Exam Joaquin

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2- Translate these civil status:

- Married:
- Divorced:
- Widowed:
- Single:
What is your civil status?
3- Translate these animals:
- Tortoise:
- Fish:
- Horse:
- Rabbit:
- Pig:
- Snake:
- Parrot:
- Chicken:
4- Write these numbers in English:
13: 18:
53: 11:
48: 14:
12: 37:
15: 62:
89: 100:

5- Read this text and draw Jack’s family tree.

Hello! My name is Jack and this is my family. I have got a sister; her name
is Sarah. My parents are called Ted and Sandra. I have got four
grandparents. My dad’s dad is called George and he’s married with my
granny Lucy. My mum’s parents are called Philip and Susan. I love my
6- Translate these words into English:
- libreta: - manzana:
- gafas de sol: - revista:
- llaves: - paraguas:
- cepillo de dientes: - espejo:

7- Complete with a demonstrative pronoun:

1- 4- 7- 10-
2- 5- 8- 11-
3- 6- 9- 12-
8- Replace the underlined words with the correct possessive adjectives:
my / your / his / her / its / our / your/ their/

9- Join the sentences below using possessive forms (‘s).

10- Use a suitable adjective and structure to compare these sentences:

- Tortoises are __________________________________ horses.
- Russia is _________________________________ Italy.
- Tigers are _______________________________________ dogs.
- My book is ________________________________________ your book.
11- Find the mistake, underline it and write it correctly.

12- Read the text and fill in the blanks with am / is / are:

13- Write a short text introducing yourself and your family, like the
previous text about Carl:

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