil? ____________________
116. What does Alluvial soil consist of?
117. Which crops are cultivating in Alluvial soil?
118. Which of the following method does not helps in soil
119. Solar energy is a ___________________________ type of resource
120. ______________________________ is not check land degradation
121. Burial ground is a ________________________
122. Which type of soil is useful for growing tea, coffee and cashew nut?
123. Black soil is deficient in________________________________
124. Which of the following soil has self aeration capacity_________
125. Ploughing along the contour lines to decelerate the flow of water down
the slopes is called ______________________
126. Which of the following is not a measure for sol conservation?
127. Resources which are found in a region but have not been utilised are
called? ______________________________
128. Which of the following is the main cause od land degradation in Punjab?
129. Soil formed by intense beaching is ________________________
130. Which desert is relatively isolated from the rest of the country?
131. What is the percentage share of plains in the total land area?
132. Which one of the following states mostly have laterite soil?
133. Human being is a _______________________________type of resource
134. Which one of the following is not a community owned resource?
135. Fossil fuels are examples of which of the following resources?
136. Coal is a________________________resources
137. What is the main reason for global ecologist crises such as global
warming and environmental pollution?
138. Which are the main factors that determine creation of resources?
139. Under which of the following types of resources can solar energy be
140. From which five year plan ha India made concentrated efforts for
achieving the goal of resource planning?
141. On the basis of ownership plantation can be better considered as which of
the following type of resource?
142. What is the necessary for sustained quality of life and global peace?
143. Which soils are black in colour and are called Regur?
144. Black soil is ideal for growing
145. Black soils are made up of extreme five particles
146. Which are well known for their capacity
147. Black soil is poor for which type of nutrients?
148. Red soil is formed from which type of soils
149. Where we can found red soil rock?
150. How do the red soil get reddish colour?
151. Where did the word laterite came from
152. What is the meaning of the word laterite?
153. Which climate is suitable foe laterite soil?
154. Laterite soil is the result of _________________
155. Latrite soil is found more in which parts of India
156. Laterite soil is favourable for the production of _____________________
157. What is the colour range of Arid soil?
158. Arid soil lacks in _______________________
159. What are forest soil found?
160. What is the texture of forest soil?
161. What do the forest soil experience?
162. What does denudation and subsequent washing down know as?
163. Why do the balance between eroson and formation disrupted?
164. Examples of human activities
165. The running water ats through the clayey soil and makes deep channels
166. The land which becomes unfit for cultivation
167. When water flows are as sheet removes top soil is known as
168. When flows away soil, this process is called?
1. We human living along with all other with all other living being in
2. Rich diversity of species is known as______________________
3. How much percentage of mammals and will Flora is threatened?
4. Animals that are in the stage of extinction
5. How much is the estimated forest and trees over in our country?
6. How much is this in percentage of geographical are?
7. It has increased in 2013 by _____________________
8. What is the full form of (IUCN)
9. The species which are in danger of extinction are called
10. The forest cover in our country is increased due to
11. The species whose population is considered to be normal for their survival
12. Those species which are on the verge of extinction are called
13. Those species whose population has declined in levels and is likely to be
moved into endangered species
14. Examples of vulnerable species
15. Species which have small population which can be moved to vulnerable or
endangered in future are called
16. Those species who are found only in a specific area
17. Give some examples of rare species
18. Give examples of endemic species
19. Those species which are not found after searches of known or likely areas
where they may occur
20. Examples of extinct species
21. Which is the lands fastest mammal
22. From which family do they belong to
23. What is the maximum speed of cheetah?
24. When did cheetahs extinct in India?
25. What are the examples of resources from forest obtaining directly or
26. Which was the biggest damage done to nature and wildlife?
27. How much Sq Km of forest were turned into agricultural land?
28. In which years did this happens
29. Which plant replaced Himalayan Qahcture during colonial period?
30. How much amount of forest was cleared due to river vally projects?
31. Which tiger reserve is threatened because of dolomite mining?
32. The dolomite mining blaked the migration route of which animal?
33. Which is thought to be the most dangerous to forests by foresters and
34. Which is the medical plant found in Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh?
35. What chemical substance is extracted from it?
36. From which parts of the plant are it extracted?
37. What is the use of Tascal?
38. What factors are responsible form decline in biodiversity?
39. How much natural forests are gone in India?
40. How much wetland is drained?
41. How much percentage of surface water bodies are polluted?
42. How much percentage of mongrerees were wiped out?
43. Is loss of biodiversity only a biological issue?
44. With whom is biological loss carrelated with
45. In many societies who bears the main responsibility of fuel and foder
46. How much do they walk for fill water and fodder?
47. Even after independence which remains to be the major crises for deletion of
48. What are the examples of indirect impact of degradation?
49. What is a direct outcome?
50. What has become the essential to save environment?
51. What does conservatism help in saving?
52. What else does that preserve?
53. Fisheries are too dependent on
54. What are we dependent on agriculture?
55. When did conservativist demanded for national wildlife protection
56. What did many states do?
57. When was the population?
58. What are the reasons?
59. What was the well published wildlife campaign of the world was launched
in 1973?
60. What are the conservation projects are focusing on?
61. How many fauna were added on the protected list?
62. How are the forests and wild life controlled?
63. Which forest are considered forest?
64. How much forest are considered as reserved forest?
65. What do we call those forests that are protected?
66. How much amount of forests are in protected forest?
67. What do we call other forests and wasteland belonging to both government
and private individuals and communities?
68. What are reserved and protected forests reflected to?
69. Which state has the largest area under permanent forest?
70. How much percentage of total forest area comes under permanent forest?
71. Which part of India comes under unclassed forests managed by local
72. Forest are also home to
73. In which tiger reserve did villages faught against mining by citing the
wildlife protection
74. How many villages of Alwar district of Rajasthan declared 1200 hectares
into sanctuary?
75. What name did they gave to it?
76. What is in age old tribal relief?
77. What do the Mandas and Santhal Warship
78. Who worship the tamazind and mango
79. Which tree is considered sacred for us?
80. What does scared qualities re other ascribed as?
81. What was the famous movement that stood against deforestation in
82. All famous initiatives took place in
83. Which scheme showed that adequate levels of synthetic chemical are
possible and economically viable?
84. Which movement of India gives a good example?
85. What does JFM?
86. JFM was been in formal existence since
87. Which of these statements are not a valid reason for the depletion of flara
and fauna
88. Which of the following conservation strategies do not directly involve
community participation
89. Is black bucks extinct?
90. Andaman Wild Pig is

1. Which one of the following statement is not an argument in favour of

multi purpose river projects?
2. Which is not a source of fresh water?
3. According to Falkan Mark, water stress occurs when?
4. Which of the following are not causes of water scarcity?
5. Bhakra Nangal River Valley project is made on which river?
6. Hirakund Dam is constructed on which river?
7. Water of Bhakra Nangal Project is being used mainly for
8. The diversion Channels seen in the Wetern Himalayas are called?
9. Agricultural fields which are used as rainfed storage structures are called
10. Underground tanks seen in Rajasthan to store rainwater for drinking is
11. In Western Rajasthan today plenty of water is available due to
12. Bamboo drip irrigation system is in __________________
13. The only state which has made rooftop rain water harvesting structure
compulsory to all house is ____________________
14. The remote village that has earned the rare distinction of being rich in
rain water
15. Which of the following is not an adverse effect of irrigation?
16. Which of the following special movement is not a resistance to multi-
purpose projects?
17. The major source of fresh water in India is
18. Rooftop rain water harvesting is a technique to recharge
19. Rana Pradap sagar dam is located in _________________
20. The Narmada Bachao, Andolan is associated with
21. What s the major cause of unequal distribution
22. Water scarcity might be an outcome of
23. Why does a large population need water for?
24. What did post independent India witnessed
25. What is the full form of MNC’s?
26. What has made matter worse for existing water?
27. Where does Most energy for industries come from?
28. In India how much is the Hydroelectric power contributes for all energy
produced ___________________
29. Where water is sufficient but still scarcity?
30. How are the Water bodies polluted?
31. From Ancient times what are use building
32. What did ___________________
33. What did Chandragupta Maweya build?
34. Where did the evidence of sophisticated irrigation work?
35. Which was the artificially built largest lake in 11th century?
36. Why were dams traditionally built?
37. Why are dams built today?
38. Which project or Dam is on Mahanadi basin
39. Who declared dams as Temples of modern India?
40. A barrier across flowing water that olstrud directs or retards the flow,
often creating a reservoir, lack or impoundment
41. On which basis is the dam classified
42. In recent years, multi purpose projects and large dams have come under
43. What does regulating and damming of river affect their?
44. What does excess sedimentation at the bottom of the reservoir, resulting
45. Dams also fragment rivers making it difficult for
46. Examples of Andolan related to water bodies
47. What is the reason for displacement?
48. On which River body is Sardar Sarovar dam built
49. In which state does project of sardar sarovar dam
50. What has changed the cropping pattern?
51. What did farmers shift too?
52. What is consequences of this shift
53. What is the reason for Krishna and Godhavari dispute ?
54. What was the main obligation?
55. The Big dams are mostly been unsuccessful in controlling
56. What aggravated the situation of flood in Maharashtra and Gujarat at
57. The floods have not only devastated life and property but also cause
58. What was a viable alternative for multi purpose dam?
59. What was the name of the diversion channel built on hilly aera?
60. In acid and semi-arid regions, agriculture fields were converted into
61. In which parts of Rajasthan stared drinking water in tanks
62. The tanks were a parts of
63. Why was the first sell of rain not collected?
64. What is referred as polar pari
65. What did theybuild near tank as
66. Why did they built it?
67. Which is the most common on practice in Shillong, Meghalaya?
68. Which area receives highest amount of rainwater in the world ?
69. How much percent of rainwater is used in household in Shillong?
70. How much precipitation in a year at gend athur
71. How much is collection efficiency?
72. Every house can collect and use a year
73. From the 200 house, the net amount of rainwater harvested annually
amount to
74. Which is first state in Indian which has made rooftop rainwater
harvesting structure compulsory
Chapter 1
1.Where is Belgium situated
2.Belgium has borders with
3. How much is the approx. population of Belgium
4. How many percentage of speakers are Dutch
5. How many percentage of speakers are French
6. Remaining I percent speaks
7. What is the name of the region where French speakers live
8.What is the name of the region where Dutch speakers live
9.The minority of French people were very
10. When did the tensions got high
11. Srilanka is a
12.Srilanka has a
13.What are the major social groups in Srilanka
14. Jamil natives of the country are called
15.Whose fore fathers came from India as plantation workers during the colonial
period are called
16.Most of the Sinhala speaking are
17.Most of the Tamil speakers are.
18.Christians are about
19. Srilanka emerged as an independent country in
20. The democratically elected government adopted a series of
21.Why did they adopt it
22. In which year was the Act passed to recognise Sinha as the only official
language, disregarding Tamil
23. All the acts coming one after another created which feeling in Srilanka Tamil
24. The Srilankan Tamils launched parties and struggles for
25.By which year did they Start forming organisations.
26.Which of the following features are common to Indian and Belgian form of power
sharing arrangement
27.In dealing with power sharing, which one of the following statements is not
correct about democracy
28.A brief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever
way it wants by disregarding the wishes and needs of the minority is.
29.A system of checks and balances is another name for which one of the following
power sharing arrangements
30. Which one of the following statement about power sharing arrangement is
31.Every society needs some kind of power sharing even if it is small or does not
have social division
32.Prudential reasons of power sharing stress on the facts that.
33.Belgium solved its problem successfully by
34.The Belgium leaders took a different
35.How many times did they amended their constitution
36.What does the constitution
37.Many nominees of the central government
38.Brussil had a
39. What is the name of third kind of government
40. What does the government has powers
41. When many countries of Europe came together to from European union, Brussels
way chason as its
42.The name of two parties who formed coalition government
43.For a long time it was that all power of the government should reside in
44. What is the one basic rule of demoracy
45.All type of power sharing
46. A violent conflict between opposing within a country that becomes so intense that
it appears like a war
47.Power is shared among different organization of government, such as the
48.What does such a separation ensevre
49. Although judge are appointed by executives but they can check on executives and
laws made by legislatives
50. What do we call a general government for a entire country is called

Chapter 2 federalism
1. What was the change that was taken place in year 1933
2. What do we call a system of government in which the power is divided between
a central authority and various constituent
3. What do we call a system where there is sub units and subordinate to the central
government or only one level of government
4. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own
5. What was the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different level
of government in the exercise of their respective powers.
6. Sources of revenue for each level of government are claery specified to ensure
7. What are the dual objectives of federal system
8. What are the both aspect of federal system
9. The exact balance of power between the central and state government
10. This balance depends mainly
11. Examples of coming together federation
12. Examples of holding together frderation
13. Indian union is leased on the
14. What does union list has
15. Contents in the state list
16. Contents in the concurrent list
17. Which government has the power to add subjects
18. Which state has the power to add subjects
19. What do we call Lakshadweep , Delhi, Chandigrah
20. Constitution provisions are necessary for the success of
21. When the demand for linguistic states were raised it was forward by some leader
this would to
22. Hindi was identified as
23. Besides Hindi , how many languages are recognised as scheduled languages
24. According to constitution, the use of English for official purposes was stop in
25. The major National parties

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