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INTLX No. 18002 - RWC– 29.04.

2021 – Singapore – LEHQ

Hand pinched in between machine and starter bar.

Lessons from Incident

Description: Recognition
• The contractor worker was operating a portable bar bending machine to bend the • -
starter bar from the drilled pile.
• When the contractor accidentally activated the machine, his left hand was caught Lessons from this Incident & respective Preventive Actions:
between the machine and the rebar. • Communicate the lessons from incident to all employees.
Consequences: • Discuss with your team the reasons why employees would avoid reporting incidents
• The contractor worker suffered a hairline fracture on his left hand and was prescribed (e.g., fear, embarrassment, lack of time, convenience, company culture, downplaying
restricted work for 42 days. incident, quick fixes, etc.) and what would they need to accept and feel encouraged to
report incident.
• Discuss with your team the 5 good practices of the “Hand Safety Mind-Set” they can
Causes: enforced today:
• Contractor worker misjudged risk and hazard by placing left hand in line of fire. 1. No Hand on Moving Loads or Equipment
• The risk assessment did not take into account that the user could accidentally trigger the 2. Hands Off When Energy On
machine while attempting to pull the machine out.
3. Hand On Permission to Manually Lift or Carry heavy Load
• The injured worker feared reporting his injury to management; He self-medicated.
4. Right Tools and Right Gloves for Every Tasks
5. Watch out for Pinch Points
Corrective/Preventive Actions Taken:
• Revised risk assessment for installation of rebar.
• Isolation of power supply during extraction of handheld rebar bending machine

Behaviour oriented Actions taken:

• Re-briefing to bar bending crew on the safe use of the portable bar bending machine.
• Consequence Management on Site Supervisor and Foreman for not reporting the
incident once they knew about it.
• All remaining Site supervisor and Foremen to sign an undertaking letter on incident
management procedure. Confirmation of implementation of defined preventive actions:
Name [Site Manager]:______________________
Date / Signature: ______________________

Form: &AX-Q-RX 1050.520.12A (EN)/ Issue 03 dated 2020-05-07 (complete revision)

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