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small halfling woman picks through the residue Certain enemies may also use armor and weapons
of a razed village, finding the small tatterings of containing resources that can be used instead to make new
a silken scarf. She clutches it against her chest, items. Instead of giving out completed items from enemies,
knowing it will fetch a modest price at the pawn the DM may choose to give a certain amount of scrap from
store in her hometown. She searches under the the remains of a creature when looted. This amount can is
nearby table, broken from neglect, and finds a 1d6 + their Wisdom Modifier of scraps, as if they succeeded a
tablecloth under a pile of rubble and refuse. scavenging check.
A half-elf and his party, victorious at last against a cavern of
goblins, raid the armory in search of magical weapons and Trash
armor. Upon entering, they find a small crate of metal parts Finding scraps around the world can be done similar to the
near the furnace, presumably for assembly into weapons foraging rules found in the Dungeon Master's Guide. To
later. His friend, a dwarf well-versed in the art of smithing, search for scraps, a player must choose what type of scrap
picks through the pile, keeping what he can put to use later.
A bandit strips the leather armor off a deceased traveler to they are going to search for while traveling, such as metal
recycle the materials for their own purposes. Afterwards, they scrap or cloth scrap. A DM can also assign difficulty classes
begin to slice open the remaining leather backpack, cutting within certain terrains based on the frequecy scraps would
along the seams of the bag to ensure the most surface area logically appear (p. 111) . For example, the site of an ancient
would remain intact when used for another purpose. battle or a burial site may have various metal parts out of
Dungeons and Dragons is set in a world that is ancient and commission, while untamed wilderness may not have as
rife with abandoned items (Dungeon Master's Guide, p. 9). much metal but have more spare leather. Success in
Among the ruins, adventurers may find the remains of past scavenging - similar to foraging- is a Wisdom (Survival)
cultures and societies. Likewise, the hoards of various check. A Difficulty Class table is shown below with basic
monsters and villains may also contain these spare objects. examples, but a DM may ultimately decide a DC.
Scrap appears to only be partially useful for those not Abundance of Scrap Terrain examples DC
proficient in recycling these spare parts into something
greater. But for those who have mastered trade skills, there Scrap is commonplace Dungeon, Urban 10
lies opportunity. Scraps are a major part of creating items, Scarce scrap Grassland, Caverns 15
and allows a DM to enable play based on crafting items using Very little scrap present Desert, Arctic 20

Finding Scrap Optional Rule: Large Scrap

Scrap can be found all throughout the world, from the Scrap can come in used varities, but a town or city
bustling urban areas of a city to the most remote of caverns with that product as a main export can have these
unoccupied for hundreds of years. The three major ways of resources available in larger quantities. As such, a
acquiring scrap can be summarized to: DM may choose to stock treasures and stores with
the larger variant of scrap. For all Large scrap, the
Trade: Buying or bartering cost at standard rates is 8 sp. However, large scrap
Treasure: Looting or hoards counts as two of any scrap type for that resource.
Trash: Scavenging spare parts in the wilderness For example, a metal ingot can account for two of
any metal scrap, or one of two metal scrap types.
Trade The names for these large scrap are shown below.
Scrap parts are often used by professionals of the trade to
produce the desired objects. As such, they often have spare Large Scrap Table
scrap to sell to fellow artisans, likely more than finished Resource Name
products. All pieces of mundane scrap are worth 5 sp at Metal Ingot
standard rates. Leather Sheet
Treasure Cloth Textile
In many stashes and troves around the world, scrap is Wood Plank
collected just as readily as their manufactured counterparts.
Goblins may hoard metal and leather scraps to produce into
armor or weapons for their growing army, while a dragon
may hoard metal just as greedily as other pieces of their
hoard. When considering adding scrap to a treasure hoard,
use the same parameters for treasure hoards as described in
the Dungeon Master's Guide (p. 133) . All pieces of mundane
scrap are worth 5 sp, as stated before.
break Leather scrap commonly appears on armor and clothes, but Opt
can also appear on belts, shoes, and other smaller Leath
accessories used by humanoids. differ
Types of Scrap leath
There are multiple types of scrap, as well as optional rules for done
determining special subcategories of scrap to improve the can in
difficulty of crafting items. Although recipes are listed with crafti
their subtypes, they are entirely optional and can be omitted.
If this is done, simply treat all scrap equally, using any of a Leat
type of scrap to complete a project. d4 S
1 S
Metal scrap can be found on armor, weapons, or other metal 2 St
objects. This describes metals specifically for use in combat,
and excludes precious metals such as silver and gold. 3 C
Optional Rule: Types of Metal Shapes
Metal scraps come in a variety of different shapes and forms. 4 C
From nails to plate armor, the shape of these pieces of metal
often determine their future use. A DM can include these
rules to add difficulty or variety to the crafting process. Opt
Metal Shapes Table influe
Scrap the d
d6 Type Description Example custo
1 Plated A flat piece of metal of Plate armor, metal requi
varying thickness trays
2 Curved A piece of metal with a Helmets, bowls, d6
curved or semicircle shape wheels
3 Spiky A piece of metal with a Piercing weapons,
definite point on one or nails 2
many sides
4 Bladed A piece of metal with a Knives, slashing
definite edge on one or weapons 4
more sides 5
5 Blunt A metal block that has no Bludgeoning 6
meaningful edges weapons,
6 Ringed Small ring-shaped or Rings, chainlink
interlocking metal pieces Cloth
for ba
Optional Rule: Metal Material spars
Different metals are used to create armor and weapons. If a
DM wishes, they may improve the difficulty of producing Opt
items or simply improve the customizability of items by Cloth
introducing new metal types and requiring an item to be but ty
made from scraps of a single material. can c
Metal Material Table
d4 Metal Clo
1 Brass
2 Bronze
3 Iron
4 Copper


break Wood Material Table
d6 Wood
Optional Rule: Cloth Material
Clothing and other cloth items are made with a variety of 1 Oak
materials. If a DM wishes, they may improve the difficulty of 2 Maple
producing items or simply improve the customizability of 3 Aspen
items by introducing new cloth types and requiring an item to
be made from scraps of a single material. 4 Basswood
5 Black Walnut
Cloth Material Table
d6 Cloth 6 Butternut
1 Denim
2 Cotton Creating A Scrap
3 Wool If you desire to create your own scrap, use existing scraps as
guidelines. Consider the following while designing your
4 Silk scrap:
5 Flannel
Does your scrap describe a resource not already
6 Felt accounted for by another scrap type? If so, then what
makes your scrap unique from that set of scrap? For
Optional Rule: Wood Scrap example, if a new metal scrap was different from normal
For woodcarvers, wooden scrap is usually so widely available metal scrap, it could be composed of precious metals, or
that it requires no check to complete simple tasks, but perhaps the remains specifically of a mechanical device.
instead takes a certain amount of finances or foraging Does your scrap contribute to crafting other items? For
attempts to salvage wood. However, a DM can choose to example, leather scraps contribute to items produced by
leatherworker's tools.
make wooden scrap a distinct part of the system.
If this is done, the cost of wooden scrap at standard rates is Acquisition and Crafting
5 sp, similar to other scraps.
Acquiring this new scrap should be similar to acquiring
Optional Rule: Wood Shapes similar scrap: Trade, Treasure, and Trash. Players should be
Different pieces of wood come in different forms. To reflect able to acquire this scrap in ideally all three ways, but trade
this, a DM can vary the amount of shapes a piece of wood can can be difficult if there is a low demand for such scrap. For
take and require a specifc scrap shape as such. example, in a similar way that a town without a blacksmith
may not have many metal scraps available for trade, a town
Wood Shape Table without a tinker or an artificer will not have a demand for
Scrap scraps that may be needed to craft things with a set of
d4 Type Description Example tinker's tools.
1 Branch A long, straight and narrow piece Arrows, Crafting with scrap is similar to buying the item, except
of wood Blowpipe that scrap contributes 1 gp per scrap used to produce the
item. For example, an item that costs 10 gp to purchase at
2 Curved A long, curved piece of wood, or
one flexible enough to bend
Bow standard rates requires 10 scrap to produce. This means
making an item reduces the overall cost by half immediately.
3 Flat Usually the center of a tree, and Shields To determine time and the amount of skill checks necessary,
as such is typically wide, flat, and use your own discretion. Higher value and intricate items will
stiff require more time and skill checks to emphasize the labor
4 Lump An unordinary shape, generally Statues, put into the process, while mundane items can be made
blocky or of a statue Helmets faster and with less skill.
Optional Rule: Wood Material Optional Rules: Materials and
There are a wide diversity of trees throughout the world, and Shapes
among them there are few that can be eligible for carving. As
such, a woodcarver knows what woods they can work with, This is not necessary, but if it is considered, ensure that one
but a DM can limit whether they can use multiple types of optional rule is based on a d6 and another is based on a d4.
wood on the same project or not. If they choose to put this This ensures that there is a maximum of 24 combinations,
limit, then wood types will need to be accounted for. which is a difficult task to keep track of by itself!
Think about what sort of shapes and sizes a spare part can
come in, or what the key components of an object produced
has. For materials, imagine various types of materials the
produced items are composed of.


Leatherworker's Tools

hroughout many cultures, leatherworking Tools as Separate from Skills A lea
serves a range of purposes. From armor to leath
pouches, leather is one of the most recognized In Xanathar's Guide to Everything, there is an alternative dealt
materials. A leatherworker, then, has a great ruling to skill checks with tools (p. 78). Instead of making the introd
variety on what their job may entail. Tool Kit a skill by itself, proficiency simply adds an extra weap
proficiency bonus (or advantage, if the player making the them
check has double proficiency) to the check. For example,
Leatherworking? recalling the significance of the patterns in a leather tunic
Why? may be a Intelligence (History) check. Players making the
check, however, could add their proficiency if they were
Dextrous characters often rely on lightweight armor proficient in Leatherworker's Tools, or gain advantage on the
composed primarily from leather, while others may use skill check if proficient in both History and Leatherworker's
leather backpacks to carry their material goods with ease. Tools.
Leather objects have a tendency to deteriorate and require Alternatively, using the same rules, you may grant a special
repairs. As such, this system facilitates the process of bonus if a player with proficiency in both the skill and the
creating and repairing leather items. relevant tools upon passing the skill check.
Inside a Leatherworker's Tools What can a Leatherworker
Xanathar's Guide to Everything (p. 82) uses the following
items for the Leatherworker's Tools: Do?
A knife Skinning and Scraps
A small mallet One skill any leatherworker must have is the ability to skin
An edger beasts. This means removing the hide from a (usually) dead
A hole punch animal and using it for other purposes. While some cultures
Thread are irreverent about the process, others treat the process of
Leather scraps skinning some animals as a religious process that confers
Because this system uses leather scraps as a finite great respect to the animal killed to procure the hide.
resource for creating and repairing items, it is not included in This process allows a leatherworker to acquire raw hides
this iteration of Leatherworker's Tools. Otherwise, the list to use, but there are the occassional leatherworkers whose
remains unaffected. scavenging abilities allow them to seek out leather scraps not
actively used. The leather scraps may also be used after some
Proficiency in Leatherworker's recycling preperation.
Tools Tanning
When a person is considered proficient in Leatherworker's Another trade a leatherworker can practice is the ability to
Tools, that describes their ability to work with and properly tan raw hides into supple leather. The conversion
understand leather materials and items. Whether it is the animal hides into leather is a tedious task, but the rewards
origins of a tanning method or putting it to use on an exotic primarily entail the ability to use the newly-acquired leather
creature, leatherworking proficiency describes the academic for crafting purposes.
and practical knowledge needed to perform the trade to
acceptable standards. Xanathar's Guide to Everything
explains that this proficiency also gives knowledge about Crafting
"magic items crafted from leather, such as boots and some The main attraction of the leatherworking profession is the
cloaks." (p. 82). This module, however, will focus primarily on ability to craft leather items. From armor to waterskins, the
crafting and repairing leather items, with suggestions on the creation of leather items relies on fabricating leather sheets
time and resources needed to work on a certain object. or scraps into the desired product. The process of crafting
leather objects takes time, resources, and skill in proportion
to the complexity and quality of the finished good.

break Dexterity
Running a needle through the edges of a sheet of leather
Skill Checks require manual dexterity that can be best resembled through
When working on a task, the abilities of a leatherworker are Dexterity (Leatherworking) skill checks.
sometimes put to the test. In these cases, a new skill can be
used for all checks relating to using the Leatherworker's Dexterity Checks
Tools: Leatherworking. Leatherworking checks use Action
proficiency in Leatherworker's Tools, similar to making a skill
check in any other skill. Likewise, an attribute is added to the Sewing a hole in a tunic 10
check that gives extra potential bonuses. For example, Skinning a mundane creature 15
skinning the hide of a beast would require a Wisdom
(Leatherworking) check, while observing the cultural origins Engraving a thin sheet of leather with 20
of a leather pattern would require an Intelligence ornamental designs
(Leatherworking) check. Some examples of common skill
checks can be found below. Intelligence
While some knowledge of various techniques in
How many skill checks are needed? leatherworking may be attributed to historical knowledge,
The scale of a project can range from mere hours to whole some understanding of chemistry may help a leatherworker
weeks or even months of hard work and dedication. As such, when tanning hides.
each project has a predetermined amount of skill checks that
are taken throughout the duration. As a DM, it is up to you to Intelligence Checks
decide the nature of these skill checks. Action
What happens on a failed check? Concocting the proper formula for treating a 10
known hide
A failed check often causes some sort of issue to occur while
producing a result. If the task is a binary action, such as Identifying the origins of a leather item based on
attempting to forage for leather scraps in an area, then a
failed roll can be a simple "no". Some skill checks, however, Creating a formula for treating an unknown or 20
are made to determine if any setbacks occur while exotic hide
performing a gradual process, such as fashioning a piece of
armor. As such, failing these skill checks does not cease the Wisdom
process entirely. Instead, it incurs one of the following Knowledge of the natural world and how to prepare a
setbacks. creature's hide relies on instinct. As such, a leatherworker
Possible Setbacks strong in this aspect benefits greatly for any Wisdom
d6 Setback (Leatherworking) checks they need to make.
1 The amount of a type of scrap needed increases by Wisdom Checks
(1d4 x 25)% (using a scrap that is already required) DC
OR the leatherworker loses half of the product made Action Check
2 The time it takes to finish the project is doubled Identifying what type of creature a piece of 10
3 The project is completed in need of repair OR the leather originated from
leather is acquired in Scraps instead of Sheets Skinning a commonly found and treated creature 15
4 The leatherworker is injured in the process, taking 2d6 Skinning an exotic or unusual creature 20
hazard damage (see below)
5 Future repairs will need 1d4 extra scrap per hit point
OR the leatherworker loses half of the product made
6 The leatherworker has disadvantage on the project's
remaining skill checks

Hazard Damage
d4 Damage Type
1 Psychic (mental strain)
2 Bludgeoning
3 Piercing
4 Slashing


Making Leather
Skinning Tanning
The fastest way to acquire large amounts of usuable hides is If one acquires a piece of hide, it must be tanned to be used.
to appropriate them from the bodies of slain animals. The tanning process inhibits decay that normally affects
Although most leather comes from domestic beasts such as organic matter, giving the produced item long-term use.
cows and the occassional horse, wild beasts and Hides of certain sizes will produced certain amounts of
monstrosities also provide a plentiful supply of hides. leather sheets that can be used.
Skinning Requirements Hide Treatment Table
Skill Sheets of
Creatures of different sizes demand different amounts of Size of Hide Time Cost Checks Leather
time and skill to finish skinning. As such, a table is provided Small Hide 4 hours 5 sp 1 2 Sheet
below to determine how much time and skill are required to
extract a creature's hide, as well as how much hide that Medium Hide 8 hours 5 sp 1 4 Sheets
creature provides. Large Hide 2 days 1 gp 2 8 Sheets
Leather per Size Table Huge Hide 4 days 2 gp 2 16 Sheets
Size Time Skill Checks Product Gargantuan 2 10 2 40 Sheets
Tiny 2 hours 1 1 Small Hide Hide weeks gp
Small 4 hours 1 2 Small Hides
A sheet of leather weighs 1 pound and costs 1 gp at
Medium 4 hours 1 1 Medium Hide standard rates.
Large 8 hours 2 1 Large Hide
Huge 3 days 2 1 Huge Hide
Leather Scraps
Gargantuan 1 week 2 1 Gargantuan Hide
Scrap describes the various miscellaneous parts of leather
found around the world. Each piece of scrap costs 5 sp at
Non-beasts creatures can also be skinned, with DM standard rates and weigh .5 pounds each. Scraps are usually
discretion. Although the following table gives ideas on found when scavenging for parts or salvaging armor and
various types of creatures that can be skinned, not all items from fallen enemies. They can also be sold by various
members of these groups can be skinned. For example, just merchants that specialize in general goods or repairs.
as a Spider is a beast that a DM may forbid to be skinned, a
Mimic is a monstrosity that could be unskinnable. The list, Sheets to Scraps
ultimately, relies on the DM's final say, as listing each Sheets can act as 2 scrap in a project, though they are usually
individual creature would be excessively tedious to create and acquired from skinning and tanning hides rather than
read. scavenging for scraps. If a sheet is used to cover the cost of
less than four scrap, the remainder is converted to scrap.
Leather per Creature Table
Added Added Skill
Time to Checks to Total Leather
Creature Skin Skin produced Leather can also be recycled from other sources. If a leather
Beast Hide none none x 1 (Normal) item is scraped, then it produces Leather scraps equal to half
the cost to produce it (rounding down with a minimum of
Monstrosity none +1 x .5 (Half, at least 1) one).
Dragon Hide x2 +1 x .5 (Half; acquired
Leather is instead
Dragon Leather)
Aberration, x2 +2 x .5 (Half, at least 1)
Humanoid none none x.5 (Half, at least 1)


break Leather Scrap Subtypes
These recipes assume that the Optional Rule on shape
Working with Scraps subtypes is being used. To use these recipes without
Each object has a particular amount of leather that they subtypes, simply assume all recipes use "Any leather scrap"
require. In addition, they also have a recycle value that they instead of specific leather scraps. Should a recipe require
bestow when turned back into scrap. Scrap retrieved from multiple subtypes of leather scraps, simply require the total.
items will always be half the cost of the value to create it
(rounding up), and will not give back any non-scrap items
used to create it.
Armor Crafting
Armor Materials Time Skill Checks
Leather Tunic/Padded Armor 5 Any leather scrap 8 hours 1
Leather Armor 5 Stiff scrap, 5 supple scrap 3 days 2
Hide Armor 1 Medium hide 3 days 2
(Leather) Shield 10 Stiff scrap 8 hours 1
Dragon Scale Mail 50 Any Dragon leather scrap 3 days 2

Item Crafting
Armor Materials Time Skill Checks
Leather Whip 4 Any leather scrap 8 hours 2
Pouch 1 Cross-hatch scrap 4 hours 1
Backpack 4 Any leather scrap 8 hours 2
Waterskin (2) 1 Any leather scrap 4 hours 1
Drum 4 Supple scrap 4 hours 1
Pack Saddle 5 Stiff scrap 3 days 2
Riding Saddle Pack Saddle, 5 Supple scrap 3 days 1
Military Saddle Riding Saddle, 5 Supple scrap, 5 stiff scrap 1 week 2
Exotic Saddle Military Saddle, 10 Supple scrap, 10 stiff scrap, 20 cross hatch scrap 2 weeks 2
Saddle Bags 4 Pouches none none
Leather Cloak 4 Stiff scrap 8 hours 2
Leather Gloves 2 Supple scrap 8 hours 2
Leather Boots 2 Supple scrap, 2 stiff scrap 8 hours 2
Leather Belt 2 Any leather scrap 8 hours 2

break Object Hit Points
Although the Dungeon Master's Guide gives guidelines on hit
Damage and Repairs point values for different inanimate items, a method of
Equipment breaks- it's inevitable even for the most prepared standardizing the values would be helpful for the purposes of
adventurers. For the more resourceful, this presents an convenience. Any item that is not a weapon or armor can
opportunity to put scavenged resources to use. When simply use the table provided in the Dungeon Master's Guide
eqiupment breaks, a leatherworker may use their scraps to (p. 247) .
repair it over the duration of a long rest. Repairing equipment
may be considered restful for the purposes of a long rest, Object Hit Points Table
unless a DM decides not to qualify repairs as restful activity. Object Type Hit Points
Martial Weapons 18 (4d8)
Shields 10 (3d6)
Light Armor 18 (4d8)
Magic Items
Medium Armor 28 (4d8+10)
You may rule that all magic items are not breakable
through proper use. For example, using an Small Leather Objects 4 (1d8)
enchanted weapon to pry a door open may break, Large Leather Objects 5 (1d10)
while striking enemies will not risk damaging it.

For a certain amount of scrap, repairs can be made to armor
or weapons. Each hitpoint of repair costs one scrap to
Damage to equipment perform repairs to- up to a maximum of the total cost, in
Repairs are not mentioned as a part of the features for which the item is instead fully repaired. If an object is totally
Leatherworker's Tools. Health for inanimate items, on the broken, it costs the amount of scrap needed to produce it.
other hand, was introduced in the Dungeon Master's Guide Additionally, the time and skills checks needed to fully repair
where hitpoints are granted based on size and "resilience" (p. a broken item is increased by half of the amount to produce a
247) . For this system to work, there must be a method to new item of that same type. At the DM's choosing, there may
enable damage to items. As such, a new system has been be an optional cost to require a non-scrap component of the
added. item to repair. For example, if a set of leather armor was
Upon scoring a critical failure, a weapon will suffer 1d4 completely broken, the repair cost would be 10 Leather
damage. Upon receiving a critical strike or critically failing a scrap. On the other hand, if a leather shield had 8 hitpoints
saving throw to avoid damage, a worn shield or set of armor out of its 10, there would only be a need for 2 units of Leather
receives 1d4 damage. A player may choose whether their scraps to repair the armor.
shield or their armor takes item damage. If this item loses all
of its hit points, it is rendered unusable until repaired.
Damaged items render half of the amount of scrap that
other items give. For example, a broken whip will give 2 The Mending Cantrip
leather scrap because a normal whip gives 4 leather scrap.
Likewise, scrapping broken leather armor will give 5 leather A feature of the cantrip Mending is that it can
scrap while leather armor normally gives 10 leather scraps. repair broken objects. At a DM's discretion, a
player with this cantrip may spend its 1 minute
ritual restoring 1 hitpoint to any armor, weapon, or
item of their choice. This may optionally be only
done twice during a short rest, to reflect how
Mending may only repair small scratches and
Optional Rule: Sunder
damage done to an item.
Sometimes the decision to attack an enemy's
armor, shield, or even weapon comes into play. If a
creature chooses to do this, they must make an
attack roll with disadvantage. On a success, the
targeted weapon or armor takes item damage equal
to that creature's normal damage roll. For example, Optional Rule: Degrading Attacks
if a goblin wishes to sunder a fighter's armor, they Some features of monsters may cause an item of weapon to
may make an attack with disadvantage. On a be destroyed if its stats decreases beyond a certain value. A
successful hit, they deal 1d6 + 2 damage to the DM, however, may decide that these effects instead cause
fighter's armor. damage to weapons and armor. They can also cause their
normal effects alongside damaging armor and weapons.



Author's Notes
This material has yet to be playtested. Feel free to modify
these ideas as much as you wish, and contact
u/Username1906 on Reddit if you have ideas for potential
Tool Kit for Tool Kits is unofficial Fan Content permitted
under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of
Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.


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