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Which facility is needed most in your area.

- Car park: are only for people who own a car

- Sport centre: young people need sport facilities
- History museum: help to educate people

Nowadays, there are many facilities in our neighbourhoods, but some of them are old
whereas others just never happened in some areas. Recently, a radio programme begs
the question as to which facilities are needed most.
Regarding sport centres, there exist many reasons to want one in my area. They are
thought for everyone, not only for adult people, but also for kids and their correct
development. They also allow us to practice sport when the climate conditions are not
appropriate to do it outside. In addition, they compose solution against obesity,
especially in young people, where is increasing a lot in the latest years.

On the other hand, it is being thought to build a history museum. When talking about
culture, every improvement is always a good choice. It could help people to approach
the culture of their ancestry, as well as realize why some actual facts exist in our days.
Museums can also be used to teach history to children in an alternative way, a place
where they can see every content they study, escaping from the monotony of school

To conclude, I would say that the creation of a sport centre has to be prioritized in order
to preserve the healthy life of such people who want to practice sport, regardless if it is
snowing or raining.

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