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Old English literature (450-1066)

This period includes works like Beowulf, the epic poem written in Old English.

Middle English literature (1066-1500)

This period includes works like The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Renaissance literature (1500-1660)

This period includes works by William Shakespeare, John Donne, and

Edmund Spenser.

Restoration literature (1660-1700)

This period includes works by John Dryden, William Congreve, and Aphra

Neo-Classical literature ( 1700-1785)

This period includes works by Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, and

Samuel Johnson.

Romantic literature ( 1798-1832)

This period includes works by William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor

Coleridge, and John Keats.
Victorian literature (1837-1901)

This period includes works by Charles Dickens, Charlotte Bronte, and

Thomas Hardy.

Modernist literature (1900-1950)

This period includes works by T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf.

Contemporary literature (1950-present)

This period includes works by Salman Rushdie, Margaret Atwood, and

Toni Morrison, among others.

Each period of English literature has its unique characteristics, themes, and styles, and studying
them can provide insight into the culture and society of the time.

Presented by -

Shibnayan Sardar, B.A. (Hons.) ENGLISH - S.B.S Government College, Hili

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