1XX3 W2023 Section12.1

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Vectors in the plane (Section 12.


Our Goal for Today:

Represent quantities in the xy-plane that have both magnitude and

Our Classroom Norms:

1. Have a pen and paper ready to take notes
2. Ask questions, or write them down to ask later
3. Review the recording on Avenue if needed
12.1 Defining a Vector in the Plane

• A two-dimensional vector v is determined by two points in the plane:

• an initial point P (also called the “tail”)
• a terminal point Q (also called the “head”)

• We write 𝐯 = 𝑃𝑄, and draw v as an arrow pointing from P to Q.

• The length or magnitude of v, denoted v ,

is the distance from P to Q.

• The vector 𝐯 = 𝑂𝑅 pointing from the origin

to a point R is called the position vector of R.
12.1 Vector Terminology

• Two vectors v and w of nonzero length are called parallel if the

lines through v and w are parallel.

• A vector v is translated when it is moved to begin at a new

point without changing its length or direction.

• A translation w of a vector v has the same length and direction

as v but different initial and terminal points.

• We say that v and w are equivalent if w is a translation of v.

12.1 Components of a Vector

Def: The components of 𝐯 = 𝑃𝑄, where P = (a1, b1) and Q = (a2, b2), are the quantities
a = a2 − a1 and b = b2 − b1

• The pair of components 𝑎, 𝑏 determine the

length and direction of v, but not its endpoints.

• The length of a vector v = a, b is defined by

𝐯 = 𝑃𝑄 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏 2

• The zero vector is the vector 0 = 0, 0 of length zero.

It is the only vector that lacks a direction.
12.1 An Example

Determine whether 𝐯1 = 𝑃1 𝑄1 and 𝐯2 = 𝑃2 𝑄2 are equivalent where

P1 = (3, 7), Q1 = (6, 5) and P2 = (−1, 4), Q2 = (2, 1)
12.1 Vector Addition and Subtraction

• To add vectors v and w, first translate w to the

equivalent vector w' whose tail coincides with
the head of v.

• The sum v + w is the vector pointing from the

tail of v to the head of w'.

• Vector subtraction v − w is carried out by

adding −w to v.

• Or, more simply, draw the vector pointing from

the head of w to the head of v
12.1 Scalar Multiplication

• If λ is a scalar and v is a nonzero vector, the scalar multiple λv is a vector such that:
• λv has length |λ| v .
• λv points in the same direction as v if λ > 0.
• λv points in the opposite direction if λ < 0.

• To add or subtract two vectors v and w,

we add or subtract their components.

• Similarly, to multiply v by a scalar λ,

we multiply the components of v by λ.
12.1 Basic Properties of Vector Algebra

THEOREM: For all vectors u, v, w and for all scalars λ,

• Commutative Law: v + w = w + v
• Associative Law: u + (v + w) = (u + v) + w
• Distributive Law for Scalars: λ(v + w) = λv + λw

• These properties are verified using components. For example, we can check that
vector addition is commutative:

v1, v2 + w1, w2 = v1 + w1 , v2 + w2 = w1 + v1 , w2 + v2 = w1, w2 + v1, v2

12.1 Linear Combinations

• A linear combination of vectors v and w is a vector

r v + sw, where r and s are scalars.

• If v and w are not parallel, then every vector u in the plane

can be expressed as a linear combination u = r v + sw.

Ex: Express the vector u = 4, 4 as a linear combination of v = 6, 2 and w = 2, 4

12.1 Unit Vectors

• A vector of length 1 is called a unit vector, and is often used

to indicate direction, when it is not necessary to specify length.
• A unit vector can be written as e = cos θ , sin θ ,
where θ is the angle between e and the positive x-axis.

Ex: Find the unit vector in the direction of v = −3, 7 and express this unit vector in
the form e = cos θ , sin θ
12.1 Standard Basis Vectors

• The unit vectors in the direction of the positive x- and y-axes

are called the standard basis vectors
i = 1, 0 , j = 0, 1

• Every vector in the plane is a linear combination of i and j:

v = a, b = a i + b j

• For vectors represented in this form, vector addition is performed by adding the i and j
coefficients. For example,

(4i − 2j) + (5i + 7j) = (4 + 5)i + (−2 + 7)j = 9i + 5j

12.1 The Triangle Inequality

• Consider the vector sum v + w for a fixed vector v and three different vectors w of
the same length.

• The length v + w varies depending on the angle between v and w, and in general
is not equal to the sum v + w .
• The Triangle Inequality: For any vectors v and w, v + w ≤ v + w
• Equality holds only if v = 0 or w = 0, or if w = λv, where λ > 0.
Key Ideas
• A vector is determined by an initial point (tail) and terminal point (head),
and the length of the vector is the distance between these points

• Two vectors are equivalent if they have the same length (magnitude) and
direction, which occurs if and only if they have the same components

• Vectors can be combined by addition and scalar multiplication, and can be

described as linear combinations of standard basis vectors

For more information, please read Section 12.1 in our textbook

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