Liu 2016 - Resolution Improvement For Enhancing Interference Fringes of Digital Holograms With Near Infrared Illuminance

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Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120

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Resolution improvement for enhancing interference fringes of digital

holograms with near infrared illuminance
Ning Liu ⇑, Chao Yang
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, School of Optoelectronics Engineering, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210023, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A new resolution improving method of enhancing the interference stripes, which can achieve better
Received 24 August 2016 reconstruction of the recorded object of infrared digital holography has been proposed in this paper.
Revised 7 October 2016 The experiment is conducted under near infrared illuminance. We create poor quality holograms with
Accepted 11 October 2016
very low-resolution interference stripes and enhance it with our new method. The processed holograms
Available online 12 October 2016
have much higher-resolution interference stripes. This method is based on interpolation theory, and we
make it works fast, stable and easy to apply. Both the forward and backward interpolation of the oriental
and portrait direction of the source pixels have been calculated, and have been used to realize the final
Infrared digital holography
Resolution improvement
aim of resolution improvement. During the experiment, since the responsivity of the CCD is not satisfied
Interference stripes enhancement with the illuminance laser, which is by design, we also give specific analysis on the experimental setup of
Image process our work to make sure the object information can be fully recorded by the optical setup but cannot be
reconstructed because of the low-resolution and unobvious of the interference stripes. After the resolu-
tion improvement process of the original hologram, the object information can then be fully recon-
structed, which is very clear in the paper. Figures and dataflow give evidence and demonstrate the
good performance of our method.
Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction to that of most coherent methods, such as speckle noise arising

from the roughness of the object surface when height variations
Digital holography has been considered as an effective way of exceed light wavelengths [19,20]. When a coherent light beam illu-
acquiring the full information of objects, and it has been used in minates the rough surfaces of randomly scattering objects, the
the field of microscopy [1,2], three dimensional imaging [3,4], waves scattered by different surface points fluctuate statistically
monitoring [5,6], particle measurement [7,8], and so on. Under because of height variations. The superposition of these scattered
most circumstances nowadays, the holograms of digital hologra- waves forms a stationary speckle pattern in the recording plane
phy are recorded using a Charged-Couple Device (CCD) instead of [21–23]. Thus, the hologram not only includes the grating structure
the holographic plate for easy calculation with the computers. of the light filed in object plane, it also incorporates speckles.
However, the size of the CCD sensitive array is much smaller than The presence of speckle noise in reconstructed images degrades
the holographic plate and only the object at a long distance from the image resolution and measurement accuracy [24,25].
the array can be recorded due to its low spatial resolution. The In recent years, many researchers have proposed effective
reconstruction of the low spatial resolution holograms usually suf- methods to enhance the hologram in order to acquire higher reso-
fers the problem of blur, unclear and loss of details of the original lution of the reconstruction image. For example, Zhang proposed a
object. These problems may be less obvious when reconstructing non-iterative reconstruction technique by combining multiple
the transparent object like cells, but it is much serious when shifted low-resolution holographic images to overcome the resolu-
reconstructing the scatter objects. In this case, super-resolution tion problem [9], Wang et al. placed a microsphere very close to
technique has been widely studied to increase the spatial the object to increase the resolution by transforming the object
resolution of the holograms for the aim of better reconstructions. wave from the higher frequency to the lower one, the resolution
Meanwhile, digital holography also possesses drawbacks similar enhancement then can be achieved from a single hologram [10],
Granero et al. used a diffraction grating between the input object
and the CCD recording device to direct additional high-order
⇑ Corresponding author.
spatial frequency content of the object spectrum towards the
E-mail address: (N. Liu).
1350-4495/Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
114 N. Liu, C. Yang / Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120

CCD [11], Liu et al. used similar method to achieve this goal [12], main strategy of the newly raised resolution improvement method
Hussain et al. used tilted illumination coupled with object rotation will be detailed introduced; in Section 4, we give demonstrate the
to increase the resolution of the reconstructed image [13], Zhang effort of our method to prove its effectiveness; in Section 5, we give
et al. applied a non-iterative multi-frame registration of the holo- conclusion of our method.
grams to increase the spatial resolution [14], Jiang et al. placed a
random phase plate between the object and the CCD and then
2. Experimental setup
using an iterative approach to enhance the resolution of digital
holography [15], Latychevskaia et al. used a self-extrapolation
2.1. Optical setup
approach to pad the surroundings of the hologram and then con-
duct an iterative reconstruction procedure to enhance the resolu-
In this section, we will discuss the optical setup of our experi-
tion [16], and so on. These methods all did great jobs in
ment, and determine the best location of the CCD and the object.
enhancing the resolution of the reconstruction. They all concen-
In our experiment, we adopt a Mach-Zender optical path, and
trated on how to holographical record as much as the higher fre-
use a laser to illuminate a metal coin. The optical setup is shown
quency information of the object, which in order to achieve high
as follows:
resolution reconstruction. As we know, the recoding of object
In our experiment, the laser source we choose is a 32 mW semi-
information is related to the character of the interference stripes,
conductor laser with the wavelength of 850 nm. The CCD we use is
such as the tilted angle, density and contrast. While the quality
type dmk23u445 of the Imaging Source, it has a focal plane array
of the interference stripes is related to the optical setup, the quality
with the dimension of 1280  960, the pixel distance is 3.75 lm
of the equipment, laser power and the CCD. All the modern super-
in both horizontal and vertical direction. L1, L2, L3 are focal lenses,
resolution methods are focused on creating and capturing more
BS1, BS2 are beam splitters, M1 is a reflective mirror. The object we
interference stripes to acquired much higher frequency detail of
use is commemorative coin with the diameter of 65 mm. The
the entire object. If the quality of the interference stripes is
reflective wave from the coin is consider as the object wave, while
degraded, the object cannot be fully retrieved.
the reflective wave from M1 is considered as the reference wave in
Usually under the lab environment, the quality of the interfer-
our experiment. This CCD has a very good spectrum response at the
ence stripes can easily be guaranteed. But when the digital holo-
wavelength of 632.8 nm, but when it comes to the wavelength of
graphic technology is brought out of the lab into the real world
850 nm, the spectrum response curve drops fast, only about 40%
application, the quality of the captured interference stripes will
left. The spectrum response curve of this CCD is shown in Fig. 2.
degrade seriously, especially using the laser source within the vis-
The reason we choose this kind of laser and CCD combination is
ible light spectrum. Or sometimes during the experiment, some
that, first we set the CCD and the object in a proper condition,
slightly change of the experimental setup will cause the interfer-
which will be discussed in the next section. This is for creating
ence stripes degrade. When these situations happen, it can barely
the best interference stripes of the object wave and the reference
reconstruct the object from the hologram even with the same opti-
wave. Then, considering that the CCD is not responding well at
cal setup or the quality of the equipment, all because of the degra-
the chosen wave length, the interference stripes will become very
dation of the interference stripes. In this paper, we raised a novel,
weak and hardly to observe, but they still exist. Thus, we can create
easy approach the enhance the resolution of the interference
a hologram with very low resolution of the interference stripes,
stripes of the captured hologram, which will give better recon-
when the reconstruction process is conducted, although the object
struction of the object. We adopt a Mach-Zender interference opti-
should be fully recorded according to the optical setup theoreti-
cal setup to conduct our experiment. In order to degrade the
cally, it fails anyway due to the low resolution of the interference
quality of the interference stripes, we innovatively use an
stripes. After we apply our resolution improvement process onto
850 nm near infrared illuminance as the light source, and use a
the original low resolution hologram, the stripes will be enhanced
CCD that works under visible light spectrum as the detect device.
significantly, and the full object information will be reconstructed.
We use a scatter coin as the object in the experiment so that the
interference stripes captured by the CCD will be very less obvious.
When we conduct the reconstruction process, the object cannot be 2.2. Detection study of the CCD and the object
fully retrieved, too much information will be lost. After our resolu-
tion improvement process of the hologram, the interference stripes As we mentioned above, the wavelength of the laser is not quite
become much clearer, and the quality of the reconstruction is satisfied with the spectrum response of the CCD. We use this strat-
improved significantly. egy to lower the resolution of the hologram generated by the inter-
This resolution improvement process is quite unlike the meth- ference of the object wave and the reference wave. We can create a
ods mentioned above. It is basically an interpolation process of a hologram which contains the full object information but cannot be
single hologram. It must be very careful that the interpolation can- fully reconstructed due to the unobvious of the stripes. To achieve
not ruin the character of the original hologram, if this happens, the this, the placement of the CCD and the object needs to be well
reconstruction will fail. Besides, this process focus on single holo- arranged. In our experiment, the width of the CCD focal plane is
gram, which need no multi-frame calculation or sophisticated L, the diameter of the object is D0, the distance between the CCD
equipment such as microsphere or grating plate. It will greatly and the object is d. The digital holographic recording scheme is
improve the computational speed than the multi-frame methods shown as follows:
and simplified the experiment than those which need them. Also, Let us consider the object wave as O0 ðx; yÞ, the wave field prop-
it is surely faster than the methods which need iterative process. agated to the CCD along the z axis can be expressed as Eq. (1)
We calculate the pixel relativity of the original hologram and according to the angular diffraction theory:
acquire higher resolution through the merge computation. This   qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Oðx; yÞ ¼ F 1 F½O0 ðx; yÞ exp j
2 2
method not only increase the use ratio of the information of the d 1  ðkf x Þ  ðkf y Þ ð1Þ
source hologram, but also decrease the accumulation of the inter-
polation error. Most importantly, it can greatly enhance the inter- where
ference stripes and get the better quality of reconstruction. Z 1 Z 1
This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, the optical F½O0 ðx; yÞ ¼ O0 ðx; yÞ exp½j2pðf x x þ f y yÞdxdy ð2Þ
1 1
experimental setup will be detailed introduced; in Section 3, the
N. Liu, C. Yang / Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120 115

j ¼ 1, k ¼ 2p=k represents the wave number, k is the wavelength Next, let us discuss the equivalent width of the CCD. Once the
of the laser, f x ; f y are the frequency coordinates of x, y. The object distance has been established, the equivalent width then determi-
wave field can be expressed as: nes the resolution limit of the optical system. According to Eq. (3),
Z Z   the highest angular frequency f x which could be recorded by the
1 1
2p CCD has to fulfill the next equation:
O0 ðx; yÞ ¼ F½O0 ðx; yÞ exp j ðkf x x þ kf y yÞ dfx f y ð3Þ
1 1 k
L þ D0
It can be seen from Eq. (3) that, the wave field emitted from the kf x ¼ h1 ¼ ð9Þ
object plane can be recognized as the superposition of plane waves.
Since CCD has the width limit of the focal plane, the dash arrow Because the maximum recordable frequency of the CCD is
represents the propagating direction of the highest angular spec- f max ¼ 2D1 x, according to Eq. (9), the equivalent width of the CCD Le
trum of the object wave, h1 represents the angle between the x axis when conducting the resolution improvement recording should
and the z axis of the highest angular spectrum of object wave fulfill the condition as follows:
which propagates towards z axis. If the pixel distance of the CCD 1 Le þ D0
is Dx, according to the sampling theory, the minimum width of ¼ ð10Þ
2Dx 2kd
the recordable interference stripes is 2Dx. According to Fig. 1, the
reference wave is a plane wave, the angle between the propagating That is to say, the equivalent width Le can be expressed as:
direction of reference wave and the z axis is h2 . Let kd
A1 expðjkx sin h1 Þ represents the plane wave with the highest angu- Le ¼  D0 ð11Þ
lar spectrum, A2 expðjkx sin h2 Þ represents the reference wave,
thus, the amplitude interference of these two waves can be From the above deduction we can see that, when the parame-
expressed as: ters in Fig. 3 are determined, the equivalent with of the CCD Le is
then determined. If the object size is bigger than Le , the CCD cannot
IðxÞ ¼ A21 þ A22 þ 2A1 A2 cos½kxðsin h1 þ sin h2 Þ ð4Þ record higher angular frequency of the object wave, which will
cause ill reconstruction of the object, meanwhile, the performance
Under the paraxial approximation, sin h1 ¼ h1 ¼ LþD 0
, sin h2 ¼ h2 ,
2d of the CCD cannot be fully developed if the optical setup is smaller
so the width of interference stripes is determined as:
than Le , the theoretical calculation must be the same as the real
k optical setup. In our experiment, we setup the optical path accord-
T ¼ LþD ð5Þ
þ h2 ing to which discussed above and make sure that the object infor-
mation will be mostly recorded by the CCD. The only problem is
Given T ¼ 2Dx, we can get from Eq. (5) that: that the wavelength of the laser will not cause enough response
L þ D0 k by the CCD, the interference stripes will be very unobvious which
þ h2 ¼ ð6Þ leads to a bad reconstruction of the object. If we can greatly super-
2d 2 Dx
enhance the stripes, we can still get a good reconstruction of the
In order to fully separate the ±1 spectrum when conducting the object.
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) onto the captured hologram, the angle
between the reference wave and the z axis should be fulfilling the
3. Super-resolution method of the interference stripes
condition of h2 ¼ 34D
[17], thus, we have:
L þ D0 12D0 k In this section, we will discuss the main strategy of our resolu-
þ ¼ ð7Þ
2d 8d 2Dx tion improvement method of enhancing the interference stripes.
From Eq. (7) we can see that, the best recording distance which Unlike the usual common super-resolution methods of digital
could fully take advantage of the performance of the CCD in off- holography, our main focus is to super-enhance the unobvious
axis digital holography is calculated by: interference stripes of the hologram for reconstructing all the
object information. That means, the super-resolution process can-
d ¼ ðL þ 4D0 ÞDx=k ð8Þ not destroy the original interference pattern of the hologram

Fig. 1. Optical setup of our experiment.

116 N. Liu, C. Yang / Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120

Fig. 2. Spectrum response of the CCD.

Fig. 3. Digital holographic recording scheme of the CCD.

Fig. 4. Relative position between source pixel and target pixe.

which may cause the failure of the upcoming reconstruction. For
this consideration, we design an improved Newton interpolation
more, the bigger the weighting coefficient is. That means, the rela-
method. The whole process has the advantage of easy calculation,
tiveness of the source pixel can be calculated by the second order
fast and stable. It will be discussed step by step.
The main resolution improvement interpolation scheme is
shown as Fig. 4, which gives the interpolation of the source pixels D2 f þ ¼ jðf j;iþ2  f j;iþ1 Þ  ðf j;iþ1  f j;i Þj ¼ jf j;iþ2  2f j;iþ1 þ f j;i j ð13Þ
and the target (interpolation) pixels.
In Fig. 1, the hollow circle represents the source pixels, the solid D2 f  ¼ jðf j;iþ1  f j;iþ2 Þ  ðf j;iþ2  f j;iþ3 Þj ¼ jf j;iþ1  2f j;iþ2 þ f j;iþ3 j ð14Þ
circle and the dot circle represent the target pixels. In order to real-
ize the resolution improvement of the interference stripes, we use The relativeness weighting coefficient can be expressed as:
the value of the source pixels to calculate the interpolation result
D2 f þ
from both horizontal and vertical direction. Then, we calculate w1 ¼ ð15Þ
the resolution improvement interpolation results based on the D f þ þ D2 f 

potential pixel relativeness by means of the merge computation.

D2 f 1
According to Fig. 4, first we calculate the interpolation result of w2 ¼ ð16Þ
f j;mþ1 . To do this, we use the pixels of f j;i , f j;iþ1 and f j;iþ2 to calculate D f þ þ D2 f 

the oriental forward interpolation, and get the result marked f j;mþ1 . Similarly, for pixel f kþ1;i , its portrait forward and backward
Then we use the pixels of f j;iþ3 , f j;iþ2 and f j;iþ1 to calculate the orien- 0 00
interpolation of f kþ1;i and f kþ1;i can be calculated by pixel f j;i , f jþ1;i ,
tal backward interpolation, and get the result marked f j;mþ1 . The f jþ2;i , f jþ3;i , and the resolution improvement interpolation of f kþ1;i
resolution improved pixel value of f j;mþ1 can be expressed as: can then be calculated by adding proper relativeness weighting
0 00 coefficient, respectively.
f j;mþ1 ¼ w1 f j;mþ1 þ w2 f j;mþ1 ð12Þ
In our experiment, we calculate the pixel f kþ1;mþ1 within the res-
where w1 and w2 represent the relativeness weighting coefficient olution improved image by the forward and backward weighting
of forward and backward interpolation. These coefficients give the interpolation of the source pixel which has the orientation of
relativeness of the source pixel when conducting the interpolation. 45°or 135°:
The relativeness depicts the property of the image area where the  045  0045  0135  00135
f kþ1;mþ1 ¼ w45
1 f kþ1;mþ1 þ w2 f kþ1;mþ1 þ w1
45 135
f kþ1;mþ1 þ w135
2 f kþ1;mþ1
source pixels have been used during the interpolation. The larger
consistency of the property, the bigger the relativeness is, further- ð17Þ
N. Liu, C. Yang / Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120 117

Fig. 5. Resolution improvement effectiveness of the proposed method. (a) The original hologram. (b) The super-enhanced hologram.

45 135
D2 f þ ¼ jf jþ3;i  2f jþ2;iþ1 þ f jþ1;iþ2 j ð18Þ D2 f  ¼ jf j;i  2f jþ1;iþ1 þ f jþ2;iþ2 j ð21Þ
 D2 f þ
D2 f  ¼ jf j;iþ3  2f jþ1;iþ2 þ f jþ2;iþ1 j ð19Þ w45
1 ¼ 45 45 135 135
D2 f þ þ D2 f  þ D2 f þ þ D2 f 
D2 f þ ¼ jf jþ3;iþ3  2f jþ2;iþ2 þ f jþ1;iþ1 j ð20Þ  D2 f 
2 ¼ 45 45 135 135
D2 f þ þ D2 f  þ D2 f þ þ D2 f 

Fig. 6. The comparison of the reconstruction of object information. (a) The FFT of the original hologram. (b) The FFT of the super-enhanced hologram. (c) The object
reconstruction of the original hologram. (d) The object reconstruction of the super-enhanced hologram.
118 N. Liu, C. Yang / Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120

 D2 f þ methods, is focused on enhancing the quality of the interference
1 ¼ 2 45 2 45 135 135
ð24Þ stripes, which can be used to fully reconstruct the object informa-
D fþ þ D f þ D2 f þ þ D2 f 
tion. Also, it can be seen from Fig. 5 that, our method does not
135 change or destruct the shape and distribution of the interference
 D2 f  stripes, which is promising to succeed in object information recon-
2 ¼ 45 45 135 135
D2 f þ þ D2 f  þ D2 f þ þ D2 f  struction without adding or erasing it.
Next, we use Fig. 5 to conduct the reconstruction process sepa-
045 0045 0135 00135
where f kþ1;mþ1 , f kþ1;mþ1 , f kþ1;mþ1 and f kþ1;mþ1 represent the interpola- rately. The reconstruction process is according to Eq. (1). We use
tion of forward 45°, backward 45°, forward 135°, and backward the angular spectrum reconstruction instead of the Fresnel recon-
135°. Because all the resolution improved pixels’ value is calculated struction. The result is shown as follows:
through the weighting interpolation of the source pixel of original We conduct the FFT on the original low-resolution hologram
hologram, the accumulation error can then be reduced, which and the processed high-resolution hologram and get the results
improves the quality of the resolution improved image. By applying shown in Fig. 6. As it can be seen in Fig. 6(a), the ±1 order frequency
this method onto the original hologram, the interference stripes can spectrum of the object can hardly be observed in the frequency
be greatly enhanced. domain. The reconstruction of hologram with low-resolution inter-
ference stripes can only retrieve very little object information as in
4. Analysis of the experimental results Fig. 6(c). Only the central pattern of the coin can be reconstructed,
the four Chinese character on the top part of the coin has been
In this section, we will analyze the performance of this newly missed miserably. The contour of the coin is also cannot be dis-
raised resolution improvement method. The computational laptop played. Meanwhile, even the reconstructed information of the
we use has an inter(R) Core(TM) i5-6300U CPU with the frequency object is hard to tell what it is. While in Fig. 6(b), the ±1 order fre-
of 2.40 GHz, it also has an 8 GB DDR4 ram. First, we give figure quency spectrum of the object is very clear in the frequency
demonstration to show the effectiveness of our method. domain. The coin information has been fully retrieved by the pro-
Fig. 5(a) is the original hologram. As it can be seen, the interfer- cessed hologram with high-resolution of the interference stripes.
ence stripes are very unobvious in the original hologram. As we Also, since the interference stripes have been enhanced, the ampli-
mentioned above, this is because that the CCD can only reach about tude of the ±1 order has been enhanced either. This is the reason
40% responsivity of the 850 nm near infrared laser illuminance. that Fig. 6(d) looks much brighter than Fig. 6(c). During the compu-
After the resolution improvement process, the interference stripes tation in Matlab, we set the display range of the reconstruction at
are very well enhanced. Here we explain that, the common super- the same scale so that the brightness improvement is based on the
resolution methods, such as multi-illuminance method, multi- enhancement of the interference stripes.
frame iteration and so on, are mainly focused on increasing the Next, we give other figure demonstration of the performance of
density of the interference stripes to make the reconstruction our method. Fig. 7 is a pair of holograms with and without our
object much clearer. Our method, however unlike the common method. The object is a reflective MEMS chip.

Fig. 7. The comparison of holograms and the numerical reconstruction of a MEMS object with and without the proposed method. (a) Original low-resolution hologram.
(b) Processed resolution improved hologram. (c) Reconstruction of low-resolution hologram. (d) Reconstruction of resolution improved hologram.
N. Liu, C. Yang / Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120 119

Fig. 8. The numerical intensity distribution of the selected window of Figs. 5 and 7. (a) The intensity distribution plots of Fig. 5(a) and (b), the red mark stands for the low-
resolution hologram (LRH), the blue mark stands for the super-resolution hologram (SRH). (b) The intensity distribution plots of Fig. 7(a) and (b), the red mark stands for the
low-resolution hologram (LRH), the blue mark stands for the super-resolution hologram (SRH). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

As we can see from Fig. 7(a), the interference stripes on the orig- (SF) to prove the discussion. The SF index reflects the total activity
inal hologram are very unobvious and hard to observe according to of the pixel value of an image. It contains two parts of spatial row
the big red1 square. Meanwhile, the reconstruction of the low- frequency (RF) and spatial column frequency (CF), the calculation
resolution hologram is blurry, some object information is also of these two parts are expressed as follows:
missed. However, in Fig. 7(b), the resolution of the interference rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
stripes has been greatly improved, and can easily be observed. The 1 XM XN 2
RF ¼ ðf  f i;j1 Þ
j¼2 i;j
quality of the reconstruction is also much better than Fig. 7(c). Here MN i¼1

we have to explain the reason why the reconstruction of the original rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
hologram is better than which shows in Fig. 5. This because that the 1 XM XN 2
CF ¼ ðf  f i1;j Þ
j¼1 i;j
coin is a scatter object, it generates the diffuse reflection when the MN i¼2

expanded laser beam illuminated on its surface. While the MEMS qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
chip is a polished object which generates the mirror reflection. SF ¼ RF 2 þ CF 2 ð28Þ
Meanwhile, the size of the coin is much bigger than the MEMS chip
since the dimension of the chip is only 10 mm  10 mm. In these where M, N are the dimension of the hologram. We use Eqs. (26)–
cases, the light reflects from the coin surface is way much weaker (28) to calculate the data reported in Fig. 5(a), (b) and Fig. 7
than from the chip surface. Since the laser illuminance is not so sat- (a), (b), the results are shown in Table 1.
isfied with the CCD, the performance of object reconstruction of the Table 1 gives a clear demonstration of the enhancement of
original hologram of Fig. 5 is much poorer than which of Fig. 7. interference stripes. As we can see, all the three index have been
Hence, we calculate the numerical intensity distribution [18] of greatly improved when our new method has been conducted onto
the selected window to depict the resolution enhancement of our the original holograms. The SF index goes up to 7 times higher than
method. As in Fig. 5(a), (b) and Fig. 7(a), (b), the selected windows the original one at most, which shows the same proof as the figure
have the dimension of 40  40 pixels. The numerical intensity dis- illustration. Our method has great ability of enhancing the low-
tributions have been calculated towards the direction of the brown resolution holograms into their resolution improved version.
line in these selected windows. The results have been demon- This technique can greatly enhance the resolution of the origi-
strated below. nal captured hologram, it can increase the visibility of the interfer-
From Fig. 8(a) we can see that, the intensity distributions of the ence fringes which contains the object information, and thus
original holograms are hard to distinguish, while in Fig. 8(b), the retrieve the high quality reconstruction of the original object.
distributions are much distinguishable due to the resolution Unlike the other super-resolution techniques, this technique is
enhancement of the interference stripes. The improvement of the
intensity distribution can also be considered that the spatial reso-
Table 1
lution has been increased as well. Meanwhile, according to Fig. 8,
The SF comparison of the original holograms and the enhanced holograms.
we can also deduct that the spatial frequency of the interference
stripes has been increased since the pixel intensity distribution Fig. 5 Fig. 7

has become much steeper. We give the index of spatial frequency (a) (b) (a) (b)
RF 4.7382 30.8720 6.2111 28.9452
CF 4.7114 30.4404 6.0133 25.7912
For interpretation of color in Fig. 7, the reader is referred to the web version of SF 6.6819 43.3555 8.6451 38.7687
this article.
120 N. Liu, C. Yang / Infrared Physics & Technology 79 (2016) 113–120

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