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Systems Based on Cognitive Networking Principles

and Management Functionality

George Dimitrakopoulos and Panagiotis Demestichas

he ever-increasing need for mobility has over- field of transportation management. This can be facili-

T flooded major cities with vehicles, resulting in

growing traffic congestions, accompanied by un-
predicted emergencies and accidents. These facts
reveal important inefficiencies related to transportation,
which call for the development of systems for more effi-
tated by exploiting cognitive networking principles, i.e.,
by developing transportation management mechanisms
with learning capabilities to enable the a priori percep-
tion of potential dangers and accordingly amendment of
vehicle’s behavior. This article proposes functionality
cient and safer mobility. A way to pursue this is to apply that is capable of exploiting the intelligence accumulated
the recent findings in the area of communications to the through the exchange of information among numerous
vehicles that lie in a certain vicinity. This leads to deci-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MVT.2009.935537 sions that improve the quality of transportation in terms

MARCH 2010 | IEEE VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE 1556-6072/10/$26.00©2010IEEE ||| 77

experience and knowledge (placed locally in the vehicle
INEFFICIENCIES CAUSE ENORMOUS LOSSES OF and also globally in the network). This can be realized by
TIME, DECREASE IN THE LEVEL OF SAFETY FOR introducing cognitive systems [5] for the management of
BOTH VEHICLES AND PEDESTRIANS, HIGH vehicles. By definition, cognitive systems can retain knowl-
edge from past interactions with their environment, trans-
form this knowledge to experience, and plan their future
actions accordingly. This can improve the performance
(e.g., resolve congestion /emergency situation faster) and
also the reliability of any decisions taken.
The scope of this article is to introduce novel function-
of reduction of traffic congestions, accident risks, and ality for providing knowledge to vehicles, thus jointly man-
emergency situations. aging traffic and safety. This will be achieved through the
The increasing need for mobility has brought about design of the proposed functionality, which, at a high
significant changes in transportation infrastructures. Euro- level, will comprise 1) sensor networks formed by vehicles
pean cities are thus more and more overcrowded with of a certain vicinity that exchange traffic-related informa-
vehicles, facing unpleasant everyday phenomena such as tion, 2) cognitive management functionality placed inside
growing traffic congestions, as well as unpredicted emer- the vehicles for inferring knowledge and experience, and
gencies and accidents [1]. Inefficiencies cause enormous 3) cognitive management functionality in the overall
losses of time, decrease in the level of safety for both transportation infrastructure. The goal of the aforemen-
vehicles and pedestrians, high pollution, degradation of tioned three main components shall be to issue directives
quality of life, and huge waste of nonrenewable fossil energy to the drivers and the overall transportation infrastruc-
[1], [2]. These inefficiencies bring up the necessity for ture valuable in context handling.
developing systems for more efficient and safer mobility. In The rest of the article is structured as follows. The ‘‘Moti-
response to the above, traffic assessment and management vation’’ section presents the motivation for this work, pro-
has been established as a key service that should be offered viding an overview of the wireless world and focusing on
in the area of transportation by Information and Communi- cognitive systems and wireless sensor networks (WSNs).
cation Technologies [3]–[5]. In this respect, several innova- The ‘‘Functionality Description’’ section presents the pro-
tive and cost-effective mobile services and applications for posed management functionality in detail, i.e., the compo-
traffic networks are under investigation, emerging as the nents, as well as an indicative information flow among
cornerstone of the so-called intelligent transportation sys- them. Finally, the last section delivers some concluding
tems (ITS) [6], [7]. Despite the establishment of ITS, there remarks and outlooks for future work.
are ways to maximize transportation efficiency and safety:
n The traffic conditions that should be handled by Motivation
vehicles may frequently change in a sudden or recur- This section provides an overview of the current wireless
ring manner. So, on one hand, traffic needs to be world, focusing on cognitive wireless networks and sys-
assessed in real time. On the other hand, traffic pat- tems. Then, it describes the basic principles of WSNs and
terns resulting from a learning process could add accu- explains how WSNs can cooperate with cognitive systems
racy to the messages communicated to the drivers. in building a functionality that will act as an intelligent
n Legacy traffic assessment and management systems transportation system that can enhance traffic and safety
are mainly centralized. This means that, in principle, management in vehicles and the overall transportation
they are complex and unsuitable for adapting, in infrastructures.
short-time scales, to context changes.
n Currently, the collection of context information, the Wireless Landscape
solution of optimization problems, and the applica- The wireless world has been migrating toward the so-called
tion of reconfiguration decisions is an off-line process beyond the third-generation (B3G) era.’’ From a technologi-
applied in medium- or long-time scales. cal perspective, in the B3G era, legacy (conventional)
n Intelligence embedded in vehicles is still at a very low access network technologies, called radio access technol-
level, and there is no assessment in the vehicle of the ogy (RAT) standards, coexist and cooperate with currently
overall safety status that would rely on a correlation emerging as well as completely new standards. In this
of the global traffic condition and the vehicle and respect, today’s wireless world comprises numerous RATs
driver behaviors. of diverse nature, which can be classified as follows:
A direction for obtaining adaptability to new traffic con- n wireless wide-area networking technologies, which
texts, facilitating cooperation and also addressing com- include, among others, second- and third-generation
plexity, is to apply, as much as possible, distributed and mobile communications [8], [9], the more recently
yet cooperative solutions, at the same time, exploiting introduced worldwide interoperability for microwave


access [11], as well as broadcasting technologies
such as digital video broadcasting and digital audio COMPLEXITY CAN BE FOUGHT THROUGH THE
n wireless networking technologies of a shorter range,
which include, among others, wireless local- and per-
sonal-area networks (WLANs/WPANs) [10], as well as
wireless ad hoc networks and WSNs [13], [14].
Obviously, it is not possible to stand still. Even 4G sys-
tems are on the way. In the near future, even higher bit (e.g., issue a directive toward the driver to change the
rates will be supported. However, more significant than vehicle’s direction). The output of the system is stored on
the bit rates are the capabilities of future networks that a knowledge database, which might simply be a matrix for
include full integration of Internet Protocol, even smaller future reference. This means that the system keeps track
cells, self-planning dynamic topologies, flexible use of the of its actions so as to learn from their implications to facili-
spectrum, and utilization of precise user location. As to tate future decisions. This is repeated in a machine-learn-
trends in services, it will become more and more impor- ing process [16] that leads to cognition.
tant to deliver the right information at the right time and In general, the reconfigurable and cognitive systems
to the right place. move toward the most promising directions and technolo-
However, as can be seen day to day, novel communica- gies in the sense of removing any potential limitations that
tion systems become more and more complex. Complexity is derive from business perspectives and providing the means
usually derived 1) from the heterogeneous network and to implement the vision of true end-to-end connectivity.
terminal infrastructure that needs to be tackled every time
and 2) to the continuously increasing level of complexity of Wireless Sensor Networks
services and applications that arise from the ever-increasing As mentioned earlier, WSNs [13], [14] form part of the B3G
user expectations for dependable, reliable, and secure serv- wireless world. Such a network may comprise hundreds of
ices. The deployment of high-complexity systems can be nodes that operate on the grounds of small batteries, and
facilitated through several concepts, one of which is the thus, its viability may depend on the resources consump-
reconfigurability concept, often seen as an evolution of soft- tion on behalf of its nodes. WSNs may exist in areas where
ware-defined radio (SDR) [15]. Reconfigurability provides the certain measurements such as temperature, pressure,
technologies that are essential for terminals and network ele- humidity, and velocity need to take place. Each time a sen-
ments to dynamically (online) select and operate with those sor (node) receives a trigger, it forwards the relevant infor-
RATs that are considered as most appropriate for tackling mation to the whole network (WSN). Other sensors
the specific conditions encountered in a certain region and (nodes) receive this information and keep on forwarding it
time zone. RATs are SDR based, i.e., they can be installed and up to a point where one or more SINK nodes, i.e., nodes that
uninstalled only through the appropriate activation and have less energy limitations, larger processing power, and
deactivation of the respective software components. thus undertake to gather any significant information (also
Moving one step further, complexity can be fought further process it to an external network) (see Figure 2).
through the design of communication infrastructures on
the premises of cognitive networking principles [5]. In gen-
eral, a cognitive system is capable of retaining knowledge
from past interactions with the external environment and
decides upon its future behavior based on this knowledge,
other goals, and also policies, so as to adapt to optimize its
performance [5]. It is anticipated that cognitive systems Context
can facilitate the design, development, and integration of t1 Information
Knowledge and

novel services and applications. An area of applications


where cognitive systems could find prosper ground is Information and
transportation. Indicatively, a cognitive system placed Plan Actions
inside a vehicle might seem like the one shown on Figure 1.
As shown in the figure, the operation of a cognitive sys- Act
tem placed inside a vehicle can be reflected on a feedback t3
look. The system at time t1 retrieves context information,
potentially on traffic, velocity of neighboring vehicles, etc.
Through the analysis of this information (at time t2), while
taking into consideration its own preferences, goals, and
policies, the system (at time t3) decides on its actions FIGURE 1 Operation of a cognitive system.


Overview of Proposed Functionality
The objective of this article is to propose the design of
management functionality that comprises cognitive com-
munication systems to exploit the (collective) intelligence
Source accumulated through the exchange of information among
numerous vehicles that lie in a certain vicinity.
In general, this will be achieved through networks of
sensors dynamically formed by vehicles that fall at a cer-
Sink tain geographical range and capable of allowing communi-
cation among the different network nodes (vehicles). This
will lead to important information exchange among the
network vehicles. Such information may not only improve
FIGURE 2 Information transfer in a WSN. the quality of transportation in terms of reduction of traf-
fic congestions, but may also be important in automati-
cally reducing accident risks and emergency situations.
The way information is forwarded inside the WSN may The functionality is shown at a high level on Figure 3 and
vary, since there are many options for packet routing. presented in detail in the next section.
What is more, nodes may be (intentionally) moving, while
some nodes may cease to operate because of energy Functionality Description
problems. The above render information transfers a
tough problem. Requirements
In general, WSNs have many exciting applications. In The most significant goal of intelligent management func-
this respect, the following section shows how WSNs can tionality for vehicles, as well as for the whole transporta-
form part of intelligent transportation systems in conjunc- tion infrastructure, is to improve the levels of efficiency
tion with cognitive systems. and safety of mobility. In this respect, there are several

–Issues Commands for

Infrastructure Optimization
(e.g., Traffic Lights Amendment)

Cognitive System for

the Infrastructure

Infrastructure Management

Short Range Wireless Wide Area Wireless

Communication Network

Vehicle Management
Cognitive System
for Vehicle Sensor Network

–Issues Commands for

Optimizing Route and Vehicle Management
Avoiding Emergency
Situations Cognitive System for

FIGURE 3 High-level view of functionality.


lateral requirements that need to be tackled before the
design and development process: VEHICLE SENSORS ARE CAPABLE OF
n awareness of contextual situations: to identify the cur- ENABLING THE AD HOC FORMATION OF
rent context and help the vehicle adapt to it dynami- NETWORKS AMONG NEIGHBORING VEHICLES
cally, securely, and fast and, as such, provide the
maximum possible levels of quality
n personalization: not only to support various classes
of vehicles/drivers but also to provide solutions
tailored to the individual driver profile Architecture and Description of Components
n support of pervasive computing: to enable the existence The architecture of the proposed functionality is shown in
and operation of sensors, ad hoc networking entities, Figure 4. As shown in the figure, the functionality com-
and also local-area networks in all application areas prises the following complementary components.
n always-best connectivity: for providing seamless net-
work access for enabling the functionality’s operation Vehicle Sensors and WSNs
in heterogeneous environments Vehicle sensors are capable of enabling the ad hoc forma-
n collaboration with alternate RATs: for enabling the tion of networks (WSNs) among neighboring vehicles to
seamless operation of the functionality allow the communication and information exchange. In
n scalability: the ability to provide solutions at various general, a vehicle may comprise several sensors. The
levels to be able to act either in a collaborative or in information exchanged among them can be classified into
an autonomic manner depending on the specific needs. high- and low-level data.
A solution that derives from the analysis of the afore-
mentioned requirements, for the cognitive functionality High-Level Data
for the management of vehicles, is presented in the subse- This type of information includes knowledge on the con-
quent section. gestion level, alert regarding potential emergencies,

Cognitive Management Functionality Cognitive Management Functionality

Profiles, Goals, and Profiles, Goals, and

Policies Derivation Policies Derivation
Adaptation Adaptation
Decisions Decisions
Context SDR Context
Acquisition WiMAX Segment Acquisition

Context Directives to
Information Infrastructure Directives
B3G Infrastructure to Drivers
SW Information SW


Infrastructure Domain Vehicle Domain

Vehicle Vehicle
Sensor Sensor

FIGURE 4 Architecture of proposed functionality.


about driver’s physical condition (eye blink frequency,
GOALS AND POLICIES AIM AT MAXIMIZING eyelid opening, head movement, profile, operating the foot
THE PERFORMANCE, SAFETY, RELIABILITY, pedals, pressing buttons on the instrument panel, and
AND STABILITY OF THE DECISIONS TAKEN steering wheel activity), and vehicle-state information are
also acquired in the form of a facial driver recognition,
which allows for the detection of differences between
changing driving styles. Finally, driver’s goals, priorities,
characterization of driver’s behavior, characterization of and policies are also included. Goals and policies aim at
vehicle’s overall condition (good, normal, and bad) and maximizing the performance, safety, reliability, and stabil-
cruising behavior, information on the road condition (e.g., ity of the decisions taken from an end-to-end perspective.
slippery), information on neighboring vehicles and their
cruising behavior, and general knowledge on location Output
(mountain road, city road, etc.). The V-CMF results in issuing commands (directives) toward
the driver so as to adapt the vehicle’s road behavior and
Low-Level Data tackle any emergency situations through emergency braking
This type of information includes information on the vehicles or vehicle direction correction (again based on perception
such as their accurate positions (distance among them), and reasoning). Moreover, congestion can be avoided
velocities and directions, capabilities braking distances, and through the reconsideration of the vehicle’s advisable route.
accelerations. Furthermore, information on the drivers is
also included, such as the driver’s profiles, driving habits, Decision Making
capabilities, and preferences (policies). The resulting infor- Several approaches can be envisaged for the decision-
mation can be used in the inference of a driver’s current tasks making process. In general, the V-CMF uses appropriate
as well as driver modeling; i.e., common driving related tasks intelligent algorithms that exploit the input in terms of
are recognized by the interpretation of sensor measure- optimizing an objective function [17], [18] that refers to
ments of vehicle–driver interactions (e.g., operating of the certain aspects of the vehicle’s behavior (overall delay,
foot pedals, gear changes, pressing buttons on the instru- mean velocity, etc.).
ment panel, or looking into mirrors), as well as state informa-
tion about the vehicle (e.g., location, fuel levels, and engine Knowledge and Experience
status). This process is performed unobtrusively without dis- The information acquired is processed and appropriately
turbing the driver in his natural behavior. The focus is on rec- interpreted so as to infer knowledge and experience. The
ognizing short-term tasks that a driver may pursue. knowledge model aims at capturing various aspects such
In general, the sensors are required to decide on how as the driver’s state (attentiveness and fatigue) and behav-
to process in-vehicle data, which aggregated data are to ior, as well as the overall vehicle environment. Moreover,
be sent, how often, etc. Sensor measurements are proc- information on certain contextual situations (recurrent or
essed in a hierarchical manner with specialized reasoning emergencies) and the way they have been confronted is
techniques, which yield information about the vehicle– retained to serve for future decisions.
driver interactions at various abstraction levels.
Infrastructure Cognitive Management
Vehicle Cognitive Management Functionality Functionality

Input Input
The vehicle cognitive management functionality (V-CMF) The infrastructure cognitive management functionality
input includes contextual information acquired from the (I-CMF) acquires input from the WSNs regarding the condi-
sensors and the WSNs, regarding the status of the vehicle tion of elements or segments of the transportation infra-
(such as its velocity, direction, neighboring vehicles’ posi- structure (traffic lights, road signs, road conditions,
tions, directions, and velocities) and road-side information congestion levels, and overall load in telecommunications
(such as road condition, congestion levels and potential network) so as to be aware of the current context.
emergencies), as well as traffic lights and road-signs condi- Moreover, the input includes information on the vehicle’s
tions. Moreover, the input includes information on the profiles, as well as goals and policies dictated by the
driver’s profiles. To do so, a predefined set of driver states transportation authorities.
is inferred from interpreted driver-monitoring data (this
information is also retrieved from the sensors). Moreover, Output
plan-recognition techniques are explored to derive driver The I-CMF is targeted at deciding on the proper configura-
state and behavior. This means that sequences of interac- tion of small elements or larger segments of the transpor-
tions between the driver and the vehicle, the raw signals tation infrastructure, i.e., traffic lights and road signs.


Decision Making
Several optimization algorithms are envisaged for the COST FACTORS ARE ALSO ADDRESSED
I-CMF. Those algorithms are targeted at achieving optimal THROUGH THE MINIMIZATION OF THE OVERALL
performance, safety, reliability, and stability from the end- LOAD IN THE TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK.
to-end perspective. Additionally, cost factors are also
addressed through the minimization of the overall load in
the telecommunication network. Indicative Information Flow
This section aims at exemplifying the operation of the pro-
Knowledge and Experience posed functionality. In this respect, Figure 5 depicts a
Decisions need to be enhanced with learning capabilities scenario for showcasing the exchange of information
so as to accelerate and improve the efficiency of the neces- among the functionality’s components.
sary adaptation (reconfiguration) actions. In particular, The scenario is twofold in the sense that it comprises
algorithms are enriched with knowledge features through 1) a part that is tackled by the V-CMF and 2) a part that is
the incorporation of basic learning techniques, such as tackled by the I-CMF. In both parts, the initial trigger is
pattern matching and context recognition, that help a sys- supposed to originate in the WSNs. The WSNs exchange
tem compare current contextual situations with past ones information among their nodes (sensors).
and identify already applied solutions that could be put In the first part of the scenario, information that is
into effect. However, faster, more effective, and more sta- derived from the WSNs, i.e., context information along
ble leaning strategies can also be adopted. with vehicle’s and driver’s profiles, goals, and policies, is
It should be noted that distributed context acquisition transferred to the V-CMF. The V-CMF gathers this informa-
and decision making at various degrees of distribution are tion and compares it with data already retained in its
enabled by the proposed architecture, i.e., either autono- knowledge database, to compare the current context (and
mously from the V-CMF or in a collaborative manner from the relevant decisions taken) with past ones and thus use
the I-CMF. In general, the aforementioned components past knowledge and experience before taking any deci-
cooperate with each other so as to generate knowledge sions. Then, the V-CMF runs an optimization process, as
from various sources and result in useful directives described earlier, so as to take decisions and issue any
toward the vehicles and the transportation infrastructure. necessary commands (directives) to the driver, valuable
The way this is realized is described in the next section. in context handling.

Vehicle-1 Vehicle-2

Vehicle-1 Sensor Vehicle-2 Sensor V-CMF I-CMF

Raw Data Exchange Context Information

Context Information
Driver’s Profile and Infrastructure Elements
Policies Information and Policies Information

Knowledge Knowledge
Aggregation Aggregation

Optimization Optimization
Process Process

Directives to Driver Adaptation Directives

to Infrastructure
(Traffic Lights, Signs)

FIGURE 5 Functionality components and indicative information flow.


is currently working as an adjunct lecturer and senior
THE MOST SIGNIFICANT GOAL OF INTELLIGENT research engineer at the department of Digital Systems,
MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONALITY FOR VEHICLES University of Piraeus. He has been actively involved in
IS TO IMPROVE THE LEVELS OF EFFICIENCY numerous national and international research projects
SKOUROI). His research interests include the design and
management of B3G systems, cognitive systems, optimi-
In the second part of the scenario, again WSNs send zation algorithms, and queuing theory.
information on the current contextual situation to the Panagiotis Demestichas received the diploma and
I-CMF. A main difference here is that the I-CMF also gathers the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering
information from the transportation infrastructure regard- from the National Technical University of Athens. He has
ing the condition of the elements (traffic lights, road signs, 15 years of experience in international and national,
etc.) and larger segments (road sides) of the infra- research and development, projects, actively participat-
structure. What is more, the I-CMF gathers information on ing in European Union (EU)-funded projects of the IST,
profiles, goals, and policies from the transportation ACTS, RACEII, EURET, and BRITE/EURAM frameworks.
authorities, which constitute rules that need to be taken He has authored numerous publications in these areas
into consideration by the I-CMF. The I-CMF then compares in international journals and conferences. He is a Mem-
the information gathered with past contexts confronted ber of the IEEE and ACM.
and the associate decisions taken. Finally, the I-CMF runs
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George Dimitrakopoulos ( received 2007.
the diploma in electrical and computer engineering and [18] G. Dimitrakopoulos, P. Demestichas, K. Tsagkaris, A. Saatsakis, K.
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