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Chapter 5551

Young Master Longmen!?

The legendary Longmen, one of the four pillars of Country H!?

Harvey York is the young master of Longmen!?

As one of the four pillars of Country H, Longmen has always had the power to kill
first and then file for royalties.

To a certain extent, Longmen is still able to control the leaders of all parties.

This is the privilege granted to Longmen by Country H Court.

At this juncture, the young master of Longmen appeared to attend Gaspar

Hoffman's inauguration dinner.

Who dares to stop, or in other words, who can stop?

At this moment, Tomas Lassarren was like being slapped by someone, and his
face was extremely ugly.

If Harvey York is the young master of Longmen, then the place will definitely not
be worse than his autumn wind and cold!

Even in terms of actual authority, Tomas Lassarren is not worthy of Harvey York's

So at this moment, Tomas Lassarren's body staggered, and then he waved his
hands through gritted teeth, causing the people from Peacock Villa to retreat.

Just kidding, if you continue to use peacock feathers to face Harvey York at this
time, it is disrespectful to Longmen!
Both sides will never die!

The major martial arts holy places in Country H are very good!

But the problem is, there is a guy called Jefer Lehner in Longmen.

Not only has the strength of the God of War, but also acts unscrupulously.

It can be said that people are afraid of people, and dogs are afraid of dogs!

The owner of Peacock Villa is here, and maybe he can play against him.

But Tomas Lassarren knew very well that he was not qualified to do so.

Even, he doesn't even have the qualifications to get along with Harvey York!

If it is said that Harvey York Country H Martial Alliance represents this identity, it
is just a vain job.

Then his position as the young master of Longmen is truly under one person and
above ten thousand people.

"He is the young master of Longmen!?"

A large group of disciples of the Medical Immortal Pavilion all felt in a trance.

Ordinary people don't know the power of Longmen, but the Holy Land of Martial
Arts is very clear.

After all, the four pillars of Country H were originally formed to fight against the
Holy Land of Martial Arts.

Among the four pillars, Longmen is definitely the most powerful.

Even Master Angela Holits squinted at Harvey York and said slowly, "You are the
legendary young master of Longmen."

"Sure enough, a hero comes out of a boy!"

"You don't care if I'm a hero or a teenager."

Harvey York spoke coldly.

"I'll say it again, and for the last time!"

"Good dog out of the way!"

"If you don't get out, don't blame me for being rude to your old man!"

"The scumbag is presumptuous!"

"Even if you are the young master of Longmen and have such an attitude towards
a martial arts senior like me, I can teach you a lesson for Jefer Lehner!"

Master Angela Holits's face sank, with an angry look on his face.

"Today, I will teach you first, young man, keep a low profile!"

As soon as the words fell, Angela Holits had already moved, and rushed towards
Harvey York's direction like a rush of lightning.

At the moment of dispatch, her right hand was shot directly. This palm seemed to
be light, but it contained supreme power.

"Young Master York, be careful!"

Prince Shidu and Alexa Joiner both changed their expressions.

Obviously, it was unexpected that on such an occasion, a senior like Angela Holits
would be so ignorant of martial arts, and so disregarded and directly shot.

Without waiting for Alexa Joiner to shoot, he saw Harvey York shaking his head
slightly at them, and then he stepped forward and shot directly at the same time.


The palm prints of both sides touch each other.

But in the next instant, Angela Holits's expression suddenly changed.

I saw her body shake, and suddenly flew out backwards.


Half of the door was opened, and Angela Holits directly knocked it open.

Harvey York walked with his hands behind his back, and said lightly: "I cannot
withstand a single blow..."

Chapter 5552

As Harvey York walked into the Golden Mansion, almost instantly, all the eyes of
the audience converged on him.

Behind the gate of the Golden Mansion, there is a huge patio. There are many
Hainan Huanghuali Eight Immortal Tables, and each table is full of distinguished

And many Hoffman Family members were originally going to watch Harvey York's
After all, in their perception, Harvey York is so good, as long as Master Angela
Holits is too willing to take action, he will never be able to enter the gate of the
Golden Mansion.

But it was unexpected that Master Angela Holits was so vulnerable in front of
Harvey York.

And after being defeated, Angela Holits was speechless for a long time.

Araceli Hoffman and others felt their eyelids jump at this moment, especially
Araceli Hoffman, although he is a generation of God of War, and he believes that
he is unparalleled.

But he never thought that Harvey York would be so strong.

At least, he Araceli Hoffman dare not do this.

Under such a large audience, Harvey York unscrupulously showed his strength,
what was he going to do?

"What? My dignified young master of Longmen is here."

"Aren't your Hoffman Family ready to welcome you?"

"You are disrespectful!"

Since the Hoffman Family were trying to disgust themselves along the way,
Harvey York didn't give them face at this moment, but was going to slap them

Araceli Hoffman, who had reached the head of the crowd at some point, squinted
at Harvey York, then smiled slightly, and said, "Young Master York, it doesn't
matter if you are the real Young Master of Longmen or the fake Young Master of

"I still think it's better not to give people a hat casually!"

"Not to mention that our Jinling Hoffman Family is one of the top ten top
families, my father is the leader of the Jinling government, and may become one
of the nine elders in the future."

"You were so gibberish at his old man's inauguration dinner."

"Do you think this consequence is something you can bear?"

"Even if you don't consider the consequences, you have to give us face, right?"

Harvey York said lightly, "Araceli Hoffman, how many times have you disgusted
me today?"

"Once or twice, I'm too lazy to care about you."

"But you do it again and again and again."

"Don't you understand the truth of three things?"

"You can't get along with me like this, and now you still want me to give you

"Are you mentally ill?"

"Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself. Did you not learn
this principle when you were in school?"

Hearing Harvey York's words, Araceli Hoffman's eyes twitched.

"Young Master York."

At this time, among the crowd, Abe walked out slowly.

"I know you think you are high and have some status."

"However, the home court here today belongs to the Hoffman Family!"

"I'm afraid it's not good for you to act recklessly like this and take over the host?"

Harvey York glanced at Sergio Abe and said lightly, "Islander, are you teaching
me to do things?"

"You beep again, believe it or not, I'll pat you on the shoulder again?"

After finally going to find an orthopaedic doctor temporarily, and then returning
with his arms hanging, Sergio Abe only felt a dull pain in his shoulder at this

Although Harvey York's words were plain, it was like a few slaps on his face,
making him speechless for a while.

Ayaka Ueda, the representative of the Jinling embassy in the island country on
one side, had a look of anger at the moment: "Harvey York, what is the occasion

"How many foreign guests are there, don't you know?"

"You threaten our island country's special envoy Abe, haven't you considered
international disputes?"

Harvey York looked surprised and said, "When did you people from the island
country learn the rhetoric that the Americans hold justice?"
Chapter 5553

"But it's also true, your American father has always been self-righteous and likes
to be rude on the international stage."

"It seems natural for you to inherit your father's legacy when you are sons."

"But don't do that next time."

"If you don't have enough strength to learn to pretend, it's easy to be slapped in
the face."

Harvey York's expression followed the teachings on his face, and he almost
angered Ayaka Ueda, Sergio Abe and others to death.

As the saying goes, hit people without slapping the face, and punish people
without punishing their hearts!

Harvey York this bastard is too much!

"Young Master York, you are going too far!"

At this time, Karina of the American Rock Foundation walked out slowly, looking
at Harvey York with a solemn expression.

"We in the United States have always regarded island countries as strategic
partners. You slander our relationship for no reason, and you should take
international responsibility."

Harvey York nodded and said, "So that's the case? Send your soldiers from the US
to the island country to station, show off your power every day, bully men and
women, is this the act of a strategic partnership?"
"Sorry, it seems that Misha and Misha have different definitions of strategic

"Okay, I'll revise Wikipedia in a while."

"Let everyone know that the islanders are not the dogs of the Americans, but
strategic partners."

Karina shivered with anger, you bastard!

If it wasn't for Gaspar Hoffman's inauguration dinner, it wouldn't be good if he

continued to make things bigger in this place.

At this moment, Karina almost couldn't help but want the gene warriors of the
United States to kill Harvey York.

Alexa Joiner and the other people who were present from the six hidden world
families all had deep expressions at the moment.

As soon as Harvey York appeared at the moment, he pulled the hatred of the
audience onto himself. Is this not going to give face to the Hoffman Family at all?

But that's right, along the way, the Hoffman Family blocked the road and slapped
the face again and again, and also prepared a sinister plan to kill Harvey York and
Alexa Joiner.

Compared with the behavior of the Hoffman Family's villain, Harvey York's slap in
the face at the moment is a dignified and gentleman's style!

Joiner Sect and the six hidden worlds realized this, and so did Araceli Hoffman.

He knew that if Harvey York continued to make trouble like this, with Harvey
York's murderous style, it might really make the Hoffman Family unable to step
down today.
And today is an auspicious day chosen by Gaspar Hoffman himself.

Everything was prepared for Gaspar Hoffman's official ascension.

If Harvey York was allowed to ruin this dinner party, the Hoffman Family's face
would be very swollen.

After all, how many Chinese and foreign guests came?

Thinking of this, Araceli Hoffman took a step forward, his face sank, and said,
"Harvey York, the people present today are all honored guests of our Hoffman

"You, an outsider, didn't even get an invitation from our Hoffman Family!"

"You appeared inexplicably at our Hoffman Family's dinner party and mocked our
Hoffman Family's distinguished guests!"

"Have you considered the consequences?"

"You'd better give an explanation!"

"Otherwise, our Hoffman Family is not easy to mess with!"

While speaking, Araceli Hoffman waved his hand and saw dozens of Hoffman
Family guards rushing out directly.

Because there were too many distinguished guests in the field, they dared not
take out firearms, but each had a rubber stick in his hand, which looked

"Are you going to start?"

Seeing that Araceli Hoffman disagreed, Harvey York was about to flip the table.

A strange smile appeared on his face.

"Araceli Hoffman, it's not the first time you and I have faced each other."

"Don't release your American friends with the island dog."

"How did you get me?"

Chapter 5554

Hearing this, the genetic warriors of the United States and the ninjas of the island
country, who were originally ignorant in the crowd, almost died of anger at this

Harvey York's mouth is even more powerful than his skills!

And Araceli Hoffman's eyelids are also jumping, Harvey York's words are
equivalent to pointing at his nose and scolding him for colluding with islanders
and Americans!

Such testimony is equivalent to a bright face of the Hoffman Family.

At this moment, Araceli Hoffman took a deep breath and said slowly: "Young
Master York, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak. You are so
slandering that I have colluded with Americans and islanders!"

"It's slander!"

"American friends and island friends are all foreign guests who came to watch the
ceremony this time!"
"You talk like that, it's easy to misunderstand!"


Harvey York smiled slightly.

"When did I say you colluded with the islanders and Americans?"

"You speak so clearly, so clearly..."

"Are you guilty?"

"Is it possible that you really have colluded with the Americans and the people of
the island country, so now you are just bowing and fighting?"

"Young Master Hoffman, your mentality is not good..."

Having said this, Harvey York shook his head, tsk tsk.

Hearing Harvey York's words, all the Hoffman Family members present sank

This bastard! Word after word, people couldn't help but want to kill him!

Araceli Hoffman said coldly, "Harvey York, you slander me again!"

"Don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Harvey York smiled: "When have you been polite to me?"

"By the way, Young Master Hoffman, I heard that you have a special identity that
you will have soon, and that is longevity..."

"Harvey York!"
Before Harvey York finished speaking, he heard a cold voice from behind!

"Today is a great day, you come uninvited, I think you are here to congratulate

"But you went to our Hoffman Family to provoke this and wronged that."

"Do you really think our Hoffman Family can be bullied!?

At this time, Gaspar Hoffman was seen walking out of the back hall, and besides a
dozen senior members of the Hoffman Family, there was also a pale-faced
Angela Holits.

Obviously, Angela Holits should have just taken the opportunity to run to find
Gaspar Hoffman.

Otherwise, he wouldn't even have the courage to jump out and argue with
Harvey York.

Seeing Gaspar Hoffman walk out, many people in the audience all stood up.

"Master Hoffman!"

"Mr. Hoffman!"

"Elder Hoffman!"

And Araceli Hoffman, at this moment, also walked in front of Gaspar Hoffman in
three steps and two steps, bowed his body and said, "My child is incompetent,
please ask my father to punish him!"

This gesture made people realize that Gaspar Hoffman is the real person in
At this moment, Gaspar Hoffman snorted softly, and the splendid Tang suit
embroidered on his body was shining in the night light at this moment.

The face that should have been covered with joy was now more angry.

He stared at Harvey York like this, with an unspeakable coldness and killing

Harvey York squinted and looked at Gaspar Hoffman carefully, and found that
today's Gaspar Hoffman has a completely different temperament from the person
who was in the Jinling official residence a few days ago.

Gaspar Hoffman, who tore off the official disguise, made him feel that he had an
extremely dangerous aura.

Anyone who encounters him will shiver involuntarily.

After all, the patriarchs of the top ten top families, whether it is seniority,
seniority, connections or authority.

When he needs to show it, he can absolutely suppress everyone in the field with

Chapter 5555

Harvey York and Gaspar Hoffman's eyes met, one was indifferent, the other was

At this moment, everyone in the field shivered smartly.

"Young Master York, you haven't answered me yet!"

"Do you think our Hoffman Family can be bullied?"

Gaspar Hoffman squinted at Harvey York, his eyes extremely dangerous.

Harvey York smiled slightly and said, "Jinling Hoffman Family, but one of the top
ten families in Country H, how can they be deceived?"

"Master Hoffman, don't belittle yourself."

Gaspar Hoffman said coldly, "Our Hoffman Family can't be bullied. If you come in
casually, should you give an explanation?"

Alexa Joiner on the side smiled and said, "Master Hoffman, what you said is

"Now Young Master York is an advisor to the Jinling government. He is an official

in the same dynasty as the two of us, and his status is extremely high."

"Your inauguration dinner, even if you came uninvited, is here to celebrate you."

"What are you so angry about?"

"You should feel happy, after all, this represents your face, Lord Hoffman."


Gaspar Hoffman sneered.

"Injuring my own sister."

"Abusing my guest!"

"Put a black pot on my own son's head?"

"Harvey York, it seems that I really want to thank you!"

"However, you'd better be able to prove your identity as the young master of

"Otherwise, I'm sorry."

"This would be a felony!"

"According to the king's law, pretending to be a high-level executive of the Four

Pillars can be killed on the spot!"

Having said that, Harvey York felt Gaspar Hoffman's body tense. At this moment,
he was like a cheetah who could shoot at any time.

His whole body contained a kind of ready-to-go smell, which made people shiver
involuntarily just by looking at him.

"And, I'm going to see the evidence now!"

Having said this, Gaspar Hoffman waved his hand, and this time, the Hoffman
Family guards rushed out dozens of people again.

And these people are all holding firearms, and they have opened the safety
directly. Obviously, if they disagree, they are ready to pull the trigger directly.

Compared with Araceli Hoffman, who is gentle and gentle and likes to strategize,
Gaspar Hoffman's style is more simple and direct.

If you Harvey York can't prove your identity.

Then I can't blame you for killing you on the spot.

Hearing Gaspar Hoffman's words, Harvey York smiled and said, "If I can't prove
my identity here now."

"Master Hoffman, are you going to kill me on the spot?"

"What do you think?"

Gaspar Hoffman said coldly.

"I think Master Hoffman, you not only have this idea, but also have this method."

Harvey York sighed.

"After all, in terms of the Hoffman Family's methods, it's easy to make an outsider
disappear in Jinling."

"It's just Lord Hoffman, have you ever considered a question?"

"If I do show who I really am."

"Today, there is no way to end this matter..."

"Are you ready to let things get to that point?"

Harvey York's half-smile expression seemed to be certain that Gaspar Hoffman

would not dare to act recklessly.

Unexpectedly, Gaspar Hoffman sneered and said, "I only know, but I can't reveal
my identity."

"You're going to die today!"

Having said that, Gaspar Hoffman took out a firearm, directly pulled the safety
with a "click", and then put the firearm on Harvey York's forehead.
"I'm impatient."

"So I decided to give you one more minute."

"I can't prove my identity, so I'm sorry."

"You go to die!"

Chapter 5556


At the same time as Gaspar Hoffman's voice fell, he saw Harvey York flick his right
hand, and a jade token appeared in front of Gaspar Hoffman.

On the jade plaque, the four characters of the young master of Longmen are
glowing under the luminous light.

Not only did he directly hit Gaspar Hoffman in the face, but his anger stopped

At this moment, all the guards who were trying to come forward stopped directly.

Gaspar Hoffman looked at the token, and he saw at a glance that the token was

At this moment, after his eyelids twitched slightly, he said coldly: "Very good, the
token is real!"

"It's just that, even if your token is real, I can drive you out of here!"

"After all, according to King’s Law, our Jinling Hoffman Family is not subject to
your Longmen restraint!"
Harvey York smiled and said, "If I remember correctly, Longmen can control the
top ten top families."

"After all, we will kill those who the Dragon Palace can't kill, we will take care of
the things that the Dragon Cell can't manage, and we will protect those who the
Dragon Guard can't protect!"

"First cut and then play, the royal law chartered!"

"This is our Longmen!"

Gaspar Hoffman sneered and shouted: "Yes, Longmen is the top ten families that
can control it!"

"But don't forget a prerequisite!"

"That's us people from the top ten top families, forgetting the ancestry, betraying
the country and seeking glory!"

"If this is not the case, your Longmen does not have this qualification!"

"Harvey York, step back!"

"While our Hoffman Family is not angry yet!"

"Otherwise, I will definitely let Longmen explain to our Hoffman Family!"

Araceli Hoffman also said coldly: "You Longmen are not a law enforcement
agency, can you manage so much?"

"Unless someone reports to you, otherwise, if you casually interfere in the

housework of the top ten top families, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat and
"If you want to eat, just find a place to squat and eat, our Hoffman Family can still
afford a piece of dog food!"

"If you don't want to eat, get out of here!"

"This place, no one welcomes you Harvey York!"

"Tsk." Harvey York smiled, "It's amazing to have a backer, and your mouth is
extremely hard!"

"I just hope that in the future, your mouth will be as hard as it is now!"

After saying this, Harvey York gave Araceli Hoffman a meaningful smile.

The next moment, in the crowd, people from Jinling Joiner Sect and the six
hidden families came out one by one.

Seeing these people walk out, Araceli Hoffman's face suddenly sank.

Prince Shidu was the first to walk out, and he took the Shidu Family and said
loudly, "Young Master York, our reclusive Shidu Family, together with Tianmen
village, the holy place of martial arts, sued Araceli Hoffman for maliciously
murdering my father Javier Shidu, and asked Young Master York to help me. Wait
for the master!"

Daniela Joinerr stepped out and said softly, "Young Master York, I sued Araceli
Hoffman for instigating Dante Abe, the islander, to drug me. If it wasn't for your
help, Young Master, I would end up in a very bleak way!"

Damian Huo stepped out and said loudly, "Young Master York, I sued Araceli
Hoffman for being a foreign enemy and colluding with the people of the island
country in an attempt to let the island country mafia enter my Jinling Heaven
Santiago Luo said coldly, "Young Master York, I also sued Araceli Hoffman for
joining forces with the Americans in an attempt to destroy the financial market in
Jinling, my heart can be punished!"

"My hidden royal family and hidden world Parada Family also sued Araceli
Hoffman for forgetting the ancestry and betraying the country for glory!"

"I also ask Young Master York to call the shots for me!"

"Also invite Longmen, and Country H is fair!"

When Gaspar Hoffman and Araceli Hoffman heard these words, their expressions
suddenly changed.

Chapter 5557

Although the Six Hidden Worlds did not communicate with Harvey York in
advance before the layout was well established.

But everyone is smart, so they naturally understand that they should stand up
and support Harvey York at this time.

After all, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you miss it once, it will never
happen again.

Maybe after this inauguration dinner, the six hidden families will be swept out of

So, you don't want to miss it.

Hearing these people's words, the expressions of Araceli Hoffman and Gaspar
Hoffman changed at the same time.
These bastards!

It really takes time!

The other Hoffman Family members and Chinese and foreign guests all had their
eyelids twitching.

The people from the six hidden families actually jumped out at the same time.

In this scene, it is clear that it is about to die endlessly!

After all, the Six Hidden Worlds came out to sue Araceli Hoffman at this time, and
it was not just as simple as standing in line.

If the Hoffman Family cannot directly crush these people today, I am afraid that
the position of the Hoffman Family will not be stable in the future.

Mrs. Angela Holits, Karina, Sergio Abe and the others all had their eyelids

Although everyone knows that today's dinner, there will definitely be no good
meeting, no good banquet.

But the problem is, no one could have imagined that the person who lifted the
table was actually Harvey York and his party.

"You people, you just don't know what to do!"

At this moment, Angela Holits, who had an ugly face, was the first to stand up.

"The things you just testified, one by one, one after another, is there any real
"If not, if you say these words, you will have to pay a price!"

"After all, our Hoffman Family ranks among the top ten top families!"

"I have always been loyal to Country H and Great Leader!"

"We, Araceli Hoffman, and Jonatan Leduc, the eldest son of the Leduc Family,
have an inseparable relationship!"

"To put it simply, in the foreseeable future decades, our Hoffman Family will
definitely be at its peak in the spring and autumn in the summer!"

"You sue guys like us for forgetting their ancestors and linking with foreign

"Don't you think it's funny?"

Speaking of which, Mrs. Angela Holits still had the attitude of a peacemaker.

"Everyone, I know that you are all being swayed by those who have a heart!"

"Deep down in your heart, you don't think like this at all!"

"So, I can be a master for our Hoffman Family master here!"

"As long as you retract your words!"

"Then our Hoffman Family can take what you just said as a well-meaning joke!"

"We will never pursue what happened today!"

"The presence of so many Chinese and foreign guests is the best middleman!"

Hearing Angela Holits's words, some of the guests were all in awe.

The Hoffman Family deserves to be one of the top ten top families!

He has already been scolded for traitorousness by someone pointing his nose,
how can he still maintain such calm?

It's really precious!

Only a family like the Hoffman Family can do such a kind of bearing, such a heart,

As soon as he thought of this, Abe also stood up and smiled: "Everyone, in front
of us, you slandered Young Master Hoffman and our islanders for collusion, isn't
it good?"

"We do have cooperation with Young Master Hoffman, but our islanders have
always respected Country H, so what we do is legitimate business."

"Also please don't talk nonsense!"

Karina of the Locke family also smiled and said, "Yes, we are here today to

"If we really had any collusion with the Hoffman Family, how could it appear so

Chapter 5558

"Everyone, what are the contradictions among you Country H people, we don't
understand, and we don't want to know."
Ayaka Ueda, the representative of the Jinling embassy in the island country, is
also taking a step forward at this moment.

"But slandering our islanders, we islanders need to give an explanation!"

"After all, there is no evidence and no evidence, something out of nothing,

talking nonsense!"

"It's a great sin!"

Hearing these words, Araceli Hoffman's expression recovered a bit, and then he
stepped forward with his hands on his back and spoke with a meaningful
expression on his face.

"Everyone of the Six Hidden Worlds, as long as you are from Jinling, you all know
that the Six Hidden Worlds and our Jinling Hoffman Family have always been at

"Everyone is an old enemy."

"In the field of interests, it is normal for everyone to fight to the death!"

"But you are talking nonsense on such an important occasion as my father took

"It's really not good!"

"After all, my father, the head of the Jinling government, was appointed by the

"You jump out now, look for trouble if you have nothing to do, and deduct such a
big face for our Hoffman Family!"

"If you can't come up with real evidence!"

"One crime of slandering the court officials is enough for you to drink a pot!"

"So, don't become the target of others' use because of your own impulse."

Araceli Hoffman's gentle appearance not only eased the atmosphere in the field a
little, but also let everyone see his mood and methods.

But none of the people present was a fool. Everyone knew that since the Six
Hidden Worlds jumped out, there must be some evidence.

Can the Hoffman Family really suppress everything at this time?

Alexa Joiner smiled slightly at the moment, and said, "Young Master Hoffman, I
think, what is the use or not."

"It doesn't matter at all."

"Since there is a bitter master suing your Hoffman Family for foreign enemies!"

"So if it's true and reasonable, let Longmen check it out!"

"As members of the top ten top families, as members of the government!"

"The most important thing now is to cooperate with the investigation and prove
your innocence!"

Master Angela Holits said coldly, "Alexa Joiner! You are arrogant!"

"At such an important moment now, you can let the people from Longmen
search around casually, can't you find someone to ask questions?"

"What's wrong?"
Alexa Joiner's face was calm.

"Just outside, Stefanie Hoffman of your Hoffman Family suspected that I brought
poisoned wine as a gift!"

"In order to prove my innocence, I'm not letting her search!"

"I am the second-in-command of the Jinling government, and Master Hoffman is

the first-in-command of the Jinling government."

"Everyone's identities are almost the same. For the sake of the government's face,
let people investigate and prove their innocence. It's nothing, right?"

"The Hoffman Family has so much to say, but they refuse to let anyone verify one
or two, and refuse to prove their innocence..."

"They say one thing and do another."

"Is it possible that you are guilty of being a thief?"

Hearing Alexa Joiner's words, many guests nodded subconsciously.

That's right, Alexa Joiner can be searched.

So now that the Hoffman Family has such suspicions, it seems that there is
nothing wrong with asking the people from Longmen to search for one or two.

After all, since he is from the government, he has to cooperate with the

If it is because Gaspar Hoffman is the head of the Jinling government, there is no

need to prove his innocence.
Then in the future, who else will abide by the government's credibility and the
king's laws?

Alexa Joiner's words were cruel, and Angela Holits and Araceli Hoffman were a
little dumb for a while.

After all, what Alexa Joiner said was right.

Self-certification is definitely the best choice at this time.

Chapter 5559

"Okay, shut up for me!"

At this time, Gaspar Hoffman spoke coldly.

He walked to his exclusive teacher's chair and sat down with a cold look on his

"I am the head of the Jinling government!"

"I have the final say about Jinling!"

"If some inexplicable family testifies against the Hoffman Family, the Hoffman
Family needs to prove their innocence!"

"Then our Hoffman Family don't have to do anything every day!"

"Just be busy proving your innocence!"

"I tell you, there is no real evidence, the nine elders of Country H are here, and
they can't directly search our Hoffman Family!"
Speaking of which, Gaspar Hoffman's eyes were somewhat unkind.

"Who dares to continue nonsense, say one more sentence."

"Believe it or not, I directly let the six hidden families evaporate in the world

"Don't think that Francisco Parada will soon be one of the nine elders, I, Gaspar
Hoffman, are afraid of you!"

"If I hadn't taken a fancy to the position of the head of the Jinling government,
do you think Francisco Parada would have this opportunity!?"

"It just doesn't matter!"

"I still use the authority of the Longmen to check my Hoffman Family?"

"Who gave you the guts!"

Speaking of which, Gaspar Hoffman's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

Obviously, since the table is going to be lifted, the Hoffman Family is not afraid of
anyone in Jinling!

After all, if people are searched casually, how will the Hoffman Family get
involved in the future?

The signboard of one of the top ten top families, do you want it?

"Come on, who dares to spoil my Hoffman Family and my banquet today!"

"Kill without mercy!"

When the words fell, Araceli Hoffman sneered and made a gesture
Soon, there were dense footsteps all around.

This time, hundreds of Hoffman Family guards appeared at the same time.

All of these people were full of light in their eyes, and their temples were bulging

They all had firearms in their hands. At this moment, they all opened the
insurance, aiming at Harvey York and his party who came to the dinner party, as
well as all the clansmen of the six hidden families.

Obviously, if there is a disagreement, the two sides will fight.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the six hidden families and the people from Jinling
Joiner Sect changed.

This place is the home ground of the Jinling Hoffman Family. In this place, the
Jinling Hoffman Family will never die, and they will definitely not take advantage
of it.

Alexa Joiner frowned at this moment and said, "Master Hoffman, if you ignore it
like this, aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the world?"

Gaspar Hoffman said coldly, "The world is ridiculed?"

"I only know that today, this auspicious day, I invited the three Feng shui masters
of Jinling to watch it together!"

"As long as I take the position today, our Hoffman Family will be able to sail

"So today, who stands in my way!"

"Kill without mercy!"

Harvey York sighed and said with a smile: "Master Hoffman, you are looking for
Mr. Feng Shui to see the life, why don't you look for me?"

"Don't you forget."

"I am known as the No. 1 Feng Shui Master in Jinling, and those liars are
completely different concepts."

"I just did the math for you!"

"Today is before the festival, everything is inappropriate!"

"If you insist on taking office today, I'm afraid no one can save you."

"So, my personal suggestion is to cancel the banquet tonight."

"You Hoffman Family cooperate with our Longmen to check things out, check
them out, how about you?"

Gaspar Hoffman sneered, "You are the only Feng shui master in Jinling!"

"Harvey York, you really put gold on your face!"

"For the sake of your being a government advisor, I'll let you go!"

"If you don't get out now, I will make you one less master from Longmen!"

Chapter 5560

Hearing Gaspar Hoffman's tone, Harvey York sighed and said, "Is this preparation
for being unreasonable, and preparing to die endlessly?"
Gaspar Hoffman sneered, apparently not bothering to say anything to Harvey
York at all.

On the contrary, Araceli Hoffman smiled and said, "That's right, our Hoffman
Family is just unreasonable, and we just don't die."

"Can you help us?"

"Let you go, you don't go!"

"You're going to get out in a while, there's no chance!"

Harvey York nodded, raised his head, took a step forward, and said lightly: "Okay,
since the Hoffman Family is obsessed, they won't cooperate!"

"Then today, I'm too lazy to take into account the contributions of your Jinling
Hoffman Family to Country H."

"I don't care about the face of the top ten top families."

"If you don't die, I'll give you this chance!"

Having said that, Harvey York Slap his fingers and said lightly, "Come here, bring
the end of the twelve Earthly Branches of the Hall of Longevity, and protect the
Dharma of the Enrique Lascurain lineage!"

Hall of Longevity!?

Dog Lascurain line!?

The dog protects the law!?

Hearing this title, countless people in the field gasped, and then turned to look at
Harvey York subconsciously.

Longevity Hall?

What does the Hall of Longevity have to do with today's events?

Moreover, is the Enrique Lascurain that Harvey York said is the Enrique Lascurain
who is in charge of Gangnam in the legend of the Hall of Longevity?

Many people who know some inside stories have very deep eyes at this moment.

The faces of Gaspar Hoffman, Araceli Hoffman and others couldn't help but
change slightly.

Especially Araceli Hoffman, the corners of his eyes began to jump wildly.

Obviously, Harvey York's seemingly simple sentence, but like a snake hitting
seven inches, it directly knocked on his pulse.

Gaspar Hoffman said with a furious face: "Harvey York, didn't I give you a face?"

"And bring the Lascurain Dog protector from the Hall of Longevity!?"

"What does your name mean?"

"That is one of the three highest-ranking figures in the Hall of Longevity in our
Country H territory!"

"Such a character has always been a dragon without seeing the end!"

"You still brought him up?"

"Who are you fooling!"

"I tell you, you continue to make trouble again and again!"

"If you want to miss my auspicious day, believe it or not, I will kill you directly!"

"Master Hoffman, don't forget!"

Harvey York looked indifferent.

"I am the young master of Longmen."

"With my status and status, I want to find a guardian of the Temple of Longevity,
it's not too difficult!"

"Now, this Dharma protector is going to testify in public and collude with the Hall
of Longevity. In this process, there are also people from the island country and
the United States participating in it!"

"Master Hoffman, don't you want to hear it?"

Hearing this, Gaspar Hoffman's eyelids twitched, and then he said coldly: "You
want to interrogate, find a place by yourself!"

"Our Hoffman Family is not your court!"

Harvey York smiled and said: "I'm sorry, from now on, this place has been
requisitioned by me with the authority of the Longmen!"

"I said it's a court, it's a court!"

While speaking, there was a burst of shouting from outside the crowd.

After a while, Rachel Hardy and a group of disciples from the Longmen Law
Enforcement Hall appeared.
They surrounded Dog Lascurain and slowly walked to the front of the crowd.

Many sights in the field converged on Enrique Lascurain in an instant.

Seeing this gentle man with a strong bookish aura, who is actually the so-called
Enrique Lascurain, everyone's eyes were filled with a look of disbelief.

Chapter 5561

Angela Holits was the first to stand up at the moment, and said coldly, "Harvey
York, you just go to the roadside to find someone and say he's a dog?"

"Who can prove that the person you brought is the real Enrique Lascurain, one of
the twelve Earthly Support Laws of the Hall of Longevity!?"

Harvey York smiled slightly and said, "I don't need to do the proof of identity."

"Our Enrique Lascurain protector will make everything clear and clear."

Having said that, Harvey York glanced at Enrique Lascurain and said lightly,
"Brother Enrique Lascurain, the stage is now handed over to you."

"Whether you can save your life once and for all is up to you."

Enrique Lascurain smiled slightly and said, "Young Master York, don't worry, since
you and I have reached a cooperation."

"Then I have absolutely no reason to back down."

Afterwards, he stepped forward and squinted and glanced around, and said, "Tsk
tsk tsk, today is really the arrival of countless big figures in Jinling City and
"Everyone looks familiar!"

"Not bad!"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Araceli Hoffman's face was ugly, and he stared at Enrique Lascurain coldly.

"How do you prove that you are the dog protector of the Hall of Longevity?"

"It's not that Harvey York found an extra casually?"

Enrique Lascurain said lightly, "Young Master Hoffman, it's not like you don't

"Our hall of longevity has been doing everything since ancient times."

"The princes and generals of the past dynasties, on the one hand, want to
cooperate with us, on the other hand, they want to get rid of us quickly!"

"Under such circumstances, how can we casually let people know our identity?"

"So there will be no identity token."

"Don't you know this better than me?"

Hearing the implication in Enrique Lascurain's mouth, Araceli Hoffman sneered:

"Are you still going to imply that I am also a member of the Hall of Longevity?"

"It's a joke!"

"I'm the eldest son of the Hoffman Family, one of the top young sons of Country
"I was born at a height that many people can't reach in their entire lives!"

"What kind of hall of longevity do people like me need to join?"

"If you want to put the blame on me, can you please bring some brains too?"

Hearing Araceli Hoffman's words, everyone present sneered.

Araceli Hoffman is right.

In his capacity, it is now at its peak in the Spring and Autumn Period.

How could it be someone from the Hall of Longevity?

This self-proclaimed Enrique Lascurain is unreliable when he speaks.

It seems that 80% is Harvey York who made the Hoffman Family disgusting.

Harvey York said lightly: "By the way, brother Enrique Lascurain, I almost forgot to
tell you."

"Our young Master Hoffman has always been sharp and sharp."

"The combat power of the mouth is definitely more than 250."

"Talk to him, you are no match for ten."

"So, let's have some hard dishes first and let them believe in your identity."

"Otherwise, it's useless to say more."

"Don't worry!"
"With me here, no one can hurt you in the slightest."

Enrique Lascurain smiled and said, "Thank you, Young Master York."

"Then I'll start."

Master Angela Holits said with a sneer, "Remind you, I know some things about
the Hall of Longevity. If you talk nonsense, I will kill you first!"

Araceli Hoffman also said coldly: "Yes, without hard evidence, your sins today will
be difficult to forgive!"

"I'll let you go to the bottom of the prison!"

Chapter 5562

Enrique Lascurain sighed and said lightly, "Although I can't prove that I am
Enrique Lascurain."

"But I believe that you will soon help me prove it."

Master Angela Holits said too coldly, "Let me prove it for you? Daydreaming!"

Enrique Lascurain smiled and said: "Everyone knows that the Medical Immortal
Pavilion is a sacred place for martial arts. In addition to the pavilion owner, there
are also four elders."

"And Elder Angela Holits is the last of the four elders of the Medical Immortal

Hearing this, everyone sneered: "If you think that it is useful for you to say these
information that everyone knows, isn't it too naive!"
Enrique Lascurain smiled and said, "Don't worry."

"I haven't finished speaking yet."

"However, although everyone knows that there are four elders in the Medical
Immortal Pavilion since ancient times."

"But few people know that the four elders actually represent the four largest
family patriarchs in the Medical Immortal Pavilion!"

"Miss Angela Holits, originally from the Hoffman Family, not a direct descendant
of the Medical Immortal Pavilion, but was able to sit on the position of one of the
four elders by herself, don't you think it's strange here?"

Hearing this, many people from Rivers and lake Wulin nodded slightly. Obviously,
there is such a thing.

Enrique Lascurain continued: "However, there is also a special case in the Medical
Immortal Pavilion, that is, if someone can make a special contribution to the
Medical Immortal Pavilion, even if they are not direct descendants, they can
become elders."

"It's just that this is a special contribution. For the Medical Immortal Pavilion, it is
definitely not martial arts, it must be related to medical ethics..."

"And Mrs. Angela Holits, who came to the throne that day, relied on a secret
recipe, and the secret recipe was called: Life Extension Powder."

Angela Holits was shocked and said, "How did you know about this!?"

Enrique Lascurain said lightly: "Not only do I know, but I also know that this life
extension powder was not developed by you, Master Angela Holits."
"The developer of Life Extension Powder is my mentor, the predecessor Enrique

"In the beginning, the Hoffman Family exchanged support for our Longevity Hall
to enter the south of the Yangtze River in exchange for a prescription for the
extension of life."

"You, Angela Holits, should know the ins and outs of this matter, right?"

"Shut up! Shut up! You're not allowed to talk nonsense!"

Angela Holits looked ugly at the moment.

"Our Jinling Hoffman Family ranks among the top ten top families, and some
prescriptions such as Life Extension Powder can be developed with human and
material resources!"

"Why do you need to exchange with your Hall of Longevity!?"

Araceli Hoffman's expression sank at this time, and he said, "If you want to add a
crime, why bother!"

"Now not only has I wronged, but even my aunt is not spared!"

"You guys are just wolf ambitions!"

"Sin deserves death!"

While speaking, Araceli Hoffman wanted to let people go directly to kill Enrique

It's just that before he could make a move, he saw that Prince Shidu had already
brought the people from Tianmen Village over, all of them looked cold.
"Prince Shidu, do you want to get along with me!?"

Araceli Hoffman looked gloomy.

Prince Shidu smiled lightly and said, "Young Master Hoffman, I'm sorry!"

"Since our Young Master York said, we must ensure the safety of Enrique

"Then unless you kill us, you won't be able to touch him!"

Harvey York also smiled faintly at the moment and said, "Young Master Hoffman,
today we are here to confront each other."

"If you don't agree, you want to kill the witness I invited."

"Are you guilty?"


Araceli Hoffman's eyelids twitched wildly.

Enrique Lascurain continued to speak, killing and killing his heart: "By the way, do
you want to know the prescription for the extension of life?"

Chapter 5563


Teacher Angela Holits's eyelids jumped.

"I don't believe you know!"

Enrique Lascurain said lightly: "Eu commune three grams, tangerine peel eight
grams, Tianshan snow lotus..."


Master Angela Holits's face was gloomy.

"No more!"

"Dare to expose the secret recipe of our Medical Immortal Pavilion, you have no
place to die!"

Hearing Master Angela Holits's words that turned into anger, all the spectators
around had strange expressions.

Is this anxious?

On the other hand, Araceli Hoffman said coldly: "Your Palace of Longevity is so
powerful and your hands are stretched so long, who knows if there is any
undercover from you in the Medical Immortal Pavilion?"

"If there is, knowing the formula of Life Extension Powder is a matter of course!"

"I just want to throw dirty water on my aunt!?"

"Are you joking?"

"Do you think anyone here will believe you?"

Sergio Abe was the first to stand up and sneered: "I don't believe it! No one here
will believe it!"

"It doesn't prove your identity either!"

Enrique Lascurain smiled and said lightly: "Since Abe doesn't believe it, let me tell
you something you will believe."

"Your Abe family has been adhering to the principle of the superior from ancient

"You Sergio Abe was originally a direct descendant of the Abe family, but you are
not the first in line."

"Later, at a huge cost, you bought a so-called longevity pill in the hall of longevity
and supplied it to the emperor of your island country, thus ascending the

"In fact, if you didn't have the support of the Emperor's family of the island
nation, you would be just a passerby in the Abe family!"

"This is the gimmick of the island nation's first arrogance, the master of modern
onmyoji, that you, Abe, have been promoting all the time, but they are
completely different!"

"Shut up! Shut up for me!"

Abe's face is as ugly as eating shit!

"The emperor of our island country has a family that never interferes in the family
affairs of the major families!"

"How dare you slander the emperor family of the island country!"

"You are simply courting death!"

"Let me tell you, if the Hoffman Family won't kill you today, I will kill you too!"
It's just that although Sergio Abe was clamoring with anger, in fact, he seemed a
bit sullen, and everyone could see that he was not calm.

After all, at this moment, his back was already wet with cold sweat.

If the emperor's family is involved, he will feel that this matter is spread by him.

Then I am afraid that he Abe will be abolished immediately!

Karina sneered at the moment: "Everyone, don't be deceived by someone who

doesn't know where he came from!"

"It is not difficult to know about Country H and even the island country by means
of Longmen!"

"But that's not proof!"

Enrique Lascurain glanced at Karina and said, "That's right."

"Then, your Locke family provided the legendary Jesus DNA for us to study in the
Temple of Longevity."

"Is this evidence that I am a member of the Hall of Longevity?"

"And what is the purpose of your Locke consortium to study this DNA, do you
need me to tell everyone?"

"All right!"

Karina's face changed, and then she spoke in a deep voice.

"I know you're a dog!"

"Stop talking about these nonsense things!"

Obviously, Karina absolutely didn't want the Locke consortium to be exposed,
and directly admitted Enrique Lascurain's identity.

"I want to know now, how did the Hoffman Family collude with your Palace of

Hearing this, Araceli Hoffman was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "You

He can't even count, and the Americans have no credibility at all.

It's easy to say, everyone is in the same camp, how can you suddenly betray your

Chapter 5564

"What about the cooperation between our Palace of Longevity and Jinling
Hoffman Family?"

Enrique Lascurain smiled at Karina at this moment.

"Actually, specifically, it should be the cooperation between Araceli Hoffman and

the Venerable Bernadette Green."

Araceli Hoffman's eyelids jumped, and then he said coldly, "Enrique Lascurain,
stop talking nonsense!"

"I heard that the organizational structure of your Palace of Longevity is the Ten
Heavenly Stem Venerables and the Twelve Earthly Support Laws!"

"The Venerable and the Dharma protector have nothing to do with each other,
and neither has jurisdiction over each other!"
"How could you possibly know whether the Venerable Bernadette Green and I
have cooperated?"

"Moreover, since you are a member of the Hall of Longevity, if the cooperation
between me and the Venerable Bernadette Green is true, why do you have to
stand up and testify!?"

Enrique Lascurain smiled and said, "Normally, I definitely don't know."

"Even if I knew, I definitely wouldn't say it."

"However, one of the purposes of your cooperation is for me."

"As long as your cooperation is successful, the Jinling Hoffman Family will be
completely imprisoned in Jinling and even Jiangshan in the south of the Yangtze
River with the help of the longevity hall."

"Then, your Jinling Hoffman Family will let the Hall of Longevity completely enter
the Gangnam realm!"

"And the Palace of Longevity will give you the Hoffman Family, or should I say,
the greatest benefit of Araceli Hoffman!"

"That's right, I'll give you my position as a dog protector!"

"I die without a place to be buried, and you, Araceli Hoffman, inherit everything
from me."

"You said, since I know these things, how can I not stand up and testify?"

"I want to live a few more years!"

Hearing Enrique Lascurain's words, everyone gasped.

If this is the case, it can only be said that Araceli Hoffman's scheming is too deep.

Also, does the Hoffman Family know about this?

After all, once the cooperation between the Hoffman Family and the Hall of
Longevity is exposed, the Hoffman Family will probably be targeted!

There will also be one less of the top ten top families.

Therefore, even Gaspar Hoffman and the rest of the Hoffman family are looking
at Araceli Hoffman strangely at this moment.

Araceli Hoffman had a high position in the Hoffman Family, and when Gaspar
Hoffman was in the three northern provinces, Araceli Hoffman held almost all the
power of the Hoffman Family.

Even if King Gaspar Hoffman returns, Araceli Hoffman will have the final say on
the big and small matters of the Hoffman family.

So, in terms of Araceli Hoffman's position of power, if he really wants to do


It's simply a breeze.

Even if it is as Enrique Lascurain said, cooperate with the Hall of Longevity.


"You are the slander of Chi Guoguo!"

Araceli Hoffman's expression changed, and then he opened his mouth.

"What you said is just your own words!"

"Who knows if what you're saying is true or false?"

"It just doesn't matter!"

"As for the evidence, if you don't have any evidence, I can kill you now to prove
my innocence!"


The dog smiled slightly.

"Since I attacked today, there must be evidence."

While talking, Enrique Lascurain took out his mobile phone and directly cast a
video to the TV on one side.

Everyone's eyes swept over subconsciously, and then everyone saw that there
was a man and a woman in the video, sitting opposite each other.

The woman can only see the back, but the man is Araceli Hoffman.

At this moment, the woman said with a smile: "If this is successful..."

"You are, the dog protector!"

Seeing this scene, Araceli Hoffman looked pale.

It doesn't matter who is recording.

The important thing is that this is already true!

Chapter 5565
Harvey York clapped his hands at this moment, attracting the attention of the

Immediately, he stepped forward with his hands on his back and said slowly,
"Young Master Hoffman, now there are witnesses and evidences."

"Is there anything else you need to explain?"

Araceli Hoffman stood up straight, and his eyes were bright at this moment.

He did not continue to argue, nor was he angry.

There was only ice in his eyes.

"There's nothing more to explain."

"That's what happened."

"But what about this?"

"Do you think that you are the young master of Longmen, so you can get me?"

Having said that, Araceli Hoffman glanced at Gaspar Hoffman and said slowly,
"Dad, I'm sorry."

"I didn't expect everything to be exposed here today."

"I'm here to apologize to you."

"However, now I will resolve this matter myself."

"And I promise, this matter will never affect your superior!"

"After today, the Hoffman Family is still the Hoffman Family."

The Hoffman Family is still the Hoffman Family! ?

Hearing this, everyone in the audience was shocked, and when they heard this,
everyone suddenly felt cold all over.

Because an unspeakable killing intent spread out at this moment, it made people
feel creepy.

Gaspar Hoffman's heart skipped a beat subconsciously, and said, "Araceli

Hoffman, what do you mean?"

"You have done such a rebellious thing, and you can still make the Hoffman
Family still the Hoffman Family!?"

"I worked so hard for so many years, lurked for so many years, and endured so
many years!"

"At the critical moment, such a moth actually appeared!"

"You really disappoint me!"

"Don't hurry up and confess your guilt, go to Young Master York to confess your

"In this case, it may not involve our Hoffman Family!"

At this moment, Gaspar Hoffman took a deep breath, suppressed some kind of
speculation in his heart, and also reminded Araceli Hoffman that some things can
be thought about, but must not be done!

Araceli Hoffman smiled slightly at the moment, and said, "Father, we are one of
the top ten families!"
"Except for the Leduc Family, no family has ever been able to shit on our heads!"

"Even the Four Pillars can't do anything to us!"

"But if I confess my guilt now, and I'm going to capture it, it's equivalent to
handing over the hilt of the sword against our Hoffman Family to an outsider!"

"I don't want that!"

"Because of this, I am the real sinner of the Hoffman Family!"

Although Araceli Hoffman's voice had a bit of a smile at this moment, the words
he said were like the cold wind of a winter night, blowing cold to the bones.

The next moment, an incomparably clear voice spread throughout the audience:
"What I want to do is to keep our Hoffman Family in the top ten top families!"

"No, no, no, it should make our Hoffman Family the first of the ten top families!"

"Father, the mere position of the number one leader of Jinling, does it make you

"You don't want to be the nine elders?"

"You don't want to be the leader!?"

"Don't you have such ambition and desire!?"

"Ordered by the sky, longevity and longevity, you are not interested in these
eight words!?"

"If anything, if you want to go further!"

"If you want our Hoffman Family to become the top of the summer!"

"Today, I will definitely not plead guilty!"

"Not only will I not plead guilty, but I will let this matter never happen!"

"Father, are you going to be a Supreme Emperor? Or do you want to continue to

be the head of your Hoffman Family..."

Chapter 5566

Hearing this, Harvey York's eyes narrowed slightly.

It's not the first time he has dealt with Araceli Hoffman.

But unexpectedly, Araceli Hoffman's ambition is so big!

Ordained by God?

Longevity Yongchang?

This is to want to be king!

Such a person, in ancient times, was Han Xin! It's Cao Cao!

"Be the Emperor!?"

At this moment, Gaspar Hoffman's expression was extremely difficult to see.

"You mean, even today I listen to you and let you handle everything."

"In the future, I will only be a nominal emperor!?"

Araceli Hoffman put his hands on his back and smiled, "That's right."

"After all, my father, your ambitions are too small to lead our Hoffman Family!"

"But I'm different!"

"I can definitely let our Hoffman Family stand on the top of the summer!"

"At that time, when you are a supreme emperor, you can have whatever you

"Isn't it bad?"

"So, I advise my father to say something."

"Today, don't fight against me, don't hold me back..."

"You just need to watch me do things and that's it..."

"Araceli Hoffman!"

Alexa Joiner's expression was hard to see at the moment.

"You are so ambitious!"

"You actually want to be emperor?"

"Just your mere Jinling Hoffman Family, do you have this ability?"

"It's better not to be delusional as a human being!"

Araceli Hoffman smiled and said, "With our Hoffman Family alone, of course
there will be some difficulties."
"But how am I still the Dharma protector of the Hall of Longevity, or even the

"By that time, won't you do whatever you want?"

"What's more, no outsiders will know about today's events."

"I have time to take it easy..."

Alexa Joiner said coldly, "No outsider will know?"

"Is it possible that you are still going to kill all the guests here?"

"After all, in the eyes of people like you, only the mouth of a dead person is the
most reliable, right?"

Hearing Alexa Joiner's words, all the guests were pale and stared at Araceli
Hoffman vigilantly.

Alexa Joiner was right.

Araceli Hoffman has already stated his own purpose.

And what he did was a big crime of looting the family and exterminating the

Under such circumstances, if he wanted to keep things from spreading, the best
way was to kill them completely!

Thinking of this, many people were ready to let their security guards rush out.

"Murder and silence is indeed the best way."

Araceli Hoffman smiled slightly.

"But as a person, I always like to give others a chance to choose."

"After all, in today's scene, besides death, there is still a way to go."

"That is to follow me all the way to the dark!"

"The people present, no matter who they are, as long as they are willing, I will
accept them!"

"And in the future, you will be my servants of the dragon!"

"Come on, let's choose!?"

"Of course, if you want to be a servant of the dragon, you must have a name..."

Having said this, Araceli Hoffman pointed to Harvey York and Alexa Joiner, and
smiled slightly: "Everyone shot together and killed Harvey York, Alexa Joiner and
the others!"

"To bear such a sin together!"

"Then from today, we are our own people!"

"I will see you as my brothers..."

Then, his eyes fell on Prince Shidu and the others.

"Even if it's your six hidden families, this kind of rat who has always been against

"I can accept it too!"

Chapter 5567

Hearing Araceli Hoffman's words, the eyes of everyone present flickered.

Everyone looked at Araceli Hoffman and then at Harvey York, it was obvious that
it was a short time and there was no choice.

Harvey York frowned slightly, as he walked along the way, he had seen many of
the princes.

But as Araceli Hoffman has such an idea and dares to do this, only Araceli
Hoffman really is the only one.

After watching Araceli Hoffman for a while, Harvey York waved his hand, stopped
his side, and said lightly, "Araceli Hoffman, do you know what you mean by these

"Are you going to lead the entire Hoffman Family, and these people, together?"

Araceli Hoffman smiled slightly and said coldly, "Since ancient times, there have
been heroes in troubled times!"

"In today's world, there are five great powers out there that are eyeing the
Country H!"

"Mao Kingdom, who died with Country H's lips and teeth, is now caught in a
chaotic situation with Ermao Kingdom!"

"There are major martial arts holy places, five ancient clans, and ten top-level

"Country H is attacked from the inside out!"

"And a playboy like Jonatan Leduc can really enter the East Palace!?"
"In my opinion, he was just born a little taller than me!"

"Regardless of tactics, combat power, and connections, how can he compare to

me, Araceli Hoffman?"

"If Country H falls into the hands of such a person, sooner or later the chaos of
the end of the braided dynasty will be repeated!"

"For the sake of the world, I, Araceli Hoffman, stand up!"

"It's called being ordered by the sky, longevity and prosperous!"

Hearing such words, even Alexa Joiner, who was a little angry at first, looked a
little weird.

From Araceli Hoffman's point of view, could he be right?

On the other hand, Gaspar Hoffman was like the first time he knew his son. He
turned around and squinted at Araceli Hoffman, his eyes were full of meaningful

As for Master Angela Holits, Amanda Holits and others, they looked at Araceli
Hoffman with a little more admiration.

Obviously, being able to have the guts to say such things, from a certain point of
view, has proved a lot of problems.

Even Prince Shidu and the others had a dazed and solemn look on their faces at
this moment.

Could it be that after everyone fought for so long, in the end there was only one
Araceli Hoffman. Was it really for the sake of the country?
And everyone, are all stumbling blocks to the rise of Country H?

"How? Harvey York."

"Even on your knees now, surrender!"

"Say you want to join me in building a beautiful, prosperous and powerful new

"I can also consider giving you a chance!"

"Are you kneeling?"

Araceli Hoffman took a step forward, carrying his hands on his back, and when he
walked out step by step, there was an indescribable gleam in his eyes.

It was as if he had really reached the top of the summer.

Everyone looked at Araceli Hoffman in a trance.

What is this young master of the Hoffman Family going to do?

Even Harvey York wants to conquer?

Didn't you say that killing him was a certificate?

Before these people could react, Harvey York also took a step forward. He took a
sip from the tea cup on the table and said with a faint smile, "Araceli Hoffman, I
have to admit that you are really interesting. what......"

"I don't know, should I say you're stupid, or you're self-righteous..."

"Do you really think that now we are facing the enemy in Country H? Is the wind
and rain falling?"
"Do you take our top decision-makers in Country H as a fool, or is it just your

"As far as your ability is concerned, no matter how foolish Jonatan Leduc is, you
can't compare to a single hair of his..."

Chapter 5568


Araceli Hoffman took a step forward, and the lingering breath on his body slowly
spread out.

Where the soles of his feet were, there was already a crack.

"Harvey York, say it again if you have the ability!"

Harvey York said lightly: "I said, you are not as good as Jonatan Leduc's hair!"

"You think that you are low-key, that you keep a low profile, you are not only
strategizing, but you have also paid a huge price to make yourself a generation
of God of War..."

"Do you think that you can be ordered by the heavens like this?"


Hearing that Harvey York said that Araceli Hoffman was a god of war, many
people present were slightly taken aback, and they were even more shocked
when they saw Araceli Hoffman's expression.
No wonder Araceli Hoffman is so confident, it turns out that he is already a god
of war!

The eldest young master of the Hoffman Family, a generation of gods of war, and
the dog protector of the Hall of Longevity.

If these things are done, Araceli Hoffman does have the real capital.

Unconsciously, many people's positions shifted, and many spectators wanted to

stand on Araceli Hoffman's side.

And Karina and Abe made a silent gesture with one heart, obviously preparing to
go all out to cooperate with Araceli Hoffman, and they would start if they

"That's not enough."

Araceli Hoffman continued to speak lightly.

"However, the Locke family in the United States values me!"

"The island country is the Yuwu family and I advance and retreat together!"

"The first caste family in Tianzhu will marry me!"

"Ten top families, five ancient clans, many martial arts holy places."

"Everyone will stand on the opposite side of the Leduc Family because of my

"Under internal and external troubles, do you think I can be ordered by the sky!?"

Harvey York sighed and said, "It sounds better than singing."
"But I still say that, your cognition is really only a little bit..."

"You said that the dispute between Mao and Ermao led to the death of Country
H's lips and teeth."

"The five great powers are eyeing Country H again!"

"But you have forgotten that since the five great powers were defeated by the
Chief Instructor that day, they have not dared to take a frontal shot."

"And now, in the war between Da Mao and Er Mao, there are five major powers
behind the scenes to fan the flames."

"The five major powers want to use this dispute to completely hold back the Mao
Kingdom and make Country H isolated and helpless in the world from now on."

"But why doesn't Country H want to let the five great powers' economies collapse
and take care of themselves through this dispute!?"

"The game of great powers is not as simple as you think. You can't understand
your experience. I don't blame you..."

"You said that in Country H, the top ten families are separated from the five
ancient clans and the major martial arts saints."

"You have forgotten that the top ten top families originally existed to fight
against the five ancient clans."

"As for the major martial arts holy places, there are four pillars of Country H to
stare at."

"If you want to completely exterminate the five major clans and major martial arts
holy places."
"It doesn't take much effort to gather a group, split a group, and clean up a
group by means of a big leader."

"But for the big dragon head, the existence of the five ancient clans and the
major martial arts holy places is very necessary!"

"Absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Without the five ancient clans and
the major martial arts holy places staring at the side, how can the ten top families
and four pillars have the motivation to continue to improve?"

"What's more, with the passage of time, the five ancient clans and the major
martial arts holy places will gradually surrender."

"Since sooner or later you are your own, why use a knife and a gun?"

Chapter 5569

"As for you said that people from the United States, island countries, and Tianzhu
cooperate with you and support you."

"But do you think it's worthless?"

"These people are good at the icing on the cake, they're good at helping in the

Having said that, Harvey York chuckled lightly.

"Do you think that with me, Harvey York, I will watch these people helplessly and
mess up my summer?"

Harvey York put his hands on his back and stepped forward slowly, with an
unspeakable indifference in his expression.
He walked out step by step like this, but in the eyes of Araceli Hoffman, his
stature kept getting bigger and bigger.

This scene made Araceli Hoffman, who thought he was ordered by the sky, feel
an overwhelming pressure.

His expression changed, and he almost couldn't help but take a step back.

"Harvey York!"

"You mere young master of Longmen!"

"I'm not as good as me!"

Araceli Hoffman said with a grim face.

"What qualifications do you have to brag about such arrogance!?"

"That's right!"

Karina stood up at the right time.

"As long as Young Master Hoffman is in power, we Americans will definitely form
an alliance with Country H!"

Abe also smiled and said: "Our island country will continue to be separated from
Country H!"

"We will fully support Young Master Hoffman!"

Harvey York glanced at these two people and said lightly, "Wolf's ambition, dare
to chirp in front of me."

"No more nonsense, can I believe that one person slaps you both away?"

Karina and Abe were so angry that they talked a lot.

But remembering the losses they suffered under Harvey York before, they felt a
dull pain in their faces.

Harvey York's eyes fell on Araceli Hoffman again, and the indifferent tone made
Araceli Hoffman's expression change again.

"I'll tell you again, there's nothing special about you, Araceli Hoffman."

"You who were born with the golden key in your hands, have been planning and
planning for many years, but you dare not actually do it."

"But at this stage, your ambitions are exposed without a choice!"

"If it wasn't for today's scene, you would still be dormant, right..."

"Five years, ten years, twenty years..."

"Tell yourself, accumulate grain and claim the king slowly..."

"But in fact, is this really the so-called dormancy? Is it trying hard?"

"No, it's not you!"

"It's just that deep down in your heart, you're telling yourself that you don't have
the ability, you don't have the qualification."

"Just you, Araceli Hoffman, want to be ordered by heaven?"

"you think too much."

Hearing Harvey York's words, everyone present was in a trance.

In particular, Karina and Sergio Abe had a look of astonishment in their eyes at
this moment.

Because they have used big data to analyze Araceli Hoffman before.

Identity, status, ability, and planning.

Good in every way.

But the biggest disadvantage is that he is self-righteous, but he refuses to accept

his fate.

Of course, for the United States and island countries, such shortcomings are the
advantages they can best use.

Therefore, they will fully support Araceli Hoffman.

Because if Araceli Hoffman takes office, he will be well controlled.

But when Harvey York pointed out these shortcomings of Araceli Hoffman, Karina
and Sergio Abe suddenly had an intuition and a hunch that everything today
would end.

Gaspar Hoffman was also slightly in a trance.

His most promising son, the one most likely to lead the Hoffman Family to glory.

In Harvey York's mouth, is it so unbearable?

Araceli Hoffman stared at Harvey York with gritted teeth and said coldly, "Harvey
York, I know you have sharp teeth!"
"But is it useful to say that?"

Chapter 5570

"Now, your life and death are in my hands!"

"As long as I give an order, I can kill you!"

Harvey York said lightly: "Kill me?"

"Rely on your Hoffman Family, these crab soldiers and shrimp generals?"

"Rely on the genetic warriors of the United States? Rely on the dead soldiers of
the island country?"

"Or rely on the strength of your own generation of God of War?"

Having said that, Harvey York clapped his hands lightly.

Following his actions, many figures suddenly appeared on the walls of the
Hoffman Family compound.

"Tianmen village disciple, fight for Master York!"

"Disciples of the Longmen Law Enforcement Hall, listen to the announcement!"

"Jinling Joiner Sect, live and die with Master York!"

"The six hidden families, the same!"

As these broken shouts came out, I saw more and more people appearing, and
soon they were surrounded by heavy troops, and the soldiers approached the

Harvey York didn't make any extra moves from beginning to end, just looked at
Araceli Hoffman indifferently.

He was not prepared to use these people today.

But since Araceli Hoffman wants to be ordered by the sky, it is natural that he will
not die.

At this time, Gaspar Hoffman suddenly sighed and said, "Araceli, accept your

"You are not Master York's opponent."

"You don't think about yourself, but also for the three thousand members of our
Hoffman Family."

"After all, what you are going to do is a big crime of treason, and you want to
punish the Nine Clan..."

"You plead guilty now, as long as our Hoffman Family has a good attitude,
considering that you have no credit and hard work to Country H in the past, you
can be spared the death penalty, and the life crime cannot escape."

"But if you don't confess your guilt now, I'm afraid my father won't be able to
save you."

Obviously, although Gaspar Hoffman was also slightly unwilling, he was

absolutely unwilling, and watched the Hoffman Family completely decline.
The muscles on Araceli Hoffman's face twitched slightly, he turned around
subconsciously, and looked at the Hoffman Family around him, with a rare hint of
hesitation in his eyes.

Angela Holits took a step forward at this moment and whispered, "Jun Ying, if
you lose, you lose."

"Admit your fate..."

Araceli Hoffman was about to say something.

But seeing Enrique Lascurain, who had been silent for a while, he suddenly smiled
and said, "By the way, Young Master Hoffman, I have something to tell you."

"Do you know why, Bernadette Green wants me to die and wants you to be in the

"Because the woman who is about to be your grandmother at this age can't get

"Hate me because of love!"

"Do you think she likes you and promises to double cultivation with you in the

"You stop dreaming."

"You don't even look at it. Today, she promised you that your army will come..."


Araceli Hoffman's face changed wildly.

He, who was able to maintain a certain level of calm before, lost his calm at this

The woman he took a fancy to, actually took a fancy to him for this?

For a prince like him, there is nothing more humiliating than this.

At this moment, Araceli Hoffman moved and rushed towards where Enrique
Lascurain was.

"Enrique Lascurain, anyway, I'm destined to end today!"

"I might as well take you on the road!"

At this moment, Araceli Hoffman's breath exploded instantly, and a coercion that
belonged to the God of War spread out from him.

When he made a mistake with his hands, he pressed his palm towards the place
where the dog was.

If one move is implemented, Enrique Lascurain, who has no knowledge of martial

arts at all, will definitely become a muddy ground.

A generation of God of War is so terrifying.


Harvey York sighed.

"You forgot, I promised Dog Lascurain to protect his comprehensiveness?"

Chapter 5571
As the voice fell, Harvey York took a step forward and slapped it out.


A crisp sound, not too loud, not too surprising.

However, at the moment when the slap fell, Araceli Hoffman, who had a
generation of war gods, was struck by lightning all over his body.

The next moment, his figure flew out directly, and the moment he landed on the
ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The killing intent and sternness on his body disappeared at this moment.

A touch of blood flowed from his seven orifices.

Generation God of War.

A slap wasted...


Seeing this scene, the audience was suddenly silent, and everyone looked at
Harvey York in disbelief.

No one would have imagined that Araceli Hoffman, who has the strength of a
generation of God of War, was just slapped by Harvey York just after showing his
combat power?

And this slap seems to be light, but in fact, it has directly destroyed Araceli

This Harvey York is too enchanting, right?

At this moment, everyone suddenly understood.

The so-called Country H Martial Alliance representative.

The so-called Young Master of Longmen.

Not blown out.

But Harvey York really has such strength and combat power.

Can crush the God of War at will, only the God of War!

Moreover, it is definitely the leader in God of War!

At this moment, whether Karina or Sergio Abe, they all understand.

Fortunately, I was just a little sensible and didn't shoot directly.

Otherwise, their people will end up miserably like Araceli Hoffman.

Harvey York took out the tissue, wiped his fingers slowly, and then sighed and
said, "Master Hoffman, is it really that difficult for you to accept your fate?"

"But it's fine now."

"Since it's obsolete."

"Then in this life, let's be a rich young master."

"Of course, you are destined to be unable to leave the three-foot land."

"I think Long Prison will definitely prepare a beautiful place for you."
"The rivers and lakes are far away, so don't cross them from now on."

When the words fell, Harvey York stretched out his right hand, and the tissue in
his hand fell onto Araceli Hoffman's face, covering his unwilling despair...

With the Hoffman Family not resisting, everything today seems to have become a

It was as if one Araceli Hoffman was missing, and no one else lost.

But in fact, at the moment when Araceli Hoffman was defeated, Gaspar Hoffman
was already several decades old.

What happened today may or may not come out.

But the Hoffman Family must take the initiative to give an explanation.

Because if the Hoffman Family does not give an account, Country H Court will
definitely come and get an account with his own hands.

"Today's dinner, that's it!"

"From this moment, Hoffman will officially resign from the position of Jinling's
top leader."

"All the affairs of the Jinling government will be handed over to Master Joiner."

Gaspar Hoffman coughed and spoke slowly.

But everyone heard that at this moment, he was no longer the high-spirited Lord
Hoffman before.
"From now on, all affairs of the Jinling Hoffman Family will be suspended, and all
clansmen will return."

"No more involvement in any foreign affairs."

"I will personally go to Wolsing, bring this unfilial son, and apologize to the big
dragon head..."

"After fighting for so many years, and fighting for so many years, I lost because of
an outsider..."

Gaspar Hoffman's gaze passed through the crowd and fell on Harvey York...

This is the complete destruction of the Jinling Hoffman Family, the real murderer.

Gaspar Hoffman, who squinted at Harvey York, suddenly flashed a hint of surprise
in his eyes at a certain moment.

Harvey York's figure coincides with a certain figure in his memory...

Chapter 5572

Gaspar Hoffman gave up all power, and the Hoffman family was completely

This also means that after today, the Hoffman Family may no longer be a top

And the hidden Parada Family that went to Wolsing before will become a new
top family if it is run properly.

However, these things cannot happen and be completed in a short time, and
there are bound to be many battles and games.
Harvey York is not interested in these.

And Karina, Sergio Abe and the others were all running away.

Harvey York didn't let anyone stop them.

After all, in the current chaos in Jinling, it is not appropriate to make trouble.

As for the Hall of Longevity, Enrique Lascurain had full authority to handle it.

It can be said that the overall situation is set!

After handing over all the command of the scene to Alexa Joiner, Harvey York
walked out of the Hoffman Family mansion in a relaxed suit, and then got into
the car prepared by Rachel Hardy.

The car started and walked through the streets and alleys of Jinling.

Seeing that he was about to return to Jifutang, Harvey York saw a small shop
selling duck blood vermicelli soup on the side of the road, and it smelled of

Harvey York waved his hand and went to pack a copy himself before getting back
into the car.

When the car came to the entrance of Jifu Hall, Harvey York was stunned for a
moment, because Jifu Hall, which was supposed to be dark, was now brightly lit,
and many Longmen disciples were walking around.

Harvey York was a little puzzled and asked, "What happened?"

Rachel Hardy's face was also ugly. She had already arranged a large number of
people to protect Mandy Zimmer here. How could something happen now.
She quickly stopped the car, then kicked the door and rushed down.

After a while, Rachel Hardy, who understood the situation, came to Harvey York
with an ugly expression: "Young Master York, I'm sorry, it's my subordinate's

"Our people just found out that Miss Mandy Zimmer is missing."

"But she shouldn't have been kidnapped, she should have gone by herself."

"According to the current feedback, Miss Mandy Zimmer should have left from
the main entrance. She changed into our Longmen martial arts robe, so no one

While speaking, Rachel Hardy, who looked ugly, handed over the phone and a

There was a photo on the phone, and on the photo was the figure that Harvey
York was familiar with.

But there are two slender handwriting on the note.


These two words were so slender that Harvey York felt distressed.

He forcibly restrained the throbbing in his heart, and then slowly said, "Have you
found out where she went?"

Rachel Hardy quickly made a few more calls.

Then she stood beside Harvey York with her hands down and whispered,
"According to the feedback from all parties."
"At the same time we went to the Hoffman Family banquet, Miss Mandy Zimmer
got on the plane to go outside the Great Wall."

"In terms of time."

"It should have arrived outside the fortress by now, and it's been an hour since it

"Young Master York, do you need to contact the president of Longmen Saiwai
Branch and ask him to help find Miss Mandy Zimmer?"

Hearing the words outside the frontier, Harvey York breathed a sigh of relief,
because he understood what Mandy Zimmer was going to do.

As long as she went for the two-eyed dzi bead, she would definitely appear at the
Saifo Conference in Cloud top Temple.

In this way, I will have clues, and it will not be so difficult to find her.

However, because of this two-eyed dzi bead, the plane crashed directly.

Now that Mandy Zimmer went outside the Great Wall alone, I am afraid that once
her identity is exposed, it will only be more dangerous.

Chapter 5573


"You don't have to contact anyone, and you don't have to tell the Longmen
Saiwai Branch."

"The more secret Mandy's identity is, the less anyone will know."
"She'll be safer."

Harvey York took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

"I'll go outside the Great Wall myself."

"Everything in Jinling ends according to the established plan."

"I'll go outside the Great Wall and bring Mandy back in person."

After speaking, Harvey York picked up the luggage that Marisol Yegar helped him
pack, and got into the car to Jinling International Airport.


Jinling International Airport, VIP lounge.

Although Harvey York came in a hurry, unfortunately, there is not much

communication between the city outside the Great Wall and Jinling, and there are
only two flights back and forth in the morning and evening.

Mandy Zimmer was on the evening flight, so no matter how impatient Harvey
York was, he could only wait for the morning flight to pass by.

As for letting Longmen, Sky Corporation, or Kaishan Group dispatch private jets,
that's fine.

But the problem is that this time Harvey York wanted to arrive outside the
fortress quietly, so as to better ensure Mandy Zimmer's safety.

So no matter how anxious Harvey York was at this moment, he could only wait
Just when Harvey York closed his eyes and rested for a few hours, the airport had
notified the arrival of the plane and everyone was ready for security check.

In the VIP lounge where there were only a few sparse guests, suddenly there were
more people.

At the entrance, more than a dozen men and women walked in.

In the first place, there were several sturdy men in suits.

Harvey York looked over subconsciously, and then looked a little weird.

Although these sturdy men were wearing well-fitting suits, Harvey York always
felt a little out of place for some reason.

It was as if a beast that was supposed to walk in the mountains and forests
suddenly turned into a domestic kitten, with a strong sense of disobedience.

And behind these fierce men, is a well-protected woman.

The woman looks young, at most around 20 years old. She doesn't wear makeup,
but she has a natural agility and beauty.

She was like the master of these men in suits, and at this moment, under their
protection, she went directly to a corner of the VIP lounge and sat down.

After Harvey York glanced at it for a few times, he stopped looking at it.

Although he saw that the girl's identity should be extraordinary, what does this
have to do with him?

Just when Harvey York was about to continue closing his eyes, he saw a
handsome man in a suit walking towards him.
Afterwards, I saw this handsome man in a suit stretched out his right foot and
kicked the chair Harvey York was sitting on, thus saying hello to Harvey York.

This vulgar and powerless action made Harvey York frown slightly, but he still
raised his head and said lightly, "Is something wrong?"

The man in the suit pointed behind him, and saw the guests who were originally
in the VIP lounge at the moment, all being pushed away.

There was a middle-aged man with a big belly who seemed to be of considerable
status was about to argue, but was slapped in the back, and he had to roll and
crawl away.


After Harvey York saw that, the handsome man in the suit spoke succinctly.

"This place is not for people like you to stay."

After speaking, the man in the suit kicked Harvey York's suitcase to the entrance.

On the suitcase, there is a pendant that Mandy Zimmer gave to Harvey York

But under the foot of the man in the suit, the small plastic pendant hit the ground
and turned into two pieces.

Chapter 5574

Harvey York's eyes turned cold at this moment.

Originally, in terms of his character, he would not conflict with people at this
But at this moment, the other party's actions made Harvey York's expression
extremely difficult to see.

He stared at the handsome man in the suit in front of him, and said slowly, "I
bought business class, and naturally I can rest in this VIP lounge."

"You smashed my things, and you still want me to get out?"

"You don't even pee and look in the mirror to see if you are worthy!"

"Now I'll give you a chance to pick up my things and apologize seriously. I won't
care about you."

"Let me apologize to you?"

The man in the suit was stunned for a moment, and then he was about to slap
Harvey York's face with a slap.

"Get the hell out of you, don't you understand what people say?"


The slap of the man in the suit has not yet been settled, but Harvey York has
already slapped his backhand.

Hearing a crisp sound, the man in the suit was staggered back by the slap, and
his face, which was a little black, suddenly had a slap print.

"Bastard! How dare you hit me!?"

Seeing that Harvey York dared to fight back, he saw the handsome man in the
suit directly unbuttoning the suit and taking out a machete.
"Alex Kaarl, don't be rude!"

At this time, the girl who did not wear Fendai suddenly spoke up.

"It was originally our private matter. Because of our private matter, it would be
wrong to let these innocent people leave!"

"And now, you are ready to hit and hurt people because of our own affairs."

"If this continues, it will damage the blessings and increase the karma."

"Go pick it up! Apologize to this gentleman!"

Hearing this sentence, Alex Kaarl's face changed, and then he said with a gentle
expression: "Miss has taught me a lesson."

However, while speaking, he still gave Harvey York a fierce look, and then
reluctantly walked over, picked up Harvey York's suitcase, and placed it heavily
beside Harvey York.

Then, Alex Kaarl stared at Harvey York with fierce eyes, and said viciously, "I'm

Although he apologized, he did not have the slightest sincerity.

Harvey York looked at Alex Kaarl, if the other party sincerely apologized, he
would not care about it.

But the other party's apology was a bit like trying to kill himself.

Seeing this scene, Harvey York said coldly, "The prerequisite for apology is to
kneel down."

"Do you have a father or a mother? Or do you not know the rules at all?"
"Bastard! I apologized to you, but you want me to kneel down!?"

Alex Kaarl sneered at the moment.

"I see, or let you kneel down!"

While speaking, Alex Kaarl's fan-like palm stretched out, trying to press it on
Harvey York's shoulder.

"If I were you, I would kneel down obediently now."

Harvey York's expression was dull.

"Because, if I do it next, it won't be just a slap."

"Oh, people from the Central Plains, you speak very loudly!"

Alex Kaarl sneered.

"I'm going to duel with you today, see what you can do!"

"I tell you, as long as you and I duel, even my eldest lady can't stop it!"

"Because, this is the pride of our wolf clan outside the Great Wall!"

While speaking, Alex Kaarl sneered and prepared to pat Harvey York on the

In Alex Kaarl's opinion, although Harvey York slapped him unexpectedly just now,
it was only fast.

For him, to deal with such a person, he only needs to drop ten times.
Chapter 5575

Harvey York is preparing to give this Alex Kaarl a lesson he will never forget.

The girl suddenly said in a condensed voice, "Alex Kaarl, don't you even listen to
me now?"

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear?"

The murderous Alex Kaarl's right hand froze, and he had to stop at this moment.

Then he gave Harvey York a cold look, and left with a bit of resentment.

In his opinion, his eldest lady is used to living a peaceful life in the Central Plains,
so she treats this little white face differently.

The leader is right, the eldest lady cannot be allowed to continue in the Central

Harvey York's dull gaze fell on the girl who had just spoken.

The girl stood up now.

She walked to the front, picked up Harvey York's broken pendant, came over and
placed it on the coffee table in front of Harvey York, and then said apologetically,
"This little brother, this thing should have been given by your girlfriend, right? "

"My servant doesn't follow the rules, and I broke your things with my hands and
feet. I'm sorry."

"This is a little bit of my heart, please bear with me."

While speaking, the girl took out a check from her close pocket and put it in front
of Harvey York.

A faint fragrance of a girl blows on the face, with a body temperature check,
which makes people feel warm.

Harvey York looked at the numbers on the check and said lightly, "I'll accept the
apology, and take the check back."

"But better remember."

"Not everyone is as talkative as I am."

After he finished speaking, Harvey York ignored the girl, but picked up the
pendant on the table and fiddled with it.

Soon, under the rejuvenation of Harvey York's wonderful hand, although the
small pendant was not as good as before, it was barely restored to its original

Seeing Harvey York's actions and listening to Harvey York's words, a hint of
surprise flashed in the girl's eyes.

Because whether it is her identity or appearance, she is a good choice outside the
Great Wall.

Even in order to avoid those wild bees and butterflies outside the Great Wall,
after she came to the Central Plains, she also encountered many suitors.

Some of them deliberately ignored her in order to attract her attention.

However, in the eyes of the girl, Harvey York at this moment did not deliberately
ignore her.
This man really owes her no interest at all.

In her short life, this can definitely be regarded as unique.

And this scene made Alex Kaarl's eyes even more ugly.

In his eyes, a little white face like Harvey York is really disgusting.

Men should have eight-pack abs, five big and three thick, and long chests.

This white and clean guy looks like a little white face.

In the eyes of outsiders, it belongs to an existence that will never stand out in a

If the eldest lady hadn't been angry, Alex Kaarl would have wanted to slap Harvey
York away at this moment.

However, the eldest lady had no objection to Harvey York's disrespect, but after
thinking about it sideways, she said, "Let's leave."

"Just go to the outer door and find an unoccupied corner to stay there."

"As for the guests we just invited out, we apologize to them."

Hearing this, not only did Alex Kaarl's face change, but even the faces of other
men in suits who had never spoken changed slightly: "Miss, no!"

"In this case, you are too dangerous!"

"We can't affect other people because of our own affairs."

The eldest lady smiled slightly, then nodded at Harvey York.

"Goodbye by fate."

As soon as she finished speaking, she was about to leave.

Chapter 5576

Looking at this so-called eldest lady who is quite polite, Harvey York smiled and
said, "You are dying, right?"

Hearing this, the whole place fell silent.

The eldest lady looked at Harvey York with a puzzled expression.

As for the other men in suits, they were all facing the enemy in an instant, and
many of them even stretched their right hands to their waists. Obviously, if they
disagreed, they would have to take out their firearms.

"Bastard, how dare you curse our eldest lady!?"

Alex Kaarl was the first to rush over, with a gesture of hitting Harvey York's
forehead with a single shot.

Harvey York ignored Alex Kaarl, but looked at the girl and said lightly: "You have
a fragrance on your body, plain like a flower fragrance, but at the same time it
has a bit of sweetness."

"It's not a perfume, it's a plant sap."

"This plant is called tracking grass."

"As long as a little of its juice drips on your body, then you will have this smell on
your body for at least ten days and a half months."
"And experienced killers and hunters can smell this smell and find where you are."

"This thing was originally used to track prey outside your frontier."

"But in this era, the use of this thing is basically killing people. Am I right?"

Hearing Harvey York's words, Alex Kaarl's face sank, and he said, "Boy, you are
just a native of the Central Plains!"

"Do you still understand the tracking grass outside our fortress?"

"I tell you, don't be grandstanding in front of us outsiders!"


"Do you know who our eldest lady is?"

"She belongs to the Golden Elephant Tribe of the Wolf Clan outside the Great

Having said that, this Alex Kaarl suddenly realized something, and he quickly shut

"Anyway, don't chatter here, if you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you!"

While talking, Alex Kaarl recklessly took out the firearm from his waist, and then
opened the insurance directly, wanting to put the firearm on Harvey York's


Harvey York was too lazy to talk nonsense with Alex Kaarl, he didn't have much
interest in this aggressive guy.
At this moment, Harvey York just stepped on his right foot when he heard a crisp
sound. The wooden floor of the VIP waiting room shattered, and a piece of wood
flew out directly and hit the numb hole in Alex Kaarl's right hand.

Alex Kaarl screamed, and the firearm in his hand came out.

But before he could react, the firearm had already fallen into Harvey York's hands.

Harvey York casually opened the safety of the firearm, then put it on Alex Kaarl's
forehead, and said lightly: "Guess, do I dare to pull the trigger now!?"

This scene directly shocked the audience.

Alex Kaarl's expression was even more difficult to see. He could never have
imagined that Harvey York's skills were so terrifying.

But after the ugly face, it was replaced by a touch of solemnity and admiration.

In the wolf clan outside the Great Wall, the most respected are the strong.

As long as you are strong enough, you can get enough courtesy.

At this time, Alex Kaarl instinctively regretted why he was chirping in front of
Harvey York.

The other men in suits instinctively stepped forward and pulled out their firearms
to protect the young lady's safety.

"Go back to me!"

At this time, the eldest lady spoke softly.

"It was our fault originally, you are still here shouting and killing!"
"Are you going to throw all my face away!?"

Hearing this, more than a dozen men in suits lowered their firearms hesitantly.

Chapter 5577

Seeing this eldest lady being so polite, Harvey York clapped his hands, threw the
firearm in his hand to Alex Kaarl, and then said lightly: "Next time, let me see you
bullying men and women, then I'll kill you. you."

Hearing Harvey York's words, Alex Kaarl only felt chills all over.

For some reason, he felt that what Harvey York said was true.

"This brother, don't blame the following people, it's true that I have encountered
a lot of things recently."

"That's why they are all soldiers, bows and snakes."

The eldest lady smiled apologetically at Harvey York.

"Katherine Zambrano apologizes to you."

"Miss Yang is very polite."

Harvey York gave Katherine Zambrano a deep look.

"Your people haven't rested well recently, their hearts are full of fire, and it's
normal for their temper to explode."

Katherine Zambrano was stunned for a moment and said, "Brother, how do you
know they haven't rested well recently?"
Harvey York said lightly: "You smell like stalking grass, which means that
someone should want to kill you recently."

"And that man is an expert at tracking down and killing people."

"He should have appeared a few times, but every time he didn't kill him."

"Either injure one of you, or destroy your means of transportation."

"Every time it looks loud, although it doesn't do you much harm."

"But in order to guard against this person, your people are in a constant state of
panic, and naturally they will not be able to rest well..."

Katherine Zambrano's face turned pale, while Alex Kaarl and others lost their
voices: "How do you know?"

Harvey York said lightly, "Why don't you know? It's just a game of cat and

"The person who wants your life doesn't want to kill you all at once."

"But I want you to be in a state of panic, be tortured and lose all your courage,
and even be forced to commit suicide."

"I can only say, it's a good way!"

Hearing Harvey York's explanation, Katherine Zambrano and others' expressions

changed slightly, and it was hard to see the extreme.

Because Harvey York's words were plain, but they revealed their situation these
Katherine Zambrano said carefully: "Brother, since you know this, is there any way
you can help us track it backwards?"

"Find that person."

"There is a way," Harvey York said lightly, "but I don't have time..."

Hearing Harvey York's words, a handsome man in a suit laughed out loud.

He stepped forward at this moment, staring at Harvey York with a cold

expression: "Katherine, don't look at this man's righteous words, maybe he just

"Even, he is most likely the one sent by the killer."

"Otherwise, how could ordinary people be so calm from the beginning to the
end, and say it in front of us as if it were true."

Harvey York glanced at the young man in a suit, and then said lightly, "Think what
you like."

"As long as you don't disturb my rest."

Although Harvey York could see that Katherine Zambrano's situation was
worrying, he really didn't have time to meddle with this kind of business now.

"Edward Yesid, you don't have the right to speak here!"

Katherine Zambrano glared at the young man fiercely, and then she said
cautiously, "I don't know what your brother is called?"

"Harvey York."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

"Then, brother, can you help us find that person."

"As long as people can be found, we are willing to pay whatever the price..."

Harvey York sighed and said, "I really don't have time..."

"I'll be flying in a while."

Chapter 5578

"Brother York, since you are in this VIP lounge, you should be taking the special
plane to go outside the Great Wall in the early morning?"

Katherine Zambrano smiled slightly at this moment.

"Then we are on the same flight."

"You don't want to help me. What if the person who is chasing me kills me on the

"If he comes to kill with a firearm, if something happens to the plane, everyone
will be in trouble."

"So, even if it's for your own travel safety, it's okay to help us, right?"

"Of course, I won't let you, Brother York, shoot for no reason."

Having said that, Katherine Zambrano had a smile on his face.

Harvey York sighed, he really didn't want to meddle in his own business, but what
Katherine Zambrano said at the moment was not unreasonable.
There is a very high probability that the killer will do it on the plane.

If Katherine Zambrano is on a flight with him, then I am afraid that he will have to
take care of this nostalgia.

Thinking of this, Harvey York sighed and said, "I don't have time to help you find
the killer."

"However, I can help you wipe the scent of tracking grass from your body."

"In this case, it will be difficult for the killer to track you down."

Katherine Zambrano was overjoyed and said, "Then how do I need to cooperate?
Do I need to prepare anything?"

Harvey York shook his head and said, "You don't need to prepare anything, but
you have to come in with me."

While speaking, Harvey York pointed to the restroom in the VIP lounge.

Seeing Harvey York's actions, Katherine Zambrano blushed, but still bit her teeth
and said, "Okay."


Edward Yesid jumped out again and roared at Harvey York.

"Boy, which onion do you think you are?"

"You actually want our eldest lady to go to the bathroom alone with you?"

"what do you want to do?"

"It's just heartbreaking!"

Harvey York shrugged and said lightly, "Is love going?"

"And don't threaten me with a flight."

"Although I'm really in a hurry, if it really doesn't work, I can change my ticket and
go to another city for transit."

"Edward Yesid, step back!"

Katherine Zambrano's expression sank, and she snorted.

Then she looked at Harvey York seriously and said, "Brother York, then I'll go in
with you."

Seeing Katherine Zambrano's serious expression, Harvey York was quite


Generally speaking, young girls of this age, even if they have a background and a

It has its own bottom line on some things.

At this moment, she said half-jokingly to go to the bathroom, but she actually

It can only be said that this girl has courage and courage.

Thinking of this, Harvey York didn't talk nonsense, but stood up and walked into
the bathroom.

Katherine Zambrano blushed and followed Harvey York in.

Soon, the door to the bathroom was closed, and only Harvey York and Katherine
Zambrano were in the narrow compartment.

Harvey York squinted at Katherine Zambrano, but when he looked up and down,
Katherine Zambrano's breathing was unconsciously a little short.

After a while, Harvey York said lightly, "Take it off."


Katherine Zambrano subconsciously agreed, but the next moment was stunned,
with a look of surprise on his face.

She put her hands directly on her chest, with a perverted expression.

Harvey York was amused by her actions.

He pointed down again, and said lightly, "I asked you to take off your shoes."

"What? You have athlete's foot? So shy?"

"You have athlete's foot!" Katherine Zambrano was so angry that he almost
jumped up, but he finally took off his shoes with a blushing face.

Chapter 5579

Katherine Zambrano's feet are clean and white, and like many little girls
nowadays, they are quite fashionably wrapped in a pair of sneakers.

In this way, not only does not have athlete's foot, but in taking off the shoes,
there is an indescribable beauty.
But Harvey York didn't bother to look at it, but waited until Katherine Zambrano
took off a pair of shoes, and after taking a closer look, he said lightly: "The juice
of the tracking grass is on the soles of your shoes."

"It should be that you accidentally stepped on something before, so you got on

"The easiest way is to dispose of the shoes and change the contract directly."

"Normally, it will be difficult for the other party to know your whereabouts."

Katherine Zambrano was slightly taken aback and said, "It's that simple? But if
that's the case, why do we have to come in..."

Harvey York said lightly: "Because I suspect that the people who want to kill you
are among your bodyguards."

"Tracking grass is just for outsiders to see."

"In fact, the trackers are using this as a cover at all."

"He himself has been hiding by your side, so he knows everything you do and
everything you do."

"Only in this situation, when he comes and plays little by little, will he slowly kill
you like a frog boiled in warm water."

"Little girl, who did you offend?"

"When you are young, people want to make your life worse than death..."

Katherine Zambrano was completely stunned. After a long time, she sighed and
said, "If what you said is true, Brother York."
"Then I probably guessed who among my bodyguards would treat me like this."

Harvey York said lightly, "That Edward Yesid?"

Katherine Zambrano was stunned again: "How did you guess?"

Harvey York's expression was calm: "Because when I said that I could help you
wipe out the scent of the tracking grass, everyone else was happy, but he was the
only one who had a flash of anger."

"But this also shows that he should just be an executor, and there are other
people behind his scenes."

"Take him down, try it slowly, and you can always ask for the result."

After speaking, Harvey York ignored Katherine Zambrano, but turned around and
walked out of the bathroom.

Katherine Zambrano hurriedly caught up and whispered, "Brother York, thank you
for helping me find the undercover around me!"

"Thank you!"

"I know you're going outside the Great Wall this time!"

"Then no matter what happens outside the Great Wall, you must call me as soon
as possible!"

"I will definitely handle your affairs properly."

During the conversation, without giving Harvey York any hesitation, Katherine
Zambrano grabbed Harvey York's mobile phone, entered a number in it, and
dialed directly.
Seeing this scene, Harvey York didn't say anything.

I really want to go outside the Great Wall, and to a certain extent, I also need to
conceal my identity.

Since this Katherine Zambrano is the eldest lady of the Golden Elephant Tribe
outside the Great Wall, there must be a lot of network energy.

Perhaps, there are useful places, after all, there are many things, multiple friends
and multiple paths.

"By the way, I didn't bring anything with me when I went out this time."

Katherine Zambrano thought about it again, the next moment, she took out a
small treasure bag from her closet and stuffed it into Harvey York.

"This was a gift I was going to give my father."

"Now borrow flowers to offer Buddha, and give it to Brother York!"

"Brother York, don't refuse, this is my little intention."

Chapter 5580

Harvey York opened the treasure bag and took a look, but saw a thumb-sized
beeswax inside. It was not big, but the color was yellow and it looked like an egg

Harvey York saw at a glance that this thing should be the real Ouhui wax. It has
been preserved for at least a hundred years outside the fortress. It is a real good
He didn't want to accept the little girl's gift at first, but Katherine Zambrano's
attitude was that if you didn't accept it, Harvey York could only take it with a sigh.

"Goodbye by fate."

Harvey York put away his things, then turned around and opened the door of the

Outside the bathroom, all the bodyguards around Katherine Zambrano looked
like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Seeing Harvey York walking out, while Katherine Zambrano was barefoot and
blushing, these bodyguards looked at each other in dismay.

On the other hand, Edward Yesid was furious, and pointed the firearm directly at
Harvey York: "Boy, what have you done to our eldest lady!?"

"Why did she take off her shoes?"

Harvey York didn't answer directly, but squinted at Edward Yesid and smiled
slightly: "Your eldest lady's feet are very moist."


Edward Yesid was furious, but before he could finish his words, Katherine
Zambrano, who walked out from behind, made a gesture.

In the next instant, more than a dozen firearms were placed on his head.

Katherine Zambrano's indifferent voice came out: "You have no right to know
what Brother York did."

"But I want to know, what have you been doing these days..."

When Katherine Zambrano was dealing with Edward Yesid, Harvey York had
already left the VIP lounge on his own and processed a refund.

He originally wanted to go outside the Great Wall as soon as possible, but after
the incident of Katherine Zambrano, he felt that it would not only be unsafe to
continue flying, but it would also affect his schedule.

And Harvey York, who has calmed down, also understands that if he goes outside
the Great Wall, he might be noticed by people who care.

I'm afraid I need to change my identity.

Thinking of this, Harvey York sent a message to Alexa Joiner.

Half an hour later, Alexa Joiner called.

"Young Master York, I asked my friend to rearrange an identity for you outside
the Great Wall."

"You are a destitute college student from Jinling who went to join relatives
outside the Great Wall."

"You need to take the second-class seat on the high-speed rail."

Harvey York didn't talk nonsense, he took a taxi directly to the high-speed rail
station, and then got on the high-speed rail arranged by Alexa Joiner.

On the way, Alexa Joiner sent several messages, which described Harvey York's

The identity she arranged for Harvey York was both true and false.
Because there really is such a person in Jinling, but this young man passed away
unexpectedly because of a serious illness.

Harvey York was arranged to have this identity, and he was not worried about
being exposed.

The most important thing is that under such circumstances, it may be easier for
him to find Mandy Zimmer.

After all, after all the events in Jinling, Harvey York has attracted the attention of
many people.

In this case, if he goes outside the fortress, maybe it will turn the outside of the
fortress into a place where the wind and clouds gather.

In that case, not only Harvey York felt annoyed.

Mandy Zimmer, Harvey York's ex-wife, might also hide, so that Harvey York can't
find herself.


Eight hours later, five o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

The dusty Harvey York appeared at the high-speed rail station outside the Great

When he walked out of the high-speed rail station, Harvey York felt the wind and
sand in this place.

There are no tall buildings in the surrounding area, only some low buildings.

Chapter 5581
On the road, although it can be considered a lot of traffic, occasionally you can
see some cattle, sheep and camels.

In the dry air, there is occasionally an original smell, which makes people feel
unaccustomed just by smelling it.

It can only be said that outside the Great Wall is outside the Great Wall, and
Jinling in the south of the Yangtze River is completely two worlds.

Harvey York didn't feel too much about these, but was about to leave the high-
speed rail station, find a place to stay, and then go to inquire about the news of
Cloud top Temple.

After all, Mandy Zimmer's purpose this time was obviously aimed at the two-eyed
dzi bead at the Saifu Conference.

Then the best way to find Mandy Zimmer is to go to Cloud top Temple.

"Hey, boy, it's you."

"Come here."

Just as Harvey York was walking out of the high-speed rail station, a man in out-
of-the-seas-style clothes leaning on a Toyota Domineering glanced at him, and
then hooked his fingers.

Harvey York frowned and said, "Is something wrong?"

The man looked at Harvey York up and down, and said with a look of disdain,
"You are Harvey York, right?"

"That poor relative who came to defect to our President Asghari, right?"
"Don't you Central Plains people always look down on us outsiders?"

"Why did you mess up so badly, and you came here?"

Harvey York was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered the
information Alexa Joiner sent him.

The person he is impersonating at the moment is also called Harvey York. After
all, this name is also very popular. In Country H, there are no one thousand but
eight hundred. Alexa Joiner happened to find this person.

As for the original Harvey York, he was an orphan in Jinling and died of illness

But on the side outside the Great Wall, there is an elder who has a good

This elder was named Emmanuel Asghari, and he was the boss of a small and
medium-sized enterprise outside the Great Wall.

The appearance of "Harvey York" this time is to defect to him.

In order to let Harvey York do a full set, Alexa Joiner had already contacted
Emmanuel Asghari by the way and told Harvey York that "Harvey York" would
arrive at this time.

The person in front of him was a relative of Emmanuel Asghari's family named
Aron Lujan.

In the past, the wolf clan outside the Great Wall had only the imperial surname
Asghari and the latter surname Romero.

Therefore, the two surnames, Asghari and Romero, are the real surnames among
the wolves outside the Great Wall, the kind that stand above the ground.
And this one is called Aron Lujan, who obviously does not have the blood of the
wolf clan outside the Great Wall, but because he has been with the Emmanuel
Asghari family for a long time, he has always regarded himself as a noble of the
wolf clan outside the Great Wall.

This time, Emmanuel Asghari asked him to come to the high-speed rail station to
pick up people. He originally thought he was coming to pick up the rich and

It turned out that it was unexpectedly a poor-looking guy like Harvey York.

Aron Lujan knew with his toes that this Harvey York must have come to defect to
Emmanuel Asghari to eat.

Maybe he is still the same as himself, with the idea of Emmanuel Asghari's
precious daughter, Sara Asghari, and wants to be the son-in-law of Asghari’s

As soon as he thought of this, Aron Lujan looked at Harvey York's eyes, full of

"Throw your torn suitcase in the trunk."

"Then clean your shoes with a tissue before getting in the car."

"Do you understand what I said?"

Aron Lujan, who thought he knew Harvey York's identity, now looked at Harvey
York condescendingly and arrogantly, with disgust in his eyes.

"If it wasn't for President Asghari himself, let me pick you up."
"Just a poor relative like you, you are not qualified to ride in a luxury car like
Toyota Domineering in this life..."

Harvey York ignored Aron Lujan, but turned around and left.

Seeing Harvey York's actions, Aron Lujan, who was originally there, was slightly
taken aback, and then stopped Harvey York directly: "Bastard, I told you to come
with me, don't you understand?"

When he went out, Emmanuel Asghari had already instructed that he must bring
people home.

Aron Lujan understood Emmanuel Asghari's character. If he couldn't do it, he

might be reprimanded, so he was in a hurry at the moment.

"Want me to go with you?" Harvey York glanced at Aron Lujan lightly, "Come on,

Chapter 5582

Hearing Harvey York's words, Aron Lujan was stunned for a moment, and then
burst into anger: "Bastard! You fucking seek death!"

While speaking, Aron Lujan wanted to kick Harvey York.


Harvey York slapped him with a backhand.

Aron Lujan was thrown out of his body and smashed into Toyota's domineering
car door, almost spitting out blood.

"Begging for someone has the appearance of asking for someone."

"who do you think You Are?"

Harvey York glanced at Aron Lujan lightly, didn't bother to pay attention to him,
then walked to the side and dialed the phone.

"Young Master York, are you having fun outside the Great Wall?"

Opposite the phone, Alexa Joiner's smiling voice came out.

"If you arrange your identity, you will arrange your identity, and now there are
still people coming to pick me up, what's the matter?"

Harvey York spoke lightly.

"Young Master York, it's not my fault."

"You also know that you are now receiving a lot of attention, so you have to do a
full set of things for a lot of things."

Alexa Joiner explained on the opposite side of the phone.

"The original owner of your identity is a college student. Judging from his
information, in addition to defecting to the Emmanuel Asghari family this time,
the most important thing is to go to school."


Harvey York was speechless.

You can't have to use an impostor's identity to study.

Alexa Joiner smiled and said, "Young Master York, don't think that Harvey York is
going to an ordinary school."
"He went to the Earth Clan Academy jointly organized by the three temples
outside the Great Wall."

"Simply put, if you become a student of this academy, whether you want to go to
Cloud top Temple or participate in the Sai Buddha Conference, it is reasonable..."

"As for Emmanuel Asghari, who Harvey York is going to defect to, you must have
read his information."

"He is a collateral line of the Asghari family of the wolf clan outside the Great
Wall, although the relationship with the Asghari family's direct line is not very

"But with this level of identity, Young Master York will be much more low-key and
more convenient when you do business outside the Great Wall."

"In this way, your safety will be better guaranteed."


"Speak if you have something to say." Harvey York was speechless.

"It's just that I just got the latest news. This Harvey York should have a baby kiss
with Emmanuel Asghari's daughter Sara Asghari."

"And according to my verification, his death does not seem to be due to a simple

"I found out that his ancestors seem to have hidden a dzi bead made by the
ancestors of the earth sect, and the two-eyed dzi bead that Miss Zimmer asked
for is of the same line..."
Harvey York was originally full of black lines, but when he heard the last sentence,
his eyes flashed slightly.

After a while, Harvey York said softly: "Okay, since I have borrowed his identity

"Then if his death was deliberately planned, then I will help him get justice."

Thinking of this, Harvey York walked over to Aron Lujan, who covered his face
with resentment, opened the car door on his own, and said coldly, "Drive."

Aron Lujan was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Harvey York to
take the initiative to get on the bus.

But he had just been slapped by Harvey York. At this moment, he didn't dare to
talk nonsense at all. Instead, he got into the driver's seat and quickly took Harvey
York to a townhouse complex on the outskirts of the city.

Although outside the Great Wall is not as developed as the Central Plains cities,
in this era, it is impossible to be as traditional and closed as in the past.

It is impossible for the wolves outside the Great Wall to continue living in tents as
they did in the past.

The car stopped at the gate of the community.

Harvey York saw at a glance that there was a man and a woman standing at the
gate of the community.

The man is about forty years old, with a full beard, and he looks very bold.

And the woman is only in her early twenties at most, with a beautiful face,
wearing a Givenchy little black dress, with a faint cold and arrogant look on her
Harvey York has read the information, this is Emmanuel Asghari and Sara Asghari.

Chapter 5583

Harvey York got out of the car, and before he could speak, Emmanuel Asghari
had already laughed, strode over, and said, "Little Harvey, we haven't seen you
for more than ten years, and you have grown so big?"

"Since you're outside the Great Wall, consider this place your home!"

"Don't be polite to my uncle."

Harvey York frowned slightly, but he reacted quickly, blended into his current
identity, and smiled, "Thank you, Uncle Asghari."

"Good boy, really good boy!"

Emmanuel Asghari laughed.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is my daughter Sara Asghari!"

"She went to the same university as you."

"If I remember correctly, she is a few months younger than you, so you have to
protect her well!"

Harvey York nodded and said, "Uncle Asghari, don't worry."

While speaking, Harvey York's eyes fell on the girl in the Givenchy little black
dress beside him.

Sara Asghari.
Emmanuel Asghari's only daughter, and Harvey York's owner who pretended to
be the owner at the moment, has a baby relationship.

Although Harvey York felt that it was not suitable for him to have further contact
with Sara Asghari, he did everything in his play. At this moment, he took the
initiative to say, "Hello, my name is Harvey York and I am from Jinling."

"If you need help in the future, just speak up."

But that's what Harvey York said, but Harvey York just glanced at Sara Asghari
and looked away.

Harvey York's action made Sara Asghari stunned for a moment.

When the little girl was at school, she was a school girl, and she was always
pursued by countless bees and butterflies. Even some of the young and old in the
upper-class circle outside the Great Wall had hints to her.

But I can't imagine that a person from the Central Plains who has come to Jinling
now will be honest with himself?

"Humph! It must be pretending not to be interested in me, and then pursuing me

by retreating!"

A thought appeared in Sara Asghari's mind, and then a sly color flashed in her
eyes, and then she deliberately stretched out her right hand, and Harvey York was
on the verge of breaking out.

"Okay, Brother Harvey York, don't forget what you said today."

"You must protect me!"

It's just that, Sara Asghari doesn't take Harvey York seriously at this moment.
Seeing Harvey York retracting her right hand like lightning, she felt even more
sarcastic in her heart.

It can only be said that catching silk is catching silk, even if it comes from a big
city, it will not be on the table.

I am merciful and shook hands with him today, I am afraid that he will not wash
his hands for several years, right?

Thinking of this, Sara Asghari felt more and more disgusting.

Harvey York didn't think much about it, he wasn't used to having contact with
strangers, and he was more than five or six years older than Sara Asghari.

An uncle came to take advantage of a little girl, and when someone found out, he
had to hit him to death.

"Okay, let's go home first."

Emmanuel Asghari saw that her precious daughter and Harvey York were getting
along happily, and her face was full of smiles at the moment.

"I'll introduce your aunt to you later."

"She has only seen pictures of you when you were a child, she never imagined
that you are so handsome now."

Having said that, Emmanuel Asghari looked at Harvey York again.

Although it is a little thin and has a fair face, aren't all people in the Central Plains
like this?

Harvey York smiled.

A group of three people walked on the path of the community, Harvey York
glanced around casually, and his eyes fell on a mountain on the edge of the sky.

Seeing Harvey York's gaze, Emmanuel Asghari smiled and said, "Little Harvey,
that place is the most famous scenic spot outside our Great Wall, Tianti

Chapter 5584

"It is said that in ancient times, the people of the wolf tribe outside the Great Wall
regarded Tianti Mountain as the holy mountain of the wolf tribe, and sacrificed
there every spring and autumn harvest."

"It's just that in modern society, these old and complicated rituals are basically

"However, the people of the wolf clan are still proud of being able to live in Tianti

"On the mountainside of Tianti Mountain, there is a villa area developed by the
richest man outside the Great Wall!"

"A toilet there is more expensive than a townhouse here."

"Your Uncle Asghari has been fighting for half your life, but you haven't found a
stepping stone to live there."

Harvey York squinted at Tianti Mountain, then smiled and said, "Uncle Asghari, I
learned about it when I came."
"The richest man outside the Great Wall should be the Romero family of the wolf
clan, right?"

Emmanuel Asghari glanced at Harvey York in surprise and said, "Yes, the wolf clan
outside the Great Wall is divided into the Asghari family and the Romero family."

"However, although my surname is Asghari, I am a sideline of the sideline and

have nothing to do with the real Asghari family."

"Speaking of this villa, our family is in the neighborhood next door, and we
happen to have a relatively small villa."

"I heard that when you were coming, I already had it repaired. It was a gift for
you. You can live there in the future."

While speaking, Emmanuel Asghari handed Harvey York an access card and an

Harvey York took the access card and glanced at the address.

It is another community not far from here. It belongs to a commercial and

residential building with a mix of high-rise and villas. It should be the residence of
the Emmanuel Asghari family in the past.

I didn't expect Emmanuel Asghari to be so good to the original Harvey York.

Harvey York has always reciprocated. At this moment, he put away the access
card, smiled and said, "Uncle Asghari, I'm welcome."

"But I won't live in this villa for nothing. When I have time, I will go to Tianti
Mountain to see if there is a suitable villa. I will send you a set."

For Harvey York, no matter how high the housing prices outside the Great Wall
are, a mere villa is nothing.
If he wanted to, he would be able to buy the Tianti Mountain villa area in one

Hearing Harvey York's words, Emmanuel Asghari was stunned for a moment, and
then said with relief: "Little Harvey, you really are a good boy!"

"Uncle didn't see you wrong, you have known gratitude since you were a child."

On the other hand, Sara Asghari, who was half a step behind, immediately
frowned when she heard this.

She has lived outside the Great Wall for many years, and she knows very well that
a villa in Tianti Mountain will cost at least tens of millions of dollars.

Even if she knew some great sons and daughters, none of them dared to speak
up and say that they would send them to the Tianti Mountain Villa.

Harvey York, who do you think he is?

Did he think his surname was Romero, and he was the richest man outside the
Great Wall?

"I like to brag so much at a young age, and it doesn't seem to be a reliable

"Dad has always emphasized that others are good."

"It doesn't seem so."

Sara Asghari vaguely knew that she and Harvey York had a baby kiss.

Originally, she thought that this Central Plains man, whom her father valued,
would be better than other men.
But now it looks like there is not much difference.

He really does everything he can to get his attention.

While the three of them were talking, they had already arrived at the entrance of
Villa No. 9 in the only villa area.

Although the villas are connected, the overall decoration has a Soviet style.

After entering the hall, you can see that the decoration around is very delicate
and elegant, with the taste of Gangnam water town.

In the hall, there is a middle-aged woman wearing a cheongsam. At this moment,

she is making tea and drinking herself.

Harvey York glanced at her and recognized that this was Emmanuel Asghari's
wife, Emily Miller.

Chapter 5585

According to the information provided by Alexa Joiner, Emily Miller is a woman

from Gangnam.

Once when she was traveling outside the Great Wall, she met Emmanuel Asghari
by accident, and then they got together.

At this moment, seeing Harvey York walking in, although Emily Miller frowned
slightly, he still nodded lightly as a greeting.

"Wife, look who's here!"

Emmanuel Asghari laughed.

"Come on, Little Harvey, have a cup of tea with your aunt!"

"I'm going to warm up the prepared pilaf and eat it at home tonight!"

While speaking, the cheerful Emmanuel Asghari put on an apron and entered the

This scene made Harvey York stunned for a moment. Obviously, there are some
things that are not in the data.

From this simple scene, he could see that Emily Miller should have the final say in
this family.

Emily Miller casually motioned Harvey York to sit down, and then she took out
two precious purple sand tea cups and let them brew tea while hot water.

Her movements seem casual, but every step is just right.

Obviously, she is definitely a master of tea ceremony.

Harvey York glanced at it, and a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Being able to use the tea ceremony to such a consummate level is enough to
show that this Emily Miller's birth background should be extraordinary.

When the cup of tea was finished, Emily Miller glanced at Harvey York and said,
"You are Harvey York, right?"

"I heard that your York family used to be a wealthy family outside the Great Wall."

"Later, because your father and the York family had different ideas, they left the
Great Wall and went to Jinling."
"When you come back this time, are you going to recognize your ancestors?"

Harvey York smiled and said, "I don't mean that, I just came to study."

Hearing this, Emily Miller was slightly taken aback.

The York family in her mouth is certainly not qualified to be compared with the
two surnames of the wolf clan and the four major tribes outside the Great Wall.

But it is also considered a second- and third-rate wealthy family.

She thought that when Harvey York returned outside the Great Wall, he must
have the intention of recognizing his ancestors and returning to his ancestry, but
unexpectedly, he had no interest at all.

Thinking of this, Emily Miller changed the subject again and said, "I heard that
your father also made a lot of money in Jinling."

"Doesn't he mean to come back to develop?"

Harvey York carefully recalled the information, and then said sincerely: "His
company has gone bankrupt, and several properties in Jinling have also been

Although this is not Harvey York's past, when he said this, Harvey York also felt
that the Harvey York who was replaced by him was really miserable.

"I see."

Emily Miller's expression became more and more solemn.

"Then how was your grades?"

Harvey York shrugged and said, "It's so-so, I just came to Earth Sect Academy
because I couldn't get into a good university."

Emily Miller's expression became even more ugly when he heard this.

"Harvey York, maybe you don't know."

"A place like Earth Clan Academy is a place where the children of the big giants
outside the Great Wall are gilded!"

"Ordinary people go in, it's just doing errands."

"But since you're here, then study hard. Maybe some family will take your fancy
to you and accept you as a valet, and you will be guaranteed for the rest of your

"Otherwise, if your Uncle Asghari can help you once in terms of the past
relationship between the two families, you may not be able to help you a second

How could Harvey York not be able to hear Emily Miller's implication, at this
moment he smiled and said, "Auntie is right."

Seeing Harvey York's indifferent appearance, Emily Miller was completely

disappointed with Harvey York and sneered in his heart.

"Such a guy actually said that he is the doll of our family Sara?"

"He doesn't deserve my daughter at all!"

"But it doesn't matter. My daughter is a well-known beauty outside the country.

She has such a high vision, how could she like this trash?"
Chapter 5586

During the next meal, Emily Miller's expression was pitch black.

Although Emmanuel Asghari didn't know what happened, he was always afraid of
himself, so he didn't say much.

After the embarrassing meal was over, Emily Miller returned to the bedroom,
Emmanuel Asghari whispered Harvey York : "Little Harvey, your aunt is like this,
don't bother with her."

"Well, you are new here, so you must be unfamiliar with outside the Great Wall."

"I'll let Sara go out with you and buy some daily necessities."

"You don't have to worry about living here."

While speaking, Emmanuel Asghari calmly stuffed a bank card into Harvey York.

Harvey York knew that refusing at this time might make Emmanuel Asghari

After all, he is now "a poor relative who came to defect to him".

Thinking of this, Harvey York put away the bank card, thinking about returning it
to Emmanuel Asghari when he was leaving in the future.

Soon after, Emmanuel Asghari, who received a call from the company, left.

Sara Asghari, who originally had a smile on her face, was too lazy to look at
Harvey York right now, but said coldly, "Take it out!"

Harvey York was slightly taken aback.

"York, is it interesting to pretend to be a fool?"

"Take out the bank card my father gave you!"

"That's his own private money, how can he squander it on you!"

Sara Asghari said with a cold face.

Harvey York didn't expect Sara Asghari to even notice such details.

At this moment, he was too lazy to talk nonsense, but handed the bank card
directly to Sara Asghari.

Seeing Harvey York being so decisive, Sara Asghari was also slightly taken aback,
but she quickly continued: "I still have something to do, so I won't accompany
you to buy things."

"Go on your own."

Originally, Sara Asghari thought that Harvey York would beg herself, but Harvey
York, who finally had time to do her own affairs, didn't even think about it at the
moment, she stood up by herself: "Okay, I know the way."

After speaking, Harvey York left.

Seeing Harvey York leaving so decisively, Sara Asghari was stunned for a
moment, feeling a little unbearable, but in the end she resisted the urge to call
Harvey York back.

Not long after Harvey York left, Emily Miller in the bedroom came out.

"That kid is gone?"

Sara Asghari nodded slightly, and then handed the bank card to Emily Miller:
"Mom, you guessed right, Dad gave him money."

"Fortunately, I found out in time, otherwise our family would suffer great losses."

Emily Miller glanced at the bank card in his hand, and said with a look of disgust:
"Your father is good at everything, but he is too nostalgic!"

"Did Harvey York's father just help him a little when he was young?"

"As for taking the son of the dead ghost, sending him to the villa and sending
money, and planning to let my daughter post it backwards?"

"Just like his little white face, is he worthy?"

"Daughter, you have to keep your distance from this trash, don't be soft-hearted
and pity him!"

"Women are soft-hearted and ruin their lives!"

Sara Asghari nodded and said with a proud face: "Mom, don't worry, how could I
possibly see this kind of trash?"

"If he has a bit of backbone, he won't come to harass our family in the future. I
can still look up to him a little bit."

"If he still comes, in my eyes, it's no different from a dog..."

Hearing her daughter speak like this, Emily Miller immediately felt relieved.


Harvey York who left the villa didn't matter much.

Emily Miller and Sara Asghari's mother and daughter were insignificant to him.

If it wasn't for incognito, Harvey York would be too lazy to have any contact with
these people.

Chapter 5587

Regarding the city outside the Great Wall, although Harvey York memorized the
information and map by heart, it was actually his first time here.

However, there were a few soldiers in the Sword Camp Camp that seemed to
come from outside the Great Wall.

However, Harvey York couldn't remember the contact information of the other
party for a while, and after sending a message to Ethan Hunt to ask, Harvey York
walked all the way in the moat outside the fortress.

There are many weeping willows in the moat, with a little taste of Gangnam
outside the Great Wall.

As Harvey York walked, he thought about what he should do next.

It's definitely not enough to simply find Mandy Zimmer.

The matter involved the two-eyed dzi.

After the two-eyed dzi bead, it also involves the Buddhist Earth Sect.

Even the top ten top families like the Jean Family in the Mordu lost two houses
for this two-eyed dzi, and Mandy Zimmer was directly kidnapped. If he hadn't
acted in time, the consequences would have been unpredictable.
In fact, this also shows that the water in this matter is very deep.

If you do anything casually, the consequences are unpredictable.

Perhaps it would be easier to investigate the matter after Ethan Hunt provided
some of the original soldiers of the Sword Camp Battalion, and then let these
local snakes use their local connections.

Thinking about these things, Harvey York unknowingly walked to the most lush
willow tree by the moat.

This place is considered a peninsula, and in the past it was a mass grave. Even
after the renovation of the old city, the local residents still disliked the dirty place

However, when Harvey York walked to this place, three people walked out under
the dense willow tree facing him.

The first was a woman in a blue martial arts robe, and beside her was an old man
who looked close to sixty years old.

And half a step behind them was a sturdy-looking young man in traditional
clothes outside the Great Wall.

Harvey York subconsciously glanced at the green-robed woman.

The woman was in her twenties at most, and her face was cold, just like Rosalie
Naiswell who she met in Buckwood.

It's just that because of her long-term practice of martial arts, she is beautifully
dressed, and there is nothing on her body that she should have.
Don't talk about other places, just talk about things outside the Great Wall, her
appearance is actually comparable to that of Katherine Zambrano and Sara

Harvey York has seen many beauties in his life, so he just casually glanced and

But the expressions of the three people suddenly froze, as if they were doing
something that was not visible, and they were discovered by others.

The sturdy young man's suffocation spread out instantly, as if he was going to
take action at any time.

However, the old man in Tang suit gave Harvey York a deep look at this moment,
and then waved his hand.

Soon, Harvey York's figure left, and the sturdy young man seemed to breathe a
sigh of relief.

On the contrary, the green-robed woman looked surprised: "Grandpa, could this
person be the other party..."

"It shouldn't be, it's probably just passing by."

The old man in Tang suit had a look of contemplation on his face.

"But this young man is not bad. With your appearance, any man will be stunned
when he sees it."

"But this young man just glanced away and looked away."

"Looking at his appearance, he looks like a college student. He should be a

freshman at Earth Sect Academy this year. Maybe he will be your classmate in the
"Good granddaughter, you may be able to pay more attention to him in the

The green-robed woman pouted and said nothing.

She doesn't have much interest in such a self-righteous and self-righteous man.

Chapter 5588

Naturally, Harvey York could not have imagined that if he just took a walk or
thought about something, he would attract the attention of a group of people.

After leaving River Road, Harvey York found a random place to buy some daily
necessities, and then returned to the villa that Emmanuel Asghari arranged for
him to live.

The decoration of this place is a bit outdated, but there is no moldy smell in the
air. Obviously, Emmanuel Asghari has put a lot of effort into Harvey York's arrival.

Harvey York sighed in his heart, thinking about the opportunity to really buy a
villa in Tianti Mountain.

The next morning, Harvey York got up early and ran along River Road.

I have to admit that the air in this place is a little better outside the Great Wall.

And now that Ethan Hunt hasn't replied yet, Harvey York can only wait with peace
of mind.

But these days, he can be said to be fighting fires everywhere, but he has been
outside the Great Wall for the past two days, and his life has been a lot more
Harvey York ran all the way, occasionally punching and kicking in places where no
one was around, but it was very comfortable.

Soon, he came to the peninsula where he met the trio yesterday, thinking about
taking a break in this place.

But before he could find a place, he heard the sound of breaking wind coming
from the willow forest.

Harvey York stepped forward to check subconsciously, and saw a beautiful

woman in a blue martial arts robe punching.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying in the martial arts world that the
south is the fist and the north is the leg.

But I don't know why, at this moment, this girl's boxing style is fierce, very
aggressive and domineering.

The old man in the Tang suit leaned against the big tree, occasionally breathing
and pointing.

However, from the sound of his breathing, Harvey York judged that he must have
been cultivating some kind of internal power and mind, and suffered internal
injuries, and it has been many years.

And that sturdy man changed into an ordinary suit today. He leaned on the
overbearing body of a Toyota next to him, and looked around with scrutiny,
obviously not ready to let anyone approach him at will.

Harvey York squinted for a few times, and then recognized that this girl was
playing Bajiquan.
As the saying goes, Tai Chi does not go out for ten years, and Ba Chi kills people
in one year. This is the boxing method.

This kind of boxing is famous in the martial arts world, but it is not recommended
to practice in the holy land of martial arts.

Because this kind of boxing is too strong and tyrannical.

Unless there is a suitable method of inner breath conditioning, otherwise, even if

the speed is diligent in the early stage of cultivation, in the later stage, like this
old man in Tang suit, he may end up with internal injuries.

Thinking that this slender and beautiful girl might cough every day in the future,
or even paralyze half of her body, Harvey York couldn't help sighing.

Harvey York sighed, the old man in Tang suit was slightly taken aback when he
heard the sound.

And the girl who was practicing Bajiquan was also frowning slightly at this

Because of her extraordinary life and outstanding appearance, she has countless
suitors from childhood to adulthood.

This also caused her to be a bit arrogant.

At this moment, Harvey York's sighing appearance fell into her eyes, plus the
chance encounter in the past two days, the girl suddenly became very upset.

Is this guy too obvious?

In order to attract your attention, are you still sighing here?

Does he know martial arts?

Thinking of this, the arrogant girl closed her fist at the moment, then walked to
Harvey York with a cold face, and said coldly, "What are you sighing for?"

"Do you think this will get my attention?"

"I tell you, I've seen a lot of dog men like you."

"I have no interest at all!"

Chapter 5589

"And, do you know martial arts?"

"Even if you want to pretend, please go to practice for a few years before you
come out!"

"You are very disdainful of being a little white-faced, do you understand?"

The girl scoffed at Harvey York, apparently treating him as a mad bee and a
butterfly who pretended not to understand.

Harvey York couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He is the chief coach of Sword Camp, the representative of Country H Martial

Alliance, and the young master of Longmen.

If you don't know martial arts, then no one in the world probably understands it.

And the girl's Bajiquan is really not very good, so Harvey York sighed
But at this moment, Harvey York had no intention of arguing with this girl at all,
nor did he want to reveal his identity just because of a walk.

Immediately, he said neatly: "I'm sorry, I really don't know martial arts!"

"It's not because of you that I sigh, but because I just think of some old people, I
can't help sighing."

"I apologize if I made you feel bad."

The girl pouted and said coldly, "Since you don't understand anything, just stay
where it's cool..."

"This place, you'd better not come here in the future!"

"if not......"

"Wendy Monroy! Come back!"

The old man in Tang suit coughed and opened his mouth at this moment.

"Since it wasn't intentional, I apologize!"

"Don't be aggressive!"

"As I said, the most taboo thing in practicing Bajiquan is to be restless, but to be

Hearing this, Harvey York rolled his eyes subconsciously.

No wonder this old man practiced to the point where he was at odds.

The foundation of Bajiquan is an unstoppable tyrant.

If you are really calm, what kind of Bajiquan do you practice?

Is it bad to learn Tai Chi?

Seeing Harvey York rolling her eyes, Wendy Monroy who was about to leave
immediately frowned. What does this stinky boy mean?

"Boy, why are you rolling your eyes!?"

"Do you look down on me?"

"Or, you look down on my grandfather!?"

Wendy Monroy stared at Harvey York at the moment, with a gesture of murder.

The old man in Tang suit wanted to persuade him, but he could see that Harvey
York had just rolled his eyes and was coming for him.

Simply put, this little guy also looks down on himself.

As soon as he thought of this, the old man in Tang suit, who had a good identity
and skill, suddenly got three-pointed anger in his heart.

He didn't stop Wendy Monroy at this moment, instead he wanted to let his
granddaughter try one or two.

Let's see if this guy is pretending, or is he really capable.

Harvey York said lightly, "I didn't mean to look down on you, nor did I look down
on your grandfather."

"I just got sand in my eyes."

"Don't think too much."

After saying that, Harvey York turned around and was about to leave.

Harvey York didn't say that, Wendy Monroy wasn't angry yet.

Hearing Harvey York's words, Wendy Monroy's forehead suddenly throbbed.

Is this guy too condescending?

"Wait a minute!"

Wendy Monroy's face was cold at the moment.

"You just sighed and rolled your eyes again."

"This shows that you look down on me, and you also look down on the Bajiquan I

"Since that's the case, show me a little bit of your skill!"

"Otherwise, you kowtow to me and apologize now!"

Having said that, Wendy Monroy's face was a bit chilling.

Harvey York frowned slightly and said, "Miss Monroy, have you really

"I did watch a few action movies, but I really don't know martial arts."

Chapter 5590

"Boy, is it interesting to pretend to be stupid at this stage?"

Wendy Monroy hummed proudly, not believing Harvey York's words at all.

At the same time, she waved her hand, and the sturdy man in a suit had come
over, blocking Harvey York's way.

And looking at the bulge on his waist, it was obvious that he was carrying a

In this way, a firearm is about to be fired.

Seeing that Harvey York didn't speak, the old man in Tang suit at the moment
smiled slightly and said, "This little friend, let me introduce myself first, and I will
be called Mario Monroy."

"This is my granddaughter, Wendy Monroy."

"What we practice here is the ancestral Bajiquan, which is different from the
Bajiquan that is circulated in the outside world."

"Little friend is not an ordinary person at first glance. Since you can see the
inappropriateness of my granddaughter's martial arts practice, why not give
some pointers?"

Mario Monroy spoke politely, as if he really needed Harvey York's guidance.

But in his words, there is a bit of arrogance and disdain naturally.

After all, after he reported himself, no matter who was outside the Great Wall, he
would be respectful to him.

But the young man in front of him didn't care about him at all, as if he didn't
know Mario Monroy, one of the overlords outside the Great Wall.
But thinking about it carefully, this teenager seems to have studied from

If that's the case, it's normal not to know yourself.

From this point of view, it seems to be able to show that there is nothing
remarkable about this young man.

"What do you mean, if you don't show your hand, you won't let me go?"

Harvey York sighed and opened his mouth.

Mario Monroy smiled slightly, but Wendy Monroy had a look like you knew it.

As for the man in the suit, he looked at Harvey York with a mocking expression.

How dare you mock our lady?

Looking for death!

Seeing the other party's attitude, Harvey York didn't bother to waste any more

At this moment, his right foot was slightly forced.

When I heard a "click", the bluestone on the ground shattered, and a piece of
gravel whizzed out, directly rubbing the girl's earlobe.

The Bulgari earring that the girl was hanging on was cut and broken in an instant.


Seeing this scene, Wendy Monroy's expression was dull.

What's the matter?

what just happened?

Why can't I see it at all?

"This level..."

Mario Monroy, who was originally high in his heart, was also stunned at the

The hand that Harvey York showed looked simple, but it definitely had the level
of a soldier king.

At a young age, his martial arts cultivation has reached the level of a soldier king.

This is the real martial arts genius!

Thinking of this, Mario Monroy took a deep breath, and this time there was no
more arrogance on his face.

He took the first two steps, cupped his hands, and said, "I didn't expect your little
friend to have reached such a level of martial arts cultivation at such a young

"Becoming a god of war in the future is just around the corner!"

"Don't talk about my granddaughter, even if it's an old man, I'm afraid I can't
make ten moves under my little friend!"

"Today, it was us who were abrupt!"

Mario Monroy, who said these words, was full of shock.

He originally thought that Harvey York was at most a young man with a little bit
of three-legged cat kung fu.

But unexpectedly, Harvey York actually has the strength of a soldier king.

And so young has the strength of a soldier king, and it will be unattainable to
become a generation of war gods in the future!

How many gods of war are there in the huge Country H?

Outside the small frontier, this is going to be a dragon!

Wendy Monroy also woke up from the shock at the moment, she quickly took off
her earrings and took a look, her face was full of incredible color.

When the earring broke, she didn't feel it, what kind of strength and speed it

Chapter 5591

With his right hand on the handle of the firearm, the man in the suit who was
ready to take action was also stunned.

He has been outside the Great Wall for many years, and he has followed Mario
Monroy to the north and south, and he has seen many great masters.

But it was the first time he had met a person like Harvey York.

Originally, in his understanding, the times have changed, and no matter how
powerful a martial arts master is, it is impossible to compete with firearms.

But now he understands, in front of a real master, what is a firearm?

I'm afraid that there is no chance to even open the insurance and pull the trigger,
so I was killed by the other party, right?

Harvey York ignored the change in the other party's expression, but said lightly:
"It's just a little trick of carving insects, it's not enough to talk about."

"Can I go now?"

Harvey York is the Chief Instructor of a generation, and he has personally

cultivated several gods of war.

How could there be any change in expression because the other party praised
him that God of War was just around the corner.

But his indifferent expression fell into Mario Monroy's eyes, and he became the
style that a generation of grandmasters should have.

At this moment, Mario Monroy's expression became more serious, and he slowly
said: "For the little master, this is a trick of carving insects!"

"But for me, it means turning corruption into magic!"

He didn't dare to call him a little friend, but a little master, which has already
explained the problem.

After all, although the outer wall is large, the martial arts are far less ancient than
those in the Central Plains.

Although Mario Monroy has been pondering on martial arts for half his life, he is
still far from stepping into the rank of soldier king.

But now he was stunned when he was cultivating his internal skills, and he was
afraid that he would never hope to go further in this life.
Seeing a martial arts genius like Harvey York, Mario Monroy only felt that his
half-life career was meaningless.

As soon as he thought of this, Mario Monroy's eyes were hot and he said, "Little
Grandmaster, we have met you twice for a walk. You must also live nearby, right?"

"But listening to the little master, your accent, shouldn't it be our local?"

"I don't know, little sect master, do you always live outside our frontier, or do you
pass by chance?"

"If it is to do business, our Monroy family has some energy outside the Great
Wall, and is willing to serve the little master."

Harvey York, who was about to turn around, paused in his footsteps. He didn't
want to pay attention to the two Mario Monroy and grandsons, but since the
other party was Monroy and had little energy outside the Great Wall, Harvey York
thought of a family.

Thinking of this, Harvey York nodded and said, "Although I am a local, I have
been in Jinling before."

"This time I came to the outside of the Great Wall, and I came to study at the
Earth Clan Academy."

"My name is Harvey York."

"Harvey York? Came back from Jinling? Could it be from the York family?"

Mario Monroy looked surprised, he remembered a previous rumor.

The York family outside the Great Wall once had a talented descendant, but 20
years ago, he left outside the Great Wall and went to Gangnam and never came
Could this Harvey York be that person's descendant?

If so, then the York family outside the Great Wall is about to have a storm!

Thinking of the past twenty years ago, Mario Monroy suddenly trembled slightly,
and then suddenly coughed violently.

"Grandpa, are you alright!?"

Wendy Monroy quickly stepped forward at this moment, reached out and patted
Mario Monroy's back to make him feel better.

Mario Monroy shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's an old problem."

Harvey York suddenly said indifferently: "This is not an old problem, it's just that
when you were cultivating, your inner breath became distracted. In fact, it's not a
big problem..."

Chapter 5592

Hearing Harvey York's words, Mario Monroy was slightly shocked, and said, "Little
Grandmaster, can you actually see it?"

"This is my biggest secret, and no one in the family knows it!"

When he said this, Mario Monroy was really shocked.

In order to avoid the family's worries, but also to avoid the news.

Mario Monroy said to the outside world that he had lung disease, so he often
But only he himself knew that he was not sick at all, but that he had gone wrong
in his cultivation.

Wendy Monroy also looked surprised at the moment: "Grandpa's problem, went
to the big hospital in Wolsing and said that it is difficult to treat, it is a real
intractable disease."

"Why did it become a small problem when it came to you?"

Afterwards, Wendy Monroy's face showed a look of anticipation.

"Little Grandmaster, is it difficult? Is there any way you can easily cure my

If Harvey York didn't show his hand, Wendy Monroy would definitely not believe
his words.

But now Harvey York's performance is enough to shock the eye, Wendy Monroy
naturally believes in Harvey York's words.

The most important thing is that now the Monroy family is a domestic and
foreign trouble. If there is no suppression by Mario Monroy, I am afraid that the
Monroy family will have internal strife.

This is also the reason why Wendy Monroy, a college student, can practice
Bajiquan, a quick form of boxing.

Because she wants to share the worries for her grandfather.

If there is a way to solve Grandpa's problem, then I don't have to work so hard.

Thinking of this, Wendy Monroy gritted her teeth slightly at the moment, stared
at Harvey York with a resolute look: "Little Grandmaster, to tell you the truth, our
Monroy family is one of the four major tribes outside the Great Wall, the Tianlin

"In this area outside the Great Wall, there is still some right to speak!"

"If you can solve my grandfather's problem, then our Monroy family, our Tianlin
tribe, can agree to any request!"

When speaking of this, Wendy Monroy's pretty face suddenly turned crimson,
apparently aware that there was some disagreement in this sentence.

If Harvey York is a pervert, what should he do to him?

Fortunately, Harvey York simply ignored Wendy Monroy's little girl's thoughts.

At this moment, after a moment of silence, he slowly said: "It's not difficult to
solve this problem of Mr. Monroy."

"But I need to do some preparation."

"Give me some time, I'll come to the door tomorrow to solve it, how?"

In fact, if Harvey York wanted to help Mario Monroy solve the problem, he could
solve it now.

The problem is that he knows people too well.

If some things are done too quickly or too quickly, not only will the other party
not be grateful, but they will also take it for granted, and even have other

Take it slow, on the one hand, so that people will not doubt your identity.
On the other hand, this is equivalent to giving the Monroy family a psychological

Hearing Harvey York's words, a smile appeared on Wendy Monroy's face, like an
iceberg melting: "No problem!"

"We are waiting for the little master at home!"

Mario Monroy also smiled and said: "Three days later, we will definitely hold a
banquet to entertain the little master."

"As for other things, please rest assured, the little master, our Monroy family will
definitely arrange it."

Mario Monroy's implication is that as long as his problem can be solved, then
what Harvey York has to deal with is not a problem in his eyes.

Even if Harvey York wanted the king to return and take over the York family
outside the Great Wall, the Monroy family would fully support him.

It's a pity that Harvey York doesn't have those messy thoughts at all at this

Chapter 5593

Harvey York nodded and was about to turn around and leave.

At this time, Mario Monroy seemed to think of something. He quickly took out a
card that he carried with him, and handed it to Harvey York respectfully, saying,
"Little Grandmaster, this is my number, you can call me at any time."

"Besides, my bodyguard is not bad, let him take you wherever you need to go."
"If you encounter big or small problems outside the fortress, you can also let me,
the bodyguard, solve it for you."

"He is outside and can represent our Monroy family."

Harvey York said lightly, "Yes."

In fact, he really didn't care about the Monroy family or the Monroy family.

Mario Monroy's implication was to make this bodyguard temporarily serve as

Harvey York's sidekick to ensure Harvey York's safety, or have other thoughts.

But to Harvey York, none of this matters.

Mario Monroy's bodyguard was named Black Panther, and he looked extremely
dark. After receiving the order, he followed Harvey York respectfully.

In the end, Harvey York got bored and asked him to take him home.

This Black Panther drives a Toyota domineering, but the interior is luxuriously

Harvey York just glanced at it and knew that this was definitely a specially
customized version. After all, even the glass was bulletproof with seven layers,
which was enough to show the financial resources of the Monroy family.

Previously, Harvey York saw in the data that the two major groups of the wolf
clan outside the Great Wall and the other four major tribes divided the world.

He didn't quite believe it at first, but now he does.

After returning to the community, Harvey York ordered a few precious Chinese
herbal medicines at random, and asked Black Panther to prepare according to his
own standards, and then he went back to rest.
In the evening, Emmanuel Asghari received a few calls and asked Harvey York to
come over for dinner.

Harvey York didn't want to owe him too much favor at first, and coupled with the
attitudes of Emily Miller and Sara Asghari, Harvey York made an excuse to refuse.

Silent all night.

The next afternoon, Harvey York counted the time, and informed Black Panther to
pick him up at Monroy's house tonight.

He was about to go out to find something to eat when Emmanuel Asghari called
in again.

"Little Harvey, today, uncle, I'm not looking for you to eat."

"I have something to trouble you with."

On the opposite side of the phone, Emmanuel Asghari's tone was somewhat

Harvey York was stunned for a moment and said, "Uncle Asghari, just say it
straight, as long as it is within my ability, I will do my best."

"You must be able to reach it." Emmanuel Asghari's words contained the worry of
the old father, "Sara is going to attend the college freshman alumni association

"I'm afraid that she has little social experience, and she will be sold to help people
count money."

"Little Harvey, can you help me keep an eye on it?"

"It's my uncle begging you."

Even across the phone, Harvey York couldn't help rolling his eyes subconsciously.

It can only be said that Emmanuel Asghari did everything possible in order to
match himself and his daughter.

It's just that Emmanuel Asghari said so, and if he shied away, he would become

In order to integrate into his current identity as soon as possible, Harvey York
could only nod and agree.

In fact, he had no interest in kiddies parties at all.

After hanging up, Harvey York dialed a number from Emmanuel Asghari.

"Hello, who is it?"

On the opposite side, Sara Asghari's cold voice came.

"It's me, Harvey York."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

"Uncle asked me to accompany you to the freshman meeting."

Sara Asghari on the opposite side of the phone seemed to be stunned for a
moment, and after a while, she said coldly, "I'm in Wanxiang City in the city

Chapter 5594
"Sara, what's the situation?"

"Is there anyone checking your post?"

In the most prosperous corner of Wanxiang City outside the Great Wall, Sara
Asghari, who is a luxury brand, put down the phone helplessly.

Beside her, a petite and slender girl with a baby face opened her mouth curiously.

She is Sara Asghari's good best friend and a university alumnus, Anelisse Gallaga.

In addition to Anelisse Gallaga, there was a tall and glamorous girl named
Evangeline Floyd with an airport on her chest.

These two girls are Sara Asghari's best friends and have a very good relationship.
This time, they also came to participate in this freshman alumni association.

It is said to be a freshman alumni association, but in fact, this is a gathering of the

second generation among the freshmen of Earth Sect Academy.

This gathering can basically determine who will be the best among the freshmen
in the future Earth Clan Academy.

Sara Asghari played with the iPhone in her hand and said helplessly, "You two
don't know."

"My father found a friend's son from somewhere, and insisted that it was my doll
to kiss."

"My mother and I don't look down on him, but my father insists on matching us!"

"Doll kiss?"

"The legendary finger pads are for marriage?"

Anelisse Gallaga had a gossip expression on her face.

"In this era, apart from TV and novels, you basically don't see this stuff, right?"

"Sara, tell me, how does your doll look like? Does your family have money?"

"How does it compare to my boyfriend?"

Anelisse Gallaga's boyfriend is a famous second-generation wealthy outside the

country. Not only is his family rich, but he is also handsome.

It is said that the girl who pursues him can catch up from the southern city to the
northern city, but he just fell in love with the petite Anelisse Gallaga.

However, Anelisse Gallaga's family is not bad, and the two sides can be regarded
as a match.

Hearing Anelisse Gallaga's words, Sara Asghari didn't say anything, but
Evangeline Floyd on the side said lightly, "Anelisse Gallaga, how many times have
I told you."

"You can't just look for a man based on whether his family has money or whether
he is handsome or not."

"Character and ability are the most important things, right?"

Anelisse Gallaga glanced at Evangeline Floyd and said, "You are amazing, you are
arrogant, then why can't you find a boyfriend?"

"Let me tell you, whether it is good character or ability, is it useful in modern

"There is no good background, no matter how high the ability is, it is just a wage

Evangeline Floyd's disdainful expression was obviously different from Anelisse

Gallaga's opinion.

"Okay, what are you two arguing about? Isn't it just a man?" Sara Asghari sighed.

"This guy, called Harvey York, came from Jinling."

"I heard he had a dad, but it wasn't there a long time ago."

"And now that he has no relatives, it is a helpless move to come to my house."

"I see what my father means, I guess he is going to be raised as his own son. This
is to recruit a son-in-law!"

"My son-in-law!?" Anelisse Gallaga couldn't help laughing out loud, "If we let our
high school classmates know that Miss Sara Asghari is looking for a son-in-law,
how many people will slap their thighs!"

Evangeline Floyd York said coldly: "Yes, Sara, a man who is willing to be the son-
in-law of the door, no matter what!"

"This kind of person not only has no character and ability, but the most important
thing is that he doesn't even have a man's self-esteem!"

"If you really find a door-to-door son-in-law, you will be miserable for the rest of
your life!"

Sara Asghari rolled her eyes and said, "What are you talking about? When did I
say I was interested in him?"

"My father, the so-called baby kiss, gives me a headache!"

Anelisse Gallaga's eyes lit up and said, "Sara, it's okay, since he's here tonight,
let's slap him in the face!"

"Let him know that pheasants are not worthy of Phoenix!"

Chapter 5595

Half an hour later, Harvey York appeared at the gate of Wanxiang City outside
the Great Wall.

Wanxiang City has always been a place where the rich and powerful inherited
shopping and consumption.

Ordinary people don't talk about consumption, even if they enter this place, they
will feel out of place.

Therefore, there are not many people in the huge Wanxiang City.

In the sparse crowd, the three Sara Asghari were also quite noticeable.

After all, these three little girls are not only beautiful, but also all of them are
luxury brands, and their makeup is also exquisite.

Anyone who sees it will understand that these three are definitely the top White
beauties in the circle outside the plug.


When Harvey York saw the group of three people, he walked over to say hello.

It's just that he is used to wearing simple clothes, and his whole body looks like
street goods, which is out of place for such an occasion and three beautiful girls.

Sara Asghari glanced at Harvey York casually and spoke lightly, but there was a
deliberate bluntness in her words.

This made the atmosphere in the field a little awkward.

At Sara Asghari's side, the petite and exquisite Anelisse Gallaga, and the tall and
glamorous Evangeline Floyd were all looking at Harvey York at the moment, with
aloofness and arrogance in their eyes naturally.

"What are you, Harvey York from Jinling?"

Anelisse Gallaga took a step forward, put her hands around her chest, and said
with a look of disgust.

At this moment, she was like a little princess aloof, looking at Harvey York's
expression like a dog on the ground.

"it's me."

Harvey York spoke lightly and saw that this little girl should be Sara Asghari's
best friend.

"York, I'll tell you something."

"Just like you, you actually want to have something to do with our Asghari school

"Are you worthy?"

"Do you know how many suitors our Asghari school flower has?"
"You can go to Wolsing from outside the Great Wall, do you understand?"

"You, it seems that you need a background without background, strength without
strength, and appearance without appearance."

"How dare you come to the college freshman reunion and want to be Sara's male

"Who gave you this face?"

Speaking of which, Anelisse Gallaga had an undisguised disgust on her face.

"Anelisse Gallaga, don't talk nonsense!" Sara Asghari glanced at Anelisse Gallaga
with an expression that thought she was talking too much.

Harvey York couldn't help rolling his eyes. Where does this little brat get the
confidence to think that he would like them?

As soon as he thought of this, Harvey York wanted to turn around and left.

But considering his current status, Harvey York had to endure his disgust and
said, "Don't worry, I listened to Uncle Asghari and came here to take care of
Sara's comprehensiveness."

"I didn't mean to pursue her."

"I'm not interested in that either."

Seeing that Harvey York said something serious, Sara Asghari pouted and said
lightly: "Harvey York, Anelisse Gallaga is kind, don't take it to heart."

If it was the original Harvey York, whose psychological quality was almost at a low
level, he might have jumped into the sea without feeling embarrassed, right?

But for Harvey York, it really doesn't matter.

At this moment, Harvey York smiled and started to appreciate the decoration of
Wanxiang City on his own.

Seeing Harvey York's dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Sara
Asghari suddenly had a headache.

At this time, outside Wanxiang City, another group of men and women wearing
luxury goods appeared.

The leader was a man in a white shirt with oily hair and powdered flour.

The man walked over directly and said with a smile, "Dear, you are here."

"Come on, our dance tonight will start soon!"

Chapter 5596

"Derek Holmes, you are finally here!"

"People have been waiting for you for a long time."

Anelisse Gallaga, who had just ridiculed Harvey York just now, changed her face
instantly and put her arms around the arm of the leading man with a charming

The man who took the lead was Anelisse Gallaga's rich second-generation
boyfriend. Not only was his family rich, but he was also tall and handsome. He
belonged to the rich and handsome among boys.
"Sara is a good school flower, and Evangeline Floyd is a good beauty..."

Derek Holmes put his arms around Anelisse Gallaga's slender waist and greeted
her two best friends with a condescending attitude, but his eyes looked up and
down, and there was a greed that could hardly be concealed in his eyes.

Although the appearance of the three girls is similar, the petite and delicate
Anelisse Gallaga is still a lot worse than the goddess Sara Asghari and Evangeline

Derek Holmes could not catch up with Sara Asghari and Evangeline Floyd, so he
would attack Anelisse Gallaga.

After staring at it for a while, Derek Holmes noticed Harvey York and said with a
strange expression, "This is..."

These people who were present were wearing either luxury brands or couture,
and the worst ones were trendy brands.

An outfit can be worth a year's salary of ordinary people.

But Harvey York looked like a big name all over his body. Standing with them, he
was really like a cleaner.

Really out of place.

Hearing the words at this moment, Anelisse Gallaga was the first to speak, and
she said softly: "Husband, this is the baby kiss of our Asghari school flower. It is
said that it means the existence of marriage!"

"Today, he just came to watch our Asghari school beauties don't put a hat on
"By the way, I heard that he is also going to be the son-in-law of the Asghari

Speaking of which, Anelisse Gallaga giggled like an old hen.

On the other hand, Evangeline Floyd couldn't bear it, and she finally held back
what she wanted to say.

Sara Asghari frowned slightly, thinking that Anelisse Gallaga was going too far.

But the problem is, think about how disgusting you would be if Harvey York, who
wanted to be a son-in-law, was always by his side?

Long pain is worse than short pain, it is better to let him know the difference
between the identities of the two sides tonight.

In this way, he will not be obsessed with himself, so as not to be injured more
seriously in the future.

As soon as she thought of this, Sara Asghari didn't say anything anymore, but
turned her head to the side, with an expression that didn't notice the change in
the field.

Seeing this scene, Derek Holmes was even more stunned. He seemed to have
received the edict of the goddess. At this moment, he took a step forward,
looked at Harvey York with a half-smile, and said, "Hello, this classmate!"

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Derek Holmes, one of the four great tribes
outside the Great Wall, and a sideline of the Great Rock Tribe."

"I don't know what your identity is, this buddy?"

"The surname is York, shouldn't it be from the York family outside the Great
"I don't know if you are the eldest son of the York family or a sideline of the York

"If you don't have this identity, to pursue our Asghari school flower is to seek
death by yourself!"

Obviously, Derek Holmes clearly knew that Harvey York could not be someone
from the York family outside the Great Wall, so he sneered.

Saying these words is to hit Harvey York directly in the face.

Harvey York didn't even look at Derek Holmes, and said lightly, "It has nothing to
do with you."

While talking, Harvey York picked up his phone and checked it out.

I don't know if this so-called York family outside the Great Wall is really related to
the original Harvey York.

Seeing Harvey York ignoring him, Derek Holmes was stunned.

The next moment, he sneered: "Brilliant, I, Derek Holmes, have been living outside
the Great Wall for so many years. This is the first time I see someone who doesn't
give me face!"

"Boy, do you want to die?"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to pat Harvey York's face.

Chapter 5597

Derek Holmes's hand did not land on Harvey York's face, but was blocked by
Harvey York's raised right hand.

Harvey York stared at Derek Holmes with cold eyes.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party was a brat, Harvey York would have
slapped him.

And stared at by Harvey York's cold eyes, Derek Holmes almost couldn't help
shivering and took a step back subconsciously.

But the next moment, Derek Holmes was a little embarrassed and angry.

He pretended to be calm and stared at Harvey York, threatening: "Boy, you have
the kind!"

At this time, the security guards in Wanxiang City seemed to have noticed this,
and several security guards walked over with frowns.

After all, for a high-end place like them, if someone makes trouble and fights
here, it will be very damaging to their reputation.

Anelisse Gallaga also whispered at the moment: "Derek Holmes, don't mess
around here, this is the property of the Romero family."

Hearing the words "Romero family", Derek Holmes rolled up his sleeves and put
them down again. He looked Harvey York up and down, and said coldly, "Very

"Boy, I heard that you will also study at Earth Clan Academy."

"We can't turn the tide, and there is time to play!"

After he finished speaking, Derek Holmes made a gesture of slitting his throat at
Harvey York, and then he ignored Harvey York, but put his arms around Anelisse
Gallaga's slender waist, discussing where to go next.

As for Evangeline Floyd, she subconsciously glanced at Harvey York.

She is cold, but kind-hearted.

Harvey York, an arrogant and arrogant native of the Central Plains, probably
doesn't know how scary this guy Derek Holmes is.

Relying on the fact that he is a sideline of the Great Rock Tribe, Derek Holmes has
always acted recklessly.

In high school, because someone offended Anelisse Gallaga, Derek Holmes

directly let him beat him into a cripple, and even that person's shop was beaten
and smashed by a group of gangsters three days later.

Although there is no real evidence, basically everyone in the circle knows that this
must be Derek Holmes's handwriting.

Because of the unscrupulous behavior, coupled with the strong backing.

So no one in the school dared to provoke Derek Holmes.

Even if he was slapped in the face, many people would endure it.

Harvey York, an outsider, doesn't know the depth, and I'm afraid it will end badly
in the future!

Noticing Evangeline Floyd's worried eyes, Harvey York thought this little girl was
quite interesting.
He smiled at Evangeline Floyd and blinked, with a look that you don't have to
worry about.

Evangeline Floyd was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of anger appeared
on her face.

Miss is worried about you, are you still molesting Miss?

Wait to die!

"Everyone, I heard that there is a newly opened Gangnam Entertainment Palace in

South of the Seas."

"Let's go there and sing together."

"After singing, go to have supper."

"After supper, I'll arrange other programs."

"After all, it's a freshman reunion, and everyone will be together for four years in
the future!"

"It's the first party, what if you're not happy?"

At this moment, Derek Holmes didn't know whether it was to pretend to be in

front of Harvey York, or to perform in front of Sara Asghari and other beauties. At
this moment, he looked like spending money.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will take care of all the consumption tonight, Mr.

Hearing this, the group of people all cheered.

Although everyone is second generation, but after all, they are all students. How
much money can they have?

Since Mr. Holmes was willing to pay for the whole audience, naturally no one
would refuse.

"Let's go, let's go to Gangnam outside the Great Wall!"

While speaking, Derek Holmes was the first to walk out with his arms around
Anelisse Gallaga.

Seeing this scene, Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly, and then understood
why Emmanuel Asghari wanted to let him come.

In such an occasion, if something goes wrong, it's the girl who suffers, so it's no
wonder you have to do it yourself.

Chapter 5598

In Harvey York's inability to complain, the group came to the parking lot.

It can only be said that those present are indeed the second generation of rich
and powerful families.

In the field, you can find everything from BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz to Toyota
Domineering, Jeep Wrangler and other luxury cars.

These cars are nothing in the Central Plains.

But the overall economy outside the Great Wall is already lagging behind that of
the Central Plains. In this place, it is amazing that teenage students have such a
Derek Holmes, who took the lead, was driving a Porsche Cayenne, and the
metallic color of combat gray was shining under the night.

Obviously, Sara Asghari, Evangeline Floyd, and Anelisse Gallaga should all take his
car to Gangnam outside the Great Wall.

At this moment, Derek Holmes waved his hand, either intentionally or

unintentionally, and soon, he saw other people getting into the car.

But I don't know why, after all these people got in the car, there was just one less

And Harvey York stood alone in the parking lot, a group of people looked at him
with half-smiles, and the picture was extremely mocking.

Derek Holmes said with an exaggerated expression: "Aiya, classmate York, I

forgot that there was a big man like you for a while, and I didn't prepare a place
for you!"

"I'm sorry!"

"Or else, so be it."

"I have a hundred dollars here, take a taxi by yourself."

"With the remaining money, you can still buy a pack of cigarettes, don't be

While speaking, Derek Holmes took out a hundred-yuan bill from his wallet, and
flicked it to Harvey York.

Seeing this scene, all the people around were bursting into laughter.

For their circle, Harvey York is a pure outsider.

The most important thing is that this outsider is actually the object of some doll
from Asghari school flower.

What a joke!?

Therefore, at this moment, whether it is unhappy to see Harvey York, or jealous of

him, all are happy to see Harvey York humiliated.

Even if there was a vacant seat in the car, no one would invite Harvey York to take
the seat at this time.

Harvey York looked indifferent, but looked at Derek Holmes with a hint of
coldness in his eyes.

Does this little brat really take himself seriously?

I'm too lazy to care about him, and he still finds fault again and again?

Do you really think that you will not make a move?

And Sara Asghari was sitting in the back seat of the Porsche at the moment,
rolling down the window to watch this scene, her eyebrows were slightly frowned,
and she couldn't bear it.

After all, Harvey York was so wanton insulted by a group of second generation,
no matter how he looked at it, it was extremely desolate.

And no matter what, Harvey York was called by his father, not by himself.

In this case, hitting Harvey York in the face like this is equivalent to losing Sara
Asghari's face!
As soon as she thought of this, Sara Asghari was ready to ask someone to find a
place for Harvey York.

At this time, Evangeline Floyd, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "Harvey
York, why don't you get into a Porsche."

"Sara and I are both thinner. If you come up, the three of us will be just right."

"You sit in the middle."

Hearing Evangeline Floyd's words, everyone in the audience was stunned for a
moment, looking at Evangeline Floyd's expression, full of astonishment and

You must know that Evangeline Floyd is also a beauty at the school beauty level,
and even Fabian Miller from the Golden Elephant Tribe outside the Great Wall
pursued her for a long time, and she did not hesitate.

At this time, she instead made a friendly gesture to a little white face who was
going to eat soft rice?

Here are a few meanings! ?

Could it be that she fell in love with this kind of man who only eats soft rice! ?

Chapter 5599

Even Derek Holmes looked at Harvey York in astonishment.

I thought to myself, is it hard to eat soft rice like this? If I had known, I would
have eaten Evangeline Floyd's soft rice too.
After everyone was shocked, Anelisse Gallaga, who was sitting in the co-pilot,
reacted. She rolled her eyes and said, "Evangeline Floyd, I know you have always
been very sympathetic."

"I saw a cat and a dog on the side of the road about to starve to death, so I
would try to get it something to eat."

"Now I can't see that a waste is at a disadvantage?"

"You, sooner or later, will be killed by your temperament!"

"Okay, who is that, Harvey York?"

"Come on, you take the co-pilot, I'll sit in the back!"

While speaking, Anelisse Gallaga opened the car door and pouted into the back

Harvey York glanced at Evangeline Floyd, but did not expect this little girl to have
such kindness.

But since someone helped him out of the siege, Harvey York didn't talk nonsense,
but went directly to the co-pilot.

Derek Holmes was speechless.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to embarrass Harvey York, but

unexpectedly, Harvey York unexpectedly bumped into his car.

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately gritted his teeth, stepped on the

accelerator and left directly.

Half an hour later, everyone came to the Gangnam Entertainment Palace outside
the Great Wall.

This area is a newly developed new urban area outside the Great Wall, which is
extremely prosperous.

And there are many leisure places in this place, which obviously belongs to the
night city of the upper class.

When they came to the hall, a group of princesses wearing cheongsam all bowed

Each of these people's looks are very pleasant, even if they are not beautiful at
first, they have specially undergone plastic surgery, and each of them is as
attractive as a flower bone.

Derek Holmes, who was walking in front, had a stern expression on his face. As
soon as he came in, the mother Sang in the hall leaned over and said delicately,
"Oh, Mr. Holmes, you haven't been here for two days, haven't you?"

"My sisters miss you so much!"

Seeing Anelisse Gallaga's unhappy face, Derek Holmes immediately said

seriously, "Don't talk nonsense, today is my first time here!"

"Our freshmen want a class reunion!"

"You, arrange a supreme box for us!"

Mom Sang giggled and said with a meaningful expression: "Mr. Holmes, you
students, the supreme box is not suitable."

"Well, how about everyone going to the King's Box?"

Hearing this, Derek Holmes seemed to remember something, and nodded at this
moment, and said, "Okay, it's the king's box!"

Soon, the group entered the king's box.

It is popular to drink spirits here outside the Great Wall, so these people did not
order foreign wine, but ordered a box of Feitian Moutai directly.

Immediately afterwards, several more princesses came out to take care of these
big and young daughters.

But maybe because of the relationship with the female guests today, these
princesses can't let go one by one.

As for Harvey York, at this moment, he shrunk in the corner with no interest.

Sing or chat.

If it wasn't for Emmanuel Asghari's phone call, he wouldn't have thought about
these little brats.

After taking a sip of soda, Harvey York was about to persuade Sara Asghari to
leave first.

After all, he has to go to Monroy's house for a while.

Solved the problem of Mario Monroy, which is very helpful for the next actions
outside the Great Wall.

Harvey York didn't have that idle time to waste here.

As soon as he thought of this, Harvey York sent a message to Black Panther and
asked him to pick him up. He walked directly to Sara Asghari and said lightly,
"Let's go back, this place is nothing interesting, it's just a waste of time."
Chapter 5600

The existence of Harvey York was originally an anomaly in this group of people,
and everyone was paying attention to him.

Seeing that the wine hadn't started drinking at this moment, Harvey York wanted
to leave with the school flower, and a group of people suddenly became angry.

Derek Holmes glared at Harvey York and said with a sneer: "I said that the
surnamed York has come to this occasion, what are you pretending to be?"

"You want to take our school flower with you after drinking water?"

"who do you think You Are?"

"What? No one pays attention to you. Are you lonely and cold?"

"Would you like to invite two young ladies to accompany you to drink?"

Hearing Derek Holmes's words, the second generation on the side smiled and
said, "Don't, Mr. Holmes!"

"This is a little white face from the Central Plains!"

"How can you see the wildflowers outside our Great Wall?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

A group of people burst into laughter, apparently treating this Central Plains
person as a hillbilly.
Harvey York put down the soda water at this moment and said lightly, "Derek
Holmes, right?"

"I've been too lazy to deal with you."

"You just kicked your nose on your face?"

"Short oil, I don't dare!" Derek Holmes sneered with a smile on his face, "You
came here to eat and drink, and you still look like a big boss. I'm terribly talking
nonsense and accidentally offended you!"

"Anyway, you are Asghari school flower's baby girl!"

"The man who is destined to be the son-in-law of the Asghari family!"

"Who dares to offend you like us little people?"

"There's no good fruit to eat like this!"

Hearing Derek Holmes's words, everyone laughed even more, this surnamed
York's face is almost swollen, right?


Sara Asghari finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Harvey York was humiliated and had nothing to do with her.

But now that the Asghari family was involved, she had to speak.

She first glared at Harvey York and said coldly, "If you don't speak, no one will
treat you as dumb!"
Then she looked at Derek Holmes again and said, "Master Holmes, Harvey York is
the one I called tonight no matter what you say."

"Is it too much for you to bully him like this?"

Sara Asghari didn't really want to stand up for Harvey York.

She was afraid that if Harvey York, an idiot, couldn't help but be injured by Derek
Holmes, she would not be able to explain to her father.

"Okay, Asghari school's face is definitely to be given!"

Derek Holmes laughed.

"After all, a monk who can run can't run away from the temple!"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Sometimes it's a good time to have fun with our Young Master York!"

While speaking, Derek Holmes looked Harvey York up and down, as if thinking
about whether to abolish his arm or his thigh first.

Harvey York looked indifferent. If the other party really didn't know what to do,
he wouldn't mind being a warm-blooded teacher.

Things have developed to this point, and the relationship between the two sides
cannot be reconciled.

Harvey York saw that Sara Asghari didn't seem to want to leave for a while, and
he was a little helpless, so he could only walk out of the king's box to take a
Walking to the corridor at the entrance of the bathroom, Harvey York suddenly
frowned slightly.

One of Derek Holmes's companions, who seemed to be called Blair Liabman,

came out at some point. He was drunk and chatted up with a woman who was
not a good person at first glance.

As a result, before the words were half said, the woman slapped Blair Liabman
with her backhand.

Blair Liabman was instantly angry and gave the woman a kick when she went up.

The woman was kicked to the ground, but after standing up, she didn't cry, but
looked at Blair Liabman coldly: "You're out of luck!"

"Bad luck? What do you wear when you sell it?"

Drunk Blair Liabman looked disdainful.

"This young master's name is Blair Liabman, and he is in the King's Box!"

"Tonight all night!"

"You have the ability, come to trouble me!?"

After Blair Liabman finished speaking, she turned around and left, as if she was
very upset about her failure to pick up girls.

Harvey York didn't care at first, but then, he saw the woman and walked into the
supreme box with a look of anger.

The status of the supreme box is much higher than that of Derek Holmes's king
box, and the identity of that woman is probably not simple.
It seems that there is trouble.

Harvey York didn't mean to meddle in his own business. He quickened his pace
and returned to the king's box, ignoring Sara Asghari who was a little surprised at
the moment, grabbed her little hand directly, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Then he glanced at Evangeline Floyd again: "You too."

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