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Example Candidate Response Form

Unit title: Hotel & Catering Law Series:

December 18
Script: A Question: 3

A very good attempt at answering the question to examine and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of each company formation.

Identification was made of key criteria within the marking scheme that enabled the marker to
clearly identify marks and base their decision on the breadth in response that was clearly and
logically presented.
Script: B Question: 7

A very clear explanation of the application process that an individual would follow when
applying for a liquor licence in England and Wales. The answers given provide key responses
associated to timescale, authorities involved and notification locations. A very good, clear
response has been provided.

Some valid answers given for part b, relating to under-age sales and alcohol consumption,
specific areas that were not covered related to selling alcohol without a licence or selling alcohol
on credit.

Overall, some clear responses which enabled the marker to identify key criteria that matched
the marking scheme and award marks based on understanding.
Script: C Question: 3

A good attempt at answering the question to examine and compare the advantages and
disadvantages of each company formation.

Advantages of a sole trader have been constructively identified although disadvantages didn’t
quite reflect the criteria required.

Partnership was reflected upon well with a few key criteria successfully identified relating to
ease of formation and shared contribution of ideas and disadvantages highlighting the risks
associated to the formation of a partnership.

Identification of some key criteria within the marking scheme were made which provided some
clarity and structure.
Script: D Question: 6

Whilst there was a good explanation of health and safety requirements within an organisation,
the emphasis on the answer within the marking scheme relates to the composition of the
Health & Safety Executive, the primary enforcing organisation for health and safety which was
not reflected upon.

RIDDOR has been considered and a general understanding of its purpose has been described.
The answers have also considered the requirement to report accidents and help prevent them
occurring. The marking scheme indicates many possible enhancements that could be made to
the answer that highlight the severity of the injury, disease or dangerous occurrence.

Some description of the purpose and function of RIDDOR has been made.
Script: E Question: 4

The answers provided demonstrate an attempt to describe the security policies, however, the
answers given provide a good general understanding of security within an organisation from a
customer’s perspective and the procedures that a company may operate to help support
security of belongings and personnel rather than reflecting on the policy. The question relates
to the content of a security policy which reflects on the individual components of ensuring safety
within the organisation by highlighting key considerations that an organisation would adopt to
ensure security procedures can be put in place.

Part b requires consideration by management of a hotel offering car park facilities. The answer
provided relates to the customer/guest and how the car park should appeal to them. The
question is suggesting a consideration related to security aspects of car parks offered by hotels
and the information that the hotel needs to provide to users of the car park.

Part c has reflected the customer perspective and how a positive image can be maintained by a
hotel having a security policy rather than looking at the security policy from a hotel’s
perspective. The answer provided has reflected the positive aspect to a security policy although
some key areas identified in the marking scheme have been missed.

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