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July 2022


Faculty Guide: Prof. Pathik B. Variya
Company Guide:Mehul Trivedi (Branch Manager)


I, Sangani Amisha hereby declare that the report for Summer Internship Program entitled “A
Study on Investment Pattern of Investors in Mutual Fund” is prepared by me after the
completion of 8 weeks of internship with NJ India Invest Pvt. Ltd, Vadodara branch. I am
conforming that this report is prepared for the academic requirement only, not for any other

Place: Nadiad Date:




With the blessings of almighty GOD and support of many individuals I have been able to
complete my research project.

Firstly, I would like to thank our DEAN Dr. Naresh Patel Sir, who gave an opportunity to
every student to do the summer internship with the well known companies.

I am very grateful to my Faculty Guide Prof. Pathik B. Variya, who has always been there to
support throughout the entire period of internship and his guidance has helped me a lot to
conduct my research.

I am also thankful to my Company Guide Mr. Mehul Trivedi (Branch Manager at the
Vadodara branch)for his constant support and a very special thanks to my Mentor Mr.
Sohilkhan Rathod (Unit Manager at the Vadodara branch) for sharing his knowledge and
always being supportive whenever needed.

Place: Nadiad Date:

Amisha Sangani



As a part and parcel of the Summer Intern Program of MBA course, I have selected the topic
titled “A Study on Investment pattern of Investment in Mutual Fund” to understand the
different investment avenues available in India.

India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world and Mutual Fund industry is also
one of the fastest growing service industries in the country and the world as well. And it is
attracting a lot of global players. Indian investors have predominately preferred investment
alternatives like bank fixed deposits, Post office saving certificate, etc which offer sovereign
guarantee and tax benefits. Innovations in types of schemes offered and services offered have
made Mutual Funds very attractive to retail investors. The numbers of schemes are offered
today by various asset management companies.

The objectives of this study are to know the investment pattern of the investors investing in
Mutual Fund and to identify the mode of investment in which they invest the most. To get an
idea about the percentage of investment in Mutual Fund from the total amount they invest. To
know the major sources of information from where they get information about different
schemes of Mutual Fund investment.

The primary data for the research is collected through the Questionnaire and the secondary data
is gathered from different website, past data and reports. Through the questionnaire I have
collected 100 responses.

Surprisingly, from the responses I have collected 53% of total investors are female and rest is
male. Majority of the people are under the age group of 18 to 30 years and most of them are
students with annual income below 200,000.

Many of them are investing in Mutual Fund and aware about that because many of the
respondents are young and it seems like they are risk takers as well.

The respondents are investing their money in many alternatives like Bank deposit, Mutual
Fund, Equity market, Debt market, etc. Most of the people prefer to invest in Equity Fund. And
internet plays in important role in making people aware about the different schemes.

Many factors like diversification, saving, return, liquidity, safety, etc attracts an investor.



Title page 1
Declaration 2
Acknowledgement 3
Executive Summary 4

Chapter 1 Theoretical background 6

Introduction to Mutual Fund 7
Structure of Mutual Fund 9
History of Mutual Fund 11
Scope of Mutual Fund industry 13
Types of Mutual Funds 14
Advantages of Mutual Funds 18
Disadvantages of Mutual Funds 19
How to invest in Mutual Fund 20
Who can invest in Mutual Fund in India 21
Assets Management Companies in India 22
Ways to Invest in Mutual Fund 22
Factors affecting the Mutual Fund investment decision 24

Chapter 2 Company Profile 25

History and evaluation 27
Management 28

Mission Vision 30
Services provided by NJ 30
Business of the NJ Group 32
SWOT Analysis 34

Chapter 3 Literature Review 35

Chapter 4 Research Methodology 38

Title of Research 39
Objectives of Research 39
Research Design 39
Data Collection: Primary Data 40
Secondary Data 40
Sampling Method 40
Data Collection Instrument 40
Statistical Analysis 40
Tools used for Statistical Analysis 40
Limitation of the Study 41

Chapter 5 Data Analysis and interpretations 42

Data Interpretation 43
Findings 52
Recommendations 54
Conclusion 55

Chapter 6 Bibliography 56

Annexure 58


Introduction to Mutual Fund Industry:

Mutual Fund is a retail product designed to target small investors, salaried people and others
who are intimidated by the mysteries of stock market but, nevertheless, like to reap the benefits
of stock market investing. Hence, their fund/scheme selection also widely differs. Investors
demand inter-temporal wealth shifting as he or she progresses through the life cycle. The Asset
Management Companies (AMCs) helps the investors to invest their money in the market. AMC
collect the savings from the small investors and invest their savings in different beneficial
scheme, equity, debts, papers etc. investors get the return in the proportion of their investment.


Mutual Fund is the combination of the two words, mutual and funds. It means the mutual fund
is the funds of the different investors. A mutual fund is a type of financial vehicle made up of
a pool of money collected from many investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, money
11 market instruments, and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by professional money
managers, who allocate the fund's assets and attempt to produce capital gains or income for the
fund's investors. A mutual fund's portfolio is structured and maintained to match the investment
objectives stated in its prospectus.

Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to professionally managed portfolios of
equities, bonds, and other securities. Each shareholder participates proportionally in the gains
or losses of the fun.


Under SEBI mutual fund is as a trust. Mutual fund has 3 tire sections of the sponsor, trustee,
and the AMC (Asset Management Company).


Sponsor is also known as the promoter, and it should be 1. Here sponsor can be bank,
corporate bank, and non-banking financial company (NBFC). Suppose the HDFC mutual
fund, so here HDFC is the bank, and in the L&T mutual fund L&T is the NBFC.

❖ Trustee:

Trustee is appointed by the Sponsor or the promoter. Main work of the trustee is to protect
the interest of the investors. A trustee should be with the ability and the integrity, and it
should be approved by the SEBI. Trustee appoints a custodian to safeguard the assets of the
investors. Scheme auditor is appointed by the trustee to audit the account of the various
mutual fund schemes.

❖ AMC:

AMC is generally appointed by the trustee or the sponsor. Main objective of the AMC is to
manage the fund. A fund manager who manages the fund is also the employee of the AMC.
AMC appoint a R&T (register and transfer agent). They are responsible for the purchase and
repurchase transactions process. CAMS is the example of the R&T agent. AMC also appoint
the Bank to deposit the money collect from the scheme. AMC appoint the AMC auditor, who
is responsible for auditing the AMC annual report. Distributors are also appointed by the
AMC to sell the mutual fund units to the investors. NJ INDIA INVEST PVT LTD is also
working as the distributor.


❖ World mutual fund market:

The first mutual fund was established in Europe. One researcher credits a Dutch
merchant with creating the first mutual fund in 1774. The first mutual fund outside the
Netherlands was the Foreign & Colonial Government Trust, which was established in London
in 1868. It is now the Foreign & Colonial Investment Trust and trades on the London stock
exchange. Mutual funds were introduced into the United States in the 1890s. They became
popular during the 1920s. These early funds were generally of the closed-end type with a fixed
number of shares which often traded at prices above the value of the portfolio.

❖ Indian mutual fund market:

The first Indian mutual fund was set up in 1963, when the Government of India created
the Unit Trust of India (UTI). Until 1987, UTI enjoyed a monopoly in the Indian mutual fund
market and sold a range of mutual funds through a network of financial intermediaries. At the
end of 1988 UTI had Rs. 6,700 crores of assets under management.

❖ Different stages of Indian mutual fund market growth:

The mutual fund industry in India started in 1964 with the formation of Unit Trust of
India, at the initiative of the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India. The history of
mutual funds in India can be broadly divided into four distinct phases.

First phase 1964-1987

Second phase 1987 to 1993 (entry of the public sector funds)

Third phase 1993-2003 (entry of the private sector funds)

Forth phase 2003 to 2014

Fifth phase since 2014 (current phase)

❖First phase:

Unit Trust of India (UTI) was established by an Act of Parliament in 1963. It was set up and
functioned under the Regulatory and administrative control of the Reserve Bank of India. In
1978 UTI was de-linked from the RBI and the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI)

took over the regulatory and administrative control in place of RBI. The first scheme launched
by UTI was Unit Scheme 1964. At the end of 1988 UTI had Rs. 6,700 corers of assets under

❖ Second phase:

In 1987 there was the entry of many non UTI public sector mutual funds there were set up by
the public sector private banks, life insurance corporation of India (LIC), and General insurance
corporation of India (GIC). Examples of non UTI mutual funds introduced were SBI mutual
fund, Punjab National bank mutual fund, Indian bank mutual fund, Bank of Indian mutual fund,
Bank of Baroda mutual fund etc.

❖ Third Phase:

After the 1993, new era of mutual fund industry started. Many private sector mutual funds
introduced in the Indian market in 1993 first mutual fund regulation was introduced. But after
1996 mutual funds were regulated under the SEBI. And after that many foreign funds were
introduced and many mergers and acquisitions were done. At the end of the 2003, there were
almost 33 mutual funds with the total assets of the 121805. But the UTI was ahead of the all
the mutual funds

❖ Forth phase:

In February 2003, following the repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act 1963 UTI was bifurcated
into two separate entities. One is the Specified Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India with
assets under management of Rs. 29835 crores as at the end of January 2003, representing
broadly, the assets of US 64 scheme, assured return and certain other schemes. The Specified
Undertaking of Unit Trust of India, functioning under an administrator and under the rules
framed by government of India and does not come under the purview of the Mutual Fund

❖Scope of Mutual Fund Business industry growth

In below graph different country and its investment in mutual fund is given. In
the graph out of all 7 countries USA has highest investment in mutual fund business. Out of
total 31381 billion dollar in investment 15852-billion-dollar investment comes from USA and
9576- billion-dollar investment comes from Europe. But from India it is only 135 billion
dollars. And from it we can say that there is huge scope of mutual fund industry growth in
India. However, many people are not aware about the mutual funds but by spreading financial
awareness its growth can achieve. In India majority people live in village, where financial
awareness in very low, if we do more focus on that and make more people aware about the
various financial products including mutual funds, then its results can be better. Thus, we
Indian have still huge scope in Mutual fund industry compare to various country.

➢Types of Mutual funds in India

There are varieties of mutual fund exist based on the need of people, risk tolerance, return
expectations, term for investment etc. Now it’s so easy for the investors to invest their money
in the different stocks. Below are some important types of the mutual funds.

❖ Type of mutual funds based on its structure:

1. Open Ended Scheme:

Main and important feature of the open-ended mutual fund scheme is the liquidity. An
investor can do subscription all through the year. And this scheme doesn’t have any
fixed maturity. Investor can buy and sell units at net asset value related price.
2. Close Ended Scheme:
A closed end fund has a stipulated maturity period which generally ranging from 3 to
15 years. The fund is open for subscription only during a specified period. Investors
can invest in the scheme at the time of the initial public issue and thereafter they can
buy or sell the units of the scheme on the stock exchanges where they are listed. In
order to provide an exit route to the investors, some close ended funds give an option
of selling back the units to the Mutual Fund through periodic repurchase at NAV related
3. Interval Scheme:
Interval Schemes are that scheme, which combines the features of open ended and close
ended schemes. The units may be traded on the stock exchange or may be open for sale
or redemption during pre-determined intervals at NAV related prices.

❖ Type of mutual fund based on its Nature:

1. Equity Fund:
These funds invest a maximum part of their corpus into equities holdings. The structure of
the fund may vary different for different schemes and the fund manager’s outlook on
different stocks. The equity funds are sub-classified depending upon their investment
objective, as follows: • Diversified Equity Funds • Mid Cap Funds • Sector Specific Funds
• Tax Savings Funds Equity investments are meant for a longer time horizon; thus, Equity
funds rank high on the risk-return matrix.
2. Debt Funds:
The objective of these Funds is to invest in debt papers. Government authorities, private
companies, banks and financial institutions are some of the major issuers of debt papers.
By investing in debt instruments, these funds ensure low risk and provide stable income to
the investors. Debt funds are further classified as:

➢ Gilt Funds: Invest their corpus in securities issued by Government, popularly

known as Government of India debt papers. These funds carry zero Default risk but are
associated with Interest Rate risk. These schemes are safer as they invest in papers backed by

➢ Income Funds: Invest a major portion into various debt instruments such as
bonds, corporate debentures and Government securities

➢ MIPs: Invests maximum of their total corpus in debt instruments while they take
minimum exposure in equities. It gets benefit of both equity and debt market. These scheme
ranks slightly high on the risk-return matrix when compared with other debt schemes.

➢ Short Term Plans: Meant for investment horizon for three to six months. These
funds primarily invest in short term papers like Certificate of Deposits and Commercial Papers.
Some portion of the corpus is also invested in corporate debentures.

➢ Liquid Funds: Also known as Money Market Schemes, These funds provides
easy liquidity and preservation of capital. These schemes invest in short term instruments like
Treasury Bills, inter-bank call money market, CPs and CDs. These funds are meant for short
term cash management of corporate houses and are meant for an investment horizon of 1 day
to 3 months.

3. Balanced Funds:
As the name suggest they, are a mix of both equity and debt funds. They invest in both
equities and fixed income securities, which are in line with predefined investment objective
of the scheme. These schemes aim to provide investors with the best of both the worlds.
Equity part provides growth and the debt part provides stability in returns. Further the
mutual funds can be broadly classified on the basis of investment parameter viz each
category of funds is backed by an investment philosophy, which is pre-defined in the
objectives of the fund.

❖Type of mutual fund base on investment objectives:

1. Growth Schemes:

Growth Schemes are also known as equity schemes. The aim of these schemes
is to provide capital appreciation over medium to long term. These schemes normally
invest a major part of their fund in equities and are willing to bear short-term decline in
value for possible future appreciation.
2. Income Schemes:

Income Schemes are known as debt schemes. The aim of these schemes is to
provide regular and steady income to investors. These schemes generally invest in fixed
income securities such as bonds and corporate debentures. Capital appreciation in such
schemes may be limited.
3. Balanced Schemes:

Balanced Schemes aim to provide both growth and income by periodically

distributing a part of the income and capital gains they earn. These schemes invest in
both shares and fixed income securities, in the proportion indicated in their offer
4. Money Market Schemes:

Money Market Schemes aim to provide easy liquidity, preservation of capital

and moderate income. These schemes generally invest in safer, short-term instruments,
such as treasury bills, certificate of deposit, commercial paper and inter-bank call
5. Load Funds:

A Load Fund is one that charges a commission for entry or exit. That is, each
time you buy or sell units in the fund, a commission will be payable. Typically, entry
and exit loads range from 1% to 2%. It could be worth paying the load, if the fund has
a good performance history.
6. No-Load Funds:

A No-Load Fund is one that does not charge a commission for entry or exit.
That is, no commission is payable on purchase or sale of units in the fund. The
advantage of a no-load fund is that the entire corpus is put to work.

❖ Advantages of Mutual Funds:

Mutual funds have designed to provide maximum benefits to investors and fund manager have
research team to achieve scheme’s objectives. Asset Management Company has different type
of sector funds, which need to proper planning for strategic investment and to achieve market
return. Advantages of mutual funds are as below:

➢ Portfolio Diversification:

Mutual funds invest in a well-diversified portfolio of securities which enables investor

to hold a diversified investment portfolio (whether the amount of investment is big or small)

➢Less risk:

Investors acquired a diversified portfolio of securities even with a small investment in

a mutual fund. The risk in a diversified portfolio is lesser than investing in merely 2 or 3

➢ Liquidity:

An investor may not be able to sell of the share held by him very easily and quickly,
whereas units of a mutual fund are more liquid.

➢ Choice of liquidity:

Mutual fund provides investor with various schemes with different investment
objectives. Investors have the option of investing in a scheme having a correlation between its
investment objectives and their own financial goals. The schemes further have different plans
or options.

➢ Transparency:

Funds provide investors with the updated information pertaining to the market and the
schemes. All material facts are disclosed to investors as required by the regulator.

➢ Flexibility:

Investors can benefit from the convenience and flexibility offered by mutual funds.
Investors can switch their holdings from a debt scheme to an equity scheme and vice versa.

Option for systematic (at regular intervals) investment and withdrawals is also offered to the
investors in most open-ended schemes.

➢ Safety:

Mutual fund industry is part of a well-regulated investment environment where the

interests of the investors are protected by the regulator. All funds are registered with SEBI and
complete transparency is forced.

❖ Disadvantages of Mutual Funds:

The mutual fund does not just have advantage of investor but also have disadvantages for
funds. The fund manager not always made profit but might create loss for not properly
managed. The fund has own strategy for investment to hold, to sell, to purchase unit at
particular time period. The disadvantages of mutual funds are as below:

➢ The cost control not in the hands of investors:

Investor has to pay investment management fees and fund distribution costs as a
percentage of the value of his investment (as long as he holds the units), irrespective of the
performance of the fund.

➢ No customized portfolios:

No portfolios of securities in which a fund invests is a decision taken by the fund

manager. Investor has no interfere in the decision-making process of a fund manager, which
some investors find as a constraint in achieving their financial objectives.

➢ Difficulties in selecting a suitable fund scheme:

Many investors find it difficult to select one opinion from the plethora of
funds/schemes/plans available. For this, they may have to take advice from financial planner
in order to invest in the right fund to achieve their objectives.

➢ Costs:

Mutual funds provide investor with the professional management, but it comes at a cost.
Fund will typically have a range of different fees that reduce the overall pay-out. In mutual

fund, the fees are classified into two categories: (1) shareholder fee and (2) annual operating

➢ Fluctuating Return:

Mutual fund is like other investment without a guaranteed return. Value of mutual fund
might depreciate. Price of mutual fund fluctuates along with the stocks that make up the fund.
When deciding on a particular fund to buy, you need to research the risk involved.

❖ How to invest in Mutual Fund

➢ Step one: Identify your investment needs

Your financial goals will vary, based on your age, lifestyle, financial independence,
family commitments and level of income and expenses among many other factors. Therefore
the first step is to assess your needs.

➢ Step two: Choose the right Mutual Fund

The important thing is to choose the right mutual fund scheme which suits your
requirements. They offer documents of the schemes tell you its objectives and provides
supplementary details like the track record of the other scheme managed by the same fund

➢ Step three: Select the ideal mix of scheme

Invest in just one mutual fund scheme may not meet all your investment needs. You
may consider investing in a combination of scheme to achieve your specific goals.

➢ Step four: Invest regularly

The best approach is to invest a fixed amount at specific intervals. Save every month.
By investing a fixed sum each month, you buy fewer units when the price is higher and more
units when the price is low, thus bringing down your average cost per unit.

➢ Step five: Start early

It is desirable to start early and stick to a regular investment plan. If you wait and invest
later, the power of compounding lets you earn income and your money multiplies at a
compounded rate of return.

❖Who can invest in Mutual Fund in India:

❖ Resident Indians

❖ Non-resident Indians (NRI)

❖ Persons of Indian Origin (POI)

❖ Indian Public Sector Undertakings

❖ Indian Private Sector Undertakings

❖ Parents/Guardians on behalf of minors

❖ Hindu Undivided Family

❖ Sole Proprietorship Firms

❖ Partnership Firms

❖ Cooperative Societies

❖ Charitable or Religious Trusts

❖ Trustee, AMC or Sponsor of their associates

❖ Endowment or Registered Societies

❖ Army/Air Force/Navy/Para-Military funds and other eligible institutions

❖ Scientific and/or industrial research organizations

❖ And other associations, institutions, bodies, etc., authorized to invest in mutual funds

❖List of assets management companies in India:

Adtiya Birla Sun Life Axis Mutual Fund Baroda Mutual Fund

Mutual Fund
BNP Paribas Mutual Fund BOI AXA Mutual Fund Canara Rebeca Mutual Fund

DHFL Pramerica Mutual DSP Mutual Fund Edelweiss Mutual Fund

Issel Mutual Fund Franklin Templeton Mutual HDFC Mutual Fund
HSBC Mutual Fund ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund IL&FS Mutual Fund (IDF)

Invesco Mutual Fund India Bulls Mutual Fund ITI Mutual Fund

Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund L&T Mutual Fund LIC Mutual Fund

Mahindra Mutual Fund Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund Reliance Mutual Fund

SBI Mutual Fund Sundaram Mutual Fund Tata Mutual Fund

Union Mutual Fund UTI Mutual Fund YES, Mutual Fund

Quant Mutual Fund Sahara Mutual Fund Principal Mutual Fund 18

Miraa Asset Mutual Fund PPFAS Mutual Fund Taurus Mutual Fund

HSBC Mutual Fund JM Financial Mutual Fund Edelweiss Mutual Fund

❖ Way to invest in mutual fund:

There are different ways in which mutual fund investments can be made. They are:

❖ Offline investment directly with the fund house

You can invest in schemes of a mutual fund by visiting the nearest branch office of the
fund house. Just ensure that you carry a copy of the below documents - • Proof of Address •
Proof of Identity • Cancelled Cheque Leaf • Passport Size photograph

The fund house will provide you with an application form which you will need to fill
and submit, along with the necessary documents.

❖ Offline investment through a broker

A mutual fund broker or a distributor is someone who will help you through the entire
process of investment. He will provide you with all the information you need to make your
investment including the features of various schemes, documents needed, etc. He will also offer
guidance on which schemes you should invest in. For this, he will charge you a fee which will
be deducted from the total investment amount.

❖ Online through the official website

Most fund houses these days offer the online facility of investing in mutual funds. All
you need to do is follow the instructions provided on the official site of the fund house, fill the
relevant information, and submit it. The KYC process can also be completed online (e-KYC)
for which you will need to enter your Aadhar number and PAN. The information will be
verified at the backend and once the verification is done, you can start investing. The online
process of investing in mutual funds is easy, quick, and hassle-free and hence, is preferred by
most investors.

❖ Through the app

Many fund houses allow investors to make investments through an app which can be
downloaded on your mobile device. The app will allow investors to invest in mutual
fundschemes, buy or sell units, view account statements, and check other details concerning
your folio. Some of the fund houses that allow investments through an app are SBI Mutual
Fund, Axis Mutual Fund, ICICI Prudential Mutual Fund.

❖ Factors affecting Mutual Fund investment decision:

Risk Factor

Return Factor

Consistency Factor

Liquidity Factor

Awareness Factor

Specialization Factor


❖ About NJ India Invest Pvt Ltd:

Creating Wealth, Transforming Lives

NJ stands for Mr. Neeraj Choksi and Mr. Jignesh Desai the chairman of the company. They are two
first generation entrepreneurs who began the journey of NJ in 1994.the promoters of NJ Group were
friends since their college years and the bond between both has been instrumental in the success of NJ.
They both believe that “Trust” has played a very important role in NJ’s journey, and in every step that
they have taken. The words of the promoters aptly describe this journey of NJ- “Built on trust”. NJ
India Invest Pvt Ltd is one of the leading advisors and distributor of financial products and services in
India. Established in 1994, NJ has over a decade of rich exposure in financial investments space and
portfolio advisory services and distribution of financial products. NJ prides in being a professionally
managed, quality focused and customer centric organization. The strength of NJ lies in the strong
domain knowledge in investment consultancy and the delivery of sustainable values to clients with
supports from cutting – edge technology platform, developed in house. Currently there are more than
94 offices of NJ in 19 states and 3 countries. More than 1475 employees are working with the NJ. And
its value is near to 107491. And 40000 are associated with NJ as a partner. (Current data)

NJ Believes in:

• Having single window, multiple solution that are integrated for simplicity and sapience

• Making innovation, accessions, value addition and a constant process

• NJ believes in providing with the solution for tomorrow which will keep them above the curve, today.

NJ’s history and Evaluation:

In India NJ had over 15000 crores of mutual fund assets under advice with a wide presence in
over 130 locations in 22 states. The numbers are result of the trust, commitment and value that
NJ shares with his clients. NJ tries to innovate, enrich their intellect and ask critical questions.
They challenge their own process and system on constant basis to emerge more convinced. At
NJ they continue to expand the scope and depth of their offering, making apt use of
technological support.

Work Philosophy:

At NJ their service and investing philosophy inspire and shape the thoughts, beliefs,
attitude, actions and decisions of their employees. If NJ would resemble a body, their
philosophy would be their spirit which drives their body.

Service Philosophy:

Their primary measure of success is customer satisfaction. They are committed to

provide their customers with continue, long term improvements and value addition to need in
an exception way. In their efforts to consistently deliver the best services possible to their
customers, all employees of NJ will make efforts to.

▪ Think of the customer first, take responsibilities and make prompt service to customer a

▪ Deliver upon the commitments & promises made on the time.

▪ Anticipate, visualize, understand, meet and exceed their customer’s needs. ▪ Bring energy,
passion & excellence in everything they do.

▪ Be honest and ethical in action & attitude and keep the customer’s interest supreme.

▪ Strengthen the customer relationship by providing services in a thoughtful & proactive

manner and meet the expectations, effectively

Investing philosophy:

NJ aims to provide need- based solutions for long term wealth creation they aim to
provide all customers, directly or indirectly with true, unbiased, need based solutions and
advice that best meets their stated & unstated needs. In their efforts to provide quality financial
& investment advice, they believe that,

▪ Clients want need – based solutions, which fits them.

▪ Long term wealth creation is simple and straight.

▪ Assets-allocation is the ideal & the best way for the long-term wealth creation.

▪ Educating and disclosing all the important facets which the customers need to be aware of, is

▪ The solution must be unbiased, feasible, practical, executable, measurable and flexible.

▪ Constant monitoring a proper after sales services is critical to complete the on – going process


The management at NJ brings together a team of people with wide experience andknowledge in the
financial services domain. The management provides direction and guidance to the whole organization.
The management has strong visions for NJ as a globally respected company providing comprehensive
services in financial sector.

The 'Customer First' philosophy is deeply ingrained in the management at NJ.The aim of the
management is to bring the best to the customers in terms of Range of products and services offered.
Quality customer service.

All the key members of the organization put in great focus on the processes & systems under the diverse
functions of business. The management also focuses on utilizing technology as the key enabler for all
the activities and to leverage the technology for enhancing overall customer experience.



• Ensure creation of the desired value for our customers, employees and associates, through
constant improvement, innovation and commitment to service & quality. To provide solutions
which meet expectations and maintain high professional & ethical standards along with the
adherence to the service commitments.


• Creating Wealth Transforming Lives

• Total Customer Satisfaction

• Commitment to Excellence

• Determination to Succeed with strict adherence to compliance

• Successful Wealth Creation of our Customer

Size of NJ:

NJ Wealth - Financial Products Distributors Network is one of India's leading and most
successful network of distributors in the financial services industry.

Driven by the strong vision of 'Creating Wealth and Transforming Lives', NJ Wealth's constant
endeavour is to build on the ideas that are meaningful & effective in scaling business
challenges, seizing available opportunities and serving the interests of the customer. The NJ
Wealth family has grown steadily and today it has over 35,000 NJ Wealth Partners, spread
across over 100 branches in India with over 25,00,000 investors and over INR 70,000 crores
of mutual fund assets under advice. Irrespective of the numbers though, it is trust in us which
fuels the passion for creating solutions with excellence that touch many lives, day after day.

Services provided by NJ

➢Marketing Support:

The Marketing Team will help you give the relevant support needed for effective sales,
creating brand and for the development of your business. The Marketing / Sales team will help
you with the following marketing support Branded Flyers and One-pagers for products, new
launches/NFOs, services, etc. Business Organizers,Performance Review Hand-books, etc.
Communication support – NJ Knowledge Edge and NJ I-Gurukul series Letters, Direct Mail
pieces Email Communications for products, new launches/NFOs, services, etc. Calculators and
Tools for effective communication to clients Support in form of NJ websites, web services and
product development Branded Presentations. Effective marketing support would help you
complete your offering and package it properly. Such support would also add to your
effectiveness in sales activities.

➢ Technology:

Technology is the biggest differentiator NJ pots a lot of efforts and resources are put
into build a technological edge to give you the best possible services to you so that you give
the same to your clients. Technology has been and is NJ’s key strength. What NJ offer on the
technological front, is unique and comprehensive. Focus of NJ can be gauged from the fact that
NJ has a separate sister concern started for the sole purpose of providing the best support to NJ
in terms of technology. High infrastructuralspending is done to improve & strengthen NJ’s
deliverables on this technological front.Fin logic Technologies (India) Pvt. Ltd. does all the
development work in-house on a continuous basis through its team of talented professionals.
All the tools, services, products, etc. offered by NJ has been developed in-house according to
what people feel. In today‘s world much is dictated by two important words – Information and

➢ Data Management:

NJ has made arrangements to receive the following … Details of transaction of any

nature in Mutual Funds by any client, through NJ’s Associates or us, on a Daily basis NAV,
Dividend, and other details of all the Mutual Fund schemes on a Daily basis Monthly Portfolio
and other important information of all the Mutual Fund schemes All relevant details of Direct
Equitieslike – Prices, Dividends, Bonus, MarketCapitalizations, etc. on a Daily basis
Allrelevant market related information in additionto economic, event-specific, key economic
variables, on a Daily basis All the data is effectively stored and managed at NJ and the same in
used in providing you and your clients with up-to-date information and reports.

➢ Partner Service:

• Dedicated Relationship Manager

• Marketing & Sales support o Research support
• Training & Education support
• Dedicated Customer Care / Query management support
• Technological support, including online business /'Partners Desk' with CRM &
Employee Management modules

➢ Client service:

Online family "Client Desk" enabling single portfolio view of 'entire' wealth portfolio
Trading & Demat Account with online transacting & call-&-trade service in mutual funds,
direct equity & ETF.

➢ Training & Support:

Making people benefit from the growing economy is possible by attracting them to
participate in Equity for long term, to make their money work for themselves and createwealth.
For this to happen, a huge force of effective Financial Advisors is needed. Formation of
fraternity of effective financial advisors is possible by spreading awareness and enabling
people qualify requisite examination and develop skills to function as qualified Financial
Advisor. This sporadic growth in terms of need of performers in financial advisory services
has led to the crunch of available performers.Though lots of youngsters are getting into
financial advisory services, but the greatest challenge is of right selling, for which adequate
Training is aprerequisite. Advisory function demands updated knowledge, backed up by honed
skills to fetch effective business. Building long term relationship with clients depends upon
possessing clear edge over others in the field. Hence continuous people development has an
important role in building this fraternity.

Business of NJ India Invest Pvt Ltd

NJ Wealth- Financial products Distributors Network:

NJ Wealth - Financial Products Distributors Network is one of India's leading and most
successful network of distributors in the financial services industry. Started in 2003, the
NJ Wealth seeks to reach out to the common man and extend the opportunity to create
wealth through an empowered network of financial product distributors – the NJ Wealth
Partners. To its Partners, NJ Wealth provides a full service, comprehensive business
platform with end-to-end solutions critical for success in financial products distribution
practice. With its compelling set of offerings covering every area of distribution
practice, NJ Wealth has managed to successfully transform the lives of many small and
big distributors.

1. Asset Management
NJ has ventured in asset management business with NJ Advisory Services Pvt.Ltd.,
a group company, launching its discretionary PMS products. At the heart of NJ
Advisory Servicesisthe idea to provide customers with solutionsthat give them the
freedom from active management of investments while having an assurance that we
would be doing so in the best possible manner. Our conviction,matched by our
passion and expertise, is all about ensuring the peace of mind of the investor. The
PMS products currently offered are aimed at meeting investor's need for successful
long-term wealth creation by following strategies that control risk and optimize
returns in a mutual fund portfolio.

2. Insurance Broking
NJ insurance brokers Pvt Ltd is a licensed insurance broker by IRDA, seeks to
provide customers with comprehensive solutions catering to their insurance needs.

3. Global Wealth Advisory

NJ Global Invest(Ltd.) is a new venture wherein NJseeksto offer a Global
WealthAdvisory platform to advisors for offshore funds across the globe. The
vision at Global Wealth Advisory platform is to offer a single window for
investment opportunities across the globe to customers. The idea is to bring to
customers a wide range 46 of offshore fund schemes (domiciled in Mauritius,
Luxembourg, Dublin and other jurisdictions), through advisors on the Global
Wealth Advisory platform

4. Real Estate

The NJ Realty venture offers an integrated service model offering end-to-end
services to various stake-holders in realty program management & execution.
Theidea is to associate with stakeholders and engage actively in various stages of
program management, viz. market survey, legal due diligence, land acquisition,
planning & execution of projects and managing sales & distribution through NJ
Wealth – Financial Products Distributors Network.

5. Information Technology
NJ Technologies is a latest venture by NJ wherein we aim to provide quality
technology solutions to businesses in a wide range of domains. NJ started its
journey in technology with the start of Fin logic Technologies (India)Pvt. Ltd., a
group company, in year 2000. The idea then was to develop software applications
to support the growing (financial services) distribution business and manage the IT



• In India NJ India invest is present in 97 locations in 22 states and now also cover the global
market like Dubai and Mauritius.

➢ NJ India Invest is a dominant player in the mutual fund distribution business with over
decades of experience.

➢ NJ India Invest has tie up with 42 AMC in India.

➢Recently NJ cross the 60000 corers AUM under the advisory.

➢ Seminar and partner meets are also conducted by company that will create healthy
environment among advisors and company.

➢ NJ has strong 360°-degree support which makes it different from its competitor.


➢ The major weakness of NJ is lacking of awareness in market is very less

➢ NJ Funds is dominant only in mutual fund. They have also focused on other financial
instrument like stock trading.


➢ NJ has wide scope in financial market

➢ NJ opportunity to cover the huge network of its partner

➢ NJ can use its partner in selling insurance even company can jump into share trading


➢ Any direct broker or sub brokers who clear the AMFI exam threats for the company. NJ is
facing competition from the new entrant like anagram security, Kary securities and many new
and local players


(M.J, 2011)have identified the Shared assets speak to one of the quickest developing
sorts of budgetary middle person in the American economy. The inquiry stays concerning why
common assets and specifically effectively oversaw shared assets have developed so quick,

when their execution by and large has been substandard compared to that of record stores. One
conceivable clarification of why financial specialists purchases effectively oversaw open end
reserves lies in the way that they are purchased and sold at net resource esteem, and therefore
administration capacity may not be evaluated. On the off chance that administration capacity
exists and it is excluded in the cost of open-end stores, at that point execution ought to be
unsurprising. On the off chance that execution is unsurprising and at any rate a few financial
specialists know about this, at that point money streams into and out of assets ought to be
unsurprising by the plain same measurements that anticipate execution. At long last, if
indicators exist and, in any event, a few financial specialists follow up on these indicators in
putting resources into common subsidizes, the arrival on new money streams ought to be
superior to the normal return for all speculators in these assets. This article presents exact
confirmation on these issues and demonstrates that financial specialists in effectively oversaw
shared assets may have been more balanced than we have accepted.

(Adams, 2009)has stated the new confirmation connecting board qualities and execution.
Utilizing physically gathered administration information from the common reserve industry,
we locate a backwards connection between board size and store execution. We likewise
discover confirm that authoritative shape assumes a vital part in deciding operational execution.
Generally speaking, the outcomes are steady with the thought that there may not be a solitary
ideal board structure that is relevant to all supports, that endeavours to control board properties
ought to be considered with alert, and that support level components are essential board
structure contemplations.

(tverskey, 1979)found in their work, “Prospect Theory & An Analysis of Decision under Risk”,
individuals make decisions based on the potential value of losses and gains rather than the final
outcome, and people evaluate these losses and gains using interesting heuristics.

(s, 2008)have identified the numerous speculators buy common finances through intermediated
channels, paying intermediaries or monetary consultants for finance choice and exhortation.
This article endeavours to evaluate the advantages that financial specialists appreciate in return
for the expenses of these administrations. We consider merchant sold and coordinate sold assets

from 1996 to 2004, and neglect to find that representatives convey significant substantial
advantages. In respect to coordinate sold assets, specialist sold assets convey bring down
hazard balanced returns, even before subtracting appropriation costs. These outcomes hold
crosswise over store goals, except for remote value reserves. Further, agent sold assets display
no more ability at total level resource distribution than do stores sold through the immediate
channel. Our outcomes are predictable with two speculations: that agents convey considerable
elusive advantages that we don't watch and that there are material irreconcilable circumstances
amongst intermediaries and their customers.

(Y.H., 2002)stated that we look at the venture stream of open-end value shared assets. With an
exceptional information from Taiwan, we can explore the purchase and offer conduct of
common speculators independently. We locate that most financial specialists that put resources
into vast shared assets are little sum speculators, while those that put resources into little
subsidizes contribute a considerably bigger sum. Little sum financial specialists of expansive
assets tend to pursue past victors and reclaim shares once subsidize execution makes strides.
They will probably maintain a strategic distance from effectively oversaw reserves with high
turnover. Then again, huge sum financial specialists of little subsidizes seem, by all accounts,
to be impartial purchasers whose buys are not amazingly influenced by here and now execution.
They will probably keep execution enhancing reserves, reclaim the failures, and pay higher
administration charges.


This report is based on primary as well as secondary data, however primary data collection was
given more importance since it is overhearing factor in attitude studies. One of the most

important uses of methodology is that it helps in identifying this problem, collecting, analyzing
the required information data and providing an alternative solution to the problem.


“A Study on Investment Pattern of Investors in Mutual Funds”


The Indian Mutual Fund industry is a very large industry consisting of number of investors.
In this era of competition different investors have different investment objectives. The
objectives of this research are as follows:

• To know the investment pattern of investors investing in Mutual Fund and to identify
the mode of investment in which they invest the most.

• To know the important factors which they take into consideration before investing in
Mutual Funds.

• To get an idea about the percentage of investment in Mutual Fund from total amount
of investment.


For this research Descriptive research design is used. It is defined as a research method that
describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied.
Methodology focuses more on the “what” of the research subject rather than the “why” of the
research subject.


Primary Sources:

The primary data was collected through the structured Questionnaire. And
Questionnaire was sent to different people who invest through the communication media.

Secondary Sources:

• Internet
• Company’s Website
• Other Websites
• Research Paper


Non-probability Sampling is used because it is relied on the personal judgments

of the researcher. In that Convenience Sampling is used for the research project.


A structured Questionnaire was used for the purpose of Research Project.


Descriptive Analysis




• The sampling technique used by me is non – probability convenience samplings. Sp
there can be selection bias.

• The responses from the respondents could be casual in nature. This may be due to lack
of interest or time on their part.

• Sample size has been taken as representative of the population, but it may or may not
represent the whole population. And also the sample size is not so big to come to the
accurate conclusion.

• Due to some personal details in the survey most of respondent not able to give

• Many people do not have proper knowledge about the mutual fund and this reason
results may not give true information.


Demographic Profile of the Respondents:

Variable Category Percentage


Gender Male 53

Female 47

Other -

Age 18 to 30 Years 90
31 to 40 Years 7
41 to 50 Years 3
More than 50 -

Occupation Business 11
Salaried 36
Student 60
Retired -
Home Maker 2

Annual Income Below 200,000 60

200,001 – 400,000 28
400,001 – 600,000 7
600,001 – 800,000 1
800,000 – 10,00,000 4
More than 10,00,00 -

Here, from the table of demographic details of the respondents, it can be said that
majority of the respondents are Female and the age of most of the respondents is falling
between the age group of 18 to 30 years, so it can be said that young investors are more
than others. The reason of this can be increase in basic knowledge of Finance. And
another thing from the above table can be said is that the students are more than
businessmen, salaried, retired and home maker which means educated people are
moving more towards investing money.


Here, from the above pie chart it can be said that majority of investors are female. It is
very good thing to know that females are coming out and investing in different avenues.
If more and more females start investing then, this can be helpful for themselves and
their families as well.

Age Group of Respondents

Here, from the above graph of the responses it can be said that the age of about 90% of
the respondents are between is falling between the age group of 18 to 30 years, which
means that young investors are more than others. And at the same time it is clear from
the graph that people with the age of 50 or more very less nearly zero. The respondents
between the age group of 31 to 40 years are also there but the number is quite less.

There were few options related to occupation of the respondents such as business,
salaried, students, retired, home maker. Out of which most of the respondents are
students. The reason of this can be increase in the education of finance and importance
of doing investment and how it can be useful in future if money is invested today.
Salaried people are also good in number. And people doing business are also there.
Retired people are very less.

Annual Income

There are different group of people having different annual income. From the above
graph it can be said that there are more people having auunal income below 200,000.
This can be because most of the respondents are student so they might not be having
more income. People having annual income between 200,001 to 400,000 are also there
doing investment. The people having this much income can be salaried ones.
Do you invest?

Out of 100 respondents almost 63% are the ones who are investing somewhere.
Which is very good thing to know that more and more people are inclining towards

Where do you invest?

There are many options available for those who want to invest. The avenues available
to them are bank FD, Mutual Fund, Equity market, Debt market, etc. From the above
bar graph it can be said that people are investing more in Mutual and Equity market
than other avenues. People are investing in insurance for protection purpose. The
number of people is less who is investing in debt market and precious stones.
Benefits you expect from each investment alternatives

When people invest, they expect something in return. So there are different types of
benefits which the investor expects from the different type of avenues he/she invests in.
If we talk particularly about the Mutual Fund, what they expect the most is high return
and other than that tax benefit is also what they expect. And from the above chart it is
clearly visible that the one who expects the safety in return from the amount he/she
invest in, that person will choose to go with bank deposit and insurance as these options
are less risky.
How much money do invest in a year

From the above chart it can be said that majority of the respondents invest less than
50,000 in a year. Again, as most of the respondents are students and they have annual
income less than 200,000, so they must be sparing lesser part of their income for
investment. And there are also a good number of people who invest nearly between
50,000 to 200,000 in a year.

Have you ever invested in Mutual Fund?

From the 100 respondents, nearly 57% of them have invested in Mutual Fund. The
reason for this can be the growing market of the Mutual Fund and increase in knowledge
of financial products. But there is still scope to increase this ratio.

What percentage of investment in the following investment

alternative from total investment

From the above chart it can be said that people invest nearly invest 0 to 20% in each
avenue. They try to diversify their portfolio in avenues and schemes available to them.
If we talk particularly about Mutual Fund, just like others, people invest between 0 to
20% of their investment in Mutual Fund. At the same time there are some people who
invest almost 20 to 40% in Mutual Fund.

Which type of fund do you prefer to invest?

In Mutual Fund there are different types of funds available to investor to invest their
money in like Equity fund, Growth fund, debt fund, balanced fund, etc. Out of these
different types of funds about 69% of the investors tend to invest their money in Equity
Fund, which is followed by Growth fund and Balanced fund. There are very few who
invest in Gilt fund. And number of people investing in Debt fund is also less.

How do you get the information of different schemes?

There are different ways person gets information from such as reference groups,
television, financial news papers, internet, etc. From these many options, internet has
played important role to make people informed about the different schemes available
to them. Other than that reference groups and yellow (financial) news papers are also
Good ways to make investors informed about different schemes.

Through which medium do you prefer to invest in Mutual Fund?

There are various mediums, through which investment can be done in Mutual fund like
bank, direct AMC, financial advisor, broker, etc. So out of all these mediums,
investment financial advisor is the most preferred medium of the investors. Because
financial advisors are professional and expert in this field so that investors can get
benefit of their expertise.
Which factors affect you more while investing in Mutual Fund?

There are many factors which affect investors while investing in Mutual Fund such as
diversification, saving, return, liquidity, safety, etc. Out of these factors, return is highly
attractive factor which affects most to the investors. Saving is also one of the factors
because investment is in direct connection with the saving the person is having with

Level of importance of Mutual Fund Investment

This chart shows the level of importance of Mutual Fund investment. Liquidity,
professional management and tax benefits are highly important for mutual fund
investment. Almost all from the above chart is important for Mutual Fund investment
because these are benefits which investors take into consideration while investing in
Mutual Fund.

• Respondents like to invest in different avenues like Equity market, Mutual fund,
Bank fixed deposit, Debt market, Insurance, Precious stones, etc.

• Majority of people prefer high return with safety, tax benefit.

• Majority of people invest in Mutual Fund and Equity Market because both of
these avenues give high return.

• Most of the investors invest less than 50,000 in a year as most of them are having
annual income less than 200,000.

• Majority of the investors prefer to invest in Equity fund as it gives capital


• Most of the investors get information of different Mutual Fund schemes from
internet and financial news papers.

• Majority of the investors prefer to invest through financial advisor to get benefit
of their expertise of the field.

• Though many respondents invest in Mutual Fund still there is a scope to increase
the number of people who invest in Mutual Fund.

• Some of the respondents do not like to invest in Mutual fund because of lack of
knowledge about different schemes available to them.

• Some of the respondents are yet to start the investment. But good thing which
came to notice is that many of respondents are students and they have good
knowledge and enthusiasm about the market and investment.

• There are some factors such as diversification, safety, tax benefit and high
return which investors take into consideration and which affect most to the
investors while investing in Mutual Fund.

• Liquidity, tax benefit and professional management are the things which
investors find highly important.

• Another noticeable thing here is that female respondents are more in number
than male respondents.


• Lack of proper knowledge about the financial products and market. So if Mutual
fund companies start spreading awareness regarding Mutual Fund industry and
educate them about it then the ratio of people investing in Mutual Fund can be

• There is still huge scope in Mutual Fund industry in India. Because in long term
this industry gives high return. So it is opportunity to start investing in Mutual
Fund industry.

• Mutual Fund companies should target people having age more than 45 years
because people after this age don’t like to grab the opportunity and accept new
avenue of investment.

• Because after some age people don’t give a chance to new things.


• In coming future mutual fund industry will definitely become the most
considerable source of the investment. But the lack of knowledge is the obstacle.
But this problem can also be solved by spreading the basic knowledge regarding
the Mutual Funds. Companies should focus more on young investors because they
easily understand the benefits of Mutual Fund investment.

• Many of the researchers might not have taken this survey seriously and that is why
the results derived might not be reflecting true and real scenario of the investment
pattern of investors in Mutual Fund.

• This survey says that female investors are more but this might not the case in real.

• Another thing is that the sample size of this research is not so big, therefore it is
possible that it might not be representing the population in true sense.

• If someone is not investing in Mutual Fund, he/she should give a try to it because
this avenue gives high return in long term which can be helpful to compete with
increasing inflation. Sometimes investment is not enough, but the right selection is
also very important.



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I am Amisha Sangani, pursuing MBA from DHARMSINHDESAIUNIVERSITY,






1. Name*

2. EmailID

3. ContactNumber

4. Gender *





5. AgeGroupoftheRespondent*


6. Occupation *



7. AnnualIncome*

800,000-10, 00,000
Morethan10, 00,000

8. Doyouinvest



9. IfYes,Wheredoyouinvest



10. Benefitsyouexpectfromeachinvestmentalternatives

Highreturn TaxBenefits Safety Liquidity Convenience








11. How much money do you invest in a


12. HaveyoueverinvestedinMutualFund*



13. What is the percentage of investment in the following investment alternatives (fromyour total

0-20% 20-40% 40-60% 60-80% 80-100%








al Estate
14. Whichtypeoffunddoyouprefertoinvest



15. Howdoyougettheinformationofdifferentschemes



16. ThroughwhichmediumdoyouprefertoinvestinMutualFund

17. WhichfactorsattractsyoumorewhileinvestinginMutualFund

Attractive Neutral Notatallattra

Highly At ctive








18. StatethelevelofimportanceofMutualFundInvestment

Important Neutral
Important Notatallimp
HighlyI ortant






Wide Range of

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