An Entrepreneur With Heart

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Unit 5: Self-empowerment

6. An Entrepreneur 1st
Critical Thinking
with a Heart Skills
Leadership and Responsibility
Initiative and Selt-direction

Warm-up ritial thinking

An entrepreneur is a person who runs his/her own business. Why do you think
entrepreneurship is important for a country? Write any four reasons in the boxes.

Reading leadership and responsibility

Let us read about Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, the founder of Biocon.

A journey ofa thousand miles begins with a single step.

-Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

School is one of the best places for children to find good role models. From Michelle
Obama and Sachin Tendulkar to Lionel Messi, a good role model can inspire you, ignite
your imagination and instil in you the desire to rise above the ordinary. The key is to
take the best traits of each of your role models and imbibe them in your lives.

My role model was my father, who inspired me to strive for excellence and be second to
none. He made me believe that through a single-minded pursuit of the business of science,
I could touch the lives of many, many people and that is just what I did.
My Early Years

As a child, I was fascinated by science and was fortunate enough to grow up in the science
capital of India-Bengaluru.

Moreover, I had some good science teachers in school. They really made me understand
what science was all about, and it was this kind of curiosity-driven approach to science
that made science exciting.

They sparked a passion for science in me, and it led me to frequently visit the city's
science museum and the brewery where my father worked. My father was the managing
director and master brewer for India's largest brewery, United Breweries. I would be
fascinated by the unique processes and smells associated with brewing, which is the
oldest form of biotechnology practised by humans
Biotechnology, as you know, is the use of biological processes, organisms or systems
to manufacture newer and better products. It is being used to get organisms to produce
new drugs and to engineer cells to regenerate damaged human tissues. It is also being
applied in producing new chemicals and developing environment-friendly fuels for motor
vehicles. In agriculture, biotechnology is being leveraged to develop pest-resistant and
drought-resistant crops.
As a high-school student, I would eagerly read up on science. I remember there was a series
called Understanding Science. It was a lovely series because it explained things so simply
that anyone could understand it. I learned a lot on my own regarding biology through that
series. In fact, I still have those Understanding Science volumes with me.

Given my fascination with science, it was no surprise then that after finishing school
I wanted to become a
Unfortunately, I did not have the grades to gain admission in a medical college. When
I asked my father to secure a seat for me by paying capitation fee, he refused to do so.
He told me, 'I have provided you the best posible school
leveraged: used to maximum
education and if your efforts have not helped you gain advantage
admission into a medical college, it means you haven't integrity: adherence to moral
and ethical principles
worked as hard as someone else who has made the grade.
meritocracy: holding of power
Money is not the currency with which you buy favours, by people selected on the
but the currency with which you make a difference to society. basis of their abilities and
His words of integrity taught me an important lesson in entitlement: having the right
to So
to something
meritocracy and in not having a sense of entitlement.

My father advised me to pursue a career in REFRESH
Tick the correct option.
brewing and biotechnology, the field of applied
1. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw's father was a
science that had fascinated me as a child. a. doctor.
Back in the 1970s, brewing was a fairly nascent b. microbiologist.
C. master brewer.
stream in India and there weren't many
2. The series of science books that she
professional brewers. However, I took on the mentions is called
challenge to prove myself in a vocation unexplored a. Learning Science.
by Indians and more so, unexplored by women the b. Understanding Science.
world over. c. Teaching Science.

Making a Difference

I graduated from the Ballarat College of Advanced Education near Melbourne in Australia
in 1975 as a Master Brewer in Malting and Brewing.
After returning as India's first woman brewmaster, I was looking forward to an exciting
job ofleading a brewery in the country. I was in for a surprise asI discovered there were
no jobs for women in the brewing industry in India.

Casting aside the deep sense of disappointment that I felt, I focussed on finding a job
outside India and very quickly landed a very interesting role at a brewery in Scotland.

Before I could make that move, fate intervened in the form of an Irish biotech entrepreneur
who wanted a partner in India. I was reluctant at first because the thought of starting and
running my own company had never crossed my mind, but decided to accept the challenge.
With no prior business background, I began my journey in the world of business.

Biocon was born in a makeshift office in a garage in Bengaluru in 1978 with a small
personal investment of R10,000. I became the Managing Director of a biotech start-up,
which in the years to come would evolve into Asia's leading biopharmaceutical enterprise.

When I started Biocon, I was driven by the spirit to create a business that would leverage
science for the benefit of society. My strong grounding in the biological sciences,
followed by a practical academic course in fermentation-the science based on brewing
technology-enabled me to pursue biotechnology with a deep understanding of the life
sciences. I was also able to apply my scientific know-how across domains.

Biocon's initial mission was to 'green the world. nascent: just coming into existence
intervened: (here) became involved
We used biotechnology to produce eco-friendly to try to stop or change something
Kiran with her parents Kiran at the Bioco Corporate Office

Receiving the Padma Shri, 1989 Receiving the Padma Bhushan, 2005

Biocon Foundation's Initiatives

Healthcare services Education

industrial enzymes for use by food and textile makers. In time, Biocon became the biggest
enzymes maker in India. When I finally sold my enzyme business to a foreign competitor
in 2007, they conceded that some of the enzymes were impossible to compete with!

Having attained success in industrial enzymes, the next part of my journey was to leverage
the innovative power of biotechnology to make medicines. This time I wanted to 'heal the
world' by developing affordable, lifesaving drugs for patients across the globe.

Biocon today makes high-quality medicines for diseases like diabetes and cancer at the
lowest cost so that even the poor are able to afford them not only in India but around
the world. Today we are globally recognised for the massive difference we are making by
allowing many, many more people to access medication that could previously be afforded
by only the rich.
As the company grew bigger and more profitable, I decided to use a part of the profits
to help the poor and the needy. I thus established the Biocon Foundation in 2004
to make a social impact in the areas of healthcare, education and civic infrastructure.
I am proud to say that the foundation's initiatives have made a difference to many
rural communities.

While Biocon Foundation looks after the philanthropic activities of the company, I am
also involved in a number of philanthropic activities in my personal capacity. In 2005,
I established the Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre in Bengaluru that delivers affordable
and high-quality cancer care to patients.

More recently, I have been actively involved in restoring the glory of my city, Bengaluru.
With like-minded, engaged citizens from various walks of life, I have set up the Bangalore
Political Action Committee (BPAC), which is working towards ensuring better governance
in the city.

My pioneering efforts in biotechnology have

enzymes: chemicals that act as catalysts
brought me recognition both globally and from in chemical reactions
the Indian government, including the prestigious conceded: admitted
Padma Shri (1989) and the Padma Bhushan (2005). infrastructure: the underlying foundation
of a system or organisation
The US-based Chemical Heritage Foundation philanthropic: seeking to promote the
conferred on me the Othmer Gold Medal (2014) welfare of others
and Germany's Kiel Institute gave me the 2014 pioneering: done for the first time
using new methods
Global Economy Prize' for Business.

This organisation was later renamed the Science History Institute.

Be a Leader
In my life's journey, my ability to face and learn from failure helped me a great deal.
I faced many challenges in my early years as a businesswoman. Banks did not want
to give me loans, people were unwilling to be recruited and companies did not wish
to do business with me because I was a twenty-five-year-old woman who was trying
to sell products based on a novel technology called biotechnology! But that did not deter
me; in fact, it inculcated a spirit of challenge and a deep sense of purpose that pushed
me to my goals. It is this sense of determination that can spur you to overcome failure.
Remember, failure is temporary but giving up is final.
The best way to deal with failure is to pick yourself up, REFRESH
dust yourself off and try again, again and again. Complete these sentences.
1. In 2005, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Challenges, I believe, contain the seeds of opportunity, established . . *****************sst*********as***** *

which in turn give birth to innovation and progress 2. BPAC works for..*********a****************
When one is driven by the spirit of leadership, such 3. Determination can make us

challenges become milestones on the path to success. *** ****************s******************aso****

So instead of being hampered by what you do not have, try to use what you do
have to your advantage. Always be open to new ideas, experimentation and innovation.
I believe real leaders are those who spot opportunities where others see challenges.
They are committed to creating value from these opportunities, not just for their own
organisations but also for society at large. I believe that it is only through a commitment
to humanity and a passion for making a difference that true leadership is born.
Leaders who have made a difference and steered their organisations to new horizons
have rarely been conformists. Spurred by the courage of conviction, they have the zeal
to confront all odds. They are the entrepreneurial risk-takers and innovators. It is this
spirit that enables them to stand apart.

True leaders can come from any walk oflife -they are visionaries with a sense of purpose,
who persevere and have a passion for change. They know that leadership is not about
control but about being able to inspire people with values and vision.

You must channelise the innate leadership instinct that all of us possess and try to make
a difference in your own life as well as in the lives of others. This will not only result in
self-empowerment but also help society prosper.

conformists: those who Someone once said, Leadership is the capacity to translate
behave in a way that most vision into reality. I believe that self-belief and hard work
people think is correct can help you become that leader.
innate:natural -Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw

Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw (born 1953), a pioneering biotech entrepreneur, is the Executive
Chairperson and founder of Biocon Limited, Asia's leading biopharmaceuticals enterprise.
She has been named among the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine.
She is recognised as a global thought leader in biotechnology. In 2019, she became the first
Indian woman to be elected as a member of the United States National Academy of Engineering
(NAE) for her contribution to biopharmaceuticals and the biotechnology industry in India.
In 2020, she was awarded Australia's highest civilian honour and also became the third Indian
citizen and the second woman worldwide to win the EY World Entrepreneur of the Year award.

Answer these questions within 20 words each.
1. What can a good role model do?
2. Who served as a role model for Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw?
3. What was she fascinated with as a child?
4. Where did she land her first job?
5. When and where was Biocon born?
6. When was Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw awarded the Padma Shri?

B Answer these questions in 30-40 words each.

1. What surprise awaited Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw when she returned to India after
completing her education in Australia?
2. Describe Biocon's initial mission.
3. What does Biocon make today?
4. What does Biocon Foundation do?

C Answer these questions in 80-100 words each.

1. Why do you think Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw took up philanthropic activities?
2. How did Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw turn failure into a chance to learn something new?
3. What is the importance of facing challenges even if you fail? Give reasons for
your answer.

4. Summarise Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw's views about leadership and its qualities.

5. 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Explain this quote by
Lao Tzu using examples from the text.

D Read these sentences and answer the questions that follow.
1. Thave provided you the bestpossible school education...
a. Who said these words and to whom?
b. Why did the speaker say these words?
C. What lesson did the listener learn?
2. Leaders who have made a difference and steered their organisations to new horizons
have rarely been conformists.
a. Who is a conformist?
b. Why do people who make a difference usually not conform?
c. What does the speaker describe such leaders as?

Values and Life skills initiative and self-direction

Self-empowerment means taking control over your life, making good choices and enabling
yourself to believe in your abilities.
Think of a time when you had to decide on something for yourself, without the help
of your parents or elders. How difficult or easy was it? Share your views and narrate
the incident to your classmates.

Vocabulary cCAthe prefix bio

The prefix bio- forms words related to living beings. Some such words are given in
the box. Read the meanings and write the correct word for each.

biohazard biometrics bioprinting biochemist biodegradable biogas

1. the creation of human tissue using 3-D printing **************

2. that which can be separated into very small parts by

bacteria so that they are not harmful to the environment ***********************************************

3. the recording of people's physical features, such as

fingerprints etc for identification ********* ss **************

4. someone who studies the chemical processes that

occur in living things
5. used as fuel, it is produced when bacteria cause
plants or animal substances to decay ***************

6. something that may cause harm to people or to

the environment, especially a poisonous chemical
or an infectious disease ***********************************************


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