Commands - WorldEdit For Minecraft Bedrock

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Commands are the main way to use the many features of WorldEdit. Type ;help to get a list of
available commands. If you don't find a command here that's in the original, look in the
differences page to see if it's planned.


Reading this documentation

The commands

Reading this documentation

Commands may come with arguments. When you see an argument surrounded in [square
brackets] , then that argument is optional. If it's surrounded in <angled brackets> , then you

need to define it when using the command. If you find arguments that look like [-this] , they
are flags. Flags change how commands are executed. Each letter after the "-" is its own flag. You
can define them apart ( -a -b ) or together ( -ab ). Some flags even require an argument defined
after them. Finally, | means you have a choice among the list it makes and must choose one.

Each command has their own permission requirements to be useable by a player. To give
yourself or anyone else permission for various commands, just type /tag "@s, or a player name"
add "permission" . For example, /tag @s add worldedit.region.set would give yourself

permission to use the ;set command. You can give yourself permission for multiple comands at
once. Using worldedit.clipboard for instance would give you permission to use every clipboard
command. If you add - to the begin of a permission, you can also blacklist commands that use
those permissions. So -worldedit.clipboard would prevent you from using clipboard commands.

 Note

No command will work unless you at least have explicit permission to use any worldedit
command. /tag @s add worldedit would give you permission for all of them.
v: stable

The commands
;help (or ;?)

Description Get a list of commands available and a quick description for each of them


Usage ;help ([page]|<command>)

;worldedit (or ;we)

Description WorldEdit commands


Usage ;worldedit <version|perf>

;worldedit version

Description Get WorldEdit version


Usage ;worldedit version

;worldedit perf

Description Toggle performance mode for the current session.


Usage ;worldedit perf


v: stable

Description Set the number of blocks you can change per action
Description Set the number of blocks you can change per action

Permission worldedit.limit

Usage ;limit [limit]


Description Give yourself a set of items to do common worldedit functions

Permission worldedit.kit

Usage ;kit

;pos1 (or ;1)

Description Set the first position of your selection to the specified or current position

Permission worldedit.selection.pos

Usage ;pos1 [coordinates]

;pos2 (or ;2)

Description Set the second position of your selection to the specified or current position

Permission worldedit.selection.pos

Usage ;pos2 [coordinates]


Description Set the first position of your selection to the position of the block you're facing

Permission worldedit.selection.hpos  
v: stable

Usage ;hpos1

Description Set the second position of your selection to the position of the block you're facing

Permission worldedit.selection.hpos

Usage ;hpos2


Description Select your current, or specified chunk.

Permission worldedit.selection.chunk

Usage ;chunk [-cs] [coordinates]


Description Toggle your selection's visibility

Permission worldedit.drawsel

Usage ;drawsel

;sel (or ;deselect, ;desel)

Description Change selection mode


Usage ;sel <cuboid|extend|sphere|cyl>

;sel cuboid
v: stable

Description Select two corners of a cuboid

Description Select two corners of a cuboid


Usage ;sel [-d] cuboid

;sel extend

Description Fast cuboid selection mode


Usage ;sel [-d] extend

;sel sphere

Description Select a sphere


Usage ;sel [-d] sphere

;sel cyl

Description Select a cylinder


Usage ;sel [-d] cyl


Description Give yourself a selection wand

Permission worldedit.wand
v: stable

Usage ;wand

Description Contract the selection area

Permission worldedit.selection.contract

Usage ;contract (<amount> [direction]|<amount> <reverseAmount> [direction])


Description Expand the selection area

Permission worldedit.selection.expand

Usage ;expand <vert>

;expand vert

Description Vertically expand your selection to world height limits


Usage ;expand vert [height]


Description Shift the selection area

Permission worldedit.selection.shift

Usage ;shift <amount> [direction]

v: stable

Description Outset the selection area

Description Outset the selection area

Permission worldedit.selection.outset

Usage ;outset [-hv] <amount>


Description Inset the selection area

Permission worldedit.selection.inset

Usage ;inset [-hv] <amount>


Description Count the number of blocks that match a mask

Permission worldedit.analysis.count

Usage ;count <mask>


Description Analyse the amount of different blocks in the selection

Permission worldedit.analysis.distr

Usage ;distr [-cd]


Description Remove your current selection and place it in the clipboard

Permission worldedit.clipboard.cut  
v: stable

Usage ;cut [-ae] [fill] [-m <mask>]


Description Copy the current selection to the clipboard

Permission worldedit.clipboard.copy

Usage ;copy [-aem <mask>]


Description Paste your clipboard into the world

Permission worldedit.clipboard.paste

Usage ;paste [-osnm <mask>]


Description Clear your clipboard

Permission worldedit.clipboard.clear

Usage ;clearclipboard


Description Generate a hollow sphere

Permission worldedit.generation.sphere

Usage ;hsphere [-r] <pattern> <radii>

v: stable

Description Generate a sphere

Description Generate a sphere

Permission worldedit.generation.sphere

Usage ;sphere [-hr] <pattern> <radii>


Description Generate a cylinder

Permission worldedit.generation.cylinder

Usage ;cyl [-hr] <pattern> <radii> [height]


Description Generate a hollow cylinder

Permission worldedit.generation.cylinder

Usage ;hcyl [-r] <pattern> <radii> [height]


Description Generate a pyramid

Permission worldedit.generation.pyramid

Usage ;pyramid [-h] <pattern> <size>


Description Generate a hollow pyramid

Permission worldedit.generation.pyramid  
v: stable

Usage ;hpyramid <pattern> <size>

;gen (or ;g)

Description Generate any kind of shape in your selection

Permission worldedit.generation.shape

Usage ;gen [-h] <pattern> <expr>


Description Set the global mask


Usage ;gmask [mask]


Description Fill the selection with a block pattern

Permission worldedit.region.set

Usage ;set <pattern>


Description Replace certain blocks in the selection with other blocks

Permission worldedit.region.replace

Usage ;replace <mask> <pattern>

v: stable

Description Move the selection in a certain direction

Description Move the selection in a certain direction

Permission worldedit.region.move

Usage ;move [-aes] [amount] [offset] [replace] [-m <mask>]


Description Repeat the contents of the current selection

Permission worldedit.region.stack

Usage ;stack [-aers] [count] [offset] [-m <mask>]


Description Rotate the selection

Permission worldedit.region.rotate

Usage ;rotate [-ows] <rotate> [rotateX] [rotateZ]


Description Flip the selection

Permission worldedit.region.flip

Usage ;flip [-ows] [direction]


Description Generate a wall from your selection

Permission worldedit.region.walls  
v: stable

Usage ;walls <pattern>


Description Smooth the surface within the selection

Permission worldedit.region.smooth

Usage ;smooth [iterations] [mask]


Description Generate an outline from your selection

Permission worldedit.region.faces

Usage ;faces <pattern>


Description Create a line between your first and second selection points

Permission worldedit.region.line

Usage ;line <pattern>

;center (or ;middle)

Description Set the center block(s).


Usage ;center <pattern>

v: stable

Description Fill an area with certain blocks

Description Fill an area with certain blocks

Permission worldedit.utility.fill

Usage ;fill <pattern> <radius> [depth] [direction]


Description Recursively fill an area with certain blocks

Permission worldedit.utility.fillr

Usage ;fillr <pattern> <radius> [depth] [direction]


Description Remove blocks above you

Permission worldedit.utility.removeabove

Usage ;removeabove <size> [height]


Description Remove blocks below you

Permission worldedit.utility.removebelow

Usage ;removebelow <size> [depth]


Description Remove nearby blocks

Permission worldedit.utility.removenear  
v: stable

Usage ;removenear <mask> <size>


Description Replace nearby blocks with other blocks

Permission worldedit.utility.replacenear

Usage ;replacenear <size> <mask> <pattern>


Description Drain nearby fluids

Permission worldedit.utility.drain

Usage ;drain [-w] <radius>


Description Make nearby flowing water blocks source blocks

Permission worldedit.utility.fixwater

Usage ;fixwater <radius>


Description Make nearby flowing lava blocks source blocks

Permission worldedit.utility.fixlava

Usage ;fixlava <radius>

v: stable

Description Simulate snow in the area

Description Simulate snow in the area

Permission worldedit.utility.snow

Usage ;snow [-s] <size> [height]


Description Melt snow and ice exposed to the sky

Permission worldedit.utility.thaw

Usage ;thaw <size> [height]


Description Turn nearby dirt into grass


Usage ;green [-f] <radius>

;extinguish (or ;ext, ;ex)

Description Extinguish nearby fires

Permission worldedit.utility.extinguish

Usage ;extinguish <radius>


Description Kill nearby entities.

Permission worldedit.utility.butcher  
v: stable

Usage ;butcher [-pngabtrwf] [radius]

;calculate (or ;calc, ;eval, ;evaluate, ;solve)

Description Evaluate a mathematical expression.

Permission worldedit.utility.calc

Usage ;calculate <expr>


Description Give yourself a navigation wand

Permission worldedit.setwand

Usage ;navwand


Description Move up a certain number of blocks

Permission worldedit.navigation.up

Usage ;up <height>

;unstuck (or ;!)

Description Move out of blocks

Permission worldedit.navigation.unstuck

Usage ;unstuck

;jumpto (or ;j)

v: stable

Description Teleport you to the top of the block you're looking at

Description Teleport you to the top of the block you're looking at

Permission worldedit.navigation.jumpto.command

Usage ;jumpto


Description Teleport through any wall you look at

Permission worldedit.navigation.thru.command

Usage ;thru


Description Go up a floor

Permission worldedit.navigation.ascend

Usage ;ascend [levels]


Description Go down a floor

Permission worldedit.navigation.descend

Usage ;descend [levels]


Description Get all sorts of tools

Permission  
v: stable

Usage ;tool <none|stacker|selwand|navwand|farwand>

;tool none

Description Unbind held tool


Usage ;tool none

;tool stacker

Description Block stacker tool

Permission worldedit.tool.stack

Usage ;tool stacker [range] [mask]

;tool selwand

Description Selection tool

Permission worldedit.setwand

Usage ;tool selwand

;tool navwand

Description Navigation tool

Permission worldedit.setwand

Usage ;tool navwand

;tool farwand
v: stable

Description Selection tool, but can reach farther

Description Selection tool, but can reach farther

Permission worldedit.farwand

Usage ;tool farwand

;brush (or ;br)

Description Set the type of a brush being held


Usage ;brush <none|sphere|cyl|smooth>

;brush none

Description Unbind a bound brush from your current item


Usage ;brush none

;brush sphere

Description Create a sphere brush

Permission worldedit.brush.sphere

Usage ;brush sphere [-h] <pattern> [radius]

;brush cyl

Description Create a cylinder brush

Permission worldedit.brush.cylinder
v: stable

Usage ;brush cyl [-h] <pattern> [radius] [height]

;brush smooth

Description Create a terrain smoothing brush

Permission worldedit.brush.smooth

Usage ;brush smooth [radius] [iterations] [mask]


Description Set what kind of blocks a brush can affect, if any

Permission worldedit.brush.options.mask

Usage ;mask [mask]


Description Set what kind of blocks a brush can be used on

Permission worldedit.brush.options.tracemask

Usage ;tracemask [mask]


Description Set the size of a brush

Permission worldedit.brush.options.size

Usage ;size <size>

v: stable

Description Set how far a brush can be used from

Description Set how far a brush can be used from

Permission worldedit.brush.options.range

Usage ;range [range]


Description Set what kind of blocks a brush should make

Permission worldedit.brush.options.material

Usage ;material <pattern>


Description Undo a certain amount of actions

Permission worldedit.history.undo

Usage ;undo [times]


Description Redo a certain amount of actions

Permission worldedit.history.redo

Usage ;redo [times]


Description Clear your editing history

Permission worldedit.history.clear  
v: stable

Usage ;clearhistory

Description Exports the selection for later use.

Permission worldedit.structure.export

Usage ;export [-e] <name>


Description Imports a structure to the clipboard.

Permission worldedit.structure.import

Usage ;import <name>


Description Retrieve the kinds of biomes in your selection


Usage ;biomeinfo [-pt]


Description Change the biomes in your selection

Permission worldedit.biome.set

Usage ;setbiome <biome> [-p]

v: stable

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