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Chapter 5801

Mandy Zimmer sat in the main seat at the moment. Although she did not put
on makeup, she changed into a set of cheongsam, and the three thousand
blue silks were also casually wrapped around the back of her head, but there
was still an expression on her face. Harvey York had a dreamy smile.

On the opposite side of Mandy Zimmer was a woman who looked twenty-
three or four-year-old.

The woman's appearance is simple and elegant, with a taste that does not eat
human fireworks.

The most important thing is that there is a cinnabar mole between her
eyebrows, which looks majestic.

Harvey York just glanced at it and could see that this woman's identity was
absolutely extraordinary, and 80% of it was from the Buddhist sect.

Harvey York vaguely thought of a character, but didn't say much.

In addition to this woman, Harvey York also met an old acquaintance.

Rebeca Monroy!

This woman, who is the fourth young lady of the Monroy family, is like a
woman playing with her at the moment, taking the initiative to pour tea for
Mandy Zimmer and the dignified woman, which seems to be enough to show
that, how extraordinary is the status of this majestic woman.

At this moment, the beautiful woman who brought Harvey York in said, "Saint
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, Harvey York is here."
Hearing the words "Concubine Lizzeth Gaona", Harvey York was sure.

This one is indeed one of the three major Buddhist temples, the legendary
saint from Cloud top Great Temple.

At this moment, hearing the voice, the beautiful woman present stopped
talking at the same time, and then squinted and looked up.

When seeing Harvey York, Mandy Zimmer showed a rare smile: "Harvey York."

Obviously, when she was at Asghari’s house, she was extremely reserved, but
at this moment, she couldn't control it.

On the contrary, Harvey York smiled and said, "Hello, Miss. Zimmer."

This is a repayment for Mandy Zimmer's cynicism at Asghari’s house just now.

Mandy Zimmer was speechless, this man is too much.

If it weren't for too many outsiders, she would be ready to give Harvey York a

It's been a long time since the two met again, can't we say a few more good

"Mandy, is this the one you just said, who can ensure your safety outside the
Great Wall?"

At this moment, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked at Harvey York with great
interest, with a bit of high-level scrutiny in her eyes.

"You should know that there must be a storm outside the Great Wall."
"This guy looks like he has small arms and calves, just like White face."

"Once something happens, what will he use to protect you?"

"If you want me to say, let me send someone from Cloud Top Great Temple, it
will definitely ensure your safety."

Several other beautiful women were also looking at Harvey York up and down
at the moment, and then looked disgusted.

Is this the person Mandy Zimmer said can protect her?

This Ms. Zimmer seems to have stayed in the big city for a long time, and he
doesn't know how sturdy the folk customs outside the Great Wall are.

This kind of little white face, you can just look at it at ordinary times, it is
useless at the critical moment.

Rebeca Monroy, the only one who knew Harvey York's skills, was watching
Harvey York's heart at the moment, as if he was waiting to see Harvey York's

Harvey York was speechless, almost spewing out a mouthful of old blood.

This woman absolutely did it on purpose, the meaning of such an

introduction, became her bodyguard?

"Concubine Gaona, do you think this person can't protect me?"

Mandy Zimmer had a smug expression on her face at this moment.

"But I think his little arms, calves, and little white face look good too."
"In case of danger, let him charm the enemy, right?"

Chapter 5802

Hearing Mandy Zimmer's words, all the beautiful women laughed.

Others looked at Harvey York meaningfully, obviously thinking that he must

be very good at some aspects of Kung Fu.

Otherwise, how could Mandy Zimmer, the eldest young lady from the top ten
families, summon him the first time she came outside the Great Wall?

As for Rebeca Monroy, he will definitely not explain anything to Harvey York at
this moment.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona squinted at the moment, while holding the purple
sand teacup, she looked Harvey York up and down, and then spoke earnestly.

"Mandy, I know you've been a widow for three years, and your useless
husband has never even touched your finger."

"When I meet a little white face that I am satisfied with, I like to take it with

"But you have to be clear that something like a little white face is enough to
play with."

"There's no need to take it too seriously."

"We are going to do big things next, and we are destined to have countless
storms. With such a small white face by our side, what use is there other than
getting in the way?"
"If you want me to tell him, give him a sum of money and let him stay
wherever he is cool."

"Also, if you don't like our Cloud top Great Temple people to protect you."

"I'll introduce you to someone..."

"I can guarantee you, he can definitely protect you."

"After all, no matter his identity or skill, he is not comparable to ordinary


"Even if you, Mandy Zimmer, need a bed partner, the one I introduced is a
thousand times, ten thousand times better than finding this little white face

Hearing Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's words, Mandy Zimmer, a big girl with a
yellow flower, can't hang on at this moment, even if she is already well-

Subconsciously: "Lizzeth Gaona, you misunderstood..."

"Mandy, you are also a big figure in the upper-class circle. Your presence
outside the Great Wall represents the interests of the Jean Family in the

"Even if you play a bit bigger and play a bit more open, is it possible that your
trash husband dares to say anything wrong?"

"Actually, if you want me to tell you, you should have kicked that idiot long
"With your figure, appearance, and background, among the top ten top
families, there must be countless suitors!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked serious.

"Okay, I'll help you invite that person, who will be here soon."

"Mandy, you can look forward to it."

"By the way, this is his photo, you can take a look first."

While speaking, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona took out the phone and threw it on
the table.

Harvey York glanced at Mandy Zimmer with a half-smile, and out of the corner
of his eye, he also caught a glimpse of the photo on his phone.

Then he was slightly taken aback, Gamaliel Leduc?

Is it such a coincidence?

When Harvey York was frowning, several beautiful women present looked at
the photo, all gasping for breath.

"Saint, are you too proud? The one you invited to protect Mandy is not an
ordinary person!"

"This one is also from the top ten top families, and is famous outside our

"This Master Leduc, we only know that he is an expert in archaeology, why is

he still a master?"
"Furthermore, if a big man like him came to protect Mandy, will he give in?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona smiled lightly, and said, "Everyone said that I don't
know, Master Leduc is my junior brother. He worshipped under my Cloud top
Great Temple many years ago and is considered a lay disciple..."

"He is not only good at Buddhism, but also very talented in martial arts, but
because he is too low-key, he is not known..."

Chapter 5803

"Let me briefly introduce my junior brother's record."

"After he made some achievements in our Cloud top Great Temple, the first
thing he did was to break the wooden man formation of our Cloud top Great
Temple by himself."

"Afterwards, he was alone in the far-flung frontier and killed all the 18 rebels
of our Cloud top Great Temple in one battle!"

"Later, he also played against Noah the son of Buddha of Cloud top Temple,
and the two sides were tied."

"But it is said that Noah the son of Buddha's evaluation of my junior brother is
that if he is obsessed with martial arts, he will be the next King Kong of the
Buddhist Earth Sect."

"It's a pity that my junior brother has never been very interested in martial

"He cultivates martial arts, and the biggest purpose is to protect his own
"Because, he likes to go deep into all kinds of ancient ruins to explore some
ancient secrets of our Buddhist Earth Sect!"

"This time, if it wasn't for Mandy coming out of the Great Wall and needing a
bodyguard, and I couldn't find a suitable person, I really wouldn't recommend

"Also, my junior brother originally rejected this matter."

"But he heard that the person who needs to be protected this time is actually
our Miss Zimmer, and he said things like fate and where we don't meet in life."

"He said that he and Mandy were business partners in the investment group
this time. Now, since there is no coincidence, he is naturally willing to take on
this task."

"He also said that there is no need for any payment."

"As long as Mandy can treat him to a meal..."

Hearing Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's words, all the women present had little
stars in their eyes, as if they were watching an idol drama.

After all, whether it is from the fate of Mandy Zimmer and Gamaliel Leduc, or
from Gamaliel Leduc's terrible background and special identity.

It's a prince and princess drama.

Perhaps, they will be witnesses to an unparalleled love affair.

Many women can't wait to replace him. After all, Gamaliel Leduc, the head of
the top ten families, is definitely the dream lover of many women.
"It's such a coincidence..."

Harvey York walked behind Mandy Zimmer and said with a smile that only the
two of them could hear.

Mandy Zimmer rolled her eyes and knew that Harvey York was eating.

Immediately, she said to Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, "Saint, I understand your

kindness, but..."

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona didn't give Mandy Zimmer a chance to finish

speaking, but waved her hand and said, "Mandy, you don't need to feel

"You are my good sister. What you have to do outside the Great Wall this time
is also very dangerous."

"After all, the Jean Family in your Mordu has already killed two of the head of
the house."

"In such a situation, I will definitely make sure that you are safe!"

"You don't have to be polite to me."

"I'm not being polite."

Mandy Zimmer shook her head quickly.

"I just think that I have already prepared someone to protect me, so I don't
need to trouble Master Leduc."

"Master Leduc is better to concentrate on the investment group."

"If it is because of me, the investment group will be held back, and the
interests of the ten top families to form an alliance this time will be damaged."

"I can't take this responsibility."

Harvey York didn't mix in, but looked at Mandy Zimmer with great interest.

The alliance of the ten top families is aimed at the nine dzi beads, right?

It seems that the next outside the Great Wall will only be more turbulent!

"This is Master Leduc's own choice, Mandy, don't reject it."

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona had a sincere expression on her face at this moment.

Chapter 5804

While speaking, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona glanced at Harvey York again and
said, "Also, I'm not talking about you."

"Mandy, what do you think about this little white face you found yourself, how

Mandy Zimmer was speechless, and then said earnestly: "Actually, Harvey York
is also a master. The most important thing is that he is my old man..."


Concubine Lizzeth Gaona couldn't listen anymore, and she didn't finish her
words to Mandy Zimmer.
"Mandy, you are really capable of bullshitting."

"How can this guy with small arms and legs become a master?"

"Real masters don't have such a demeanor!"

"And, have you forgotten that all martial arts in the world come from

"Our martial arts in Cloud top Great Temple have been passed down!"

"My junior brother, behind him is definitely among your younger generation,
an invincible existence!"

"The most important thing is that he is not a muscle man!"

"Have him by your side, protect you, give you advice, and be your boyfriend
when you need it."

"How wonderful!"

Having said that, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona glanced at Harvey York and
became more and more disgusted.

Several beautiful women kept nodding their heads, because they felt that they
had no such opportunity.

Otherwise, you will never miss it.

After all, a prince charming like Gamaliel Leduc is not something you can meet

And Harvey York is a little white face compared to Prince Charming?

What are you kidding?

"Saint, Master Leduc is here!"

At this moment, the beautiful female secretary walked in and spoke excitedly.

"Shan Hong is here?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona stood up and smiled.

"Come on, let's go meet him together."

"My junior brother, he has always been low-key and self-disciplined."

"I meant to have my driver pick him up."

"He said that he was just about to climb the mountain, and that's all he
needed to do."

"Let's go, let's feel the masculinity in him!"

While speaking, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona walked out of the door with a few
beautiful women.

Mandy Zimmer was also speechless and could only stand up.

Rebeca Monroy looked at Harvey York with a half-smile but not a smile, as if
he didn't stop reading the joke.

Harvey York ignored them, but took the soda and drank it on his own.

"Sister, long time no see..."

"You are much prettier than before."

Not waiting for Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and others to go out, he saw
Gamaliel Leduc, wearing golden glasses and incomparably gentle, walked in
with his hands on his back.

He changed into a set of training clothes at this moment, and the whole
person seemed a bit lazy.

But this kind of laziness in him, not only does not make people feel bored, but
makes people feel that he is energetic and very attractive.

When they saw Gamaliel Leduc, those beautiful women couldn't wait to jump
up directly.

Rebeca Monroy even compared Gamaliel Leduc with his own Buddhist son,
and then suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

"Junior brother, Miss Mandy has been waiting for you for a long time."

"I'm a senior sister, but I've said all the good things for you!"

"As for the fate of the two of you, it's up to you!"

"You're right, Mandy!"

Having said that, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona let Gamaliel Leduc in with a smile.

Gamaliel Leduc looked at Mandy Zimmer with a smile and said, "Miss Mandy,
it's true that we never meet in life..."
Although Mandy Zimmer was a little speechless, she could only say: "Master
Leduc, I didn't expect to meet again."

Chapter 5805

"Mandy, you should have told me about you a long time ago."

Gamaliel Leduc smiled.

"If Senior Sister didn't take the initiative to tell me this time, I still don't know,
you don't even have a useful person by your side!"

"Don't worry, from now on, I will not only be an ally of your investment group,
but also your personal bodyguard!"

"For your safety, from now on, I will be by your side 24 hours a day!"

Speaking of which, Gamaliel Leduc seemed to blushed slightly.

"I don't mean anything else, I'm all for your safety, Miss Mandy!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona smiled and said: "Mandy, don't be polite to my

junior brother!"

"As for my junior brother, he's a bit self-righteous!"

"Since he has determined this, he will not change it!"

"He will absolutely keep you safe!"

Hearing Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's profound words, a group of women envy

and hate.
After all, although Gamaliel Leduc was not the heir to the Leduc Family, he was
also one of the eldest sons of the direct line.

If you can really marry him, even if it is just for a while with him, the benefits
you can get are probably beyond imagination!

Mandy Zimmer was speechless, her eyebrows frowned, and she didn't know
how to refuse.

Seeing that his woman was embarrassed, Harvey York smiled silently, put
down the soda in his hand, stepped forward and stopped in front of Mandy
Zimmer, and said, "Thank you saintess, thank you Master Leduc."

"Your kindness, we Mandy always accept it!"

"But, just now, she has hired me as her full-time bodyguard!"

"I will take care of her comprehensiveness!"

"You can rest assured!"

"She's an adult now and will take responsibility for her own decisions."

Hearing Harvey York's words, Gamaliel Leduc shifted his eyes and frowned

Obviously he recognized Harvey York, the little white face at Asghari’s house.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, on the other hand, looked at Harvey York with a bit
of playfulness and contempt, and said, "You bastard, is there a place for you to
speak here?"
"You are a small person, a little white face, and you still want to be compared
with my junior brother?"

"what are you thinking about?"

"If Mandy didn't invite you, if it wasn't for her own sake."

"You've been thrown out now, okay?"

"The most annoying thing in this acre of land outside the Great Wall is people
who are self-righteous and have no ability..."

Gamaliel Leduc smiled at the moment, walked to Harvey York with a polite
face, and shook hands with Harvey York.

"Mr. York, it's not the first time we've met."

"Normally, since we have such a fate, I can't destroy your work, right?"

"It's just that being a bodyguard and being a son-in-law are two different

"If you want to do this job well and be a flower protector, I'm afraid you need
to have enough strength!"

"No, I'll try it out to see if you meet the qualifications..."

While speaking, Gamaliel Leduc's right hand slowly exerted force.

He has long been a little unhappy with Harvey York.

So now, not only does he want to make Harvey York embarrassed in front of a
group of beauties, but he also wants to abolish Harvey York directly...
And Gamaliel Leduc's strength is also very strong, he is indeed a low-key
martial arts master, but the outer door horizontal training kung fu is very

According to his experience, a few stones can be crushed casually, not to

mention a little white-faced hand...

Chapter 5806

And what will be the consequences of a little white face like Harvey York being
abolished with one hand?

It's not something big people need to think about.

In Gamaliel Leduc's eyes, since Harvey York dared to damage his own affairs,
he would have to pay the price he deserved.

And Concubine Lizzeth Gaona knew Gamaliel Leduc's temperament best. She
knew very well that this low-key junior brother had always been very aloof.

He will never let go of those who try to ruin his good deeds.

Other beautiful women don't know the depth, and they are all thinking about
what may happen next.

Afterwards, their faces showed schadenfreude expressions.

How dare you have a hard time with a big man like Gamaliel Leduc, you have
to peel off your skin even if you don't die?

Gamaliel Leduc chuckled lightly, the strength of his right hand continued to
increase, but he found that Harvey York's face did not change in the slightest.

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc's expression changed slightly, thinking, could

it be that he has used too much strength on women these days?

Harvey York said calmly, "Master Leduc, you are right!"

"Our line is bodyguards, not little white faces!"

"If you want to be a bodyguard, you need to be really talented, not the
legendary embroidered pillow..."

"And since I was invited by Mandy, it means that I have enough strength!"

"You question me like this, it's like hitting Mandy in the face!"

Harvey York didn't feel anything about Gamaliel Leduc's dark power.

But he didn't fight back, after all, he had to consider Mandy Zimmer's feelings
to some extent.

Even Gamaliel Leduc's face was swollen, and Mandy Zimmer couldn't explain it

Another point is that Gamaliel Leduc also has an identity, that is, a member of
the investment group.

You shouldn't be getting too much attention now.

"Do you have this?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona didn't suspect him at the moment, but looked at
Harvey York up and down, and her expression became more and more

"Strength depends on real talent and real learning, not just talking about it,

"Just like your little white face, do you still want to protect Mandy?"

"How dare you open your mouth and shut your mouth?"

"Why, do you consider yourself a big man?"

During the conversation, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona signaled to Gamaliel Leduc

to increase his strength, and directly abolished Harvey York, lest this guy keep

Gamaliel Leduc narrowed his eyes slightly, he originally wanted to be merciful.

But this guy Harvey York doesn't know how to live or die, and he still talks
about Mandy and closes his mouth, this is not easy for her!

So he directly used his Vajra Palm to make Harvey York roll on the ground in

It's a pity that the so-called Vajra Palm has no effect on Harvey York.

Harvey York had a smile on his face, looking at Gamaliel Leduc with a half-
smile, if he was watching a joke.

Seeing this scene, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona was a little puzzled.

She knew too well what kind of temperament her junior brother was. Why
didn't she kill her at this moment and give this little white face a chance?

What she didn't even know was that Gamaliel Leduc was also frowning slightly
at this moment. Why did he think his strength was lost?


At this moment, a loud noise was heard, and the door of the box was kicked

Gamaliel Leduc frowned slightly, then released his right hand.

Because he felt an unspeakable malice coming towards him.

Under this circumstance, he didn't bother to pay attention to Harvey York, but
prepared to wait until he had time to teach Harvey York a lesson.

Chapter 5807
Gamaliel Leduc let go, and Harvey York didn't bother to bother with him, but
also squinted at the entrance of the box.

At this moment, I saw a monk wearing a moon-white robe walking in. The
monk looked a little fat and had an unspeakable aura.

Those who knew him could obviously recognize him at first sight. He was Fidel
Alaman, the steward of Spirit rest home Vegetarian Restaurant.

He is also one of the close followers of Noah the son of Buddha.

At this moment, Fidel Alaman walked in with his hands on his back. Before
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and others could speak, Rebeca Monroy was the
first to step forward and said, "Senior Brother Fidel Alaman, are you okay?"

Fidel Alaman glanced at Rebeca Monroy lightly, and a meaningful color

flashed in his eyes.

Then, he looked at Concubine Lizzeth Gaona with a smile: "Concubine Lizzeth

Gaona, saintess, I'm really embarrassed."

"This box is dedicated to my Buddhist son. The waiter below is ignorant and
brought you here."

"Buddha just finished the evening class and wants to come over for dinner."

"So I can only trouble you to make a move and move to another place."

"Of course, out of apology, this meal will be free from our vegetarian

At this moment, Fidel Alaman had an unquestionable look on his face.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona has a high status and is the saint of Cloud top Great
Temple, which is true.

But the problem is that the relationship between the three major Buddhist
temples has always been ordinary.

Fidel Alaman is a person from Cloud top Temple, how could he have too much
respect for the saintess of Cloud top Great Temple?

"Fidel Alaman, did I give you a face?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's face sank slightly at this moment.

"Even if Shi Jun came in person, he might not dare to let me move the room."

"You are a little steward, and you still want to drive me away?"

"You ate bear heart and leopard gall!?"

Fidel Alaman smiled and said, "Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, can you tell me
something about being a human being?"

"This vegetarian restaurant originally belonged to our Cloud top Temple."

"We can open it if we want, close it if we want, let whoever we want in, let in
whoever we want, and let whoever we want to get out of here."

"Do you feel unhappy? Unhappy, you Cloud top Great Temple will also open a
room and eat enough for yourself!"

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry, I forgot, you Cloud top Great Temple are very noble, and
you don't want to be contaminated with the fireworks of the world. You like to
eat and sleep in the open air."

"Or else, take your distinguished guests and go out to eat the wind?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's expression suddenly became extremely ugly. An

ordinary steward could actually hit her in the face of a saint of her generation.

Rebeca Monroy also stood up at the moment, frowned slightly and said,
"Senior Brother Fidel Alaman, I proposed to come here tonight, it's me..."

Fidel Alaman said indifferently: "Tonight, it is Noah the son of Buddha who will
personally entertain Grand Master Velarde of the island country."
"After all, the master and his old man will leave for the island tomorrow."

"What? Miss Rebeca Monroy thinks that the matter of the Buddha is not an

Hearing this, Rebeca Monroy shut up directly. This is a major event for Noah
the son of Buddha, and of course she will not destroy it.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked gloomy and uncertain, and wanted to do

something, but she knew that one-third of this acre belonged to Cloud top

Although she is a saint in Cloud top Great Temple, she is not a son of Buddha
after all. Compared with Noah the son of Buddha, there is still a certain gap.

If I turn around at this time, I'm afraid...

At this moment, footsteps and chatter and laughter came from outside the

Hearing this voice, Fidel Alaman changed his face and shouted in a low voice,
"My Buddhist son is here, why don't you get out of here?"

Chapter 5808

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's face instantly looked a bit uglier than eating shit.

On the contrary, Mandy Zimmer smiled and said, "Concubine Gaona, we just
came out to have a late-night snack and chat, it doesn't matter where we are."
"Since Noah the son of Buddha use this place on a daily basis, let's give it to

"Also ask Senior Brother Fidel Alaman to help us change to another room,

Fidel Alaman smiled, but she was about to speak.

Gamaliel Leduc, who has always wanted to find a sense of existence, has taken
a step forward and said lightly: "Mandy, you seem to have made a mistake."

"The three major Buddhist temples are indeed noble outside the Great Wall,
but in front of our top ten top families, what is it?"

"I know that you have always been kind and approachable to people. You feel
that you are just a box, and you just let it go. It's nothing."

"But the problem is, we are polite, but others don't think so."

"Once we really give way, people will think that our top ten top families are
just vain."

"A top-level family must have the force of a top-level family."

"Although I, Gamaliel Leduc, have always disliked moving out of my identity,

but today I have to."

"Senior sister, don't worry, with me here today, no one can make you feel

Hearing Gamaliel Leduc's words, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked gentle and
Later, he saw Gamaliel Leduc with his hands on his back, kicking open the box

At this time, I saw several figures coming together in the corridor.

The leaders were Son of Buda and Elder Velarde, and behind them were Eva
Velarde and other islanders.

Obviously, after suffering a big loss in Harvey York's hands before, the Velarde
family has been suffocating in Spirit Rest House for healing.

Today, Elder Velarde is finally able to move around freely, and naturally, he is
ready to return to the island country for the first time.

And Noah the son of Buddha, obviously want to help him send air.

But at this moment, looking at these people, Gamaliel Leduc stepped forward
with an indifferent expression, squinted his eyes and said lightly: "Noah the
son of Buddha, long time no see."

"This place is currently used by my senior sister Shi Ming, the saintess."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to make a place."

"Alternatively, you Noah the son of Buddha change place?"

"After all, Gamaliel Leduc's background, birth, and skills, you know what
Gamaliel Leduc is."

"I don't want to bully people either, but I hope you know how to write a few
When speaking, Gamaliel Leduc carried his hands on his back, with a posture
of being invincible in the sky.

And seeing Gamaliel Leduc suddenly walk out, here he is beeping and
beeping, with the most arrogant attitude of Lao Tzu.

At this moment, the eyes of Son of Buddha and Elder Velarde instantly turned

Especially Noah the son of Buddha, his expression was extremely cold.

When did the people of Cloud top Great Temple have the qualifications to
pretend to be in front of him?

It's just that the Buddha of Cloud top Great Temple is here, just a saint...

Before Noah the son of Buddha could speak, his expression suddenly froze,
and his expression became a bit weird.

And the people of the Velarde family in the island country are like eating shit,
and their expressions are extremely ugly.

After all, everyone saw Harvey York in the crowd at this moment.

Obviously, none of them thought that Harvey York was also in this place.

Eva Velarde hated her teeth so much at the moment, but she also knew the
truth that a hero does not suffer the loss in front of him, so he could only
subconsciously salute ahead.

Although Elder Velarde was very jealous when he met his enemies at the
moment, he had to hold back the attitude of a generation of grandmasters,
and after arching his hands towards the front, he whispered: "Buddha, let's
change places?"

Chapter 5809

After Noah the son of Buddha gave a meaningful look at this scene, he
nodded slowly and led the crowd to a different position.

Gamaliel Leduc put his hands on his back and said loudly: "Son of the Buddha,
since you gave me Gamaliel Leduc face like this, I will remember this time."

"In the future, if there is anything that needs my help from Gamaliel Leduc,
just speak up."

"As long as I am within my ability, I will definitely help you."

Noah the son of Buddha's footsteps seemed to pause slightly, but he didn't
explain anything, but disappeared.

When several beautiful women saw this scene, their eyes were full of brilliance.

"Master Leduc, your face is too much!"

"The one just now was the legendary Noah the son of Buddha! The one next
to him is the island nation's first-generation master, Elder Velarde!"

"When these two are together, it's not as simple as one plus one equals two!"

"Moreover, Grandmaster Elder Velarde also salutes you, this, this..."

"Outside the entire fortress, there is only Master Leduc who has this face!"
"Even if the Buddha of Cloud top Great Temple comes, he may not have such
a big face!"

Those beautiful women can't wait to kneel directly in front of Gamaliel Leduc
at this moment.

Rebeca Monroy, the only one who knew the truth, glanced at Harvey York, and
when she saw Harvey York's indifferent expression, she sneered in her heart.

For her, how could she stand up at this time and help Harvey York clarify this

Moreover, she also saw that Harvey York and Mandy Zimmer seemed to have
something wrong.

For whatever purpose, she was willing to watch the play at the moment.

At the moment, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona had bright eyes and bright teeth
and smiled, "Mandy, did you see it?"

"You need someone like this to protect you!"

"I'm the master for you!"

"From now on, my junior brother will be your personal bodyguard!"

"He is solely responsible for your safety outside the Great Wall!"

"As for whether other stories will happen to you, I can't control it."

Speaking of this, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona blinked slightly.

Mandy Zimmer's expression changed slightly, knowing that it would not be
good to continue rejecting Concubine Lizzeth Gaona at this time.

But she didn't want to accept the so-called 24-hour personal protection at all.

After thinking for a while, Mandy Zimmer walked to Harvey York's side and
said with a smile, "Concubine Gaona, I appreciate your kindness."

"But Harvey York has protected me many times, and I trust him very much."

"So I still want him to protect me personally."

"And Master Leduc's identity is too special. He is a real big man. What does it
look like to protect me personally?"

"Well, once I encounter a major event that cannot be solved, how about
asking Master Leduc for help?"

Obviously, this woman has a lot of experience now, and she knows that some
things cannot be rejected casually, but can only be euphemistically.

In this case, everyone has steps to go down.

Gamaliel Leduc looked at Harvey York for a while with interest, and then said
lightly, "Since Mandy said so, then I can only listen to you."

"You remember, if there is danger, call me as soon as possible."

"I'm always there."

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc also understands the truth that haste is not
At this moment, he takes retreat as advance, with a graceful, but infatuated
look of guarding.

This gesture directly caused the beautiful women who were present to look at
him with radiance in their beautiful eyes.

"Okay, since the two of you have such a tacit understanding, I, as a senior
sister, can't say anything."

"After all, a lot of times, distance produces beauty."

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona spoke meaningfully.

Chapter 5810

But after finishing speaking, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked at Harvey York

Although she felt that this little white face was not worthy of Mandy Zimmer
at all, she could only accept it, after all, this was Mandy Zimmer's own choice.

"Your name is Harvey York, right?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona walked in front of Harvey York at this moment,

stretched out her hand to help him tidy up his collar, and spoke earnestly and

"Since Mandy recognizes you, I can have it or not."

"But remember, if something happens to Mandy with you, I will never let you
"If Mandy loses a hair, I'll cut off one of your hands."

Harvey York patted Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's hand away and said lightly,
"Don't worry, I will take care of Mandy's safety."

"As for you, I kindly give you a piece of advice, you should not practice too
much joyful meditation."

"There are too many double-cultivation objects, and the inner breath is not

"If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that one day, you will be overwhelmed by
your own inner breath."

"Bastard! What did you say!?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's face sank.

"I'm a saint of a generation, a real maiden, but you actually slander me!?"

"What are you to blame!?"

Harvey York said lightly: "Am I slandering you, or telling the truth, you know
ten thousand times better than me."

"If you don't think my words sound good, don't listen."

"When I didn't say it."

While speaking, Harvey York glanced at Gamaliel Leduc with great interest.

He didn't believe that this senior sister and junior brother would have no legs.

Seeing Harvey York's meaningful expression, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona could

not wait to strangle Harvey York directly at this moment.

But because Mandy Zimmer was there, she could only hold back abruptly.

At the moment, Gamaliel Leduc was also looking at Harvey York with a
gloomy face. If it wasn't for the purpose of pretending to be a master and
gentleman in front of Mandy Zimmer, he would probably have taken action at
this moment.

Mandy Zimmer glared at Harvey York before smiling, "Concubine Gaona, don't
be angry."

"My bodyguard has always been open-mouthed, so just treat him as


There was one more sentence that Mandy Zimmer didn't say, but the look in
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's eyes was a little weird at the moment.

Mandy Zimmer knew that Harvey York's skills were good and his eyesight was
even more amazing, so he believed that he could see a lot of things.

Therefore, at this moment, she looked at Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's

expression with a little worry.

"Mandy, I really don't know what you value him."

"It's just a little white face."

"If it wasn't for your face, anyone who treated me like this outside the Great
Wall would have to pay an unimaginable price."
"This time it's all for your face!"

"But next time, I can't guarantee that the lay disciples of our Cloud top Great
Temple will be so calm..."

Harvey York said lightly: "Really? Didn't someone else want to throw you out
of here just now?"

"What are you pretending to be now!?"

"Harvey York! Enough!"

Mandy Zimmer looked at Harvey York fiercely.

This man is unwilling to take any loss, he is going to fall out here!

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc said coldly: "The people in Cloud top Temple
were scared away by me just now."

"My senior sister doesn't lose face at all."

"Yes, yes, you are amazing."

Harvey York was stared at by Mandy Zimmer with a helpless look on his face.
At this time, he could only smile and nod his head, instead of continuing to
talk to them.

Seeing Harvey York admitting his cowardice, Gamaliel Leduc immediately had
a smug look on his face.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona glanced at Harvey York at this time, and said, "Come
here, serve the food, everyone is welcome, you won't be drunk tonight..."
Chapter 5811

While talking, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona pulled everyone to sit down, but she
didn't help Harvey York to arrange a position, and she made Harvey York go

Mandy Zimmer originally wanted to introduce Harvey York's identity, but the
matter has reached this point, and it seems that there is no way to explain it.

Explaining on this occasion, I really have to turn my face for a while.

So she could only look at Harvey York innocently, motioning him not to make
trouble and go outside.


At the same time, at the frontier, a hundred miles away from the Great Wall,
an armed helicopter flew to the frontier at this moment.

"Brother, this place is still one kilometer away from the border of Country H."

"We're fine here, but if we continue to approach, the people from the Frontier
Military Department won't turn a blind eye."

"So, we can only put you down here, and aggrieved you for going by

The pilot of the gunship looked back at the Man with legs crossed behind him,
and said with a respectful face.
The Man has tattoos on his face and has a big bald head. The most important
thing is that he has an unspeakable temperament in his body. Even if he is not
wearing a seat belt in the wind, he is still somewhat peaceful. a feeling of.

"no need."

The bald-headed man squinted and looked out the window, as if he saw a
hundred miles away.

"You go back, I'll go there myself."

"Don't waste time."

"When they fall together, it is easy to attract attention."

The driver was stunned for a moment, not understanding what the man

Could it be that this guy wants to skydive himself?

But the problem is, the height is not enough!

Just when the driver was about to say something, he saw the bald man kick
the gunship's cabin door out, and he himself moved and fell on the cabin


The driver looked incredulous, and then subconsciously stuck his head out. At
this moment, his face was extremely ugly.

Because, he saw Jahdiel Ruan, a bald man, stepping on the cabin door like a
surf, and under his control, the cabin door slid down in the air like a glider.
Under the driver's gaze, Jahdiel Ruan's body fell while walking away.

"This this this..."


"Definitely a legendary generation of God of War!"

"Beyond the Great Wall, it's doomed to be messy!"


At the same time, ten miles away from the outskirts of the Great Wall.

Several Toyotas were parked arbitrarily.

And a man stood on the roof of the leading car with his hands behind his
back, and it was Lenin Monroy.

At this moment, Lenin Monroy was smoking a slender cigar and said
impatiently, "What's the matter with Jahdiel Ruan?"

"The teacher asked me to come here to pick him up at this time, how is he
going to come?"

"Can you still fall from the sky?"

"I've said it, just take the plane and come."

"It's still pretending to be like this."

"If you enter the country secretly, if you are discovered by the border troops,
how will you die?"

Hearing Lenin Monroy's words, his subordinates looked at each other in

dismay, not daring to say anything at the moment.

At this moment, his secretary took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and
said, "Master Tiger, here we come!"

"Brother is here!"

"It should be beyond the border by now, it should be coming..."

Lenin Monroy frowned and said, "You won't let us drive there now, will you?"

"More than a hundred miles away, I'm impatient..."

Chapter 5812

Just when Lenin Monroy looked impatient, he was about to light the second

One of his younger brothers suddenly twitched his ears, then picked up a
telescope and looked into the distance. After looking at it for a while, the
younger brother gasped: "Master Tiger, what do you think that is?"

Lenin Monroy looked over subconsciously, and saw a light and shadow like a
shooting star whistling in the dark night sky.

"Is this a meteor?"

"Meteor so big?"
Before Lenin Monroy took out his mobile phone to take a picture of his little
lover, he saw that the so-called "meteor" continued to expand, and finally, as
far as his naked eyes could reach, he saw a figure standing with his hands
behind his back. .

"how can that be!?"

"Flying immortals outside the sky? Fly with a sword, huh?"

"Could it be that someone is hanging on a sword?"

"I didn't hear that this is a film and television city!"

Everyone stared blankly at the sky.


The next moment, a loud noise was heard, and a charred cabin door fell
directly to the ground in mid-air, shaking slightly.

The figure that originally had its hands on the cabin door jumped out at the
moment, and when it landed on the ground, there was no sound at all.

This means of unloading force is no longer comprehensible to ordinary


Under the illumination of the headlights, I saw a bald figure standing there
with a dull expression, like a fairy in the sky.

"Big... big big... big brother, are you here?"

Lenin Monroy said shiveringly.


A group of younger brothers also knelt on the ground instantly at the

moment, mixed on the road, the most admired is the capable boss.

The strength of Jahdiel Ruan in front of him surpassed everyone's imagination.

"it's me."

Jahdiel Ruan glanced at Lenin Monroy, and his expression became more

"Lenin, before you return to your country, I will tell you that since you have
entered the teacher's sect, you should concentrate on your hard work and not
lose the teacher's sect's face."

"What's the result? It's been a while since you came back, and you've already
been hollowed out by wine."

"If the teacher sees your decadent appearance, he might shove you out of the
house immediately."

Lenin Monroy smiled and said, "Eldest brother, no matter how much I
cultivate, I won't be as good as yours."

"Now that you're back to preside over the overall situation, I'll just do it for
you with peace of mind."

Obviously, after the initial shock, Lenin Monroy's face was more joyful.

The greater Jahdiel Ruan's ability, the more beneficial it will be to the next
"Stop talking nonsense."

Jahdiel Ruan squinted at the direction of the city outside the Great Wall.

"How did my brother die? Did you find out?"

Lenin Monroy said softly, "Senior brother Aldair Ruan died in the martial arts
hall of the branch outside the Longmen Fortress."

"It was probably killed by Merary Benedetti."

"how is this possible?"

Jahdiel Ruan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What my brother said, he is already a generation of soldiers, and he is only

one step away from the God of War."

"There is no God of War in the Longmen Branch, how could it be his


"That's only one possibility."

Lenin Monroy frowned.

"Our Monroy family seems to have met a big man before. That big man has
perfected the shortcomings of the Monroy family's breathing method."

"People who can do this kind of thing should be very strong, right?"

"The big man who perfected the method of breathing and breathing?"
Jahdiel Ruan's expression was calm at first, but now there is a change.

"The person who can do this must be the leader of the Bo Bai family, and may
even be a generation of God of War."

"There is actually such a person in this third of an acre outside the Great

Chapter 5813

"Do you know the specific news?"

Jahdiel Ruan spoke in a deep voice.

Lenin Monroy thought for a while and said, "Although there is no definite
evidence, I suspect that it should be a guy named Harvey York."

"But I checked his information, and he seems to be just a student..."


Hearing this, Jahdiel Ruan snorted coldly.

"If you say that, it should be a young genius from a martial arts holy land, or a
martial arts family."

"But what's the point of that?"

"Our teacher is almost invincible in the God of War, and even has the
opportunity to attack the realm of the unity of heaven and man."
"What martial arts family, martial arts holy land, in front of our lineage, they
are all native chickens!"

"Murder to pay for life! Debt and money!"

"This kid's life, I want to decide!"

While speaking, the air temperature around Jahdiel Ruan dropped a lot in an

Lenin Monroy and others have an intuition, that is, if they can't get along with
Jahdiel Ruan in this situation.

Then Jahdiel Ruan's thought can kill everyone present.

Feeling Jahdiel Ruan's killing intent, Lenin Monroy chuckled lightly and said,
"Senior Brother, do you want to go back now?"

"With you here, it's not a big problem to directly destroy the Monroy family
and force out that brat."

Jahdiel Ruan took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and then said
slowly, "No hurry, there is peace in every major event."

"This time when we return to Country H, we have a task at hand."

"The teacher is even more prepared for the return of the king. If the teacher's
major event is broken, it will be a sin worth death."

"What we have to do now is to start from the periphery and prepare a

foundation and a bridgehead for the teacher first."
"In this way, we can take down the Longmen Outside the Great Wall Branch in
one breath."

"When the teacher, the king, returns, everything will settle down naturally."

"As for what we do, we don't need to do it deliberately..."

"You can do whatever you want."

Lenin Monroy nodded slightly, thought for a while, and said, "Senior Brother,
there is a very suitable opportunity."

"Every year, people from the four major tribes outside the Great Wall will hold
a ring match, the purpose is to quell some disputes within the four tribes."

"And then determine the various rights and interests of the four major tribes
outside the Great Wall."

"The Monroy family, they will definitely take action!"

"As long as we let outsiders know that a certain tribe has found a powerful
foreign aid, the Monroy family will definitely invite York to help maintain their
current share."

"At that time, Senior Brother, you will kill the surnamed York in an upright
manner, and then on this basis, let me rule the outside world, then whether it
is revenge or the teacher's matter, it will be solved naturally... "

"Besides, there is another chance, that is, tomorrow morning, the Monroy
family will escort three dzi beads to Cloud top Temple. There must be many
people watching them along the way."
"However, we may not be able to guarantee that the Monroy family will let the
surnamed York come to guard..."

Jahdiel Ruan had already decided to take action in half a month.

But now that he heard about this, he narrowed his eyes for a moment, and
said, "Make arrangements, let's go take a look too."

"If there is a chance, get these three dzi beads."

"If you don't have a chance, forget it."

Lenin Monroy was stunned for a moment, and said, "Senior brother, why is

Jahdiel Ruan said coldly: "If the nine dzi beads are not one, it will have no

"If someone is willing to help us collect them, we can do it at that time, okay?"

Chapter 5814

At the same time that Jahdiel Ruan came to the fortress, the supper at Spirit
rest home Vegetarian Restaurant was finally finished.

Then, the group left.

Because of Mandy Zimmer and Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's recent

"relationship", Concubine Lizzeth Gaona arranged for Mandy Zimmer to live in
a courtyard outside the Great Wall, the largest property of Cloud top Great
Temple outside the Great Wall.
Originally, Mandy Zimmer wanted to refuse, but considering that by leaving
the Great Wall outside the Great Wall, he could avoid the eyes of many of the
top ten families. Not only did she have private space, but it was also
convenient for doing business, so Mandy Zimmer also acquiesced.

On the way back to the city, Mandy Zimmer and Harvey York got into a car.

Because there are only two seats in the back row of the Mercedes-Benz S-
Class, although Gamaliel Leduc was very upset, he could only go to another

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona scoffed at Harvey York's shamelessness, but under

such circumstances, she couldn't force Harvey York to get out.

After all, Harvey York was Mandy Zimmer's bodyguard in name.

"Mr. Mandy, it seems that you are really doing well outside the Great Wall!"

"Not only is the first generation of saintess polite to you, but even the eldest
son of the top ten top families wants to be your bodyguard."

"I can't even envy you."

Harvey York looked at Mandy Zimmer with a half-smile but at the same time
reached out and patted her thigh.

It was smooth and delicate to start with, but Harvey York sighed in his heart.

The growth of this woman has long exceeded her expectations.

Over time, she has become a wealthy family herself, and it is no longer just
word of mouth.
"You, Young Master York, can pretend to be a young man with a white face
and play youth games with female college students."

"Can't I find a young man to be a bodyguard?"

Mandy Zimmer glanced at Harvey York, but did not open his hand.

"Does it mean that if I don't show up tonight, you will be the son-in-law of the
Asghari family?"

Harvey York sighed and said, "Why did I come to the outskirts, you have no
points in your heart?"

Afterwards, Harvey York spread out his right hand, and two dzi beads
appeared in his hand.

He casually put the dzi bead in Mandy Zimmer's hand, and then said slowly,
"This time you are here outside the Great Wall, for the two-eyed dzi bead."

"However, now that you bring these two dzi beads back to Jean’s house in the
Mordu, no one can say that you have not completed the task."

"The water outside the stop is too deep. I don't think it's a good thing for you
to stay here at this time."

Seeing the two dzi beads that Harvey York took out, Mandy Zimmer's eyes
were full of astonishment.

She always knew Harvey York's ability was great, but she didn't expect it to be
so great.
The top ten top families have prepared so many methods and made so many
plans, but they have not yet obtained one of the nine dzi beads, but Harvey
York took out two of them casually.

Moreover, even the most crucial nine-eyed dzi was taken out.

It was astounding.

Mandy Zimmer held the dzi bead, put it back in Harvey York's hand after a
while, shook her head and said, "This is your thing, I can't take yours."

Harvey York hummed: "mine is yours, yours is yours..."

"Isn't this your self-awareness, Ms. Mandy Zimmer?"

"Why are you being so polite to me today?"

Mandy Zimmer shook her head slightly and said, "It's not my courtesy."

"But things are different."

"It used to be the Jean Family of the Mordu, and now it is the alliance of the
ten top families."

"If you don't get the nine dzi beads, this time the top ten top families will not
give up...".

Chapter 5815

Half an hour later, the vehicle stopped at the gate of a huge manor on the
outskirts of the Great Wall.
This place is the property of Cloud top Great Temple, which was donated by a
former local tyrant believer. It is not only elegant, but also has all kinds of
security facilities.

After entering the other courtyard, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona arranged a

separate courtyard for Mandy Zimmer to rest, and then arranged another
courtyard for Gamaliel Leduc, and Gamaliel Leduc's courtyard was only
separated by a wall from Mandy Zimmer's.

Simply put, as long as Gamaliel Leduc is willing, he can jump over the wall.

Harvey York didn't say anything, he believed that in terms of Mandy Zimmer's
personality and character, let alone Gamaliel Leduc just lived next door, even if
he lived in the same courtyard, nothing could happen.

It's just that, after all, it's his own wife, Harvey York is not so relieved. He thinks
that he will not live in Villa No. 1 of Tianti Mountain, but will do his duty as a
personal bodyguard here.

Everything was settled, and just about to get ready to rest, at this moment,
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's secretary knocked on the door of the courtyard.

After entering, she bowed slightly towards Mandy Zimmer, and whispered,
"Miss Zimmer, representatives of the four major tribes outside the Great Wall
come to see you..."

"Four tribes?"

Mandy Zimmer was stunned for a moment, not knowing what kind of routine
this was.

Harvey York probably guessed something, and was silent at the moment.
Mandy Zimmer didn't think much, but after a few words, she changed into a
suit and brought Harvey York to the reception room of the other courtyard.

When I came to the living room, I found that not only Concubine Lizzeth
Gaona was here, but Gamaliel Leduc was also here.

In the living room, a young man stood with his hands behind his back, and he
was an old acquaintance, Mathew Monroy.

Seeing this guy, Harvey York squinted slightly. He didn't know what medicine
the four tribes outside the Great Wall had taken wrong, so he walked to the
corner of the room in a low-key manner.

Mandy Zimmer and his party greeted him.

"I've seen Saint Lady Shi, Miss Zimmer."

Mathew Monroy didn't notice Harvey York, but greeted Concubine Lizzeth
Gaona and Mandy Zimmer.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona frowned, but this time Mathew Monroy didn't come
to her, so she didn't say anything.

At this moment, Mathew Monroy ignored the presence of others, but said
with a smile: "Mr. Zimmer, this time Monroy came uninvited on behalf of the
four major tribes outside the Great Wall. He has an unkind request, and I hope
that President Zimmer can agree."

Mandy Zimmer was stunned for a moment, and said, "Mathew Monroy, please
say that as long as it is within the scope of my ability, I will definitely consider

"It's not really a big deal."

Mathew Monroy has a sincere expression.

"Since Miss Zimmer is outside the Great Wall, she should have heard a rumor
in the past two days."

"Our Monroy family is going to send three dzi beads to Cloud top Temple for

"And Cloud top Temple will also use the highest etiquette to receive it."

"Our Monroy family, for fear of any accident along the way, has invited people
from the other three major tribes to do security together."

"I heard that the top ten families gathered outside the Great Wall, so our
Monroy family, on behalf of the four major tribes, invited you to guard the
three dzi beads together."

"Of course, this is just an unkind request. If Miss Zimmer feels inconvenient,
she can also refuse."

Hearing Mathew Monroy's words, Mandy Zimmer's face sank slightly.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona on the side also looked surprised.

Yang conspiracy!

This was a blatant conspiracy on the part of the Monroy Family.

Monroy Family knew that the other three major tribes, the ten top families
who were present, were all interested in these dzi beads.

But now, they invite these people to do security with them.

Chapter 5816

There are probably two purposes here.

On the one hand, he wanted to let the world know that the Monroy family
really gave away the dzi beads.

On the other hand, it is enough to prepare enough security to be able to send

the dzi beads to Cloud top Temple. If they cannot be delivered, if they are lost
in the middle, then this matter has nothing to do with the Monroy family.

After all, the Monroy family has already mobilized so many contacts and
invited people everywhere to help with security.

In such a situation, it is a full effort.

It can only be said that Mario Monroy is worthy of being an old fox. This
simple act can ensure that no matter what happens, the Monroy family will be

This matter is calculated by others, but Harvey York doesn't care.

But the calculation came to Mandy Zimmer, and he felt it was necessary to say
hello to Mario Monroy.

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc stepped forward and squinted at Mathew

Monroy and said, "We know about this. If we have time tomorrow, we will go
and see it."

"Master Leduc, right?"

Mathew Monroy smiled slightly.

"You represent the Wolsing Leduc Family, not the Jean Family in the Mordu."

"This time, our Monroy family wants to invite the Jean Family of the Mordu to
take action."

When the words fell, Mathew Monroy looked at Mandy Zimmer with a little
more depth in his eyes.

Mandy Zimmer frowned slightly, and she instantly understood that Mathew
Monroy was coming from Alma Jean, the oldest young lady of the Jean Family
in the Mordu behind her...

That one is now one of the four commanders of the Frontier Military
Department, with a high position and authority, and his subordinates are even
more capable.

The Monroy family wanted to have the Frontier Military Department also
endorse this matter.

"No need!"

Gamaliel Leduc obviously understood what Mathew Monroy meant.

"Just a trivial matter, don't bother Miss Mandy Zimmer, let alone the Jean
Family in the Mordu behind Miss Mandy Zimmer."

"I only need Gamaliel Leduc to appear, no matter what the younger
generation is, it will not appear."

"I agree now, you can play my sign."

"With my signboard, I guarantee that the three dzi beads of your Monroy
family can be delivered to Cloud top Temple safely and securely!"

While speaking, Gamaliel Leduc took out a brush and wrote the words
"Gamaliel Leduc" on the rice paper on the table, then threw the rice paper to
Mathew Monroy with a flick of his hand.

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc, with his hands on his back, has an invincible
aura of a master.

Mathew Monroy was stunned for a moment, and looked at Gamaliel Leduc
with a little weirdness.

He had heard of Gamaliel Leduc's name before, but he never imagined that
this well-known archaeological expert would be so terrifying in comparison.

Mathew Monroy held the piece of rice paper and was about to say something,
but at this moment, the corner of his eyes suddenly twitched.

Because he saw Harvey York walking out of the shadow in the corner with an
indifferent expression, and made a gesture, indicating that he would go to see
it tomorrow.

Young Master York!?

Seeing Harvey York's action, Mathew Monroy immediately looked overjoyed,

he quickly bowed and said, "Since you have agreed, then I won't bother you

"With you in town tomorrow, the people of our four major tribes can feel at
While speaking, Mathew Monroy directed the two servants to give a big gift,
and then left with great gratitude.

This scene shocked the whole audience.

No one could have imagined that Gamaliel Leduc had such a face.

He just wrote a name and came out. The third young master of the Monroy
family, one of the four great tribes outside the Great Wall, was respectful and
satisfied with this...

Chapter 5817

The next day.

In just three days, there were all kinds of rumors in the streets and alleys
outside the Great Wall.

According to legend, the Monroy family of the Emerald tribe, who has worked
hard over the years, collected three of the nine dzi beads made by the
ancestors of the Buddhist Earth Clan, namely the three-eyed dzi, the four-eyed
dzi and the five-eyed dzi.

Because of the birth of the mandala dzi bead, the Monroy family decided to
present the three dzi beads that had been supported in the family for many
years to Cloud top Temple.

A grand ceremony was also prepared at Cloud top Temple, calling all monks
and lay disciples to bathe, fast and recite sutras for three days, just to welcome
back the three dzi beads.
In order to ensure that the three dzi beads can be safely and safely sent to
Cloud top Temple, the Monroy family not only united with the other three
major tribes, but even the Romero Family and Asghari family of the wolf clan
outside the Great Wall have been invited to be their helpers.

As for the investment group formed by the top ten top families, they also
agreed to take action.

So the whole situation outside the Great Wall became extremely tense

The international airport, high-speed rail station, bus station, and streets and
alleys have all appeared in coalition forces of major tribes.

Not only people who appear suddenly will be interrogated, but even some
local people outside the Great Wall will be interrogated once or twice if they
are suspected.

It can be said that the situation outside the Great Wall has never been more

Harvey York went out with Mandy Zimmer and his party early in the morning.

Because of the "invitation" from Mathew Monroy, the person leading the team
this time was obviously Gamaliel Leduc, who thought he was a master.

After getting on the minibus specially arranged by the Monroy family, the
group soon arrived at the out-of-town road outside the Great Wall.

From this place, it is the suburb outside the Great Wall.

According to the estimates of the Monroy family, whether it is out of affection

or reason, or out of respect for the government.
Before leaving the city, there should be no one to snatch the dzi.

But after leaving the city, not necessarily.

It is precisely because of this that at the entrance of the entire road out of the
city, the Monroy family has arranged a lot of staff at this moment.

In addition, drones, thermal imaging cameras and other equipment are also
prepared to ensure that the 50 kilometers from this out-of-city road to Cloud
top Temple are unobstructed without any obstacles.

When Harvey York and his party left the car door and waited until the Monroy
family's motorcade arrived, they could see many men in suits with firearms
and walkie-talkies walking around vigilantly.

Harvey York didn't say anything, but Gamaliel Leduc carried his hands on his
back and said coldly, "This Monroy family is really making a fuss."

"This young master has already given them his own signboard!"

"This young master's signboard not only represents the Leduc Family, the
head of the top ten top families, but also represents the young master

"With this signboard, you will surely sit back and relax!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, who was watching the play on the side, also said
lightly at this moment: "This Monroy family really doesn't know how tall the
sky is, and how long the horse is!"
"Please bring back your signboard, junior brother, to use it as a talisman, but
you still don't know how to send those three dzi beads to our Cloud top Great
Temple! Where are we going to put our Cloud top Great Temple?"

Gamaliel Leduc said calmly: "Senior sister, I gave them the signboard, not for
the sake of expressing kindness."

"If people hear this, they think I have a purpose this time!"

Hearing Gamaliel Leduc's words, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's face flashed with

And the several beautiful girls who followed her looked at Gamaliel Leduc, and
their eyes became more and more admiring at this time.

Shane does not want to report! This is what a real hero does!

Why didn't I know that Young Master Leduc was so attractive?

Chapter 5818

At this moment, even Mandy Zimmer looked at Gamaliel Leduc in surprise.

As a member of the top ten top families, Mandy Zimmer is well aware of the
disposition of the top ten top families not to get up early.

However, it was unexpected that Gamaliel Leduc's personality was so


This kind of bearing and mind is not comparable to the ordinary top princes
and young masters.
It can only be said that the young master of the Leduc Family, who is indeed
the head of the top ten top families, is extraordinary!

Feeling the way Mandy Zimmer looked at her, Gamaliel Leduc became more
and more complacent. At this moment, he walked in front of the crowd, raised
his chest and looked down at all directions.

Mathew Monroy and other children of the Monroy family who were in charge
of safety at the moment, saw Harvey York and his party from a distance, they
all bowed respectfully, and also thoughtfully sent mineral water and umbrellas

Such a gesture made Gamaliel Leduc's face even brighter.

The two sides were about to get close to exchange one or two, and at this
time, they saw a convoy appearing in the distance.

The first three cars and the last three cars in the team are all specially modified
Land Rover Range Rovers.

Soon, the convoy came to the road out of the city, and at the moment when
the car door opened, nearly a hundred masters appeared, all of them with
vigilant expressions.

Out of respect for the three dzi beads, at this time, it is necessary to take out
the three dzi beads and perform a purification ceremony.

On the one hand, this ceremony is an ancient process.

On the other hand, it was for everyone to witness that the dzi beads that the
Monroy family took out were genuine, not fake ones.
Therefore, this process is essential.

Soon, the door of the vehicle in the middle was opened, and then Mario
Monroy walked down slowly with Wendy Monroy.

This time, after all, it is an important matter of the Monroy family. Although
the major tribes and clans have all sent people to assist with security, the most
important people in the family will watch the ceremony from a distance, and
will not intervene in this matter of the Monroy family.

Seeing Mario Monroy appearing with Wendy Monroy, Gamaliel Leduc, who
was standing at the head of the crowd, took the first step forward, smiled and
said, "Elder Monroy, long time no see."

"We are here to escort you today, and you will be safe on the way!"

The reason why Gamaliel Leduc specifically said "we" is obviously to include
Mandy Zimmer and other daughters, which is considered to make the Monroy
family owe everyone a favor.

Hearing what Gamaliel Leduc said, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and other
women looked at him with incomparably eager eyes.

Mario Monroy was stunned for a moment, not knowing where Gamaliel Leduc
came from.

However, his eyes quickly fell on Harvey York, a smile appeared on his face,
and then he politely cupped his hands in this direction.

Wendy Monroy also salutes with a group of Monroy family members from a
Due to the needs of the etiquette process, it is not convenient for Mario
Monroy and others to come and talk at this moment.

But even so, from the respectful attitude of the Monroy family, it is enough to
see the low attitude of the Monroy family.

"This one is really a big face!"

"To be able to let the old man Mario Monroy have a special temporary
ceremony, this is a big face!"

"This one deserves to be the eldest son of the Leduc Family!"

"It is said that Master Leduc said yesterday that he gave his signboard to the
Monroy family to protect the safety of the Monroy family. No wonder the
Monroy family is so respectful to Master Leduc!"

Some spectators who watched the ceremony from a distance were all tsk tsk
tsk when they saw this scene.

Everyone is a figure in the upper class, and they can see the essence of this
matter at a glance.

It can only be said that Ning Shan Hong Master Leduc is really awesome!

What is the face is too big!?

This is the face of the sky!

Chapter 5819
Hearing the appreciation of the people around her for her junior brother,
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona felt the same as drinking honey.

At this moment, she glanced at Harvey York, who was standing behind the
group of them, who was inconspicuous at all, and a look of contempt
appeared in her eyes.

I don't know what Mandy Zimmer thinks.

Mandy Zimmer didn't choose the top-level young masters and masters with
great face like his own junior and junior brothers.

To choose a little white face to be a 24-hour bodyguard?

After this incident, this Mandy Zimmer must know the difference between his
junior brother and this little white face, right?

Even if it's not easy to say it out of face, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona is ready to
speak again and ask Mandy Zimmer to dismiss Harvey York.

At this moment, the on-site ceremony continues.

I saw Mario Monroy carefully taking out a bowl covered with highland barley
and agate stones from the back seat of the car.

Inside the bowl, three thousand-year-old pure dzi beads shone with seductive
light in the sunlight.

As the clock turned, the auspicious day arrived, and Mario Monroy slowly
raised the bowl in his hand to his chest, letting the sun shine.

Put it in a bowl and leave it in the sun for half an hour. This is the simplest and
most classic purification ceremony.
At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc looked at this scene and slowly said with his
hands on his back: "Normally speaking, when this ceremony is held, it is the
best time for those young people who covet dzi beads to take action, and it
can also be said to be the most dangerous. time."

"It's just that, now that I have my signboard, even if I give the younger
generation the courage for a day, they don't dare to take action at this

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona smiled and said, "Junior brother, this time the
Monroy family really wants to thank you."

"Even Cloud top Temple owes us a big favor in this matter."

"After all, once someone takes the shot and takes away the dzi bead, it won't
look good whether it's Cloud top Temple or Monroy's family."

"The love of these two is bigger than the sky!"

Having said that, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona glanced at Mandy Zimmer, either
intentionally or unintentionally.

"Mandy, you should cherish such a capable man."

"Otherwise, after such a village, there will be no such shop."

Mandy Zimmer glanced at Harvey York, then smiled lightly: "Master Leduc is
the big one, the little girl admires it."

"It's just a little effort."

Gamaliel Leduc had a calm expression on his face.

"In fact, outside the Great Wall, as long as I tell outsiders that you are my
woman, Mandy, no one will dare to touch you."

"It's like the scene in front of you."

"But this seems to affect your reputation, Mandy, so I'm just joking."

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona giggled and said, "Junior Brother, you are really too

"Not to mention outside the Great Wall, in the entire upper-class circle of
Country H, I don't know how many people want to have a relationship with

"If the outside world mistakenly thinks that Mandy has anything to do with
you, let alone outside the Great Wall, no one will dare to touch her even in the
entire summer."

"Yes, yes! Master Leduc has such a charm!"

The other women were full of praise for Gamaliel Leduc.

"The whole summer?"

Gamaliel Leduc looked at the hanging clouds in the sky, the wind was light
and the clouds were light, the clouds were light and the wind was light...

"Sister, you are wrong!"

"My woman, in the whole world, no one dares to touch her!"

"Whether at the South Pole or the equator!"

"Those who touch my woman will be punished even if they are far away!"

Hearing Gamaliel Leduc's words, a group of beautiful women screamed.


So handsome!

Chapter 5820


It was at the moment when Gamaliel Leduc's wind and clouds faded to the

On the side of the road, the cover of a sewer was suddenly pushed open.

In the next instant, a figure wearing a camouflage uniform with ink on his face
jumped out. With a flick of his right hand, a string of darts flew out, covering
the place where Mario Monroy was holding a purification ceremony.

"Son of a bitch!"

Gamaliel Leduc was slightly taken aback.

"you wanna die!"

This sudden appearance of the attacker hit not only the face of the Monroy
family, but also the face of Gamaliel Leduc.
Just before Gamaliel Leduc made his move, he saw all the martial arts masters
around him moved.

Someone directly took out the firearm and pulled the trigger.

Some people took out their swords and blocked them beside Mario Monroy
and Wendy Monroy, and quickly knocked down all the darts.

Harvey York was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

He also guessed that the road was definitely not peaceful, and Gamaliel
Leduc's so-called signboard had no effect.

But I never imagined that someone would be so impatient and act at this time.

But if you think about it, you can understand.

Now the various forces outside the Great Wall, whether they are local or
foreign, are all directed at the nine dzi beads.

Presumably the nine dzi beads are one, showing longevity, and in the eyes of
these people, it is not a big secret.

As Harvey York turned his eyes, he saw dozens of manhole covers of sewers
being pushed open, and then, many figures in camouflage uniforms rushed

Some people shot darts, some people took out firearms, and the two sides
fought instantly.

However, the Monroy family did not panic in the slightest, but responded
calmly and calmly.
Even Mario Monroy has always maintained a posture of purifying the dzi

"Bang bang bang-"

Soon, with the sound of firearms, those figures in camouflage uniforms all
collapsed to the ground.

There are also masters who opened the cover of the sewer and threw the
smoke bomb in directly.

Soon there were screams in the sewers, and then everything disappeared
without a trace.

Soon, fifteen minutes passed.

Mario Monroy put away the purified dzi beads, and then nodded in the
direction of Harvey York and his party.

At this time, Gamaliel Leduc, who was slightly shocked, reacted.

He sneered and said, "A group of young people who don't know how high or
low actually dare to take action at this stall."

"Without this young master's action, these people will die without a place to
be buried!"

"Those who really know how powerful they are, and who really have the ability
know that this young master is in charge of himself and give them courage for
a day, but they don't dare to take action."

Hearing this, Harvey York was a little speechless.

This young master of the Leduc Family is addicted to pretending.

At this time, after seeing Mario Monroy instructing a few Leduc Family
members around him, he strode over.

Before he could get close, he had already smiled and said, "Everyone, can you
show your face and go with the car?"

Although he came for Harvey York, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, Gamaliel Leduc,
and Mandy Zimmer had extraordinary identities. Naturally, he couldn't offend
these three for no reason.

Before Harvey York could speak, the self-righteous Gamaliel Leduc nodded
and said, "Okay, since Mr. Monroy has spoken, then I will walk with you with
great compassion."

After he finished speaking, Gamaliel Leduc put his hands on his back and got
into the car in a majestic manner.

Mario Monroy was a little surprised, but didn't say anything. For him, Harvey
York was willing to come.

After all, he can also understand that Harvey York likes a low-key personality,
and in terms of Mario Monroy's old traitor and slippery, he won't break
anything at this moment...

Chapter 5821

The interior of the extended version of the Range Rover is very spacious, and it
is not crowded for seven or eight people to sit opposite each other, and then
the car starts slowly.
At this moment, Mario Monroy took a tablet computer from the co-pilot's
place, put the information in it on the screen in the car, and then said with a
smile: "Everyone, this time our Monroy family gave these three dzi beads as
gifts. On the way to Cloud top Temple, it is definitely not safe."

"According to the information we have received, there are at least a dozen

forces, either overtly or covertly, will take action on this road."

"It's just that the guards on our trip are from the four major tribes outside the
Great Wall, the two great surnames of the Wolf Clan outside the Great Wall,
the top ten top families, etc..."

"In addition to the fact that there are a few people in charge, these people will
definitely take advantage of the excitement and come back..."

Gamaliel Leduc frowned slightly at this moment, and said, "Old Monroy, didn't
I already allow your Monroy family to show my signboard?"

"Why would anyone dare to have trouble with your Monroy family?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona also sneered: "If you can't get along with my junior
brother, you can't get along with our Cloud top Great Temple!"

Mario Monroy gave Gamaliel Leduc a meaningful look, and then looked at
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, before he smiled and said, "Saint Lady Shi, Master
Leduc, you don't know something."

"These three dzi beads are aimed at our Monroy family, not just some
gangsters on the border, and the juniors on the road."

"According to the information I got, the United States, the island country, and
Tianzhu have sent people this time."
"Also, these are all obvious."

"There are still a lot of our Country H, and even the forces outside the Great
Wall, for some ulterior motives, come incognito!"

"So, although Master Leduc's signboard has deterred many young people,
there are always some desperadoes who don't know the depth or the depth of
the sky..."

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona said coldly, "That's because they don't know how
powerful my junior brother is."

Mario Monroy was about to speak when a voice came from the driver's
walkie-talkie: "Patriarch, the main road ahead was maliciously blocked by a
tree pole."

Hearing this, Mario Monroy frowned slightly and said, "This is the time to
prevent us from sending the Dzi to Cloud top Temple."

"If we don't want to miss the hour, the only way is to divert and take the path."

Hearing Mario Monroy's words, the people in the car looked at each other in

Afterwards, Gamaliel Leduc sneered and said, "Elder Monroy, don't take this
kind of trick of the younger generation."

"The best way is to just have people move things off the road and move on."

"After all, no matter how you look at it, those people must have prepared
various means on the trail, just waiting for us to arrive."

"Although, with me, Gamaliel Leduc, they definitely won't get any benefits."
"But the problem is, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!"

Mario Monroy thought for a while, then glanced at Harvey York and said,
"What does this little friend think?"

Seeing that Mario Monroy actually asked Harvey York, Gamaliel Leduc snorted

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona sarcastically said: "Elder Monroy, my junior brother

has already proposed a solution to this matter."

"You actually went to ask a little white face who doesn't know anything."

"what do you mean?"

Mario Monroy didn't speak, but just looked at Harvey York like that.

Mandy Zimmer was a little surprised. Could it be that Mario Monroy and
Harvey York knew each other?

Harvey York looked out of the car window at the moment, and said lightly: "I
think the best way for us at present is to change to the trail..."

Chapter 5822

"Changing the path? And then going to die?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's face was gloomy.

"York, you don't even have this common sense, do you?"

"Since the enemy has blocked the road ahead, he obviously wants to force us
to take the path!"

"Under such circumstances, walking the path is just throwing yourself into the

"You still persuade Old Man Monroy to take the path? You're so heartless!"

Hearing Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's words, Gamaliel Leduc also glanced at

Harvey York with a silly expression.

Mandy Zimmer flashed a hint of surprise in her eyes. She felt that Harvey York
wasn't so stupid, but how could she make such a suggestion.

Harvey York looked out of the window indifferently and said, "Saint Shi, even
someone like you who thinks you're smart thinks that small paths are
dangerous, so it's conceivable that basically everyone will have this idea."

"Everyone has this perception."

"So the enemy will definitely have such a perception, that we dare not take the

"So, we did the opposite, but we can conclude that there is no ambushes on
the way."

"Even if there are, there won't be many. We have enough manpower to deal
with it."

"The main force of the enemy must be near the main road!"

Having said that, Harvey York squinted and looked into the distance, as if
seeing through the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles.
"Even, the enemy will wait and wait until our people have dealt with those tree
poles that are blocking the road, and the moment they relax, they will shoot

"So, the lesser of the two evils..."


Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked contemptuous.

"Do you think that you can persuade Mr. Monroy to go down the trail if you
speak eloquently?"

"Unless Old Monroy is a fool, otherwise, how could he make such a choice?"


Before Concubine Lizzeth Gaona could finish speaking, Mario Monroy had
already waved his hand and quickly ordered: "The order! Take the trail!"


Hearing Mario Monroy's decision, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's eyes twitched, as

if she had been slapped.

Gamaliel Leduc's face also sank.

The Monroy family has already made his name, but now he still dares to listen
to the surname York?

This simply doesn't give him Gamaliel Leduc's face!

However, since Mario Monroy has ordered, the actions of the Monroy family's
team will not change because of Gamaliel Leduc's will.

Gamaliel Leduc was a little angry at the moment, and said, "Old Monroy, you
are like this..."


Before he finished speaking, he saw the front of the avenue, and suddenly
there were five off-road vehicles on both sides of the road.

And people in camouflage jumped down, ready to remove the tree poles that
were blocking the way.

Obviously, these off-road vehicles were originally prepared to wait for work,
but unexpectedly, Harvey York saw through their minds.

In this case, you have to choose the last resort and make a direct shot.

But their movements were still slow after all. At this moment, the Monroy
family's motorcade was already galloping down the trail.

Mario Monroy laughed at this moment and gave Harvey York a thumbs up.

On the next road, the Monroy family's team deliberately slowed down, and
they also sent a lot of manpower and drones to check the situation along the

Such a journey can be said to be safe and secure, and there are no major
dangers encountered.

And because the road was unobstructed, Gamaliel Leduc's face became more
and more ugly.
Soon, after driving for half an hour, they arrived at the door of Spirit Rest

This place is already the site of Cloud top Temple.

According to the process, after the Monroy family has a short rest here, they
can go directly to Cloud top Temple.

Chapter 5823

The Monroy family and the guards all breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a

Obviously, when you get here, you can basically sit back and relax on the next

After all, this is already the site of Cloud top Temple, and it would be
disrespectful to Cloud top Temple to compete for Tianzhu here.

Mario Monroy was about to order everyone to get out of the car and take a

But at this moment, a huge engine sound came from overhead, and in
addition, there was the sound of the propeller.

Harvey York and others subconsciously looked up through the panoramic

sunroof and saw eight armed helicopters appear.

The cabin of the gunship was opened at this moment, and a figure wearing a
camouflage uniform and a mask appeared from the cabin.
These people were holding specially-made smoke bombs in their hands, and
looked down coldly.

Obviously, in order not to destroy the three dzi beads, the enemy did not
prepare heavy firearms. Otherwise, with the power of the gunship, only one
round of firearms was needed to cover it, and few people below could survive.

"Old Monroy, let everyone wear masks..."

Before Harvey York finished speaking, he saw the helicopter gunship

swooping down from the sky, and all those enemies threw smoke bombs in
their hands, as if they were going to smash through the windshield or sunroof
of the vehicle below.

Harvey York's face changed. At this moment, he kicked open the car door.
After kicking Mario Monroy out of the car, he hugged Mandy Zimmer's
slender waist and quickly got out.

And Gamaliel Leduc also reacted at this moment, he grabbed Concubine

Lizzeth Gaona and jumped out of the car.


At this moment, a smoke bomb smashed through the sunroof of the Land
Rover, and the whole car was filled with black smoke.

The unresponsive driver just struggled for a moment before completely losing

"Boom boom-"

The sunroofs and windshields of the seven Land Rovers were smashed, and
some people jumped out in time, leaving their lives.
Some people did not respond in time and lost their lives in the black smoke.


At the same time, on the helicopter gunship, all the enemies in camouflage
uniforms jumped down. The moment they jumped, they all had their hands in
a pile, and suddenly there were darts, shuriken, hidden arrows and other
objects. Covered directly below.

The guards of the Monroy family, who were caught off guard, collapsed again.

"Island Ninja!"

Harvey York spoke coldly, his expression gloomy.

The Velarde family has been dealt with by himself, and Elder Velarde has also
been abolished by himself.

But Harvey York could not have imagined that in this incident, the first batch
of people to officially take action were actually islanders.

It can only be said that the hearts of the islanders have never died.


"Everyone come together!"

With Mathew Monroy rushing out to command in the crowd, a group of

Monroy family's guards and masters all regrouped and rushed out.

Although the two sides were still restrained, they basically used cold weapons
and short-handled firearms.
But after the official confrontation, the confrontation immediately became
extremely fierce.

Harvey York didn't take action. Under such circumstances, what he cared most
about was Mandy Zimmer's safety.

Of course, if possible, it is also necessary to protect the safety of Mario

Monroy, Wendy Monroy and others.

When the situation was stable, Harvey York immediately pulled Mandy
Zimmer to hide under the gate of Qiyin's small courtyard, avoiding most of
the attacks and killings.

Gamaliel Leduc also quickly hid with Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, and then the
top of the Monroy family quickly followed.

Chapter 5824

"Damn these islanders, they don't give this young face so much!"

"This matter is not over!"

Gamaliel Leduc looked gloomily at the chaotic scene ahead.

Fortunately, he was not injured or injured in this attack, otherwise, he would

have lost his face.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona pursed her lips and said, "These islanders simply
don't know how high the sky is!"

"For what happened today, they will pay an unimaginable price!"

On the contrary, Mandy Zimmer frowned slightly and said softly, "What the
hell are these islanders coming from?"

Harvey York narrowed his eyes, and after looking at it for a while, he said with
great interest: "Judging from their skills, they should be people from the six
major schools of the island country."

"But the island swordsmanship used by these people is not exclusive to any
one, but the tricks of the six major schools are slightly involved..."

"It's as if the six sects were jointly cultivated..."

As he spoke, Harvey York remembered Elder Velarde who was abolished by

him not long ago. That guy's cultivation base also had a bit of this flavor.

It's just that on the basis of the strength of the Bo Bai family, he also created
the Fourteen Swords of Slaying Ghosts, which can be slightly on the stage.

This is not what these island ninjas can compare to.

However, Gamaliel Leduc scoffed when he heard Harvey York's words.

"Harvey York, don't pretend to understand here!"

"The people of the six major schools of the island country have always stood
on the top of each other, and each school believes that the swordsmanship
they master is the pinnacle of the island country's martial arts."

"Under such a premise, how could someone have a way to master the
swordsmanship of the six major schools of the island country at the same
"And the six major schools have jointly cultivated?"

"Have you watched a lot of TV shows?"

"That's right!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona also looked cold.

"Harvey York, don't pretend to understand here!"

"It is because of your suggestion that we are attacked and killed by the
islanders here!"

"I now have reason to suspect that you have internal and external enemies,
and forget your ancestors!"

Harvey York rolled his eyes and said indifferently: "Can you bring some brains
to frame the scandal?"

"Whether you take the main road or the small road, you will eventually arrive
at Spirit Rest House."

"You don't even know this, so you want to take the blame for me."

"You're stupid, thinking everyone is as stupid as you?"

Hearing Harvey York's words, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona trembled with anger,
and said sternly: "York, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will let my
junior brother take you down first!"

Harvey York had to say something, but Mandy Zimmer stepped forward and
whispered, "Harvey York, forget it, the enemy is now."
Harvey York smiled when he heard the words, and stopped talking, but
squinted at the front.

At this moment, an armed helicopter in mid-air suddenly turned its direction

and flew towards the direction where Spirit rest home was.

Obviously, there must be other means on this armed helicopter.

Mario Monroy also saw the clue. At this moment, he quickly took out the
walkie-talkie and shouted: "Quick, use firearms to shoot down this gunship."

Following Mario Monroy's order, several Monroy family guards holding

firearms quickly pulled the trigger in midair.

In the chaos, Harvey York hugged Mandy Zimmer and quickly retreated to the
corner of the door wall.

This place is relatively hidden, and it is safe in the chaotic battlefield at the

Soon, with the lead bullet of the firearm falling on the gunship, the cabin door
was suddenly kicked open, a figure appeared, and then took a step forward
and rushed directly towards where Mario Monroy was.

Chapter 5825


A huge roar came out, and then the figure fell to the ground.

At this moment, the blue bricks on the ground cracked, and the gravel
Mario Monroy and others felt that the other party would definitely be hurt by
forcing the landing like this, but they found that he had nothing to do.

After standing still, the figure stretched out his left hand towards Mario
Monroy, and said slowly in a dry voice: "I will only say once, hand over the dzi
beads, I will not die."

The sound was unpleasant, like a knife stuck in the throat, making people feel
extremely uncomfortable hearing it.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on the face of this figure.

This is a middle-aged man who can't tell his age. His face is full of criss-cross
scars, which makes him look extremely ugly.

Other than that, his hair is disheveled, and only his mouth and eyes can be

Harvey York saw it from the corner and felt that the man's figure was
somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

Mario Monroy seemed to have thought of something, and lost his voice: "The
American gene warrior transformed from the master of martial arts from the
island country?"

"This is already an inhuman creature!"

"Kill him, kill him quickly!"

Hearing Mario Monroy's order, the Monroy family guards all transferred their
firearms and frantically pulled the trigger in this direction.
Intensive lead bullets were covered like pear blossoms in a rainstorm.

But the genetic warrior Mario Monroy was talking about was just a weird twist,
and almost all the lead bullets were lost in an impossible instant.

Immediately afterwards, the genetic warrior took a step forward, and his figure
was thrown straight ahead.

Although the Monroy family guards rushed forward bravely, they were easily
knocked away by this gene warrior.

"Gene Warrior?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona also reacted at this moment, with a cold look on her

"You non-human creatures dare to set foot on the territory of our Buddhist
Earth Sect, you are simply courting death!"

Gamaliel Leduc also said coldly: "No wonder I ignored the signboard of this
young master. It turned out to be this kind of creature that only knows how to
fight and kill!"

"One step forward, believe it or not, this young master slaps you away!"

The genetic warrior didn't seem to hear the words of the crowd. His eyes were
only locked on Mario Monroy, and he walked step by step without saying a

His speed seemed very slow, but he was able to avoid the lead bullets of
firearms, the cold weapons that were constantly slashed, and all the guards of
the Monroy family who were trying to stop them flew out.
Among those Monroy family guards, there are many martial arts masters sent
by major tribes and families.

However, in front of this genetic warrior, he appears to be weak.

At this time, Mathew Monroy had already taken some of the most elite
worshippers of the Monroy family to get rid of those island ninjas.

At this moment, his expression sank, and he pointed to the genetic warrior.

These powerful worshipers glanced at each other, some took out the pills and
swallowed them directly, some took out the injections to give themselves
injections, and some seemed to be activating some kind of secret technique.

The next moment, the strength of these worshipers increased sharply, and
they all rushed forward with a terrifying arrogance.


The gene warriors didn't even look at them at all, but slapped them with a


The few offerings have not approached, and they all flew out one by one.

Split palm!

Seeing a familiar move, Harvey York's eyes shrank slightly, and he thought of a
possibility that was almost impossible, but seemed reasonable...

Chapter 5826
"Who the hell are you?"

At this time, Mario Monroy waved his hand to tell Mathew Monroy and
Wendy Monroy not to approach, but looked at the genetic warrior in front of
him with a gloomy expression.

"After genetic modification, your combat power is so terrifying, which is

enough to show that you are by no means unknown!"

"If you want dzi beads, you can report your name!"

"Otherwise, even if you kill me, you won't be able to get the Dzi!"

While speaking, Mario Monroy took out three dzi beads, and he was about to
break them.

He learned this trick from Harvey York.

Since the other party is coming for the dzi beads, then if it's a big deal, just
shoot and break up, who is afraid of who?

Sure enough, seeing Mario Monroy's action, the genetic warrior's footsteps
were a meal,

Then he slowly raised his head, seemed to sigh, and said, "Mario Monroy,
don't toast, don't eat fine wine."

"Hand over the dzi beads, and I'll spare all of you present."

"But if you dare to destroy the dzi beads, then I promise, I will crush everyone
in your Monroy family in front of you, and then break your limbs and let you
beg for food."
"I will let you live in pain and fear for the rest of your life, you can't survive
without dying!"

When he said this, the genetic warrior slowly blew a sigh of relief, and an
unspeakable evil spirit and chill spread out from him.

"I don't care who you are."

"But have you considered the consequences of saying such things in front of
me, Gamaliel Leduc?"

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc walked out with a sullen face and his hands
on his back.

With a somewhat calm demeanor, he had a eloquent attitude.

"Although you look strong, you are invulnerable."

"But in fact, every time you avoid lead bullets, every time you fly those
masters, you need to consume some internal breath, right?"

"At this moment, you are only 70% or 80% of your strength from your heyday,

"Of course, don't say 70% or 80%, even if you are in peak condition, you
should know."

"It's not anyone else standing in front of you at this moment, but me, Gamaliel

"Yesterday I promised the Monroy family to let them play my sign, and I,
Gamaliel Leduc, will protect their Monroy family's well-being."
"You are now attacking and killing with a large group of people, and you have
the attitude of the king of heaven."

"What? I, Gamaliel Leduc, are too low-key these days!?"

"So any cat or dog would dare to pretend in front of me?"

While speaking, Gamaliel Leduc stepped out with his left foot.

Along with his movements, a crack appeared on the ground with a "click", and
it spread directly in front of the gene warrior, causing the gene warrior's
footsteps to stop.

Harvey York watched this scene.

I have to admit that whether Gamaliel Leduc is really capable or too confident,
but after seeing the capabilities of this gene warrior, he dares to stand up. He
can only say that this is better than pretending.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked at Gamaliel Leduc with even more excited
eyes, worthy of being her junior brother.

And those Monroy family members were shocked when they saw this scene.

Including Mario Monroy, everyone originally thought that the person who
escorted this time should be Harvey York.

But it was unexpected that Gamaliel Leduc was such a bully.

Dare to stand up at this time!

The great man!

The appearance of Gamaliel Leduc made the Gene Warrior stunned for a
moment, and there was a hint of sneer and killing intent in his eyes.

But the next moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of
Harvey York, and a look of fear appeared on his face...

Chapter 5827

Seeing the expression of the genetic warrior, Gamaliel Leduc held his head
high, and there was a strong smug look on his face.

"You know you're afraid?"

"When I heard the name of this young master, do you know how to write the
dead word?"

The gene warrior ignored Gamaliel Leduc, but looked through Gamaliel
Leduc's figure and landed on Harvey York.

After a long time, he said coldly: "I am unlucky when I meet you today."

"I admit it, go!"

While speaking, the genetic warrior just waved his hand and brought a few
remaining island ninjas, ready to leave.

"Admit? Go?"

Gamaliel Leduc sneered at this moment.

"Today, you island people dare to provoke the Monroy family and want to
snatch the dzi beads?"

"Do you think you can leave without an apology?"

The Gene Warrior didn't even look at Gamaliel Leduc, but stopped, looked at
Mario Monroy, and said, "Elder Monroy, I'm sorry to you about today's

"As for your losses, I will ask someone to compensate."

This seems to be for Mario Monroy, but in fact it is for Harvey York.

Although Mario Monroy was a little surprised, he still said coldly: "There is no
need for compensation."

"However, for today's matter, our Monroy family needs an explanation."

"Yes, if you don't give an explanation today, this place is not a place where
you can come and leave if you want!"

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc also had the same gesture of pushing his
nose on his face.

The Gene Warrior glanced at Harvey York and saw that he was indifferent and
did not express his position. After thinking about it, he grabbed his left hand
and broke it with a "click".

"I don't know this explanation, is Mr. Monroy satisfied?"

Seeing this scene, Mario Monroy and the Monroy family were stunned.
This incomparably powerful genetic warrior actually cut off his arm and gave a
so-called explanation?


No more nonsense, the Gene Warrior quickly evacuated with the injured and
unconscious person in the stunned expressions of everyone.

"Junior Brother, your face is really big!"

"Seeing you, this powerful genetic warrior, not only did he not dare to shoot,
but he also broke his arm to survive!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona took Gamaliel Leduc's arm affectionately at this


"Our Cloud top Great Temple is proud of you!"

The scene just now had a bit of a battlefield flavor.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona even worried that if the conflict intensified, she
herself would be affected.

But unexpectedly, Gamaliel Leduc stood up at a critical moment, and a few

words made this group of powerful islanders leave in disgrace.

The gene warrior who took the lead even had a look of fear on his face.

This face is too big!

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona was a little confused at the moment, should she
continue to help Gamaliel Leduc pursue Mandy Zimmer?
This junior brother of mine is more powerful than I imagined.

If he can officially become his lover, he may be able to compete with the
Buddhist son of Cloud top Great Temple for the heir position in the future!

Mario Monroy didn't know what was going on at the moment. He thought
that this time he was relying on Gamaliel Leduc's signboard, and immediately
said politely: "Master Leduc, thank you very much this time."

Gamaliel Leduc put his hands on his back and said coldly: "It's just a trivial
matter, not to mention the juniors of the island country..."

"Even if the high-level executives of the five imperial families and the six major
schools of the island country encounter me, they have to retreat."

"A few young people who dare not show their faces in the mere are scared
away and are not worth mentioning!"

These words directly made a group of Monroy family look at Gamaliel Leduc's
expression even more admiration.

Even Mandy Zimmer looked a little more surprised when she looked at
Gamaliel Leduc.

Chapter 5828

"By the way, Mandy, why don't you hurry up and let your so-called bodyguard
come over and thank Master Leduc!"

At this time, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona seemed to remember something, and

she glared at Mandy Zimmer.
"Look at Master Leduc, and then look at your bodyguard!"

"Under such circumstances, it's okay not to protect your safety, and you don't
even have the courage to stand up and say a few words of justice!"

"If it wasn't for Master Leduc's protection, he'd probably be dead, let alone
protect you."

Obviously, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona doesn't mind at this moment belittle

Harvey York to raise Gamaliel Leduc infinitely.

"Let me thank Gamaliel Leduc?"

Harvey York spoke indifferently while holding the phone to send a message.

"What's there to thank?"

"What do I owe him?"

"Or what kind of favor did he accept?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked at Harvey York up and down, and said with a
look of contempt: "If Master Leduc was not there, you would have been killed
by that genetic warrior just now."

"Master Leduc has saved your life for you, don't you know how to thank you?"

Harvey York's phone vibrated, and after he glanced at the message from
Leonardo Zambrano, he pouted and said lightly, "The so-called genetic warrior
is really Elder Velarde from the island country."

"He was just abolished a few days ago, and he recovered through genetic
surgery in the United States these two days."
"Ask Gamaliel Leduc if he has heard of Elder Velarde."

"You ask him, do you really think that even a master like Elder Velarde can be

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona said angrily: "Whose name is York, which green
onion do you think you are?"

"You said that the genetic warrior is Elder Velarde, he is Elder Velarde, isn't

"Furthermore, even if it is really Elder Velarde, such a big man was not
frightened by my junior brother, but could he be frightened by you?"


"I don't know how long a horse's face is!"

Harvey York smiled silently, too lazy to explain.

Only Mario Monroy, Wendy Monroy, and Mathew Monroy were stunned for a
moment, and they suddenly understood.

It turns out that the genetic warrior is Elder Velarde?

In that case, it seems reasonable to be scared off, right?

"Senior sister, forget it, don't say these words!"

"In this world, there are not one out of ten people who can repay their
"For these people who don't know how to be grateful, arguing with them will
only lower their taste and identity for no reason."

Gamaliel Leduc turned around at this moment to appease the angry

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona.

"He's not on the same level as me."

"It doesn't make any sense for him to say thank you or not."

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc's self-confidence is bursting. In his eyes,

Harvey York is just a little white face.

His Gamaliel Leduc's signboard is so loud and his face is so big, how can
Harvey York imagine it?

As the saying goes, summer insects can't speak ice, and that's what they say.

Harvey York smiled noncommittally, too lazy to bother with Gamaliel Leduc,
but glanced at Mario Monroy and said, "Old Monroy, let's go to Spirit Rest
House as soon as possible to rest."

"The next section of the road may not be as safe as we imagined."

"After all, this dzi bead will soon be sent to Cloud top Temple, only the last

While speaking, Harvey York took Mandy Zimmer into the Spirit Rest House

At the rear, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and the other women looked at Harvey
York with disdain.
This guy is still self-righteous at this point.

Because he doesn't want to be inferior to others, in terms of left and right, he...

This really makes a man lose his face!

Chapter 5829


In a temporary camp less than three kilometers away from Spirit Rest House,
the genetic warrior who cut off his arm just now took out his left arm, took out
another needle, and shot it down.

I saw that the skin of his left arm wriggled strangely for a moment, and then
returned to normal.

Between a little stretch and a grip, it seems that there is infinite power
contained in it.

Obviously, just cutting off his arm just now means nothing to him.

"Clap clap-"

The sound of clapping hands came out, and in the forest, a figure walked out
with his hands on his back.

And there are dozens of people following him behind him, and each one's
temples are bulging high, and they are all martial arts masters.

The person who took the lead now had a solemn look on his face, looking like
a Buddha statue.
It is the legendary Noah the son of Buddha.

At this moment, Noah the son of Buddha looked at the genetic warrior in front
of him, smiled slightly, and said, "Master Kawashima, this seems to be different
from the agreement between you and me."

"I will help you restore your peak combat power, and even let you go further."

"And you are responsible for getting my dzi back for me."

"This is something you and I both agree on."

"How can I meet a Harvey York, as if scared out of my soul, not only
apologized and left, but also cut off his arm..."

"You really let me down!"

While speaking, Noah the son of Buddha's left hand shook slightly, and the
hand-held rosary he was holding was directly blown to pieces at this

The masters who followed behind him did not even dare to take a breath.
Obviously, they all knew that the high-ranking Noah the son of Buddha must
be extremely angry today.

The genetic warrior Elder Velarde took a deep breath and said, "Buddha, I
didn't deliberately break the agreement, but I didn't want to damage those
three dzi beads..."

Noah the son of Buddha said coldly: "Then are you ready to watch, three dzi
beads fell into the hands of my Cloud top Temple?"
"Elder Velarde, you are so ambitious!"

"This is to drive away wolves and reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

Elder Velarde said slowly: "Buddha, our islanders have always kept their

"Since I promised to grab the three dzi beads before they were sent to Cloud
top Temple, then I will definitely do what I say."

"Isn't Tianzhu still in Spirit Rest House now?"

"I promise, they will never be sent to Cloud top Temple safely and smoothly."

"This big trouble will not fall on you, Buddha."

Noah the son of Buddha slowly turned around and said lightly: "I hope you
really do what you say."

"If the dzi beads are finally delivered to our Cloud top Temple smoothly and

"That was before our Cloud top Temple was on the cusp and was besieged
and blocked."

"I will destroy your Velarde family with my own hands."

"You should know that for our Cloud top Temple, it is difficult to destroy a
Velarde family, but it is not impossible!"

Elder Velarde nodded slightly, and after Noah the son of Buddha left, he took
out his mobile phone and dialed a number.
Soon, Eva Velarde came out with an ugly look in the jungle: "Uncle, what are
your orders?"

Elder Velarde looked up at the sky, then grinned slightly and said, "Don't the
people of Country H like internal fights?"

"Doesn't Noah the son of Buddha not want the dzi bead to be sent to Cloud
top Temple in an upright manner?"

"Don't the Monroy family hope that the misfortune will lead to the east and
make Cloud top Temple in trouble?"

"Their fight is not necessarily an opportunity for our island nation!"

"I want them, and the whole army will be wiped out. I want this outside the
Great Wall to become an enclave of my island country!"

Chapter 5830

At the same time, on a mountain in the distance, Jahdiel Ruan put down the
telescope in his hand with a strange look on his face.

"Interesting, really interesting..."

"I didn't expect to see genetic warriors transformed by American genetic

science outside Country H..."

"I don't know which one of the eight major consortiums in the United States
has already reached out to the outside?"

Having said that, Jahdiel Ruan took out his mobile phone and sent a few
messages with a meaningful expression on his face.
Lenin Monroy on the side said with a smile: "Brother, since there are other
consortiums intervening in this matter, wouldn't it be a good thing for us?"

"After all, our line comes from Chinatown in the United States, and the old
man also has a good relationship with the chairman of the eight major

"There may be room for everyone to collaborate."

Jahdiel Ruan glanced at Lenin Monroy and said lightly, "The shallow water
outside the Great Wall can't hold so many dragons."

"Once the teacher arrives, what he has to do is to forcefully enter the fortress,
and then use the outside of the fortress as a bridgehead to sweep the
northwest of Country H."

"The teacher will be unhappy if people from other consortiums get in the

Lenin Monroy thoughtfully said: "Brother, what should we do now?"

Jahdiel Ruan smiled and said, "Continue to watch the show to see if there is
any chance to make a move."

"Even if there is no chance to take action, at least one can clearly see the
strength of the surname York."

"However, from the current point of view, among this group of people, the
most powerful one should be that Gamaliel Leduc."

"The gene warriors were all scared off by him. It seems that the background is
not small."
Lenin Monroy pouted and said, "It's just the direct line of the Wolsing Leduc
Family, and it's not Jonatan Leduc, what's there to be afraid of?"

Jahdiel Ruan glanced at Lenin Monroy and said lightly, "Let's change the

"The big show, I'm afraid it hasn't officially started yet. The scene just now was
just an appetizer..."


An hour later, under the main peak of Qilian Mountain.

I don't know when there are some thick clouds in the sky, and the weather is
extremely hot, as if it will rain at any time.

Harvey York and his party counted the time at this moment, left Spirit Rest
House, and came to the bottom of the main peak of Qilian Mountain.

Cloud top Temple is located on the halfway of the main peak of Qilian
Mountain, only in the middle of this mountain and the depths of clouds are

However, from below the main peak, one kilometer up the mountain is the
Hall of Knowledge of Cloud top Temple.

As long as the three dzi beads are sent to the Hall of Knowledge, the goal this
time has been achieved.

In today's Qilian Mountains, many bright yellow, dark red, and dark blue cloth
strips are tied on both sides of the path up the mountain.
These strips of cloth squeaked in the wind, representing the highest etiquette
of Buddhism.

In addition, the trees that grow freely on weekdays have also been specially
trimmed, and various symbols representing Buddhism appear.

All in all, all in all.

Everything Cloud top Temple has done is to show the world how much
respect and attention they have for the three dzi beads made by the ancestors
of the Earth Clan who welcomed back to Buddhism.

However, although the environment is good, the layout is grand.

But Cloud top Temple did not send any monks to maintain order.

Because, at this moment, the entire Cloud top Temple, including the legendary
King Kong, are chanting sutras in the Hall of Knowledge, the purpose is to
welcome the arrival of the three dzi beads.

This is the highest etiquette.

Therefore, at this moment, the security from the entrance to the Hall of
Knowledge is all arranged by the Monroy family.

And the Monroy family also waved their hands, dispersing the aid of the two
great surnames of the wolf clan outside the Great Wall, the four major tribes
outside the Great Wall, and the top ten top families, and they all fell on the
four sides of the trail.

It can be said that with such security, flies may not be able to fly in.
Chapter 5831

However, Harvey York sighed slightly in his heart when he saw such a big

I am afraid that apart from myself and the Monroy family, few people are
willing to really watch the three dzi beads sent to Cloud top Temple.

After all, once the three dzi beads enter Cloud top Temple, Cloud top Temple
is naturally at the cusp of the storm.

But this also means that it will be more difficult for other people to get these
three dzi beads than to ascend to the sky.

After all, although the King Kong in Cloud top Temple is a vegetarian, his
strength has no moisture.

A martial arts master who retreats when he has nothing to do and pursues the
way of the unity of man and nature is not something he can offend casually.

Not to mention, the strength of the other two temples of the Buddhist Earth
Clan is almost the same as that of Cloud top Temple.

If the three dzi beads really fell into the hands of Cloud top Temple, it would
be reasonable for them to invite the other two temples to guard them, right?

Although there will definitely be a lot of games related to Buddhism, it will

also make people like Noah the son of Buddha feel a big headache.

But outsiders don't care, they only care about one thing, that is, once this
happens, it will be more difficult to get three dzi beads than to go to the sky.

Therefore, Harvey York is very clear.

In today's big drama, whether it is righteous or evil, whether it is human or

I'm afraid that apart from him and the Monroy family, other people don't want
to see Tianzhu enter Cloud top Temple at all.

Of course, on the bright side, every force will be happy to see its

Harvey York sighed in his heart the hypocrisy of the forces outside the Great
Wall, and followed Mario Monroy to the entrance of the mountain gate.

The mountain path of Cloud top Temple has existed for a long time.

Not to mention cars, even horses can't pass through this place, and you can
only rely on manpower to get there.

The person in charge of the security of the mountain pass was obviously a
child of the Monroy family. After seeing Mario Monroy, he hurriedly saluted,
and then let Mario Monroy, Harvey York and his party go.

Soon, a group of people walked sparsely on the mountain path.

Looking at the entrance to the mountain with one post at ten steps and one
post at five steps, Mandy Zimmer said softly while looking at the scenery:
"Today's precautions are so thorough, I'm afraid no one can prevent Tianzhu
from entering Cloud top Temple."

"Next, the entire attention outside the fortress will definitely focus on Cloud
top Temple."
"Originally because of the Saifu Conference, Cloud top Temple has attracted
the attention of all parties."

"It now seems that when the Saifu Conference is officially held, I am afraid that
the situation will really gather."

Harvey York smiled and said: "Today's big show has a lot of games between
the open and the secret."

"I'm afraid things are not as simple as I thought."

"For example, are these great experts sent by various parties to assist in
security really as trustworthy as they appear on the surface?"

"Among these people, as long as there are 30% to 50% of those who have
ghosts, when we are halfway through, they suddenly take action, I'm afraid we
shouldn't stop them, right?"

A look of surprise appeared on Mandy Zimmer's face, and then she said softly,
"Although all the forces have their own ghosts, it's not like they don't even do
this kind of obvious work, right?"

Harvey York sighed and said: "To be honest, I really hope that things are as I
said, but this possibility can be guessed with a thumb..."

"The forces of all parties will not be so stupid..."

"It's just that I don't know what they will do."

While speaking, Harvey York suddenly felt a slight shock in his hand, and a
message poured in...
Chapter 5832

Harvey York casually opened his phone and glanced at it, then his eyes
narrowed slightly, this was a message from Leonardo Zambrano.

Once the director of the police station outside the Great Wall started to act in
accordance with Sword Camp's style, a lot of news from all parties gathered in
Harvey York's hands in the shortest possible time.

Harvey York thought for a while, and after replying to a message, he followed
Mandy Zimmer to the top of the mountain.


At the same time, on the other path up the mountain, Eva Velarde, who was
wearing a black night suit, was climbing with a group of people at a high

She and the crowd behind her, each carrying a Zhuge crossbow covered in

They came for the dzi beads, so what they could use were basically cold
weapons and some short-handled firearms.

But even so, it is not too difficult to destroy the Monroy family and his party at
a critical moment with the intention of calculating and unintentionally.

And the person who led the team for them was the head of Spirit rest home,
Santiago Bauer.

After all, on such a forest trail, if there is no person who is familiar with the
path to lead the way, there will be no direction at all.
Soon, they came to a must-passed place called Yixiantian in the middle of the
mountain gate trail.

This place, the mountain road only allows one person to pass by. If Harvey
York and his party came here, if they attacked and killed from a high place, it
would definitely be a huge profit.

Whether it was Santiago Bauer or Eva Velarde, there were smiles on their faces
at the moment.

Eva Velarde was even more resentful. She was already thinking about it, and
she was going to take action herself and beat Harvey York into a hornet's nest.

However, almost at the same time that they were ambushed, there was a
sound of small footsteps behind them.

Santiago Bauer and Eva Velarde noticed it almost at the same time, and then
turned around quickly.


"The little girl Juliette Romero has seen Master Santiago Bauer and Miss

Juliette Romero, who took the lead, slowly wiped the firearm in her hand, and
at the same time installed a muffler lightly.

"My Young Master York has just come to order."

"It's rare for him and his sister-in-law to go up the mountain together, and it's
rare for him to have a good chat."
"So, before he arrives at Hall of Knowledge, he doesn't want anyone to spoil
the good mood between him and his sister-in-law."

"In addition, since these three dzi beads are given to Cloud top Temple, then
Cloud top Temple has to take them, or not take them..."

"You two, do you understand what I mean?"

As the voice fell, dark firearms were aimed at Eva Velarde and Santiago Bauer
in all directions.

The faces of the two were instantly ugly.


At the same time, Harvey York and his party had already crossed the line of
sky, and Mandy Zimmer, who was walking in front of Harvey York, suddenly
turned his head slightly and said, "Young Master York, did you hear anything?"

"Sound? No."

Harvey York smiled.

"This is a deep mountain, and occasionally there will be insects and birds
chirping, which is normal."

Mandy Zimmer had a thoughtful expression on her face, but the Monroy
family who were leading the way at the moment were getting faster and
faster, so they had to speed up.

Half an hour later, Harvey York and his party came to the huge square in front
of Hall of Knowledge without any hindrance.
This place has long gathered a lot of bigwigs from the three upper-class
circles outside the Great Wall.

After all, the entry of Tianzhu into Cloud top Temple was originally a very
important event.

The appearance of these big men made the guards who originally belonged to
them focus on their own masters.

So at this moment, the Monroy family was still closely guarded, and suddenly
it became full of loopholes.

Chapter 5833

Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly and didn't say anything, but looked at
the Hall of Knowledge a hundred meters away with interest.

At this moment, in the Hall of Knowledge, Noah the son of Buddha and a
group of monks from Cloud top Temple were chanting the scriptures with a
devout face, which made the entire Hall of Knowledge full of a feeling like a
fairyland on earth.

And seemed to feel the appearance of Harvey York and his party, the eyelids
of Noah the son of Buddha who were chanting seemed to jump slightly, but
they soon returned to normal.


Harvey York smiled in that direction.

Mandy Zimmer said curiously, "Harvey York, what are you talking about
Harvey York smiled and said, "I don't have much knowledge. It's the first time
I've seen so many monks chanting sutras together.

"However, I am curious at this moment, that is, if at this moment, someone

takes action to compete for the dzi beads, will the monks of Cloud top Temple
take action?"

Before Mandy Zimmer could speak, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona on the side said
coldly, "Those surnamed York, don't use your ignorance as courage all day

"Now Noah the son of Buddha and others are reciting the 100,000 Dragon

"Until the chanting is completed, let alone someone fighting for the Dzi Beads,
even if someone kills them, they won't resist!"


Harvey York shrugged.

"It seems that these last few steps are not so easy to go."

Hearing Harvey York's words, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona sneered: "It may have
been like this before, but don't forget it."

"With my junior and junior brothers in charge today, who else would dare to
fail at this time?"

"Are they dying?"

Hearing this, Gamaliel Leduc's expression became even more calm. He ignored
Harvey York, but nodded at Mario Monroy and said, "Mr. Monroy, don't miss
the auspicious day."

"it is good."

Mario Monroy smiled slightly, and then he held the bowl and walked forward.

Soon, he walked out a few dozen meters, and was only about fifty meters
away from the Hall of Knowledge.

Countless eyes in the field converged on him.

Everyone knew that once the bowl in Mario Monroy's hand entered the Hall of
Knowledge, the ownership of the three dzi beads belonged to Cloud top
Temple in principle.

Even the seemingly pious Noah the son of Buddha's eyes twitched slightly at
the moment.

He didn't understand a little, how did Mario Monroy and his party come to the
Hall of Knowledge unscathed?

Could it be that he was really tricked by the people of the archipelago?

Just when Noah the son of Buddha were about to take out his mobile phone
to send a message.


At this moment, an unspeakable killing intent appeared on the square.

The floor made of bluestone shattered directly at this moment, and a figure
rushed out of it. It was the genetic warrior Elder Velarde I saw not long ago.

No one knows when he buried himself in the floor. At this moment, his right
hand turned into a claw and grabbed it directly towards the place where the
bowl was in Mario Monroy's hand.

Before Mario Monroy could react, he was shocked, and was kicked to the

At the same time, the bowl in his hand also fell into the hands of the gene


Wendy Monroy spoke subconsciously.

Mathew Monroy's expression changed even more: "Come on, grab the Dzi
beads quickly!"

As the voice fell, a large group of Monroy family guards rushed out at this
moment regardless.

"Bastard, you don't give this young face so much!"

At this time, Gamaliel Leduc, who was standing beside Mario Monroy, also

Chapter 5834

"Aren't you afraid that this young master will slap you to death when he gets
Gamaliel Leduc moved his footsteps, directly blocking the path of the genetic
warrior Elder Velarde.

"I now order you to put down the bowl in your hand!"

"Then I respectfully apologize to Mr. Monroy!"

"Otherwise, this young master wants you to die without a burial place!"

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc had a fierce look on his face. The previous
incident in Spirit Rest House scared off this gene warrior, which made him
burst with confidence.

He felt that as soon as he opened his mouth, the genetic warrior would have
to obey and kneel directly.

Seeing Gamaliel Leduc speak like this at this critical moment, a group of
Monroy family members all stopped.

The big figures in the upper-class circles outside the Great Wall all looked at
this scene with admiration.

"Isn't this the eldest son of the Leduc Family in Wolsing, Gamaliel Leduc?"

"It is said that in addition to being the eldest son of the Leduc Family in
Wolsing, he is also a lay disciple of Cloud top Great Temple!"

"This guy in front of him at this moment seems to be a genetic warrior from
the United States, and his strength is strong! How dare he scold him!?"

"Hey, you guys don't know, this gene warrior seems to have appeared before,
but he was frightened by Master Leduc and got out of the way!"
"It is estimated that this genetic warrior does not know that Master Leduc is
still with Old Monroy."

"Otherwise, give him a day to be brave, and he won't dare to show up, right?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked at Gamaliel Leduc's figure with a look of joy,
as her junior brother, always came out at the most critical moment to calm
down the scene.

After today's incident, I am afraid that the name of Cloud top Great Temple
will be stabilized above Cloud top Temple, right?

Elder Velarde ignored the hustle and bustle around him at the moment, he
subconsciously glanced at Harvey York's position, and after seeing that the
latter had no intention of approaching, he squinted at Gamaliel Leduc and said
coldly: "Boy, you Say it again?"

"Say it again? I asked you to put down the dzi beads and apologize to Mr.
Monroy, don't you understand?"

Gamaliel Leduc's fingers almost pointed to Elder Velarde's face.

"Didn't I warn you before? The Monroy family is covered by my Gamaliel


"Whoever dares to get along with the Monroy family, is to get along with me,
Gamaliel Leduc!"

"Don't you understand?"

At this moment, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona also stepped forward with an

arrogant face and pointed to Elder Velarde.
"I don't care who you are, but my junior brother has given you a chance!"

"If you are still so obsessed and force my junior brother to take action, I am
afraid that the result is not what you can bear!"

"Not what I can bear?"

Elder Velarde was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered.

"Woman, do you say it again?"

"You think I don't dare!?" Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked sullen, "If my junior
brother hadn't given you a chance, you would be a corpse now!"

"I don't know how long a horse's face is!"


Before Concubine Lizzeth Gaona finished speaking, he saw the genetic warrior
Elder Velarde, who slapped Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's fan directly on the
ground with a backhand.


There were exclamations all around!

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona is Gamaliel Leduc's senior sister and the saint of
Cloud top Great Temple. The most important thing is that she and Gamaliel
Leduc definitely have an affair.

Under such a major premise, this genetic warrior actually dared to slap
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona in front of Gamaliel Leduc?
Is this dead?

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona covered her face at the moment, her whole body
was twitching, she said sharply: "Bastard, how dare you touch me!?"

Gamaliel Leduc's face also sank: "You bastard, touch my senior sister, do you
really want to die?"

Chapter 5835

"Move your sister?"

The gene warrior Elder Velarde sneered.

"If you chirp again, I will even move you, do you believe it?"

Gamaliel Leduc raised his neck and shouted loudly, "Come on! Come and
move me!"

"Take a look at me, and I promise to let you know..."


Before Gamaliel Leduc could finish speaking, he saw the genetic warrior Elder
Velarde stepped forward and slapped his forehand and backhand a few times,
which caught Gamaliel Leduc off guard, and his nose was blue and his face
was swollen instantly.

Gamaliel Leduc staggered back a few steps, and then he spit out a bloody spit
with a "wow", and then became furious: "Bastard, you really dare to touch
Gamaliel Leduc is the eldest son of the Leduc Family. He is not only a famous
archaeological expert at home and abroad, but also a master of martial arts.

Relying on these two signs, he walked on the rivers and lakes, but he has
never been beaten in the face.

But no one could have imagined that he would be slapped in the face by Elder
Velarde so unscrupulously today.

For Gamaliel Leduc, this is simply a great shame.

He lost not only his own face, but also the face of the entire Wolsing Leduc
Family, and even the face of the top ten top families.

But the only trace of calm left in his heart made Gamaliel Leduc very clear.

Since the other party dares to move him, he must have enough confidence.

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc resisted the anger in his heart and scolded: "If
you have the ability, report the forces behind you to me."

"I tell you, I want you to report the forces behind you, not because I'm afraid!"

"But I'm going to crush the forces behind you to death!"

"For these slaps, no matter what your background is, you are destined to pay
an unimaginable price!"

Seeing this, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona also covered her face and stood up, and
she shouted: "The Wolsing Leduc Family behind my junior brother is the first
of the ten top families in Country H!"
"The Cloud top Great Temple behind me is one of the three major Buddhist
temples outside the Great Wall!"

"If you offend the family, you will die without a burial!"

"Offend the two families, no matter what your origins are, you are destined to
have nowhere to go!"

"If you don't give an explanation today, you will be finished!"

"Jesus can't even save you!"

"People from Buddhism actually believe in Jesus?"

Elder Velarde stepped forward and slapped his backhand again, causing
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona to stagger back.

"I've already slapped you a few times. Do you think I'm afraid of this little
white face?"

"Whether it's this little white face, or you, the saint, including the Wolsing
Leduc Family and Cloud top Great Temple behind you!"

"I didn't even pay attention to it!"

"I dare to take action at this time, it shows that the background of my father is
not something that your stupid brains can imagine!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona looked incredulous: "When you were in Spirit Rest
House, why did you leave with a look of fear?"

"Didn't you be scared to pee by my junior brother?"

"In order to give an explanation, you cut off your left hand!"

A group of beautiful girls kept nodding at the moment, and everyone saw this
scene with their own eyes not long ago.

Why is it completely different now than just now?

Elder Velarde chuckled, his eyes passed through Gamaliel Leduc and fell on
Harvey York, who was looking indifferent at the moment.

"When I was in Spirit Rest House, on the one hand, I did have people I was
afraid of. I was afraid that if I did something there, I would suffer again."

"On the other hand, it's because I'm afraid that the immortal Mario Monroy
will destroy the dzi!"

"These things have nothing to do with your so-called junior brother, the eldest
son of the Leduc Family!"

"If it wasn't for the man who once defeated me, you would have become a
corpse long ago!"

While speaking, Elder Velarde slapped Concubine Lizzeth Gaona again with a
disdainful face, causing Concubine Lizzeth Gaona to stumble back again.

Chapter 5836


Hearing Elder Velarde's explanation, all the people present were

No one would have imagined that Elder Velarde would admit to counseling
before, but he has no relationship with Gamaliel Leduc.

It's just, who in the end can scare off a big man like Elder Velarde?

Gamaliel Leduc's face was ugly, and he was the first to say, "I don't believe it.
At that time, besides me, who else could scare you off?"

"Mario Monroy?"

"Or Mathew Monroy?"

"Do they have the qualifications?"

"They have the qualifications to fart." Elder Velarde smiled and then pointed at
Harvey York.

"Only our Young Master York has this qualification!"



Hearing Elder Velarde's words, everyone present was shocked, and each one's
brains were not enough.

Apart from the people from Cloud top Temple who had long known Harvey
York's abilities, only the Monroy family and Mandy Zimmer were not surprised.

As for the other big figures in the top circle outside the Great Wall who came
to watch the ceremony, because of the distance, no one could see Harvey
York's face clearly, and everyone could only see the blurred back.
But in the crowd, there are people who can make Elder Velarde jealous?

And according to Elder Velarde, he actually suffered a loss from his


This seems to be enough to explain too many problems.

Meanwhile, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and the beautiful girls who had been
watching the show all stared at Harvey York with astonishment.

They all knew Harvey York, and along the way, they regarded Harvey York as a
little white face who only knew how to eat soft rice.

But I can't imagine that this little white face is so valued by Elder Velarde?

This is simply incredible!

"how can that be?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's pretty face was pale at the moment, and she
muttered to herself.

"Harvey York, he said plainly, he is just a little bodyguard, a little white face
with a better look!"

"What kind of virtue and ability can he make your dignified gene warriors

"If I guessed correctly, before you became a genetic warrior, you were
probably a half-step God of War master!"
"Now become a gene warrior, the absolute strength of a generation of God of

"A person like you would be afraid of a little white face?"

"Liar to me! You must be lying to me!"

"Woman? Do you think you are qualified to be deceived by me?"

Elder Velarde smiled.

"The reason why I made it clear is that I don't want anyone to pretend to be in
the name of Lao Tzu!"

"The second is to be able to let you Country H people bite the dog!"

"Is there anything more fun in the world than this?"

Speaking of which, Elder Velarde squinted at Harvey York and said with a
slight smile: "There is another reason, that is our Young Master York, who likes
to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!"

"I just don't give him a chance to keep pretending today!"

"What can he do to me!?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Having said this, Elder Velarde raised his head and sneered, with a happy
And Gamaliel Leduc only felt the darkness in front of him, the whole person
was shaky, and then he couldn't hold on any longer, and a mouthful of "wow"
blood spurted out.

Disgraceful, can't hold back!

Looking at the arrogant Elder Velarde, Harvey York sighed, stepped forward
with his hands on his back, and said, "Seeing you so happy, seeing you so

"Looks like you're not ready to pretend, are you?"

"You belong to the Velarde family of the island country, Elder Velarde, am I

Elder Velarde grinned and said, "That's right, you're right!"

"I am Elder Velarde!"

"But, I'm no longer the Elder Velarde you know!"

Chapter 5837

Harvey York smiled lightly and said, "No matter how hard you say it, it's
nothing more than a waste that has been genetically modified."

"You admit it now and hand over the dzi beads, I'm too lazy to care about

"Otherwise, I'm afraid it won't be too late for you to regret it later."

Elder Velarde grinned.

"In my Elder Velarde, there is no regret for these two words!"

"Although I don't know why you guys are able to arrive here unharmed."

"But I can guarantee that none of you can leave here."

"At the moment when I appeared, your ending was already doomed."

Obviously, today's Elder Velarde is not only here to capture the dzi beads, he
also has another important purpose, which is to kill Harvey York.

After all, after Spirit rest home was deposed by Harvey York, he chose genetic

Although the time is very short, the degree of pain inside is not what most
people can imagine.

If it weren't for the support of a will to take revenge, Elder Velarde might have
died long ago.

Therefore, now that there is a chance, Elder Velarde is of course going to

smash Harvey York to ashes.

Harvey York is too lazy to talk nonsense with Elder Velarde, since this old guy
has already broken his skills, he will not pretend.

Harvey York smiled at Mandy Zimmer and signaled her to be at ease, then
stepped forward and said lightly, "Elder Velarde, I'm not very patient."

"Hand over the dzi beads."


Elder Velarde was too lazy to talk nonsense at the moment, but grinned, and
then moved directly to the place in front of Harvey York.

Before he got close to Harvey York, he had already waved his right hand, and
a sharp blade of light had attacked Harvey York's throat.

After the genetic modification, Elder Velarde's strength is obviously stronger

than before, and he can be regarded as a true generation of God of War.


Mandy Zimmer exclaimed. Although she was not familiar with martial arts, she
also saw how dangerous this move was.

At this moment, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona has recovered.

She bit her teeth and said coldly, "Even my junior brother may not be the
opponent of Elder Velarde."

"How can someone with the surname York be a little white-faced opponent?"

"Grandmaster Elder Velarde just praised him, he actually thinks he has the

"It's ignorant and ridiculous!"

Several beautiful girls also came back to their senses, all nodding like garlic at
the moment.
At this moment, their minds are unified with each other, that is, no matter
what, they cannot watch Harvey York shine on this occasion, because in
addition to letting people know that Harvey York is awesome, it will also make
people feel that they have shallow eye sockets.

As the so-called blood can be shed, the head can be cut off, and face cannot
be lost!

Gamaliel Leduc, who was clutching his chest, also staggered up at this

He clenched his fists with a look of resentment on his face.

He could not have imagined that he would be slapped in the face by Elder
Velarde at the most glorious moment.

So he just asked Harvey York to be more embarrassing than him, and he had
better be killed directly by Elder Velarde!


Under the unbearable gaze of the spectators, Harvey York only took a half
step backward in the face of Elder Velarde's move.

A slight half-step, seemingly simple, just avoided Elder Velarde's fatal blow.

Elder Velarde narrowed his eyes. He could not have imagined that after he
became a god of war, Harvey York could still avoid his mortal blow.

His current strength is much stronger than before!

If you say that, doesn't it mean that Harvey York's strength is also a god of
Chapter 5838

Thinking of this, Elder Velarde's eyes sank, and the offensive became even
more severe.

His muscles seemed to swell a bit, and every time he swept out, his fingertips
and palms made a sound of breaking wind.

If any move is implemented, it can directly send Harvey York to the west.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and the others looked at the majestic Elder Velarde
at the moment. Although they knew that the other party was the enemy, they
still felt dazzled at the moment, so they almost applauded.

Gamaliel Leduc's face was ugly, his head hung down, and he didn't speak.

Although he has high self-esteem, he has to admit that Elder Velarde's

seemingly simple tricks cannot be avoided.

"Harvey York..."

Mandy Zimmer's face became even more worried.

"Mr. Zimmer, don't worry too much, our Little York Patriarch's methods are
not what ordinary people can imagine..."

At this moment, Mario Monroy spoke softly while instructing the Monroy
family to protect Mandy Zimmer.

In his perception, Harvey York, who can even modify his martial arts mentality,
is something that an islander can fight against?
Even if the people of this island nation use the genetic science of the United
States to transform their own flesh.


Elder Velarde made several moves one after another, but every move was still
at the crunch time and was avoided by Harvey York.

And Elder Velarde's face became more and more gloomy, his expression was
cold, and the speed of his shots was getting faster and faster.

"Bang bang bang-"

The sound of explosions was constantly heard in the air. The cooperation of
genetic science and splitting palm made Elder Velarde like a human-shaped
pile driver. As long as any move was implemented, there would be
unimaginable consequences.

Prosperity! The trick is terrible!

As the so-called chaotic flowers gradually become attractive, it is talking about

the move mode of Elder Velarde at the moment.

However, Harvey York didn't have much feeling, instead he dodged


It was clear that Elder Velarde on the opposite side had used all his strength to
suckle, but Harvey York was still like a stroll in the courtyard.

Not to mention other people, even Noah the son of Buddha, who pretended
to be chanting sutras, had an urge to strangle Elder Velarde when he squinted
in this direction.
Now that you've got things done, get out of here.

He wanted to stay and beat Harvey York in the face, but he couldn't do it in
seconds, and instead fell into a fight.

Does it make any sense?

It's a pity that the whole set of the show is to be done, and no matter how
unhappy I feel, Noah the son of Buddha Zi can only suppress it abruptly at this

"Boom boom-"

When he couldn't attack for a long time, Elder Velarde changed his attack
mode. He clenched his fists with both hands, and directly used short, fast, and
quick hits, trying to take Harvey York close.

But even so, he still couldn't touch Harvey York at all.

Seeing Harvey York's figure avoiding again, Elder Velarde roared, and in the
next instant, he waved his left hand violently.

"Bang bang bang-"

The firearm hidden in his sleeve slipped out, and he pulled the trigger directly.

Although it was a short-handled firearm, it fired shotguns.

Just a few simple shots, directly covering all Harvey York's retreats.

Someone in the audience roared.

Using firearms in such a life-and-death struggle is simply shameless to the


"Shameless? What do you know?"

Seeing this scene, Gamaliel Leduc couldn't help but open his mouth to brush
his presence.

"The function of martial arts is to kill the opponent."

"As long as you can kill your opponent, it's right to do everything you can!"

"The truth in this world is always in the hands of the strong, and fairness is
always reflected in the victorious side!"

Chapter 5839

Hearing Gamaliel Leduc's shameless remarks, Wendy Monroy couldn't help

but said, "You Master Leduc is so righteous, why don't you come up?"

"Use your theory to defeat Elder Velarde!"

Gamaliel Leduc was choked, and his face suddenly sank.

"Enough! Look carefully!"

Mario Monroy interrupted the two and squinted at the front.

As soon as he saw the place in the field, Harvey York quickly stepped back,
then took off his jacket with his backhand, and threw it in front of him.

Those lead bullets landed on Harvey York's coat, and were then thrown by
Harvey York and flew out to one side.

Seeing this scene, Elder Velarde grinned, and took advantage of the situation
to come to Harvey York's body, clenching his fists and smashing it down.


Harvey York still moved his footsteps, completely avoiding it at the critical


The fists landed where Harvey York was standing, and the blue bricks on the
ground instantly turned into powder.

Countless rubble splashed out at this moment, which looked shocking.



He used all kinds of killer moves one after another, and even took out the
firearm shamelessly.

But in such a situation, how could Harvey York be helpless?

Elder Velarde, who had been defeated once under Harvey York, only felt that
he was short of breath at this moment, and his whole person's nerves were
invisibly tense.
Obviously, he was afraid that he would lose again.

At this moment, Elder Velarde was very angry.

In his perception, the genetic science of the United States, coupled with the
martial arts of the island country, is definitely the effect of one plus one
greater than two.

How could he be no match for Harvey York?

At this moment, he took a few steps back, slowly took out a chip-like thing
from the close place, and then stuffed it into the back of his head.

Everyone watching this scene was horrified, and they could only say that Elder
Velarde at the moment was no longer a pure-blooded human being.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and Gamaliel Leduc looked at each other.

They all realized that Harvey York might really be as powerful as Elder Velarde

The Elder Velarde in front of him might still not be Harvey York's opponent.

Once Elder Velarde is defeated by Harvey York again, everything before,

whether it is insults or contempt, will become the cornerstone of Harvey York's

Let Harvey York squat on his head and poop, Gamaliel Leduc can't accept it.

And Concubine Lizzeth Gaona couldn't accept it either.

Because the more powerful and outstanding Harvey York is, the more it shows
that Concubine Lizzeth Gaona has no vision before.

Therefore, for the two of them, Harvey York was absolutely disgusted.

Best, Harvey York was eliminated by Elder Velarde, instead of being the same
as now, not only alive, but also living well.

"Master Elder Velarde, although you want to test the results of your genetic
modification, you don't need to test for so long, right?"

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc didn't know what to think, so he spoke


"One move to get rid of this surnamed York."

"After I solve him, I will fight you fairly!"

"Let you know what real martial arts are!"

Gamaliel Leduc has a posture that he can only represent Country H Martial
Dao, although he is extremely guilty.

But those who didn't know looked at each other in dismay.

Could it be that Gamaliel Leduc is the real master?

Rather than as Elder Velarde said, the person he fears is Harvey York?

Could it be that the person who could finally win The sky tilt was Young
Master Leduc?

At least at the moment, his confidence doesn't seem to be faked.

And the reason why Harvey York was able to do so many tricks under Elder
Velarde was because Elder Velarde wanted to test the results of his genetic

Chapter 5840

Thinking of this, all these spectators who didn't know the truth looked at Elder
Velarde with awe, while Harvey York's expression was full of disdain.

Obviously, he has no ability, he only hides and hides, and he pretends to be

like a generation of masters and a generation of grandmasters.

How can there be such shameless people in this world?

For those who practice martial arts, isn't the most important thing to do is

To be let out like this, to be used as a tool for practicing hands, shouldn't you
be ashamed and hit the ground directly?

"Master Elder Velarde, show your true skills!?"

"I want to see how far you are after genetic modification!"

"Is it possible that you are afraid that your strength will be exposed in front of
me, and you will not be able to defeat me?"

"At most, I don't watch it!"

The more Gamaliel Leduc said, the more he took himself as one thing.
At this moment he pretended to turn around.

"Go ahead, get rid of the surname York as soon as possible, and let's fight
again in an open and honest way!"

For Gamaliel Leduc, no matter what, kill Harvey York who slapped him in the
face first.

As for what to do if Elder Velarde really wants to fight in a while.

He didn't believe it anymore, he carried the signboard of Wolsing Ning's

house, and Elder Velarde dared to abolish himself?

"Thunder flash!"

In the middle of the field, being shouted by a clown jumping on the beam,
Elder Velarde's face became more and more ugly.

With a wave of his right hand at this moment, an island country sword slipped
out of his sleeve, and then he directly grabbed the handle and used one of his
famous stunts.


This time, with this flash of thunder, Elder Velarde's speed was three points
faster than before.

His figure was like a dozen afterimages in an instant, appearing in all

directions of Harvey York at the same time, and then fell with a knife.

There was even the smell of lightning burning the air.

Huge waves of air spread out towards the surroundings, not only causing pain
in the skin, but also causing Gamaliel Leduc, who was close to watching, to
instinctively retreat, his eyelids jumping.

This scene made Gamaliel Leduc very clear, clamoring and clamoring, he must
not fight Elder Velarde for a while.

A casual knife can really kill you!

In addition, there is a kind of ecstasy in his heart, Gamaliel Leduc feels that this
Harvey York, who has been struggling with himself and has been beaten in the
face, is destined to die without a burial this time!

Facing the lightning flash that was driven to the extreme by the speed, Harvey
York still looked indifferent.

In the eyes of outsiders, the speed is almost like a thunderbolt, but in Harvey
York's eyes, it is as slow as a snail crawling.

He simply stepped sideways, but in an almost impossible moment, he blocked

all the killing blows of Elder Velarde.

Where Harvey York had just stood, the blackened knife marks on the ground

If this kind of knife mark falls on a person, it is estimated that the person will
become a roast pig.

But this move still didn't fall on Harvey York?

What does this genetically modified Elder Velarde want to do?

Such a big killer move didn't fall on Harvey York in a single move?
Could it be that he wanted to scare Harvey York to death?

Do you want to use this to torture Harvey York's body and mind and make
him suffer unimaginable pain?

But even so, it wouldn't be such a waste of time and energy!

Wouldn't it be better to cut off Harvey York's limbs directly, trample him on
the soles of his feet, and trample him into a pig and dog?

It is really incomprehensible for the people of the island country to act!

Chapter 5841

"Fourteen knives to kill ghosts, I don't know fire!"

Elder Velarde didn't explain it to everyone, but after a flash of thunder, he

instantly changed his moves.

When he made a move this time, the firelight splashed above his blade, as if
there was a special effect.

The air was full of burnt smell, and even the temperature seemed to have risen
a bit because of this knife from Elder Velarde.

Some even feel sweaty!

Is this really the result of experimental transformation?

Taking Harvey York to test his hands is so powerful, how terrible would it be if
he showed his true strength?
Only Elder Velarde was bitter in his heart. From beginning to end, he was not
experimenting with the results of genetic modification, but when he went all
out, he couldn't help Harvey York.

At this time, Gamaliel Leduc suddenly sneered again and again, a gesture of
seeing through the truth.

"No wonder! No wonder the surnamed York dared to fight with our
Grandmaster Elder Velarde!"

"It turns out that it's because you can do the three-legged cat kung fu that
hides and hides!"

"But aren't you joking!?"

"Our Country H martial arts have always been upright and upright!"

"Why are you hiding like this?"

"Do you find it interesting?"

"You are wasting everyone's time!"

"The surname is York, I order you to face the Grandmaster Elder Velarde!"

"An upright battle!"

Gamaliel Leduc was extremely angry at the moment. Originally, Elder Velarde
could chop Harvey York to death with a single knife, but at this moment, so
much time was wasted.

Wouldn't this kind of comparison make him look like a waste?

"You didn't just say that the function of martial arts is to kill the opponent."

"As long as you can kill your opponent, it's right to do everything you can!"

"The truth in this world is always in the hands of the strong, and fairness is
always reflected in the victorious side!"

Harvey York dodged indifferently, and spoke mockingly.

"I can avoid Elder Velarde's offensive, I can kill him, it's my ability."

"No way, Elder Velarde can do everything he can to deal with me."

"On my side, I have to pay attention to the example of martial arts, right?"

"Master Leduc, it's okay if your ass is crooked, and your brain is double-
standard enough!"

"You are a dignified Wolsing Leduc Family, what kind of American do you

"I don't know, I thought you had also undergone genetic modification."

Gamaliel Leduc's face sank, and he said, "If your surname is York, stop

"Our Country H has five thousand years of civilization and is a real country of
etiquette. How can we learn the practices of the younger generation?"

Harvey York said lightly: "Wonderful, Master Leduc's mouth is really

"God is also you, and ghost is also you."

"You can talk so well, why don't you use your mouth to kill Elder Velarde!?"

Gamaliel Leduc sneered: "York, stop talking so much nonsense!"

"If you have the ability, you can take it head-on, and if you don't have the
ability, don't chirp here!"

"I doubt now, do you have an affair with Elder Velarde!"

"Maybe, all of this was planned by you, and your purpose is for these few dzi

Having said that, Gamaliel Leduc had a proud expression as if he had found an
excuse to buckle Harvey York's hat.

Harvey York laughed, and then said lightly: "Okay! Since you are Master Leduc,
you feel that I have to be above board and can't dodge!"

"I'll give you a face."

"After all, I can see it now, the genetic science of the United States, but err..."

The words fell, Harvey York fell to the ground, and slapped the face of Elder


A crisp sound!

Chapter 5842

A crisp slap came out.

At the moment when everyone couldn't react, they saw an indescribable and
terrifying wave of air roaring out in all directions.

In the next instant, a figure flew out and slammed into the door of Hall of
Knowledge with a bang.

On the temple gate originally forged from brass, a human-shaped mark


The entire Hall of Knowledge continued to tremble violently, and countless

cracks appeared on the walls of the hall.

The power of a slap is like the most terrifying sniper firearm.

At this moment, Elder Velarde slowly slipped from the copper door, and then
his seven orifices overflowed with blood, and his entire body trembled

A dignified generation of God of War, a master of the island country, and the
result of genetic scientific transformation in the United States.

But when Harvey York got serious, it was over with a slap!?

At this moment, Elder Velarde was a bit more miserable than the last time he
was in Spirit Rest House.

Last time, Elder Velarde was able to stand up, but this time he didn't even
have the strength to struggle.
On the other hand, Harvey York had his hands on his back, his expression was
indifferent, and his whole person was like a god who could not be offended.

The sun is falling, and Harvey York at this moment is like a god.

Elder Velarde stared at Harvey York, his eyes full of shock, incredible, and

He couldn't understand why, he had obviously been genetically modified.

Obviously already a generation of God of War.

Why can't even Harvey York's slap be blocked!?

What level of strength is this young man in front of him!?

It's so terrifying!

You must know that you have already loaded the most high-end combat chip
in the United States into your mind!

This chip is not simple!

Inside is a set of information formed by the United States after analyzing the
video data of all known martial arts masters in the past 50 years.

With such information in the heart and data in the brain, it stands to reason
that you should be taking the invincible road!

Harvey York is awesome, but how old is he?

How could he possibly defeat himself in this state?

Elder Velarde felt that his scalp kept beating, and he couldn't understand what
was going on at all.

I even wonder if the Americans have cheated me?

In this case, he only felt that the blood was attacking his heart, and a mouthful
of old blood was almost spit out at the first time.


Seeing Elder Velarde was so angry that he vomited blood, the audience was
dead silent again.

Everyone is knowledgeable.

Everyone knows how great the masters of the island nation's martial arts and
the genetic technology of the United States are.

However, at the moment when this Master York made his official move, even
Elder Velarde was defeated?

No, no, it's not called defeating.

This should be a complete rout.

Besides Harvey York, only the Monroy family could keep calm.

Even Mandy Zimmer felt in a trance.

She knew that Harvey York was very capable, and she knew that Harvey York
was unfathomable.
But she never felt that Harvey York had reached this unfathomable level.

Thinking of her mother, Tang Ling, who forced herself to find a new husband,
Mandy Zimmer didn't know whether it was speechless or ridiculous at the

In addition to the rest, including Noah the son of Buddha, Concubine Lizzeth
Gaona, Gamaliel Leduc, and others, there were other spectators who could not
see Harvey York's figure clearly.

At this moment, when they saw this scene, they all felt extremely shocked.

In particular, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona couldn't help but slap her two big
hands to make sure that she was not dreaming.

After all, this scene in front of me is like a dream...

Chapter 5843

Who is Elder Velarde!?

He is a generation of masters other than the six sword saints of the island

According to legend, he was one person and one sword, and he was able to
pacify the Ghost Ninja Sect. He even created the fourteen swords for slaying
ghosts by himself.

Such a character was originally powerful.

After the transformation of genetic science in the United States, not only the
physical strength has become stronger, but also the martial arts skills have
definitely become stronger.

But such a great master, such a terrifying existence, was actually destroyed by
Harvey York with a slap in the face!?

This is this!

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!"

"How could someone with the surname York defeat Elder Velarde so easily!"

"Did the surname York use any means? Was it a sneak attack?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona covered her face at the moment with an expression
of disbelief on her face.

As for the beautiful girls behind her, their faces turned from excitement to
bitterness at the moment, they only felt hot on their cheeks.

No one could have imagined that a person who was despised would have
such strength.

"Elder Velarde, I gave you a chance."

Harvey York looked at Elder Velarde and smiled indifferently.

"It's a pity that you insisted on fighting with me and courting death yourself.
Who do you think can be blamed?"

"Why? Why is this!?"

Elder Velarde had a ferocious look on his face.

"The flesh and blood are bitter and weak, and the machinery soars!"

"I have clearly accepted the genetic science of the United States, why is it not
your opponent!"

"It's simple."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

"Genetic science in the United States has collected video data of known
martial arts masters for nearly 50 years."

"But the question is, will you give the best things to islanders like you, your
American father?"

"It would be nice to give you a second-class or defective product!"

"A defective product, you can still not die if you take a slap from me, you are
considered amazing."

"So it turns out, what I accept is only the genetic modification of the inferior

Elder Velarde had such an expression on his face.

"But it's not right, even if it is a defective product, I am a generation of God of


"A generation of God of War, how could it not be your opponent!?"

"Excuse me."
Harvey York walked to Elder Velarde with his hands on his back, and spoke
lightly with only two people's voices.

"As early as many years ago, I was a generation of God of War."

"Don't say it's you rubbish, even if it is one of the most powerful people in the
genetic modification of the United States, the captain of the United States, in
my eyes, only has the strength to fight me. If you want to beat me, it's a fool's

"As for you, if it wasn't to see how far the genetic sciences in the United States
have grown over the years."

"Do you think you have a chance to dance there?"

"You do not deserve!"

Elder Velarde's eyelids jumped when he heard the words, and then he said
with a little trembling: "You, you, who are you!?"

"How can someone like you be anonymous!?"

"Silent and nameless?"

Harvey York smiled slightly.

"The Shindang Sword Saint Ten Feng Shirou was defeated by me, and the Yin
Sword Saint Daniel Sotelo was defeated by me."

"With the power of a slap, I defeated Brahma, one of the three major demon
monks in Tianzhu."
"With just a few words, the Country H Martial Alliance ranks as one of the five
permanent council members of the World Martial Alliance League."

"Are you saying I have no name?"

"you are wrong!"

"For you islanders, I am the eternal sun."

"I won't die for a day, and you island country clowns will never step into my

Chapter 5844

"Oh it's you!?"

Elder Velarde was shocked, and his eyes were full of shock.

"It was you!"

"It's you who got the order to kill the emperor of our island!"

"If I had known it was you, I would have invited the first person from our island
country to challenge you!"

"Excuse me."

Harvey York smiled slightly.

"He challenged, and then he lost."

An unbelievable look appeared on Elder Velarde's face. He seemed to have
thought of something, and said tremblingly: "The person who defeated the
first person in our island country, there is only one person in the world."

"That's Country H..."


Harvey York stepped forward, kicked Elder Velarde to the ground, and
stepped on his chest.

"I advise you not to say those three words."

"It's good to be clear in your own mind."

"Otherwise, I don't mind trampling you to death."

Elder Velarde was extremely angry and roared loudly.


"Even if you are that person!"

"You can't insult me like that!"

"This is not the spirit of martial arts!"

Harvey York said indifferently: "Our Country H and your island country, the
enmity of the ninth generation, cannot be shared by the sky."

"What kind of martial arts spirit do you need to deal with you bunch of
jumping clowns!"
"The last time I let you go, you didn't know how to cherish it. I'll take you on
the road today."

While speaking, Harvey York stepped on Elder Velarde's throat.


"Hurry up and stop!"

Before Harvey York could start, Gamaliel Leduc had already rushed out with an
ugly face.

"York, can you point your face!"

"You can't be Elder Velarde's opponent at all!"

"You just attacked Elder Velarde at the moment when he used up his combo
to reveal his flaws!"

"If you had fought head-to-head with Elder Velarde from the beginning, do
you think you could still stand here and talk now?"


"Absolutely impossible!"

"Even if you started practicing martial arts in your mother's womb, you can't
be Elder Velarde's opponent!"

"We Country H Court, Jianghu, and martial arts can't accept this kind of victory
through conspiracy and tricks!"

"We Country H are walking the dignified and upright king's way!"
"So you have to let Elder Velarde go and fight another day!"

Speaking of which, Gamaliel Leduc felt more and more righteous.

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona also reacted at the moment, she whispered: "The
surnamed York, let him go!"

"Otherwise, the consequences of this incident will be very serious!"

"If you cause an international dispute, it's not something you can solve!"

Harvey York smiled lightly, and looked sideways at Gamaliel Leduc and
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona: "Release?"

"Are you two out of your mind?"

"It's not a fake-handed game of a fair duel in martial arts right now."

"Let's talk about it, now it's Elder Velarde coming to snatch the three dzi beads
that the Monroy family gave to Cloud top Temple!"

"In a big way, now it's the cause and effect of the island country destroying
your Buddhist sect."

"I'm helping your Buddhist Earth Sect to subdue demons and demons, but you
actually say that I don't teach martial arts?"

"What? Are you going to let this islander protect you?"

"Or, is this islander yours?"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

However, Gamaliel Leduc rolled his eyes, and then plausibly said: "York, I know
you are very happy!"

"You want to use this matter to make people feel that you have a great favor
to our Buddhist Earth Sect!"

"But you are wrong. For our earth sect, monks are compassionate!"

"Anyone can become a Buddha on the spot as long as he puts down the
butcher's knife and becomes a Buddha on the spot!"

Chapter 5845

"So, Harvey York, I request you on behalf of the Buddhist Earth Sect, and now
let Elder Velarde go!"

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc can be called plausible.

"If you are disobedient and cause any catastrophic consequences, we will not
care about Buddhism!"

"It's all up to you!"

Hearing such words, Elder Velarde quickly reacted and smiled in a low voice:
"You are very powerful and your status is also very high!"

"But, you are destined to kill me today!"

"And this matter will not end here!"

"This time, I will go directly to the United States. Even if I kneel in front of the
eight major consortiums and become a dog, even if I replace all my physical
body with a machine, I will make myself extremely powerful!"

"When that time comes, I will come back for revenge!"

"I will kill the people around you one by one, and then I will kill you again!"

"I will make you pay an unimaginable price for what happened today!"

"No matter how strong you are, you are still strong alone. Can you guarantee
that the people around you are as strong as you?"

Obviously, Elder Velarde believed that there was Noah the son of Buddha
behind him, and now he had Gamaliel Leduc and Concubine Lizzeth Gaona on
his side.

Harvey York would never dare to do it.

Harvey York smiled lightly, glanced at Gamaliel Leduc, and said, "If I kill this
islander, will I have to bear any consequences?"

"You Buddhists, are you going to stay out of this matter?"

"That's right!"

Gamaliel Leduc took it for granted.

"We Buddhist Earth Sect, we pay attention to the value of harmony!"

"I'll say it again, and for the last time, let go of Elder Velarde!"
"Okay, since you want to be a good person, then you are responsible for his

Harvey York smiled faintly at Gamaliel Leduc, and then kicked out.


Elder Velarde flew out and fell directly in front of Gamaliel Leduc.

Just the moment he landed, he spat out blood with a "wow".

annihilation of life...

At this moment, the look in Elder Velarde's eyes dimmed instantly. He could
never have imagined that under such circumstances, Harvey York would dare
to kill himself regardless...

The whole place was dead silent.

Elder Velarde, actually died?

This is a big man in the island country, a master who has been genetically
modified by the United States!

But now he is dead like this?

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona and Gamaliel Leduc had dull expressions on their

They never thought that Harvey York didn't care about their warning at all,
and dared to kill Elder Velarde directly.

Isn't he afraid of offending the Buddhist Earth Sect?

Aren't you afraid of getting into international disputes?

The surname York is so bold!

Seeing the rigid atmosphere in the audience and seeing many people looking
at Harvey York from disbelief to admiration...

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc finally couldn't hold back anymore.

He couldn't accept it, there were people outside the Great Wall who were
better than him.

At this moment, Gamaliel Leduc stepped forward and said sternly, "Hello,
Harvey York!"

"Actually dare to slaughter island friends!"

"Even if he really stole the dzi beads, but the crime is not to die for, you..."


Harvey York was not used to Gamaliel Leduc, but slapped him with a

"You're very noisy, don't you know?"

"No more nonsense, believe it or not, I have scrapped you?"


Gamaliel Leduc spat out a mouthful of old blood and fell to the ground again.
He was gnashing his teeth at this moment, and his expression was hideous. He
never imagined that Harvey York would dare to beat himself in front of so
many people.

But Harvey York's indifferent eyes made Gamaliel Leduc shiver smartly.

With Elder Velarde's body still beside him, and continuing to talk nonsense,
Gamaliel Leduc can imagine his ending.

Chapter 5846

"York, you can't do this!"

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona had to keep the last dignity of her generation of

"My junior brother said these words and did these things for the sake of the
righteousness of the family and country!"

"What you do today will bring unimaginable consequences to us outside the

Great Wall, and even the entire Country H!"

"How do you take this responsibility?"

"How are you going to carry it?"


Harvey York spoke lightly, with a calm expression on his face.

"The feud between the island nation and me, Country H IX, cannot be shared."
"The death of the island country, my heart in the summer will not die!"

"Today, the island nation is even more prepared to snatch the sacred relics of
Buddhism outside the Country H Great Wall!"

"I blocked, recaptured, what's wrong?"

"On the contrary, you, Cloud top Great Temple, can't make a move in this
matter, and can't be fair and open."

"Then you are just like the people in Cloud top Temple, sitting and reciting

"Don't jump up and down here and make people laugh."

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona retorted with an ugly face: "Harvey York, we don't
need you to teach us how to do things!"

"Furthermore, we Buddhists always pay attention to cause and effect. Elder

Velarde really took away the dzi beads. That is also the cause and effect of
Buddhism. What does it have to do with you?"

"Have we Buddhism invited you to take action?"

"Did Cloud top Temple ask you to take action?"

While retrieving the dzi beads, Harvey York glanced at Concubine Lizzeth
Gaona with great interest, and said, "Indeed, neither Buddhism nor Cloud top
Temple asked me to take action."

"But if it wasn't for me, this Dzi bead might end up overseas."
"From this point of view, now this thing has nothing to do with Buddhism and
Cloud top Temple, right?"

Everyone present looked at each other in dismay, and then they all nodded

It seems so.

"If this is the case, then I can decide the ownership of these three dzi beads?"

Harvey York smiled, took out a cotton rope at will, and strung three dzi beads

There was a strange look in the audience, and no one knew what Harvey York
was going to do.

Could it be that he used this excuse to swallow all three dzi beads?

On the contrary, in the Hall of Knowledge, there was a touch of joy on Noah
the son of Buddha's face.

As long as this thing is not open and honest into Cloud top Temple, it is in the
interests of Cloud top Temple.

Harvey York strung the dzi beads, and his gaze fell on Concubine Lizzeth
Gaona with a half-smile, and then smiled and said: "Concubine Lizzeth Gaona,
saintess, let me give you a chance."

"If you knelt down and apologized to me now that you were wrong."

"I don't care about you, what did you do just now?"
Concubine Lizzeth Gaona was stunned for a moment, and then roared loudly
in the next moment: "I, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona kneeling down on the gods
and demons, how could I kneel on your little white face!"

"Have backbone!"

Harvey York gave a thumbs up.

"Then, I will officially present these three dzi beads to Cloud top Great Temple
now, please explain the Concubine Gaona and the saint..."


Before Harvey York could finish speaking, he saw Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's
expression changed, and in the next instant, she knelt down without

Dzi bead presented to Cloud top Great Temple!?

This is not a blessing, but endless trouble!

And Concubine Lizzeth Gaona knew very well that it was just the means and
disposition that Harvey York showed at the moment.

He will definitely do what he says!

I can't afford it!

Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, who was kneeling on the ground with an aggrieved
face, had a look of humiliation on her face.

She had all kinds of reluctance and unwillingness in her heart, but at this
moment, it could only be transformed into one sentence: "I'm sorry..."
"You said so quietly, didn't you eat?"

Harvey York reached out and patted Concubine Lizzeth Gaona's face.

"You, you are much worse than Noah the son of Buddha..."

Chapter 5847

In the Hall of Knowledge, Noah the son of Buddha's face turned black when
he heard Harvey York's words.

You bastard surnamed York, what are you doing with this Buddha?

Believe it or not, this Buddha slapped you to death?

The most important thing is, Concubine Lizzeth Gaona, you bitch, why are you
so cowardly?

Before Noah the son of Buddha finished complaining, Concubine Lizzeth

Gaona had already gritted her teeth and said loudly: "Master York, I'm sorry!"


Harvey York smiled, walked over where Concubine Lizzeth Gaona was, walked
to the front of the Hall of Knowledge, and then slowly placed the three dzi
beads in his hands in the bowl in front of the Hall of Knowledge.

Afterwards, Harvey York took out the tissue and wiped his hands.

"Noah the son of Buddha, and everyone from Cloud top Temple, these three
dzi beads will be officially sent to the temple today."
"I hope that at the Saifu Conference, people outside the Great Wall will be
able to admire the extraordinary features of these three dzi beads!"

When the words fell, Harvey York turned and left.

The big picture, set!


The incident of Cloud top Temple came to an end like this.

A lot of blood was shed for this incident, and many people died, but there was
not much disturbance outside the Great Wall.

Cloud top Temple did not know whether it was intentional or unintentional,
and they all downplayed Harvey York's influence in this matter.

It was as if Harvey York had never made a move.

There is no such thing as Elder Velarde coming out to snatch dzi beads.

There is only one thing that is clearest outside the Great Wall, and that is that
three of the nine dzi beads entered the Cloud top Temple on the auspicious
day of the zodiac.

A day later, in a tea house on River Road outside the Great Wall.

Mandy Zimmer leaned against the window and watched the river flowing
slowly outside the window.

Harvey York sat opposite her, drinking the rock tea in the cup with a calm
He have to admit that the material conditions outside the fortress are still a
little worse, at least the water for brewing rock tea cannot be brewed with
excellent flavor and flavor.

After three rounds of tea, Mandy Zimmer finally came back to her senses, and
her slightly complicated eyes fell on Harvey York. After a long time, she said
softly: "Harvey York, although I know you are very capable, but this time It's
too big."

"I suggest you leave the fortress before the news of Cloud top Temple

"The local forces outside the Great Wall are nothing, and you can barely cope
with the top ten top families and five ancient clans."

"But I heard that even the fighting nation has entered the game now..."

"These forces are now determined to win the Nine Great Dzi Beads, not to
mention, there may be other forces behind the scenes to fan the flames..."

"I'm afraid it will be more unsettled next time outside the fortress."

Harvey York smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of the guys from the United
States, the island country, and Tianzhu entering the game."

"What if the fighting nation enters the game?"

"What's more, if I don't enter the game, are you sure that the three cats and
two dogs currently dispatched by your top ten top families can play a big role
in the current situation outside the Great Wall?"
"In case you lose, it's not a big deal to be held accountable by the high-level
officials, but it's a big deal for the nine major dzi beads to live abroad."

"So, I'm afraid I can't go."

Having said that, Harvey York leaned forward, put his right hand on Mandy
Zimmer's thigh, smiled slightly, and said, "Although I don't like the style of the
ten top families."

"But compared with the flow of treasures like the Nine Great Dzi Beads
overseas, it's better to fall into your hands..."

"I hope that through this incident, you will be able to truly ascend to the
position of Jean’s family in the Mordu."

Hearing Harvey York's words, Mandy Zimmer's expression became so

complicated that she forgot to remove Harvey York's tofu-eating hand...

Chapter 5848

While enjoying the gentleness of the woman, Harvey York continued to say
lightly: "Your status is different now than in the past, and I dare to let you
know about many things."

"For example, among the various forces staring at the nine dzi beads this time,
the most difficult to deal with should belong to the Hall of Longevity."

"Whether the U.S. or the fighting nation, what they want, at least they will
come upright."

"But the Hall of Longevity, an organization that has existed since ancient
times, I'm afraid it's here, and you don't even know it."
Having said that, Harvey York retrieved the information from his mobile phone
and handed it to Mandy Zimmer, before continuing: "Gamaliel Leduc is
considered a waste now, and he will probably only be able to recite sutras in
Cloud top Great Temple for the rest of his life."

"Then you, the investment group, do you have the final say or Zahen
Thompson has the final say?"

Mandy Zimmer frowned slightly and said, "Zahen Thompson is the direct line
of the Wolsing Thompson Family after all..."


Harvey York nodded lightly.

"In that case, let him go out for the next thing that needs to be in the

"Let him do the things that need to be exposed."

"For the time being, you can be as low-key as you can, and it's best to let all
parties ignore your existence."

"In terms of the current situation outside the Great Wall, everything that
happened before is just the prelude."

"The waves are always in the calm!"

"Of course, when you are outside the Great Wall, if you have anything, please
contact me as soon as possible."
It was rare for Mandy Zimmer to not get along with Harvey York, but looked at
Harvey York with great interest and said, "What about you? What are you
going to do?"

Harvey York said lightly: "Of course I will continue to read my book and be my
three-good student."

"Waiting for the grand show to kick off."

Next, the two rarely asked the waiter for a tablet phone, and watched a movie
together, which was considered a relaxation.

After sunset, Harvey York asked Juliette Romero to send Mandy Zimmer back
to the Great Wall Hotel, and told Juliette Romero to put the safety of Mandy
Zimmer in the first place. Then Harvey York returned to Villa No. 1 in Tianti

Five minutes after the lights of Villa No. 1 came on, Harvey York's phone
vibrated violently.

Harvey York glanced at the phone screen, and it was Sara Asghari.

After thinking for a while, Harvey York still answered the phone.

"Hey, Harvey York, are you back?"

There was a bit of hesitation in Sara Asghari's voice.

"Can I go up and sit down?"

Harvey York thought about Mandy Zimmer who was still in the Great Wall
outside the Great Wall, and suddenly had a headache and said, "Forget it."
"I just finished my work in the past two days, and I want to have a good rest."

Sara Asghari didn't seem to think that Harvey York would refuse. After
thinking about it, she changed the subject and said, "That's right, I was going
to tell you face to face."

"It will be Evangeline Floyd's eighteenth birthday in a few days."

"She wants to invite you to a birthday party in another courtyard of her house,
as a thank you for giving her the Millennium Medicine Master Pearl last

"But she was too embarrassed to invite you directly, so she had to go through

"Evangeline Floyd?" Harvey York was stunned for a moment. He was

somewhat fond of this one of the three major classes of the Earth Clan

Hearing this at the moment, he said lightly: "Okay, send me the address and

"I'll be there when I have time."

But having said that, Harvey York still took this matter to heart.

After resting for a day, he went to Earth Clan College for a walk. After class the
next day, Harvey York took a taxi and came to a group of villas in the old town
outside the Great Wall.

Chapter 5849
The villa group is called Pink Flower Fountain.

Although it is a villa area where the wealthy outside the Great Wall gather, it is
only mid-range.

It is not just a grade difference from the villas in Tianti Mountain.

Although most of the people living in this area are from the upper-class circle
outside the Great Wall, they are basically the marginal people in the upper-
class circle.

Harvey York walked into the villa area and followed the mobile phone
navigation to a single-family villa.

Evangeline Floyd didn't know when she was standing at the door. When she
saw Harvey York, her pretty face blushed, and then she walked over quickly
and said, "Harvey York, I thought you wouldn't come."

Harvey York smiled and said, "You have already invited me, how could I not

"Happy birthday."

While speaking, Harvey York handed out a box.

Since today is Evangeline Floyd's birthday, he can't come empty-handed


Inside is a small gift from Mr. Mario Monroy after the last incident at Cloud
top Temple ended.

Harvey York didn't open it and read it. Today is considered to be borrowing
flowers to offer Buddha.
Hearing the movement here, Sara Asghari, who was sitting on the bench at the
door and playing with her mobile phone, stood up and looked at this side with
a strange expression. Then she squeezed out a smile and said, "Harvey York,
you are here."

"Come in first."

Harvey York nodded at Sara Asghari, then followed Evangeline Floyd into the
hall of the villa.

In the hall, there are a lot of young second generation outside the Great Wall
gathered at this moment.

Many Harvey York were quite familiar, such as Derek Holmes, Anelisse Gallaga
and others. What made Harvey York a little surprised was that Antonio Holmes
actually came.

This young master of the direct line of the Great Rock Tribe, who had been
trained in the frontier military department, was almost swollen in the face by
Harvey York when he was at the Spirit Tower auction.

I didn't think he would dare to show up now.

However, Harvey York was not very interested in him, and after a few casual
glances, he ignored him.

In addition, Harvey York also met an acquaintance, Merary Benedetti from the
Longmen Outside the Great Wall Branch.

Harvey York hadn't seen Merary Benedetti since the battle with Aldair Ruan at
the Longmen Fortress that day.
But he didn't expect to meet Merary Benedetti here today.

Seeing Harvey York, Merary Benedetti also looked happy, and came over at
this moment and said, "York..."

Before she could finish her words, Harvey York said lightly, "Just call me by my

Merary Benedetti's voice stopped abruptly, and she said softly at this moment:
"Harvey York, since the last time we said goodbye, I have been looking for an
opportunity to visit you, but there is no time."

"I also hope that you will give me a chance. As long as you have time, I will
definitely come to the door."

While speaking, Merary Benedetti took out a business card from her closet
and handed it to Harvey York respectfully.

There was only one name and one phone number on the business card, but
the business card was gilded, and it also carried a girl's body fragrance.

After a casual glance, Harvey York put away the business card.

Seeing Harvey York's actions, Merary Benedetti's expression became more and
more pleasant, and water seemed to drip from her eyes.

Among so many people present, Sara Asghari probably knew that Harvey York
was very capable, but she didn't know how far.

But because Merary Benedetti is a member of Longmen, one of the four

pillars, he knows more.
For example, in the battle at the Hall of Knowledge of Cloud top Temple, there
was a legend that there was a Patriarch York who swept the people of the
island, and Merary Benedetti guessed that that person must be Harvey York.

After all, a master of this level would not appear casually in this place outside
the Great Wall.

Coupled with Harvey York's previous kindness to the Longmen Outside the
Great Wall Branch, Merary Benedetti pondered that if there is a chance, he
must make good friends with Harvey York, one is gratitude, and the other is

Chapter 5850

"Hmph, Sister Merary Benedetti is the eldest miss of our Benedetti family. How
can I see this little white face, just like seeing my sweetheart, is it too

Anelisse Gallaga was in another position at the moment, she was holding a
bottle of soda water in her hand, but looking at Harvey York's expression was
full of disdain.

She also knew that Harvey York relied on Wendy Monroy to show off his
power in the Spirit Tower auction, and even suppressed Antonio Holmes and
Leon Romero's affairs.

But then she inquired again.

Wendy Monroy has a cold temperament and has always disliked contact with
outsiders, but was obsessed with martial arts.
Harvey York was able to get her care, most of which happened to happen, and
Harvey York clinging to it.

If not, how could the Monroy family keep this little white face?

Moreover, even if Wendy Monroy attaches great importance to Harvey York,

but a little white face like Harvey York, besides relying on a face to eat, what
else can he do?

When Wendy Monroy gets tired of playing with him, will she still ignore him?

Therefore, in Anelisse Gallaga's shallow cognition, Merary Benedetti looked at

Harvey York a few times, and it was unnecessary.

Everyone is from the Benedetti family, although Merary Benedetti is a direct

line and Anelisse Gallaga is a collateral line.

But what Merary Benedetti is doing at this moment, in Anelisse Gallaga's

opinion, is to lose all face of the Benedetti family!

Their Benedetti family is now in control of the Longmen Outside the Great
Wall Branch, okay?

"Anelisse Gallaga, Miss Benedetti is the direct line of your Benedetti family
after all, and the prospective heir."

"A colleague of yours said that to her, and she heard it, and it won't end well
for a while."

At the rear, a few of Anelisse Gallaga's friends whispered to persuade one or


Derek Holmes also whispered a few words to comfort Anelisse Gallaga.

At this moment, it has been a little over half a month since Harvey York swept
the Martial Arts Hall of the Earth Clan Academy.

The initial impact faded, and the second generation's temperament and self-
righteousness made Derek Holmes and others still not look down on Harvey
York from their hearts.

In their cognition, in modern society, no matter how hard they can fight, they
are trash without enough background!

Even if Harvey York was lucky enough to cling to the fifth Miss Monroy family.

But don't forget, someone else's is always someone else's.

There is a world apart from your own.

Antonio Holmes was also holding the wine glass and looked at Harvey York

The last time he was embarrassed, but he was not destined to be embarrassed
today, so he patiently waited for Harvey York to be humiliated.

At this time, at the spiral staircase of the villa, a middle-aged beauty in her
forties slowly walked down the stairs.

She was wearing a Soviet-style cheongsam, with the hem of the hem showing
off her long legs, and her face with delicate makeup. The charm of a mature
woman was not comparable to that of a little girl.

With so many beauties in the field, I am afraid that only Merary Benedetti has
a slight taste of royal sister, which can be compared with this woman.
After all, beauty is in the bones and not the skin.

This woman's Mother Floyd, she looked around and said, "Everyone, everyone
is Evangeline Floyd's classmates and friends."

"Thank you very much for coming to Evangeline Floyd's eighteenth birthday."

"Everyone, you're welcome, just take your seat."

Soon, a professional chef launched a one-person-high cake with eighteen

candles on it.

At the same time, everyone also entered the table, and then the lights
dimmed, and along with the birthday song, everyone began to speak loudly,
urging Evangeline Floyd to make a wish.

Evangeline Floyd glanced at Harvey York subconsciously, not knowing what

wish she made, and then blew out all the birthday candles with a "huh".

Soon, some people started to give gifts, some people started to sing, and the
place was full of noise.

At this moment, the door of the villa's gate was suddenly pushed open with a

Chapter 5851

There was a sudden silence in the arena, and then a blond, blue-eyed man in a
suit, with gold glasses on the bridge of his nose, who was nearly 1.85 meters
tall, walked in with his hands on his back.
Behind him were four men in white suits. These men were also Westerners.
Each of them was tall and exuded an unspeakable murderous intent.

Those students present who had seen such a character, were too frightened to
speak at this moment, and looked at this scene in dismay.

No one knew why Westerners would break in at this critical moment.

"It's you?"

"Who allowed you to come!?"

"Get out!"

When Mother Floyd saw this man, she was stunned for a moment, and then
spoke sharply.

On the contrary, Evangeline Floyd looked surprised and said, "Dad, why are
you here?"

"Oh, sweet girl, Dad promised you that he would come to see you every year
on your birthday."

"How could I miss your eighteenth birthday?"

"After all, your eighteenth birthday means that you can officially inherit the
title of our family."

The man smiled gently at his daughter, and then his eyes fell on Floyd’s
mother again, and said lightly: "My dear, you should still remember what I said
to you."
"Before your daughter turns eighteen, you want her to live a peaceful life, I
promise you."

"But after the age of eighteen, she must accept her mission so that she can
become my heir in the future."

Hearing the man's words, everyone looked at each other, and everyone
vaguely knew that Evangeline Floyd's father was a mysterious big man.

But it has never been seen outside the Great Wall for so many years.

Unexpectedly, at the eighteenth birthday party, her father actually appeared.

Everyone present discussed in a low voice, only Harvey York's eyes fell outside
the hall.

There, a white-haired western old man casually leaned against the door.

The western old man looked like an ordinary person, but Harvey York sensed a
dangerous aura in him.

"The God of War of the Fighting Nation..."

Harvey York quickly saw something from the breath of the old man, and then
his eyes fell on Evangeline Floyd's father with interest.

Evangeline Floyd's father is absolutely extraordinary.

Otherwise, how could there be God of War asylum around him?

And the most important thing is that at the critical moment when the nine dzi
beads appeared one after another, Evangeline Floyd, the father, came here for
his daughter's birthday.
Or does he have other purposes?

After all, there are not many coincidences in this world.

At this time, someone suddenly whispered: "Everyone, have you ever heard
that there is a fief within the borders of the fighting nation, a hundred miles
west of our Country H Fortress."

"That fief belongs to the only alien marquis of the fighting nation, owned by
the White Marquis!"

"It is said that the white-clothed Marquis was a civilian in the past. Later, in the
several wars of the fighting nation, the battle shocked the world, so he was
named Marquis!"

"The title of the fighting nation is different from the title of the Empire where
the sun never sets!"

"Only those who have real military exploits can be knighted!"

"It's not like the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, where money can also
be knighted!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in dismay. Could it be that

Evangeline Floyd's origin was so big?

At this time, the well-informed Merary Benedetti quickly took out his mobile
phone, called up the webpage and looked at it for a while before whispering,
"Yes, it's him!"

"Fighting nation, White Marquis, Nestor Floyd."

Chapter 5852

Fighting nation, White Marquis!?

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was slightly

In other areas of Country H, perhaps people don't quite understand what the
three characters Marquis of White represent.

But outside the fortress, everyone heard the words Marquis of White like

After all, over the years, there have been occasional frictions between the
Frontier Military Department and the team led by Marquis of White, and the
outcome is basically five or five.

Although there are reasons for both parties to restrain each other.

However, after the head coach led Country H to sweep the five great powers,
he was able to score 55 points with Country H in terms of military friction,
which was enough to show the personal charm of this white-clothed Marquis
and his ability to lead troops.

"In legend, Nestor Floyd, the Marquis in White, is from Country H and his
ancestors, and he migrated to the fighting nation about a hundred years ago."

"As for the fighting nation, their family had a miserable life at first, but in the
end, through warfare, marriage, and other means, they gained a firm foothold
in the western region beyond the Country H border!"
"The current White Marquis is even more valued by the great emperor of the
fighting nation. It can be said that he definitely belongs to the fighting nation,
a big man in the upper circle."

"And Evangeline Floyd is actually his daughter?"

Merary Benedetti looked at Evangeline Floyd with a little surprise.

Evangeline Floyd in the past was just a pretty girl.

But now Evangeline Floyd is different.

Legend has it that the daughter of Nestor Floyd, the Marquis in White, is
qualified to inherit the throne of the Marquis.

With this identity, even the four major tribes and the two great surnames of
the Outer Great Wall never dare to provoke them at will, right?

"All of you are my daughter's classmates and friends. I am very grateful for
you to come to my daughter's eighteenth birthday. This white-clothed
Marquis Nestor Floyd is very grateful."

"Everyone has the opportunity to go to the territory of the fighting nation in

the future, and you can report my name to anything you encounter. It can be
regarded as this seat thank you for taking care of my daughter."

Seeing someone guessing his identity, Nestor Floyd didn't hide it, but opened
his mouth.

After hearing his admission, who would dare to sit? All stood up and shouted
respectfully, Lord Floyd Marquis.

Only Harvey York looked indifferent, and took a sip of tea from his teacup.
In the eyes of outsiders, this means that there is no distinction between
superiority and inferiority, and no distinction between priorities.

But for Harvey York, what does the Marquis of a mere fighting nation have?

Even the legendary Dukes of the Fighting Nation would have to respectfully
call out their head coach when they met him.

The mere white-clothed marquis did not have the qualifications that Harvey
York paid attention to.

Nestor Floyd glanced casually in the field. Although he passed by where

Harvey York was, he did not stop there deliberately, but landed on Antonio
Holmes and said with a smile, "Antonio, how is your honor?"

Antonio Holmes looked around in a dignified manner, then stood up

respectfully and saluted Nestor Floyd: "Master Marquis, thanks to you, my
father has been in good health all these years, and he has been thinking about
finding you a drink when he is free. "

Judging from the conversation between the two, the Great Rock Tribe, among
the four great tribes outside the Great Wall, should have a close relationship
with Marquis of White.

Nestor Floyd nodded slightly and motioned Antonio Holmes to sit beside him,
then his eyes fell on Harvey York, who was drinking tea by himself, and said
with some scrutiny, "You are Harvey York?"

Hearing Nestor Floyd's words, everyone present noticed Harvey York who was
still sitting at the moment, and there was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes.
What are you putting on in front of a big man like Nestor Floyd, the Marquis
in White?

Aren't you afraid of pretending to be a fool?

Chapter 5853

Harvey York didn't care about the eyes around him, but put down the teacup
and said lightly, "Is something wrong?"

Evangeline Floyd saw that her father was looking for trouble with her
sweetheart as soon as he came, and she hurriedly acted like a spoiled child at
her father: "Father, what are you doing? Harvey York is very good to me, you
can't trouble him."

"People who are nice to my daughter, of course I have to pay more attention,
and I should also thank him for helping you solve some small troubles before."

"It's too late for me to thank him, how could I trouble him?"

Nestor Floyd smiled gently at Evangeline Floyd, and reached out to touch her

It just fell on Harvey York's line of sight again, and it was more profound.

"Okay, everyone, please take your seats."

While speaking, Nestor Floyd fell to the main seat on his own, and pulled
Evangeline Floyd over.

At this moment, Evangeline Floyd and Antonio Holmes were beside him, and
Harvey York was at the bottom.
As long as he's not a fool, he can see that Nestor Floyd doesn't have much
affection for Harvey York at this moment.

For this, Sara Asghari and Merary Benedetti and other people who knew about
Harvey York's ability were happy to see it, while the others were prepared to
see Harvey York's jokes, so they kept silent.

Harvey York himself didn't care, he came here this time to give Evangeline
Floyd face, a mere white-clothed Marquis Nestor Floyd, he really didn't take it
to heart.

"By the way, My dear, I heard that a lot of things have happened recently, and
a rather remarkable person has appeared."

"This big man, who seems to be called Master York, is not only young, but also
extremely skilled, extremely terrifying?"

"Even the Noah the son of Buddha of Cloud top Temple and the Concubine
Lizzeth Gaona of Cloud top Great Temple have suffered losses from him?"

After all, Nestor Floyd was a boss-level figure, so he was somewhat well-
informed outside the Great Wall.

After a few jokes with his daughter, he finally turned to the topic.

Mother Floyd was stunned for a moment, but she still said softly: "There is
indeed such a big man. I heard that he also defeated the Elder Velarde
Grandmaster of the Velarde family."

"And the old man Mario Monroy of the Monroy family, who also highly
respects him."
"By the way, the old man Samuel Romero of the Romero Family has also
praised him on many occasions."

Hearing this, Nestor Floyd smiled and said, "I also heard that this Master York
is in his twenties at most."

"It's called youthful talent."

"After all, Elder Velarde in the island country has been transformed by genetic
science from the United States."

"Such a character is not as simple as a simple master."

"Definitely a generation of God of War."

"To be able to overwhelm a generation of God of War at a young age, this

Master York definitely has a place in the martial arts of the big summer!"

Hearing this, the young people present were all fascinated.

Martial arts, cultivation is extremely difficult.

And being able to cultivate into a generation of war gods at a young age is
not something that can be described as young and talented.

"Such a young genius, I am afraid that he can be compared with the legendary
chief coach of Sword Camp, the young master of Longmen, the representative
of Country H Martial Alliance York and others..."

Antonio Holmes had a look of sigh at this moment.

Obviously, although everyone is outside the Great Wall, they are no strangers
to what happened in Country H these days, and they are constantly nodding
at this moment.

When Nestor Floyd heard this, he smiled and said: "It's really windy, if you
have some words out of this door, don't talk nonsense."

"That Master York can be compared with Representative York and the Young
Master of Longmen, which is reasonable."

"But compared to the head coach, it's not as good..."

Chapter 5854

Hearing Nestor Floyd's words, everyone present was slightly shocked.

In particular, Antonio Holmes had experienced training in the Frontier Military

Department. At this moment, he was quite excited: "Master Marquis, when I
was in the Frontier Military Department, I always heard people say that the
Chief Instructor is the myth of the Military Department, a living legend!"

"Anyway, you are a big man who participated in the war that year. I wonder if
you have ever looked up to the head coach's demeanor?"

Nestor Floyd smiled lightly and said, "What happened back then was actually
three or five years ago."

"At that time, not long after I was named a marquis, I naturally participated in
that battle."

"However, I did not participate in the frontal battlefield, and I did not face the
head coach."
"But as far as I know, three of the five legendary dukes of our fighting nation
were defeated by the head coach."

"After one of them was defeated, he went into seclusion from then on,
claiming that he would never leave the seclusion without breaking through."

"You can see the whole leopard at a glance. From this, you can see the ability
of your head coach in Country H."

"So, it's not necessary to compare this Master York with a fairy-like figure like
the legendary chief instructor."

"But outside the fortress, that Master York should be a big man who can push
the younger generation horizontally."

"Even, I speculate that if he takes a serious shot, there may not be anyone in
the three major Buddhist temples outside the Great Wall who are his

"Even if it's the Buddha's King Kong, I'm afraid..."

"However, if there is a chance, I would like to ask him for a lesson or two."

Speaking of which, Nestor Floyd was quite conceited.

He elevates Grandmaster York inside and out.

But obviously, he also thinks that he, the Marquis in White, can't be compared
with the Chief Instructor.

But compared with the mysterious Patriarch York who had recently been
rumored outside the Great Wall, it shouldn't be too bad.
Seeing that Nestor Floyd looked at Patriarch York more than once, Sara
Asghari and Merary Benedetti both looked at their noses and hearts, and did
not speak at all.

"You people, if you really know, the Patriarch York you keep saying is the
young man who was deliberately neglected by Marquis of White at this

"I don't know how ugly your faces will be."

Thinking of this, whether it was Merary Benedetti or Sara Asghari, they all
thought that they must find an opportunity to take Harvey York down

After all, this kind of sweet pastry, once the identity is completely exposed,
some ladies will compete for it.

By that time, they may not be able to compete.

In this world, there are many things that can only be done first!

However, if Merary Benedetti and Sara Asghari knew that the head coach
whom Nestor Floyd admired so much was also the person in front of them,
they didn't know if they could bear it.

With Nestor Floyd, the white-robed prince, the atmosphere of this birthday
party was very pleasant.

Even Antonio Holmes didn't dare to take advantage of the situation to step on
Harvey York.

After all, he wanted to show off in front of Nestor Floyd.

Harvey York naturally didn't care. After eating and drinking, he said hello to
Evangeline Floyd, then patted his butt and left.

Although Merary Benedetti and Sara Asghari both wanted to give him a ride,
they were both rejected by him.

Silent all night.

The next day, I went to the Earth Clan Academy with nothing to do. In the
academy, Evangeline Floyd's identity was already half-disclosed, so the three
school beauties of the academy became one.

Evangeline Floyd became the goddess everyone chased.

After all, if you catch up with this woman, then not only will you be able to
return with beauty, but there will be countless benefits.

Harvey York didn't feel much about this, but in the afternoon, not long after
he left Earth Clan Academy, he saw several Rolls-Royce Cullinans parked
beside him.

Chapter 5855

The car door opened, and a few Westerners in suits walked out.

The leader walked up to Harvey York, looked him up and down, and said
lightly, "Young Master York, my Marquis invites you to talk."

"Master Marquis? Marquis in White clothes?"

Harvey York looked indifferent, but did not refuse, but went directly to the
Rolls-Royce Cullinan.

Soon, after driving for half an hour, they came to the edge of a desert in the
suburbs outside the Great Wall.

In the front, hundreds of people stood with their hands down, and the one
standing in the middle was Evangeline Floyd's father, Marquis of White, Nestor

With his hands on his back, he looked at the desert in front of him, his white
windbreaker rattling in the wind and sand.

And not far behind him, the old man who was suspected to be the God of War
of the fighting nation looked up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Young Master York, please."

The big man in the suit made a gesture, but didn't mean to bring Harvey York

However, the gazes of hundreds of big men around all fell on Harvey York in
an instant.

The eyes of these people are full of brilliance, and they are obviously people
who have been on the battlefield.

Ordinary people will be scared to the ground when they are watching.

Harvey York didn't feel the slightest, but stepped forward with an indifferent
expression, and walked ten steps away from the White Marquis.
At this time, the old man who had been looking up at the sky suddenly
lowered his head, his eyes fell on Harvey York, with a hint of warning.

Harvey York didn't care, but continued to step forward until he came to the
place where he stood side by side with Nestor Floyd, and then stopped.

This scene made the old man's pupils shrink. He was about to step forward
when he saw Nestor Floyd waving his hand at will.

"Marquis of White, why are you looking for me here?"

Harvey York spoke at will, without paying attention or holding it deliberately.

Nestor Floyd, Marquis Nestor Floyd, seemed a little surprised, but instead of
looking at Harvey York, he still looked at the desert in front of him, and said
lightly, "Young Master York, standing on the edge of this desert, I don't know
what you saw?"

Harvey York glanced at random and said, "Isn't it the desert beyond the Great

"The desert beyond the Great Wall is simple to say, but its radius is

"A person standing outside can only know the greatness of the world and the
insignificance of himself."

"In this vast world, people are like the dust and gravel in the desert beyond
the Great Wall, and they are not worth mentioning."

Nestor Floyd spoke slowly, with a bit of emotion in his words.

Then, he slowly turned around, looked at Harvey York, and said, "Just like you,
Young Master York."

"Although it's a little bit famous outside this fortress."

"But in the entire summer, the whole world, no matter how good you are, it's
just a little bit more beautiful dust and gravel in this desert."

"A gust of sand blows, and you can't find it again."

Harvey York smiled and said, "Although Marquis of White is a member of the
military, he didn't expect to have such a deep research on philosophy."

"I think you can become a lecturer or professor at a university even if you are
not the prince."

"At least not starve to death."


Hearing this, the old man who was suspected to be the God of War shouted

Nestor Floyd glanced at him and motioned him not to speak, then looked at
Harvey York and said, "Young Master York, everyone is smart. Does it make
sense to act stupid at this time?"

"Or do you want to let me make my words clear and clear before you are

Harvey York said noncommittally: "Then you can understand it?"

Chapter 5856

Nestor Floyd, the Marquis in White, gave Harvey York a deep look, as if he
could not have imagined that this young man was so ignorant.

But he still said lightly: "Since you don't want the dignity I left you, I won't give
you this face for my daughter's sake."

"I'll just say it straight."

"Although you seem to have some ability, but looking at the whole outside
the Great Wall and the entire summer, what are you worth compared to those
who are high above the sky?"

"People like you are not even qualified to be friends with my daughter, let
alone go further."

"So, I want you to start now, and my daughter's kindness is broken."

"Of course, I will not wrong you."

Having said that, Nestor Floyd waved his hand and saw him walking over with
a suitcase under his arm.

The suitcase was slowly opened, and there were stacks of colorful banknotes
inside. At this moment, some banknotes were flying directly in the wind and
sand of the desert.

"There is one million meters of gold in it. You should know that this money is
enough for you to live the rest of your life comfortably."
"I swear to leave my daughter, and from now on, I will be separated from her. I
can still arrange for you to study in the best colleges and universities in the
world. Of course, I will cover all the expenses."

"This is my repayment of your favor for my daughter."

Nestor Floyd was determined to win. Obviously, he had seen too many young
handsome men in his life.

But in the face of such temptation, how many people can resist?

Harvey York casually stretched out his hand and held a piece of rice gold in
the air. After a few glances, he let go of the banknote and said with a smile,
"Millions of rice gold, a bright future, it's really exciting."

"I'm sorry, but I don't like it."

While speaking, Harvey York was about to turn around and leave.

"Harvey York, are you preparing for something?" Nestor Floyd frowned

Harvey York didn't turn around, but said lightly: "You can't control how I do
things, and you don't care."

"And in your capacity, you are not qualified to say the words "I don't know
what to do" in front of me."


Nestor Floyd smiled.

"I'm not eligible?"

"I joined the army at the age of 18, and became a marquis at the age of forty.
My martial arts cultivation is against the sky, and I am a god of war!"

"In the fighting nation, although I am not one of the five dukes, I can speak in
front of the emperor."

"In Country H, although I am not a citizen, except for the top ten families, the
five ancient clans, and the four pillars, who can not give me face?"

"With my words, the family can be prospered!"

"My word is one of a kind!"

"You say, do I have this qualification?"

At this moment, Nestor Floyd's face was full of pride. At his age, he was
absolutely proud of such an achievement.

The most important thing is that, in his eyes, his daughter is his prospective
heir, and if he chooses a son-in-law, he must choose one who can become a
success in the future.

But in his investigation, Harvey York did not have this capital.

Although Harvey York was suspected to be from the York family outside the
Great Wall.

But Nestor Floyd really didn't pay attention to the York family outside the
Great Wall.

In order not to make her daughter sad, her generation was polite, but Harvey
York didn't know what to do.
"It's really not good enough."

Harvey York looked calm.

"Wait until one day, when you become the great emperor of the fighting
nation, you may have this qualification."

"Otherwise, in my eyes, you are not qualified."

Nestor Floyd's face finally changed.

"York, I can understand that you are looking down on me?"

Chapter 5857

Harvey York looked surprised: "I'm already so obvious, can't you see it?"

"Is it possible that you, the so-called Marquis in White, got it with your IQ?"

Nestor Floyd originally had anger on his face, but after hearing Harvey York's
words, his anger suddenly subsided, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Young man, you are arrogant and arrogant, I can understand."

"After all, young and promising people always think that they are
extraordinary, and even think that they are superior."

"I always feel that I will definitely stand at the top of the world in the future."

"It's a pity that many people with such ambitions can only earn three thousand
a month after graduating from university."
"If your arrogance and arrogance can be restrained a little, maybe you can still
have some success in the future."

"If you rely on your self-righteousness and think that this earth will surround
you, it can only be said that you are too naive."

"At this moment, you are no longer qualified to give me a high look."

While speaking, Nestor Floyd ignored Harvey York and turned to leave with
his hands on his back.

Seeing Nestor Floyd's attitude, his subordinates were even more dismissive of
Harvey York.

Only the old man who seemed to be God of War stopped at this moment. He
glanced at Harvey York with great interest and said, "Young man, as long as
you give up your ambitions and follow my master's arrangement."

"Then, maybe my master will give you a chance, a chance to become a

superior person."

"It seems to you at this moment that this is an insult."

"But maybe looking back many years later, you will find that you missed the
opportunity to fight for 18 less lifetimes."

"If the old man had such an opportunity when he was young, how could he
still be used as a bodyguard at his age?"

Harvey York said lightly, "That's because you are incompetent."

"Nestor Floyd gave me a chance? He may not be able to protect himself
during his trip to Country H. Who can he give him a chance?"

"Even if he is lucky enough to get away, his so-called opportunity is worthless

in my eyes."

"Oh, so brave!"

The old man squinted at Harvey York for a moment.

"I hope that one day, I can meet you, a young man, at the summit."

"Although, such chances are infinitely close to zero."

While speaking, the old man also got into the Rolls-Royce Cullinan, and then a
row of cars drove away, leaving only Harvey York alone.

Harvey York looked indifferent and turned to look at the desert behind him.

In the eyes of Nestor Floyd, the Marquis in White, Harvey York at this moment
seems not worth mentioning.

As everyone knows, in Harvey York's eyes, the Marquis of a mere fighting

nation is truly unworthy of mention.

If he is willing to go to Mocheng, the capital of the fighting nation, to drink

tea, even the legendary emperor, I am afraid that he will meet him.


Meanwhile, Rolls-Royce Cullinan took to the Beltway.

The white-clothed Marquis Nestor Floyd, who was squinting and slumbering,
looked at the back outside the window and said, "Elder Dassault, what do you
think of this son?"

"Although I have the ability, but my heart is too arrogant, it is destined to be

difficult to become a great thing in the future."

Elder Dassault shook his head slightly.

"The most important thing is that when you are young and self-righteous, you
can't even grasp the opportunity you gave him, Lord Marquis. Such a person
may be able to become a tyrant in a small place, but it is difficult to become a
grand hall."

"Not to mention, worthy of Miss."

Nestor Floyd said lightly: "Originally, he was kind to Little Evangeline, and I am
going to give him a chance. In the future, he will really learn something, and it
is not impossible to be the husband's quick son-in-law."

"It's a pity..."

Having said that, Nestor Floyd's face was flat.

He has seen so many wounded Young people in his life, why would he care
about one more Harvey York?

If it wasn't for her daughter's concern for Harvey York, Nestor Floyd would not
have given Harvey York a second glance.

Chapter 5858
"Okay, let's get down to business, are you clear about the whereabouts of the
nine dzi beads?"

Nestor Floyd changed the topic while taking out the tablet to check the

"Currently, there are four dzi beads in Cloud top Temple."

"Then, Cloud top Great Temple and Heavenly Dragon Temple each have one."

"Including two-eye, three-eye, four-eye, five-eye, six-eye and seven-eye dzi."

"One eye dzi seems to have fallen into the hands of a mysterious collector."

"The eight-eyed dzi is suspected to be in the hands of the Asghari family of

the wolf clan outside the Great Wall, and the nine-eyed dzi is suspected to be
in the hands of the Romero Family of the wolf clan outside the Great Wall."

Elder Dassault spoke earnestly.

"Tsk, the nine dzi beads are not one, so it's not appropriate for me to wait.
After all, this is not our territory, we should wait for another hit at the Saifu

Nestor Floyd thought for a moment and then spoke slowly.

"What about the other thing?"

Elder Dassault said solemnly, "The ring match of the four major tribes is about
to start."

"This time I heard that the scale of this ring competition will definitely expand
because of the fact that all forces have come to the outside of the Great Wall."
"According to the information we got, Angel Asghari, who left Chinatown in
the United States, and asked his first disciple, Jahdiel Ruan, to come outside
the Great Wall in an attempt to sweep the arena and help him win the right to
speak outside the Great Wall."

"The out-of-the-sea investment group formed by the top ten top families in
Country H may also make a move in this arena."

"Simply put, whoever can stand alone in this arena will be destined to gain
great benefits in the next situation outside the Great Wall."

"Maybe it can bring the power of a city outside the Great Wall and force the
three major Buddhist temples to combine the nine dzi beads at the Saifo

Nestor Floyd shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that simple."

"Being able to unify the outside of the Great Wall and integrating resources
can certainly benefit greatly."

"But the three major Buddhist temples are not as simple as they are on the
bright side."

"Elder Dassault, I have a special status and am not suitable to take action."

"This time, if we want to intervene in this arena, we might trouble you to get

Elder Dassault smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Lord Marquis."

"Although the old man has not been on the battlefield for many years, the
strength of the God of War is not achieved by blowing it."
"Since the Marquis is interested outside the Great Wall."

"Then this old man will take down the frontier for Lord Marquis, which is a
great gift for Lord Marquis and the eldest lady to recognize each other!"

Nestor Floyd nodded slightly, his face full of determination.


Harvey York didn't call anyone, but walked back to the Tianti Mountain Villa.

After arriving at the villa, he thought about it and called Leonardo Zambrano.

"Marquis in white, Nestor Floyd?"

Leonardo Zambrano was slightly taken aback when he heard the name, and
then chuckled.

"Mr. York, this man in white is indeed a top-ranking figure in the South of the
Fighting Nation."

"There are also rumors that the white-clothed army under his command is
quite powerful among the major armies of the fighting nation."

"Even in a border conflict, it is possible to win or lose 50 to 50 with the border


"However, no matter how powerful it is, back then, he was just a waste who
didn't even dare to go to the frontal battlefield."

"The Fifth Duke of the Fighting Nation meets Mr. York, and he has no choice
but to run away."
"When the Great Emperor of the Fighting Nation encounters you, he has to
respectfully call out to the Chief Instructor."

"A mere man in white clothes is a fart."

"However, in the past few years, one or two of the five great dukes of the
fighting nation have been seriously ill. This Marquis in White has been doing
everything possible to promote border disputes and gain military exploits, so
he has the opportunity to nominate a duke."

"So, this time he brought a master to the outside, I'm afraid he has bad

Chapter 5859

Harvey York said indifferently when he heard the words: "What are the people
in the Frontier Military Department doing?"

"Let people like Nestor Floyd enter the fortress openly?"

Hearing this, Leonardo Zambrano said with a wry smile: "Mr. York, in the
frontier military department, it is not our old brothers from the Sword Camp
who have the final say."

"The real person who speaks is Alma Jean from the Jean Family in the Mordu."

"Let Nestor Floyd, the white-clothed marquis, show up outside the Great Wall,
I'm afraid it has a lot to do with her."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

"Since some people have forgotten the agreement after the war that year, I
will give them a good lesson if they have a chance."

Leonardo Zambrano nodded slightly. After a while, he remembered something

and said, "That's right, Mr. York."

"I suddenly remembered that this time, the white-clothed Marquis Nestor
Floyd suddenly came outside the Great Wall. I'm afraid it has something to do
with the ring match in a few days."

Harvey York asked curiously, "The ring match?"

"Mr. York, you don't know. In order to distribute the interests of each year, the
four major tribes outside the Great Wall and the Wolf Clan outside the Great
Wall will hold a ring match every year."

"And in this arena, basically all forces can participate."

"Those who come out on top in the arena will be able to integrate various
resources outside the Great Wall in the next year, which has many benefits."

"No matter what Nestor Floyd's thoughts are, if he comes at this special time,
he will most likely come to compete with him in the ring."

"Ring match, I understand."

Harvey York nodded slightly.

After hanging up the phone, a call came in, and it was Mathew Monroy.

"Little York Patriarch, hello."

The voice of Mathew Monroy on the opposite side of the phone was a little

"I have something to ask you from here."

"What's the matter?" Harvey York had a guess in his heart, and said lightly.

"In a few days, we will have a ring match outside the Great Wall, and according
to the news I got, my cheap second brother, Lenin Monroy, is also here for this
ring match."

"And he is 80% ready to completely defeat our Monroy family in the ring
match, and then the upright king will return."

Mathew Monroy sighed.

"So, I thought..."

"Want me to be a thug for you?" Harvey York smiled.

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Mathew Monroy broke out in a cold sweat across the phone.

"There is also a clan elder in our Monroy family who is ready to take action.
Although his strength is not as good as yours, he is also a martial arts master
who has been cultivating for many years."

"My grandfather also means that we have troubled you too many times. This
time is a private matter of the Monroy family, so I can't trouble you any more."

"But I have the cheek to beg you once in private."

"Because I heard that the person Lenin Monroy invited back was Aldair Ruan's
brother, Jahdiel Ruan, who was defeated by you before..."

"I heard that he has the strength of a god of war, and our Monroy family is

"Okay, come pick me up when the time comes, and I'll take a look."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

Hearing what Leonardo Zambrano said, he wanted to go to the arena to see it.

Now that the Monroy family came to the door, he didn't bother to find other

It's called a meeting.

After a day of silence, at noon the next day, Harvey York, who had just woken
up and finished running, vibrated on his phone.

Mathew Monroy called and said that this time the Outer Great Wall arena will
be held in advance tonight.

Even the location of the ring competition seems to have changed for some

And this time, there are so many people participating, I am afraid that they will
have to play the spirit of 120,000 points.

Chapter 5860
At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lenin Monroy drove a Land Rover Range
Rover and waited at the entrance of Villa No. 1 in Tianti Mountain.

After Harvey York got into the car, he found that in addition to Mathew
Monroy, there was an old man in his fifties.

Then came the other men of Black Panther and Mathew Monroy, but Mario
Monroy and Wendy Monroy did not come.

"Young Master York, grandpa said that Lenin Monroy has never been
particular about his behavior, so he must stay outside the Great Wall to guard,
and I will be fully responsible for the affairs in the arena."

Mathew Monroy gave Harvey York a respectful look.

"In addition, let me introduce to you, I am the number one expert of our
Monroy family, my clan uncle, Rodolfo Monroy."

"Uncle Rodolfo, this is Little Patriarch York."

Rodolfo Monroy, who had been closing his eyes and resting, opened his eyes
slightly and glanced at Harvey York.

Seeing that Harvey York was white and pure, and his hair had not even grown,
he snorted coldly and closed his eyes again.

This scene made Mathew Monroy quite embarrassed. This uncle has always
been practicing martial arts in the Holy Vulture Palace of martial arts. This
time, Mario Monroy took a lot of effort to invite him back.

Such people are arrogant and normal.

But the problem is that there are some things that Mathew Monroy is not easy
to explain.

Harvey York doesn't care. He has seen a lot of these so-called masters, so he
just shook his head at Mathew Monroy lightly, saying that it doesn't matter.

Mathew Monroy smiled awkwardly.

Soon, the car drove out of the Tianti Mountain Villas and headed for the
depths of the desert.

Harvey York looked at the wind and sand outside the window and said lightly,
"Where is this going?"

"An oasis in the desert beyond the Great Wall." Mathew Monroy explained in a
low voice.

"This oasis is a disputed area, and neither the borders of Country H nor the
fighting nation cover it."

"So, this place can be regarded as a free city."

"This place is a bit more exaggerated than Dark Night Town. In addition to all
kinds of shady transactions, there are also many underground black boxing

"The arena outside the Great Wall is also held here."

"Actually, the so-called ring competitions are all about pediatrics."

At this time, Rodolfo Monroy, who was in front of him, suddenly spoke lightly,
showing his knowledge and ability.
"Every three years in this oasis, people from major martial arts holy places
come here to discuss swords."

"Every time a sword is discussed, the top ten masters of Country H martial arts
will be decided."

"I remember a sword discussion, in addition to our major martial arts holy
places in Country H, the six schools of the island country, the three temples of
Tianzhu, the five dukes of the fighting nation, the eight major financial groups
of the United States, the Knights Templar of Sun never sets, etc. We have sent
experts to participate.”

"Although my Country H's martial arts have a long history and a long history,
the masters trained by various overseas forces are also extraordinary."

"For example, the American genetic warriors created by modern genetic

science swept the five masters of our Country H martial arts holy land in that
sword discussion."

"That time, Country H's martial arts really lost face."

"This also led to the fact that the five major powers thought that we were
strong in the Country H, and only then did the Eurasian War."

Harvey York said lightly: "So it is, but an accidental failure doesn't mean
anything, right?"

Rodolfo Monroy said slowly: "Times have changed, people who have been
practicing martial arts for decades have lost to those who have been
genetically modified for several months."

"That says too much."

Harvey York didn't make a pointless argument with Rodolfo Monroy at the
moment, but thought about it, could this be the attitude of the major martial
arts holy places now?

Chapter 5861

The car drove in the desert for nearly two hours, and at five o'clock in the
afternoon, it finally arrived at an oasis in the hinterland of the desert.

The oasis is formed around a huge lake and looks like a paradise.

And because there is no government management relationship for a long

time, there are no rules in this place.

However, Mathew Monroy and others were familiar with this place, and soon
came to a small villa in the oasis.

There were several guards with firearms walking back and forth in the villa.
When they saw the convoy, they all opened the firearm's insurance directly,
with vigilant expressions on their faces.

And after Mathew Monroy made a phone call, a dark-skinned middle-aged fat
man walked out of the villa.

"Mathew Monroy, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

The middle-aged fat man came over and said with a smile on his face.

Mathew Monroy glanced at Fatty and said, "Young Master York, Uncle
Rodolfo, this is the leader of a small gang in the Oasis, the leader of Lei Gang,
who is our linker in the Oasis."
"Mathew Monroy, you are too polite, the villain is a fart in front of you, and
whoever does not help the leader is simply flattering!"

The gang leader Lei shook his head again and again.

If you want to get along in an unofficial place like an oasis, you must have
enough background and backing.

And the Monroy family is his backer.

Therefore, this Lei Gang leader has no intention of holding it in front of

Mathew Monroy.

Even if he is usually a jackal who eats meat and does not spit out bones, at this
moment in front of Mathew Monroy, he is as respectful as a grandson.

"Could this be the number one expert of the Monroy family, Mr. Monroy

At this moment, the gang leader Lei glanced at Rodolfo Monroy who had
stepped down from the co-pilot, and spoke in surprise.

After all, Rodolfo Monroy's frame is very big.

Even Mathew Monroy, the third young master of the Monroy family, was
disliked. In the Monroy family, apart from the old man, there should be only
this number one master.

Soon, the leader of Lei Gang welcomed Rodolfo Monroy and Mathew Monroy
in with enthusiasm.

On the other hand, Harvey York, who looked so low-key, didn't take it too
Mathew Monroy wanted to say something, but was stopped by Harvey York
shaking his head.

Soon, the group entered the villa. In the villa, a few girls with wheat-colored
skin were already ready. At this moment, all of them came over and saluted

Obviously, these are not from Country H, they should all be girls from foreign
countries, and every appearance is very beautiful.

These girls directly greeted Mathew Monroy and his party and sat down at the
dinner table that had been prepared for a long time.

The dinner table is full of big fish and meat, and there are naturally no delicate
things in this place, but the advantage is that the portion is very large.

Harvey York hasn't eaten much today, so at this moment, he is welcome and
eats directly.

This made Rodolfo Monroy and Gang Leader Lei disdain Harvey York a bit,
and then they started chatting on their own.

Harvey York looked at this attitude, this ring match should not be held so
soon, and he was not happy with this kind of escort reception.

Immediately he stood up and casually said that he was going out for a walk.

Mathew Monroy naturally did not dare to refuse, he gave a quick wink, and
soon, an exotic girl followed Harvey York and came to be a guide.

The oasis is very big. At this moment, because of the coming of the ring
competition, people come and go...
Not long after Harvey York walked out of the villa, he just came to a place
similar to a market. He just paused slightly, and a group of people walked over
with extraordinary momentum.

The leader was Nestor Floyd...

Chapter 5862

The market is not big at first, and there is no plan, so the road is not wide.

In addition, Harvey York didn't mean to avoid it, so in the next instant, Nestor
Floyd's footsteps stopped, and his eyes fell on Harvey York with a bit of doubt.

"Why are you here?"

Harvey York didn't feel too much, after all, Nestor Floyd must have his own
purpose when he went outside the Great Wall this time.

With such a big event outside the Great Wall, he would be a ghost if he didn't

So at this moment, Harvey York just nodded and said hello.

A quirk flashed in Nestor Floyd's eyes, apparently unexpected, Harvey York

had such a personality, and when he met himself in this place, he was neither
humble nor arrogant.

But at the moment he has other things, so he didn't talk nonsense with Harvey
York, but said lightly: "I live in the Crescent Moon Villa, you should know
where it is if you ask."
"Come here later."

After he finished speaking, he left with the people.

From Nestor Floyd's words, Harvey York could hear three points of concern,
three points of superiority, and four points of dispensability.

But he didn't say anything. Instead, he asked the foreign woman beside him
about the time and place of the start of the ring, and then he went in that
direction on his own.

Just as I was about to arrive at the Martial Arts Arena by the Oasis Lake, at this
moment, a slightly surprised voice came from one side: "Harvey York, what are
you doing here?"

Harvey York felt that the voice was a little familiar, he glanced at it
subconsciously, and saw Emmanuel Asghari standing on one side with Emily
Miller and Sara Asghari's mother and daughter.

There are also a few people who are similar to bodyguards around them, and
they seem to be quite the same.

Seeing Harvey York, Emily Miller and Sara Asghari, who knew what he was
capable of, were both overjoyed, especially Emily Miller thinking that with this
opportunity, he might be able to make the relationship between his daughter
and Harvey York closer.

But Emmanuel Asghari didn't think so.

At this moment, he strode to Harvey York's side, glared at him, and said,
"Harvey York, why are you here? Do you know where this is?"
"This is the border between Country H and the fighting nation, and there is no
government management!"

"In this place, human life is as thin as paper!"

"Is this a place to come casually?"

Hearing Emmanuel Asghari's concerns about himself, Harvey York smiled and
said, "Uncle Asghari, don't worry, I'm here with a friend."

"Friend? Send Villa No. 1 in Tianti Mountain to your friend?" Emmanuel

Asghari said subconsciously.

Harvey York nodded slightly.

"Monroy family..."

Although Emmanuel Asghari didn't know why the Monroy family gave Harvey
York Villa No. 1 in Tianti Mountain, and now brought Harvey York to the oasis,
he frowned and said solemnly.

"Harvey York, I asked you to come outside the Great Wall. You need to be
responsible for your safety."

"Since you are here tonight, You wants to see the ring match, right?"

"If you want to know, I'll take you in with me."

"But remember, you can't leave my side for half a step no matter what."

"Because it's too dangerous."

Harvey York looked at his watch and saw that it was almost time. On the one
hand, he really wanted to go in and take a look. On the other hand, he was
thinking about protecting their family. Harvey York nodded and agreed.

Seeing Harvey York nodding, Emmanuel Asghari had a teachable expression,

and then he waved his hand and led Harvey York and others into the martial
arts arena.

Chapter 5863

The atmosphere in the martial arts field is very dignified, like a large football
field, with a huge ring in the center.

There are high platforms built around the arena, which should be seated for
those who have a lot of status.

Ordinary spectators can only squeeze into the crowd and see how much you
can see.

In all directions, security personnel in black suits were constantly walking

around. These people were carrying firearms unscrupulously in their hands,
with the attitude that whoever did not obey, who dared to make trouble
would be directly killed.

The people who entered this place, although they could speak, basically kept
their voices low, and no one dared to speak loudly.

After all, this place is the annual ring competition outside the Great Wall.

At this moment, not only can we decide who will have the right to speak
outside the Great Wall in the next year, but it is also a place where there is
revenge for grievances and revenge for revenge.
In such a place, whoever dares to be self-righteous and act recklessly, unless
there is a terrible enough background, otherwise, he will die without a burial.

Harvey York followed behind Emmanuel Asghari, and there were several
bodyguards in front of him to open the way, but he came to the vicinity of the
ring very quickly, and could clearly see the situation on the ring and the high

At this moment, people have already appeared on the high platform one after

"The Romero Family of the wolf clan outside the Great Wall is here!"

"The people from the four major tribes are also present!"

"Oh, there are those few, no matter how you look at them, they are all raw
faces. This should be this year's Top, right?"

"It's very normal. Every year, Jiang Long wants to come to this arena to show
his energy, but if he can really get the recognition from all parties and he can
take the top position, then I don't know!"

The spectators below were all talking softly at the moment.

Looking at the people in the stands, all of them looked envious.

The people who appear today are not necessarily the helms of each family, but
they are definitely people with great identities.

These people can definitely be all-powerful in the upper-class circles on

Today, it is even more able to replace the family and tribe that one is in, and
seize enough benefits.

Otherwise, what qualifications are there to appear on the high platform?

"Romero Family, is Miss Perla Romero here?"

"The Asghari family, it should be the young master of the Asghari family,
Adrian Asghari!"

"Why are the people from the Monroy family of the Emerald tribe who are the
three young masters of the Monroy family?"

"Oh, the Zambrano family from the Golden Elephant Tribe is the eldest young
lady of the Zambrano family, Katherine Zambrano."

"Why didn't the Holmes family of the Great Rock Tribe and the Tagore family
of the Fire Phoenix tribe send people this time? Could it be that they have to
withdraw from this competition?"

"The three major Buddhist temples did not send anyone this time. They should
be preparing for the Buddha Saifu Conference, right?"

"Those people over there have such a strong aura of Being from the army.
Could it be that the people from the Frontier Military Department are here this

Some were suspicious.

"What frontier military department, the leader is Zahen Thompson from the
Wolsing Thompson Family of the top ten families in Country H. Their so-called
investment group clearly represents the interests of the top ten families in
Country H."
Hearing that the top ten family members were also on the high stage, the
spectators below the stage gasped.

Today's arena match is destined to be an infinite storm.

At this time, a man in white clothes walked up to the high platform with his
hands behind his back. The moment they saw him appear, everyone's breath
was slightly condensed.

"Fighting nation, White Marquis, Nestor Floyd!"

"He's really here!"

Chapter 5864

Two days ago, after news spread that Evangeline Floyd's father Nestor Floyd
appeared at the birthday party, many people speculated that he was here for
the ring competition.

Seeing Nestor Floyd appear now, some of the big people who have already
taken their seats all have deep eyes.

However, Nestor Floyd had a smile on his face. After he smiled at the
surroundings, he walked to his own seat and sat down.

There were no other shrimp soldiers and crab generals behind him, only one
Elder Dassault stood with his head bowed, which is enough to explain a lot of

Nestor Floyd's eyes swept over the people on the high platform one by one,
and soon fell on a man with an indifferent expression.
"Monroy family rebel, Lenin Monroy?"

"I heard that he has been worshipped by Angel Asghari. This time, he came
back to help Angel Asghari to play the outpost?"

Nestor Floyd spoke with great interest.

Elder Dassault behind him smiled and said, "Just a mere Angel Asghari, in front
of you, Lord Marquis, he is like a chicken and a dog."

"Don't say you just let a Lenin Monroy on the outpost, even if Angel Asghari,
it's impossible to ruin your plan today, Lord Marquis."

Nestor Floyd nodded slightly, his eyes swept over one by one, and finally fell
on Zahen Thompson.

At this moment, there is only one Zahen Thompson who represents the
investment group of the top ten top families in Country H.

At the moment, Zahen Thompson is wearing a high-order shirt, holding a

beautiful woman in his left and right hands, and is casually mousing his thighs
and collarbone.

In addition, he was holding a slender cigar in his mouth, and when he

occasionally puffed out clouds and mists, he almost made no secret of the
playfulness on his body.

Standing behind Zahen Thompson was a middle-aged man with an indifferent


"Is it worshipped by the top ten top families?"

Nestor Floyd murmured, and then smiled slightly.

Although he was a little bit afraid of the top ten top families in Country H, he
also knew that since he came to work in Country H, he would definitely meet
people from the top ten top families.

So after a little thought, he put these concerns behind him.

This time, as long as he can take the lead in this arena, he will be able to act
outside the Great Wall without hindrance. This is of great benefit to what
Nestor Floyd is going to do.

So this time, even if he ends up in person, he will sweep all directions in this

At this moment, an old man in a Tang suit walked slowly to the center of the
ring, and then cupped his hands towards the surroundings.

Seeing him appear, the surrounding atmosphere was slightly condensed.

Obviously, the identity of this old man should not be simple.

"Everyone, the host and referee elected this time in Xia Oasis Town, everyone
calls me an old eagle."

"This time in the ring, I will uphold the concept of the past, which is to ensure
the most basic fairness and justice for all parties."

"In the ring, the only rule is one-on-one."

"At the same time, the number of experts sent by each party must not exceed

"That's all."
"let's start."

While speaking, Ying Lao retreated to the high platform in the presence of the
old god.

To put it simply, the so-called rules he mentioned were negotiated by all

parties for this ring match. Since they were presented in such a situation,
naturally no one would have trouble living with these simple rules.

As soon as Ying Lao retreated, he saw on the high platform, Lenin Monroy was
the first to stand up. He looked at the position of the Monroy family and
smiled coldly: "Mathew Monroy, why is the Monroy family so cowardly this

"Just let you kill yourself?"

"What? Afraid that the entire Monroy family will be taken over by me, Lenin

Chapter 5865

Mathew Monroy looked at Lenin Monroy coldly, and hummed: "Second

brother, don't think that you have taken refuge with the bereaved dog, and
even speak loudly!"

"Today I let you come, but you can't go!"

Lenin Monroy sneered, and then made a gesture.

He saw that, following his movements, behind Lenin Monroy, a man in a

singlet with a dark face stepped forward.
His movements looked simple, but he walked directly from the high platform
to the ring, seemingly spanning a distance of several meters.

As the saying goes, as soon as an expert makes a move, he will know whether
he has it or not. This simple move shows the terrifying strength of this black
and thin man.

Mathew Monroy's face sank slightly. Although his own martial arts cultivation
is average, it is the so-called layman watching the fun, and the expert
watching the door.

This black and thin man's simple action has already demonstrated his
impressive ability.

The bottom is also a generation of soldiers!

After taking a deep breath, Mathew Monroy said softly, "Uncle Rodolfo, I
wonder if you can be sure?"

Rodolfo Monroy put his hands on his back at this moment, and said with a
lonely look on his face, "This guy seems to be from Nanyang."

"What Nanyang people are best at is Muay Thai."

"And Muay Thai is an outsider's cross-training kung fu, not an insider's


"No matter how powerful External boxing is, you can't cultivate your inner

"How could I be afraid of him?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Rodolfo Monroy slapped the coffee
table with his left hand, and his entire body also emerged from the sky and
landed on the ring.

This skill is incomparably ingenious, and it looks more inscrutable than the
movements of the black and thin man.

Seeing this scene, all the spectators cheered loudly.

"This is the number one expert of the Monroy family, Rodolfo Monroy, who
has always been practicing in the Holy Vulture Palace of martial arts."

"Not to mention in the Monroy family, even outside our entire fortress, they
are considered to be well-known martial arts masters!"

Under the ring, Emmanuel Asghari looked up at the ring and sighed slightly.

"With him taking action today, I'm afraid Lenin Monroy won't be able to take
advantage of it."

Harvey York said lightly: "I'm afraid not necessarily."

Emmanuel Asghari was stunned for a moment. He glanced at Harvey York up

and down, and then said earnestly: "Harvey York, I heard that you also
practiced with others in school.

"However, the martial arts is easy to get started, but too difficult to master."

"You are a junior, in such a situation, you should read more and talk less."

"Otherwise, it's fine for me to hear what you said, but once Rodolfo Monroy
hears it, if he wants to anger you, I may not be able to keep you uncle."
Harvey York couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he knew that Emmanuel Asghari
was kind, so he didn't argue with him.

At this time, the two people in the ring were already standing on both sides.

The black and thin man twisted his neck at this moment and made a clicking
sound. Then, he bowed slightly to Rodolfo Monroy.

Without waiting for Rodolfo Monroy to return the salute, he saw the man's left
foot stomped on the ground, and the whole person had already used his
strength to fly out to the front, and at the same time he landed at Rodolfo
Monroy's face.

Regardless of the strength, speed or angle of this kick, it can be said to be

terrifying to the extreme.

Once implemented, it can easily kick a buffalo away.

Rodolfo Monroy definitely deserved to be a master from the Holy Land of

Martial Arts. Although he was caught off guard at this moment, he still had his
hands in front of him.

Chapter 5866


The two sides collided with fists and feet, and there was a huge sound in an

Rodolfo Monroy fell into a disadvantage with one move, and suddenly the
whole person staggered back, and his expression was difficult to see the
Without giving him a chance to react, he saw the black-handed man
approaching softly, not only his fists and feet, but all the parts of his body had
become big killers, and he could easily launch killer moves.

"Muay Thai Eight Arms!"

Seeing this scene, Harvey York murmured in his heart that he had already
cultivated Muay Thai, a foreign martial art, to a state of perfection.

Moreover, Harvey York suspected that this man might have undergone
genetic modification, otherwise, it would not be so scary.

And Harvey York saw it, and Rodolfo Monroy in the ring naturally saw it too.

At this moment, he can only support it hard, hoping that the opponent will be
exhausted for a moment, and then find a breakthrough to counterattack.

But the other party seems to be on drugs, one move is stronger than another,
and one move is faster than another.

Everyone up and down the stands was stunned.

No one knows that Muay Thai can still fight like this.

And Mathew Monroy had the most ugly expression at the moment.

He is not a fool either, he has already seen that Lenin Monroy invited this
Muay Thai master just for Rodolfo Monroy.

Whether it was the action of the shot, the strength, or the style of play,
Rodolfo Monroy was suppressed to the death.
"Mathew Monroy, if I remember correctly, this Rodolfo Monroy is the number
one expert of the Monroy family, right?"

Lenin Monroy casually took a sip from the teacup at this moment.

"When he is defeated, the Monroy family should have no one to use."

"If I were you, I would call Mario Monroy in person at this moment and ask
him to prepare for the transfer of assets."

"In this case, it's better than me taking advantage of it by chance, right?"

Hearing Lenin Monroy's words, Mathew Monroy gritted his teeth and said,
"Lenin Monroy, don't babble here, you won't know who wins or loses!"

"Really? Then I'll let you know!"

Lenin Monroy smiled slightly.

"Junior Brother Ruan, don't show mercy."

As Lenin Monroy opened his mouth, he saw that the black and thin Junior
Brother Ruan clenched his teeth fiercely. At this moment, he seemed to have
turned on some kind of switch, and the momentum of the whole person
soared again.


In the next instant, he threw a punch, and saw Rodolfo Monroy, who was still
able to support him, break his hands instantly, and then watched helplessly as
the opponent's punch landed on his chest.

Rodolfo Monroy flew out and smashed directly onto the coffee table beside
Mathew Monroy.

At the moment of landing, a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs

spurted out.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt chills all over.

One punch!

With one punch, the number one master of the Monroy family was

Mathew Monroy even felt cold all over, and his hands and feet trembled.

"I lost!"

Rodolfo Monroy stood up staggeringly at this moment, his face pale, he knew
very well that the other party's move just now wanted his life.

It was his luck that brought his life back, otherwise, it would be just a corpse at
the moment.

The black and thin man didn't say anything, but turned around and returned
to Lenin Monroy's side.

Lenin Monroy squinted and smiled, and said, "Mathew Monroy, what did I just

"Then, do you want to call or not?"

Mathew Monroy's face was as ugly as eating shit. He picked up the phone, but
he didn't dare to call Harvey York.

Chapter 5867

At this moment, Mathew Monroy's right hand is trembling.

He originally thought that the first master of the Monroy family, Rodolfo
Monroy, came from the Holy Land of Martial Arts.

So even if you can't push horizontally in the ring, you can always hold on for a
few games, right?

I just didn't expect that the first game was directly scrapped.

It can be said that the face of the Monroy family has been lost.

At this time, Mathew Monroy could only hope that when Harvey York
appeared, he would be able to turn things around.

But at this critical moment, Mathew Monroy didn't dare to call, because he
was afraid that Harvey York would not answer the phone, so the anger in his
heart would dissipate.

And once others see something, I am afraid that from now on, the Monroy
family will become a family that everyone can step on.

So at this moment, Mathew Monroy can only hold his breath and stare coldly
at the front.

However, the big people present at the moment have no great interest in the
Monroy family.
Katherine Zambrano, who came from the Zambrano family of the Golden
Elephant Tribe and had a relationship with Harvey York at the airport, squinted
slightly and looked at the field, and said coldly, "Cristian, Rodolfo Monroy of
the Monroy family is at the Holy Land of Martial Arts. Gong Qian has been a
martial arts master for many years."

"How can a person who practices Nanyang Muay Thai can't beat him?"

At this moment, Cristian Zambrano, a man in a suit, said slowly: "Miss, ordinary
Muay Thai is nothing, no matter how good it is, it is only the level of our
Country H Bajiquan and Wingchun beginners."

"But the problem is that this Man should have been modified by genetic
science in the United States."

"The Muay Thai successor transformed in this way has a strong physical body,
which is not comparable to ordinary martial arts practitioners."

"Although Rodolfo Monroy is cultivating in the sacred place of martial arts, he

is still inferior to the transformed Muay Thai successor."

Katherine Zambrano nodded slightly, and seemed to think of something after

a while: "What about you? Can you be an opponent using the secret technique
of my Golden Elephant Tribe?"

Cristian Zambrano took a slow breath and said, "If it's normal, I'm really not his

"But since the eldest lady allows me to use the tribal secret method, I won't
take it seriously!"
"Actually, if Rodolfo Monroy used the Monroy family's secret technique, he
wouldn't necessarily fail so badly."

"It's a pity that their Monroy family's secret technique seems to have broken
the inheritance."

Speaking of this, Cristian Zambrano looked proud.

Cristian Zambrano, as the number one master of the Zambrano family of the
Golden Elephant Tribe, also has his own arrogance.

After all, Rodolfo Monroy went to the sacred place of martial arts to cultivate
after the Monroy family's inheritance was cut off.

But he Cristian Zambrano doesn't need it.

He practiced the Four Elephants and Four Dragons of the Golden Elephant
tribe's ancestors. Once stimulated by a secret method, his fleshly body would
possess the power of a dragon and an elephant.

Under such circumstances, he naturally believed that he was able to look

down on the world's heroes.

Katherine Zambrano nodded slightly when he heard the words, narrowed his
eyes and said, "The four major tribes are of the same spirit. Although only two
of them are here this time, it also represents the friendship of the four."

"Now that the Monroy family is defeated, our Zambrano family will always find
this place for the four major tribes."

Cristian Zambrano smiled proudly and said, "Miss, among the four major
tribes, although our Zambrano family does not have the most resources or the
widest connections, our force is definitely the strongest!"
"Don't be in a hurry now. When I need it, I will naturally take action and find a
place for our Zambrano family and the four major tribes!"

"Let those people know that outside the Great Wall, it is my Zambrano family's
world after all!"

Having said that, Cristian Zambrano carried his hands on his back, in a lonely
attitude of a master.

Chapter 5868

At the same time, the white-clothed Marquis Nestor Floyd also looked at the
place in the field with a slightly surprised expression.

Elder Dassault behind him said softly, "Master Marquis, Nanyang Muay Thai
does have something special, but it's just something special."

"Don't talk about fighting with you, Lord Marquis, even if it is against the old
man, it will be too late."

Nestor Floyd said lightly: "I was thinking, if this kind of outside-door training
can spread widely in the army, wouldn't the white-clothed army under my
command be able to sweep across the land of Siberia?"

Elder Dassault was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It is true, but I am
afraid it is not so easy to get this Muay Thai practice..."

"Not urgent."

Nestor Floyd smiled slightly, with a gesture of being in charge of everything.

As long as he can dominate today, many things are possible.
While Nestor Floyd and Katherine Zambrano were strategizing their own
strategies, there were a few more fights in the arena.

That Junior Brother Ruan did have some skills. He played three times, but each
time he won easily.

Asghari’s and Romero’s masters were defeated by him respectively.

Soon, apart from Nestor Floyd, Katherine Zambrano, and Zahen Thompson,
the other so-called bigwigs in the arena were somewhat restless.

Could it be that this time, Lenin Monroy, a cross-border dragon, will take the

This is not a good thing for the outside world.

A group of big people looked at each other in dismay, eagerly hoping that
someone would take action to dispel Lenin Monroy's arrogance.

But the problem is that Nestor Floyd, who seems to be the strongest, is the
white-clothed Marquis of the fighting nation.

In addition, it is the Zambrano family.

The sight of many big figures outside the Great Wall couldn't help but fall on
Katherine Zambrano.

Katherine Zambrano frowned slightly, knowing that it would not go on like

this, and was about to let Cristian Zambrano behind him take action.

At this moment, Zahen Thompson, who had been playing with the beautiful
jade legs beside him, had almost no sense of existence, suddenly smiled
slightly, sat up straight, and said with a look of disdain: "This place outside the
Great Wall is indeed a backward place."

"What are the four major tribes, the wolf clan outside the Great Wall, the
result? But let a person who came back from overseas run rampant."

"Shame, it's really humiliating our Country H!"

Hearing this, many people looked over subconsciously.

Soon, the eyes of the big people present were flickering. After all, Zahen
Thompson came from the Wolsing Thompson Family of the top ten families.

Lenin Monroy looked at Zahen Thompson up and down, and suddenly

sneered, saying, "Fang Shao, it's none of your business here."

"I tell you, if the person present is Hector Thompson, I will give him some

"But you don't have this face."

"Now shut up obediently, I will give you Wolsing Fang's face, and I will not
move you."

"But if you continue to chirp, I promise, your Wolsing Thompson Family will
lose face here!"

"I, Lenin Monroy, said it!"

Hearing this, everyone's heart was condensed.

It can only be said that Lenin Monroy is really too arrogant and arrogant!
Those are the ten top families who represent the peak of Country H!?

Lenin Monroy actually didn't give him the slightest face?

This is a big deal!

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Zahen Thompson swallowed the clouds and mist, and his face was full of
incredible colors.

"What place is this, what age is it?"

"Our Wolsing Thompson Family's face is not given to..."

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Having said that, Zahen Thompson stood up and looked down at the direction
of the ring: "Lenin Monroy, you have such a big tone, but you want to show
off your strength just by relying on a mere Nanyang native, aren't you

Chapter 5869

Hearing Zahen Thompson's words, the other big figures present looked at
each other in dismay.

Everyone can see how powerful this expert Lenin Monroy invited is.

Nanyang Muay Thai plus genetic science in the United States is indeed not as
simple as one plus one equals two.
However, Zahen Thompson actually looked disdainful?

Does this mean that Zahen Thompson also brought a big man here this time?

Hearing Zahen Thompson's words, Lenin Monroy pouted and said, "Young
Master Fang, don't be rude at this time."

"Of course I can't just rely on a Nanyang native to show off my power outside
the Great Wall."

"Since I'm coming back to lay a bridgehead for my teacher, then I'm naturally

"If you really have the means, use it."

"Otherwise, don't be pretentious and embarrassing here..."

"Okay! You want to die, you said it yourself!"

Zahen Thompson sneered, then clapped his hands, and said lightly: "For
worship, some people look down on you."

"You must not give him face!"

As Zahen Thompson's voice fell, he heard a "quack" sneer from all around the

In the next instant, a dark shadow flashed past.

It was only for a moment, when Junior Brother Ruan, a Nanyang native who
was still standing on the stage showing off his strength, suddenly shuddered,
and then his figure flew out.


His body hit the ground directly, causing a huge pothole to appear on the

At the same time, there was a palm print on his chest, piercing it directly!

This palm shows the strength and ruthlessness of the person who shot it!

A simple and simple move, once the Nanyang native is abolished, it will make
his life worse than death.

"Blood Demon of the Northwest!?"

Seeing this scene, Nestor Floyd stood up abruptly in the next instant, his face
extremely dark.

Blood Demon of the Northwest is a title, referring to a martial arts master who
has been famous for a long time outside the northwest line of the Country H

And the place where the Blood Demon of the Northwest is raging happens to
be Nestor Floyd's fief.

In order to deal with this Blood Demon of the Northwest, Nestor Floyd has
paid a lot over the years, but he can't even find the whereabouts of the other
But unexpectedly, in such an arena today, I saw the traces of the Blood Demon
of the Northwest.

"Marquis of White, long time no see."

Soon, the figure above the ring solidified, and a man with a pale face and an
iron glove appeared.

There was a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, and the
expression on Nestor Floyd's expression was even more sarcastic.

Obviously, he is not afraid of the white-clothed Marquis in front of him.

"Presumptuous, Blood Demon of the Northwest, you dare to appear in front of

Lord Marquis, do you think this old man will let you go?"

Elder Dassault stepped forward at this moment, staring at the Blood Demon of
the Northwest.

The Blood Demon of the Northwest curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Old
guy, in Country H, I am a good citizen."

"Won't let me go?"

"If you have the ability, come to the ring and kill me!"

"Leave the ring, if you want to get along with me, I'm afraid you have to ask
Fang Shao if he agrees or not, right?"

Hearing the words of the Blood Demon of the Northwest, Zahen Thompson
said with a proud face, "Is that White Marquis?"

"I don't care what kind of Blood Demon is not Blood Demon."
"Since this one has been put under my command, he has become the worship
of our Thompson Family."

"I will naturally protect it!"

"If you look at him unhappy, see the real chapter in the ring!"

Hearing this, Elder Dassault's face sank. What he had to say was stopped by
Nestor Floyd's wave.

Since the Blood Demon of the Northwest is under Zahen Thompson's

command, it is necessary to think twice before making a move.

Chapter 5870

Seeing that Nestor Floyd didn't speak, Zahen Thompson stepped forward at
this moment, looked at Lenin Monroy with his hands on his back, and said
with a look of disdain: "Lenin Monroy, don't you have any other means?"

"Just use it!"

"Or else, after seeing the majesty enshrined in my family, all your so-called
omnipotent means have all run away!"

"If this is the case, then I'm sorry, from now on, I will respect you outside the
Great Wall!"

Hearing Zahen Thompson's arrogant words, Katherine Zambrano, Nestor

Floyd and others frowned slightly, but did not speak.

After all, Zahen Thompson at the moment does have the right to be arrogant.
Even the lonely master Cristian Zambrano and the gritted Elder Dassault were
not sure to take down the Blood Demon of the Northwest at this moment.

And there is only one consequence of not being able to win the opponent,
that is defeat, and then being abolished.

Everyone looked at Lenin Monroy subconsciously, wanting to see what means

the abandoned young master of the Monroy family, who is known as the
return of the king, has any other means.

After all, in everyone's understanding, since Lenin Monroy has worshipped

Angel Asghari door, his successors must be amazing.

"You are respected outside the Great Wall?"

Lenin Monroy narrowed his eyes and looked at the Nanyang people on the
ground for a moment before opening his mouth sullenly.

"Fang Shao, you think too much."

"At the moment I appeared, outside the Great Wall, I was the only one who
was respected."

"Believe it or not, I'll ask my back-up, you and all these people present have to

Zahen Thompson sneered: "You want me to kneel? Unless you become a


Lenin Monroy stopped talking nonsense, but turned around and faced the
direction of the lake in the oasis, and said respectfully, "Brother Dong, please
take action, and defeat the enemies in all directions!"

The little brothers behind him also bowed respectfully one by one: "Brother,
please take action, and defeat the enemies in all directions!"

Seeing their nervous demeanor, all the people in the group looked at each
other in dismay.

Could it be that the "East Brother" in the mouths of Monroy people is the
Dragon King?

Can it come out of the water?

In the audience, only Harvey York turned around lightly and looked into the
depths of the lake.

Then he narrowed his eyes and said, "It's interesting, is this a combination of
the God of War and genetic science?"

"It seems that I underestimated the genetic science of the United States."

Emmanuel Asghari's family looked at Harvey York strangely, not knowing what
he was talking about.

Sara Asghari was about to ask a question, when suddenly, she saw Nestor
Floyd, Elder Dassault, Katherine Zambrano, Cristian Zambrano, Zahen
Thompson and others all standing up abruptly on the stand, and then they all
looked at each other in horror. bottom of the lake.

Especially Nestor Floyd and Cristian Zambrano both looked like they were
facing a big enemy at the moment.
At this time, the spectators around also realized something.

Everyone looked at the direction of the lake in unison, and saw the lake that
was like a mirror. I don't know when a crack was opened on both sides.

The crack leads directly to the bottom of the lake.

At that place, a figure who was sitting cross-legged and resting slowly opened
his eyes, and then he rose into the air and landed on the shore.

Almost as soon as he landed, the crack on the lake disappeared silently, like a

"This this this..."

The Blood Demon of the Northwest, who was originally arrogant, now has a
look of horror on his face.

He almost lost his voice.

"A single thought becomes a breath, and water and fire do not invade!"

"This is the God of War Intermediate!"

Hearing this sentence, all the people present held their breath.

God of War realm, although it is a general term.

But the vast majority of Gods of War can only stand in the realm of God of
War all their lives.
To be able to enter the middle level of God of War in one step, this is almost a
character who can establish a faction!

Chapter 5871

Ordinary War God Realm can definitely be king and hegemony in some small

And at this moment, this one is actually the middle-level God of War, this,

This is almost equivalent to the invincible King Kong of Cloud top Temple.

Seeing this person, even Nestor Floyd, the self-proclaimed invincible white-
clothed Marquis, his face was pale.

In any case, he never imagined that he would be able to meet such a

troublesome person just by himself outside the Great Wall.

If placed in a fighting nation, such a person can definitely become a

generation of dukes.

An unspeakable sense of decadence emerged in Nestor Floyd's heart, and at

this moment, he almost wanted to turn around and leave.


At this moment, Lenin Monroy glanced around with a confused expression on

his face.

"Our teacher wants the king to return, but many people are not convinced!"
"Also please brother, town square!"

Jahdiel Ruan took a step forward with his hands on his back. What seemed to
be a simple action, he directly jumped into the ring.

Then he didn't even glance at the Blood Demon of the Northwest, but said
lightly, "Are you my opponent?"

The Blood Demon of the Northwest glanced at Zahen Thompson

subconsciously, and then he gritted his teeth slightly, took out a blood-
colored pill and swallowed it, and then cupped his hands at Jahdiel Ruan and
said, "Please."

Jahdiel Ruan shook his head and said lightly, "I'll let you do three tricks."

"Otherwise, just like you, it's not enough for me to warm up."

Hearing this, the Blood Demon of the Northwest's heart aroused. He is also a
big man who has been around for a long time, and he is also a generation of
God of War.

Although the strength is not comparable to Jahdiel Ruan, it is only a small


But who can become the God of War, which one is not the most determined
person with the heart of martial arts?

In addition, he has already taken drugs at this moment, and it is not nonsense,
but a step.

With a crisp sound, the white skin on the Blood Demon of the Northwest's
body turned crimson at this moment.

Even his teeth seem to have grown longer.

His whole person looks like a vampire in Nordic legend, with an unspeakable
killing intent.

"No wonder you are called the Blood Demon of the Northwest."

"You actually have the kind of blood in the legend?"

"I thought that kind of creature had been completely wiped out in the long
river of history."

"bring it on."

Jahdiel Ruan nodded slightly, then stretched out his right hand and slightly
hooked his index finger.

Under the ring, Harvey York's eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "In legend,
there is a ghost in West Ridge, who looks like a human, with red eyes and
fangs, and can eat human blood..."

"I thought this kind of creature was extinct, but I never thought that this Blood
Demon of the Northwest actually had the bloodline of this kind of creature in
his body."

Both Emily Miller and Sara Asghari looked surprised, but Emmanuel Asghari
frowned slightly and said, "Harvey York, do you want to say later that eating
will prolong your life?"
"A miscellaneous book like the Classic of Mountains and Seas, it's just a matter
of reading it on weekdays."

"What kind of occasion is this, you took it out and messed up?"

"Since you came to such an occasion today, take a good look at what a real
martial arts master is like."

"If you are really interested in martial arts, after seeing the strength of martial
arts masters, you must aim high and hope that one day you can become a
generation of gods of war!"

"Being a person, we must be down-to-earth, rather than relying on some

essays to speak freely on such occasions."

Emmanuel Asghari had a bitter expression on his face, as if he wanted to take

this opportunity to teach Harvey York a good lesson.

Obviously, he believes that Harvey York's visit to the oasis this time is of the
nature of a young man.

He didn't want his old friend to become an ignorant junior who only knew
how to brag.

Chapter 5872

Harvey York nodded casually, didn't say anything more at this time, but
squinted at the high platform.

At this moment, I saw the completely erupted Blood Demon of the Northwest
stepping on the soles of his feet, and his figure directly turned into a blood
shadow and rushed forward.
At the same time, he swept out.

This time his speed is not as amazing as before, but in this claw, there is an
aura that can be easily destroyed.

It was as if anyone's flesh body would be easily pierced by his claws.

Seeing this scene, Rodolfo Monroy's face was extremely ugly at the moment.

He, the self-proclaimed number one expert of the Monroy family, deeply
realized at this moment that if he were to face the Blood Demon of the
Northwest, he probably wouldn't be able to stop even a single face-to-face.

The god of war is the god of war.

The word "God of War" represents almost invincibility.

However, at this moment, Jahdiel Ruan nodded indifferently. At this moment,

his body was facing the rear side, and he said indifferently: "Three, two, one..."

Obviously, as he said, he wants to make three moves of the Blood Demon of

the Northwest.

And the moment the word "one" fell, he saw Jahdiel Ruan no longer dodge,
but pointed out.

His finger didn't seem to be fast, even a little slow, but he didn't know why,
but he came first, giving people an unspeakably weird feeling.

The next moment, I heard a "poof" sound.

At the moment when the fingers and claws of the two sides touched, the
Blood Demon of the Northwest flew out like a dead dog, and there was a
blood hole on his right hand.

Obviously, once Jahdiel Ruan broke his ultimate move with ease, he also
directly abolished his claw.

At this time, Jahdiel Ruan did not mean to catch a mouse, but took a step
forward, directly in front of the Blood Demon of the Northwest, and then
slammed a backhand.

This punch seemed light, but the moment it landed on the Blood Demon of
the Northwest's chest, it directly defeated the faint blood-colored light on the
Blood Demon of the Northwest's body, and slammed his entire body into the


Along with the landing, the Blood Demon of the Northwest seemed to have
turned into a fountain at this moment, and blood kept pouring out of his
mouth and nose.

This Northwest Blood Demon, who was fighting across the Siberian Plain, was
regarded as a serious threat by Nestor Floyd, the white-clothed prince, and
was regarded as a trump card by Zahen Thompson, the eldest son of the
Thompson Family in Wolsing, was easily defeated in this way.

Jahdiel Ruan simply punched with one finger and one punch. It was not only
the Blood Demon of the Northwest who defeated the Blood Demon, but also
the fighting spirit of these people present.

The whole place was dead silent, and everyone was dumbfounded.
That is the Blood Demon of the Northwest!

Seeing that the Blood Demon of the Northwest was venting more and less
breath at the moment, Jahdiel Ruan carried his hands on his back and said
calmly, "Weak, too weak!"

"You entered the God of War realm with an evil way, and your foundation is
unstable. Let alone now, even if you go to practice for another ten years and a
hundred years, you are still not the enemy of unity with me."

"The gap between people is already doomed at the moment of birth."

"So, I don't blame you for being weak today, I just blame me for being strong."

After speaking, Jahdiel Ruan carried his hands on his back, looked down on
the audience, and said lightly, "Who else is dissatisfied and wants to come and
have a lesson with me?"

At this moment, his status is as noble as Zahen Thompson, and his skills are as
high as Nestor Floyd, all of which are silent.

Jahdiel Ruan's strength is placed here, but with one finger and one punch, he
suppressed the trump card Blood Demon of the Northwest that Zahen
Thompson brought out.

Who is not afraid? Which one is not surprised?

Chapter 5873

Zahen Thompson, who used to be a fool, is now holding the cigar in his hand
shiveringly. Even if there is a top-tier prince, he still has the urge to turn
around and leave.
In the face of absolute force, what is the status, status, power, connections,
and energy?

If Jahdiel Ruan is willing, I am afraid that he can kill himself with one breath,

Zahen Thompson's face was pale at the moment.

At this moment, Katherine Zambrano also tightly held the armrest of his seat.

She originally wanted Cristian Zambrano to take action at a critical moment, to

save the face of the four major tribes, and to let the Zambrano family stand
out in this year's battle.

But all her strategizing and all her hard calculations fell apart in front of Jahdiel

After all, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy calculations are

"It seems that everyone is satisfied."

Jahdiel Ruan glanced around in the field, and then fell on Nestor Floyd, the
white-clothed Marquis, with a smile that was not a smile.

This one can be said to be the strongest person in the stands at the moment.

Seeing the change in Jahdiel Ruan's eyesight, everyone's eyes were also
subconsciously swept over, wanting to see the legendary white-clothed
Marquis, what kind of means and spirit he had in the face of such a situation.
Seeing Jahdiel Ruan's gaze, Nestor Floyd's expression changed. In the end, he
knew that if he avoided at this moment, the great reputation of the fighting
nation would be destroyed in his own hands.

Since ancient times, there have been only fighting peoples who died in battle,
and no fighting people who avoided fighting.

Since he is one of the marquis of the fighting nation, under such

circumstances, he must have his own responsibilities.

Moreover, if there is no war today, all calculations outside the Great Wall will
be empty.

If it was Nestor Floyd, the Marquis in White, he would not be able to bear such

Thinking of this, Nestor Floyd said slowly, "Elder Dassault, do you dare to take

Elder Dassault's expression sank, but he still took a step forward, and then said
solemnly: "Marquis, if you hadn't upheld justice for our family, the poor son
and grandson of this old man would have died long ago without a place to be

"Following the Lord Marquis all these years, there is no great achievement.
Today, I will fight for the Lord Marquis!"

"This battle will surely live up to the reputation of the Marquis!"

When he said this, the aura on Elder Dassault's body erupted violently.

Obviously, in the next battle, he is holding the heart of mortal death.

Hearing this, Nestor Floyd's expression sank and said, "Elder Dassault, if..."

"No ifs."

Elder Dassault smiled slightly.

"Master Marquis, please see the next scene clearly."

"As long as you can see the flaws in his tricks, maybe this is your opportunity
to go further."

While speaking, Elder Dassault walked out step by step, and his breath soared
to the extreme at this moment, although he simply walked from the stand to
the ring, without any bells and whistles.

But from his actions, everyone saw a belief in death and determination to win.

After seeing Elder Dassault approaching step by step, Jahdiel Ruan, who was
carrying his hands, looked at him up and down, and then smiled slightly: "It's
interesting, you should be practicing Bagua Boxing, right?"

"Bagua Boxing is also one of the internal boxing. Although it is not as good as
Tai Chi, it is not far behind..."

Elder Dassault frowned slightly and said, "You see my path?"

"Who the hell are you?"

Jahdiel Ruan said lightly: "My teacher, Angel Asghari."

The words were indifferent and the audience was shocked!

Chapter 5874

Especially the people of Asghari’s family, almost all stood up subconsciously at

this moment.

Angel Asghari. Twenty years ago, he was definitely a famous person outside
the Great Wall.

Back then, Angel Asghari and his junior brother Gideon Benedetti fought for
the position of the Longmen Outside the Great Wall Branch president.

In that battle, although Angel Asghari was defeated by half a move, Gideon
Benedetti also suffered a serious internal injury.

It was also after the war that Asghari went overseas, and it is said that he met
people from the American consortium in overseas Chinatown.

There, he combined the martial arts of Country H and the genetic science of
the United States into one. In the past 20 years, in the overseas Chinese circle,
he belongs to the invincible existence in the world.

And Jahdiel Ruan, as his first apprentice, naturally got his true biography.

"In the legend, Angel Asghari first disciple is known as the first person in the
younger generation of martial arts in the United States!"

"Is it Jahdiel Ruan?"

Some people who have studied abroad have changed color instantly at this
"It is rumored that the first person in martial arts once went to the three major
special forces in the United States to challenge, even the God of War of the
Ministry of War, he is not his opponent!"

"It is said that S.H.I.E.L.D. in the United States intends to absorb it into it!"

The US S.H.I.E.L.D. represents the fighting department of the genetic science

line in the United States.

It is said that in this US S.H.I.E.L.D., there are a series of legendary masters such
as the captain of the United States, the Eagle-eyed God of War and so on.

And being eligible to join S.H.I.E.L.D. is enough to show Jahdiel Ruan's ability.

Such a character is an absolute Dragon, and he is definitely not something

that the forces outside the Great Wall can fight against.

Even Nestor Floyd is probably not qualified to confront him head-on.

Although Marquis of White is strong, what is it before the situation of Aegis in

the United States?

Nestor Floyd, who has always been arrogant and self-confident, only felt that
he was in a trance at this moment.

Lenin Monroy was right, Jahdiel Ruan did not come here to fight in a small

He is here to win a bridgehead for his teacher, Angel Asghari.

As long as he suppresses the audience, from this moment on, there will be
only one voice outside the frontier.
While everyone was shocked, in the arena, both sides had already shot.

Although Elder Dassault was full of shock, at this moment, he represented the
glory of the fighting nation.

No matter what, it must be done now.

It's a pity that this game is destined to be only a cutscene.

It's just three or two moves, and Elder Dassault has been shot directly.

The moment he fell to the ground, Elder Dassault's seven orifices bleed. He
wanted to stand up and fight again, but when he stood up, he half-knelt on
the ground again with a humiliated expression on his face.

The dignified national master of fighting was actually defeated by a junior.

"Country H's internal boxing is really interesting."

"It's a pity that you didn't learn any profound methods."

Jahdiel Ruan glanced at Elder Dassault lightly, not even interested in shooting
him to death, but his eyes fell on Nestor Floyd.

"I heard that the Marquis in White is one of the most promising marquises of
the fighting nation to be promoted to dukes."

"Are you interested in a fight?"

Nestor Floyd's eyelids twitched and she was determined to stand up, but the
last trace of calm in her heart suppressed the throbbing in her heart.
He took a deep breath and said, "Master Ruan is superior, and he admits that
he is no match. When I am promoted to Duke in the future, I will definitely
come to ask for advice."

Jahdiel Ruan said lightly, "You have no chance."

"From now on, if I don't die, I will always be your inner demon."

"If you have a demon in your heart, it's already your skill not to go crazy, but
you still want to go further?"

Nestor Floyd was shocked, and in the next instant, his face was pale, and
bloodshots appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Chapter 5875

Everyone was dumbfounded watching this scene. No one would have thought
that Jahdiel Ruan's words would actually destroy Nestor Floyd's heart of
martial arts?

How terrible is this scene!

"Senior Brother, you really are the strongest outside the Great Wall!"

At this moment, Lenin Monroy stood up and couldn't help but raised his head
and laughed.

With Jahdiel Ruan in charge, then he, Lenin Monroy, is destined to return as
the most powerful king.

At this moment, it's not just the Monroy family!

From now on, the wolf clan and the four major tribes outside the Great Wall
will be prostrate in front of him.

And the audience in the audience was bitter.

It was originally a ring match that has been held every year.

Unexpectedly, the raptors crossed the river today and covered the sky with
only one hand!

From this moment on, the whole outside the Great Wall will probably change!

"Jahdiel Ruan, Jahdiel Ruan!"

"He should be the eldest brother who defeated Aldair Ruan before, right?"

"If you say that, they are not just for the wolf clan and the four major tribes
outside the Great Wall!"

"The branch outside the Longmen is also in the other party's pocket!"

Mathew Monroy was trembling all over at the moment, and he wanted to say
something, but he could only make a sound of "uh uh uh".

At this moment, there is only an unspeakable bitterness in Mathew Monroy's


Jahdiel Ruan's eyes fell on Mathew Monroy lightly, and then moved away.
Obviously, he had no interest in such a small role.

With his hands on his back, he glanced at the audience, turned his head
sideways, and said lightly, "About half a month ago, my younger brother
Aldair Ruan came to the border."
"His martial arts cultivation is average, and his character is average. If he dies,
he will die."

"But no matter what, he's my brother."

"As a big brother, I have to get justice for him!"

"I heard that my younger brother was defeated by a junior named Patriarch
York in the Longmen Martial Arts Hall that day."

"I also ask Master York to come out and give some pointers."

"Of course, you can also hide and not show up."

"However, starting today, I will slaughter a hundred people outside the Great
Wall in one day."

"From when you don't show up, from Tu to when you show up!"

"There aren't enough people in the plug to kill, so I'll go to the Central

"Kill all the people of Country H, and naturally my brother will be able to rest
his eyes."

Jahdiel Ruan's words were indifferent, and his words were calm and calm, but
as soon as he said a word, everyone felt that there were waves of blackness in
front of them, as if they had seen a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

Moreover, everyone knew that Jahdiel Ruan was definitely not joking at this
But really ready to do it!

At this moment, the whole world is quiet!

Everyone dares to speak, because everyone is afraid that they will become the
chicken that kills the chicken and warns the monkey!

After a while, someone finally reacted and murmured, "Who is this Master

"How could someone like Jahdiel Ruan be named on such an occasion?"

Someone whispered: "Isn't it the Master York who defeated the island country
Elder Velarde before?"

Hearing this, many people were shocked.

Especially the people in the upper circles, the big figures who knew about the
entry of Tianzhu into Cloud top Temple, all knew that there was indeed a
Patriarch York at that time.

Even the Concubine Lizzeth Gaona of Cloud top Great Temple had to kneel in
front of him.

But the question is, no matter how awesome that person is, is it possible that
he can still compare to Jahdiel Ruan in front of him?

This is a big master that the US S.H.I.E.L.D. has to absorb!

Chapter 5876

Many people looked strange and sighed in their hearts.

"That Master York is said to be very close to the Monroy family. If he wanted
to come, he would have come already!"

"Mostly I heard about Jahdiel Ruan's name and knew that he was coming for
revenge, so he ran away!"

"These so-called grandmasters, all of them have only false names, and caused
such a big disaster, they actually let us people take the blame!"

Hearing the murmurs around him, Mathew Monroy's heart was also full of

Could it be that Harvey York really ran away?

But Jahdiel Ruan finished his words, but he still carried his hands on his back,
the wind was light and cloudless, and his expression was indifferent.

Time passed slowly, but at the moment there was no opening, and no one
stood up.

Lenin Monroy subconsciously glanced at Mathew Monroy and made a gesture

of cutting his throat.

Mathew Monroy looked up at the sky, blood and tears appeared in the
corners of his eyes, could it be that he had to explain it here?

Nestor Floyd also laughed bitterly at the moment. He also had certain
expectations for Master York for a moment. After all, when he first came here,
he heard the legend of Master York.

But now...
"Is it possible that Master York is also a silver gun candle head?"

"Just blown out?"

"But yes, even this seat is not an opponent."

"Is it possible that there are still people here in Country H to turn the tide?"

"Even people from the Holy Land of Martial Arts and the Three Great Temples
of Buddhism, wouldn't dare to take action at this moment?"

Having said that, Nestor Floyd was ready to leave.

From this moment on, everything outside the Great Wall has nothing to do
with him.

This is destined to be the world of the Americans.

At this moment, above the stand, someone suddenly took a step forward.

"When you hit the ring, you hit the ring."

"Vengeance is revenge."

"What are you going to say, if I don't show up, you will slaughter innocents?"

"Can I think that you are threatening me?"

"The Americans gave you genetic modification and changed your brain?"

Under the unbelievable gaze of Emmanuel Asghari's family, Harvey York

opened his mouth and stared at the ring with an indifferent expression.
All eyes converge instantly!

Katherine Zambrano looked overjoyed and recognized Harvey York.

Mathew Monroy only felt that his whole body was loose, as if the drowning
person had caught a straw.

Nestor Floyd was stunned for a moment, the inside of his head was full of
slurries, and he couldn't react at this moment.

This kid, what did you just say?

"Harvey York, don't talk nonsense! Come back soon!"

Emmanuel Asghari was so frightened that she was sweating coldly, and her
whole body was shivering.

What is this occasion?

If you say that, don't you know how to write dead words?

As far as Jahdiel Ruan's skills are concerned, he can crush all the people in this
piece into a piece of meat with one palm, right?

Emily Miller and Sara Asghari were shaking like chaff.

Although they knew that Harvey York had a little ability.

But compared to the one in the ring, what is it?

Jahdiel Ruan's indifferent gaze swept over.

At this moment, the people around them only felt that their whole body was
numb, and they all knelt down with a "pop" involuntarily.

Even Emmanuel Asghari couldn't help but kneel down at this moment.

"Master Ruan, my junior is talking nonsense, please raise your hand..."

Before he finished speaking, Emmanuel Asghari couldn't speak anymore.

In the corner of Jahdiel Ruan's sight, his whole person has been completely
frozen, his mouth is open, his body is stiff...

On the contrary, Sara Asghari shivered and said, "Harvey York, don't mess
around, that guy can really kill..."

Harvey York glanced at Sara Asghari and saw that she was stammering. At this
moment, he smiled gently and said, "Don't worry."

"With me here, he's just a chicken and a dog..."

Chapter 5877

In the eyes of everyone who can't believe it, as if looking at a madman.

Harvey York walked with his hands behind his back and slowly walked to the
place where the ring is.

As Harvey York walked out, the crowd in the audience rolled and crawled
away, and no one dared to block Harvey York's path.

Although I don't know if Harvey York's brain is broken or if his brain is

flooded, he thinks he is Master York.
But in this case, if someone wants to die, is it possible that there are still
people who dare to stop it?

Didn't hear Jahdiel Ruan say that if Master York didn't come, would he kill 100
people a day?

Now that someone is standing up to take the blame, this is definitely a big
event worth being happy!

Harvey York ignored the expressions of these people and walked to the ring
step by step.

He did not show off his skills like other great masters, but walked in an
ordinary way. In the eyes of everyone, he was like an ordinary person who
knew nothing at all.

Originally, the white-clothed Marquis Nestor Floyd had some expectations for
Harvey York, thinking that Harvey York had the ability to say such arrogant
words under such circumstances.

But it was unexpected that Harvey York came here in such an ordinary

At this moment, Nestor Floyd only felt angry and funny in his heart.

Harvey York is kind to his daughter, and he is also a person with clear grudges.

Although he didn't look down on Harvey York, he wouldn't just watch Harvey
York die.

After all, if he dared to provoke a big man like Jahdiel Ruan at this time, he
didn't necessarily need to do anything. One look might kill Harvey York.
Thinking of this, Nestor Floyd resisted his excitement and said solemnly, "Boy,
is this an occasion where you can talk nonsense!?"

"Don't step back quickly!"

"In this case, Master Ruan's generation of God of War will not care about you!"

At this moment, when Nestor Floyd spoke like this, it could be regarded as
taking some risks.

After all, he bound Jahdiel Ruan with words, and if the other party was upset,
he could be slapped to death with a slap.

Harvey York didn't expect Nestor Floyd to have such kindness. He paused,
smiled at Nestor Floyd and said, "Marquis of White, everyone is threatening
me like this, how can I not come?"

Nestor Floyd was so angry that he almost wanted to rush up to strangle

Harvey York, but at this moment he could only grit his teeth and say, "Harvey
York, the person that Master Ruan is targeting is Master York who is famous
outside the Great Wall!"

"Although your surname is York, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Don't you understand yourself?"

"Can other people's leaves and your leaves be the same leaf?"

Hearing Nestor Floyd's words, all the spectators in the field nodded slightly.
That's right, the so-called Master York, a martial arts master who could easily
defeat even Elder Velarde in the island country, is definitely a great master of a
generation, with a great demeanor.

But Harvey York in front of him, although he looks handsome, he is white and
thin, and he looks like a little white face no matter what.

What kind of Master York could someone like him be?

Stop being funny, okay?

But Harvey York heard such words, but said lightly: "These two leaves are
indeed the same leaf."

"I still have this common sense."

"What's more, I am Patriarch York, and Patriarch York is me."

Hearing Harvey York's words that he didn't know how to advance or retreat,
Jahdiel Ruan was so angry that he felt cold all over.

He traversed the land of Siberia for many years, but he had never encountered
such an elm head.

Fortunately, he stopped the little ambiguity between him and his daughter,
otherwise, once she married such an elm head, her daughter would be ruined
for the rest of her life.

Chapter 5878

In the face of the audience's doubts, Jahdiel Ruan also put his arms around his
chest and looked at Harvey York indifferently.
His eyes were excellent, and he could see at a glance that the young man in
front of him had definitely practiced martial arts.

After all, if there is no martial arts practice, who can be so calm in front of him?

Even among the three major Buddhist temples, the Buddhist sons who claim
to be able to communicate with all the Buddhas in the mandala might not be
able to be so calm, right?

But to say that the young man in front of him was the culprit who defeated his
younger brother Aldair Ruan and made him die in a foreign country, Jahdiel
Ruan would not believe it.

After all, although his younger brother is not a good person, he is also a king
of soldiers.

The one who can easily defeat the King of Soldiers can't be such a young man,

"Forget it, most of the forces outside the Great Wall sent out to test me."

"I want to see if Jahdiel Ruan dares to kill me."

"If that's the case, I'll kill one for you to see!"

As soon as he thought of this, Jahdiel Ruan looked at Harvey York with a bit of
killing intent in his eyes.

The other people on the high platform all looked different at the moment.

Lenin Monroy glanced at Mathew Monroy with a slightly surprised look,

because Mathew Monroy, who was very nervous just now, was leaning on the
chair of the Grand Master and drinking tea, with a posture of the rest of his

This made Lenin Monroy couldn't help but take a closer look at Harvey York.
He felt a little familiar, but he couldn't think of where he had met him for a

Zahen Thompson, on the other hand, looked at Harvey York with a strange
expression, and recalled carefully that among the top ten families and five
ancient clans, there seemed to be no such person.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing in his heart. He had no identity, no

skills, and he was still trying to stand out on this occasion. Isn't this courting

Katherine Zambrano remembered what happened at the airport. After she

reacted, she couldn't help but whisper: "Cristian Zambrano, do you think this
young man can be Jahdiel Ruan's opponent?"

Cristian Zambrano's face was dark, and he sighed after a while: "With so many
people present, who can be Jahdiel Ruan's opponent?"

"The most important thing is that Jahdiel Ruan's killing intent has now been

"In this case, who can stop him from killing?"

"This young man, the end is doomed."

Hearing this, Katherine Zambrano could only sigh, with a bit of helplessness in
his expression.
She also wanted to let Cristian Zambrano forcibly take action and get Harvey
York away.

But now it seems that under this circumstance, if Cristian Zambrano forcibly
shoots, it will definitely be meat buns beating dogs, and there will be no

As for the stand, Emmanuel Asghari was so anxious that he was about to faint.

He felt that what he had just said was too heavy.

Therefore, Harvey York couldn't help but take the stage under his juvenile
temperament, wanting to prove himself.

At this moment, Emmanuel Asghari almost had the urge to hit the wall.

Only the calmed down Emily Miller and Sara Asghari looked at each other.
Their mother and daughter had seen Harvey York's methods and knew that
Harvey York had really defeated Elder Velarde.

But is it difficult, can he really be an opponent of a generation of God of War

like Jahdiel Ruan?

At this moment, Jahdiel Ruan looked at Harvey York coldly, and said with a
half-smile, "Young man, the person I'm looking for is the legendary Patriarch
York who pushed him outside the Great Wall, not an ordinary cat or dog."

"Of course, if you want to challenge my bottom line and challenge my dignity,
I don't mind sending you on your way."

"Tell me, how do you want to die?"

As soon as the word "death" came out, a kind of killing intent that had been
experienced in the sea of blood, spread out directly, and swept away toward
where Harvey York was.

Chapter 5879

The temperature of the audience seemed to drop several degrees suddenly at

this moment, and I don't know how many people started to tremble.

But in the face of this murderous aura that can scare people to death, Harvey
York didn't feel the slightest, but said lightly: "If the person you're looking for
is the one who defeated your Aldair Ruan with one move, then it's me. "

"If you're looking for the person who defeated Elder Velarde, it's still me."

"It's still me who asked Shi Jun, Buddha Son, and Shi Ming Concubine to kneel
on the ground."

Having said that, Harvey York shrugged and said lightly, "What? You don't
believe it?"

Hearing Harvey York's confident words, the whole audience gasped.

"What? Does this person say that he is really Master York?"

"How is this possible?"

"But the achievements he said are all true. How can ordinary people know?"

The people on the high platform looked at each other, not knowing what to
show for a while.
Lenin Monroy suddenly remembered, bastard!

It was this bastard who sent himself to the police station when he was in the
Monroy family's ancestral home!

"Looks like you really want to die!"

Jahdiel Ruan's face was gloomy, no matter if what Harvey York said was true
or not, he would kill Harvey York at this moment.

Harvey York said lightly: "Although I really want to die, it's a pity that the
person in this world who can let me die has not yet been born."

"For example, you, the so-called middle-level War God Realm, can scare
countless people to death if you say it."

"But in front of me, it's just a slap in the face."

"If your teacher Angel Asghari, maybe he can take two or three more moves in
front of me."

"I'm afraid you don't have that qualification."

"Now kneel down and admit defeat, swearing not to step outside the fortress
for half a step from now on, I don't have to make a move."

Hearing Harvey York's words, Jahdiel Ruan's face was instantly gloomy as if he
had eaten shit. He stared at Harvey York coldly, ready to take action at any

At this time, Mathew Monroy also slowed down, he stood up tremblingly, and
said loudly: "Master York! Everything depends on you today!"
"Please also teach this American a good lesson!"

"Let him know that we are Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Country H!"

"Just he still wants the Raptors to cross the river?"

"He's thinking about farting!"

Hearing this, everyone in the audience gasped.

Could it be that this seemingly ordinary young man is really the legendary
Patriarch York who pushed countless enemies outside the Great Wall?

Are all the achievements he just said true?

Even a big man like Nestor Floyd, who has been in Siberia for many years, has
witnessed countless wars, and at this moment, his head is like an overturned

"Harvey could it be Master York?"

Nestor Floyd read Harvey York's information no less than ten times.

Apart from being a bit skilled and suspected to be from the York family
outside the Great Wall, there is nothing eye-catching at all.

However, at this moment, Mathew Monroy actually kept saying that he was
Master York?

The legendary Patriarch York who defeated Aldair Ruan and Elder Velarde,
forcing Shi Jun, Buddha Son and Shi Ming Concubine to kneel?

How awesome is that!

Emmanuel Asghari was even more dumbfounded, unable to speak at all. He
stared at Harvey York, unable to believe that what he heard was true.

"It seems that you are really Master York."

"Return to the original, the inner breath is not displayed, the level of the god
of war!"

Jahdiel Ruan also came back to his senses at the moment. He spoke softly, as
if he was talking to himself, but the words spread throughout the audience.

Chapter 5880

"Boy, since you keep saying that you are Master York."

"Then I don't care whether you are real or fake!"

"Whether it's for the dignity of the teacher, or for my brother's revenge!"

"Today, I will kill you!"

When the words fell, Jahdiel Ruan stepped on the sole of his foot. At this
moment, the inner breath of his whole body was surging. In the eyes of
ordinary people, he could see something, but in the eyes of martial arts
masters, the breath in Jahdiel Ruan's body at this moment was all gathered in
the palm of his right finger. between.

At the same time, there seemed to be a faint thunder light wandering between
his palms, making a low roar.
Obviously, Jahdiel Ruan has decided to go all out at this moment, regardless
of whether it is true or not.

His move seems to have been implemented, and it will definitely cost Harvey
York's life.

"What!? This is the legendary runner!?"

Nestor Floyd spoke subconsciously at this moment, and his expression was
shocked to the extreme.

"This is a legendary killer move. Since ancient times, few people have been
able to successfully cultivate it!"

"It is said that it is necessary to attract thunder into the body at the top of the
mountain in thunderstorm weather, so that there is a certain probability that
the ultimate move can be successfully cultivated."

"Jahdiel Ruan actually learned it!?"

"This, this, this!"

"It's really a thunderbolt!?"

Cristian Zambrano was also in disbelief at the moment.

For those who practice martial arts, tempering the physical body is important,
and tempering the inner breath is extremely important.

Introducing thunder into the body is equivalent to forcibly giving one's inner
breath the attributes of thunder.

This approach is very dangerous, and if it fails, it will be destroyed.

But Jahdiel Ruan not only succeeded, but he even cultivated the Thunder
Hand, which is enough to explain too many problems.

Under the shock of everyone, Harvey York also said with great interest: "It's

"You were originally just the God of War."

"However, by using the genetic science of the United States, by conducting

electricity on your body, the internal breath in your body has the property of
thunder and lightning forcibly."

"And this kind of genetic science can also force your realm to improve."

Having said that, Harvey York shook his head slightly.

"It's a pity that the power of foreign objects is always the power of foreign

"The moment when you forcibly broke through with external force, it has
already been stated that your martial arts cultivation level is only a little."

"Middle God of War?"


"Just a joke."

Harvey York stood with his hands behind his back, and he didn't prepare
anything. He just looked at Jahdiel Ruan with an indifferent expression, but he
had an unspeakable bearing.
Seeing Jahdiel Ruan who was ready to go all out, Harvey York was still so calm,
and he kept commenting on Jahdiel Ruan's ability, and he didn't even make
preparations. At this moment, everyone didn't know what to say?

Did the surnamed York really have such great ability, or was he too self-
righteous? Don't even know how to write dead words?

"Cristian Zambrano, Hand of Running Thunder, is it really powerful?"

At this moment, Katherine Zambrano couldn't help but speak.

Cristian Zambrano smiled bitterly and said, "Miss, it's not that simple!"

"I'm not going to say how difficult it is to cultivate the Thunder Slayer."

"I only know that in the rumors, Angel Asghari once relied on the Thunder
Hand to defeat a guy in the US S.H.I.E.L.D. called Thor!"

"The guy called Thor is actually a power user who can control thunder and

"But he was defeated by Angel Asghari with a single strike from the
Thunderbolt. What does this mean?"

"It shows that after the martial arts practitioners have become the Thunder
Warriors! The power to control the Thunder is no less than that of those with

Chapter 5881

"What!? Can even Thor be defeated?"

At this moment, Katherine Zambrano looked surprised.

In order to promote their top combat power, the United States specially shot a
series of Hollywood movies.

And Thor is one of them.

In the movie, Thor can be called heaven and earth, omnipotent.

Although there may not be such a great ability in reality, the problem is that
Thor's reputation is too amazing!

And from this point, it seems to be able to reflect Jahdiel Ruan's terrible side.

"If you say that...he, isn't he finished..."

Katherine Zambrano covered her delicate mouth with a sad look on her face.

"Actually, with the strength of the middle-level God of War, there is no need
to run the thunder, and the surnamed York can't be an opponent."

Cristian Zambrano shook his head and sighed.

"Although the surname York kept saying that Jahdiel Ruan's strength was
forcibly improved by relying on the genetic science of the United States."

"However, martial arts cultivation is about the result, not the process."

"To achieve such a result, who cares about the process?"

"This kid, maybe he really has a bit of three-legged cat kung fu."

"But he doesn't know how big the world is, there is everything..."
"There are people outside people, there are days outside the sky!"

Obviously, Cristian Zambrano, who has a little bit of strength, doesn't like
Harvey York at all, thinking that he will lose, or even die.

In fact, even Mathew Monroy, who had the most confidence in Harvey York,
was drumming in his heart at the moment.

After all, the strength that Jahdiel Ruan showed at this moment is really like a
myth and legend.

"You said that my thunderbolt hand was a joke?"

At this moment, Jahdiel Ruan looked indifferent and did not seem to be
provoked by Harvey York's words.

"Hopefully, when you set foot on Yellow Spring, you can still speak so

As soon as the words fell, Jahdiel Ruan stepped on the soles of his feet, and
his figure was like lightning, and instantly flashed in front of Harvey York.

His movements are so fast, beyond imagination, that people's thinking can't
keep up.

Fast as thunder, that's what he's talking about!

At the moment in front of Harvey York, Jahdiel Ruan's punch, already carrying
thunder and lightning, pressed down towards Harvey York's face.

This fist slammed, like a thunderous explosion, like the earth is mourning, like
the air is burning!
This shows the strength of a middle-level God of War realm instantly and

"I said, you can't."

Harvey York sighed, and at this moment, the right hand he had been carrying
all the time was backhanded.

A simple slap, seemingly slow, came first, and fell towards Jahdiel Ruan's face.

Jahdiel Ruan only felt that Harvey York's slap replaced everything around him
in an instant.

The whole world, at this moment, seems to be the only slap left!

His so-called middle-level God of War realm, the so-called Thunder Warrior, is
like an ant in front of Harvey York's simple slap!

In Jahdiel Ruan's cognition, at this moment, he is a man's arm blocking the


It's just looking for death!

how is this possible!?

An unspeakable fear emerged in Jahdiel Ruan's heart, and in the next moment,
he just wanted to turn around and flee.

It's a pity that his movements are fast, and Harvey York's movements are
Before Jahdiel Ruan could react, Harvey York's right hand had already landed
directly on his face.


With a crisp sound, the incomparably tyrannical Jahdiel Ruan flew out like a
dead dog in an instant. With a bang, he slammed into the towering stone wall
behind the martial arts field.

Countless cracks appeared on the wide stone wall in an instant, and a figure
slowly slipped...

Chapter 5882

With a slap, a master like Jahdiel Ruan was sent flying!?

The scene in front of them shocked everyone's eyes, and everyone was
stunned, unable to react at all for a while.

Those people on the special high platform were all struck by lightning.

It's like Jahdiel Ruan's lightning striker, not Harvey York, but them.

Lenin Monroy even subconsciously slapped himself twice to make sure that he
was not dreaming.

Who is Jahdiel Ruan?

God of War Realm Intermediate!

The domineering apprentice of Asghari, the overlord of Chinatown in the

United States!
One finger and one palm can defeat the existence of the Blood Demon of the

But such an existence was slapped away by Harvey York, who looked ordinary
and had no special features!?

Even Jahdiel Ruan, who was struggling to get up where he fell off the court at
the moment, was in a trance.

No matter what he said, he was still in the middle level of the God of War

But when facing Harvey York, he couldn't even pass a single move?

This is this!

This unscientific!

Not true!

But no matter how unbelievable it was, the fact that Jahdiel Ruan felt a needle-
like pain all over his body made him tremble, and he would collapse to the
ground again at any moment.

"Sneak attack! This is an absolute sneak attack!"

Lenin Monroy, who had reacted, spoke loudly at this moment.

"My eldest brother is invincible in the world! How could it be defeated like

"Come again!"
Obviously, Lenin Monroy couldn't accept such an ending at this moment.

He couldn't believe that his own powerful senior brother who roamed
Chinatown, who was like a flying immortal from the sky, how could he be
defeated like this?

The most important thing is that if my senior brother loses like this, once the
teacher gets angry...

Thinking of the consequences, Lenin Monroy shivered.

A group of followers behind Lenin Monroy also reacted at the moment, and
said loudly: "Sneak attack, this is definitely a sneak attack, it's not fair!"

The opposite Mathew Monroy sneered: "Your senior brother, just now even
used the Thunder Hand!"

"And he was the one who took the initiative, so are you embarrassed to say it
was a sneak attack?"

"Do you still want a face?"

"The dignified God of War is in the middle-level, and he will be attacked by


"Do you believe it when you say it?"

At the moment, both sides hold their own words.

Jahdiel Ruan's expression turned blue and then white. The next moment, he
gritted his teeth and took out a chip the size of a fingernail from his arms,
inserted it into the back of his head, took a deep breath, and walked back to
the ring step by step.

Harvey York did not stop Jahdiel Ruan's movements, but looked at him with a

Especially when he saw Jahdiel Ruan taking out the chip, Harvey York's eyes
became deeper and deeper.

Sure enough, it is the genetic science of the United States!

Seeing Jahdiel Ruan's attitude at the moment, Nestor Floyd and the others all
looked at each other in dismay.

Everyone is a discerning person, and naturally they can see that in the round
just now, Jahdiel Ruan was indeed defeated.

But people refused to admit defeat and directly used the gene chip of the
United States, which is obviously going to be a default.

Harvey York waved his hand at this moment to stop the commotion in the
audience. Then he turned his head sideways, glanced at Jahdiel Ruan with a
half-smile, and said, "You also think I attacked you?"

Jahdiel Ruan took a deep breath and said slowly, "I was careless."

Harvey York nodded, smiled and said, "Okay, I'll give you a chance."

Chapter 5883

Harvey York didn't feel much about Jahdiel Ruan and Lenin Monroy's
On the one hand, he wanted to see the current level of genetic science in the
United States.

On the other hand, since Lenin Monroy and Jahdiel Ruan are so shameless,
Harvey York doesn't mind letting them face shame.

Nestor Floyd frowned slightly. He was shocked by Harvey York's strength, but
he didn't expect Harvey York to be kidnapped by Lenin Monroy and Jahdiel
Ruan at this moment.

At this moment, in Nestor Floyd's heart, the evaluation of Harvey York was
inevitably a bit lower.

To be kidnapped by people's morality is enough to show that Harvey York has

a juvenile temperament and is very manipulative despite his strength.

A bold idea appeared in Nestor Floyd's heart. He looked at Harvey York with
more than shocking eyes.

Katherine Zambrano looked at Harvey York and wanted to say something, but
in the end he just chuckled and didn't speak.

On the contrary, Mathew Monroy said loudly: "Master York, Lenin Monroy and
the others are so shameless, you have already won, and there is no need to

At this moment, Lenin Monroy really thought that Jahdiel Ruan's defeat just
now was an accident.

He took a deep breath and said, "Senior brother, don't be polite to this
surnamed York, go all out!"
Jahdiel Ruan nodded slightly, and in the next instant, thunder light raged all
over his body, and the whole person let out a loud shout, like a thunderbolt.


This time, as Jahdiel Ruan stepped out, the entire arena shook.

The big figures on the high platform felt that they were shaking from where
they stood. From this, it could be seen that the power Jahdiel Ruan was urging
at the moment was even more terrifying than before.

Under the ring, the faces of Emmanuel Asghari's family changed from shock to
paleness. Their eyes were all black, and they felt that they were about to see
the scene where Harvey York was defeated and killed!

Only Lenin Monroy sneered: "Teacher's thunderbolt, the strength of the senior
brother, plus the genetic science of the United States!"

"This is simply not something that human beings can fight against!"

"Just a mere summer, I also want to get along with us in the United States,

At the same time, the field was turbulent, because the speed was too fast, the
moment Jahdiel Ruan slaughtered out, Harvey York's clothes began to rattle,
and even his hair kept shaking.

There is no doubt that Jahdiel Ruan at this moment is not only as simple as
going all out, he even uses the strength to suckle.

His face has long since lost the lightness of a master, and he has only the
madness of a trapped beast.
Facing Jahdiel Ruan at the moment, Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly, his
expression still indifferent, but at the moment when Jahdiel Ruan's figure fell,
Harvey York took a random step, and then slapped his backhand again.


With a crisp sound, the whole world was clean.

All the visions around Jahdiel Ruan disappeared, and his whole person flew
out again.

This time, with a bang, it smashed through the wall of the martial arts field.

Jahdiel Ruan, who staggered up, got bloodshot from the corner of his mouth.

His face was as pale as paper, in addition to disbelief, there was more despair
and suffocation!

He was unwilling to believe no matter what, after using genetic science, he

was still a slap in the face of Harvey York!

Why is the gap between this person so big?

a slap!

Another slap!

The atmosphere in the audience was extremely quiet at this moment, and it
was also extremely depressed...

Chapter 5884
Nestor Floyd, who originally had some strange thoughts in his heart, twitched
at the corners of his eyes and his eyelids twitched.

He suddenly understood.

It's not Harvey York's youthful heart, but in Harvey York's eyes, no matter how
Jahdiel Ruan jumps up, he's just a paper tiger!

And Lenin Monroy felt a chill in his heart!

how is this possible!?

how can that be!?

Jahdiel Ruan, who shot at this moment, went all out, but he really shot at the
first time.

But under such circumstances, it was still a complete failure!

this this this...

"Oops, sorry!"

"I attacked you again!"

Harvey York looked embarrassed and a little shy.

"Come on, come on, Master Jahdiel Ruan, let's compare it again!"

"No, that game just now doesn't count!"

A group of people almost fell directly to the ground.

I've seen face slaps, but I've never seen such a slap in the face.

After all, what came out of Harvey York's mouth and what came out of Lenin
Monroy's mouth completely changed the meaning!

Because Harvey York's so-called sneak attack was not a chance for Jahdiel
Ruan to make a comeback.

Instead, he is giving away!?

At this moment, Lenin Monroy, an unreasonable person, felt that his heart was
full of suffocation.

"Everyone, just now everyone saw with their own eyes that it was indeed me
who attacked the master Jahdiel Ruan!"

"So for the sake of fairness, I decided to have another round with Jahdiel

"After all, today's ring match is a major event related to the future of the entire
outside the Great Wall!"

"Whether you win or lose, you have to be upright, and you have to be
recognized by everyone!"

"So, this sneak attack still doesn't count!"

"Do you have any opinions?"

Hearing this, a group of people almost vomited blood.

Lenin Monroy even gritted his teeth and said, "It's too much to deceive
Harvey York looked at his palm, thought for a while, and said, "Well, I don't
use my hands anymore."

"That master Ruan, you can really go all out this time!"

"If you need to take drugs, take drugs, and if you need to change chips,
change chips!"

"If you feel that your state is not good and you need an accompaniment, you
can speak."

"I agree to all your requests!"

"As long as you do your best, don't let me attack you again."

Hearing Harvey York's words, many people were speechless and looked up at
the sky.

Jahdiel Ruan blushed and almost vomited blood.

He felt that if he didn't kill Harvey York today, he might as well hit him to the

At this moment, Jahdiel Ruan waved his hand directly, and soon the person
behind Lenin Monroy rushed over with a delicate suitcase.

Jahdiel Ruan took a long sigh of relief after he took out a tube of golden
medicinal liquid and injected it into his body.

This tube of medicinal liquid is the essence of genetic science in the United
It is said that it was refined based on the genes left on the shroud of the
legendary Western saints.

This tube of medicinal liquid can be injected to fully stimulate a person's

potential, although after using it, the whole person will basically be useless for
a long time.

But in this situation, Jahdiel Ruan had no choice!

If you don't counterattack Harvey York today, his three words, Jahdiel Ruan,
will become a big joke!

Therefore, at this moment, in the perception of everyone, Jahdiel Ruan seems

to have changed a person.

Just now, he was like a god.

At this moment, he seems to be possessed by a killing god!

The clothes on his body are automatically without wind, the thunder light on
his body disappears, and the whole person looks terrifying.

Everyone saw this scene and it became clear that Jahdiel Ruan was completely
irritated, and he was going to recklessly take action.

Chapter 5885

"Senior brother, you have paid too much for your teacher's hegemony!"

Lenin Monroy murmured excitedly at the moment.

At the same time, he turned to stare at Harvey York, and made a gesture of
cutting his throat, apparently believing that Harvey York would definitely die.

"bring it on."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

In the next instant, Jahdiel Ruan's figure moved, and he appeared in front of
Harvey York calmly.

But it is this kind of calmness that makes it absolutely terrifying and terrifying.

In everyone's perception, Jahdiel Ruan's body seemed to not exist.

He punched out, covering all the directions Harvey York was in. The power of
this blow was earth-shattering.

At the same time, Jahdiel Ruan slipped his left hand and a firearm appeared.

At the same time as the punch, he also pulled the trigger.

It's hard to imagine that a master like Jahdiel Ruan can be so shameless.

It's okay to take drugs, and in such a life-and-death confrontation, the firearm
is directly used.

When everyone watched this scene, their hearts went cold, and they all felt
that Harvey York was destined to die without a place to be buried!

Katherine Zambrano couldn't help standing up and said, "Be careful!"

Mathew Monroy said subconsciously, "Master York!"

Nestor Floyd gritted his teeth: "Shameless!"

Only Lenin Monroy laughed: "Since ancient times, it's better to win the king
and lose the bandit!"


At the same time as the punch fell, Jahdiel Ruan directly pulled the trigger.

And this firearm was obviously specially made. It was the kind of firearm
specially aimed at martial arts masters. The moment the trigger was pulled, a
silver lead bullet fell towards Harvey York's eyebrows in a strange trajectory.

"Baptism silver bullet?"

Harvey York was slightly surprised.

"Unexpectedly, you also have the bottom of the box in the Western Holy See."

"But, it's useless!"

As soon as the voice fell, Harvey York blew it out in one breath.


The lead bullets that had been shot at once suddenly stopped and flew out.

Jahdiel Ruan's expression changed, and he instinctively stepped back.

In the next instant, the lead bullet landed between his eyebrows.

Jahdiel Ruan's face showed a look of disbelief.

He staggered back, his eyes full of fear and unwillingness.

He couldn't believe it anyway, Harvey York didn't make a move at all.

In one breath, he blew himself to death.

What he didn't expect was that Harvey York gave himself three chances.

But let alone make a comeback, you don't even have a chance to take
advantage of it!

Looking at Jahdiel Ruan who was staggering back, he could hear the needle
drop in the audience.

Although everyone knows that Harvey York's strength must be earth-


But absolutely unexpected.

He didn't even need to make a move.

Take a breath and the battle is over.

Moreover, Jahdiel Ruan was also abolished.

This scene is incredible!

"Sorry, I shouldn't have taken this breath..."

"This should be considered a sneak attack, right?"

Harvey York spoke again.

"Otherwise, it still doesn't count..."

"Have we started over?"


Jahdiel Ruan couldn't hold it anymore, he spat out a mouthful of blood and
fell to the ground.

This is alive and kicking!

Countless people were dumbfounded watching this scene.

At this moment, everyone's impression of martial arts was directly subverted.

In the eyes of everyone, Jahdiel Ruan, who was so strong that it was
unbelievable, was really like a fly and mosquito in Harvey York's place.

Can you blow to death in one breath?

this this this...

Emmanuel Asghari's family's mouth was wide open, they couldn't believe it at

Chapter 5886

Seeing Jahdiel Ruan slumped on the ground, Harvey York put his hands on his
back, glanced around the field, and said lightly, "Is there anyone else who
wants to fight with me?"
The audience looked at each other in dismay, in addition to shock, it was more
of an unspeakable fear.

At this moment, no one dared to speak up.

Sara Asghari's heart was trembling.

Emily Miller's mouth was so wide that she could almost put down an egg. She
regretted it immensely. When she first saw Harvey York, why didn't she just
kneel down.

Lenin Monroy's body softened, and he slumped directly into the stands. There
was no one else in his heart, only endless despair and unwillingness.


Senior Brother Jahdiel Ruan just died like this!

Moreover, when the means were exhausted and the cards were used up, he
died like this!

Such a person, even if his teacher Angel Asghari, it is still unknown whether he
can overpower him.

Rodolfo Monroy's face was mixed with misery and admiration. No wonder
Mario Monroy valued Harvey York so much, he understood.

Only Mathew Monroy raised his chest and raised his eyebrows at this moment.

Just now, the Monroy family was so embarrassed that it was so arrogant
towards the Monroy family.
From this moment on, the Monroy family outside the Great Wall is the only
one in the sky!

"Harvey York... Master York..."

"No wonder Marquis in White is worthless in your eyes..."

"Also, with your martial arts strength, I am afraid that in our fighting nation,
only the Great Emperor can compete with you."

"The mere marquis, but wanting to teach you a lesson, is simply asking for no

At this moment, the white-clothed Marquis Nestor Floyd sat paralyzed on the
chair, and his whole body was constantly weakened.

He remembered his contempt for Harvey York before, and the lesson he had
taught Harvey York before.

Because, people like Marquis of White know it best.

In front of Harvey York, he may not even have the qualification to admire his

Harvey York looked indifferent, and his expression did not change at all.

Although he smashed Jahdiel Ruan's face, he also offended the Angel Asghari
of Overseas Chinese Street to death.

But to others, a character like Jahdiel Ruan is like a god in the sky.

But in Harvey York's eyes, it's just a little bug that can jump up and down.
In addition to the cultivation of martial arts, he has reached the pinnacle of
God of War who can pursue the way of the unity of man and nature.

Others, what do they count in his eyes?

Harvey York's eyes swept away and fell on a group of big people on the high

Facing Harvey York's indifferent gaze, a group of big figures all lowered their

Even Zahen Thompson from the Thompson Family in Wolsing, although his
eyes are shocked, unbelievable, and unwilling at this moment, but at this
moment, he also knows the reason why people have to bow their heads when
they are under the eaves.

Only Lenin Monroy looked pale at the moment, his eyes were dazed, and
when he sensed Harvey York's sight, he smiled miserably and said, "Master
York, kill me..."

Harvey York took a step forward with his hands on his back, and came to the
high platform with an indifferent expression.

Lenin Monroy shivered and said: "As a person from Country H, I am familiar
with foreign enemies and forget my ancestors..."

"Today is strong, if you can sweep the frontier, that's all."

"If you can't sweep, even if you don't kill me, Asghari’s overbearing won't let
me live..."

Harvey York said lightly: "Since you know you deserve to die, then kill
"I will ask for mercy for you and bury it on the edge of the Monroy family's
ancestral grave."

Lenin Monroy went weak all over and knelt on the ground. When he wanted
to get up, he couldn't move half a minute...

Chapter 5887

There was dead silence in the arena.

Even if the big people present were reluctant to admit it, the fact was that
Harvey York swept the audience tonight.

From this moment on, he has the final say outside the Great Wall!

Nestor Floyd White Marquis sighed deeply, then stood up tremblingly, bowed
to Harvey York and said, "Master York, in today's battle in the arena, respect

"Floyd will not hinder you and my daughter from now on."

Hearing Nestor Floyd's words, Harvey York had a smile that was not a smile on
his face, and said, "Although Evangeline Floyd and I have the friendship of
classmates, we have no relationship between men and women. You don't have
to think too much."

"However, for Evangeline Floyd's sake, as long as you give me a satisfactory

explanation, I won't touch you today."

When he said these words, Nestor Floyd shuddered subconsciously. Looking

at Harvey York's deep eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched for a moment
before slowly saying, "From today onwards, all the Marquis in White lineage
will be withdrawn from the territory of Country H."

"Everything outside the fortress, the Marquis in White lineage is no longer


Harvey York said lightly: "Not enough."

Nestor Floyd gritted his teeth slightly and continued: "From this moment on, I
will order the Siberian Frontier Military Department, and there will be no more
disputes with Country H."

Harvey York still said lightly: "Not enough."

Nestor Floyd looked at Harvey York, sighed after a long time, gritted his teeth
and said, "All the advantages that have been taken in the border disputes over
the years, return to Country H!"

"Floyd’s fief defense will retreat fifty miles and set up a restricted area!"

"Anyone dares to violate the Country H border from the restricted area in the

"Kill without mercy."

Hearing this, Harvey York nodded lightly.

It can only be said that this white-clothed Marquis Nestor Floyd is indeed a
person who can bend and stretch.

In such a situation, know what to do and what not to do.

Seeing that Harvey York had resolved Nestor Floyd in a few words, the
remaining frontier bigwigs all looked at each other in dismay.

Mathew Monroy stood up first and said loudly: "Master York, I represent the
Monroy family, no, no, no, I announce on behalf of my four major tribes!"

"From now on, the four major tribes respect you!"

Perla Romero from the Romero Family of the wolf clan outside the Great Wall
also stood up and looked at Harvey York with a strange expression: "My
Romero Family agrees!"

Adrian Asghari from the Asghari family also stood up at this moment and said,
"The Asghari family agrees!"


"I'm waiting for a second opinion!"

At this moment, these big figures all spoke up and made promises on behalf
of their families and forces.

After all, Harvey York is worthy of their admiration and convincing whether it is
strength, means, or the mind of the family and the world.

And many spectators under the stand, seeing those big men who can turn
their hands into clouds and rain, in front of Harvey York, all of them were
amazed to the extreme.

Life is like this, what more can I ask for!

Soon, under the order of Mathew Monroy, all the spectators in the stands
were dismissed.
Moreover, Mathew Monroy knew Harvey York's character well, and he didn't
need Harvey York to say anything. He had already joined forces with other
families present to issue a seal.

Whoever dares to reveal half a word of what happened today is destined to be

killed without mercy!

Half an hour later, in the small villa, Harvey York saw the Emmanuel Asghari
family again.

At this moment, Emmanuel Asghari looked at the young man who was
drinking tea with the Eight-sided cup in front of him, and he didn't know what
it was like.

Emily Miller and Sara Asghari were both hesitant to say anything at the

After all, even Asghari’s family is now only following Harvey York's horse, what
are they worth in front of Harvey York?

Chapter 5888

"Uncle Asghari, please."

After Harvey York finished drinking a cup of tea, he poured a cup of tea
himself and motioned Emmanuel Asghari to sit opposite him.

Emmanuel Asghari's eyelids twitched, and after a long time, he sat down
slowly, and after drinking the tea cup with courage, he stared at Harvey York
with deep eyes, hesitating to say anything.
Harvey York glanced at Emmanuel Asghari and said, "If Uncle Asghari has
something to say, feel free to speak, and if you have anything, feel free to ask."

"I must know everything and say everything."

Emmanuel Asghari took a deep breath, and then said bitterly, "Who are you?"

"How is my nephew now?"

After Harvey York knew what happened today, some things must be hidden
from people like Emmanuel Asghari.

So now he didn't pretend, but smiled and said, "Mr. Asghari has good

"I just don't know, since when did you doubt my identity?"

Emmanuel Asghari smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know, I always felt that
something was wrong."

"But today's events have made it clear to me that you are not him..."

Harvey York nodded and said, "I really am not the Harvey York who has a baby
kiss with your daughter."

"Although my name is also Harvey York, I am two people with him."

"This time I have something to do outside the Great Wall, and I just have such
an identity to replace."

"I deceived Mr. Asghari in order to act in secret, and I would like to express my
120,000 apologies for that."
"For this, I can promise you a request, Mr. Asghari."

"Even if you want to be the head of the Asghari family, I can make you take
the position."

Emmanuel Asghari was silent for a long time before slowly saying, "That
nephew of mine is already dead?"

Harvey York nodded.

Seeing his actions, both Emily Miller and Sara Asghari were a bit at a loss for a


The Harvey York they knew was dead?

"You killed it?" Emmanuel Asghari's voice became a bit cold.

Harvey York sighed, took out a tablet, retrieved the data, and placed it in front
of Emmanuel Asghari.

Emmanuel Asghari glanced at it, and then quickly flipped through it.

After a long time, he slowly said: "Is this true?"

Harvey York said lightly: "Can I lie about this kind of thing?"

Emmanuel Asghari's body trembled, and he woke up instantly.

Judging from Harvey York's displayed strength and ability, his nephew,
compared with Harvey York, is the difference between cloud and mud.
How could Harvey York kill him for one identity?

Therefore, the information given by Harvey York is true.

"The York family outside the Great Wall killed my nephew in order to regain
the family's equity."

"Even if he fled to Jinling, he never let him go."

Emmanuel Asghari's voice trembled slightly.

Then, as if he had figured out something, he suddenly raised his head, stared
at Harvey York, and said solemnly, "Master York, since you asked me to make
a request."

"Then I only have one request!"

"Give my nephew a fair deal!"

"Justice my nephew!"

Hearing Emmanuel Asghari's words, Emily Miller jumped up with excitement.

"Emmanuel, what the hell are you doing!?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"A person like Patriarch York can make our family become a superior person in
one sentence, and make our family rich for thousands of years!"

"But if you don't make these demands, you actually want Master York to get
justice for your dead nephew!?"
"Are you joking!?"

"Master York, don't listen to him, listen to me, listen to me!"

Emily Miller danced and was incoherent with excitement.

Harvey York ignored this daughter who was seven or eight similar to Tang
Ling, just squinted at Emmanuel Asghari, and said lightly, "You can still regret
it now..."

Chapter 5889

Emmanuel Asghari gritted his teeth and said, "Master York, I don't want
anything, I just want justice!"

"it is good."

Harvey York nodded slightly.

"Since I borrowed the identity of your nephew, I originally assumed his cause
and effect."

"Since you want his justice."

"I'll give him justice."

"You guys go back outside the Great Wall first. After I've dealt with the matter
here, I'll take the time to deal with that matter."

Emmanuel Asghari thanked Emmanuel Asghari thousands of times, and didn't

say anything else at this moment, but took Emily Miller and Sara Asghari's
mother and daughter to leave quickly.

The next day, after resolving the follow-up matters of the ring competition
and restricting the forces outside the Great Wall to continue to set foot in the
Nine Great Dzi Beads, Harvey York returned to the urban area outside the
Great Wall.

In addition to not wanting to complicate matters, Harvey York vaguely noticed

that there seemed to be a hand fiddling with something behind the frontier.

Only when the clouds are cleared can we see Qingming.

After returning to the urban area outside the Great Wall, Harvey York did not
rush back to the Tianti Mountain Villa No. 1, but asked Mathew Monroy to
reserve a box for himself in Jiangnan outside the Great Wall.

The next thing to do, I am afraid we need to let Juliette Romero and Mathew
Monroy take action.

Maybe he also needs to use Leonardo Zambrano's power to a certain extent.

At six o'clock in the evening, Harvey York and his party appeared at the gate
of Jiangnan outside the Great Wall.

The hotel seems to have been renovated, and there are luxurious colors
everywhere. You can see many luxury cars parked at the door. It can only be
said that this is one of the top restaurants outside the Great Wall.

Mathew Monroy and Juliette Romero, who had been waiting at the door for a
long time, greeted them.

To Harvey York's surprise, Wendy Monroy actually came.

Obviously, Wendy Monroy should know what happened in the desert oasis, so
the eyes that look at Harvey York at this moment are almost dripping water.

Harvey York glanced at Mathew Monroy, Mathew Monroy was so frightened

that he shivered, and then trotted all the way over and explained stumblingly.

In the Monroy family, his status was not comparable to that of Wendy

What Wendy Monroy wants to know, there is absolutely no need to pass him
Mathew Monroy.

Harvey York didn't really mind this matter, and after beating Mathew Monroy
a few words, he walked up the stairs.

This time they booked a box with a local size.

According to Mathew Monroy, he originally planned to book a box with a

famous name for Harvey York.

But for some unknown reason, the Jiangnan side outside the Great Wall
specially reserved this box, apparently for a big man to use it.

Harvey York didn't mind when he was in the box, but when he walked to the
door of the box, he happened to see that the famous box on the other side of
the corridor pushed open a crack.

In the crack of the door, a group of men and women in Chinese clothes were
whispering and laughing loudly.

The one sitting in the main seat was a young man in a Tang suit.
The man's face was somewhat morbidly pale, as if he had grown up in a
medicine jar, but this kind of bearing is not something that ordinary people
can match.

What surprised Harvey York was that the woman accompanying the man was
actually Rebeca Monroy...

Seemingly aware of Harvey York's eyes, Rebeca Monroy glanced over

subconsciously, and then his eyes became slightly cold.

Although Harvey York noticed Rebeca Monroy's resentful eyes, he didn't say

After all, he doesn't even care about Noah the son of Buddha, how could he
care about a mere Rebeca Monroy.

Chapter 5890

Soon, Harvey York and his party entered the box of the famous name.

Mathew Monroy directly waved his hand and ordered all the special dishes on
the menu.

The most important thing is to directly ask for a box of 82-year-old Maotai,
with an expression that he wants to celebrate for Harvey York.

After all, for Mathew Monroy, the best thing he did in his life was to hug
Harvey York's thigh.

After three rounds of drinking, Juliette Romero's people came in from the
door of the box and handed over a document.
Seeing this, Wendy Monroy and Mathew Monroy looked at each other, and
both of them took the initiative to leave the box.

Obviously, they all know that they are not Harvey York's side at present.

On the contrary, Juliette Romero, who is now outside the Great Wall, is
basically doing things for Harvey York.

"Young Master York, I found some things you asked me to check yesterday,
but not much."

Juliette Romero took the initiative to open the information and put it in front
of Harvey York.

"This time, the matter of the Nine Great Dzi Beads outside the Great Wall will
cause trouble in the city. It is true that someone did it deliberately."

"And according to the clues we got, the person who did this should be one of
the twelve earthly support methods of the Hall of Longevity, Weiyang."

Harvey York nodded slightly and said, "Tell me about it carefully."

"Young Master York should know that there are ten Heavenly Gang
Venerables and twelve Earthly Support Laws in the Hall of Longevity."

"And the eighth-ranked Earth Support weiyang has been active in the border
areas of Country H and the fighting nations for a long time."

"Simply put, the area of the desert and grassland outside the Great Wall,
within the framework of the Hall of Longevity, belongs to Weiyang's territory."

"According to the information I got, the true identity of this Weiyang is likely
to be a big man among the three major Buddhist temples."
"He should have been deliberately trying to get the nine dzi beads."

"After all, according to legends outside the Great Wall, the unity of the nine
dzi beads can prove longevity."

Harvey York frowned and said, "Can you confirm Weiyang's identity?"

Juliette Romero shook her head and said, "It's difficult, although there are
some clues, but at most it points to the Buddhist Earth Sect."

"However, it may be because of the relationship between the nine major dzi
beads in the world, those of Weiyang's subordinates have occasionally
appeared outside the fortress recently."

"Young Master York, do we need to find a chance to win a few people to ask

Harvey York thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Shooting
people and horses, capturing thieves and kings."

"Since we know that the recent events have nothing to do with the Hall of
Longevity, we also have some clues about Weiyang."

"Then don't do things that startle snakes."

"After all, I don't have much time, and some things, I am ready to fight."

Juliette Romero nodded, thought for a while and said, "By the way, there is
one more thing."
"Just yesterday, the most mysterious Heavenly Dragon Temple among the
three major Buddhist temples outside the Great Wall suddenly opened the
mountain gate."

"It is said that the disciples of the Golden Dragon Temple are going to start a
month-long journey through the red dust..."

"And the people of Heavenly Dragon Temple have always been unfathomable.
It is said that the founder of Buddhism, when he passed away, was in the
depths of Heavenly Dragon Temple."

"And the Golden Dragon Temple also inherited the vast majority of the
inheritance of the Buddhist Earth Clan..."

"So, Young Master York, I'm afraid we have to pay extra attention to the
people in the Golden Dragon Temple when we are working outside the Great

Harvey York nodded, changed the subject, and said, "How about the
investigation of the York family outside the Great Wall?"

Juliette Romero had a strange expression and said, "Speaking of the York
family outside the frontier, I have really investigated something."

"That is, the most famous lay disciple of Heavenly Dragon Temple is from the
York family outside the Great Wall..."

"Named, Harold York..."

Chapter 5891

"Harold York?"
Harvey York frowned slightly.

"Outside the Great Wall, York family's direct line or collateral line?"

Juliette Romero said: "The direct line, but he is not the eldest son of the York
family outside the Great Wall, but the second son of the York family outside
the Great Wall."

"But even so, his identity is coupled with his special status in the Golden
Dragon Temple."

"It caused him to have a high status all over the place."

"The most important thing is that this Harold York, it is said that he never pays
attention to rules and regulations, and he has no fear of King’s Law, martial
arts, etc.!"

"He's the kind of guy who can do anything to get his way."

"Young Master York, if you meet this person, even if you have the ability to
master the martial arts, I'm afraid you will have to play a twelve-pointed

"After all, things in this world are not just martial arts."

Harvey York nodded and looked carefully at the information Juliette Romero
had brought.

Judging from the data, whether it is Weiyang, whose identity is mysterious and
unknown, or Harold York, the famous disciple of the Monroy family of
Heavenly Dragon Temple and the direct descendant of the York family outside
the Great Wall.
It doesn't seem easy.

At the critical moment when many forces outside the Great Wall were just
integrated by Harvey York, the Golden Dragon Temple was born, and the news
of the Hall of Longevity also appeared.

If you want to say that this is a coincidence, it would be too coincidental,


"I hope it's not that I think too much."

Harvey York murmured.


At this moment, the door of the box with the famous name was suddenly
knocked open by someone.

Then I saw a figure covered in blood stumbled and rushed in.

Harvey York and Juliette Romero looked at them subconsciously, and then
they were both stunned.

Because the person covered in blood is the Mathew Monroy!

And this Mathew Monroy, who was able to speak on behalf of the Monroy
family in many places, was directly broken by someone.

"what happened?"

Harvey York stepped forward, reached out and took back Mathew Monroy's
dislocated left hand, while speaking in a deep voice.
"Young Master York, hurry up and save Wendy!"

"Something happened, something happened!"

At this moment, Mathew Monroy looked embarrassed.

"Just now Wendy and I got bored and went to the balcony outside to blow the

"As a result, Rebeca Monroy ran out of nowhere."

"She demanded Wendy arrogantly but toasted Master York."

"Wendy had a bad relationship with her, and she refused without thinking
about it."

"As a result, Rebeca Monroy didn't say anything, and let people do it directly."

"Her attendants don't know when they changed, and they all have terrible

"They knocked me down, and they said, "I'll shake people at will!"

"But only give me three minutes."

"If people can't shake it, what is the end of Wendy, let me think about it with
my head!"

"Then, Wendy was pulled by Rebeca Monroy's head and entered the Tianzi
Mathew Monroy said everything in a concise manner, but the expression on
his face was hard to see the extreme.

"Wendy Monroy was taken to the Tianzi box?"

"And only give you three minutes to call someone?"

Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly, looking through the door to the
opposite side of the corridor.


Juliette Romero's face changed, and she said, "Young Master York, the other
party is obviously coming for you."

"Although I don't know who it is."

"However, the current Tianzi box is probably the den of tigers and dragons!"

Harvey York said lightly: "It's okay, everyone has kindly invited us, we have to
go and see?"

Chapter 5892

At the same time as Harvey York walked to the Tianzi box, the elevator door
opened at the same time, and then he saw Leonardo Zambrano walking out in
casual clothes.

However, when he saw Harvey York's expression, he did not block the road,
but quickly followed behind Harvey York.
After all, based on his years of experience, it was obvious at a glance that
Harvey York must have encountered something.

At the same time, in the Tianzi box.

Wearing a Tang suit with a sick face, he was a lay disciple of the Heavenly
Dragon Temple, Harold York, a descendant of the York family outside the
Great Wall.

He was holding a red wine glass at the moment, and while sipping it slowly, he
looked up and down at Wendy Monroy, who had a cold face at the moment.

For a young man like Harold York, the women who jumped up and hugged
him a lot, and he was more interested in such women who were dismissive of

For him, conquering such a woman is a fun game.

In particular, this woman's identity is quite noble. She is one of the four major
tribes outside the Great Wall, the fifth young lady of the Monroy family of the
Jinlin tribe.

If you can play with this kind of woman at will, for Harold York, it will be a
matter of joy for several days.

"Rebeca Monroy, what exactly do you want to do?"

Wendy Monroy looked at Rebeca Monroy indifferently.

"Although you are backed by Cloud top Temple, you are neither deaf nor

"You should understand that our Monroy family is different now."

"You do something like this, don't you think about the consequences?"

"Do you really think that Noah the son of Buddha can still protect you?"

Hearing Wendy Monroy's words, Rebeca Monroy giggled and said, "Wendy
Monroy, do you take yourself too seriously?"

"The Monroy family is indeed different from before, but I, Rebeca Monroy, are
also different from before."

"Since I dare to touch you, it means that I have enough confidence!"

"Let me tell you this, it's fine if you obediently join Young Master York today."

"If you're not obedient, then I'm afraid that the Monroy family, who seems to
be in full swing now, will be waning tomorrow!"

When he said this, Rebeca Monroy's face was full of meaning.

"Hey, why are you threatening the little beauty like this?"

Harold York shook the red wine glass.

"Such a beauty is cold and pitiful."

"It's really interesting."

"Just now, I wanted to know what her name was."

"Now, I want to know what her name is."

"And, the more she resists, the more excited I get."

Having said that, Harold York had finished drinking the red wine in his hand,
and then smashed the wine glass to the ground with a "pop".

"Come on, woman, I know you're not willing to be humiliated like this."

"Well, as long as you kneel on this, give me a few respectful kowtows."

"How about I let you go?"

Hearing Harold York's meaningful words, all the companions present burst
into laughter.

Here, Young Master York's method is here!

When Master York met these stubborn women, he liked to trample their
bottom line and destroy their dignity little by little.

In the end, not only did these stubborn women not stand tall at the beginning,
but many of them would kneel on the ground and hug Master York's jeans.

Rebeca Monroy looked at Wendy Monroy resentfully.

In her heart, she hated Wendy Monroy more than Harvey York.

This woman, why doesn't she need to give anything, and she gets more than
what she paid for everything!?

Chapter 5893

Hearing Harold York's words, Wendy Monroy gritted her teeth at this moment.

"My young master, York, is in the box on the opposite side!"

"If you act so recklessly, he won't let you go."

"Yo, Young Master York of your family?"

Harold York grinned.

"In front of our York family outside the Great Wall, is there anyone who dares
to call themselves Young Master York?"

"Isn't this courting death?"

"My little darling, from start to finish, you only have one Young Master York."

"That's me Harold York!"

While speaking, Harold York took a step forward, walked directly in front of
Wendy Monroy, stretched out her right hand and raised her pointed jaw.


Wendy Monroy screamed and slapped Harold York's face with a backhand,
and her body staggered back directly.

She has also practiced martial arts. Although she is not very powerful, at this
time, her movements are still quite agile.

"Wendy Monroy, you are arrogant!"

Seeing this scene, Rebeca Monroy snorted.

Harold York was not angry, but stuck out his tongue and licked the bloodshot
overflowing from the corner of his mouth, looking at Wendy Monroy with
even more determined eyes.

"Yo, little watch, it tastes very spicy!"

"But if you hit me harder now, I'll hit you harder later!"

"Come on, hit me a few more times! Let me have a good time!"

"I'll make you feel good for a while too!"

Hearing Harold York's dirty words, Wendy Monroy's face was cold with anger,
and she subconsciously reached out and slapped Harold York again.

As a result, Harold York's left hand protruded like lightning, directly stuck
Wendy Monroy's left hand, and then slapped Wendy Monroy's face with a few
big slaps with her forehand and backhand, causing her face to be red and
swollen, the corners of her mouth bleeding, and the whole person fainted.

It has to be said that although this Harold York is a scoundrel, he is very


But his strength is on the bright side, extremely terrifying.

"Oh, little beauty, did it hurt you?"

Harold York had a perverted smile on his face.

"Well, let's fight together!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, indicating that his two subordinates blocked
Wendy Monroy's hands from left to right, and let Wendy Monroy bite the
corner of the marble table.

And he himself unbuttoned his trouser belt with a grim smile on his face.


At this moment, the door of the Tianzihao box was kicked open by someone.

The two guards who were in charge of security behind the door were also
slapped and flew out. When they hit the ground, they twitched and couldn't
stand up.

Harold York's enthusiasm was interrupted when his waistband was half
unfastened. He turned around subconsciously at this moment, and caught a
glimpse of Harvey York with a cold look at the door of the famous box.

"What kind of cat and dog, dare to ruin the good deeds of this young

"Break two legs, Shen Jiang!"

Harold York spoke coldly, and in the words, killing intent boiled over.

Harvey York looked extremely cold.

This Harold York is really a scum.

Not only did he do such a tyrannical thing in a hotel, but he also broke his leg
and closed his mouth.

This is the law of no king!

Moreover, even a person of Wendy Monroy's identity, he dared.

From another perspective, it also shows how reckless he is!

"Boy, did you hear what Young Master York said?"

"Are you going to break your leg yourself, or will some brothers help you?"

Two men in suits turned their heads and walked over at the moment, they
stared at Harvey York, their eyes were full of killing intent.

Chapter 5894

These two men, although wearing suits, always have a feeling of being out of
place with suits.

The most important thing is that their temples are bulging high, and their eyes
are even more radiant.

No matter from which point of view, it is a symbol of a great master.

However, Harvey York casually glanced at such a master, but all of them felt a
chill in their hearts, as if someone poured a bucket of ice water from the top of
their head in the sweltering June, from the top of their head to the soles of
their feet.

At this moment, they all wanted to step back subconsciously, but they were
fast, and Harvey York was faster.

At the moment when they were about to move, they saw that Harvey York's
figure had already appeared in front of the two of them.
Harvey York was not polite to these bullying guys, but grabbed their heads
and smashed them all on the marble coffee table.

The loud noise came out, and the two great masters fell directly to the
ground, unable to struggle.

This scene was shocking, causing the other men in suits who wanted to step
forward to stop at the same time, watching Harvey York's expression
extremely vigilant.


Harold York slapped Wendy Monroy's buttocks with a slap in the face, and
then turned around completely, looked Harvey York up and down, and said
with a smile, "One face-to-face can destroy my brothers."

"Have the ability, indeed have some ability."

"Should I say now, I'm so scared?"

Harvey York said coldly: "Kneel down when you are afraid, I can consider not
to abandon you."

"Let me kneel down?"

Harold York's face was filled with incredible contempt.

He glanced at Rebeca Monroy on one side, and said with a smile, "Miss
Rebeca Monroy, you are right."

"Your sister's man is indeed a bit capable and bold."

"But that's what makes it interesting."

"You said, I'll break his legs for a while, let him kneel here, and watch me play
with his woman, isn't it exciting and fun?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Harold York raised his head and laughed wildly, whether it was his words or
his actions, with disapproval and even fear.

Harvey York said lightly, "I hope your mouth will be as hard as it is now."

"No no no, my mouth is not as hard as yours!"

"Because my hardest is my fist!"

"Looking at your three moves and two styles, you've abolished me. I must
have a good martial arts cultivation, right?"

"It's just that since you are a martial artist, you should understand a truth."

"The world's martial arts come out of Buddhism!"

"And I, Harold York, is the direct descendant of the lay disciple of the Heavenly
Dragon Temple of the Buddhist Earth Sect!"

"Today, I'll let you try it, the golden bell jar that I just successfully cultivated!"

Harold York sneered, and in the next instant, he stepped on his feet.

Along with his movements, a faint golden light appeared on the surface of his

This golden light looks like a big golden bell, changing between reality and

This is one of the unique skills of Heavenly Dragon Temple, the golden bell

Rebeca Monroy was shocked at the moment, and lost his voice: "Master York
has successfully cultivated the golden bell hood?"

"In the legend, people who practice this kind of magic are not only
invulnerable to swords and guns, but also invulnerable to fire and water!"

"Although not a god of war, he is better than a god of war!"

"Because, the person who drives the golden bell will always be invincible!"

"A little knowledgeable." Harold York was triumphant, "It's a pity it's not just

"The golden bell hood is not only invincible defense, but also killing

Chapter 5895

As soon as the words fell, Harold York sneered, and then stepped on the soles
of his feet, and the whole person slammed towards Harvey York's place with
Golden aura.

When he moved, the looming golden bell also hit at the same time.
Obviously, if an ordinary martial arts master was hit like this, he would have to
peel off his skin if he didn't die!

"This is the golden bell jar that has been cultivated to a state of ecstasy!"

Rebeca Monroy looked surprised.

"It's no wonder that the Buddha often said that among the three major
Buddhist temples, the one with the strongest heritage and strength is always
the Golden Dragon Temple."

"This golden bell is really extraordinary!"

"Although the surname York is very powerful, but..."


Before Rebeca Monroy finished, he saw Harvey York kicked out directly and
kicked Harold York's forehead.


Harold York, who was originally majestic and high-spirited, flew out instantly
at this moment, and smashed onto the huge dining table behind him like a
dead dog.

In an instant, the cups were messed up, and all kinds of leftovers poured onto
Harold York's body.

Harold York spat blood even more, struggling with the leftovers on the
ground, trying to get up, but couldn't do it anyway.
"This this this..."

The people around looked at this scene, all of them were in a trance and their
faces were sluggish.

how did you do that?

How did this happen?

That is the golden bell hood of the Golden Dragon Temple!

The Golden Dragon Temple where martial arts in the world come from

One of the strongest among the lay disciples of Heavenly Dragon Temple!

Completely motivated the nearly shrouded ah!

But under such circumstances, Harvey York kicked him flying!?

this this this...

how can that be?


"Hannya Palm!"

Harold York roared angrily, then slammed his left hand on the ground, urging
another unique skill to slaughter where Harvey York was.

Harvey York kicked out again, this time directly on Harold York's Dantian Qi

Harold York's figure flew out at this moment, and this time he smashed onto
the rosewood sofa in the box, twitching in pain.

However, the self-righteous Harold York inspired another kind of martial arts.

It's a pity that in front of Harvey York, his so-called unique skills in martial arts
are full of punches and embroidered legs.

Harvey York didn't bother to use any tricks, but kicked and flew.

The last time, Harvey York simply kicked and shattered Harold York's sea of
dantian Qi.


Harold York, who wanted to get up again, spurted out a mouthful of blood
mixed with internal organs, but felt that his whole body was weak and cold.

An unspeakable fear emerged in his heart. He stared at Harvey York and

stammered: "Bastard..."

"Do you know who I am?"

"How dare you, abolish me..."

"Abandon you?"


Harvey York stepped forward and slapped Harold York's face.

"Now, it's not just about destroying you..."

"Also, I want you to interrupt one of your own hands."

"Apologize to Miss Monroy."


Harold York covered her face and said coldly, "Impossible!"

"Our York family outside the Great Wall cannot be humiliated!"


Harvey York slapped again.

"Did I ask you to apologize for not understanding?"

Harold York covered her swollen face, gritted her teeth and said, "Boy, do you
really think our York family can't help you!"

"If you don't understand, it's enough, I'm afraid..."


Harvey York didn't stop there, and sometimes he slapped again.

"Sorry, how many times do I need to say it before you can understand?"

Harold York covered her face: "We are outside the York family..."

"Clap clap-"

This time, Harvey York directly slapped over a dozen times, making Harold
York's head look like a windmill.

Chapter 5896

Confused Harold York finally understood.

At this moment, if he doesn't admit his cowardice, Harvey York will really kill

Thinking of this, he could only take a few steps forward, lowered his head, and
gritted his teeth: "Miss Monroy, I'm sorry!"

"Today I am blind!"

"Master, you don't care about villains, the prime minister can punt a boat in
his stomach."

It's just that when he apologized this time, although his words were respectful,
his eyes looking at the ground were still full of resentment.

He pondered, a hero does not suffer from immediate losses!

When this test is over today, it will not be too late for a gentleman to take
revenge in ten years.

"My words are on the ear?"

Harvey York heard the words, but there was a bit of a smile on his face.
"If you want to apologize, you have to express your sincerity, and Harold York
has to kneel down and interrupt your hand."

"In this case, I will no longer pursue what happened today."

Harvey York didn't mean to take things lightly, but prepared to give the other
party an unforgettable lesson.

So he made his own terms neatly.

After all, if someone like Harold York doesn't teach him an unforgettable
lesson, maybe he will go out to bully men and women in the future.

"Let me interrupt my hand and ask me to kneel down and apologize?"

Harold York's eyes were bitter and cold at this moment.

He is the eldest son of a generation, and he can admit it, but he can't kneel

Can be abolished, but not without dignity!

After all, this is the most important thing in their circle.

"Boy, I warn you, it's better not to go too far!"

"Otherwise, I'm going to risk my life today, and everyone will die!"

"I don't believe it, you can fight with me, Harold York, and with our York family
outside the border to the end!"
"You have to know that our York family outside the Great Wall is a branch of
Hong Kong Gambling Yemen!"

Harold York, who carried this backer, had a look of color on his face at this

"Hong Kong gambling Yemen, is it a good match?"

While speaking, Harvey York took out a business card, flicked it, and landed in
front of Harold York.

"Now, I want you to cut off both of your hands as an apology."

"Don't be too busy yelling or jumping up and down."

"I advise you to call the person on the business card and ask her if you want to
implement what Harvey York said."

While speaking, Harvey York waved at Wendy Monroy and the others, and
everyone turned around and left together.

"Scare me with a business card?"

"who do you think You Are?"

"Return what you said, do you want to implement it?"

"Do you think......"

Harold York, who was shouting, suddenly saw the name on the business card.

The three words "Queenie York" looked light and light, without any weight.
But for those who know the inside story, these three words represent the
absolute authority of Yemen in Hong Kong gambling!

And those who are qualified to get this kind of private business card will
definitely not be low in status.

The most important thing is that this also means that the guy in front of him
has an irreversible relationship with Queenie York.

At this moment, Harold York only felt the blackness in front of him.

Where the hell did this guy come from?

How could he be far stronger and more powerful than he imagined!

Ignoring the change in Harold York's expression, Harvey York just walked out.

But when he left the Tianzi box and was about to walk towards the elevator,
there was a sound of broken bones from behind him.

Harold York is very good, but he knows very well that Queenie York is more
than a hundred times better than him.

No matter what the relationship between Harvey York and Queenie York is,
but Harvey York's surname is York, which is enough to make people imagine
infinitely more.

In case, Harvey York came from Hong Kong to bet Yemen...

Harold York didn't dare to imagine the consequences, but cut off his hands
Chapter 5897

In the early morning of the second day of the Jiangnan incident outside the
Great Wall.

At the entrance of Harvey York's Tianti Mountain Villa No. 1, there were a
group of uninvited guests.

Three Rolls-Royce Phantoms without license plates were placed across the
door of the villa.

The door of the car was opened, and the old man in Tang suit who came out
was respectful, but just looking at his face was enough to see his extraordinary

Soon, the doors of the other car were also opened, and then Harold York, who
was wet, was kicked out of the car.

Logically speaking, this young man who should be showing off his might
outside the Great Wall, but at this moment he got up from the ground
tremblingly, and then knelt at the door of Villa No. 1.

Not only was he kneeling upright, but he was kneeling very straight.

In the hall of the villa, Harvey York looked at the CCTV and his expression
became a little weirder.

Juliette Romero, who was standing behind Harvey York, also glanced at the
CCTV screen, and then said in surprise, "Tomas York?"

Harvey York smiled slightly and said, "You know him?"

Juliette Romero hurriedly said, "Young Master York, this is the head of the
York family outside the Great Wall, Tomas York."

"In this city outside the Great Wall, the York family outside the Great Wall is
not as high-profile as the Wolf Clan outside the Great Wall, nor as well known
as the four major tribes."

"But because of Yemen's relationship with Hong Kong gambling, the York
family outside the Great Wall has always been the most mysterious family
outside the Great Wall."

"As for this Tomas York, he studied martial arts at the Golden Dragon Temple
when he was young, and later he single-handedly brought the York family
outside the Great Wall to the heights it is today."

"Such a person, his city and strength, is not what ordinary people can

"There are even rumors that Tomas York's power is unfathomable and can be
called the underground king outside the Great Wall..."

"Underground King outside the Great Wall?"

Harvey York put down the coffee in his hand and smiled lightly.

"Our underground king, what are you doing here at my villa?"

"Are you guilty?"

"Or, try your hardest?"

Juliette Romero smiled and said, "From the point of view of posture, it is not
only guilty, but also trying hard."
"Young Master York, then we now..."

Harvey York glanced at the CCTV and said indifferently: "Wait, we, the
underground kings outside the Great Wall, even though they have a gesture
of guilt."

"But how can someone who has been in power for a long time casually give in
in front of an outsider?"

"Did you notice that he came here today with a big fanfare, and he made a
great gesture, as if he was about to come to the door to apologize."

"However, he has no sincerity, or should be said, he does not have enough


Juliette Romero was stunned for a moment, and said, "Young Master York,
what do you say?"

Harvey York pointed to the CCTV screen and said lightly, "If he was sincere, he
would ring the doorbell now and wait respectfully."

"But he has his hands on his back, and the old god is standing there. What do
you think he is going to do?"

"He just wanted me to take the initiative to go out and meet him."

"It's called him giving me face, and I giving him steps."

"good for everyone......"

Juliette Romero was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what
Harvey York meant.
Tomas York, the head of the York family outside the Great Wall, no matter why
he came, he probably hasn't figured out his position yet.

At this time, I hope to be on an equal footing with Master York...

"Young Master York, then we..."

"Leave them, what to do."

Harvey York pouted.

"When will their attitude be correct, and when will they be let in again."

Chapter 5898

Three hours later, the doorbell of Villa No. 1 in Tianti Mountain was finally

The old god Juliette Romero opened the door.

Harold York, who was kneeling at the door and was about to faint, Juliette
Romero didn't seem to see it, but looked at Tomas York, whose face was a
little dark in front of him, and smiled: "Hello, who is that?"

"We are a private residence here, and my owner doesn't let strangers
approach half a step at will."

"If you have nothing to do, please leave."

Hearing Juliette Romero's words, a character who looked like a housekeeper
couldn't help but shout at this moment.

The owner of the family is the underground king outside the Great Wall!

However, now that a woman casually walks out of Villa No. 1, how dare you
act like that?

It's rare for this family, I really don't know, has the owner of the family waited
outside for three hours?

Tomas York waved his hand at this moment, and said lightly: "Don't yell!"

"It is the so-called three-rank official in front of the prime minister's door!"

"Today we are here to see Young Master York, not to make trouble."

Having said that, Tomas York smiled at Juliette Romero and said, "Miss Juliette
Romero, good afternoon."

"Maybe you don't know me, maybe you pretend you don't know me."

"But it doesn't matter, I'll introduce myself now."

"My name is Thomas York, I am the head of the York family outside the Great

"I came to the door today to ask Harvey York to meet Master York."

"I wonder if Young Master York has time to meet me?"

When he finished speaking, the smile on Tomas York's face seemed to be the
Juliette Romero sighed in her heart.

It can only be said that the big man is the big man.

If nothing else, this simple qi-raising effort is not something ordinary people
can do.

After waiting outside for three hours, he was almost vomiting blood.

But at this moment, he could still speak calmly.

Whether it's fake or real, it's enough to explain a lot of problems.

Thinking of this, Juliette Romero didn't talk nonsense, but smiled and said, "It
turned out to be the York family master."

"My master said that the door is a guest."

"It's lunchtime now."

"If you don't mind, you can have lunch with my host."

"Of course, it's rough, so please don't dislike it."

Hearing Juliette Romero's words, Tomas York sighed and said, "I can't ask for

Originally, he wanted to talk about the reason why Harold York was kneeling,
but when he saw Juliette Romero, he didn't even glance in that direction from
the corner of his eyes, so he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.
Afterwards, Tomas York waved his hands at the surrounding followers, and
then followed Juliette Romero who turned around and walked into Villa No. 1.

With a creak, the door closed.

Harold York, who was kneeling outside the door, although trembling all over
and almost collapsed, still did not dare to make any unnecessary movements
at this moment.

It's just that in his eyes, there is no more resentment from yesterday, only fear
and jealousy.

After all, even the owner of the house was treated like this.

What do they count in Harvey York's eyes?

This is really stepping on the thunder!


At the same time, Tomas York was led by Juliette Romero to the back garden
of Villa No. 1.

This place is located on a cliff in Tianti Mountain.

At the edge of the garden, there is a small pavilion, from which you can see
the sunrise and sunset, as well as the wind and clouds.

This kind of place is not for ordinary people to stay in.

Chapter 5899
In the middle of the pavilion, there is a set of small tables and chairs woven
from purple-gold bamboo, with only two chairs.

On the table, there are several side dishes, such as peanuts, watercress fish
and pickles.

These are all too small side dishes.

In addition, there are only two servings of white rice on the table. Although
the rice is sprinkled with a few sesame seeds, it still makes people feel very

Harvey York looked at the direction of the sea of clouds at this moment, and
only turned around lightly when he heard footsteps.

When he saw Harvey York, Tomas York's heart skipped a beat, then he walked
up to Harvey York and said with a smile, "Young Master York, good noon."

"Patriarch York, isn't it? You came early, why don't you come by coincidence!"

"I happened to have lunch."

"If you don't think my lunch is easy, you can sit down and have a light meal

Hearing Harvey York's words, Tomas York's eyelids twitched slightly, and he
scolded Harvey York hundreds of times in his heart.

This little bastard is so good at pretending.

But remembering his own purpose, Tomas York still smiled and said: "I'm old,
and I don't like big fish and big meat."
"Master York, you are the favorite of the old people like you."

"Since Young Master York invited me, I'm welcome."

While speaking, Tomas York sat down on his own, picked up his chopsticks
and bowl, and started eating.

Harvey York squinted at this scene, and then said with a smile: "Patriarch York
is not afraid that my food is poisonous?"

Tomas York said as he ate, "In terms of your behavior, Young Master York, if
you really want to kill me, you can step on me directly."

"Instead of poisoning the meal."

"After all, for Young Master York, a little guy like me is not qualified to let you
waste your time on poisoning."

Harvey York said lightly, "Patriarch York is joking."

"You are the underground king outside the Great Wall. In this third of an acre
outside the Great Wall, you turn your hands into clouds, and you cover your
hands for rain."

"If you want, stomping your feet will cause an earthquake outside the

"It's not that easy to deal with you."

Tomas York put down his chopsticks and said, "With my little skill, in front of
Young Master York, it's nothing."
"After all, Young Master York, you are planning a strategy and letting Hong
Kong bet on Yemen's overturned figure!"

Harvey York said with great interest, "You know me?"

"Not knowing, but guessing."

Tomas York sighed.

"Our York family outside the Great Wall is also a branch of Yemen in Hong
Kong gambling."

"So, we naturally know that the Hong Kong gambling Yemen has changed a
lot not long ago."

"And now, in the Yemen of Hong Kong gambling, Miss Queenie York is in

"Even if it is other clansmen, people from the top ten top families, mentioning
her will be polite."

"You can take out her personal business card casually, understatement, and
someone with the surname York..."

"What kind of identity does such a person really have!"

"Simply put, Miss Queenie York must be in charge of Yemen for you, Young
Master York, right?"

"As long as you are willing, in a word, Hong Kong gambling Yemen will be
yours, right?"
Harvey York took a deep look at Tomas York, but he didn't expect this guy to
be able to guess his identity.

But it's normal. If he didn't have such ability, then the York family outside the
Great Wall would not be able to achieve today's achievements.

It can only be said that these old foxes of the previous generation did not
have an ordinary person...

Chapter 5900

"Patriarch York's words are a bit exaggerated."

Harvey York smiled.

"Hong Kong Gambling Yemen will always be Hong Kong Gambling Yemen.
Although my surname is York, I have no interest in intervening in Hong Kong
Gambling Yemen affairs."

"Furthermore, if I want to forcefully enter the Hong Kong Gambling Yemen,

the old sect master who is like a fairy will probably not just watch it, right?"

Tomas York took out a half-smoked cigar, lit it and took a sip, and then
revealed a meaningful smile: "Young Master York may not have much interest
in Hong Kong gambling Yemen."

"But there are things in this world that don't happen because you are
interested or not."

"There is such a thing as involuntary."

"There is something else called the addition of a yellow robe."

"If there is such a day, I hope Young Master York remembers that the York
family outside the Great Wall is also from the Yemen line of Hong Kong

Harvey York put down his chopsticks, lit the tea stove and started to cook tea.
After a cup of fragrant Phoenix Mountain was brewed vertically, Harvey York
picked up the teacup and said lightly, "What does Patriarch York mean?"

"Encourage me to be promoted?"

Tomas York shook his head and said, "Whether Master York is in the top
position is the overall situation, the current situation, and the fate. These are
all beyond the control of me, the little head of the York family outside the
Great Wall."

"I said this just to pave the way for my purpose today."

Harvey York took a sip of tea and made a gesture of please continue to

Tomas York looked at Harvey York with a grim-faced gesture: "Young Master
York, I, Tomas York, came here today, the only purpose is to send a

"At the same time, from this moment onwards, I will respect the York family
outside the frontier and respect Young Master York as the master!"

"But as shown, I will definitely go all out."

Harvey York almost spit out a sip of tea. He looked at Tomas York with a
strange expression and said, "Patriarch York, it's better not to make such a
"I just abolished your York family's direct descendant last night."

"Today you came and asked me to explain, I can still understand."

"You came directly to surrender, I don't understand."

Tomas York spoke with a candid attitude, "Young Master York, Harold York
offended you because he didn't have the eyesight to see."

"I have already told him to kneel at your gate. When you are satisfied, when
will he get up."

"If you are always dissatisfied with Young Master York, then kneeling and
dying there is his life!"

"Even if you are in a bad mood, Young Master York, want to slash him with
thousands of pieces, and want him to die without a place to be buried, our
York family outside the Great Wall will fully support him!"

Harvey York thought for a while and said, "Just because of my relationship
with Hong Kong gambling Yemen?"

"That's all."

Tomas York spoke in a deep voice.

"The second is the matter of the desert oasis, the old man has already inquired

"Now outside the Great Wall, Young Master York is respected, and the wolf
clan and the four major tribes outside the Great Wall are only the leader of
Young Master York."
"How dare our York family outside the Great Wall dare to jump in front of

"Only a little beast like Harold York dared to jump around because he thought
that he had gone to Heavenly Dragon Temple for a few years to cultivate, and
then he had some skills!"

"The rest of our York family outside the Great Wall are very honest."

Tomas York's words are very sincere, but it is because of the sincerity that it
makes people feel unbelievable.

Originally, Harvey York was thinking about whether to take the time to find
trouble with the York family outside the Great Wall, as an explanation to
Emmanuel Asghari.

Now Tomas York looks like I'm here to surrender and admit the fight, but
Harvey York doesn't know what to say.

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