Self Evaluation Test - 2: Choose The Correct Version, Paying Attention To The Use of English Tenses

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Choose the correct version, paying attention to the use of English tenses:
1. By the time you reach the Court, he ........................... released on bail.
a) had been
b) will have been
c) has been
d) was

2. While the people ......................... for the verdict, the judge was talking to the defendant
about his guilt.
a) had been waiting
b) are waiting
c) were waiting
d) wait

3. Right now I think I am ....................... . Come and pick me up!

a) followed
b) being followed
c) been followed
d) following

4. He ....................... down a street near his home when he was kidnapped.

a) walked
b) was walking
c) had been walking
d) is walking

5. One of the kidnappers ................ to kill him while they were driving away.
a) threatens
b) threatened
c) is threatening
d) had threatened

6. How long ago ....... you .......... an appeal?

a) did ... made
b) had ...made
c) did ... make
d) were ... made

7. I saw you yesterday, while you ................... that famous criminal.

a) were defending
b) defended
c) had been defending
d) defending

8. The witnesses were still being heard when I ............. the court of law.
a) left
b) leaved
c) was leaving
d) had left

9. She told me that she ..................... filing for divorce for a long time.
a) considered
b) had been considering
c) would consider
d) has been considering

10. This time tomorrow they .................... the witness.

a) will cross-examine
b) would cross-examine
c) will be cross-examining
d) are cross-examining

11. By the end of this year he ........................ ten years in prison.

a) will be spending
b) will spend
c) will have spent
d) has spent

12. We knew that the defendant .............. to do such a thing.

a) will never be able
b) are never able
c) would never be able
d) can never

13. They said that the new constitution ....................... soon.

a) would be voted
b) will be voted
c) would voted
d) is voted

14. By this time next year, he ..................... his prison sentence.

a) would have served
b) will have served
c) will serve
d) is serving

15. The criminal ....................... to trial if there is enough evidence against him.
a) would be brought
b) will have been brought
c) will be brought
d) was brought

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