Lesson 2

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1. Vocabulary

Nationality Country

British United Kingdom

Scottish Scotland

Irish Northern Ireland

Welsh Wales

Swiss Switzerland

Belgian Belgium

French France
German Germany

Italian Italy

Dutch Netherlands

American United States

Canadian Canada

Mexican Mexico

Ukrainian Ukraine

Russian Russia
Polish Poland

Greek Greece

Brazilian Brazil

Spanish Spain

Argentinian Argentina

Japanse Japan
Australian Australia

2. Read the dialogues and pratice.

a) A- Good morning!

B- Hello! My name is Anna.

A- Nice to meet you, Anna! Where are you from?

B- I’m from Germany

b) A- Hi. My Name is William. What’s your name?

B- I’m Alberto.
A- Where are you from, Alberto?
B- I’m from Spain. And where are you from?

A - I’m from England.

c) A- This is my friend Chan. He is from China

B- Nice to meet you, Chan! My name is Susan. I’m American.
A- What city are you from, Susan?
B- I’m from Boston.

d) A- Beautiful pen! Where is it from?

B- I think it is from Japan. Yes! It’s Japanese.

3. Watch the vídeo and pratice.



4. Answer:
A- Good morning!
B- Hello! My name is________________
A- Nice to meet you,________________________! Where are you from?
B- I’m from________________________
A- ________________________

5. Look This!

We usually ask....

Where are you from?


Where do you come from?

I am from...Argentina
I am... Argentinan

6.        Past Simple

7. Exercises:

A. write was or were.

01.- Picasso _____________ a Spanish painter.

02.- There ________________ a mouse in the garden.

03.- We _______________________playing football.

04.- It _____________________a rainy day.

05.- The children ____________________in the park.

06.- You __________________________ studying English.

07.- I _________________________watching television.

08.- Lorena and I ___________________ on the same class.

09.- My parents ___________________________ in London.

10.- The windows ______________________closed.

11.- It _______________________ seven years ago.

12.- My grandfather _____________________ a pilot.

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