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MATRIC NUMBER: 210902006








REVIEWED PAGES: 27-60,100-112


This course material ‘’News writing and reporting for today’s media” written by

Itule, B.D.and Anderson, D.A provides an extensive guide to the concept and

practices of of news writing , reporting and qualities of good writing.

It also discusses fourteen traits of good writers providing aspiring reporters or

journalists with indispensable and vital knowledge and skills required in the

dynamic field of news writing and reporting.

The objective of this review is to spotlight the effectiveness of the material,

highlighting the strength and weakness areas that requires improvement, the

writing style and recommendations of supplement materials.

Content Overview

The book is divided into different chapters which each chapter extensively

analyses the well organized and comprehensive style of news reporting and

writing. The writers successfully conveyed the principles and ethical

responsibilities that journalists holds and also providing relatable examples to

backup up these concepts.

In the selected reviewed pages [27-60 and 100-112] the authors Itule and

Anderson starts by presenting the qualities of good writing. The writer

emphasized on the fourteen traits of good writers, some of the traits mentioned

were concise ensuring the readers understands each traits.

The writers also elaborates on the ten principles of clear writing like keeping

sentences short, using familiar words, using familiar words and how they

influence clear writing.

The authors dive into the key elements of news writing such as the inverted

pyramid structure, the five W` and H head line writing and lead development

have in every story either big or small.

Furthermore, Itule and Anderson designates a significant portion of the book to

highlight the importance of of attributing quotations and when, how to

attribute, verbs of attribution and the six guidelines of placements of


Additionally the author addresses the anonymous sources in news reporting

and gathering how to deal with anonymous sources, polices of anonymous

sources and information and quotes from internet sources.

Writing style

Itule, B.D. and Anderson, D.A. employed a captivating writing style, making the

material understandable and engaging for readers and aspiring journalist.

The concept are explained in a logical manner making sure readers can follow

along and understand the material. The arrangement and style of the material

is topnotch with each chapter building upon the preceding one making it easier

for readers of the material to understand.

One of the major strengths of Itule and Anderson’s news writing and reporting

for today’s media is that it is very engaging. It uses practical and

understandable examples that readers can relate to, the usage of real life

scenarios, case studies helps the readers apply and grasp the concept

effectively and helps the readers apply them in the real world.

The course material covers a wide range of topics, from news gathering

techniques to news writing principles. It offers a holistic approach, equipping

readers with the necessary skills for effective journalism.

The book also acknowledges the evolving nature of media and incorporates

discussion on digital journalism, online journalism, digital reporting and other

contemporary topics relevant in today’s media landscape.

The authors understands that journalism is not just a theoretical concept but

a skill that requires practice. It is very evident that the authors are very vast

journalists. Because the materials gives extensive explanations which gives

more credibility to the material.


On the other hand one of the weakness of this material is the publication year,

it was published in 2008 which makes some information outdated, especially

in the world of rapidly evolving media an updated version will boost it’s

effectiveness in today’s media.

The book may not adequately cover techniques and skills required for

multimedia journalism. The book also lacks interactive online resource that

could make learning interactive for readers such as quiz and other materials

available on digital platforms.

The incorporation of visual aids such as diagrams, info-graphics and other

photographs would enhance understanding of certain ideas. Visual

representation can often clarify complex ideas and make readers understand


Areas for improvement

While the material offers solid analysis on news writing and reporting, some

sections could benefit from more in-depth analysis for readers seeking for

advanced knowledge additional examples could be incorporated.


This are books similar to ”News writing and reporting for today's media”by Itule

and Anderson.

1. “The associated press “Style-book” by The Associated press.

2. “Journalism Ethics: A Philosophical Approach” by Christopher Meyers.

3. “News Reporting and Writing “ by Melvin Mencher.

4. “Writing for Journalists” by Wynford Hicks.

5. “The elements of journalism: What Newsmen Should Know and the Public

Should Expect” by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel.


“News writing and reporting for today”s media by Itule and Anderson is a very

good resource for aspiring journalists seeking for a solid foundation in news

writing and reporting. It covers major aspects of news writing and reporting.

Even though there are few areas that needs improvement. In general this

material serves as a great guide for aspiring journalists.

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