GP Reflective Paper

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Reflection paper GP

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has an enormous influence on the

structure and functioning of our society. Its correct utilization is
crucial for the future of humanity. This is not just a global issue,
but also a local one. AI programs like ChatGPT are increasingly
being integrated into our daily lives, including in educational
institutions and other local establishments.

Our group decided to dissect the broad subject of AI into more

manageable subtopics. Bowien van der Veen delved into the
effects of AI on individuals, focusing on how it influences human
behavior and development. Fabiënne van Ham explored the impact
of AI on employment, particularly its potential to cause job
displacement across various sectors. Maxim Portik investigated the
use of AI in educational settings, identifying the challenges and
potential solutions associated with it. Lastly, Umair Amir
concentrated on the critical issue of preserving privacy in this
digital era.

The experience of working in this diverse team was transformative.

Each member brought unique perspectives to the table, and
through our collective efforts, we were able to pinpoint the local
problem of AI's escalating influence in our society. The journey was
not without its challenges. We had to navigate through differing
opinions and methodologies, but this process ultimately enriched
our comprehension of the issue. We brainstormed, debated, and
finally reached a consensus on the key areas to focus on. This
experience underscored the value of diverse perspectives and the
importance of collaboration in problem-solving.

Before embarking on this project, my understanding of AI was

superficial, largely influenced by the glamorous, high-tech portrayals
in movies. However, through my research and the insights shared
by my team members, my perspective has undergone a significant
transformation. I've come to understand the potential pitfalls and
risks associated with AI, especially if not properly managed. I've
also realized the vast extent of AI's influence, which extends
beyond robots and automation to fundamentally altering the way
we live, work, and think.

One aspect that particularly struck me was the concept of big data
collection. I hadn't fully grasped the magnitude of data collection
and its potential to manipulate human behavior. This realization has
ignited my interest in the ethical implications of AI and data
privacy, areas I plan to delve deeper into in my future research.

This project has not only expanded my understanding of AI but

also reshaped my approach to research. I've learned to look
beyond the surface, to question assumptions, and to consider a
wider range of perspectives. I now perceive AI in a more realistic
light - as a powerful tool that holds immense promise but also
presents potential risks and ethical challenges. This balanced
understanding will guide my future research and interactions with
AI. It has made me more aware of the need for responsible use
and regulation of AI, to harness its benefits while mitigating its

Sources used for the presentation:

"Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Educational
Services" by the US Department of Education


"Artificial Intelligence, Authentic Impact: How Educational AI is Making the

Grade" by eSchoolNews


Perry, A. M., & Lee, N. T. (2022, 9 maart). AI is coming to schools, and if we’re

not careful, so will its biases. Brookings.


Pedro, F., Subosa, M., Rivas, A., & Valverde, P. (z.d.). Artificial intelligence in

education: challenges and opportunities for sustainable development. In

UNESDOC Digital Library.

These are the jobs most likely to be lost – and created – because of AI. (2023, 8

mei). World Economic Forum.

Roe, J., & Perkins, M. (2022). What are Automated Paraphrasing Tools and how do

we address them? A review of a growing threat to academic integrity.

International journal for educational integrity, 18(1).

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