Target For Tonight Charts (Campaigns 1-4) 2

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Table 3-1 Weather Over Base Roll 1d10 Table 6-1 Target Visibility Roll 1d6

1- Bad – Op Scrubbed* -2 Jan/Feb/Dec 1- Clear Conditions -1 Clear -1 Full

2-3 Poor -1 Mar/Apr/Oct/Nov 2-3 Slightly Obscured +1 Crescent +1 Haze
4+ Good *No Nightfighter Attacks 4-5 Mostly Obscured +1 50% +2 100%
6+ Completely Obscured
Table 3-1A Bomber Stream Position Roll 1d6
1-2 Last 1/3 +1 Gee Table 6-2 The Bomb Run Roll 2d6
3-4 Middle 1/3 +2 Gee-H 2- Off Target Off Target if: Bombsight, Bomb
5-6 First 1/3 3+ On Target Bay Doors, Control Cables Inop
-X for # of Zones Off Course -5 Op before Sept 4
Table 3-2 Take-Off Roll 1d10 -2 Corkscrew -2 Auto Pilot Inop
1 Possible Malfunction -2 Completely Obscured -1 Mostly Obscured
2+ Take-Off -1 Bomb Aimer 5- Ops -1 Not Navigator
Possible Malfunction Roll 1d10 -1 Not Bomb Aimer +1 Clear Conditions
1-6 False Alarm +1 Op After May 1943 +1 Low
7-9 Rough Run Up (Engine Malfunction Table 4-3B-E) +1 Bomb Aimer 11+ Ops +2 Gee or Gee-H
10 Crash (Table 3-3) +3 H2S and Nav

Table 3-3 Crash Roll 1d6 Table 6-7 Bombing Accuracy Roll 2d6
Crash into Runway Barrier. On Target Off Target **Roll 3d6 Times 1d6
Crew Safe and Bomber Repairable 2 ** ** ***Roll 2d6 – 6 Times 3
Crash into Runway Barrier. 3 60% 10% (Never Less than 0)
Roll on 5-17 for each Crew. Bomber Destroyed. 4 50% 5%
Crash Beyond Perimeter Fence and Bomber Burns 5 40% 0%
Roll on 5-17 for each Crew, with a +1 DRM. 6 30% 0%
Crash Beyond Perimeter Fence 7 20% 0%
Bombs Explode. Bomber Destroyed. All Crew KIA. 8 30% 0%
9 40% 5%
Table 7-1 Landing Roll 2d6 10 50% 10%
-3 Bomber Destroyed. Crew KIA 11 ** ***
-2 Bomber Destroyed and* +1 DRM on Table 5-17 12 88+2D6% ***
-1 Bomber Destroyed and*
0 Bomber Destroyed. Crew Safe Table 6-8 Thermal Turbulence Roll 1d6
1 Bomber Repairable. Crew Safe 1- Severe Turbulence
2+ Bomber Safe. Crew Safe. 2+ Moderate to Negligible Turbulence
Nat 12 is always Crew Safe
-2 Low -1 First 1/3 +1 Last 1/3
-7 No Engines Operating -4 Bombs Onboard
+1 High +1 Off Target
-3 One Engine Operating -3 Crash Land in Europe
-3 Landing Gear/Instruments Inop -2 Bad
Table 6-9 Severe Turbulence Roll 2d6
-2 Two Engines Same Side Out -2 Both Flaps Inop
1-6 Safe Passage
-2 Both Ailerons Inop -1 Poor
7 Roll One Hit on Specific Damage Table per Wing
-1 Not Pilot -1 Brakes Out
8 One Wing Root Hit for per Wing
-1 Rudder Out -1 Both Elevators Out 9 One Wing Root Hit for per Wing and*
-1 Tail Wheel Inop +2 Pilot 11+ Ops 10 Roll for Possible Collision
Bombs Hung Up in Updraft
Roll 1d6: 1-5 No Effect; 6 Bombs Explode. Crew KIA
0- With Bombs still aboard. Roll 1d6: 6 Bombs Explode Your Bomber Flipped Over!
If Landing in Occupied Territory Roll 1d6: 12 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Bomber Falls Violently. Crew KIA.
6 Rescued by Underground 5-6 Control Regained. Two Wing Root Hits and*
*Roll 1d6 per Crewman: 1-5 No Effect; 6 Roll on Table 5-17
Table 7-2 Landing in Water Roll 2d6 Table 5-11 Random Events Roll 2d6
3- Crew Lost Nat 12 is always “Crew Rescued” Engine Failure!
4+ Crew Rescued* 2 Roll for Random Engine
-6 Radio Inop -5 No Engines Operating If rolled again, the Engine Restarts!
-4 Bombs Onboard -3 One Engine Operating A crewman with Night Vision is Dazzled
Regains DRM in the Following Zone
-2 Dinghy Damaged -2 Not Pilot
Bomber Aimer’s Rabbit’s Foot!
-2 Both Flaps Inop -2 Both Ailerons Inop 4
+1 DRM on Table 6-6
-1 2 Windscreen Hits -1 Control Cables Inop Mosquito Escort
-1 Rudder Inop -1 Both Elevators Inop 5
Mosquito drives off One Nightfighter
-1 Haze +1 Pilot 11-25 Ops Navigator sees a Landmark!
+2 Pilot 26+ Ops 6 Disregard all previous “Off Course” Results
Stay “On Course” for one more Zone
Lady Luck Smiles on You!
*If Bombs still aboard. Roll 1d6: 6 Bombs Explode 7
Obtain a single Reroll to be used anytime
Roll 1d6 per Crewman: 1-3 No Effect; 4-6 Roll on Table 5-17
Onboard EW Failure
Crew in Nose and Front Centre +1 DRM on Table 5-17 8
Roll 1d6 per EW: 4-6 Device not Working
Bad Luftwaffe Communications
Table 7-3 Controlled Bailout Roll 1d6 per Crewman One Less NF
1- Roll 1d6: 1-5 Bailout, 6 KIA SW cannot Bailout Extreme Cold (Ignore if at Low)
2+ Bailout* Roll 1d6 per Gun/Turret: 6 Gun Jammed
Ace for a Day!
-1 LW -1 Haze 11
Random Gunner receives the Ace DRM for the Op
Possible Collision
*If Bailout in Occupied Territory, Roll 1d6: 12 Roll 2d6: 6-8 Dive One Altitude Lower,
6 Rescued by Underground 9-11 NF Attack, 12 Mid-Air Collision. Crew Bailout.
If Bailout over Water, roll Percentile: 1-25 Rescued, 26+ MIA All events occur in the next zone
Water in Zone 2-5 return to England, 6+ Captured

Table 7-4 Uncontrolled Bailout Roll 1d6 per Crewman Alps Tables
1- Roll 1d6: 1-5 Bailout, 6 KIA SW cannot Bailout Must be at High Altitude to enter the Alps
2+ Bailout* If not capable of High, spend an extra turn in the Zone and
-1 LW -1 Haze attempt to Find a Pass.

*If Bailout in Occupied Territory, Roll 1d6: Find a Pass Roll 1d10
6 Rescued by Underground Pass Found
If Bailout over Water, roll Percentile: 1-25 Rescued, 26+ MIA Roll 1d6, 6 Bomber Crashes and all Crew KIA
Water in Zone 2-5 return to England, 6+ Captured 8-10 No Pass. Must Abort.

Weather Over Alps Roll 1d10 (Only if 100% on Table 4-1)

1- Severe Icing Conditions. Must Abort.
High Clouds and Extreme Cold (Table 5-11)
Roll 1d10, 10 Bomber Crashes and all Crew KIA
4+ Good Weather. Continue Operation.
-1 Dec, Jan, or Feb +1 June, July, Aug
If you are returning to Base and get Severe Icing, return to
previous Zone and attempt to enter the following turn.
If coming from Italy, divert to Malta. Use Zones below
Table 4-1 Weather Roll 1d10 Table 5-1 AAA Fire Roll 1d6
2- Clear DRM Based off Previous Zone 1- No AAA Fire -1 50% +1 Clear
3-5 Haze -1 if Clear or Good 2-4 Light AAA Fire +1 Contrails +1 Target Zone
6-8 50% Cloud Cover +1 if 50% or Poor 5-6 Medium AAA Fire +1 Low and Engine Out
9+ 100% Cloud Cover +2 if 100% 7+ Heavy AAA Fire +1 Searchlight

Table 4-2 Mission Recall Roll Percentile Table 5-2 AAA Fire Hit Roll 2d6
1-6 Recalled Only roll if 100% Light Medium Heavy Roll 3x at High
7+ Continue Do not roll if Radio is Inop 2 Hit Hit Hit Roll 4x at Low
If recalled, Roll 1d6: 4-6 Spoof Raid = Full Op Credit 3 Miss Hit Hit
4 Miss Miss Hit
5-9 Miss Miss Miss
Table 4-3 Mechanical Failure Roll Percentile
10 Miss Miss Hit
1-4 System Failure, Roll on Table 4-3B 11 Miss Hit Hit
5-100 No Malfunction 12 Hit Hit Hit
1-4 System Failure, Roll on Table 4-3C
5-100 No Malfunction
1-7 System Failure, Roll on Table 4-3D Table 5-3 Shell Hits Roll 2d6
8-100 No Malfunction
1-4 System Failure, Roll on Table 4-3E
Wellington 3 3
5-100 No Malfunction
4-5 2
6-9 1
Table 4-4 Contrails Roll 1d10 10-11 2
1-3 Contrails Do not roll if 100% 12 3
4-10 No Contrails
Table 5-4 Area Affected Roll 2d6
Table 4-5 Kammhuber Line Roll 2d6 2 Bomb Bay Roll once for each Shell Hit
5- Not Detected -1 if using Mandrel 3 Superficial from 5-3
6+ Detected -1 if first 1/3 and before June 43 4 Rear Centre
+1 if last 1/3 and before June 43 5 Front Centre Refer to your Bomber’s
6 Port Wing Pilot’s Manual for the
7 Superficial
Table 4-7 Searchlight/AAA Gun Detection Roll 2d6 Specific Damage Tables
8 Starboard Wing
Full Half Crescent
9 Tail
6- 7- 8- Not Detected 10 Nose
7+ 8+ 9+ Detected 11 Superficial
-2 Haze -1 if using Mandrel 12 Bomb Bay
-1 50% -1 First 1/3 +1 Clear
+1 100% +1 Contrails +1 Last 1/3 Table 5-15 Navigation Roll 1d10
+1 Burning
1- Off Course
2+ On Course
Table 4-7A Continuing Searchlight Illumination Roll 1d6 -2 DR Compass Inop -2 Corkscrew in Zone
High Low -2 Gee or Gee-H Inop -2 Nav KIA or SW
2- Evaded Evaded -2 100% -1 Low
3 Illuminated Evaded -1 50% -1 Radio Inop
4+ Illuminated Illuminated
-1 Nav 5- Ops -1 Crescent
-2 Haze -1 Low -1 First 1/3 +1 Last 1/3
-1 50% +1 Clear +1 Full Moon +1 Clear
+1 Contrails +1 100% +1 Nav 6-26 Ops +2 Nav 26+ Ops
+1 Burning +2 H2S (No DRM at Low)
Table 5-5 Number of German Nightfighters Roll 1d10 Table 5-12 Defensive Fire Roll 2d6
2- Random Event* -2 England -1 First Water 1- Miss Nat 2 is always a Jam
3-7 1 -1 Corkscrew in prev encounter 2 Gun Jam* Nat 12 is always a Hit
8+ 2 +1 Illuminated +2 Target Zone 3-7 Miss *Go to…
*Table 5-11 8+ Hit
-3 VD -2 Intercom Out (N/A TG)
Table 5-6 Nightfighter Detection of Bomber Roll 2d6 -1 Experte -2 All Turrets if Power Out
Full Half Crescent -1 Corkscrew -1 Not Gunner -1 Frostbite
6- 7- 8- Not Detected +1 Novice +1 Ace +1 Me 110 F-4
7+ 8+ 9+ Detected +1 Ju 88 C-6 +1 3, 6, or 9 +2 SM
-2 Poor -1 Novice -1 First 1/3
-1 50% +1 Clear/Good +1 Veteran Table 5-12B Hit Damage Roll 1d10
+1 100% +1 Last 1/3 +1 Contrails Me 110 Ju 88 Me 110 Do 217 Do 217
+2 Experte +2 Burning +2 Illuminated F-4 C-6 G-4 J-1 N-2
+3 Lichtenstein 1- SD SD SD SD SD
For Table 5-7 to 5-8 Refer to Campaign Sheet 3 FCA FCA FCAB FCA SD
Table 5-9 Nightfighter Clock Position Roll 2d6 6 FCA FCA FCA FCA FCA
5 12 10+ D D D D D
6-8 6 +4 Twin .50s +2 Single .50 +2 Quad .303
9 9 +1 Novice +1 Ace -1 Experte
10 3 -1 Single .303
11 6
12 VD
SD: Superficial Damage FCAB: Breaks Off after Attack
FCA: Continues Attack. 3FCA = D
Table 5-9A Nightfighter Attack Level Roll 1d6
FBOA: Breaks Off After Attack. FBOA + FCA = D
1-2 High D: Destroyed
3-4 Level
5-6 Low
Table 5-12E Area Spray Fire Roll 1d6
Table 5-10 Bomber Detection of Nightfighter Roll 2d6 1 Gun Jam*
2-3 Fighter Breaks Off (No 2nd Round)
Full Half Crescent
4-5 Fighter Attacks Normally**
6- 7- 8- Not Detected
6 Fighter Destroyed
7+ 8+ 9+ Detected
Cannot be used against 12, 1:30. 10:30 or VD
-2 Illuminated -2 Burning -2 Poor
**Roll 1d6: 1-2 Gun Jam*; 3-6 No Jams
-1 50% -1 Experte -1 Contrails vs 6 Lvl or Low
+1 Novice +1 Clear/Good +1 if Gunner has NV
+2 After 1 SM Attack +4 Monica vs 3, 6, 9

*Gun Jams Procedure

For Single: Automatically Jammed
For Twin: Roll 1d6, 1-4 One Gun Jams; 5-6 Both Guns Jam
For Quad: Roll 1d6, 1-4 One Side Jams; 5-6 All Guns Jam
Can attempt to fix one jammed gun in each Zone. Roll 1d6:
1-2 Gun Fixed; 3-5 Remains Jammed; 6 Permanently Broken
Table 5-13 German Offensive Fire Roll 2d6 Table 5-17 Crew Wounds Roll 1d6
12/1:30 8- Miss -X from Damage Counters 1-3 LW LW: No Effect. 3LW=SW. 4LW = KIA
10:30/VD 9+ Hit -1 Pilot 10+ Ops 4-5 SW* SW: Cannot Perform Duties. SW + LW = KIA
3/9 7- Miss -1 Corkscrew 6 KIA
8+ Hit -1 Novice *Roll 1d6 upon Landing, 1 Recovers; 2-5 Sent Home; 6 KIA
6/VC 6- Miss +1 Veteran
7+ Hit
+1 Two+ Engines Out Table 5-18 Frostbite Roll 1d6
Schrage Musik 4- Miss
5+ Hit +2 Experte 1-3 No Effect +1 for each Zone since Heat Out
Nat 12 is always a Hit 4-5 Frostbite Severe: Cannot Operate Gun
6+ Severe Frostbite*
Table 5-13A Number of Shell Hits Roll 2d6 Roll 1d6 upon Landing, 1-3 Recover; 4-6 Sent Home
12/1:30/10:30 3/9 6 VD/VC SM *+1 on above Recover roll
2 3 3 5 3 5
3 2 3 4 3 4 Table 5-19 O2 Fire Roll 1d6
4-5 2 2 3 2 4 *Limit 3 Tries
1-5 Fire Out
6 1 2 2 1 3
6 Fire Continues* If not out, Bailout Table 7-3
7 1 1 2 1 3
8 1 2 2 1 3
9-10 2 2 3 2 4
11 2 2 4 3 4
12 3 3 5 3 5

Table 5-13B Hit Multiplier Roll 1d6

Me 110 Me 110 Ju 88 Do 217 Do 217 SM
F-4 G-4 C-6 J-1 N-2
1 x0* x0* x1 x1 x1 x1
2 x0* x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
3 x1 x1 x1 x1 +1 x1 x1
4 x1 x2 x1 x1 +1 x1 +1 x1
5 x1 x2 x1 x2 x1 +1 x2
6 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 +1 x2
*Roll 1d6: 1-3 Superficial Damage; 4-6 x1

Table 5-14 Continuing Nightfighter Attacks Roll 1d10

5- Contact Lost Do not Roll if VD/VC
6+ Another Round of Combat
-2 Novice -2 Corkscrew -2 Pilot 10+ Ops
-2 Poor -2 England -1 Per FCA
-1 First Water -1 50% -1 Crescent
+1 Full +100% +1 Clear/Good
+1 Defensive Fire +1 Veteran +2 Burning
+2 Experte +2 Lichtenstein

Table 5-16 Collision Table Roll 2d6

10- No Collision
11+ Possible Collision. Roll 1d6, 6 Collision
Roll for Area Hit. Then apply BIP

-1 Experte -1 No Hits -1 6 o’clock

+1 Corkscrew +1 Flieger +1 Other Bomber
+2 Novice +2 SM

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