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1 Mark Question

A multiple choice question – simply circle or underline the correct answer!

2 Mark Questions

Two simple bullet points or phrases, no more! Don’t waste time writing out long
sentences or paragraphs – get straight to the point!

 Answer 1
 Answer 2

The two mark questions are asking you to Name two…, Give two ways, examples or beliefs – judge by the
wording of the question

4 Mark Questions

Beliefs and teachings Section

These questions are where you show your understanding of the religion you have studied and how a
person’s beliefs have an influence on their lives! Two short paragraphs of 2 – 3 sentences:

 First sentence: What is the influence?

o Sentence starter: One way a belief in X influences Y is……
 Second sentence: Who will perform this influence and why will they do this influence?
o Sentence starter: For example X will do this/think this because…..

Practices Section


These questions are asking you to contrast two different beliefs of a concept/theme within one religion –
this is where you explain/outline how one religious belief varies from another religious belief. Two short
paragraphs of 2 – 3 sentences:

 First sentence: What is the belief?

o Sentence starter: One contrasting belief is……
 Second sentence: Who believes this and why do they believe this?
o Sentence starter: For example X will believe this because…..

These questions are asking you to draw similarities between two different beliefs within one religion – this
is where you explain/outline how one religious belief is similar to another religious belief. Two short
paragraphs of 2 – 3 sentences:

 First sentence: What is the belief?

o Sentence starter: One similar belief is……
 Second sentence: Who believes this and why do they believe this?
o Sentence starter: For example X will believe this because…..

Themes Section


These questions are asking you to contrast two different beliefs of a concept/theme – this is where you
explain/outline how one religious belief varies from another religious belief. It will always ask you to refer
in your answer to the main religious tradition of Great Britain, which is Christianity, and another religious
tradition/denomination. Two short paragraphs of 2 – 3 sentences:

 First sentence: What is the belief?

o Sentence starter: One contrasting belief is……
 Second sentence: Who believes this and why do they believe this?
o Sentence starter: For example X will believe this because…..

These questions are asking you to draw similarities between two different beliefs of a theme – this is
where you explain/outline how one religious belief is similar to another religious belief. It will always ask
you to refer in your answer to the main religious tradition of Great Britain, which is Christianity, and
another religious tradition/denomination. Two short paragraphs of 2 – 3 sentences:

 First sentence: What is the belief?

o Sentence starter: One similar belief is……
 Second sentence: Who believes this and why do they believe this?
o Sentence starter: For example X will believe this because…..

In all Four Mark Questions you must make sure you are including scripture, key terms or key quotes within
your answers – this will show the examiner that you are giving a detailed explanation!

5 Mark Questions

These questions are asking you to explain two beliefs and/or teachings from one religion or two religions in
two PEEL paragraphs: every time you make a Point, give Evidence to support it and Explain how it is
relevant to the question. Then Link your EE back to the Point.

 Choose your two teachings and then explain each one.

 Develop your explanations fully.
 You must include a relevant teaching in each PEEL
paragraph that is from scripture or sacred writing.

 Balance and opinion are NOT required, this is an explanation question!

12 Mark Questions – “Statement” Your opinion, other’s views, religious perspectives…

 Para 1 - PEEL supporting you

o Sentence starter: One reason I agree/disagree is….
 Para 2 – PEEL supporting you
o Sentence starter: Another reason I agree/disagree is…
 Para 3 – PEEL arguing against you
o Sentence starter: However some people may disagree with me because…
 Para 4 – PEEL arguing against you
o Sentence starter: Another reason some people may disagree with me is….
 Justified Conclusion – detailed paragraph summing up and restating your point – why are you
correct in your view?
o Sentence starter: Overall I still agree/disagree. The first PEEL against me is wrong
because….the second PEEL against me is also wrong because…
The examiner will be looking to see that you have made a convincing argument throughout your answer,
that it reads as a coherent whole. This means that you must come to a justified conclusion.

Every 12 mark question will come with this check list:

 Should give reasoned arguments in support of this statement

 Should give reasoned arguments to support a different point of view
 Should refer to religious argument
 May refer to non-religious arguments [this will only be found in the
themes section]
 Should reach a justified conclusion

Use this to guide your answer! Remember – go nuts with examples, quotations etc!!!! This is the time to
impress the examiner!!!!


1 Mark Questions 10 seconds

2 Mark Questions 30 seconds

4 Mark Questions 6 Minutes

5 Mark Questions 7 minutes

12 Mark Questions 12 minutes

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