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Complaints Details

Grievance Number: 4574620

Grievance Reg Dat e: 2023-05-28 13:43:39

Grievance Complaint    
Type :

Grievance Company Name -amazon Type - online shopping Product - shirt Order Id - 408-
Det ails : 4925424-6555501 Date Of Transaction - 9 may 2023 Paid Amount - 649/-( cash
on delivery ) Consumer Reg Contact No - 9168915747 Consumer Reg Mail Id - Complaint No – Company didn’t provide it.
Problem - consumer is saying that eh had ordered the shirt from the amazon
company and the product was delivered but it was shown in application
undelivered. T he consumer wanted to return the product. He contacted the
company and they are accept it also picked it but still the refund not credit yet,
so now he wants refund.

Agent "Your grievance has been registered with NCH.Kindly track your grievance
Remark : mentioning the docket number on following link . You may visit
Following Link: visit "

Final St at us :   In Process

Company Dear Sir, Basis your complaint, we note that your complaint is with St at us :  
Remark : regards to the delivery of your Order 407-9407940-1278709. Closed
However, the same could not be delivered and the same was
returned back to the seller. Since, the order was cash on delivery,
there is no issue with regard to refund or replacement.
Notwithstanding the above, please note that we are merely an e-
commerce marketplace, an intermediary and not a
seller/manufacturer of the product. T he products listed on our e-
commerce marketplace are sold by independent third-party
sellers. In view of the above the issue stands resolved. T hank

Remark Dat e  2023-06-05 12:38:12

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