SK Elections Platforms

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SK Elections Platforms

ICT Youth Training
• The marginalized communities in barangays, particularly the leaders of specific puroks,
need to be provided with capacity-building programs that can assist students in their
personal growth, education, and employment.
• Digital literacy training: Offer training programs that teach young people the basic skills
they need to use computers, smartphones and other digital devices.
• Online safety training: teach young people how to protect their personal information online,
how to identify online threats such as phishing scams and cyberbullying, and how to stay
safety on social media
• ICT youth training is crucial for developing skills and knowledge, creating employment
opportunities, empowering young people, bridging the digital divide, and fostering
innovation and creativity. These benefits have positive impacts on individuals,
communities, and societies as a whole.
Entrepreneurship Training and Business Grants
• Youth-led businesses can play an important role in supporting the local community by
creating jobs, contributing to economic growth, fostering innovation and creativity,
building strong relationships, and promoting social responsibility.
• Providing a sustainable safety net for financial needs, it is important to expand the
educational and training opportunities available to out-of-school youth, focusing on
building their capabilities and imparting fundamental knowledge.
• This platform provides entrepreneurship training to the youths to give more knowledge
about how to start a business and assess revenue, expenditure, accounting, budgeting and
evaluation of the business.
How? (components of entrepreneurship training)
• Business Planning: Teach participants how to create a business plan, including conducting
market research, developing a marketing strategy, and identifying financial projections.
• Financial Management: Teach participants how to manage their finances effectively,
including creating a budget, tracking expenses, and understanding basic accounting
• Marketing and Sales: Teach participants how to develop effective marketing strategies,
build their brand, and generate sales leads.
• Product Development: Teach participants how to develop new products and services that
meet customer needs and stay competitive in the marketplace.
• Leadership and Team Management: Teach participants how to lead and manage a team
effectively, including hiring employees, delegating tasks, and motivating team members.
• Digital Marketing: Teach participants how to leverage digital channels to promote their
business, including social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine
• Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Teach participants about the legal and regulatory
requirements for running a business, including registering the business, obtaining
necessary licenses and permits, and complying with tax laws.
• Networking and Partnership Development: Teach participants how to build relationships
with other entrepreneurs and potential business partners, including networking events and
partnership development strategies.
• Encourages Entrepreneurship: Youth business grants provide young entrepreneurs with an
opportunity to start or expand their businesses. This leads to the creation of new jobs and
income-generating activities, which can help to stimulate economic growth.
• Fosters Innovation: Youth entrepreneurs often bring fresh perspectives and innovative
ideas to the business world. By providing them with business grants, we can encourage
them to pursue their ideas and develop new products and services that can benefit society
and drive economic growth.
• Supports Local Communities: Youth-led businesses are often focused on addressing local
needs and challenges. By supporting these businesses through grants, we can help to create
stronger and more resilient communities, as well as provide employment opportunities for
local residents.
• Builds Skills and Capabilities: Business grants for youths often come with additional
resources and support, such as mentorship programs and training opportunities. These
resources can help young entrepreneurs build their skills and capabilities, which can benefit
not only their own businesses but also the wider economy.
Capacity Development for Purok Youth Leaders
• Comprehensive and intensive leadership training for young people which helps them equip
them with the necessary tools to become effective leaders in their community. By
developing skills in communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict
resolution, young people can motivate their peers to become involved in community
initiatives and create positive change. These young leaders can act as advocates for their
communities, promoting participation and awareness of social issues, and inspiring others
to become active and engaged citizens
• Leadership training helps individuals develop skills and knowledge necessary to become
effective leaders
• Good leadership is essential in any organization, business, or community
• Effective leaders inspire and motivate their team towards a common goal
• Leadership training focuses on skills like communication, problem-solving, decision-
making, and conflict resolution
• Training helps individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses as leaders, and develop
strategies to overcome weaknesses
• Effective leadership is important for personal and professional development
• Training helps individuals become more self-aware, understand their own values and goals,
and become more confident in their abilities as leaders
• Assess the needs of the organization or community: Identify the leadership skills that are
most needed and the areas where individuals need the most development.
• Identify the training objectives: Determine the specific learning outcomes that the training
should achieve.
• Select a training program or design a custom program: Choose a pre-existing training
program that meets the identified needs or design a custom program tailored to the specific
needs of the organization or community.
• Identify participants: Determine who will participate in the training, such as employees or
community members.
• Schedule the training: Determine the length of the training program and schedule the
training sessions.
• Deliver the training: Conduct the training program, either in-person or virtually, and use a
variety of interactive and engaging training methods to keep participants interested and
• Evaluate the effectiveness of the training: Gather feedback from participants and assess the
impact of the training on their leadership skills and the overall success of the organization
or community.
• Follow up: Provide ongoing support and coaching to participants to reinforce the learning
and ensure the development of leadership skills over time.
Youth Empowerment Forum
• Establishing a channel for young individuals to voice their opinions and thoughts on
relevant matters, and enhancing youth engagement in promoting peaceful and orderly
society. This initiative aims to offer a platform for the youth to enhance their leadership
abilities, participate in democratic procedures, and express their views on matters that
impact their lives. Sessions will be conducted quarterly on a regular basis.
• Creating a platform for youth to express their opinions and ideas is important because it
promotes their engagement in civic and democratic processes. It allows young individuals
to voice their concerns and participate in decision-making processes that affect their lives
and the community. By providing a regular avenue for youth to participate and engage in
these processes, it strengthens their sense of empowerment and ownership of the
community. Additionally, promoting peace and order is essential for a safe and healthy
community, and engaging youth in this effort can help build a more inclusive and
harmonious society. Furthermore, developing leadership skills among youth is critical for
their personal growth and development, and it helps prepare them for future roles as
community leaders and decision-makers.
• Establishing regular sessions: As mentioned earlier, regular sessions can be conducted on
a quarterly basis to provide a consistent and structured avenue for young individuals to
express their opinions and engage in civic and democratic processes.
• Providing training and resources: Youth leadership training programs can be conducted to
equip young individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively engage in
decision-making processes and promote peace and order in their community.
• Partnering with community organizations: Collaborating with community organizations
and other stakeholders can help broaden the scope of the platform and create more
opportunities for youth to engage in meaningful ways.
• Creating safe and inclusive spaces: It is important to create safe and inclusive spaces that
foster open communication and respect for diverse perspectives. This can help ensure that
all voices are heard and that young individuals feel comfortable expressing their opinions
and ideas.
• Recognizing and celebrating youth contributions: Recognizing and celebrating the
contributions of youth to their community can help foster a sense of pride and ownership,
and encourage more young individuals to get involved in promoting peace and order.

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