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Benedict 1

Annotated Bibliography Part Two

Max Benedict

Source 1:
Berent, J. (2019) Forward Focus: E-Scooters Coming Soon to Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids.

WWMT West Michigan. Retrieved From:


2. The author is writing this in order to inform the public of west Michigan how these electric

scooters work. The author also references individuals that work for the city of Kalamazoo and

Grand Rapids, and how they will combat some concerns such as parking locations of the

scooters. Intended for citizens of Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids, and uses evidence of officials

from both cities.

3. I will use this source to show what officials of Kalamazoo think of the new scooters coming,

and voice their concerns. Also to show how Kalamazoo might combat these concerns.

Source 2:
Choron, R. L., M.D., & Sakran, Joseph V, MD,M.P.H., M.P.A. (2019). The integration of

electric scooters: Useful technology or public health problem? American Journal of

Public Health,  109(4), 555-556. doi:

2. The author is informing the possible safety concerns with scooters, and to explain what other

cities have done to either keep them off the streets, or ban them all together. He/She is writing
Benedict 2

this for any member of the public who has e-scooters coming soon to their area, which is perfect

considering the position Kalamazoo is in now. The author cites evidence of city officials, safety

departments, and e-scooter companies to weigh between the usefulness and possible dangers of


3. I will use this source to inform the listeners what other cities have done when facing the

integration of e-scooters, and use that information in comparison with Kalamazoo to further

explain possible outcomes locally.

Source 3:

Theen, A. (2019). E-scooters, e-bikes have ‘universal potential’ to reduce car trips, especially in

Portland. The Oregonian/Oregon Live. Retrieved From:


2. The author is writing this to show the benefits the e-scooters could have on the environment in cities,

specifically in Portland. This is written for the citizens of Portland, but also any other citizens being

effected by e-scooters anywhere. The author uses evidence such as traffic statistics, as well as

experiments of transport times to prove the time and energy saving benefits.

3. I will use this as an example of the benefits e-scooters bring to cities, and how they would bring these

same benefits to Kalamazoo. Also, these scooters could bring business productivity because the article

mentions times saved on commutes to work, and these times add up.
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Source 4:

Manes, N. (2018). GR officials plan ahead for emergence of e-scooters. MiBiz.. Retrieved From:

2. This author is writing for the people of west Michigan, mainly Grand Rapids, and explaining

to them the steps the city is taking to ensure the safety for the use of e-scooters. He uses evidence

from Crain’s Detroit Business, and explains that the city has put a cap on 600 e-scooters to be

allowed on the streets.

3. I will use this source to let the audience know the plans Grand Rapids is using for e-scooters,

and how the city of Kalamazoo can use similar strategies due to the closeness of the two cities.

This will be good evidence with Grand Rapids being so close to home, and should help people

relate much easier.

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Perrone, A. (2019, July 1). Lisbon battles scourge of electric scooters abandoned on streets.
Retrieved from

Perrone, A. (2019, July 1). Lisbon battles scourge of electric scooters abandoned on streets.
Retrieved from

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