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A quantitative approach was followed. Quantitative research is a formal, objective, systematic process to
describe and test relationships and examine cause and effect interactions among variables. Surveys may
be used for descriptive, explanatory and exploratory research.

A descriptive survey design was used. A survey is used to collect original data for describing a population
too large to observe directly, A survey obtains information from a sample of people by means of self-
report, that is, the people respond to a series of questions posed by the investigator. In this study the
information was collected through self-administered questionnaires distributed personally to the
subjects by the researcher. A descriptive survey was selected because it provides an accurate portrayal
or account of the characteristics, for example behavior, opinions, abilities, beliefs, and knowledge of a
particular individual, situation or group. This design was chosen to meet the objectives of the study,
namely to determine the knowledge and views of students with regard to school comfort room and its


The study was conducted at Tabon M Estrella National High School –. The students of Grade 10 students
were the respondents of this study.

A population Is defined as all elements (individuals, objects and events) that meet the sample criteria for
inclusion in a study. The study population consisted of 42 students from Grade 10- student’s . Sample are
elements selected with the intention of finding out something about the total population from which
they are taken. A convenient sample consists of subjects included in the study because they happen to
be in the right place at the right time. The sample included 42 students. Available subjects were entered
into the study.
Data Collection

Data collection instrument

A questionnaire was chosen as data collection instrument. A questionnaire is a printed self-report form
designed to elicit information that can be obtained through the written responses of the subjects. The
information obtained through a questionnaire is similar to that obtained by an interview, but the
questions tend to have less depth.

Questionnaires were personally distributed by the researcher to the students of Grade 10 student’s. The
data was collected over a period of one day. The researcher found some students that are using the
school comfort room and also found some of them are not using the school comfort room.


By the use of data collection method, here are the results of the survey.

Table 1. Do you use the school comfort room

Response Frequency

Based from the table of 42 students from Grade 10- Felipe Agoncillo, 38 students from Grade 10
Agoncillo said that they are using the school comfort room while 4 students said that they don’t use
comfort room.

Table 2. Do you follow the rules and regulation in using the comfort room

Response Frequency

Based from the table of 42 students from Grade 10- , all of them said yes, that they are following the
rules and regulation in using the comfort room.

Table 3. When there is no available water in the comfort room, what do you do?
I will not use
the comfort


• Find

• Use

• Use

• Still

Based from the table of 42 students from Grade10 students, 4 students said that they will still use the
comfort room, 33 students said that they will not going to use the comfort room, and 5 students have
other answers, like they will find/get water outside, use other comfort room, and still use the comfort
room and clean it later.

Table 4. In your opinion, why do you think there are some students who do not use the comfort room

Response Frequency
They do not care
for the other

Lack of discipline

Because of the
condition of the
comfort room

Based from the table of 42 students from Grade 10 student’s, 5 students said it’s because some students
do not care for the other users, 33 students said that it’s because of lack of discipline, and 4 students
said that it’s because of the condition of the comfort room.

Table 5. What good contribution have you done for our school comfort room?

Response Frequency
Does not
inside the
discipline in
using the
of the
in programs
the school

Paid the
in PTA

the rules
when using
the comfort

Using the

Based from the table of 42 students of Grade 10 student , 8 students are using the comfort room
properly, 8 students said that they’re following the rules when using the comfort room, 10 students said
that they’re maintaining the cleanliness of the comfort room, 5 students said that they does not
vandalize inside the comfort room, 7 students said that they paid the contribution in PTA, 2 students said
that they will participate in programs about the proper maintenance of the comfort room, 2 students
said that they are disciplined in using comfort rooms, and 7 students said that they don’t have any
contribution for the school comfort room.


As a study on the response of Grade 10- Felipe Agoncillo students towards the maintenance of the
school’s comfort room, a lot of conclusions have been made. Results show that students were still care
for the comfort room though not all are using. This is probably due to the fact that students are aware of
hygiene. We have noticed that many students have their own vision regarding this problem but they
have their own solutions made by their selves. According to the answer of the respondents, most of
them showed up a good deed regarding to the issue. The value of this study is to develop everyone’s
importance on what is happening in his environment and be responsible enough. We find that even with
the research which has gone into this situation the solution is held within each one of us, the
opportunity to make a difference can be made by each individual.

As students, we can only advise to the management of the school’s comfort room to enhance the
comfort room to a cleaner and more hygienic state. A simple provision of continuous supply of water
may help in proper usage of the comfort room. In order to fulfill this, we, students, also need to
cooperate on proper maintenance of the school comfort room for the safety of all and for the next
generation’s benefits.


To begin with, in order to maintain the cleanliness of the schools comfort room, the students, teachers
and other school personnel needs to conduct a proper analysis and observations regards to the issue.
Clearly, in order to conduct such a research, the school should focus their core resources on a proper
evaluation of this outcomes. This is the very first step that will not only secure a proper outcome in the
future, but will eliminate issues that are present today.

Moving on forward, based on data generated from the research, the school should focus on teaching the
students good values towards cleanliness. This particular step will secure that every individual within the
school is informed about the new policy, as well as, it will ensure that the policy itself is followed.

All in all, when the policy is implemented and all individual within the school are fully aware of it, it is of
utmost importance to create a proper maintenance especially on the school comfort room to the fact
that the majority of individual within the school complaints about the current situation. The school will
ensure that future issues will be little to non-existent.

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