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MEKDES TILAYE………………………...FSH(R) 2418/06

MOHAMMED ALI…………………………..FSH(R)2116/06

MOHAMMED WORKU…………………..FSH(R) 2118/06




JUNE, 2016


First, of all we would like to give acknowledgement to our families who support both financially
and morally to conducted this research.

Secondly, we would like to acknowledge our advisor Alelegn Abera who gives his constructive
and valuable comments to our study.

Thirdly, we would like to thanks woldia university liberarists for helping us by providing
different material for our study.

Finally, we would to acknowledge 3rd year regular graduate students of woldia university
particularly faculty of business and economics and also woldia university student counseling.
Who give reliable information and essential data.

Table of contents
Contents page


Table of content…………………………………………………………………………………………

List of table……………………………………………………………………………………………….



CHAPTER ONE…………………………………………………………………………………………...

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………

1.1. Back ground of the study………………………………………………………………………………

1.2 Statement of the problem………………………………………………………………………………

1.3 Objective of the study…………………………………………………………………………………

1.3.1 General objective of the study…………………………………………………………………

1.3.2 Specific objective of the study…………………………………………………………………

1.4 Research questions ……………………………………………………………………………………..

1.5 Scope of the study……………………………………………………………………………………….

1.6 Significance of the study………………………………………………………………………………

1.7 Limitation of the study………………………………………………………………………………...

1.8 Paper organization……………………………………………………………………………………...

1.9 Conceptual frame work……………………………………………………………………………….

1.10 Operational definition…………………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER TWO……………………………………………………………………………………….

2. Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………………

2.1 General overview of drug addiction…………………………………………………...........................

2.2 Causes of drug addiction……………………………………………………………………………….

2.2.1 Psychological cause of drug addiction………………………………………………………

2.2.2 Environmental causes of drug addiction…………… …………………………………………

2.2.3 Biological cause of drug addiction…………………………………………………………

2.2.4 Genetic causes of drug addiction………………………………………………………………

2.2.5 Developmental cause……………………………………………………………………………

2.3 Major causes of alcohol and Drug addiction in university and college……………………………

2.3.1 Family……………………………………………………………………………………………

2.3.2 Socio economic status……………………………………………………………………………

2.3.3 Knowledge………………………………………………………………………………………

2.3.4 Mental Health…………………………………………………………………………………

2.3.5 Traumatical life events………………………………………………………………………

2.4 Types of drug………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.5 Prevalence of drug use and drug use disorders……………………………………………………….

CHAPTER THREE………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Research Methodology…………………………………………………………………………………

3.1 Description of the study area…………………………………………………………………………

3.2 Study Design……………………………………………………………………………………………

3.3 Source of data…………………………………………………………………………………………..

3.3.1 Primary data sources……………………………………………………………………………

3.3.2 Secondary data sources……………………………………………………………………

3.4 Sampling technique……………………………………………………………………………………

3.5 Sample size………………………………………………………………………………………………

3.6 Data collection instrument……………………………………………………………………………

3.7 Methods of data analysis……………………………………………………………………………….

3.8 Ethical Consideration…………………………………………………………………………………..

CHAPTER FOUR…………………………………………………………………………………………

4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION………………………………………………………..

4.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….

4.2 Personal background of the respondent……………………………………………………….

4.3 Questionaires related with causes of drug addiction…………………………………………

4.4 Qualitative data analysis………………………………………………………………………

CHAPTER FIVE……………………………………………………………………………………………

5. Conclusion and Recommendation………………………………………………………………………


5.2 Recommendation………………………………………………………………………………………


List of table

Table 1: Sex of respondents……………………………………………………………………………….

Table 2: Age distribution of respondents………………………………………………………………….

Table 3: Religious affilation……………………………………………………………………………......

Table 4: Ethnicity of the respondents……………………………………………………………………..

Table 5: Marital status of the respondents………………………………………………………………..

Table 6: Place of birth……………………………………………………………………………………...

Table 7: Department of the respondents………………………………………………………………….

Table 8: Kind of family of the respondents………………………………………………………………

Table 9: Social status of the respondents………………………………………………………………….

Table 10: Frequency of drug users per week…………………………………………………………….

Table 11: Main causes for drug addiction………………………………………………………………

Table 12: Types of drug used by the respondents………………………………………………………

Table 13: purpose of using the drug………………………………………………………………………

Table 14: The time to started drug………………………………………………………………………

Table 15: Sources of drug…………………………………………………………………………………

Table 16: Attitude perception of the respondents………………………………………………………

Table 17: Peer pressure leads to using drug………………………………………………………………

Table 18: Environment is cause for drug addiction……………………………………………………..

Table 19: Drug addiction is important for acadamic achievement……………………………………...

Table 20: Drug addiction imitated from family…………………………………………………………

Table 21: Drug addiction is more important for education……………………………………………


CNS-central nerve system

HIV-human immune deficiency

LSD-powerful hallucinogenic drug

NGO-nongovernmental organization

NIDA-national institute drug abuse

USA-united states of America

WHO-world health organization

In this study the researchers were conducted the research to assess the main causes of drug
addiction in woldia University 3rd year regular graduate students particularly faculty of business
and economics. To investigate this problem the researchers used cross sectional study design.

The researchers’ were collected the data through both quantitative and qualitative data
collection methods. The collected data through questionnaire were analyzed and interpreted
quantitatively descriptive statics. The collective data interview from our key informants were
analyzed and interpreted qualitatively through thematic analysis. The researchers were also
used both primary and secondary data types. Questionnaire and interview used in primary data.
And for secondary data, published and unpublished material such as book, internet, and
newspaper were used.

The researchers were used probability and non-probability sampling techniques. From
probability sampling techniques the researchers employed stratified sampling and from non-
probability sampling techniques the researchers employed purposive sampling and the
researchers were selected 30 respondents.

1. Introduction
1.1Back ground of the study

Drug addiction is a dependence on illegal drug or a medication. When residents are addicted they
may not able to control their drug use and they may continue using drug despite the hermit
causes. Drug addiction can cause an intense craving for the drug. (Abadinsky H.2011)

For many residents what starts as a causal use leads to drug addiction can cause serious long
term consequent including physical and mental health relationship employment and the law,
(Leviansn.marlin H.2002)

Drug addiction is a chronic often relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking
and use. Despite harmful consequences to the drug addict and those around them. Drug addiction
is a brain disease because the abuse of drug leads to change in the structure and function of the
brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs in voluntary. Over
time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person’s self-control
ability to make sound decisions and at the same time create an intense impulse to take drugs.
Drug addiction as a national institute on drug abuse as chronic relapsing brain disease that is
characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequent. In contrast, drug
abuse implies the miss of certain substance. It is amoral not scientific term. (Abandisky H.2011)

Drug use is one of the national most expensive health problem.costing$109.8 billion in 1995
alone (Harwood, Fountain and Livermore1998)

In addition to the financial costs drug use also exacts a human cost with thousands of lives being
damaged and forever changed by drug use and addiction, Prevention and treatment research as
well as clinical experience have shown that it is often possible to intervene successfully in
addiction. However such interventions must be grounded solidly in research and must also
provide long term behavioral and sometimes pharmacological support to ultimately achieve
abstinence (Kantak etal2001) as part of this research based intervention. The national institute on
drug abuse (NIDA) is funding the development of new classes of medication to treat drug
addiction. These medications include immunotherapies and sustained release formulations.
Immunotherapies are involves products that are introduced into the body to stimulate an
Immune response either through active immunization. (Hirose and Kuroiwa2001).All three
therapies are vaccines monoclonal antibodies and sustained release formulations are long acting.
But time limited with durations from weeks to months. The availability of these medications will
raise a hot issue. (Rawson etal2000).The segment of the Ethiopian population are college and
university students are the most at risk of using alcohol and other drugs such as chat and tobacco
are most often stimulant medications increasingly used by high school and college students are a
means to improve academic performance (Derssa and Azazh2011).

1.2 Statement of the problem

Drug addiction problem are varied and cause irregular behavior and action. The drug user is not
the only person to experience the negative consequence of drug abuse and addiction. Use of
substance such as alcohol, chat leaves and tobacco has become one of the major public health
and socio economic problem worldwide. Recent trends indicates that the use of substance have
dramatically increased particularly in developing countries (Derssa andAzozh2011).The problem
of alcohol and drug addiction among college and university students remains an important area
of research due to the implication of early substance dependence on the future of the youth
(Brook G., J.Cohen P. and Brook D.1998)

Alcohol and drug addiction is a common public health risk that peaks in persons between 18 and
25 years of age and is highly prevalent among university and college students because of
different causes. Like peer pressure, environment, family and teachers. While this has been
repeatedly studied and documented in developed nations there have been limited (K.Messa,
K.Mossie and Gelaw2009). Alcohol missus costs of the United States. A staggering and 85
billion a year more than all illegal drugs combined these costs were attributed to lost productivity
health care expediters motor vehicle crashes and soon(Ash tan and Elizabeth 2008). Drug users
affecting in every area of life including family health, employment and society. No one wants to
be angry. To live on the school to street lose their job family or to drop out the school. But these
are types of things that happen to people who have drug abuse problem. (Reese, Joel, 2000). In
Ethiopia higher education institutions alcohol and drug abuse and addiction has become one of
the most serious problems in recent years. in previous studies from various settings indicate
relatively high rates of alcohol and other substance use among higher educational
institution .among the few studies from universities and colleges in Ethiopia. Findings show that
high rate of substance use among students. (Gelaw Y.and A.Haile, Amlak.A2004). many
researchers conducted research about the causes of drug addiction in Ethiopia. But, they focused
only about the psychological cause of drug addiction. So, it is not enough only focused on
psychological cause of drug addiction and our research attempted to fill this gap. The researchers
studied main causes of drug addiction like environment, peer pressure, family and others.
Therefore, this study assess the main causes of drug addiction in woldia university particularly
faculty of business and economics.
1.3 Objective of the study
1.3.1 General objective of the study
The general objective of this study was to assess the main causes of drug addiction in 3rd year
regular graduate students, in case of Woldia University particularly faculty of business and

1.3.2 Specific objective of the study

-To find out the main causes of drug addiction in Woldia University.

-To examine the types of drug used by the students in the study area.

-To identify the students affected by the causes of drug addiction in the study area.

1.4 Research questions

1. What are the main causes of drug addiction in the study area?

2. What type of drug addiction is used by the students in the study area?

3. Who are the students affected by the causes of drug addiction in the study area?

1.5 Scope of the study

This study was conducted to assess the causes of drug addiction in woldia university 3rd year
graduate students particularly in faculty of business and economics. Since the problem causes of
drug addiction may exist in many areas of the university. But due to lack of enough time and
lack of finance. So the researchers were studied the causes of drug addiction particularly faculty
of business and economics.

1.6 Significance of the study

The researchers went to study this problem because the study has the following significance.

-The study will have unique contribution in the area of Woldia University.

-The research will be valuable as an input to inform policy maker.

-The study will be helpful as a base line information for other researchers who have interesting in
studying the causes of drug addiction.

-The researcher will come up with a good recommendation that tries to reduce and creating
awareness for the community
.-This research serves as an input for different policies and strategies drafted by the government
and NGOS to intervene the problem.

1.7 Limitation of the study

When the researchers were conducted this research we were faced some challenges or problems
such as:

-Lack of finance

-Lack of experience and knowledge

-Shortage of time

-Lack of sources or documents related to our study

-Some respondents were not voluntary to give detail information and

-There is communication barrier

1.8 Paper organization

The paper would have five chapters deals with on introduction, statement of the problem,
objective of the study, research question, significance of the study, scope of the study, limitation
and definition of terms. The second chapters deals with literature reviews and third chapter deals
with research methodology sections in this chapter the researchers tried to discussed about
research design ,description of area, sampling techniques, sources of data, method of data
collection, ethical consideration and data analysis. The fourth chapter would have interpretation
and data analysis and in the fifth chapter deals with conclusion and recomendetion.

1.9 Conceptual frame work

The challenges of drug addiction were becoming the problem for both developed and developing
countries. According to the data gathered the causes of drug addiction is related with one
another. This conceptual frame work includes environment, peer pressure, family and socio
economic status are the major causes of drug addiction


Causes of Socio-
Peer pressur drug economic
addiction status


1.10 Operational definition

Drug-is an illegal substance which some people take in order to fill relaxed happy. An illegal
substance taken for its stimulating (Abandinsky.H2011)
Addiction-is a need to take a harmful drug regularly without being able to stop and is addiction
of the mind or body (Abandinsky.H2011)
Drug addiction-is a state of periodic or chronic intoxication produce by the repeated conception
of drug. Such as alcohol, heroin, marijuana, perception drug or any other substance of addictive
item means that both physical and brain dependent on the item. (Abadinsky2011).
Alcohol-defined as a person who drinks more than one drinks per day every day and physically
addicted to alcohol.
Heroin-is every harmful illegal drug that is highly addictive and is made from morphine.
Cocaine-loss of control of one’s volitional forces to brain chemical process or loss of control
scale (Michael, Bozar1990).
Marijuana-increase abstinence from alcohol, cigar ate and illicit drugs among pregnant women
(Klein 2002)
Morphine-A powerful drug made from opium that is used to produce pain usage or a description
or actual process of action. (Dhrendra verma2005)
LSD-neutralization of acid or alkali could be when acid is added or neutralization of different
acids. (SPM 2008)

2. Literature Review
2.1 General overview of drug addiction
Drug addiction is dependents on a legal or illegal drug or medication keep in mind that alcohol
and nicotine are legal substances but are also considered drugs when you are addicted you are
not able to control your drug use and you may continue using the drug despite the harm it causes.
Drug addiction can cause an intense craving for the drug.Youmay want to quit but most people
find they cannot do it on their own. (WeaverMF2014).
Drug addiction can cause serious long term consequences including problems with physical and
mental health relationships, Employment and the law. You may need help from your doctor,
family, friends, support groups or an organized treat program to overcome your drug addiction
and stay drug free.(Arlington, va2014).

2.2 Causes of drug addiction

2.2.1 Psychological cause of drug addiction

Psychological causes of drug addiction have been suggested many people’s still believe that
some of the psychological causes of drug addiction appear to stem. From trauma often when the
drug addict is young sexual or physical abuse neglect or chooses in the home can all lead to
psychological stress which people attempt to self-medicate or decrease the stress pain through
drug use. This self-medication becomes a cause of drug addiction. Other psychological cause of
drug addiction include
-A mental illness such as depression

-inability to connect with others, lack of friends

-poor performance at work or school

-poor stress coping skills

2.2.2 Environmental causes of drug addiction

A person’s environment can be part of what causes drug addiction. Drug addiction is more
common in environments where drug addiction is seen or where it’s seen as permissible children
who grow up in homes with drug addicts often became drug addicts themselves. Because most
drug use starts in a adolescence or read teenage drug abuse. Those with in attentive, abusive or
neglect full parents are more drug addiction. One cause of drug addiction can be the combination
of drug experimentation with the lack of parental oversight. (Productivity losses USA2004)
Other environmental factors that can be causes of drug abuse include

-participation in a sport where performance enhancing drugs or encouraged

-A peer group that uses or promotes drug use

-people of lower socio economic status are at greater risk of drug addiction

-Gender and ethnicity contribute to addiction of some drugs

2.2.3 Biological cause of drug addiction

The genes that people are born with combination with environmental influences account for
about half of their addiction vulnerability additionally gender, ethnicity and the presence of other
mental disorders may influences risk for drug abuse and addiction. No single factor a person can
predict whether a person will become addicted to drugs risk for addiction is influenced by a
combination of biological that include individual biology.(National Drug Intelligence

2.2.4 Genetic causes of drug addiction

Drug addiction tends to run in families, indicating genetics may have a role in causing drug
addiction. In fact, in studies of twins it appears half of some ones risk of becoming addicted to
drugs is genetic. Genetic cause of drug addiction appears to involve multiple gene sequences and
science has not yet been able to pinpoint all the genes involved. However, it is known some
genes like those involved in brain receptors of nicotine, contribute to the cause of drug addiction.
(Www. mayo clinic.comhealth drug addiction, DS00 183).

2.2.5 Developmental cause of drug addiction

Genetic and environmental cause interacts with critical developmental stages in a person’s life to
affect addiction vulnerability. Although taking drugs at any age can lead to addiction, the earlier
that drug use begins the more likely it will progress to more serious abuse which poses a special
change to adolescents. Because areas in their brains that govern decision making, judgment and
self-control are still developing, adolescents may be especially prone to risk taking behaviors
including trying drugs of abuse. (Rehm, J, mothers, and patraj.2oo9).
The approach of addiction it will be adhere to the book definition and focus on the
compulsiveness of the condition at the same time it will be illustrate forms of addiction that go
against the conventional meaning by not fitting the exact straight definition. Put forth by Webster
it both inferences example will be given to attempt to prove or disprove the original definition
started by the book. (Book Rugs: 2006).

They repeatedly and with no success try to reduce or control the use of substance or they use it
longer or more than they had intended. Obtaining the substance takes a lot of time they neglect
important activities like work school or social control or completely stop this activities. (World
health organization.2003)

For several centuries now people have been using various kinds of drugs to alter the way they
see the world or feel about that leaves over the year drug have been defined in many ways drugs
can be considered chemical substance either synthesis or natural that later the mental states of a
person and can be use over by the person to achieve something this include both illegal and legal
drug such as caffeine, alcohol and marijuana (Katherine, van, w.2008).

Drug abuse: is thus dimensional problem and it is not possible to design any single prevention
strategy that is applicable to all causes (Abandisky.H.2011).

Drug addiction such as alcohol, heroin, marijuana prospection’s drugs or other substance of
addiction. Item means that the individual is both physical and mental depend on the item. They
will get withdrawals and tolerance symptoms when they do not use substance (Gossans and
Grant: 2006)

2.3 Major causes of alcohol and Drug addiction in university and colleges

The reason why college and university students were used alcohol and drugs (mainly drinking
alcohol, c hewing chat and smoking cigarette) is almost similar to why other peoples do so. The
common causes are: peer pressure, social causes, and academic adjustment related causes as
found by the findings of different studies. (Aklog.T, Tirunesh .G and Tsegaye, 2013).
Additionally, students also used alcohol and drugs act by either depressing or stimulating the
central nerve system, which seems to provide people with predictable and effective ways to
change how they feel. Most students belief that such stimulation activate their brain which in
return helps them to study hard and overcome teaching and learning process loads and meet
deadline(K.meressa,K.mossie.k,and Gelaw,2009)

2.3.1 Family

The family has been described as the single most influential childhood factor in buffering the
child and in shaping later adaptation. The influences of the family an adolescent drug abuse are
fundamentally important, but complex. Factors about the quality and consistency of family
management, family communication, family relationships and parental role modeling have been
consistently identified as predictive of alcohol and drug abuse. (O.Malley, P.Johnston ,2002).
Specific family factors include ineffective parental family management techniques; for example,
lack of discipline /inconsistent discipline and negative communication patterns. (A.Fikadu,
A.Atalay and Chaklotte,2007)

2.3.2 Socio economic status

There are different findings that attributing drug abuse to environmental influences such as
socio-economic status, which encompasses both social factors, that economical factor. It is also
suggested that socio-economic status( for example, living in a deprived neighborhood, low
income level/is an important risk factor for problematic behavior’s including alcohol and drug

2.3.3 Knowledge
A study conducted different time also indicated that, alcohol and drug abuse have been attributed
to a lack of proper knowledge regarding the risk associated with such use. Adolescents are more
likely to start drinking alcohol and abuse drugs substances or other illicit drug if they believed
that causal use of the specific drug is not harmful. (O’Malley, P.M and Johnston, 2002)

2.3.4 Mental Health

Numerous studies have investigated the influence of psychological distress and psychiatric
disorders an adolescent alcohol and drug use. Psychological distress including law self-esteem
and depression contribute to the initiation and maintenances of drug use. Evidences are found for
higher rates of psychopathology among drug users compared with no users. (Johnston 2002).
2.3.5 Traumatically life events

Children who have experienced traumatic life events example sexual emotional or physical
abuse, neglect or other are a high risk of harmful outcomes such as illicit drug use and
delinquent, criminal behavior, self-destructive and suicidal behavior. When students are
physically and sexual maltreated they are may suffer from an abnormally poor self-image that
negatively affects subsequent socialization and to feel that the world. (Rintaugu, G,Ngetich

2.4 Types of drug

Alcohol: is psychoactive or mind altering chemical that like heroine and tranquilizers depress .it
is efficient tranquilizes with the ability to reduce short term anxiety (Ash tan, Elizabeth2008).

Morphine: use medical journals were replete with ground descriptions of the effectiveness of the
drug war time and obvious advantage for peace time medical practice. (Cloyed1982:21).

Stimulants: Is one of the many classes of psychoactive drugs that promotion an increase in brain
activity. They will temporally increase mood awareness and alertness. (Wills, H.1974)

Hallucinogens and psychedelics: drug like marijuana are all psychedelic or hallucinogens. They
effect the mental reaction. (Good Erich1990).

Caffeine: it is the most common legal drug in the world and is found in chocolate candy, soft
drinks, cocoa and coffee. It is physically addictive with drawer symptoms include immobility
total and headaches.

Depressants: depress the central nerve system (CNS) and reduce pain the most frequently used
drug in this category is alcohol: the most frequently used illegal drug is the opiate derivative
heroin others to medical uses include different drugs.

Psilocybin: is another hallucinogens drug that is made from a small mushroom that grows all
over the world. It is legal for use in the medicine is the only it often referred to as mushrooms or

Nicotine: is one of the three most popular and harmfully psychoactive drugs. In spite of their
being few medical uses of this drugs Smoking used to be seen as fashionable in the mid20th
century. Adverse health effect report have to use of cigar ate being socially and medically
shunned through they are still sold strangest all over the country legally.

Ecstasy; is a synthetically made drug. It is normally taken in all in the form of tables in short
term effects of usage include emotional warpath increase to physical energy enhancement of
energy of sensory perception and mental stimulation effects. Adores effects of health include
sweating nausea, chills muscle champing blurred vision and teeth vouching.(Office national drug
control policy2002).

2.5 Prevalence of drug use and drug use disorders

Global prevalence rates of drug use disorders among adults were estimated to range from 0% to
3% in 2004. With the highest estimated prevalence rate of drug use disorders among men and
women were found in parts of the Americans. Selected countries in Africa, Asia, and eastern
Mediterranean. Europe and the western pacific were found to have high rates of drug use
disorders among men and women as well. there has been significance rise in the use of illicit
drugs in university and colleges individuals with the age group of 21-24 tend to use more than
any other age group leading to alarming rate of prescription drug addiction among young adults.
(National epidemiological studies:2004).

3. Research Methodology
3.1 Description of the study area

North Wollo found in Amhara region. Its neighboring regions are by North Tigray region, by
East Afar region, by West South Gondar and by South direction South Wollo zone. And it has its
own administrative town. Woldia town located latitude and longitude of 11degree cilices, North
latitude and 36East longitude and the average elevation is 2,112 meter above sea level. Most of
the lands are mountains and it far 521 km from Addis Ababa, 370km from Bahir dar and Gondar,
260 km from Mekelle and 120km from Dessie. The total population of the town is 71,533 the
Town is divided in eight administrative kebele.

3.2 Study Design

In this study the researchers were employed cross sectional type of research design and in which
the data is collected ones at a time because of shortage of time.

3.3 Sources of data

The researchers were used both primary and secondary data sources.

3.3.1 Primary data sources

The primary sources of data were obtained from questionnaires and interview.

3.3.2 Secondary data sources

The secondary data sources were obtained from both published and unpublished documents like,
books, internet and other publication material.

3.4 Sampling techniques

In this study the researchers were used both probability and non-probability sampling techniques.
From probability sampling technique the researchers used stratified sampling technique because
the study population is heterogeneous. And from non-probability sampling technique the
researchers used purposive sampling because the target population is directly affected by the
problem of drug addiction. And the researchers were believed that this sampling technique is
more appropriate for our study and to get relevant information from target population.

3.5 Sample size

Data for this study was obtained from self-report questionnaires administer from the total
population of 292. The researcher was taken 30 respondents particularly faculty of Business and
Based on this sampling the following table show name of department and number of students
selected by using stratified sampling techniques and by using the formula of nh/Nh=n/N.

Department of the respondents

Department Student Frequency(n) Percentage(%)

Management 121 12 40

Accounting 97 10 33.33

Economics 74 8 26.67

Total 292 30 100

3.6 Data collection instrument

In order to get adequate information the researchers were used both questionnaire and interview.
In questionnaire data collection instruments the researchers were used close ended and open
ended questions. The questionnaires were distributed for our respondents to find out the causes
of drug addiction. And the interview was made to our key informants to get essential

3.7 Methods of data analysis

The collected data from respondents by using both quantitative and qualitative method of data
analysis were used. In quantitative data the researchers were used statistical tools like
percentage, frequency and table. And also in the qualitative data which is obtained by key
Informant and general observation were analyzed by using thematic analysis. The data which is
obtained by both quantitative and qualitative methods were analyzed in separately way.

3.8 Ethical Consideration

Before giving the questionnaires and asking interview the researchers introduce the information.
And then aware them about what, why, and how of our concern. The researchers made them
confident from while giving information and to be confidential from them. The researchers
followed different ethical issues to achieve the desired goals of this research. First the
researchers make a good approach, second ask respondents permission to give their time before
asking question, third express confidential, and respecting the respondents.



4.1 Introduction

This parts of the research contains the data which was collected from the respondents was
presented, analyzed and interpreted by using statistical data.
The purpose of this study was getting the general information about the main causes of drug
addiction in woldia university particularly faculty of business and economics. And this study was
conducted on 30 selected students from the total population of 292.and also interview with
relevant respondent of the study population. In the study the researchers presented, analyzed and
interpreted, the demographic situation (age, sex, religion, ethnicity, marital status, place of birth,
department) and questionnaires related with main causes of drug addiction.

4.2 Personal background of the respondents

Table 1: sex of respondents

Sex Frequency(n) Percentage(%)

Male 20 66.67
Female 10 33.33
Total 30 100
Source: from field survey, May 2016

As shown in the above table 1: 20(66.67%) of respondents were male students, and 10(33.33%)
of respondents were female students. So, according to the respondents’ information the
researchers under stood most of drug users are male students

Table 2: Age distribution of respondents

Age Frequency(n) Percentage(%)

21-24 23 76.67
25-30 7 23.33
31-35 - -
36-45 - -
Above 45 - -
Total 30 100
Source: from field survey may, 2016

As indicated in the table 2: above 23(76.67%) of the respondents were between 21-24 years old
7(23.33%) of respondents were between 25-30 years old. so, most of drug users are in the age of

Table 3: religious affiliation

Religious Frequency(n) Percentage (%)
Orthodox 12 40
Muslim 11 36.67
Protestant 5 16.67
Catholic 2 6.66
Other - -
Total 30 100
Source: from field survey, May 2016

According to the above table 3: 12(40%) of respondents were orthodox, 11(36.67%) of

respondents were Muslim, 5(16.67%) of respondents were protestant and 2(6.66%) of
respondents were Catholic followers.

According to this information the researchers understood the majority of study respondents were
orthodox followers.

Table 4: Ethnicity of respondents

Ethnicity Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Amhara 11 36.67
Tigiray 6 20
Oromo 5 16.67
SNNP 4 13.33
Other 4 13.33
Total 30 100

Source: from field of survey, May 2016

As indicate in the above table 4: the majority 11(36.67%) of respondents were Amhara ethnicity
groups followed by 5(16.67%) of respondents were Oromo ethnicity groups followed by
4(13.33%) of respondents from SNNP and other ethnicity groups. Based on this information the
researchers understood the majority of study populations were Amhara ethnicity groups.

Table 5: marital status of respondents

Marital status Frequency(n) Percentage (%)
Single 24 80
Married 4 13.33
Divorced 2 6.67
Other 0 -
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey, May 2016

According to the above table 5: the majority 24(80%) of respondents were single, 4(13.33%) of
respondents were married,2(6.67%) of respondents were divorced. so, the researcher can under
stood most of the respondents are single.

Table 6: place of birth

Place of birth Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Rural 14 46.67
Urban 9 30
Semi-urban 7 23.33
Total 30 100
Source: from field survey, May 2016

As shown in the above table 6:14(46.67%) of the respondents place of resident were from rural,9
(30%) of place of resident were from Urban and the rest 7(23.33%) of respondents place of birth
resident were from semi urban. According to this information the researchers understood the
majority of study population place of birth were rural.

Table7.Department of the respondents

Department Students Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Management 121 12 40
Accounting 97 10 33.33
Economics 74 8 26.67
Total 292 30 100
Source: from field survey, May 2016

The above table shows that the total population of the study was stratified by departments and
the researcher taken the respondents from each department based on the number of students. the
researchers selected using stratified sampling methods.

According to the above table the majority of 12(40%) of the respondents were management
department, followed by 10(33.33%) of the respondents were accounting and the smallest
8(26.67%) of the respondents were economics students.

Table 8: kind of family of the respondent

Kind of family Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Nuclear family 17 56.67
Migrant family 6 20
Extende 5 16.67
d family
Transitional family 2 6.66
Other - -
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey, May 2016

As observed on the table 8: the majority 17(56.67%) of the respondents were nuclear family,
6(20%) of the respondents were comes from migrant family, 5(16.67%) of the respondents were
comes from extended family and the minority of 2(6.67%) of the respondents come from
transitional family member.

4.3 Questionnaires related with causes of drug addiction

Table 9: social status of the respondent

Family social status Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Middle class 22 73
Lower class 3 10
Rich 10 10
Poor 2 7
Total 30 100
Source: from field of Survey, May 2016

The above table shows that the total population of study stratified by the department and the
researcher taken the respondents from each department based on the respondents family status.
The majority 22(73%) of the respondents were comes from middle class, rich and lower 3(10%)
of respondents were comes from rich and lower class, and the minority 2(7%) of the respondents
were comes from poor family of social status. Therefore the majority of the respondents are
middle class.

Table 10: frequency of drug user respondents per week

How many days visit per week Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Almost days 8 26.67
Three days 7 23.33
A days 5 16.67
Two days 4 13.33
Five days 3 10
Four days 3 10
No - -
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey, May 2016

As observed on table 10: the majority 8(26.67%) of respondents were visited those drug place
per week three days followed by 7(23.33%) of respondents were visited those drug place almost
three days per week 5(16.67%) of respondents were visited those the drug place a days per week,
4(13.33%) of respondents were visited those drug place two days per week’ 3(10%) of
respondents were four days per week and 3(10%) of the respondents were visited those the drug
place five days per week. Generally, from this table the researchers could understand that the
majority of respondents visited drug places were almost daily per week.

Table 11: main causes for drug addiction

Cause for using drug Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Peer pressure 14 46.67
Family 8 26.67

Environment 3 10
Other 3 10
Teacher 2 6.66
None - -
- - -
Total 30 100
Source: from field survey, May 2016

According to the above table11: 14(46.67%) of respondents were influenced to used by peer
pressure, 8(26.67%) of respondents were family influenced to use drug, 3(10%) of respondents
were environment, 3(10%) of respondents were other causes and 2(6.66) of respondents were
influenced by teachers. Therefore, the researchers could conclude that peer pressure was the
major cause of for using drug and which is understanding from the above table most respondents
are influenced use drug by their friends therefore being friendship has greater impact on using
drugs among the university students.

Table 12: types of drug used by the respondents

What types of drug to you use frequently Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Chat 9 30
Alcohol 7 23.33
Coffee 4 13.33
Other 4 13.33
Cigarette 3 10
Shisha 3 1o
Never used - -
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey, May 2016

As shows as the above table12:9(30%) of respondents were used chat frequently 7(23.33%) of
respondents were used alcohol, 4(13.33%) of respondents were used coffee, 4(13.33%) of
respondents were used other, 3(10%) of respondents were used shisha and 3(10%) of
respondents were used cigarette. Generally from this table the researcher can understand the
majority of respondents were used chat. Therefore the majority of respondents are used chat
because they used chat for study and recreation.
Table 13: purpose of using the drug

For what purpose you use drug Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

For recreation 17 56.67
To study 5 16.67
For other 6 20
No 2 6.66
Total 30 100
Source; own filed of survey, May 2016

As indicated the above table 13: 17(56.67%) of the respondents were used the drug for
recreational purpose, 5(16.67%) of respondents were used the drug to study, 6(20%) of
respondents were used the drug for other purpose, 2(6.66%) of respondents were no used the
drug purpose. Generally from this table the researchers can understand the majority of
respondents are used drug for recreation purpose.

Table 14: started using drug

When you started using drug Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

After age 15 13 43.33
Before age15 8 26.67
After come to woldia university 5 16.67
Recently 3 10
At age 14 or 15 1 3.33
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey, May 2016

As shows as the above table14: 13(43.33%) of respondents were used the drug after age 15.
8(26.67%) of respondents were used the drug before age 15. 5(16.67%) of respondents were
used the drug after come to woldia university. 3(10%) of respondents were used the drug
recently and 1(3.33%) of respondents were the drug at age 14 or 15. Generally from this table the
researcher can understand the majority of respondents were started after age 15.

Table 15: Sources of drug

Where you get your drugs Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Get from parents 10 33.33
By own self 8 26.67
Get from friends 7 23.33
Get from other supporters 5 16.67
Total 30 100
Source: field of survey, May 2016

As shown as the above tables: 10(33.33%) of respondents were get from parents. 8(26.67%) of
respondents were got by own self, 7(23.33%) of respondents were get from friend. And
5(16.67%) of respondents were get from other supporters. Generally, from this table the
researchers can understand the majority of respondents were get from parents.

Table 16: Attitude perception of respondents

What is your attitude perception towards drug Frequency(n) Percentage(%)

Good 17 56.67
Bad 7 23.33
I don’t know 6 20
Other - -
Total 30 100

Source: from field survey, May 2016

As observed on the above table 16: 17(56.67%) of respondents were they had attitude to have
good attitude. 7(23.33%) of respondents had bad attitude. 6(20%) of respondents attitude
towards drug were they didn’t know. Generally, from this table the majority of respondents
attitude of towards drug are good or positive.

Table 17: peer pressure leads for using drug by the respondents

Peer pressure leads to drug addiction Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 11 36.67
Agree 11 36.67

Un able to decide 5 16.67

Dis agree 2 6.66
Strongly disagree 1 3.33
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey, may 2016

As shows as the above table17: 11(36.67%) of the respondents were decided to strongely agree.
11(36.67%) of respondents were decided agree. 5(16.67%) of respondents were decided to
unable to decide. 2(6.66%) of respondents were dis agree and 1(3.33%) of respondents decided
to strongly disagree. From this table the respondents can understand the majority of the
respondents were strongly agreed and agree.

Table 18: environment is cause for drug by the respondents.

Environment is one cause to be drug user Frequency(n) Percentage(%)

Agree 17 56.67
Disagree 4 13.33
Strong agree 3 10
Unable to decide 3 10
Strong disagree 3 10
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey, May 2016

As shows as the above table 17(56.67%) of the respondents were decide to agree. 4(13.33%) of
respondents were decided to disagree. Then 3(10%) of respondents were unable to decided.
3(10%) of respondents were strongly agree and 3(10%) of respondents were strongly disagree.
from this table the researchers can understand the majority of respondents were decided agree.

Table 19: Addiction is important for academic achievement

Addiction is important for academic Frequency(n) Percentage(%)

Unable to decide 9 3o
Dis agree 7 23.33

Strongly dis agree 6 20

Strongly agree 4 13.33
Agree 4 13.33
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey May 2016

As shows as the above table 9(30%) of the respondents were unable to decided 7(23.33%) of
respondents were dis agree 6(20%) of the respondents were strongly dis agree and 4(13.33%) of
the respondents were strongly agree. And 4(13.33%) of respondents were decided to agree.
Generally, from this table we can understand the majority of the respondents were unable to
decide drug addiction is important to achieve academic performance.

Table 20: drug addiction imitate from family for respondent

I imitate drug from family Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Strongly agree 9 30
Disagree 9 30
Agree 8 26.67
Strongly dis agree 3 10
Unable to decide 1 3.33
Total 30 100
Source: from field of survey may 2016

As show as the above table2o: 9(30%) of respondents were strongly agree. 9(30) of the
respondents were disagree. 9(30) of the respondents were disagree. 8(26.67%) of respondents
were agree and 3(10%) of respondents were strongly dis agree. And 1(3.33%) of respondents
were unable to decide. Therefore, from the above these tables the researchers can understand the
majority of the respondents were strongly agree and dis agree.

Table 21: drug use is more important for education

Drug use is more important for education Frequency(n) Percentage (%)

Dis agree 7 23.33
Strongly Disagree 7 23.33
Strongly agree 6 20
Un able to decide 5 16.67

Agree 5 16. 67
Total 30 100
Source: of survey may 2016

As shows as the above table21: 7(23.33%) of respondent were disagree. 7(23.33%) of

respondents were strongly disagree. 6(20%) of respondents were strongly agree. 5(16.67%) of
respondents were agree and 5(16.67%) of respondents were unable to decide. Generally, from
this table the researchers can understand the majority of respondents were disagreeing and
strongly disagree. Therefore, we can understand drug use is not more important for education
depends on our respondent.

4.4 Qualitative data analysis

The data which is gained from our key informants through structural interview is analyzed

Main causes of drug addiction in the study area

According to the key informants, there are main causes for drug addiction. Those are: peer
pressure, family, environment and teacher.

According to the key informants, peer pressure is main causes that lead to drug addiction. This is
because of most students stay most of their time with their friend and adopts drug addiction from
them. Some students take drugs when they are depressed and at the time of reading when exam
us reached for stimuli. Not only for depression but also some students also used drugs for
refreshment and recreation. So, their friends follow them and adopt taking drugs at all time.

The key informants also express “family is main causes of drug addiction” some drug users
adopt drug addiction from their parents/mother and father), brothers, sisters and other closed
family members they take drugs because their parents take as a culture. Because families are the
primary agent of socialization some children’s consider their family as a role model.

Environment is also another cause that leads to drug addiction according to our key informants.
In some place there is more availability of drugs like chat, alcohol and others the availability of
those drugs in that are leads to drug addiction. In some societies, taking those drugs also seen as
a culture.

According to key informants Teacher is a cause for drug addiction. Some teachers take drugs
such as chat, alcohols like beer, tej, tella and others. Their fore, students consider their teachers
as a role model and adopt taking drug from them. Because of this influence they create
interaction and if the student’s grade is low or fail as a result the students may be drug users.

According to key informants the mechanisms of reducing drug addiction those are: giving
awareness about the causes and effects of drug addiction, controlling students on attendance,
avoiding tension box and imposing high amount of tax on drugs.

Drugs mostly used by woldia university students are

Most students use chat, cigarette, alcohol, shisha and coffee. The students chew chat at the time
of studying and refreshing. tej, tella,beer and areki also another alcoholic drinks which used by

Punishments of drug adductors in Woldia University

Woldia University has its own punishment rule for those who use drug. Firstly, they advices
students who use drugs after advices, the students will put his signature and giving warning is
he/she use drugs again. After warning, the students will dismiss from their education if they use
for third time.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 conclusions

The purpose of this study was to identity the cause of drug addiction in woldia university 3 rd year
graduate students particularly faculty of business and economics.
Drug addiction is a state of periodic intoxication product by repeated consumption of drug.

Drug addictions become a major problem in many countries in the world. It is also an obvious
fact in our country especially in university and colleges. The problem of drug on university is
greatly shown males rather than female. Depending on the research investigation the researcher
conclude the finding of the study as follows. The finding of the research indicates that all of the
respondents were drug users. And based on the researcher investigations the drugs have different
type. These are chat, alcohol; cigarette and shisha are the most. The main causes that express the
use to the drugs is peer pressure, family, environment and teacher.

Generally, from this study we conclude that the majority of drug users are males. Because of
peer pressure, family and environment and also the most types of drugs used by the students are
alcohol, chat, cigarette and shisha.

5.2 Recommendations

Based on our study finding we recommend some cornered body to solve the cause of drug
addiction in Woldia University.
 The woldia university students should have to select the best friends in the university,
because most students are influenced to use drug through peer pressure.
 Woldia university should expand the recreational and others entertainment centers for
students to divert their at tension from the under study habit or addict.
 Woldia university police should try to apply the rules and regulations effectively related
with the drug users.
 The student counseling should advice and creating awareness about the negative effect of
drug addiction by living training for the students.
 To establish a special management unit to study the cause of drug addiction and deal with
the problem.
 The researcher also recommended to Woldia University to establish and achieving
antidrug clubs.
 Finally, the researcher would like to recommend this study will be a base line for those
who want to study on the issue.


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Woldia University
Faculty of Social Science and Humanities

Department Of Sociology

Dear Respondent:
The researchers want to use For the Purpose Of Collecting Data on the Cause of Drug Addiction in
Woldia University Students particularly in Faculty of Business and Economics. The Information You
Provide Keep Its Secret By The Researchers. We Need Your Free Will, And Cooperation In Giving
Reliable Information In Order To Achieve Our Objective Of this Study. As You Are A target, Fill All
Questionnaires Honesty And A clearly As Much As Possible

Thanks for Your Patience!!

I. No need of writing your name on the papers

II. Put“  ” mark in the boxes for closed ended questionnaire

III. Write your answer on the space provide for the open ended questionnaires

PART ONE: back ground of the respondent

1. Sex: male Female

2. Age: 21–24 25–30 31–35 36 – 40 41-45 above 45

3. Religion: Muslim Protestant Catholic Orthodox Other

4. Ethnicity Amhara Tigray Oromia SNNP Other

5. Marital status Single Married Divorce Other

6. Place birth Urban Semi urban Rural

7. Department

Accounting Economics Management

8. From which kind of family did you come?

A. nuclear family C. Transitional family

B. Extended family D. Migrant family E. Other

9. From which type of family social status did you come from? A. Rich B. Poor
C. Middle class D. Lower class

PART TWO: Questionnaires Related with Cause of drug Addiction

1. Are you drug users? A. yes B. No

2. How many days visit those drug place per week

A. Only a day C. Three days

B. B. Two days D. Four days E. Five days F. almost daily G. No

3. What are the causes for using drug?

A. Peer Pressure C. Teacher

B. Family D. Environment E. Other F. None

4. What types of drugs to you use frequently?

A. Alcohol C. Cigarette

B. Chat D. Shisha E. Coffee F. Other G. Never used

5. For what purpose you use drug?

A. To study B. For Recreation C. For other D. No

6. When you started using drug?

A. Recently C. Before age 15

B. After ages 15 D. At age 14 or 15 E. After come to woldia university

7. Where do you get your drugs?

A. Get from parents C. Get from other supporters

B. Get from friends D. Buy My own self

8. What is your attitude perception towards using drug?

A. Good B. Bad C. I do not know D. other

9. Have you ever been used the drug? A. Yes B. No

10. If your answer is “yes’’ in question 9, which type of drug you used----------------------------

11. Do you think that the use of drug addiction by your parents influence you? A. yes B. No

12. If your answer is “yes’’ in question 11, how?


13. Have you engaged in illegal activities in order to obtain drug? A. yes B. No

14. If your answer is “yes” in question 13,


PART THREE: Dear respondent please put the mark ( ) on the table based on the following

Agree – 1 Dis Agree -2 Unable to Decide-3 Strongly Agree – 4 Strongly Dis Agree - 5

Question 1 2 3 4 5
1. Peer Pressure leads to drug addiction
2. Environment is one cause to be drug user
3. Is that addiction is important for academic achievement
4. I imitate drug addiction from my family
5. Drug use is more important for education

Interview for student counseling

1. What are the major causes of drug addiction in Woldia University?

2. What are the mechanisms to reduce this drug?

3. Do you believe that peer pressure influence others to used?

4. Which type of drug motley used by students in Woldia university?

5. What are the punishments for drug adductors in this campus?

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