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A computer is a programmable machine. It responds to a specific set of instructions in a

well defined manner and it can execute a pre-recorded list of instructions. It can be
programmed to accept data (input) and process it into useful information (output) kept in
secondary storage for safekeeping or later use.

Computer invention started with the analytical engine envisioned by Charles Babbage
following the mathematical ideas by George Boole.

Computer Classification:
a. Personal Computer: small, single user, based on a microprocessor and it has a
keyboard, monitor and a storage device.
b. Workstation: powerful, single user, has a more powerful microprocessor and higher
quality monitor.
c. Minicomputer: multi-user computer capable of supporting 10-hundreds of users
d. Mainframe: poweful multi-user, capable of supporting hundreds to thousands of
users simultaneously.
e. Supercomputer: fast computer that can perform hundreds of millions of instructions
per second.

The Hardware
The wires, transistors and circuit of a computer is the hardware and this consist of the
System Unit, the motherboard, chipset, input and output devices.
- The System Unit houses the CPU, memory modules, expansion slots etc. Other
devices such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse are linked directly or indirectly into the
system unit.
- The Motherboard is the main circuit board of a computer, it contains the CPU, the
basic input/output system (BIOS), memory, mass storage interfaces, controllers for
the keyboard, disk drive and display screen etc.
- The Chipset is a critical part of any computer because it plays a role i determining
the feature a computer can support.
- Storage Devices that can store data and programs.

The Software
Any set of machine readable instructions that directs a computer’s processor to perform
specific operations.
BIOS acts as interface between the hardware and the operating system, it provides access
to the system hardware and allows you control your computer’s hardware settings amongst
other things.

ROM (Read Only Memory): it is non-volatile, it contains permanently written data called
the firmware (BIOS lives here). Iit also contains programs that direct the computer to load its
operating system and related files when the computer is powered on.
Types of ROM
- PROM: Programmable Read Only Memory cannot be changed or revise its program
- EPROM: Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory can only ne erased or reused
by shining high intensity UV light through it.
- EEPROM: Electrical Erasable Read Only Memory under high voltage.
- FROM: Flash Read Only Memory
- CACHE: high speed memory area placed between the processor and the system

RAM( Random Access Memory): primary storage also called internal storage, it serves as
the computer workspace.

Types of RAM;
- DRAM: Dynamic Random Acess Memory which has two types namely:
a. SDRAM: Synchronous Dynamic Acess Memory
b. DDR SDRAM: Double Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Access Memory
- SRAM: Static Random Acess Memory

● Hard Disk: contains the RAM. Without enough RAM, the operating system swap out
storage space with the hard disk.
● Microprocessor: the heart and brain of a PC
● Mass Storage Device: allows a computer to permanently retain large amounts of data
such as disk drives and tape drives.
● Input device; the means through which data and instructions enter a computer and
they include:
- Scanner
- Mouse
- Keyboard
- Touchpad
- Lightpen
- Joystick
- Webcam
- Digital Camera
- microphone
● Output device: they include
- Printer: some types of printers include laser, inkjet, dot matrix
- Monitor
- Projector
- Touch screen

● Communication Technology is technology that enhances communication exchange

● Information technology has to do with information processing, using technology to
process information over a wide range or long distance .
● The convergence of information technology and communication technology is
information communication
● Telecommunication refers to transfer of data from a transmitter(sender, source) to a
receiver(sink) across a distance.
● Tele is an ancient greek which means 'far off'
● Information is passed through electromagnetic waves
● Electricity, radio waves, light are forms of electromagnetic waves passed through
physical bodies such as cables, atmosphere, wires.
● Data can be transferred in different forms such Voice, texts, images or a combination
of all.
● Technology that uses the atmosphere to transmit waves is called 'analog'
● Data can be transmitted by 2 types of signals
- Analog Signal
- Digital signal
● Analog signal is a form of electromagnetic waves that are also continuous waves.
It's also continuous electrical signal in the form of a wave called carrier waves.
Telephone, Television, Radios were designed to operate with analog. It has two
- Frequency: the number of times a wave repeats itself during a specific time
interval i.e the number of times it completes a circle in a second.
- Amplitude: the height of a wave within a specific time interval. It's the strength
and loudness of a wave.
● Both frequency and amplitude can be modified by making adjustments to the wave
and by this adjustments that an analog can be made to express a digital signal.
● A.M (Amplitude Modulation): signals that are not really loud but can cover really long
distance. They are owned by Federal Government
● F.M (Frequency Modulation): state owned or owned by private corporations. They
are usually loud but can't cover a really long distance.
● Digital Signal (ON/OFF or Present/Absent) represent electric pulses in
discontinuous burst rather than a continuous wave. It is represented by binary
numbers 1 and 0. 1 representing presence of an electric pulse and 0 as an absence
of an electric pulse.
● MODEMS( Modulator/Demodulator) are translators. It translates digital to analog and
vice versa.
- The process of translating from digital to analog is called modulation. A form
is transition over phone lines
- The process of converting analog to digital is demodulation.
● The modem changes frequency or amplitude of a wave, it only changes the form of
the wave and not the nature of the wave.
● There are two criteria for choosing a modem
- Internal or external modem?
- Preferred transmission speed?
● External vs Internal Modem: external modem is a box separate from the computer
while internal modem is a circuit box integrated into the motherboard of the
● Advantages of Internal Modem
- It doesn't take extra desk space
- It doesn't have a seperate power chord.
● In laptop computers, the modems are on the PC card.
● Transmission Speed: the speed at which a modem transmits data and it's important
because the faster the modem, the lesser the time spent on the device. It is typically
expressed in 'bytes' per second or more likely 'kilobytes' per second 'kbps'.
● Communication Software: to communicate via a modem, a communication
software is needed. It manages the transmission of data between computers. Many
system software take care of communication software and examples are all Windows
Software and sometimes the system software are provided by online suppliers.
● Communication Software have other functions like
- Error Correction: removal of noise from data transmission
- Data Compression: reduces the volume of data which reduces the time
needed to send data from one modem to another
- Remote Control Software: allows you to control a micro computer from
another micro computer from a different location. Micro computers are
laptops, notepads, phones etc.
- Data Comprehension: it emulates a computer for a period of time
- Terminal Emulation: allows you to use micro computer to stimulate a
mainframe or mini computer terminal.Terminal emulation is the ability to make
one computer terminal, typically a PC, appear to look like another, usually
older type of terminal so that a user can access programs originally written to
communicate with the other terminal type.
● ISDN(Integrated Service Digital Network): this consists of hardware and software that
allows voice, video and data to be communicated as digital signal over traditional
copper wire telephone lines called POTS(Plain Old Telephone System). It is capable
of transmitting 128kbps. ISDN lines arr 5 times faster than conventional phone cables
and it supports two phone lines.
● ASDL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. It also works with hardware and software.
It is considered ISDN successor.
● Cable Model: it carries data 1000 times faster than port lines. It connects a PC to a
cable to system that offers online services. It is faster tbat ASDL and it handles 2 way
● Satellite Dishes: They are higher than cable model and can transmit 15 times faster
than a high speed modem.

● Communication Channels: paths(physical medium) through which data travels in a

telecommunication system from a source to the destination. Cchanels are also called
link, lined or media.
● Common Channel Types
- Wired: these are physical and can be seen through electricity. Types of wired

a. Twisted Pair Wire: this consists of two strands of insulated copper wire
twisted around each other and then covered in another layer of plastic wire
insulation. It has two types unshielded twisted pair and shielded twisted
pair. They can be very slow and don't protect against electrical interference
such as noise and they don't carry too much data.
b. Coaxial Cable: consist of insulated copper wire wrapped in a solid or
braided metal shield then in an external cover. It is widely used for Cable TV
and connects parts of a LAN over longer distances. It resists nouse and can
carry voice and data at a faster rate and longer range like 128mbps.
c. Fibre Optic Cable: consist of hundreds of thousands of thin strands of glass
that transmit pulsating beams of light. These strands look like human hair and
can transmit billions of pulses which each 'ON' representing 1 bit. Each strand
ina cable is 1.2 inches thick and support up to 500,000 conversations. The
light pulses are not affected by interferences in the environment. It is lightee
but very expensive and cannot bend around tight corners.
d. Graded index plastic optical fibre: it is cheaper and lighter than F.O.C and
can transmit a trillion bits per second
- Wireless:
a. Microwave Systems: transmit voice and data through the atmosphere at high
frequency data radio waves. Radio waves transmit messages from ground
based station and satellite communication system. Satellite dishes are victims
of radio waves and they must be put in 'line of sight' before data can be
transmitted. Line if sight means there must be unobstructed view between the
transmitter and receiver. This is why microwave stations needs to be placed
within 25-30 miles of each other within no obstruction in between.
b. Satellite System: it brought about sky station called communication satellite
and they are microwave relay stations in orbit around the earth. Orbit satellite
has solar power receiver and transmitter also called transponder that receives
signals, amplify them and retransmit them to another earth station. Satellite
contains many communication channels and receives both analog and digital
signals from earth stations.Satellite System is usually positioned 800 miles
above the earth.
GPS: global navigation satellite system that provides location and time synchronization. It
helps you find a place or monitor a place or person. It is the global series of connected earth
orbiting sequences.
- GPS Uses
1. For locating a place or person
2. For navigation
3. Mapping
4. Tracking
5. Timing

- NavTrack GPS: Vehicle GPS tracker for personal or fleet use.

- Location Position System: a GPS type that uses RFIT(Radio Frequency
Identification Technology) to track people, vehicles inside an interior area.
- Pagers: used mostly by doctors and drug dealers. They are simple radio receivers to
which data is sent through a special radio transmitter.
- Beepers
- Cellular Phones: either analog or digital which are wireless
- Packets: wireless system of which the 'internet' makes use of. It is a max fixed length
block of data for transmission. It also contains info about it's destination. E-messages
are divided into packets of information over a wide area of networks to their
destination through the most expedient routes.

Factors Affecting Communication Devices

1. Transmission Rates: the higher the 'frequency', the wider the 'bandwidth', the faster
the data transmission.
- Frequency: the amount of data that can be transmitted on a channel. It is
expressed in 'hertz', one circle per second equals one hertz. The more
circles, the more hertz, the more data that will be transmitted.
- Bandwidth: it is the difference between the highest and lowest frequency

2. Line Configuration: makes use of point to point or multiple points through principal
configuration(ways of connecting)
- Point to Point: connect the sender to the receiver of data, like a terminal to a
personal computer.
- Multiple Point: connect several computers to a terminal.
3. Serial vs Parallel Transmission: data is transmitted either serially or in parallel.
- Serial Data Transmission: data is transmitted sequentially, in beats i.e one
after the other. Most computer data follows this way.
- Parallel Data Transmission: data is transmitted in two separate lines
simultaneously. It is faster than serial, more efficient e.g from a PC processor
to a printer.
4. Direction of Transmission: when two computers are in communication of which data
can follow in 3 ways which are:
a. Simplex Transmission: data can travel in only one direction e.g Traditional TV
broadcast from the station to an antenna. There's no return signal.
b. Half Duplex: data travels in two directions but only one direction at a time e.g
it is used in marine radios where both parties take turns in talking.
c. Full Duplex: data is transmitted back and forth at the same time e.g two
people talking and listening on a mobile phone at the same time

5. Packet Switching: data takes some many routes at the same time.

6. Multiplexing: a means of enhancing communication efficiency and it is very expensive. It

is the transmission of multiple signals over a single communication channel e.g using data
for multiple apps at the same time on a mobile device.
- 3 types of devices that achieve multiplexing.

a. Multiplexer: devices that matches serial low signals to one high speed signal.
b. Concentrators: a piece of hardware that enables several devices connect to a single
device and it collects data in a temporary storage.
c. Front-End Processor: a smaller computer that is connected to a larger computer and
assists with communication functions. It transmits and receives messages over the
communication channels, corrects errors and relieves the larger computer of routine

7. Protocols: they are sets of conventions governing the exchange of data between
hardware or software components in a communication network. They are used in diplomatic
areas and if there's no organization, data will be lost, jammed or not delivered to the
- Types of Protocols
a. Physical: when connecting a computer to a light source and it charges.
b. Data Link: data transmission from node to node.
c. Network: routes data to different networks
d. Transport: ensures delivery of complete messages
e. Session: it gives a timeline and order to data transmission.
f. Presentation: rules of data transmission
g. Application: purpose of communicating

It can mean many things, in one sense it refers to the interlinking of computing, ICT,
communication network and media content that occurred during the development and
popularization of the internet. It also refers to the products, services and activities that have
emerged in digital media space.

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