BJJ Champion Mindset

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quality over quantity - being fresh mentally

train 7 days a week (gordon trains 2 times a day)

go into sessions with long term and short term objectives
never be satisfied with anything less than double gold
confidence beats all
always push through the extra step
do more than you have to
never get soft

time is the x factor - warren buffett dilemma

situational training - the best way to progress in jiu jitsu
hard work must not only be physical, but also mental
if you are a serious competitor, you do what you have to do in order to get where
you want
the second you dont care if the person in front of you is better than you or not,
your athletic career is over
if you lose and fail in front of opponents, that should piss you and you should
struggle to correct your mistakes
any hole in your game should always be something you work on
you benefit from training with lower belts by handicapping yourself and trying new
positions/situations/bad spots

weight lifting and gymnsastics for off mat training

no one cares for your excuses. either you do it or you dont. find your way,
whatever it is and make it happen
the function of drilling is to make you goot at the mechanics of a certain move -
if you do it mindlessly, it may be useless
get into as many competition situations as possible, so you get used to difficult
having confidence on your escapes and normalizing competition
everything around me in competition is different, but it is not gonna affect the
outcome of the match
you can learn if you lose the match, as well as if you win it
if you lose, dont sit and bitch around it. focus on a new goal
dont be just active physically, but also be active mentally and visualize what you
could do better. even if you get injured and cant train
discipline shouldnt ever be an issue
nothing should get in the way of you and your training. no mental barrier
if you want to be the best in the world, you cannot afford time off
if you want to be in the highest level, you gotta have a boring life and not to do
things regular people do. you shall have a routine, for years and years
you stop doing things you want to do, and start doing things you need to do. thats
the price

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