Chapter 4601-4700 Spanish Names

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Chapter 4601

When Lulu saw Damian Huo, she was shocked and said loudly, "Master Huo!?"

Devora Oliveira also squinted slightly, with a bit of doubt in her eyes.

She knew very well who Damian Huo was, and her husband's family, the Luo
family and the Huo family, were both hidden families, and they had a lot of
contact on weekdays.

But Damian Huo's arrogant and domineering temperament has always been
disliked by Devora Oliveira.

So the two don't have a good relationship.

I don't know what he's doing here.

"Master Huo, you're here just in time!"

Seeing Damian Huo, Lionel Ferreira immediately rushed over like a chicken blood!

He felt that he had found an opportunity to save face!

Lionel Ferreira came directly in front of Damian Huo, and said bluntly: "Master
Huo, you came just right!"

"I tell you, last night this bastard surnamed York didn't give you face and
offended you!"

"I sheltered him!"

"But I regret it now!"

"You don't have to give me any face!"

"Do whatever you want to kill him!"

"If you need me to take action, you speak, and I will help!"

Having said that, Lionel Ferreira rolled up his sleeves, smiled grimly at Harvey
York, and gritted his teeth: "Boy, you are dead!"

"Without me covering you, you probably wouldn't even know how to write dead

"Today next year, I will go to your grave and burn incense for you!"

Hearing Lionel Ferreira's words, Lulu was shocked, looking at Lionel Ferreira's face
with fear.

She knew very well that Harvey York was finished!

Maybe Jinling Film and Television is also finished!

No matter how rich and capable Harvey York is, can he be compared to a young
man like Damian Huo?

The levels of the two people are different!

The six hidden families are definitely not something that ordinary people can
offend casually.

Many executives and female celebrity internet celebrities are also gasping for

No one could have imagined that everything today is unexpectedly unsettled and
wave after wave!
At this moment, Lionel Ferreira pointed at Harvey York and said loudly, "Master
Huo, let's do it!"

"Let him know why the flowers are so red!"

"Don't give me any face!"


Damian Huo's backhand was a big mouth, and he threw it directly on Lionel
Ferreira's face, directly smashing his plastic face.

Lionel Ferreira was completely stunned. He covered his face and shivered:
"Master Huo, did you make a mistake?"

"I didn't offend you again!"

"What did you hit me for?"

"You should hit him!"


When Damian Huo heard this, he slapped him again, and the slap was so crisp
and loud that it knocked out several of Lionel Ferreira's teeth.

"Bastard, is Young Master York someone like you qualified to shout?"

"I don't need to give you face yet?"

"You are a great actor, you have a fart face in front of me, Damian Huo!"

"Kill him to death for me!"

With Damian Huo's order, all the thugs in black suits rushed out, punching and
kicking Lionel Ferreira!

Lionel Ferreira was crying and howling, constantly rolling.

"Master Huo, why are you hitting me!"

"My big brother really called you yesterday!"

"My eldest brother came out yesterday!"

"My eldest brother, is a big man you can't even offend!"

"If you hit me now, you just can't get along with my big brother!"

"Your big brother!?"

Damian Huo kicked out.

"Come on, tell me, which guy doesn't even dare to move me."

Chapter 4602

"Prince Shidu! My eldest brother is Prince Shidu!"

At this time, Lionel Ferreira also knew that this was his last chance.

So he made no reservations and directly said the name of the biggest backer.

"He called you last night and asked you to let us go!"

"What a prince, do you think you're playing a braid?"

"Don't talk about the prince, it's useless for the emperor to come!"

"Last night, you were able to leave with all your hands and feet, and it was
because of Young Master York's face!"

"How dare you yell at Young Master York in front of me?"

"I'll kill you!"

The angry Damian Huo didn't listen to Lionel Ferreira's details, and he kicked
Lionel Ferreira to the ground again with one kick.

And Lionel Ferreira's face froze, and his face was unbelievable?

Are you looking at Harvey York's face?

How can it be!?

How could Harvey York's face be bigger than Prince Shidu?

And Lu Lu's eyes were round, with a look of disbelief and disbelief.

She can't imagine how someone who eats soft rice has such great ability.

"Clap clap-"

Damian Huo directly picked up Lionel Ferreira again, and slapped his forehand
and backhand with ten eight slaps, making his face look like a pig's head.

Afterwards, Damian Huo came to Harvey York licking his face, and said
respectfully, "Young Master York, good morning!"

"I was wrong about what happened last night, I was blind!"
"I hope you have a lot of adults, don't care about me!"

"I came here specially to say sorry to you today!"


Hearing Damian Huo's words, everyone in the hall was in a trance, and needles
could be heard everywhere in the hall.

Many beautiful female stars and female Internet celebrities even covered their
mouths tightly to prevent themselves from screaming.

Damian Huo came to apologize sincerely today.

After he went back last night, Ferney Huo didn't teach him much, but told him
everything Harvey York had done in Jinling these days in great detail.

Hearing that Harvey York and so many big people in Jinling made good friends,
and that those who couldn't get along with Harvey York all ended up miserably,
Damian Huo was suddenly in a cold sweat.

He knew very well that Harvey York still gave Ferney Huo face last night.

Otherwise, at least he would have to break his limbs and crawl out like a dog.

Therefore, at this moment, Damian Huo decided to put down his face and
apologize properly after thinking about it for a whole night.

On the one hand, I hope to write off the grievances.

On the other hand, I hope to become friends with Harvey York.

After all, such an awesome character is definitely 10,000 times better as a friend
than an enemy.
So early in the morning, Damian Huo came in a hurry.

When I went to Jifutang, I couldn't find it. After Damian Huo inquired about
Harvey York's whereabouts, he rushed over without stopping.

And just when Lionel Ferreira, who doesn't have long eyes, clamored in front of
Harvey York, Damian Huo would naturally not miss such an opportunity.

He stepped on the person neatly, on the one hand, it was an explanation to

Harvey York, and on the other hand, it was a show of affection.

And this scene not only made those celebrities and internet celebrities
dumbfounded, but even Devora Oliveira was a bit unbelievable and unbelievable.

As a member of the Hidden Luo family, she is very aware of Damian Huo's
behavior and arrogance.

A generation of playboys, they usually walk sideways on weekdays, but they were
actually convinced by Harvey York?

It can only be said that Harvey York's ability is beyond imagination.

So at this moment, the whole place was dead silent.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to show.

Chapter 4603

"You want to say sorry?"

Seeing Damian Huo's gesture, Harvey York didn't have too many expressions, but
instead said with a smile: "You, Mr. Huo, didn't you have a good apology last

Damian Huo's heart skipped a beat, and then he bowed ninety degrees: "It
happened so fast last night, I can't turn my head around."

"So whether it is the sincerity of the apology or the apology, there is a lack of it!"

"And last night, I went back and had a good memory for a night, and I suddenly
understood, Young Master York, you really gave our Huo family face and really
showed mercy to me!"

"If it wasn't for you, Young Master York, but someone else last night, I might have
become a missing person by now!"

"So, I came here early this morning. Although it was a bit presumptuous, I really
came to express my apology and gratitude."

"And the wounds on my body are all due to me. I specially changed the photo on
my ID card to what it looks like now, just to remind myself at all times!"

"Be low-key, and ask your conscience when doing things!"

Hearing Damian Huo's heartfelt words, Lulu instantly understood.

They were able to get out of the way last night, and they really have nothing to
do with Lionel Ferreira.

It can even be said that without Harvey York's protection, they might really be
missing persons now.
Thinking of his humiliation to Harvey York last night and in the morning, thinking
of his superiority and arrogance, LuLu's face at this moment became hot in
waves, as if someone had slapped her in the face.

And Lionel Ferreira was paralyzed on the ground and twitched, but still looked up
in disbelief: "Impossible, how is this possible!"

He couldn't figure it out, he had already checked Harvey York's resume, and he
was a pure door-to-door son-in-law.

What if he is the son-in-law of the ninth branch of the Jean Family in the Mordu?

The ninth branch is the most marginal branch of the Jean Family in the Mordu,
and Mandy Zimmer is not welcomed by the senior management of the Jean
Family in the Mordu at all.

Therefore, even Mandy Zimmer can't get the light of the Jean Family in the
Mordu, let alone Harvey York, the door-to-door son-in-law?

So, how can Harvey York and De He be able to make such a big man like Damian
Huo come over to curry favor with him?

Moreover, how did he know Isabel Weeks?

That is the Far East representative of the star chaebol in Sydney!

One of the candidates who may inherit the chaebol in the future!

In Sydney, Isabel Weeks is definitely a big man at the top.

Lionel Ferreira looked confused, and at the same time regretted that he vomited
Since he met Harvey York, not only was he beaten, he was beaten in public, and
most importantly, he was directly banned in the entertainment industry.

Thinking that he would have to go to the factory to make screws in order to

survive the rest of his life, Lionel Ferreira at this moment could not wait to be
slapped to the ground.

However, no matter what his thoughts were in his heart, Lionel Ferreira knew very
well at this moment that it was someone like Harvey York who was definitely not
something he could provoke.

And those young and beautiful actresses and female Internet celebrities, after
reacting, looked at Harvey York with more admiration.

This new owner is not only young, but most importantly, his energy is amazing.

Even people like Damian Huo were convinced by him. In the future in the Jinling
entertainment circle, he will definitely speak his mind.

It is a blessing to be able to follow such an owner!

Several female stars and internet celebrities with the most outstanding looks are
all raising their chests and raising their heads at the moment, winking like silk.

Everyone competed with each other, hoping that Harvey York could look at them

Devora Oliveira and Marisol Yegar also walked to Harvey York's side with a smile
on their faces, each holding his hand and taking pictures at this time.

Chapter 4604
Seeing the actions of Devora Oliveira and Marisol Yegar, all the other beautiful
female stars and internet celebrities also gathered to take a group photo.

Even Lulu was cheeky and squeezed to the edge of the crowd just to take a
photo with Harvey York.

"Bastard! Bastard!"

Seeing that his woman didn't even look at him, he actually ran to lick the soles of
Harvey York's feet. At this moment, Lionel Ferreira went completely crazy.

"Why are you!?"

"You are a mere son-in-law, why!?"

"My eldest brother, Prince Shidu, will not let you go!"


Damian Huo walked over excitedly, and slapped Lionel Ferreira to the ground
with another slap.

He was worried that he couldn't find the opportunity to continue to perform well.
He didn't expect Lionel Ferreira to give him a pillow when he was dozing off.

Damian Huo said something in his heart, while his hands were ruthless, slap after
slap, and slapped Lionel Ferreira constantly.

"Bastard, what are you doing!"

"Can you offend my Young Master York?"

"People like Young Master York won't care about someone like you!"
"But I, Damian Huo, can't help but watch someone disrespect Master York?"

"If you have any dissatisfaction, say it out loud, I promise, I will kill your whole
family, and I will dig up the graves of the eighteenth generation of your
ancestors, and bring their bones to ashes!"

Lionel Ferreira was beaten and groaned, and finally he finally confessed, no
longer dared to say harsh words, but backed away.

"Don't dare, I really don't dare!"

"Please treat me like a fart!"

While speaking, Lionel Ferreira knelt on the ground and kowtowed like garlic,
crackling loudly.

This scene made Harvey York frown slightly, a good day is not auspicious.

He waved his right hand and said lightly, "Let him get out of here."


Damian Huo's last slap slapped Lionel Ferreira into the air.

Lionel Ferreira immediately rolled and crawled with his head in his arms.

He was afraid that he would walk slowly, and Harvey York would regret it.

And Lu Lu looked at this scene with a hesitant expression, and finally did not

She knows very well that if she keeps up, her life will be ruined. If she stays, there
is still a chance.
She is a smart woman, and smart people will not be swayed by emotions and do
stupid things.

After all, Harvey York didn't kill her on the spot, which means that Harvey York
didn't care about what happened last night.

Whether it was because of Xynthia Zimmer's relationship or something else, Lulu

felt that she still had a chance.

If you can climb onto Harvey York's dragon bed, it will be a real success.

Feeling the enthusiasm of those actresses and internet celebrities, Harvey York
frowned slightly, and then made a look, Devora Oliveira immediately waved her
hand, letting these people go about their own business.

Devora Oliveira personally led Harvey York and the others into the luxurious
multi-functional conference room.

After Harvey York signed the equity transfer contract and finished his fingerprints,
Damian Huo stood up respectfully.

"Young Master York, if that guy Lionel Ferreira dares to yell at you, just give him a
call and I promise to kill him!"

Damian Huo looked respectful.

"And last night, it was because of that bastard that I offended you, Young Master
York, and offended your woman!"

Hearing this, Devora Oliveira and Marisol Yegar were both gossipy.

Didn't you hear that Harvey York and his ex-wife have a rough relationship
Why are there other women?

Could it be Alexa Joiner!?

Looking at the gossip faces of the two women, Harvey York was even more

Chapter 4605

Looking at the respectful Damian Huo in front of him, Harvey York said lightly:
"Since what happened last night has passed, don't talk about it anymore."

"You and I don't know each other. I'm talking with your father of the same
generation. You can call me uncle in the future."

Damian Huo's eyes twitched, but he still said cheekily, "Uncle York."

Harvey York nodded and said, "What I said to you last night, go back and think
about it. It's also your luck that you can hear it."

"Also, I hope you don't let me see you bullying men and women in the future,

His words sounded soft, but they carried an unspeakable majesty and bearing.

After all, for Harvey York, although Damian Huo is a good match, he is not very
good at the table. If he wants, Damian Huo can be pinched to death with one

And since Damian Huo knows his mistakes and can correct them, Harvey York will
do anything to him even in Ferney Huo's face, and even give him a chance to
make friends with him.
"Uncle York taught me that I must frame all your words, hang them by the
bedside, recite them day and night, remember!"

Speaking of this, Damian Huo looked earnest.

"Uncle York, my nephew is here to see you for the first time today!"

"So, as a junior, I must prepare a little greeting!"

"This is a statue of Guan Gong that I specially found from the Feng Shui market. It
is said to be from the Song Dynasty!"

"This thing is very valuable, and it is in line with the identity of your generation of
Feng Shui masters. I think it is more suitable!"

Having said this, Damian Huo nodded and bowed, with an expression that hoped
that Harvey York would accept it.

"Be careful, on behalf of my junior, I hope you don't despise the shabby, Uncle

Although Damian Huo said this, everyone with discernment knows that this thing
is definitely worth a lot of money.

Otherwise, Damian Huo would dare to take this thing as an apology?

Harvey York squinted at the statue of Guan Gong, his eyes fell on the Guan Gong
sword, and then said lightly: "How much did you pay for this thing?"

Damian Huo said with a shy face: "It's not expensive, it's only 5 million, it can't be
on the table..."

"five million?"
Harvey York's right index finger touched the rather sharp blade, and said lightly:
"No matter who sold this to you."

"I suggest, you can go and smash his shop..."


Damian Huo was slightly taken aback?

"Uncle York, what do you mean, this Guan Gong looks like a fake?"

"I have a good relationship with the Hoffman Family. I bought this thing in the
Hoffman Family's Baibao Building. How could it be fake?"

"Though the things in his house are expensive, I have never heard of them. There
are fakes in his house!"

"After all, behind it is the Jinling Hoffman Family, this is a big family that wants

"Fake is not fake..."

Harvey York smiled faintly, pinched the statue of Guan Gong, and threw it directly
on the ground.

With a "bang", the statue of Guan Gong shattered, and the big sword that was
supposed to be one with the statue of Guan Gong broke, and a palm-sized island
sword appeared inside.

The whole body of the island sword is pitch-black, and an unspeakable evil
intention spreads out of it, and at the same time, there is a creepy feeling that
emerges in my heart.

"What is this from?"

Devora Oliveira said curiously, could it be possible, what kind of treasure?


Harvey York smiled lightly.

"This thing is the culmination of the island country's onmyoji and incantation, and
it's called the demon sword..."

Chapter 4606

"As soon as the demon knife leaves the house, it dies!"

"If you keep this thing at home, within three months, the whole family will die."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

"It's a little simpler, this thing can easily kill your whole family, leaving no chickens
and dogs..."

Devora Oliveira and Marisol Yegar were also slightly taken aback at the same
time, and then their eyes fell coldly on Damian Huo.

They could never have imagined that Damian Huo, who had a respectful face,
was so sinister and vicious that he could do such a thing.

"Uncle York, believe me, I bought this thing!"

"I didn't mean to hurt you!"

Damian Huo, who had reacted, shivered and introduced quickly.

"You must believe me! I already know my mistake!"

"I will never do this!"

At this moment, Damian Huo made an oath to clear his relationship with this

Otherwise, once Harvey York thinks that he has intentions to harm others,
Damian Huo can imagine his tragic end.

"I know this has nothing to do with you..."

Harvey York spoke lightly, then flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood fell on the
demon knife.

With the blood dripping, the demon knife flashed slightly, the evil energy
disappeared, and it turned into pieces all over the ground...

It's just that at the moment when it was turned into pieces, a face like the face of
a human baby appeared illusory and roared silently at Harvey York.

With Harvey York throwing out a drop of blood again, this illusory face
disappeared completely.

This scene scared both Devora Oliveira and Marisol Yegar to the core. After all,
girls are afraid of this thing.

And Damian Huo also reacted at this moment.

"Bastard, the person who sold this to me wants to destroy our Huo family!"

"Brothers, shake people, let's go to level Baibaolou together! Give my uncle an

"If I don't settle this matter today, I will write my name upside down!"

While speaking, Damian Huo waved away.

After thinking about it, Harvey York followed.

In addition to not wanting Damian Huo, the eldest nephew, to suffer a big loss,
there is another reason. Harvey York just wanted to see if he could lead out
Araceli Hoffman, the eldest son of the Hoffman Family, under the fierce conflict.

After all, this legendary young master is too low-key. After coming to Jinling for
so long, Harvey York has long admired him and never met him.

Moreover, in order to avoid his suspicion, Harvey York didn't take the initiative to
do anything, but just let it go.

After all, the matter involves the Hall of Longevity, and there will always be times
when the two sides meet.

And today's matter of Damian Huo, no matter from which point of view, it is
reasonable for him to appear.

Even if someone who is proficient in Zhouyi deduces after the fact, they will not
see any clues.

So Harvey York, who had a temporary interest, followed.

He is full of expectations as to whether the young master of the Hoffman Family

will appear.


Half an hour later, the Land Rover Defenders lined up rampantly and stopped at
the gate of Hoffman’s Baibao Building.
The door of the car opened, and a group of men in suits with sticks drilled out, all
of them murderous, directly guarding the entrance and exit.

When the customers in the store saw this scene, they knew something was

Everyone stepped back one after another, looking at this scene with curiosity.

After all, this Baibaolou has too many things recently, right?

"Who are you?"

"Come to our Baibao Building to make trouble! Are you dying!?"

Several staff members rushed out and shouted loudly, full of confidence.

Chapter 4607

Damian Huo walked in with a cigar indifferently, kicked over the vase at the gate,
and said coldly, "Mary Hoffman, get out!"

Harvey York walked in with his hands on his back and expressionless.

His eyes looked around the field, and found that there were a lot of good things
on the shelves at the scene, and there were also a lot of rough jade stones.

Obviously, this place has gathered a lot of good people to gamble on stones.

"Oh, isn't this Master Huo?"

Just as Harvey York glanced around, he saw a coquettish laughter coming from
the depths of Baibaolou, and then saw a graceful woman appear.
She is wearing a cheongsam, which is embroidered with gold threads, making her
look sexy and intellectual.

It was Mary Hoffman who had fought against Harvey York last time.

Seeing Damian Huo's appearance, Mary Hoffman's footsteps paused slightly and
then said with a look of style: "In such a big battle today, the shot is either to
smash things or to hit people."

"Which of my subordinates offended you, Master Huo?"

"Or are you angry that I didn't reply to your message from Master Huo last

While speaking, Mary Hoffman squinted slightly, and a look of displeasure

flashed in his eyes.

Obviously, she felt that Damian Huo's appearance disturbed her business.

"Hehehe, you're pretty good at pretending!"

Damian Huo took a few steps forward, stretched out his right hand and patted
Mary Hoffman's pretty face.

"Mary Hoffman, everyone is a scene person."

"What did you do, don't you have any points in your heart?"

"Do you still need me to remind you?"

Mary Hoffman looked aggrieved, and said delicately, "Young Master Huo, you are
the eldest son of the reclusive Huo family, and your father is the emperor of
Jinling Road, Ferney Huo!"
"I have always respected you, and I have always treated you with the greatest

"No matter what offense you have, you must make it clear!"

"This way, I know what I did wrong!"

ho ho ho-

Damian Huo sneered, the corners of his mouth raised a hint of coldness.

If he hadn't seen Harvey York handle the island country demon sword with his
own eyes, he might have thought that he had wrongly blamed Mary Hoffman.

It's a pity that after witnessing that scene with his own eyes, Damian Huo already
understood Mary Hoffman's vicious thoughts.

If that thing was not given to Harvey York, but brought back to Huo's house and
put away.

According to Harvey York, the door will be destroyed in three months!

This kind of thing, Mary Hoffman said he didn't know, Damian Huo didn't believe

After all, who would prepare such a thing if it wasn't for someone with a heart?

Even, Mary Hoffman was calculating himself from the beginning.

Even in order to wait for his appearance, this thing has been prepared for a long
Recalling the process of this transaction and Mary Hoffman's strong
recommendation to him, Damian Huo suddenly had a cruel joke on his face, and
said, "Mary Hoffman, I will give you one last chance!"

"As long as you admit what you have done, I will save you a life today!"

"Otherwise, I will let you die without a burial!"

"It will also smash your bones into ashes, and your family will not be able to
collect your corpse for you!"

Speaking of this, Damian Huo sneered, and the indescribable arrogance and
domineering smashed the sky!

"Even, your Baibao Building will be smashed by me. At that time, everyone will be
in trouble!"

Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Damian Huo at the moment, Mary
Hoffman squinted slightly, knowing that something had happened.

Chapter 4608

However, even at this point, Mary Hoffman didn't mean to admit it.

After squinting her eyes for a moment, she continued to say delicately, "Young
Master Huo, Mary really doesn't know what she did wrong!"

"And please give me some pointers..."

Obviously, she made up her mind and wanted to go all the way to the dark.

After all, if what she did was made public and admitted, it would be a huge blow
to the reputation of Baibaolou and even the Jinling family.

Damian Huo sneered and snapped his fingers.

I saw his subordinates directly take out a box and fell to the ground.

In addition to the fragments of Guan Gong's statue, there are also fragments of
the demon saber. Even if it has been turned into pieces, the demon saber is still
filled with evil spirits.

Many of the spectators around are knowledgeable.

Just by looking at it, you can tell that there is something wrong with Guan Gong.

Mary Hoffman's face was also slightly condensed, and the eyes became a bit
dignified and stern.

She understood that Damian Huo must be surrounded by Feng Shui masters,
otherwise, how could ordinary people see these clues?

"Hehehe, is there anything else to say?"

Damian Huo looked at the delicate woman in front of him with interest.

"I buy things from you, there are eight hundred million if there is not one billion,

"How do you count, are they all senior members?"

"What's the result? I hurriedly came to buy a statue of Guan Gong early in the
morning. It doesn't matter if it is a fake. There is still an island country demon
knife hidden in it. You want our Huo family to destroy the family!"
"Mary Hoffman, you say, are you worthy of me?"

"Or, what do you want to explain to me?"

While speaking, Damian Huo's eyes were full of killing intent.

He has been doing bad things for many years, and he never thought that
someone would dare to count on his own head.

The most important thing is that you still want to calculate the hidden Huo


Do you think you can touch a tiger's butt?

When the spectators around heard this, their eyelids jumped.

It can only be said that Mary Hoffman's courage is too big!

How dare you treat Damian Huo as a water fish?

Forget it!

It even arranged something like the island country demon sword, this is trying to
court death!

Mary Hoffman's eyelids also jumped, and then he squeezed out an ambiguous
smile: "Master Huo, this may really be a misunderstanding, I definitely have no
intention of harming you!"

"Otherwise, I'll bring a good wine tonight and go to your house to give you a
good explanation!"
"If you're not satisfied, how about I come for a few more days?"

Having said that, Mary Hoffman had a winking expression on his face.

Obviously, she knew very well that Damian Huo had always coveted her beauty.

But she was hanging, not letting Damian Huo succeed.

So now, she is ready to rely on this to pull a game back.

"Are you worthy?"

"Just you want to get on my dragon bed?"

"You're thinking about farting!"

Damian Huo didn't give any face to the snake and scorpion woman in front of
her, but had a cold look on her face.

"This is the end of the nonsense!"

"There's no need to say anything between us!"

"Everyone is an adult, they are all mixed up, there is no need to hide it!"

"I don't understand these things, I chose it myself, that's fine!"

"But you strongly recommended this thing to me, saying that it is so good, and
you deliberately asked me to buy it back!"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Do you really think I'm as stupid as you think?"

Chapter 4609

"Mary Hoffman, at this point, it's no fun if you continue to deny it."

Damian Huo looked indifferent and gave no face at all.

"An explanation is a cover-up, and a cover-up is the truth!"

"So, at this moment, just tell me what you are going to give me!"

"If you can't give me a satisfactory explanation, then I will ask for this explanation

As Damian Huo's voice fell, the men in suits behind him all started to twist their
necks, obviously about to do it.

In terms of his domineering style, since there is already evidence that Mary
Hoffman deliberately cheated himself.

So even if Mary Hoffman was torn down, no one would dare to say a word.

Seeing Damian Huo's gesture, Mary Hoffman already knew that she could use
whatever she said.

But she was not afraid, but restrained her expression and said lightly: "Master
Huo, since you have to speak to this point, then I will tell you the truth!"

"There is no explanation for this matter!"

"If you want to blame it, blame yourself for misunderstanding!"

"Feng Shui appliances, antiques and toys, all the goods are leaving, and we are
not responsible!"
At this moment, Mary Hoffman has an extremely strong attitude.

This scene not only shocked everyone around, but even Harvey York showed a
meaningful expression.

No matter what, Damian Huo is the eldest son of the Huo family.

The six hidden families have always been in the same spirit, even if Mary Hoffman
has the background of Jinling Hoffman Family, what qualifications does she have
to challenge Damian Huo?

"If I really misunderstood, then I will admit it."

Damian Huo looked cold.

"But you assured me again and again that this is a good thing, and you also said
that the top gangsters need such a Guan Gong statue at home!"

"You keep fooling me like this, knowing that I'm in a hurry to buy gifts, and you
keep recommending me."

"Under such circumstances, you tell me that the goods are out of the container
and that you are not responsible?"

"How dare you to say such a thing to me!?"

"Since you can't give me an explanation, then I'm sorry, I will ask for this
explanation myself!"

While speaking, Damian Huo waved his hand, and immediately saw a group of
men in suits twisting their necks and rioting.

At this moment, a somewhat coquettish, somewhat cold, and somewhat cool
voice came from the back hall.

Then, a figure wearing a silk cheongsam came slowly.

"Who gave you the courage, who gave you the courage, to actually dare to
smash the property under the name of Young Master Hoffman?"

"Don't know how to write dead words?"

Harvey York heard this slightly familiar voice, and immediately looked up with

I saw Yadira Lawrence's small white hands behind her back, and then she quietly
appeared with a group of men and women in Chinese clothes...

Harvey York was a little surprised, and looked at Yadira Lawrence with a little
more interest.

This so-called big star that Xynthia Zimmer knew, who was extremely disgusted
with this place in Jinling, was actually related to Hoffman’s Hundred Treasures

A big star, actually ran here to give the Hoffman Family platform? Still a bossy


Damian Huo was also curious, he naturally knew a big star like Yadira Lawrence.

But there is no way to connect with Baibaolou.

However, he is very clear that the other party is definitely not just an actor in the
entertainment industry.

Chapter 4610

After Harvey York's pondering and Damian Huo's astonished gazes, they saw
Mary Hoffman's group respectfully stepped aside, and said with a bit of respect
on their faces, "Miss Lawrence."

Yadira Lawrence ignored them, but walked directly in front of Damian Huo,
looking indifferent and cold.

Damian Huo looked at her up and down, then smiled and said, "Star Lawrence,
do you want to support Mary Hoffman?"

"And backing up in front of my face?"

"That's right."

Yadira Lawrence spoke cleanly.

"I just want to support her."

"Yo hoo, I can't think of it, it's so awesome!"

Damian Huo clapped his hands and smiled indifferently.

"You backed up Mary Hoffman and hit me in the face, have you considered the

"Do you know what you're up against?"

Yadira Lawrence's thin lips twitched, with a look of disdain: "You Master Huo
speaks so directly, so I won't hide it."

"The six hidden families are very good, but don't forget, the hidden family will
always be the hidden family!"

"Just be obedient and hide in the dark side of history, don't jump out and show
your claws!"

"Jump out and think about the consequences!"

"And I don't say my background, I'm just the person behind Jinling now. It may
be a little difficult to fight against your six hidden families, but it's absolutely no
problem if you want to overwhelm your Huo family!"

"You are so sure that the other five hidden families will have trouble with the
person behind me for such a trivial matter?"

"Fight us to the end?"

"Just for the five million?"

Speaking of which, Yadira Lawrence had a playful look on his face.

Obviously, she has pinched Damian Huo to the death.

It is true that Damian Huo has a background, and Ferney Huo is also extremely

However, for this trivial matter, the two sides fought to the end?

does it worth?

A real big man, a real high-ranking person, needs to consider a lot of things.
These things can't be solved with just a few words, not with the will of one's will.

"Miss Lawrence..."

Damian Huo's face returned to normal at this moment, he squinted at Yadira

Lawrence, and said coldly: "He looks good, but he is too arrogant."

"If you have the ability, tell me your details and origins! Let me see if you are
qualified and fight with me to the end!"

While talking, Damian Huo took out his mobile phone and took a picture with

Yadira Lawrence said indifferently: "In the entertainment circle of the imperial
capital, the newcomer king, Yadira Lawrence."

"An imperial entertainment circle is not enough to be your background, nor

enough to support Mary Hoffman."


Yadira Lawrence smiled coldly.

"As expected of a hidden family, the news is blocked. Even who is behind the
imperial capital entertainment circle, I'm afraid you don't know?"

"If you don't know, let me tell you something you know?"

"For example, the eldest young master of the Hoffman Family you know, the very
low-key Araceli Hoffman, is also a good friend of the one behind me!"

"I'm walking in Jinling, and Araceli Hoffman has to support me!"

"Not to mention, Araceli Hoffman owns the majority of shares in this place itself!"

"Hit us in the face, smash our stuff, are you sure you can do this?"

Speaking of this, Yadira Lawrence had a proud look on his face.

In her opinion, there is no need to carry too many things for a bumpkin like
Damian Huo.

Just being the top ten top families, the weight of the three words Araceli
Hoffman, the eldest son of the Jinling Hoffman Family, is enough to crush
Damian Huo.

Chapter 4611

Sure enough, when they heard that Yadira Lawrence was behind Araceli Hoffman,
many people present sank slightly.

The six hidden families are very powerful. After all, Jinling, the ancient capital of
the six dynasties, has had countless dynasties since ancient times, and the six
hidden families that can survive today are born with royal blood, low-key and

But the times are different now. In the huge summer, the top ten top families are
the dominant ones!

At this point, even the five ancient clans may not be able to compete with the top
ten top families on the bright side.

Therefore, to put it simply, at least according to everyone's superficial cognition,

Damian Huo of the reclusive Huo family must be inferior to Araceli Hoffman of
the Jinling family.
The eldest son, who can be compared with Araceli Hoffman's identity in coming
in, can only come from entering the door to thank the door.

Therefore, he heard Yadira Lawrence say that Araceli Hoffman, the young master,
is also friends with the people behind her.

This is enough to show that Yadira Lawrence's background is definitely from one
of the top ten top families, even from the top family in Wolsing.

One bad is the legendary Xavier family, and even the Leduc Family!

At the thought of this, everyone present shuddered.

Many were not calm enough, and almost accidentally broke the china in their

At this moment, everyone's psychology began to change, and everyone no

longer believed that Damian Huo could stabilize Yadira Lawrence.

Harvey York also looked at Yadira Lawrence with great interest, he understood
why this woman disliked Jinling so much.

If we say that the hidden family in Jinling represents the twilight of the old era.

And Wolsing's top family represents the brilliance of Country H's new life!

People from Wolsing naturally look down on Jinling.

After all, Jinling has been difficult to compare with Wolsing since ancient times.

"It seems that your background is either the Xavier family or the Leduc Family!"
At this time, Damian Huo also narrowed his eyes, stared at him, and then thought
about it: "Although Rodrigo Xavier of the Xavier family is awesome, he won't
overwhelm me."

"You dare to be so arrogant in front of me, it means that your back should be the
Leduc Family, Jonatan Leduc?"

"We are the number one in Wolsing in Country H?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Yadira Lawrence's eyes, then nodded and said, "I
can't believe that a small character like you would actually know Master Leduc's

"Since you guessed that the person behind me is Master Leduc, then you should
have guessed it..."

"His father, who is..."

"Do you want to smash the industry of such a character?"

"You think you have this ability?"

"You smashed here, are you responsible for this?"

"The Leduc Family raised their hands and let you six reclusive families survive in
Jinling, not to make you so arrogant and domineering, understand?"

"You might as well ask your father if he dares to lend you the courage to smash
Master Leduc's shop!"

Speaking of which, Yadira Lawrence's expression was even more playful.

Mary Hoffman also calmed down at the moment, she squinted at the eldest son
of the reclusive Huo family in front of her with a look of contempt.
He pretended to be two or five million in front of himself, what's the matter,
when he heard the names of Master Leduc and Master Hoffman, the whole
person became like a dog?

It can only be said that the people of the six hidden families really can't be on the

Damian Huo stared fiercely at Yadira Lawrence at the moment, and after a long
time he laughed and said, "Cow, you are really awesome!"

"Press me with Jonatan Leduc and Araceli Hoffman!"

Chapter 4612

"It's just that you are so sure that Jonatan Leduc and Araceli Hoffman can hold
me down?"

A wanton smile appeared on Damian Huo's face.

"You use the demon sword of Guan Gong's statue to plot against our hidden Huo
family, I still can't find a fair one?"

"Master Huo, I have explained it very clearly!"

"I really don't know about the demon sword!"

"To buy and sell antiques and feng shui treasures, you need to look at your own

Mary Hoffman opened his mouth with a smile, not a smile.

"You've gone wrong; you can't blame me."

"Well, at most for the sake of your being our old customer, I will take a step back.
I took back 2.5 million for that thing."

"I'll refund you two hundred and five?"

When he said this, Mary Hoffman had a contemptuous and sarcastic smile on his

It's okay to refund this amount of money, but the problem is that the number of
two hundred and fifty is too insulting.

This is not to give Damian Huo face, but to really slap his face.

"It seems that you really think that if Jonatan Leduc is moved out and Araceli
Hoffman is moved out, I can't move you!"

Damian Huo's expression became more and more indifferent.

"You really think that the names of our six hidden families were blown out."

"Hehehe, of course we know about the six families in the hidden world, and we
also know that you are acting recklessly, Master Huo, and we believe that you are
going to smash this treasure building now, and we are powerless to resist."

Yadira Lawrence spoke lightly.

"It's just that, for a portrait of Guan Gong and a demon sword that I don't know
what the so-called demon knife is, I have to completely tear up my face with
Leduc and Master Hoffman, offend two of the top ten top families, and even
never die!"

"Master Huo, do you think your behavior is a bit silly?"

"Or, are you sure you can afford the consequences of doing this?"

Damian Huo narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "According to what you said, Star
Lawrence, I can only swallow this breath?"

"You can smash stores, kill people, silence your mouth, whatever you want."

Yadira Lawrence shrugged.

"But I believe that after you smash the shop, your father will send the money to
compensate in the afternoon."

"If you dare to kill us, your father will strangle you with his own hands and
apologize to Master Leduc and Master Hoffman."

"You just said that the probability of such a thing happening is 100%?"

Speaking of this, Yadira Lawrence looked contemptuous, obviously she was very
aware of the style of these top giants.

As the family gets bigger, there are many ties and entanglements, and many
times you can't be so willful and casual in doing things.

Today's tone, in Yadira Lawrence's view, Damian Huo has to endure it, or swallow

Damian Huo stared at the arrogant and beautiful woman in front of her. After
taking a deep breath, she sneered: "It seems that I can't bear it anymore."

"Come here, smash the shop for Lao Tzu and trick people!"

While speaking, Damian Huo waved his hand violently.

For a young man like him, he can't lose face if he loses anything, and he can't
swallow this breath if he swallows anything.

Therefore, today, no matter what, he can't admit it, he can only fight to the end!

Even if he knew that the consequences were not what he could bear, Damian Huo
was already on a tiger and was roasted on the stove.

If he doesn't do it today, what face will he have in the future to say that he is the
eldest son of the Huo family, the most arrogant and domineering second
generation in Jinling, Damian Huo?

Can you afford to lose this person?


Chapter 4613

At this moment, an indifferent voice came.

Only this time, it was not Mary Hoffman or Yadira Lawrence who spoke, but
Harvey York who had been watching the play.

At this moment, he stepped forward and waved his hand to block Damian Huo's

"Eldest nephew, we are now a royal society, and we must be civilized and polite
when doing things."

"If your father didn't teach you this lesson, I will educate you today."

"After all, in this era, fighting and killing is outdated. If you smash the store in
public, if someone shoots a sign video or something, what should you do?"
Harvey York smiled gently: "So, when people do things, they need to use their

"Don't be provoked by some caring people, make a mess, and then be used."

"In this case, it's too late to regret it."

Harvey York is very aware of the energy of the Wolsing Leduc Family and the
Jinling Hoffman Family among the ten top families.

Just a hidden Huo family, really can't fight against these two families.

Therefore, Damian Huo smashed the store to get people, it was cool, but the
consequences were also troublesome.

What's more, he was going to attract Araceli Hoffman's attention. If he didn't

show up at this time, when would he show up?

"It's you!?"

"The surname is York!"

Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman also recognized Harvey York immediately.
They could not imagine why this arrogant and domineering son-in-law would
appear here.

Especially Mary Hoffman, looking at Harvey York's eyes full of resentment.

The matter of the Buddha's relic before has caused her a heavy loss, and the
Dalin Temple disciples sent out also fell into Alexa Joiner's hands inexplicably.

This incident made her almost killed by Araceli Hoffman. If it wasn't for Yadira
Lawrence's plea, she would be a missing person now.
Yadira Lawrence looked at Harvey York with disdain and ridicule.

From her point of view, Harvey York, someone who eats soft food, dares to stand
up at this time, is it even more ridiculous than being a car with a man's arm?

As for the 5 Audis with 8 that she saw at the airport that day, she later inquired
about them and found out that they were the cars of Lizandro Parada, the
reclusive Parada family.

That is to say, Harvey York is at most a driver, maybe even a friend of the driver.

And the driver, or the driver's friend, is there anything else that can't be done?

Therefore, in Yadira Lawrence's eyes, Harvey York, the door-to-door son-in-law, is

synonymous with waste, useless, soft food, vanity and ignorance.

"Uncle York, I can't swallow this breath."

"If this store is not destroyed, people will not do it, how can I mess around in the

Hearing Harvey York's opening, Damian Huo was upset, but he could only speak

"Even if it's billions of dollars in compensation afterwards, I'll admit it!"

Harvey York smiled lightly and said, "Seeing as you reluctantly called me uncle, I
will help you out with your tone today."

"And don't want to smash the store."

"You can let them walk around without food, kneel down and call your father."
Damian Huo was slightly taken aback: "Uncle York, do you have a solution?"

"Can you help me out, starting today, you are my uncle!"

Harvey York smiled lightly and said, "It's not a big problem. After all, my favorite
thing to do is to convince people with virtue."

"Besides, these two women, I'm not happy to look at them. If I didn't like hitting
women, I would have fanned them away now..."

Hearing Harvey York's arrogant words, Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman
sneered at the same time.

And a group of beautiful female clerks were even more disapproving, their arms
crossed their chests waiting to see Harvey York's jokes.

Chapter 4614

As for the spectators around, they looked at Harvey York strangely.

In this scene, even Damian Huo, the eldest son of the reclusive Huo family, was a
little helpless. Harvey York looked like an ordinary person, how could he let the
people in Baibaolou go without food?

You can't just jump up and scold a few words to vent your anger?

If that's the case, then it would be too cowardly.

Yadira Lawrence glanced at the Lover's Bridge watch on his wrist, and said coldly,
"I don't have time to waste with your son-in-law."

"I'll give you half an hour to see how you're going to get out of this breath."
"It's up to you to back up or report it, whatever you want."

"I will continue!"

Listening to Yadira Lawrence's sarcastic tone, and looking at Mary Hoffman's

contemptuous expression, Harvey York smiled slightly, not caring too much.

For this kind of inferior women, he knew that only by letting them suffer a dumb
loss and let them walk around without food, could they have a good memory.

Killing and killing hearts is often more interesting than just fighting and killing.

Thinking of this, Harvey York poured a cup of tea on his own, and in the
murderous eyes of Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman, he said lightly, "Eldest
nephew, how much cash do you have in your hand?"

Damian Huo said quickly: "It's less than two billion."


Harvey York nodded, then looked at Mary Hoffman with interest and said, "I see
your stone gambling stall has just opened, do you want to play a big one?"

"Yo hoo, I thought you were going to let me go without food?"

Mary Hoffman was stunned for a moment, then looked at a fool and leaned
forward and backward with a smile.

"Do you think you are a treasure appraiser or an eye-catching master?"

"Want to make us lose money on gambling stones?"

"What a joke!"
"Do you speak so strangely?"

Yadira Lawrence and the other beautiful female clerks also smiled
contemptuously, with disdain and sarcasm on their faces.

Not to mention, in this world of gambling, no player can ever win.

What if Harvey York took advantage?

Not only will Baibaolou not lose money, but it can also take this opportunity to
publicize it.

After all, these rough stones are all clearly priced, and a lot of profits have been
added to them.

Can you still lose money?

A group of spectators also showed sarcasm one by one, looking at Harvey York
with incomparably contemptuous eyes.

He just jumped out and stopped Damian Huo, looking like he was very good.

Everyone thought that he was going to shake people directly, or to do something

against the sky!

Unexpectedly, it is to send money!

Sure enough, there is no way someone who is capable is following the cowardly
and useless young master!

Damian Huo was looking at Harvey York at the moment. After seeing his calm
face, he immediately gritted his teeth and decided to trust Harvey York.
After all, the Huo family already owed Harvey York a lot of favor, even if it was
because Harvey York lost 2 billion, it was nothing.

"Okay, the nonsense ends here."

"If you laugh enough, let's talk about the sound."

Harvey York squinted at Mary Hoffman.

"You know to tell me whether these rough stones are sold or not."

"Sell, not only sell, but if you buy too much, I can get a discount!"

Mary Hoffman looked sarcastic.

"The rough stones I have here are close to 10,000 pieces, and each piece is clearly
priced according to its size and color."

"The total value exceeds 10 billion."

"Our preferential conditions are that if you buy more than ten yuan at a time, you
will get a 5% discount. For your stupid comparison, Young Master York, I'll give
you a 10% discount, enough to give you face, right?"

Chapter 4615

"If you Young Master York and Young Master Huo are capable enough, you can
pack all these things!"

"How about I give you a 20% discount?"

Mary Hoffman looked contemptuous.

"It's just, I'm afraid you will lose even your underwear."

Obviously, Mary Hoffman is very clear that it is not bad that these rough stones
can produce half-percent jade.

If Harvey York packed up these things and took them away, then they would
definitely not lose.

Harvey York smiled and said: "I can't pack it, but it's still possible to buy a
hundred and dozens of yuan."

"What? I don't want you to give a 20% discount. If I buy more than 100 yuan, you
will give a 15% discount?"

"No problem!" Mary Hoffman sneered.

Harvey York said with great interest: "Are you sure you won't regret it?"

Mary Hoffman hummed: "Our Baibaolou's rules have always been that the goods
are left out of the cabinet, and we are not responsible, fair trade, and the old man
is not deceived!"

Yadira Lawrence said with a fake face: "Okay, Harvey York, you are a door-to-
door son-in-law, why are you pretending to be a student here?"

"After a while, you lost Master Huo's two billion. I'll see how you explain to the
hidden Huo family."

"Otherwise, you should kowtow a few times on behalf of Master Huo, and I'll give
you a favor and ask Mary Hoffman to refund the money?"

Obviously, in Yadira Lawrence's eyes, five million is not as interesting as making

this arrogant son-in-law kowtow and beg for mercy.
Harvey York smiled and said lightly, "You don't have to worry about this trivial

"Today's bad breath, I made a decision for my eldest nephew."

"Otherwise, my conscience will be troubled by his open-mouthed uncle and

closed-mouthed uncle!"

Yadira Lawrence sneered: "Okay, if you can let out such a bad breath, I will
kowtow to you and admit your mistake!"

Obviously, in Yadira Lawrence's eyes, a door-to-door son-in-law who eats soft

rice dares to run out again and again and slap him in the face.

And no one has any ability at all, and dare to enter the wrestling field of the top

This is not only as simple as not knowing how to write dead characters, but also
overthinking, grandstanding, clowning, jumping up and down.

"Come on, eldest nephew, let someone prepare to move things."

Harvey York didn't bother to talk nonsense with Yadira Lawrence, but went
directly to the stone gambling area.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and the original stones in front of him were
different from each other.

In the field, more than 80% of the original stones are dull and dull, and at first
glance, they are ordinary stone bodies.

Most of the rough has a faint ray of light, but compared to the price on the
outside, this ray of light is insignificant.
There are only about a hundred stones that are in the sky, and the colors are

"Big nephew, this piece, this piece, and this piece..."

Harvey York glanced at the spot in the field.

With a wave of Damian Huo's hand, his subordinates brought over all the rough
stones pointed out by Harvey York.

Soon, about a hundred stones gathered, and before Harvey York's eyes, the rest
of the time was already dim.

The spectators around have already helped Harvey York to calculate the total
price. At this moment, the price of the rough stone that Harvey York has chosen
has added up to more than 600 million.

Seeing this scene, Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman were both sarcastic.

With casual guidance like Harvey York, if you can make money by gambling
stones, there are so many treasure appraisers and eye drill experts in the country,
it is better to hit him on the ground.

However, Harvey York waved his hand unhurriedly and said, "Pay!"

Chapter 4616

Soon, the price was calculated, 580 million.

The half-smiling Mary Hoffman also gave Damian Huo a membership price with a
"kind-hearted" face.

Obviously, she is also ready to kill and kill.

"Master Huo, our batch of rough stones just arrived, and you are also the first

"In order to represent our sincerity, if you need a master to cut stones, we will
provide this service for free."

Having said that, Mary Hoffman also smiled sweetly on purpose, and Damian
Huo's teeth were itchy with anger.

However, Harvey York smiled and said, "Since Manager Hoffman provides us with
this service, then we are not polite."

"Come on, cut it!"

Soon, stone cutting masters from the entire Feng Shui market were invited.

They were surprised to see so many rough stones, but they started to work soon.

Soon, the roar of the machine came from the hall, stimulating everyone's eyes
and nerves.

Even in such a chaotic scene, everyone present was still looking forward to seeing
Harvey York's joke.

Anyway, here are 500 million rough stones!

Generally speaking, Baibaolou cannot sell so many rough stones in a month.

Some knowledgeable people even analyzed that the tens of thousands of rough
stones from Baibaolou are estimated to have a reserve price of 10 to 20 billion.

With a few more swindlers like Harvey York, Baibaolou is enough, and the rest is
Mary Hoffman even put her hands around her chest and said with a sarcastic
expression, "Thank you for the love from Young Master York and Young Master

"A few more idiots like you, and Young Master Hoffman will definitely reward me

Yadira Lawrence was also ridiculed: "Giving a treasure boy, is it possible that the
surname is York?"

She looked at Harvey York's expression full of disdain and ridicule, with a look of

She couldn't figure it out, Xynthia Zimmer was also a female star of the new
generation, and she was also a somewhat famous person.

How can you befriend a trash like Harvey York?

She Yadira Lawrence has seen so many sons and daughters, but this is the first
time she has had such in-depth contact with a waste.

Hearing the contempt and ridicule of the other party, Damian Huo's face was also
extremely ugly. Although he chose to trust Harvey York, it did not mean that he
was full of self-confidence.

Instead, Harvey York held the teacup and said lightly as he drank, "Eldest nephew,
do you want a cup of tea?"

"Or else I'm afraid you'll be too happy for a while and your mouth will be dry."

"By the way, remember to punish the heart for a while, don't be polite."

"How do you get your breath out, how do you get out..."
Hearing Harvey York's words, a group of beautiful female clerks turned their
heads, thinking that Harvey York's nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not

It was the first time they had ever met such a arrogant, yet incompetent person.

Some spectators even secretly remembered Harvey York's appearance and

remembered this injustice.

Everyone is ready to wait until there is a chance to pit this guy well and let him
know why the flowers are so red.

And just when Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman were about to continue
reading Harvey York's jokes, a master suddenly shuddered and said loudly:
"Come out, come out, this is an ice seed!"

"I'm out here too, it's Lan Yu!"

"My God, it's yellow and green!"

"This is Fu Lu Shou!"

"This is Emperor Green!"


The masters in the audience were shocked, and one by one, they quickened their

Soon, hundreds of stones were opened, all of them were jadeite, and there was
no waste stone...
Chapter 4617

All the spectators in the audience were stunned. Seeing the scene of Baoguang
soaring into the sky in front of them, everyone was stunned and didn't know
what to say.

Damian Huo was also stunned for a moment, and then he raised his head and
laughed loudly.

The mobile phones in the hands of a group of beautiful female shop assistants all
smashed to the ground with a "pop", and their open mouths could not be closed
for a long time.

Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman were both stunned, each of them seemed to
be slapped violently.

Why were they unwilling to believe the scene they saw, how could it all turn
green out of nowhere?

The most important thing is that these are top-quality jadeites, and their value is
extremely high. The total value of them is probably close to 10 billion.

Taking it to auction is even more unimaginable.

In less than half an hour, 500 million became 10 billion. This speed of making
money is impossible to pick up with a sack!

"My God!"

"All are out of jade!"

"It's unimaginable, it's incredible!"

"Even the top treasure appraiser in the country can't do this, right?"
"This, this, this is definitely the work of a top feng shui master!"

"It is said that top feng shui masters can observe Qi across the mountain. I didn't
believe it before, but now I believe it!"

"My God, this is the first time in my life that I am so shocked!"

"Even if I die now, I have no regrets!"

"To the top!"

"Master, you must leave us a business card, we must visit you!"

Harvey York stood with his hands indifferently at the moment, but in the eyes of
others, he despised the stormy seas.

It can only be said that people who can do this are unparalleled in the world!

Many of the treasure appraisers and eye drillers who originally came to watch the
fun are about to kneel at the moment.

For Harvey York's ability and means, they really fell into the ground.

On the other hand, Yadira Lawrence, Mary Hoffman and the others all had
extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

They never thought that Harvey York was so good.

In half an hour, so many emeralds were swept away.

Compared to the value offered, they almost vomited blood.

And Mary Hoffman remembered that he actually gave Harvey York a 20%
discount, and at this moment, he wanted to hit him to the ground.

"Come on, everyone, be quiet, be quiet."

At this time, Harvey York clapped his hands.

At this moment, he is very capable of appealing.

He clapped his hands like this, the whole place was quiet, and everyone looked at

"Everyone, the 10,000 rough stones present here, and those that can produce
emeralds, are all here with me."

"The rest, ninety-nine percent are scraps, and some are not enough to make up
for the cost."

"I don't think everyone is stupid enough to continue to gamble here, right?"

Murder and kill!

A true murderous heart!

Harvey York's 100% emerald technique has attracted everyone's attention.

How could anyone question his gaze?

Moreover, Harvey York kindly reminded everyone that the remaining raw stones
in Baibaolou are waste, so unless their brains are broken, otherwise, who will
come here to give money?

As a result, the remaining rough stones of Baibao Building can only be rotted in
their hands.
In fact, the same is true. Players who were originally going to take this
opportunity to buy a few more rough stones have calmed down.


This time it's really over!

This bastard!

Murder and kill!

Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman fell into an ice cave in an instant!

Chapter 4618

Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman didn't know how Harvey York found all these

All they need to know is that the Hoffman’s Baibaolou has lost too much this

The antique Feng Shui market in Jinling is so big.

It doesn't take half a day for everyone to know that Harvey York spent 500 million
and took 10 billion from here.

How to sell the remaining nearly 10,000 rough stones?

Even, the entire Country H's stone gambling circle will not be too big, and I am
afraid that the antique business related to the Hoffman Family will not be able to
continue in the future.
After all, those who gamble on stones are betting on a probability, not for the
sake of sending money!

So when Damian Huo commanded his subordinates to move those jadeites away,
Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman both gritted their teeth with hatred.

They can't wait to bite Harvey York directly to death, and then snatch the things

Harvey York smiled slightly, walked to the two of them holding the teacup, and
said lightly: "What? Even the two beauties are not convinced?"

"Am I going to let you all go away without food today?"

"Are you going to kneel down and kowtow as agreed to send me away?"

Mary Hoffman bit her teeth and said coldly, "Harvey York, you bastard, I won't let
you go!"

"I will definitely tell Young Master Hoffman about this matter, and you will know
the consequences soon!"

Yadira Lawrence's eyes turned gloomy in an instant: "I will tell Young Master
Leduc about everything today!"

"I believe that he, the number one young man in Wolsing, will definitely
remember your name, Harvey York!"

"Yo hoo, threaten me?"

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Harvey York's mouth.

"Just now, you guys competed with each other and asked me to let the horses
come over. Why can't you do it now?"
"Can't you afford to lose?"

"You're still looking for a chance to get revenge on me?"

"Even let people rob them halfway?"

"Tell you, it's useless, my eldest nephew has already transferred 300 people to
escort him. If you have the ability, go grab it!"

"If we can take it away, we will put the account on you!"

"When the time comes, let's see who makes sense!"


Mary Hoffman, who was exposed by Harvey York, pointed at Harvey York and
was ready to curse.

"What are you, you, me, mine."

Harvey York looked cold.

"I'll give you one minute. Kneel down within one minute, kowtow and admit my
mistake and send me away. That's all for today."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you will regret it completely."

"Kowtow to you?"

Mary Hoffman shivered with anger when she heard the words.

Yadira Lawrence also sneered: "York, we dare to kowtow to you, do you dare to
accept it?"

"In your capacity, can you afford it?"

"Have you thought about the consequences?"

Harvey York smiled lightly, and said, "The last time about the Buddha's relic, you
have to let me chase and kill me, and you have to recalculate it."

"Well, in addition to kowtowing and apologizing, you have to make a video of

yourself and post it online."

"I'm not asking too much, right?"

Having said that, Harvey York looked at the Rolex on his wrist.

Hearing about the Buddha's relic, Mary Hoffman's expression changed suddenly.

She understood that Harvey York must be with Alexa Joiner.

With the support of Jinling Joiner Family, he is indeed qualified to confront

Araceli Hoffman head-on.

But remembering that Harvey York, a man, actually stepped on people by eating
women's soft rice, Mary Hoffman was even more disdainful.

She gritted her teeth and said coldly, "Harvey York, I admit that you have some
skills, but that doesn't mean you can step on our heads!"

Chapter 4619
"You have already won 10 billion, and you have also scrapped our other original
stones, which is enough to take advantage of it!"

"What else can you do to us?"

"Would you like us to kowtow and admit our mistakes and make a video, just

Obviously, for Mary Hoffman, she has already lost completely, how can she
compromise and admit defeat at this time?

Now kneel down and kowtow to take a video, that's a real shame!

It's better to continue to fight to the end and maintain your final dignity!

Yadira Lawrence also gritted his teeth, stared at Harvey York and said, "If you
have the surname York, you can use it if you can!"

"We're all here!"

"However, I don't believe what you can do to us!"

"Is it possible to kill us, or are you going to slap us!?"

"If you dare to touch one of our hairs, I promise, you won't be able to eat and
walk around!"

"Your whole family will also pay an unimaginable price for your reckless actions!"

At this time, Damian Huo, who was watching the play on the side, came over and
said, "I said two beautiful women, if you want me to watch, you should kneel
down and kowtow."
"At most, I'll beg Uncle York for you, so don't post the video, just kowtow a few
hundred heads."

"My Uncle York is a Feng Shui master of a generation. If he wants to, he can raise
his little finger and kill you all!"

Damian Huo originally hated these two women, and was going to find a chance
to sink them in Qin Huai.

But now he has a look of sympathy and no resentment.

This time, Baibaolou was hunting wild goose all year round, but the goose
pecked its eyes.

Not just as simple as humiliation, but also a huge loss.

If one is not good, the Baibao Building will go bankrupt.

So what is he so angry about?

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Mary Hoffman looked at Harvey York with contempt.

"Although I'm not a direct descendant of the Hoffman Family in Jinling, my

surname is Hoffman anyway!"

"I have the precious blood of the ten top families flowing in my body!"

"Let me kneel down for you, unless you become a grave!"

Yadira Lawrence also sneered: "The clown jumping on the beam, he has found an
opportunity to show off, so he can put pressure on us?"
"You're thinking about farting!"

Harvey York finished drinking the tea in his hand, put down the teacup, smiled
and clapped his hands, and said, "I already gave you a chance, but you don't
cherish it yourself, so you can't blame me for killing it!"

"Remember, it's not that I didn't give you a chance, it's that you don't cherish it

"For a while, don't hate me."

"Even if you hate me, it doesn't make any sense."

Harvey York sighed slightly, looking at the fool's expression.

Mary Hoffman raised his head stubbornly at the moment, and said loudly, "York,
if you have the ability, let the horse come over!"

"If I'm afraid of you, my surname is yours!"

Yadira Lawrence also looked at Harvey York coldly, but she wanted to see what
kind of tricks Harvey York could play.

And the spectators in the field found that there was a lot of fun to watch, and all
of them came over, including many guests who were watching antiques.

After all, Harvey York's scene just now made them admire them.

"Ma'am, can you show me what you are looking at?"

Harvey York glanced at a middle-aged woman in a delicate cheongsam at this

The middle-aged woman held an ancient jade stone, which she had just bought,
and handed it over with a smile.

Chapter 4620

"Master York, this is The fragrant jade smell from the Western Zhou Dynasty that I
have watched for a long time."

"It is said that the fragrance above can be passed down through the ages, you
help me find out how much it is worth!"

"I bargained for a long time before I bought it for two million!"

Damian Huo and others and other spectators looked over instantly.

Harvey York can identify rough stones, so it's not a big problem to look at some
antiques, right?

Mary Hoffman's eyelids jumped, but he didn't say anything at the moment.
Instead, he put his hands around his chest, keeping his last arrogance and

Harvey York took the so-called The fragrant jade smell, smiled and said, "Western

"I think it was last week, right?"

While speaking, Harvey York slammed the piece of The fragrant jade smell,
known as the Western Zhou Dynasty, into two pieces.

This scene made everyone stunned, even Damian Huo was stunned.
And the middle-aged woman was even more sluggish. This is something that
cost two million to buy. This guy, Harvey York, fell when he said that he fell?

"Master York, how can you crush my The fragrant jade smell!"

"This is a national treasure!"

Harvey York handed over the two jade pieces in his hand and said lightly, "This is
a fake."

The audience was in an uproar: "Fake?"

"Look carefully, this is a piece of ancient jade that is not fake, it should have been
dug out of the ground not long ago."

"But someone punched a hole in it with a sophisticated machine and stuffed the
agarwood powder!"

"So, this ancient jade, which is worth tens of thousands of pieces at most,
instantly became the fragrant jade smell of the Western Zhou Dynasty!"

"That's why I told you this thing was made last week!"

"If you don't believe me, look at these agarwood powders, they're still a little

Many treasure appraisers in the field gathered together after hearing the words,
and began to appraise them one by one.

They are not afraid of offending people in this line of work. After reading it
carefully at this moment, they are all startled one by one.

"Fake, definitely fake!"

"And the quality of the agarwood is not good!"

"Bastard, you even lied to me, thinking that my money was picked up on the

The middle-aged woman stepped forward and slapped Mary Hoffman's dull face.

"This place, the old lady will never come again!"

"This place is a black shop!"

Mary Hoffman was thrown a word, and she staggered back a few steps, but she
didn't dare to fight back.

Because the middle-aged woman in front of her was the sister-in-law of a big
man in Jinling.

She sold fakes and should have been beaten.

And the most important thing is that Hoffman’s Baibao Building has had such a
large flow of people only a few years after it opened. The most important reason
is that it claims that every item is real!

But unexpectedly, Harvey York slapped his face on the spot and exposed their

No one could have imagined that this so-called treasure shop was no different
from the black shop outside!

"Bastard, I won't buy it!"

"This thing must be returned!"

"If you don't quit, I will report to the official!"

All of a sudden, the entire Baibao Building was jumping, and a large group
crowded in. Some people came from other places with tickets and antiques for
only one purpose, that is, to resolutely return the goods.

This scene filled Yadira Lawrence and Mary Hoffman with despair in their hearts!

They never imagined that Harvey York had a more ruthless move.

Just a few words, and the Baibaolou was abolished.

This time, the loss of Baibaolou is estimated to be more than 10 billion. It can be
said that the reputation has been completely destroyed, and the business has
also been completely lost!


Chapter 4621

Seeing Harvey York's graceful departure, Mary Hoffman had a look of grief and
despair on his face.

She didn't know if she would directly become a missing person this time.

Harvey York, this bastard, is really too ruthless.

As for Yadira Lawrence, he also had a bloody expression on his face at this

She took out her phone tremblingly and dialed a number: "Prince Shidu, I
promise to sleep with you!"

"But I only have one condition!"

"Help me kill someone!"


"Uncle, you are too arrogant!"

"From now on, you are my uncle!"

Back at Jifu Hall, Damian Huo had an expression of admiration on his face at the

"If you have any errands in the future, just open your mouth!"

"Water in my water, and fire in my fire!"

"You can do whatever you want with me!"

"No matter how good Mary Hoffman and Yadira Lawrence are, now they are so
angry that their stomach hurts, and it is estimated that they will hurt for several

"It's so cool, it's hundreds of times more fun than a direct face slap!"

"Not only will Baibaolou be closed, but they will also have to lose tens of

"a ha ha ha--"

At this moment, Damian Huo raised his head and laughed wildly. Fortunately, he
was smart and didn't fight Harvey York to the end, otherwise, he would be the
one who died this time.
"Okay, whenever there is a calm atmosphere in a major event, this little thing will
make you lose control and lose your father's old face."

Harvey York looked indifferent, and took a sip of a cup of tea to himself.

"Tell your father when you go back, and say that the demon knife should be
aimed at your Huo family."

"I even want your whole family to be wiped out, so this matter needs to be more

"I suspect that behind this incident of Mary Hoffman, there are other big figures

Damian Huo nodded and said, "Uncle York, don't worry, although I'm a playboy,
I'm not a fool."

"I already sent a message to my father just now, and my father will definitely send
someone to follow her."

"It will soon be known which way she is."

Harvey York nodded slightly and said nothing.

Some things are just enough to stop, and if you say too much, you will be

"By the way, Uncle York, I am so happy today, let's go to the VIP building for

Damian Huo looked respectful.

"The first one is to apologize to you, and the second one is to celebrate our
successful slap in the face!"
Harvey York said lightly: "I won't eat the meal, you and I are not bad for this

"I have to deal with other things. You have the jade taken away and dealt with as
soon as possible."

"Don't wait until Araceli Hoffman and Jonatan Leduc react, this jade is not easy to
let go."

These days, I am not afraid of thieves stealing, but I am afraid that thieves will
miss. Damian Huo is only a dude after all, and it is not a good thing to hold these
rough stones.

"Uncle York, don't worry!"

"I won't stay with something so hot."

Obviously, this dude is not stupid either. If you keep this thing, if it's bad, Jonatan
Leduc and Araceli Hoffman will be banned.

In this case, it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible, and it is the

happiest to replace it with real money.

"When I sell everything, I'll come to Uncle York to wipe the floor!"

Harvey York did not refuse, but drank tea by himself and prepared to rest.

As for these 18 billion, to the current Harvey York, it is just a number.

What he thought more about was how to use this incident to make Araceli
Hoffman emerge.

There is also the matter of himself and Mandy Zimmer.

Thinking of the relationship between husband and wife, Harvey York suddenly
had a headache...

Chapter 4622

Just when Harvey York was thinking about whether to call Xynthia Zimmer out for
a chat and ask this sister-in-law to help ease his relationship with Mandy Zimmer.

At the gate of Jifu Hall, a team of motorcades suddenly came roaring.

Taking the lead is a new Land Rover Defender. The whole car is two meters high
and looks imposing.

As a row of dark green Land Rover Defenders stopped, the door was kicked open
with a "pop".

Immediately afterwards, the men and women of the tenth number walked out
one by one with a look of arrogance.

The first was a long-haired young man who looked a little lean, but his temples
were bulging high.

And the men and women who followed him were all full of energy, their temples
bulging high, and at first glance they were not ordinary people.

They are either people who practice martial arts, or people who came from the

But judging from their arrogant behavior, the probability of being martial arts
practitioners is higher.
Harvey York squinted slightly, looked at the young man in front, and made sure
he didn't know this arrogant guy.

But to this day, those who dare to come to their own Jifutang to be arrogant and
domineering must have some ability.

Mateo Oliveira, the eldest of the Oliveira family of Oliveira's building materials,
who was mopping the floor, glanced at the other party at the moment, and said
indifferently: "I'm sorry, we have a limited number of Jifutang."

"There is no number today. Whether you want to look at Feng Shui or choose a
date, please be early tomorrow."

"Look at Feng Shui?"

"Look at the picture?"

"Choose a day?"

"What age is it, you still believe in the traditional dross of Country H?"

"No wonder foreigners look down on us!"

The long-haired youth had a look of contempt.

"Our Country H people's international reputation is ruined by you guys!"

"Don't think about making progress, and rely on these crooked ways to fool
people every day!"

"Go aside, don't stand in the way of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will feel disgusted when he
sees you."
After Mateo Oliveira was slapped in the face by Harvey York, although he ran to
beat him, it didn't mean that he was not good at it.

His face changed slightly, but considering that this was Harvey York's territory, he
still managed to hold back his anger and said slowly, "Come to the Feng Shui Sun
Museum, don't look at the pictures, don't look at the feng shui, or choose the
day, what are you going to do?"

"To mop the floor or move bricks?"

"If this is the case, go out and turn right to register. It is 8,000 yuan a month, and
three meals are included."

"I'll wrap your sister!"

The long-haired youth sneered, then twisted his neck.

"I'm doing business on Lao Tzu's site. I don't know if I come to visit the pier. Now
I still need Lao Tzu to do chores for you?"

"I think you don't know how to write dead characters!"

For protection fees?

Mateo Oliveira looked bewildered, isn't this place covered by the new coach?

Not to mention Daniel Ovalle's errands here, but the relationship between Harvey
York and Ferney Huo, who would dare to come to Jifutang to collect protection

What kind of joke is this?

But the long-haired young man didn't bother to pay attention to Mateo Oliveira,
but pushed him away, and then walked into the Jifu Hall with a group of people.
Then he took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, his eyes swept across the
field, and quickly fell on Harvey York.

He sneered, stepped forward and slammed the table, and said coldly, "You are
that bastard with the surname York, right?"

"You haven't come to worship the pier for so long, you don't give me face!"

"Do you think that if you pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't know about
Lao Tzu's existence, the one that was alright didn't happen?"

As he spoke, he saw behind the long-haired youth, a group of big masters

walked out one by one, all with awe-inspiring eyes in their eyes.

Chapter 4623

If a group of martial arts masters are in full swing, this picture is extremely
terrifying and terrifying.

Many guests who came to see Feng Shui were frightened and shivered by this
aura, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Even the candles on the incense table behind Harvey York were extinguished in
this aura, and only a wisp of blue smoke spread out.

The beautiful girls who followed behind the long-haired youth all laughed out
loud when they saw this scene.

They don't look down on Harvey York's seemingly incompetent appearance.

After all, I originally thought that the person who came to step on it would be a
big man, but unexpectedly, it was a little Feng Shui master.
In the eyes of these beautiful girls, this kind of little person is simply not worthy
of the long-haired youth?

If they wanted to, they could step on Harvey York with one foot.

Harvey York looked at the group of people in front of him with great interest.
Although he didn't know the group of people in front of him, he knew with his
feet that he must have been instructed by someone to trouble him.

And it was specially chosen when Damian Huo was away, obviously the other
party also knew the strength of the Huo family.

From this point of view, the messenger behind this group of people is ready to
come out.

It can be said that when you doze off, someone will send you a pillow.

What Harvey York is waiting for now is that Araceli Hoffman's people come to the

The wave of people in front of me, whether it was called by Araceli Hoffman or
Yadira Lawrence.

Harvey York decided to step on it a little more neatly.

As soon as he thought of this, Harvey York clapped his hands, stood up, and said,
"Whether you want to come to look for ballast or collect protection fees, why
don't we go outside and talk?"

"After all, my place was just smashed yesterday, and it's still being renovated."

"It's unlucky to chat here again."

Looking at Harvey York's half-smile expression, the long-haired young man
sneered, and then "Crack", kicking the Hainan Huanghuali desk beside Harvey
York to the ground.

Then he sneered: "What's the matter? Want to drive Lao Tzu away?"

"I told you before, you can't leave."

"I have no other purpose for coming here today, the only purpose is to smash the

"If you're upset, will you bite me?"

Hearing the words of the long-haired youth, the big masters around him all had a
playful look on their faces.

The eyes they looked at Harvey York were full of contempt and disdain.

Obviously, in their opinion, as long as the long-haired young man is provoked,

then no matter how arrogant the existence is, in Jinling, he will find his own way
of death.

Sean Gao at the back came out at the moment wearing a white overseer hat, with
a brick in his hand, and said coldly, "You people, do you know where this place

"Do you know whose territory is here?"

At this moment, Sean Gao had an unbelievable look on his face. This kind of
person, who looked like a slut in Jinling, dared to come to Jifutang to make
trouble. Does this mean he doesn't know how to write dead words?

"I know, of course I know, if I don't know, how can I trample you all to death?"
The long-haired youth squeezed out a cigar and lit it, puffing up the clouds.

"You old guy is Sean Gao of Evergreen Capital, and that waste is Mateo Oliveira
of Oliveira's Building Materials."

"I also know that Daniel Ovalle's trash sometimes comes to wipe the floor."

"Am I right?"

Having said that, the long-haired young man squinted at Harvey York and
sneered: "Of course, apart from these people, I also know your identity."

"The owner of Jifutang is also the son-in-law of the ninth branch of the Jean
Family in the Mordu."


Chapter 4624

Sean Gao and the others looked at each other, each with a look of surprise.

Obviously, they were both surprised by each other's arrogance.

At the same time, he also clearly noticed that the other party didn't take their
group of people in his eyes at all.

This is enough to show how amazing the identity of the other party is.

In the audience, only Harvey York remained calm, still drinking tea with an
indifferent expression.
Sean Gao frowned slightly, looking at Harvey York, who was calm and calm, he
gritted his teeth slightly, then sneered, stepped forward and said, "I don't care if
you really know us!"

"It's okay to fake knowing us!"

"If you want to trouble Young Master York, you must first ask us if we agree or

While speaking, Sean Gao snapped his fingers with a "pop".

Dozens of renovation workers all came out with tools at the moment, and some
of the electric drills in their hands were still humming, which looked shocking.

"Do you agree or disagree?"

The long-haired youth sneered.

"When you said this to me, did you think about who I am?"

"I am the reclusive Shidu Family, Javier Shidu's only son, Prince Shidu!"

"It is also the closed disciple of the great elder of the inner door of the Southwest
Tianmen Village."

"Now, do you think you are qualified to say these words to me?"

Prince Shidu!?

Javier Shidu's only son!?

The closed disciple of the great elder of the inner door of the Southwest Tianmen
Hearing these titles, the expressions of Sean Gao and Mateo Oliveira instantly
became extremely ugly.

In particular, Sean Gao remembered that Javier Shidu did have an arrogant son.

For the sake of this son, Javier Shidu tried a lot, and finally sent him to the inner
gate of Tianmenzhai in the southwest, hoping that Tianmenzhai could teach this
son well.

But I didn't expect that after Prince Shidu went to the inner door, he didn't learn
the others, but he came back after learning a whole body of inner martial arts.

And every day, he is causing trouble all over Country H, challenging this and
bullying that.

Therefore, he rarely returned to Jinling, and many people did not know him.

But unexpectedly, he actually appeared here today and came to trouble Harvey

It can be said that among so many young masters of the six hidden families,
Prince Shidu is definitely the most troublesome person.

He is different from Damian Huo's simple arrogance.

His kung fu is good, but he has the confidence to shout at everyone.

"The original Prince Shidu is really blind to Mount Tai!"

"My fault, my fault!"

Sean Gao's expression changed, and he was already laughing and stepping
forward with a humble expression on his face.
"What are you looking at, don't hurry up and pour tea for Prince Shidu!"

"Today, I'm here to be the host, and I will definitely treat you to a meal with
Prince Shidu. We won't go home if we don't get drunk!"

Obviously, Sean Gao was afraid that Harvey York would not be Prince Shidu's
opponent for a while, so he wanted to solve this matter.

And Mateo Oliveira also squeezed out a smile at the moment, saying: "Master
Shidu, Jinling's circle is so small, we are all our own people, don't flood the
Dragon King Temple!"

"Come on, have some tea!"

"We can discuss everything!"

Mateo Oliveira poured a cup of tea over, as if he was going to be a jerk.

Harvey York didn't say anything while watching this scene. It was normal for Sean
Gao and Mateo Oliveira to be afraid of Prince Shidu.

So he wanted to see what this Prince Shidu was going to do today.

"Fuck off, what qualifications do you bastards have to eat at the same table with

"Otherwise, for the sake of all of you are Jinling natives, believe it or not, I will kill
one with one foot?"

"Let you die without a burial!"


Prince Shidu looked impatient and pushed Sean Gao and Mateo Oliveira away.
Chapter 4625

Harvey York squinted at Prince Shidu's movements.

Prince Shidu sneered at the moment: "Boy, you have offended people who have
something to do with me again and again!"

"You are arrogant!"

"Come on, show me a cow in front of me!"

"If you can make me admire, I'll let you go today!"

"If you can't do it, then I'm sorry, in addition to smashing your Jifu Hall, I will
break your legs!"

"do you understand?"

Obviously, in addition to coming to help his younger brother Lionel Ferreira vent
his anger today, Prince Shidu also spoke to his confidante who had been wanting
to sleep but couldn't.

So for the joy of this evening, no matter what, he had to destroy Jifutang and
Harvey York.

The great masters around him were obviously from the Southwest Tianmen
Village. At this moment, they were all shouting loudly when they heard the words.
Some of them even took out their nunchakus, with humming expressions on their
faces. Obviously, they wanted to give them to Harvey York. Check out a little
Harvey York smiled lightly and said, "You know a lot of things, but there is one
most crucial thing, why don't you know it?"

"I don't know if someone is trying to trick you, or if you are really incompetent."

"The most important thing?"

Prince Shidu shook the royal oak tree in his hand, and sneered, "No matter what,
does this have anything to do with Lao Tzu?"

"Yes, not only does it exist, but it has a lot to do with it."

Harvey York smiled slightly.

"Yesterday, a group of people from the hidden Shidu Family came to me to show
off their power, to smash my shop, and to rob my Buddha's relic."

"As a result, a person with a name similar to yours, called Yuly Shidu, was
abolished by me."

"There are more than a dozen people who claimed to be from the Jinling branch,
and they all got out with broken hands and feet."

"I don't know if this has anything to do with you?"

"Yuly Shidu?"

"My cousin?"

"You wrecked her?"

Prince Shidu was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Boy, you are a liar who looks at Feng Shui, how dare you say that you have
abolished my cousin?"

"Don't you know that my cousin is the leader of the Shidu Family's generation?"

"Although it's not as good as me, it's not much worse!"

"You simply say that you made her father John Shidu convinced of you."

Harvey York said lightly: "Although not yet, but it will be soon."


"Ahahahaha, you might as well say, you will soon be able to step on the soles of
our Shidu Family!"

Prince Shidu looked disdainful, he was just a Feng Shui physicist, he was really

And soon make John Shidu convinced of him?

What a joke!

It is better to say that the sun will rise from the west!

A large group of companions also sneered at Harvey York's statement at the

moment, obviously they didn't believe a single word of what he said.

"Don't say you ruined my cousin, even if you can do three tricks under her hands,
I won't bother you today!"

"Also respectfully kowtow to you and admit your mistake, and then climb out!"
A group of beautiful female companions looked at Harvey York and felt that he
must be pretending.

At this time, in the face of the powerful Prince Shidu, 80% of them were already

However, it can only be said that this guy is really a liar.

At this time, I can still pretend to be calm, I can only say, Niubi!

The cow is bigger.


Harvey York took a sip from the teacup.

"In that case, you are ready to crawl out for me."

Chapter 4626


"Stop talking so much!"

Prince Shidu stood up, kicked the desk in front of Harvey York to the ground,
then pointed at Harvey York, and said coldly.

"York, are you going to break your legs yourself, or are you going to let me do

"If I do it, you won't even want to stand up for the rest of your life!"

At this moment, the roar of a car's engine could be heard in the distance.
Afterwards, I saw several Toyota Domineering cars, one of them parked at the
gate of Jifutang.

Eighteen men in martial arts robes walked down, their expressions filled with awe.

Their temples are also bulging high, and at first glance, they are real masters.

Immediately afterwards, an old man who looked a little haggard but still had a
terrifying aura walked out.

The aura on his body was a bit more terrifying than that of Prince Shidu, with a
kind of bearing unique to the superior, and his eyes were even more murderous.

It is John Shidu of the Shidu Family, one of Javier Shidu's left and right arms.

Seeing John Shidu at this moment, Prince Shidu, who was about to break Harvey
York's legs with his own hands, was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said,
"Uncle, why are you here?"

In his eyes, John Shidu should have come to help him out.

Help yourself to trample the surnamed York to death.

With John Shidu holding the line, even if the surnamed York is a little capable,
there is absolutely no chance of turning over.

Thinking of this, Prince Shidu squeezed out a smile and said, "Uncle, I'm just
stepping on a Feng Shui master."

"Such a little guy, I can do it myself!"

"Why should you take action?"

"I can slap him to death, you can just watch the play on the side!"

Obviously, Prince Shidu felt that with John Shidu's lead, he would be fine even if
he was killed.

Thinking of this, he looked at Harvey York with even more sinister eyes, obviously
preparing to find a chance to kill Harvey York.

As for the brothers and sisters beside Prince Shidu, they were all excited.

Obviously, no one would have imagined that by simply stepping on a small

person, they would be able to see a Shidu Family like John Shidu appear.

It's really an honor!

And those beautiful women looked at Prince Shidu with admiration on their

Prince Shidu is Prince Shidu, he is too good!

Even a person like John Shidu who can call the wind and call the rain in Jinling
can find it.

It can only be said that this is the real power, this is the real status, this is the real

If you are looking for a man, you must look for someone like this, and you must
not look for other men!

A door-to-door son-in-law like Harvey York, this kind of waste has a fart!

John Shidu was ignoring everyone in the hall at the moment, and he didn't even
pay attention to Prince Shidu.
Instead, his eyes swept away from the field, and then he trembled and came to
Harvey York.


There was no need for Harvey York to speak, John Shidu knelt down at this
moment, and knelt down in front of Harvey York like this.

This scene directly made the expressions on the faces of Prince Shidu and his
party stiff, and all of them looked incredible.

They feel they are wrong!

How could this scene happen?

Why did John Shidu kneel all of a sudden?

What kind of joke is this?

Prince Shidu, in particular, was stunned at the moment.

"Uncle, what are you doing!?"

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing on your knees? This will embarrass our Shidu Family!"

Chapter 4627

But at the moment, John Shidu didn't pay any attention to Prince Shidu's
thoughts at all, but slammed his head down heavily and said in a trembling voice,
"Master York, I beg you!"
"Please be merciful and save me once!"

This scene made Prince Shidu and his gang even more dumbfounded.

What qualifications does a mere Feng Shui master have to make a person like
John Shidu kneel and ask for help?

What kind of joke is this?

A group of cold and beautiful female companions even covered their mouths and

This made the atmosphere in the field both awkward and tense.

No one thought of it!

John Shidu came here with a serious face, not to support Prince Shidu, but to beg
Harvey York.


"Do you forget it!?"

"You are my father's right arm!"

"You are still from Tianmen Village in the southwest of the Holy Martial Arts

"What are you doing!?"

Prince Shidu stepped forward with a look of hatred.

"Why are you kneeling down!"

"You are so cowardly when you meet a liar, does my father know?"


John Shidu, who was kneeling on the ground, heard the words and slapped
Prince Shidu in the face with a backhand, anxious and angry: "Trash!?"

"You say a word to see!"

"You dare to insult Master York like this again, believe it or not, I will abolish

If it were a normal day, John Shidu would not have offended the young man who
was destined to be the heir.

No matter what the situation is, he will give Prince Shidu some face.

But today is different!

His fate, his future, and everything about him were all in Harvey York's hands.

And as one of the three people in the world who could solve his problem, outside
of the corpse clan, John Shidu knew subconsciously that Harvey York was
absolutely extraordinary.

Therefore, to slap Prince Shidu, in addition to showing off in front of Harvey York,
it is also protecting Prince Shidu.

Otherwise, no matter the reason, it would be inappropriate to rashly offend such

a mysterious figure.

Prince Shidu didn't know John Shidu's good intentions, but he didn't dare to get
Because John Shidu is his uncle, his status is higher than his.

If he dared to go wild, John Shidu dared to really abolish him.

After a few slaps, John Shidu continued to kowtow to Harvey York: "Young
Master York, Master York, everything that happened yesterday is our fault!"

"We shouldn't forcefully buy or sell, let alone beat your Buddha's relics!"

"I understand my mistake!"

"I beg you, adults, treat me like a fart, let it go!"

Obviously, for John Shidu, after enjoying a day of freedom, he definitely does not
want to lie in bed for the rest of his life.

So he doesn't even need his dignity today.

Harvey York picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, and said lightly: "Your
disciples and grandchildren have all been injured by me, don't you hate me?"

John Shidu shook his head and said, "I don't hate it, I would also like to thank
Young Master York for your mercy, otherwise, with your skills, they would be
dead, not injured."

Harvey York smiled again and said: "Your precious daughter Yuly Shidu was
abandoned by me, don't you hate it?"

"Hate, but don't hate either!"

John Shidu sighed.

"She is stubborn by nature, and has always been unreasonable. In addition, her
skills are mediocre. On weekdays, she bullies men and women under my doting,
but if something happens to me, she encounters a master, and maybe it will
cause trouble. A catastrophe of annihilation!"

"So, not only do I not hate, but I also thank you!"

Chapter 4628

Hearing John Shidu's words, Prince Shidu and the others gasped subconsciously.

They never thought that John Shidu was really convinced by him as Harvey York

And Yuly Shidu was also abolished by him and became a crippled person!

The most important thing is that Harvey York did such a thing, not only did he
have no consequences, but John Shidu didn't dare to hold grudges, but chose to
leave things alone!

Thinking of this, many brothers and sisters all quietly took a few steps back.

In less than a moment, only Prince Shidu stood bare in the field.

Even those pretty girls were rolling away.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Prince Shidu will be out of
luck next.

If you are still standing beside Prince Shidu at this time, it is because you are not
happy, and you are looking for death!

There is no such stupid person in the world!

Harvey York slowly put down the teacup in his hand, then took out a tissue and
wiped his fingers with a playful look on his face: "I don't give you John Shidu any
face at all, and I asked you to kneel in front of me to beg for mercy, don't you
hate me?"

"Don't hate! What right do I have to hate?"

John Shidu sighed.

"Even if you don't take action, Young Master York, I don't dare to hate you!"

"Unless I'm out of my mind."

Obviously, he knew very well that if Harvey York could save him, he could kill him.

His skills are not comparable to Harvey York, his strength is not comparable to
Harvey York, and even his connections, background, and energy are not
comparable to Harvey York.

How to hate!?

You can't hate it at all, can you?

The most important thing is that he is still kneeling in front of Harvey York and
begging Harvey York to save his life.

They've become so soft that they still hate it!

"Yes, as expected of a person who has been in the arena for so many years, he
has a bit of heart and vision."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

"I can promise to help you."

"However, you can't just do nothing and just want me to do it, right?"

John Shidu said in a deep voice, "Young Master York, even if you open your
mouth, you will not hesitate to go through fire and water!"

Harvey York smiled and said, "No need."

"Someone just kicked over my Hainan Huanghuali desk. I really like this thing. It's
out of print and can't be bought."

"That's why I thought that one of the people who did this would be counted as
one, and all their legs would be broken."

"But as a person, I don't really like to do it myself."

"So I can only ask you, Master Shidu, to do it for you."

John Shidu's face darkened, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Understood!"

Obviously, Harvey York asked him to take action, not only to ask him to give a
name, but also to take advantage of his shortcomings.

After all, as long as John Shidu broke Prince Shidu's leg, he would not be able to
continue to be Javier Shidu's confidant in the future.

As long as Javier Shidu's mind is a little narrower, maybe in the future, his left arm
and right arm can only be that Harvey York's follower.

Although Prince Shidu is a playboy, he also understands this. At this moment, his
expression changed and he said loudly, "Harvey York, how dare you break my

"And you want to alienate our uncle and nephew?"

"You are just a wolf's ambition!"

"Have you thought about the consequences of doing so?"

A group of companions are also shouting with ugly faces at the moment.

A group of beautiful girls are trying to leave.

Their long legs were broken, how would they catch triumphant son in the future?
How can I go to a bar as an atmosphere group?

But John Shidu turned a blind eye, and at this moment just said coldly: "Do it!"

Chapter 4629


The shrill screams kept coming.

But for a moment, the entire Jifu Hall was in chaos.

The great masters whose legs were broken, were thrown out of the gate like dogs
and men.

Even Prince Shidu crawled to the ground with a look of embarrassment.

In addition to embarrassment, there was an unspeakable fear on his face.

And behind the road not far from Jifu Hall, in the dark red Porsche 911, Yadira
Lawrence watched this scene, and the vivid pretty face suddenly froze at this
Especially seeing Prince Shidu's miserable appearance, she couldn't speak for a
long time.

She couldn't understand how a mere son-in-law could surpass her cognition time
and time again.

Step on, how can it be so difficult?

Soon, someone called 120, and ambulances lined up to take people away. The
scene was very moving.

When Harvey York was gone, Harvey York didn't talk nonsense, but helped John
Shidu drive away the evil and poisonous qi in his body.

But when he started, Harvey York also kept his hand.

He asked John Shidu to come to him once a month to exorcise him. As long as he
came here for a year, the problem would not be a big problem.

John Shidu knew that Harvey York did this on purpose, but even so, he was very
grateful to Harvey York.

Because after Harvey York made his move, he felt refreshed.

After recognizing Harvey York's ability, he also understood that it was a good
thing to a certain extent that Harvey York had something about him.

After all, as long as he doesn't need to be paralyzed for a lifetime, even if he

comes to toss once a day, John Shidu is willing.

Afterwards, he also took out the check that he had prepared a long time ago. On
the one hand, he expressed compensation, on the other hand, he hoped that
Harvey York could look at the face of the money, and by the way, even his
daughter was saved.
Harvey York didn't point out John Shidu's idea, but told him to go back and
directly untie a few acupoints of Yuly Shidu, then Yuly Shidu would be able to

However, it will take at least three months to return to peak state.

This scene made John Shidu ecstatic, and even the last trace of resentment in his
heart was completely forgotten by him.

He is only grateful to Harvey York now, with a gesture of repaying Harvey York
for being a cow and a horse.

Sean Gao and others looked at this scene with sighs on their faces.

It can only be said that Harvey York's ability to turn his hands into clouds and
cover his hands into rain really has the unique color of the superior.

With a few simple strokes, the relationship between John Shidu and Prince Shidu
was divided, making John Shidu's father and daughter not only grateful to him,
but also owed a huge favor...

The most important thing is that a conspiracy against Jifutang was blown away

No matter who the person behind the scene is, I am afraid that he will vomit
blood from anger.

Harvey York ignored the other gazes, but after drinking a few cups of tea with a
smile, he took over Tian Zora's seat.

Those guests who had seen Harvey York's methods were so excited when they
saw Harvey York taking action in person.
As soon as the news came out, many people came to the door, directly crowding

It can only be said that the business of the entire Jifutang has never been so


When Harvey York was very busy, Mandy Zimmer rubbed his temples and walked
into the Shangpai bar.

The bar has just been renovated and is quite lively.

In the field, the little bee Yingyingyanyan made the guests very excited.

Mandy Zimmer didn't go to see these people, but went to a booth and sat down.
After ordering a glass of whisky, she slowly tasted it...

Chapter 4630

At this time, Mandy Zimmer exuded a powerful aura,

Not only is it cold, but the whole person has an aura that strangers are not
allowed to enter.

This scene made many men who wanted to come over to chat with him hesitated
for a while and did not dare to approach.

"Mandy, you are here!"

At this time, in the crowd of dancers, Nana Hoffman, wearing a leather jacket and
leather pants, came over with a smile on her face.
"You're late again."

Mandy Zimmer didn't look at her, then frowned and said, "Nana, is there
anything you can't talk about at home, you must come here to talk?"

Since the last incident, Harvey York's departure has made Mandy Zimmer
extremely annoyed.

But when Xynthia Zimmer came back, she unraveled her heart knot and let her
understand that if she wanted to remarry Harvey York, she was afraid that she
would have to make up for the wrong things she did in Jinling these days.

Thinking that because Danilo Hoffman took several credits and made her
misunderstanding about Harvey York deepened, Mandy Zimmer no longer had a
good impression of Danilo Hoffman.

Not only did she directly block Danilo Hoffman, but she also directly cancelled
the contract brought by Danilo Hoffman.

Although Lilian Yates explained that Danilo Hoffman loved her too much to do
such a thing, but Mandy Zimmer scoffed at this.

In her eyes, Danilo Hoffman is a low-quality character, nothing more.

And these days, because she cut off these cooperative relationships, she has also
been questioned by many people in the ninth branch.

Therefore, Mandy Zimmer was in a state of turmoil during this period.

Tonight is also Nana Hoffman's repeated and repeated invitations and requests,
and Mandy Zimmer only came to see her face like this once.

"It's okay, can't I find you?"

Nana Hoffman smiled tenderly, raised the cocktail in her hand, and sat beside
Mandy Zimmer.

"However we can be considered good girlfriends!"

"I'm nice to you too."

"You are so indifferent to me?"

"I'm very sad, okay?"

Mandy Zimmer's tone was cold: "If there's nothing important, I'll go home. I still
have a few plans to make, and I'm going to bid in a few days."

"Mandy, why are you so stubborn?"

Nana Hoffman's face was helpless.

"I know, because of my brother's concern, you are upset now."

"You don't even want to see him!"

"But you have to understand that a man can only do such a stupid thing when he
loves a woman madly!"

"Everything he does is for you!"

"I have taught him a lesson these days, let him understand that when facing you,
don't mess around!"

"He has realized his mistake!"

"He said that he is willing to be only a good friend with you, and will guard by
your side in the future!"
"Mandy, will you give him a chance?"

"Even if you can't accept him, can you treat him as an ordinary friend?"

Nana Hoffman said this with a painful expression on her face.

"I dare not ask for anything else, I only dare to ask, you give my brother this last

Mandy Zimmer sighed and said, "Nana, I don't hate your brother, but I have
figured out what I want in the past few days."

"The person I like is Harvey York, and I want to remarry him!"

"But if I remarry him, no third party can intervene in this matter..."

"So, whether your brother is a bad guy or a good guy, no matter what he thinks
or does, I don't care anymore, because I won't have any contact with him

"You tell him you don't need him to apologize..."

Chapter 4631

When she said these words, Mandy Zimmer was still a little sad.

If it wasn't for him coveting some contracts and having contacts with Danilo
Hoffman, there would even be many misunderstandings between Danilo
Hoffman and Harvey York.

The two may have remarried.

An unspeakable regret poured into Mandy Zimmer's heart.

What she is most worried about now is that because of these things, Harvey York
and Alexa Joiner have a relationship, so what can she do?

"Mandy, you still hate my brother!"

Nana Hoffman had an expression of helplessness and hatred.

"You not only cut off the contract he introduced, but also didn't give me face. No
matter how I invited you, you didn't want to see me!"

"Is it in your heart that you also hate my best friend?"

While talking, Nana Hoffman motioned for the waiter to take a cocktail that had
been prepared a long time ago and hand it to Mandy Zimmer.

Mandy Zimmer looked at Nana Hoffman's sincere expression, she could only
hesitate for a moment, then took the cocktail and said, "Nana, trust me, I won't
have any opinion on you because of your brother's affairs! "

"In my heart, you are you, and your brother is your brother!"

"Okay, this is the end of the matter for today. After you go back, you can help me
tell Master Hoffman, I don't hate him, he doesn't need to make up for it!"

"I hope he can find his own happiness!"

"It's pointless to keep pestering me, a divorced woman."

"Of course, I also hope that he won't come to my house in the future if he has
nothing to do."

"My parents, I'm afraid they can't stand his goodness."

"Our family doesn't deserve it!"

Hearing Mandy Zimmer's words, Nana Hoffman had a struggling and regretful
expression on her face: "Mandy, you said these words, how can you tell me to
talk to my brother?"

"He's going crazy for you!"

"But, all in all, in short, for everyone's sake, I will definitely bring this to you!"

"However, I also have one thing that I want you to promise!"

Nana Hoffman's face was deliberately serious.

Mandy Zimmer sighed and said, "You said, within the scope of my ability, I will
promise you!"

"I want you to promise me that no matter what happens, you won't resist me,
we'll always be good friends, okay?"

During the conversation, Nana Hoffman raised the wine glass.

Mandy Zimmer was slightly taken aback by this condition of hers, and then she
also raised the glass of cocktail just now and said, "I promise you, may our
friendship last forever..."

Afterwards, Mandy Zimmer took a light sip of the cocktail herself.

Nana Hoffman showed a charming smile and drank the wine in her hand.

The two exchanged a few more greetings, which could be regarded as a courtesy
to each other, but between the words, both parties could feel that everyone had
already shared a lot.
This feeling made Mandy Zimmer feel even more sad. She stood up and prepared
to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

It's just that the moment she left the bar and walked to her car, her body shook
slightly, her whole body was numb and lethargic, and she was drowsy.


At this moment, Mandy Zimmer suddenly realized that she was drugged by Nana
Hoffman, a fake best friend!

"Hey, Mandy, how come you can't win after drinking so much?"

Behind her, Nana Hoffman appeared, and she smiled at Mandy Zimmer, but the
expression in her eyes was indescribably gloomy and ruthless.

I'm afraid Mandy Zimmer has never seen her like this...

Chapter 4632

At this moment, a Mercedes-Benz Maybach came over silently.

The window of the driver's seat fell, and Danilo Hoffman's handsome and elegant
face appeared.

"Brother, it seems that your plan to kill people is doomed to fail."

"Although I don't know what happened in the past few days, most of this woman
will never touch you from now on."

"If you want to make the surname York regret the beginning, there is only one
last way."
"But I heard that the surnamed York hasn't touched his new wife for three years."

"When the time comes, you take a video of the precious scene of the broken
melon and send it to him. I think it will be enough to punish you."

While speaking, Nana Hoffman directly opened the back door of the car and
pushed Mandy Zimmer, who had lost her resistance and began to lose
consciousness, into the car.

Danilo Hoffman looked at Mandy Zimmer, who was drowsy, with a faint smile,
and said, "Don't worry, what York did to me, now that I think about it, my teeth
itch with hatred."

"Since this move of killing the heart is doomed to fail."

"Then let him put on the hat completely and make his heartache completely!"

"The hatred of the cruise ship will eventually have a result today!"

Speaking of which, the expression on Danilo Hoffman's face was indescribable

resentment and evil.

Nana Hoffman took out a room card and threw it to Danilo Hoffman: "I've
already opened a room for you for the sake of you having a good time, eldest

"White Swan Hotel, Presidential Suite."

"Anyway, you are a newlywed tonight, eldest brother, you have to have fun!"

Danilo Hoffman laughed and said, "It makes sense, I will definitely ask someone
to put Mandy Zimmer in a white wedding dress tonight."
"Only by smearing the white color can I completely dispel the hatred in my

"a ha ha ha--"

"Let me go."

Mandy Zimmer's last sense of reason made her struggle to sit up.


Nana Hoffman stepped forward and slapped her face.

"What are you going to go?!"

"My brother originally gave you the opportunity to take the initiative to climb
into his bed, but you are shameless, and you have to go this far!"

"But it doesn't matter. When the overlord is hard on the bow, after the raw rice is
cooked and cooked, you are the one who begged my brother to marry you!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Nana Hoffman locked the car door with a smile. She knew very well what these
ladies and daughters cared about most.

As long as Mandy Zimmer's innocence is ruined by Danilo Hoffman, even if she is

a concubine, she can only follow Danilo Hoffman!

If not, I am afraid that she will become a woman who can do her best in the

Thinking of this, Nana Hoffman opened her car door with a smile on her face,
then stepped on the accelerator and left quickly.
However, when her car was speeding out, a young woman with a plain face came
out from the corner of the Shangpai bar.

She looked at the scene in front of her with a struggle in her expression.

But after a while, she still took out her mobile phone and dialed a number

"Hey, hello, who is that?"

On the opposite side of the phone, a gentle and cold voice came, which made
the woman in the night wind feel warm.

She mustered up her courage and said in a low voice, "Hello, Young Master York,
I'm Mariela Bustos. I used to be the foreman at the Jinling Golden Mansion. Do
you still remember me?"

"Before, Family Master Huo invited you to a banquet and packed our Golden
Mansion. Danilo Hoffman wanted to force his way in and beat me. After you
showed up, you slapped Danilo Hoffman in the face for me."

"I was playing at the Shangpai bar today. I saw that something happened to your
wife. Someone drugged her. That person is..."

Chapter 4633

White Swan Hotel, Presidential Suite.

Mandy Zimmer slumped on the high-end Simmons bed.

She still maintained the last trace of consciousness, but her body was weak and
weak, and she couldn't resist at all.
It was more painful than passing out completely.

Because she knew very well what would happen next in such a situation.

And she couldn't resist, she could only watch it all happen.

At this moment, a mixture of unspeakable regret and fear flooded my heart.

Mandy Zimmer felt like she wanted to cry without tears.

She regrets why she should trust Nana Hoffman; she is gnashing her teeth for her
soft heart.

At the same time, she was still hoping that the man would be able to rescue
herself from the sky, just like in the past.

She swore that she would never let him go no matter what.

As if feeling Mandy Zimmer's emotional change, Danilo Hoffman slowly fell

down, but he didn't touch Mandy Zimmer's body. Don't be in a hurry."

"In a while, I will put on a white wedding dress for you and a diamond ring with a
dove egg, and then I will slowly spend the night with you in the spring!"

"Wait for me!"

While speaking, Danilo Hoffman laughed, then stood up and walked into the
cloakroom next door. When he came out, he had already changed into a tuxedo.

At the same time, he also has a high-definition camera in his hand, which is very
valuable at first glance.
After he opened it, he changed a few angles, ready to take pictures of the whole
process in a while.

After all, this thing can not only be used to blackmail Mandy Zimmer, but it can
also make Harvey York, this waste, give up completely, and he wants to die.

Thinking of what was about to happen, Danilo Hoffman sneered with excitement.

Then, he took out a plate of small blue pills from a close position, and swallowed
a few without hesitation.

Then, holding the champagne, he waited for the drug to kick in.

Looking at Danilo Hoffman's actions, Mandy Zimmer made a difficult voice:

"Danilo Hoffman, you are a bastard..."

Danilo Hoffman swayed the champagne, approached with a wicked smile, and
said, "Mandy, does it make sense for you to scold me at this time?"

"How much you hate me now."

"When it's done, you'll love me so much!"

"Don't worry, in order to make you unforgettable tonight, I used more than three
times the usual dose of medicine!"

"I will let you experience the ultimate joy of being a woman!"

"Of course, if you think it's not enough, I'll eat a few more later!"

"I promise; I can make you happy..."

Listening to the foul language in Danilo Hoffman's mouth, Mandy Zimmer gritted
his teeth in anger, "Beast..."
"Have you thought about the consequences of doing this to me?"

"Anyway, I am the head of the ninth branch of the Jean Family in the Mordu!"

"Aren't you afraid of the revenge of the Jean Family in the Mordu?"

Danilo Hoffman smiled and said, "Don't forget, I'm also a member of the Jinling
Hoffman Family!"

"Everyone is from the top ten top families. After the incident, both sides can only
recognize it."

"Maybe with a paper marriage contract, you will be lucky to be my wife!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely hold a wedding of the century for you."

"By the way, I will also invite Harvey York to be the best man!"

"I will also custom-make a green suit for him!"

"I think he will be the most handsome best man in the world, hahahaha!"

Chapter 4634

Mandy Zimmer gritted her teeth, her heart ached: "Danilo Hoffman, stop

"I won't marry you even if I die!"

"I'll let you go and wear the prison!"

"What? Want to sue me?"

Danilo Hoffman smiled lightly.

"I believe that if my uncle and aunt like me so much, they will definitely help me
to persuade you."

"And there are many people from our Hoffman Family in the Jinling police
station. When investigating and collecting evidence, there will never be strong
evidence against you!"

"Besides, you are the head of the ninth branch. When things get bigger, you can
afford to lose face, can the Jean Family of the Mordu afford to lose face?"

"At that time, if you want to deny it, I'm afraid it won't work, right?"

"And, even if you don't recognize it, do you think I'll care if things get bigger?"

"For me, at most, there is a good name for being crazy about love..."

"And you, from now on are not clean women?"

Danilo Hoffman approached step by step, disintegrating the last line of defense
in Mandy Zimmer's heart with words: "You said, did you really sue me for this

"No, for you, the best outcome is to swallow your voice and treat this as a spring

"By the way, whether you marry or not in the future, you have to come to
accompany me when I need it."

"Otherwise, the film of our performance today, I am afraid we have to go to the

island country to win the award! Ahahaha-"
Hearing these words, Mandy Zimmer was so angry that she wanted to bite Danilo
Hoffman to death, but she was so tender that she couldn't stand up at all.

"So, Mandy, I'll give you the best choice."

"Let go of other people and other things, accept me well, and be my woman..."

"Trust me, you'll be excited..."

When he said this, Danilo Hoffman felt that the medicinal properties were about
to attack, and he was about to feel it.

So, he threw away his jacket and started to unbutton his shirt to reveal his eight
pack abs.

At the same time, he was also preparing to help Mandy Zimmer put on the
wedding dress in a while.

Mandy Zimmer didn't even have the strength to grit her teeth at this moment,
she gritted her teeth to give herself the last bit of sobriety: "Danilo Hoffman, if
you dare to touch me, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost... "


"Death under the peony flower, it is also romantic to be a ghost..."

"Have you never heard of this?"

Danilo Hoffman smiled slightly.

Mandy Zimmer gritted her teeth: "Why! Don't you like me?"

"Why are you doing this!?"

"I like you? Hahahaha!" Danilo Hoffman laughed at first, then his eyes were fierce,
and he slowly said: "Idiot, do you really think Lao Tzu loves you? I want to play
with you, just because you are Harvey York's dog. Bastard wife!"

"Do you remember the story I told you?"

"The woman I fell in love with at first sight, an engagement ceremony was ruined
by a bastard!"

"Although that woman is just coveting my money and identity, I'm also going to
kick her away after playing with her justifiably..."

"However, I was all about to play a love-at-first-sight drama, but in the end, there
was a bastard to spoil the good thing!"

"Not only did I lose face, but the woman I fell in love with ran away because of

"It was the bastard Harvey York who made all this happen!"

"So from the very beginning when I approached you, my purpose was clear!"

"I want you to fall in love with me involuntarily, and then be put to sleep by me!"

"Only in this way, the bastard surnamed York will be in pain and regret the

"I can completely kill his heart!"

Chapter 4635

"So, I conducted an in-depth investigation of your parents!"

"I know they are greedy for status and greedy for wealth!"

"I also conducted an in-depth investigation on you!"

"I also used the Jinling Hoffman Family to destroy the ninth branch's business
several times. The purpose is to put you in a desperate situation. Then my
appearance will make it easier to capture your heart!"

"Then I grab credit and glory, everything is for you to follow me with all my

"But it's a pity, you woman doesn't know how to cooperate. After so many
scenes, you still think about the bastard surnamed York!"

"At this point, you can't blame others, you can only blame yourself, you have no

Having said that, Danilo Hoffman's last button has been undone, revealing his
eight-pack abs.

"So, tonight I have to do it too..."

"But, I'm so handsome and want so many women from me..."

"This matter, I don't know who is at a loss!"

Having said this, Danilo Hoffman laughed arrogantly and wantonly.

Slowly speaking about the past, Danilo Hoffman's anger grew a little bit.

He tried to step on Harvey York several times, but every time he failed.

He decided to vent all these stacked hatreds on Mandy Zimmer today.

"You treat me like this, if Harvey York finds out, have you thought about the

Mandy Zimmer gritted her teeth and spoke coldly.

"as a result of?"

"That bastard Harvey York, what else can you do to me?"

Danilo Hoffman sneered.

"Don't think I didn't investigate!"

"When he was gambling in two cities in Hong Kong, he relied on a woman

named Queenie York to show off her power!"

"When he was in Jinling, he relied on Alexa Joiner of Jinling Joiner Family to show
off his power!"

"If it weren't for eating a woman's soft meal, or because he was lucky, what
qualifications would he have to meet me?"

Danilo Hoffman smiled coldly, noncommittal.

"However, paper tigers are paper tigers after all, and foxes with fake tigers will
never become real tigers!"

"A man who has no background and ability, once he is kicked away by those
women, what is left of him?"

"You can rest assured. At that time, I will take him in, let him be a driver and a
cleaner, and let him follow you every day!"

"I'll make you love each other, but not touch each other!"
"What is this called?"

"I think of it, blue life and death love!"

"Ahahaha, I don't know if this will become a TV series after many years, will it be
able to detonate the ratings!"

Having said this, Danilo Hoffman's face was full of wanton smiles. He applauded
for everything tonight and for his future plans.

With a "pop", the shirt in his hand was thrown to the ground by his own,
revealing his sturdy upper body.

Mandy Zimmer looked at this scene and said with a hard face: "Danilo Hoffman,
even if you get my people, you will never get my heart..."

"You're doomed to be a loser..."

"your heart?"

Danilo Hoffman slapped Mandy Zimmer's face with a backhand slap.

"I want your people enough, what do I want your heart for?"

"In my eyes, women are just playthings after all!"

"You still want me to get your heart?"

"Woman, woman, you are so naive that I find it ridiculous!"

While speaking, Danilo Hoffman stretched out his hand, ready to tear Mandy
Zimmer's clothes off.
Chapter 4636


At this moment, the door of the presidential suite was suddenly kicked open.

The huge sound was like thunder, shaking the inside and outside.

"Danilo Hoffman, do you know how to write dead characters?"

The indifferent voice came out, but it contained unspeakable indifference and

Danilo Hoffman, who was already at the top of the medicinal power, was stunned
for a moment, and then he subconsciously turned to look at the direction of the

Mandy Zimmer also looked over subconsciously.

Even if she was in a trance and her mind was not sober, she could still see a figure
dimly visible.

This figure is so tall and straight, so familiar.

Harvey York!

The moment she saw Harvey York, Mandy Zimmer burst into tears.

She never imagined that at a critical moment, it was Harvey York's divine soldier

She didn't know how Harvey York knew about this, and she didn't know how
Harvey York found this place.
But Harvey York's appearance made Mandy Zimmer relax.

Because she knew very well that she was safe.

"Harvey York..."

Mandy Zimmer opened her mouth in tears.


Danilo Hoffman threw Mandy Zimmer on the bed with his backhand. He was
overwhelmed by the medicinal power, and his head was a little dizzy for a while,
and he didn't recognize Harvey York.

He sneered: "Which bastard is here to ruin Lao Tzu's good deeds?"

"Don't you know that Lao Tzu is Danilo Hoffman?"

"Get out!"

Harvey York looked indifferent, didn't look at Danilo Hoffman, just glanced at
Mandy Zimmer, and after making sure she was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief.


The presidential suite was kicked open again, and several martial arts masters
walked in. These people were specially hired by Danilo Hoffman tonight.

After all, he also prevents someone from harming his own good deeds.

Seeing these people coming, Danilo Hoffman drank the champagne in one gulp
and said with a sneer, "Throw the people who break their hands and feet out!"
Several people rushed out at the same time, but Harvey York didn't even look at
them, but slapped them out with a few backhands.

"Clap clap-"

These people flew out in an instant, and the moment they hit the wall of the
room, they vomited blood and fainted completely.

And Harvey York ignored their life and death, but looked at Danilo Hoffman

At this time, Danilo Hoffman had squinted his eyes to see who the intruder was.

Especially when he saw the bodyguard he flew out and thought of the scenes on
the cruise ship, Danilo Hoffman's face turned pale: "It's you! Harvey York!"

"Harvey York, do you think it's still time to gamble in two cities in Hong Kong?"

"I tell you, it's in Jinling now!"

"I am one of the top ten families, a sideline of the Jinling Hoffman Family!"

"Our Jinling Hoffman Family is not something you can provoke!"

"You can't offend us!"

"If you hurt me!"

"Not only will you be doomed, but Mandy Zimmer will also be killed, and the
ninth branch will be killed!"

"You've heard the name of my eldest brother Araceli Hoffman!"

"As long as he wants to, raise his finger, and you're screwed!"
"So, for your sake, that's it for today!"

"Mandy Zimmer didn't suffer any substantial harm either, you let me go, tonight
you and I will clear our grievances!"

"is that OK?"

"I also swear that after tonight, I won't be thinking about the cruise ship with you,
how about that?"

Obviously, Danilo Hoffman knew very well that he would definitely not be able to
fight against Harvey York with his pure skills.

So he was prepared to be a good man without taking any immediate losses, and
after tonight's hurdle, he would try to kill Harvey York again.

Chapter 4637

Obviously, Danilo Hoffman is very clear about what it means to know the current
affairs to be Junjie. Now that he is not Harvey York's opponent, naturally he will
not continue to struggle with Harvey York at this time.

As long as you can run, that's it.

However, Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly at the moment and did not

"Harvey York, let me go!"

"At most, I will return the previous billion to you, the billion that you have
touched me!"
When Danilo Hoffman saw that Harvey York didn't speak, he immediately
became furious.

"At most, I promise you, from now on, I will never play Mandy Zimmer's idea

Harvey York looked indifferent and did not respond, but stepped forward step by

There was an endless chill in his eyes, the chill gradually froze, and slowly turned
into killing intent.

Harvey York didn't have the slightest sympathy for this kind of person who lost
his conscience, bullied men and bullied women, and did all kinds of bad things.

Nor will he have pity and sympathy.

He knew very well that he didn't kill Danilo Hoffman last time, which has already
led to today's consequences.

If we don't get rid of the roots today, I'm afraid there will be trouble in the future.

Harvey York himself is not afraid of these clowns, but he also has to consider the
safety of Mandy Zimmer and Xynthia Zimmer.

At this time, Mandy Zimmer was also in a very complicated mood.

She wished that Harvey York could shoot Danilo Hoffman directly to death, but
she was afraid that Harvey York's impulse would cause death.

After all, Jinling was the site of the Jinling Hoffman Family, and in their territory,
the people who killed them were unpredictable.
Therefore, at this moment, Mandy Zimmer can only squeeze out one sentence:
"Harvey York, don't kill..."

Harvey York didn't respond either.

Instead, step forward.

Seeing Harvey York's actions, Danilo Hoffman almost subconsciously backed

away. When he backed up to the edge of the window, he didn't retreat anymore.

He shivered slightly, and then found that he had no way out, so he grabbed a
vase and rushed to where Harvey York was.

At this time, Danilo Hoffman broke out the strongest combat power in his life.

He hoped that he could kill Harvey York and escape this disaster.

So at this moment, he went all out and used all his strength to breastfeed.

However, this three-legged cat kung fu, in Harvey York's view, is no different from
a cripple.

Just as Danilo Hoffman rushed in front of Harvey York, Harvey York slapped
Danilo Hoffman with his backhand and flipped Danilo Hoffman's fan to the


The loud noise came out, and Danilo Hoffman's face was twitching with pain, and
he looked at Harvey York who was continuing to walk now, with a look of horror
on his face.

Harvey York didn't get used to him, but grabbed his hair and knocked his
forehead directly on the marble table.

There was a loud noise, and the marble table broke open. Danilo Hoffman's head
was instantly bleeding, and blood was in his eyes.

"Forgive me..."

"Young Master York, let me go!"

"I'll give you all my money, I'll give you all my money!"

"Please let me go!"

Danilo Hoffman let out a shrill scream.

Obviously, as long as he can save his own life at this time, for him, he is willing to
give everything!

But Harvey York didn't pay attention to it, but backhanded it again.


This time Danilo Hoffman's forehead hit the wall directly, and countless cracks
appeared on the marble wall in an instant.


Harvey York picked up a blue-and-white porcelain vase with his backhand, and
smashed it on Danilo Hoffman's forehead with a cold expression.

For Harvey York, it is not difficult to kill Danilo Hoffman, but for such a scum,
Harvey York will not let him die too easily.
Chapter 4638

"Harvey York, don't, don't kill him!"

Seeing this bloody scene, Mandy Zimmer was extremely worried and spoke with

"Danilo Hoffman is a beast, he should be punished for his crimes!"

"But you can't put yourself in it!"

"Let him go to the Heavenly Prison and sit through the bottom of the prison!"

At this moment, Mandy Zimmer struggled hard to get up to stop Harvey York,
but she was too weak, and as soon as her eyes darkened, she fainted.

Harvey York slapped Danilo Hoffman with another backhand, and then he made
a phone call and saw Daniel Ovalle and his party appear quickly, and directly took
Danilo Hoffman and others away.

Harvey York pointed at Daniel Ovalle with a gesture of wiping his neck, Daniel
Ovalle grinned, and immediately understood.

Today's Danilo Hoffman has touched Harvey York's bottom line, so he decided to
let Danilo Hoffman reincarnate ahead of schedule.

However, there is no need to do all this in front of Mandy Zimmer, and leave it to
Daniel Ovalle, so Harvey York is also relieved.

After doing all this, Harvey York walked up to Mandy Zimmer and began to take
her pulse.
There is nothing serious about Mandy Zimmer, but there are some drugs that
affect cognitive ability in the drink she drinks.

If you don't get rid of it quickly, it might make Mandy Zimmer go limp.

Thinking of this, Harvey York slapped Mandy Zimmer's lower abdomen with a
palm, and his inner breath slowly poured out, and then a little bit forced the
medicine out of Mandy Zimmer's body.


Just when Harvey York Yun Gong reached the most critical moment, the door was
kicked open again.

Then, five or six people appeared in front of Harvey York.

Impressively, Lilian Yates and Simon Zimmer appeared.


Seeing the mess in the room, and seeing Harvey York's hand on Mandy Zimmer's
heart, Lilian Yates's anger turned from her heart to her courage, and then she
rushed to Harvey York with a backhand. A slap slapped over.

"Son of a bitch!"


"White-eyed wolf!"

"Didn't I just not promise you to remarry?"

"As for you to use such abusive methods?"

"You are really a bad enough beast!"

She slapped again, swiping Harvey York's body at a critical moment.


At this moment, Mandy Zimmer struggled to get up and spit out the drink

"Son of a bitch!"

Lilian Yates rushed over again and was about to kick Harvey York away.

But Harvey York turned around this time, grabbed Lilian Yates's feet directly, and
threw it away.

"Bastard, how dare you fight back!"

Lilian Yates was furious.

"If you can't get Mandy, you'll take medicine!?"

"Do you think you are a man?"

"If Xynthia didn't find out, let's hurry up and save people, Mandy's innocence will
be ruined by you!"

"Without her innocence, how could she marry into a top wealthy family?"

"How can I still be in the top circle?"

"I tell you, this matter is not over, I must report to the officer!"

At this moment, Lilian Yates was aggressive and unreasonable.

Simon Zimmer's face also sank, and he said coldly, "Harvey York, you must give
me an explanation!"

"Otherwise, this matter is not over!"

Bittor Zuazo and Lina Stobbe were also angry, and regarded Harvey York as a
heinous person.

Lilian Yates thought for a while, and then shouted again, "Hurry up and contact
Danilo Hoffman! Let him come to save Mandy!"

"Danilo Hoffman?"

Harvey York heard the words, stood up, and looked at Lilian Yates coldly.

"Bastard, what are you looking at, you want to rebel, right! What's wrong with
Danilo Hoffman, you rubbish can't even compare to a finger of Danilo Hoffman!
When Danilo Hoffman comes, you will be finished! He I love Mandy deeply, he
will never let you go!"


Harvey York didn't speak, but slapped Lilian Yates's face hard.

Everyone was stunned.

Chapter 4639

No one thought that Harvey York would dare to beat Lilian Yates.
Even Lilian Yates was stunned. She has always shown off her power and jumped
up and down the capital. Isn't it because Harvey York didn't dare to do anything
to her?

If she really met someone like Harvey York who could beat her outside, how
could Lilian Yates dare to go up and make a fuss.

However, she was stunned for a moment, and Lilian Yates showed her teeth and
claws again, and was about to go up and kill Harvey York.

Simon Zimmer hurriedly hugged her and stopped her tightly, daring not to let
her get close to Harvey York.

Because Simon Zimmer clearly felt that after Lilian Yates said Danilo Hoffman's
name, Harvey York exuded a faint murderous aura!

Harvey York was in a very bad mood at this time, he said coldly: "Lilian Yates, I
was too lazy to care about you, but you still have the face to mention Danilo

"If it wasn't for your greed for vanity and licking Danilo Hoffman, how could
Mandy almost get killed?"

"You bastard, what did you say? You said that Danilo Hoffman harmed Mandy?
You bastard are talking nonsense with your eyes open. Where is Danilo Hoffman?
You are the only one here!"

"You bastard, you dare to slander Danilo Hoffman. If Danilo Hoffman finds out,
be careful that your dog's legs are interrupted by him!"

"Not only do you want to humiliate Mandy, you dare to beat me, and you also
slander Danilo Hoffman, Harvey York, you are finished! I must let you go to the
prison and sit through it."
Lilian Yates was full of anger at Harvey York's act of disregarding her authority
and daring to resist.

She can't wait to step on Harvey York to death.

"Mom, misunderstood, really misunderstood!"

At this time, Xynthia Zimmer, who had just parked the car, rushed over and
quickly grabbed Lilian Yates, who was about to get angry.

"Brother-in-law is not a bad person!"

"It was my brother-in-law who sent me a message just now, telling my sister that
something had happened!"

"He is here because he is worried about his sister's safety!"

"If he has bad intentions towards his sister, why should he do this?"

While speaking, Xynthia Zimmer turned on her phone, which contained Harvey
York's information.


"This white-eyed wolf gave you information?"

Lilian Yates's eyelids jumped, and she felt like she was going to be slapped in the
face again.

But how could she easily admit counsel in front of Harvey York?

So at this moment, she still gritted her teeth: "These messages must be sent to
you for self-protection!"
"He is insidious and cunning, and he did it to do such unsightly things!"

"All in all, in short, I don't believe him!"

"Because when I came, there was no one else in the room!"

"Only him and Mandy!"

"Moreover, his hand was on Mandy's chest!"

"We must report to the official, and we must let him go without food!"

Lilian Yates obviously believes that Harvey York is not a good person.

Simon Zimmer looked a little hesitant, and then said: "Wife, otherwise, let's figure
it out?"

Although he felt that Harvey York was a waste sometimes, but Harvey York's
feelings for his daughter were definitely not fake, and he would never do such a

"Mom, there's a camera here!"

Lina Stobbe suddenly seemed as excited as she had discovered a new continent!

"This bastard Harvey York definitely wants to shoot something and threaten

"There must be enough evidence in there!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to finally have evidence, this time I'll see what you do!"

Lilian Yates laughed, she felt that with the evidence, she could definitely kill
Harvey York.
So at this moment, Lilian Yates quickly projected the contents of the camera onto
the TV.

Chapter 4640

Obviously, Lilian Yates wanted to slap Harvey York in the face in public.

"Mom, don't worry!"

"Now that there are so many witnesses and evidence, Harvey York can't escape!"

Bittor Zuazo looked expectant at the moment.

"When this thing is delivered to the police station, I'll see how the surname York

Xynthia Zimmer looked painful: "Mom, you have to trust my brother-in-law, he is

not such a person!"

"Hehehe, believe him!?"

"You know shit!"

"Harvey York is a shameless villain who covets beauty and money!"

"He is no match for Danilo Hoffman at all!"

"I've already seen through his shamelessness!"

"People like him should be sent to the police station!"

"Let him know what the sky is high and the earth is thick!"
"I'm going to slap him in the face in front of everyone today!"

While speaking, Lilian Yates pressed the play button with a look of anticipation.

But the next moment, the picture appeared, and the Zimmer Family members
were all shocked, as if struck by lightning.

Because everyone has seen it, the person who is showing his teeth and claws in it
is Danilo Hoffman who is very optimistic about Lilian Yates.

And the person who saved Mandy Zimmer was Harvey York!

My face hurts!

At this moment, Lilian Yates only felt that her face was extremely painful, it was
even more painful than the slap she had just deleted by Harvey York.

Several people looked up at Harvey York, but found that Harvey York had left at
some point.

Harvey York, who took the initiative to leave, was not afraid of Lilian Yates.

Rather, he felt that the matter should be resolved completely.

Although Danilo Hoffman has already cleaned up, but Nana Hoffman, the
initiator, can't just let it go, right?

Some things, since they have been shot, must be done once and for all, without
leaving any troubles or troubles.

Afterwards, Harvey York took out his mobile phone and sent a few messages,
then he got into the Audi car and asked Carl Carlson to drive the car back to
Tonight's affair with Mandy Zimmer is far from over, but just started at this


Ten minutes later, a phone call came in, and the opposite was Alexa Joiner.

"Young Master York, it looks like you are going to play a big game tonight."

"Now the Jinling Hoffman Family has received the news."

"Although Araceli Hoffman didn't appear, there are already big figures in the
Hoffman Family."

"They're going to find you, and they want you to hand over Danilo Hoffman."

"Otherwise, they will trample the Jifu Hall!"

Harvey York smiled lightly and said, "It seems that Danilo Hoffman is really a little
bastard. He has no weight in Araceli Hoffman's place."

"His younger brother is on his way, doesn't he come out to take a look?"

"It's true that Araceli Hoffman didn't come out, but Ernesto Hoffman, the second
young master of the Hoffman Family, came forward."

"This one is the half-brother of Danilo Hoffman."

"He should come to help Danilo Hoffman find justice."

Obviously, Alexa Joiner knew very well that Danilo Hoffman had been killed by
Harvey York.
"Second Young Master of the Hoffman Family?"

Harvey York smiled slightly.

"Harvey York, if the big ones don't come out, let's deal with the small ones first."

"Since he is a half-brother, he will always be responsible for this matter."

Originally, Harvey York was directly preparing to go to Jinling Hoffman’s family to

be rich.

But unexpectedly, the Hoffman Family came to the door first.

So naturally let Harvey York save a little time.

Alexa Joiner smiled slightly and said, "If Ernesto Hoffman also hangs up, Araceli
Hoffman should come out, right?"

"No hurry, let's see what they're going to do first."

Harvey York smiled.

"Please, Miss Jonier, for helping me speak out, just say, I'm in Jifu Hall..."

"And because he killed Danilo Hoffman, he is preparing to go to the end of the


"I wish they came sooner."

"In a while, I'm going to have supper."

Chapter 4641
"No problem!"

Alexa Joiner smiled lightly.

"Do you need some help from my side?"

"Of course I need it. If your people don't come, how do you know that I'm eating
your soft rice?"

Harvey York hung up the phone with a smile, with meaningful expressions in his


Half an hour later, dozens of Toyota Alphards appeared with their horns blaring,
extremely arrogant and domineering.

Under the dim light, nearly a few hundred people got out of the car.

These people were all wearing black suits embroidered with gold thread, and
they were all holding sticks and watermelon knives.

However, at this moment, no one took the initiative directly, but spread out one
by one in an orderly manner, directly guarding all the entrances and exits of the

They stared at the brightly lit hall of Jifu Hall, all of them squinting slightly.

Just as Harvey York was drinking from a teacup, several more Toyota Alphas
drove over.

Several men and women in Chinese clothes walked out of the car.
The leader was a middle-aged man wearing golden glasses and a trench coat, his
appearance was seven points similar to Danilo Hoffman.

Obviously, this person should be the second young master of the Hoffman
Family, Ernesto Hoffman, in the mouth of Alexa Joiner.

And behind Ernesto Hoffman, he also followed several beautiful and fashionable

Each of them has their own characteristics and looks very bright and charming.

The most important thing is that they all look at people with their noses, with an
unspeakable bossy and domineering.

When he looked at Harvey York drinking tea in the hall, he was even more

Behind Ernesto Hoffman, there was an island man wearing an island robe and an
island sword hanging from his waist.

This island man squinted slightly, and his eyes were full of the most arrogant
attitude of Lao Tzu.

And Ernesto Hoffman, surrounded by this group of people, walked forward


When they walked, the aura was full, with an unspeakable invisible pressure.

Harvey York put down the teacup in his hand, squinted at the group of people in
front of him, and said with a smile, "I don't know who came to me?"

"Do you want to look at Feng Shui? Or look at the pictures?"

"Are you Harvey York?"

Ernesto Hoffman looked casual at the moment, he calmly lit a slender cigar and
puffed out the clouds.

When looking at Harvey York, he took a quick look.

Harvey York is very young, looks very thin, and has a very extraordinary
temperament, but after all, he is just an ordinary person.

Ernesto Hoffman couldn't help but pouted at this moment, this guy Danilo
Hoffman is really trash!

I brought a few martial arts masters by my side, but I couldn't fight against such a

Sure enough, it's an illegitimate child who can't be on the table, trash!

Hearing the other party's question, Harvey York picked up the phone with great
interest and glanced at it.

He could tell from the information sent by Alexa Joiner that these people were
the Hoffman Family.


"Second Master Hoffman is talking to you!"

"Are you dumb!?"

Seeing Harvey York's calm attitude, the master of the island country stared at
Harvey York viciously with a fierce expression on his face.

Harvey York ignored the islander, but looked at Ernesto Hoffman and said calmly,
"Second Young Master of the Hoffman Family, Ernesto Hoffman."
The people of the island country roared and pulled out the long sword of the
island country around their waists, and said loudly: "The name of the second
young master of Hoffman, can you call it a waste?"

"Hurry up and apologize!"

"Or I'll kill you!"

Chapter 4642

Several beautiful women also looked at Harvey York with a half-smile, apparently
feeling that this guy was too self-righteous.

Harvey York glanced at the people from the island country. This guy is either not
in the stream or has a bad mind.

Hearing his surname York, he couldn't guess that he was the archenemy of the
people of the island nation.

"Sasaki, don't be impulsive..."

"We are civilized people!"

"A lot of times you have to reason first and then talk about other things."

Ernesto Hoffman waved his hand at this moment, stopped Sasaki Taro, and then
smiled at Harvey York.

"You guessed right, I am the second young master of the Hoffman Family,
Ernesto Hoffman."

Harvey York smiled with great interest, but did not speak.
"I have a clear understanding of the White Swan Hotel."

Ernesto Hoffman spoke casually.

"Right or wrong doesn't mean anything to us."

"After all, you have been in the society for so long, and you should also know that
in this world, there are only the weak and the strong, there is no reason, and
there is no right or wrong..."

"I'm here for one thing!"

"Hand over my brother, and I will promise you that I will leave you a whole

"You should be satisfied with this condition, right?"

Harvey York smiled noncommittally and said, "Then don't I want to be grateful to

Ernesto Hoffman said lightly: "Of course you have to be grateful to me."

"Because after you die, I will represent the Jinling Hoffman Family and propose to
Mandy Zimmer for Danilo Hoffman."

"Although my younger brother is a worthless piece of shit, since he likes Mandy

Zimmer as a woman, as a big brother, of course I want to fulfill him."

"As for you, rest in peace under Jiuquan."

"Your wife, your sister-in-law, and my brother will take care of you..."

"Of course, if you don't want to hand over my brother, we have a solution."
"For example, I will ask Sasaki to beat all the people you value to crippled in front
of you."

"Let these people hate you and curse you for the rest of their lives..."

Obviously cruel words, but the things that Ernesto Hoffman said have a kind of
slow and natural taste.

The expression on his face made people feel extremely uncomfortable, as if he

was a huge python that could swallow people in one bite.

Taro Sasaki stepped forward and said with a sneer, "Idiot!"

"Hurry up and hand over Danilo Hoffman!"

"Or I'll kill you!"

Hearing Taro Sasaki's words, all the fashion girls laughed lightly.

They looked down at Harvey York with a high-ranking attitude.

It seems that a waste like Harvey York has no choice but to kneel when he
encounters a young man like Ernesto Hoffman.

"You threaten me like that."

"Should I say, I'm so scared?"

Harvey York smiled.

"Not only do you want me to hand over the culprit, but you also want to kill me
and marry my wife."
"What should I say, your Hoffman Family is too arrogant."

"Or should I say, you Ernesto Hoffman are too brainless?"

Harvey York's eyes were full of sarcasm.

He could naturally see that Ernesto Hoffman said these words to kill people.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for Harvey York to have any mood swings with
these words. He was not affected at all, but went back ironically.


"You actually dare to ridicule Second Young Master Hoffman?"

While speaking, Sasaki slashed the Audi car at the door with a knife.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you with a knife!?"

The island country long knife is extremely strong, but the moment the knife
slashed into the Audi car, the blade broke with a "clang", and the Audi car was

Sasaki couldn't help but froze for a moment, with an embarrassed look on his

Ernesto Hoffman's eyes also changed from joking to stunned.

Chapter 4643

This car actually broke the island's long knife?

It should be the top military-level thing.

Not to mention the price, the identity of the person who can buy this thing is
definitely not ordinary.

However, this kind of unusualness is only qualified to shock him a little in Ernesto
Hoffman's eyes.

Harvey York looked at Ernesto Hoffman with a half-smile, but did not explain, but
the depths of his eyes were filled with sternness and indifference.

"Harvey York, I know you are somewhat capable..."

Ernesto Hoffman was smoking a cigar at the moment, and said lightly: "I also
know that you and Alexa Joiner have a good relationship."

"But the question is, do you really think that if you hug Jinling Joiner Family's
thigh, you are qualified to provoke our Jinling Hoffman Family?"

"Alexa Joiner, a woman who has thanked her family, can still bring the entire
thankful family to support you?"

"In the end, you are just a door-to-door son-in-law who was swept out of the
door by the ninth branch of the Jean Family in the Mordu."

"Being right with our Jinling Hoffman Family, you don't have that qualification

"If I want to, I can make you die miserably just by raising a finger."

Ernesto Hoffman showed a gentle smile at this moment.

"Besides, let my brother marry your wife, and it is also a lover who will eventually
become a family!"
"As a civilized person, you have to understand at least that a twisted melon is not
sweet, but it is the truth of quenching thirst."

"So, you'd better listen to my advice and fulfill them, so that it won't be too
painful to die, and it won't hurt the people around you!"

At this moment, Ernesto Hoffman looks friendly and seems to be inducing.

But every word he said was extremely sinister and extremely cruel.

As for him who came and went in a hurry, although he had information in his
hand, he didn't take a closer look.

But according to Ernesto Hoffman's inference, Harvey York dared to call the
Hoffman Family because he hugged Alexa Joiner's long legs.

Ernesto Hoffman, who has a lot of thoughts about Alexa Joiner, is ready to kill
Harvey York even if there is no such thing as Danilo Hoffman.

Moreover, in his eyes, Harvey York, a son-in-law who came to the house, could he
find any more waves?

Looking at Ernesto Hoffman, who was extremely sinister at the moment, Harvey
York smiled slightly.

"How about this."

"Since you are so good at talking, Second Young Master Hoffman, then I'll have a
good chat with you and tell me about my conditions."

"I don't have any grudges with you, so maybe I can consider keeping the life of
your Second Young Master Hoffman for you first."

"But, Danilo Hoffman and Nana Hoffman are definitely going to die."
"Danilo Hoffman won't say anything."

"That Nana Hoffman, I want you to give her to me."

"As for you, kneel in front of me and respectfully kowtow a few times."

"I'll let you go today, and I won't bother you anymore."


"Of course, if you can get Araceli Hoffman to kowtow and admit his mistake, then
this matter can end here. I will return to the bridge with you Jinling Hoffman
Family, and the road will return to the road."

"I won't bother you anymore."


Having said that, Harvey York has a gesture of giving Jinling Hoffman Family face.

In fact, in terms of his true identity and energy, doing this is indeed a face for the
Jinling family.

"You let our Jinling Hoffman Family go?"

"Let my big brother and I kowtow to you and admit our mistakes?"

"Let me give you my sister?"

Ernesto Hoffman choked on a puff of smoke and coughed.

Then he looked at Harvey York with a smile at the corner of his mouth and said,
"York, are you sure you're not talking in your sleep?"
"Are you sure you're not daydreaming?"

"I'll give you a piece of advice. How about you wake yourself up with a slap, and
then talk to me?"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid you don't even know how high the sky is and how thick the
ground is..."

Chapter 4644

Harvey York smiled lightly and said, "No need."

"It's more convenient for you to kneel directly."

While speaking, Harvey York shook the Rolex watch on his wrist, glanced at it and
said, "For the sake of you being the second young master of the Hoffman Family,
I'll give you two minutes to think about it."

"Two minutes, if you don't kneel, I will make you kneel myself!"

Hearing Harvey York's words, Ernesto Hoffman sighed and showed a sneering

But Taro Sasaki couldn't bear it anymore. He took a step forward with the broken
knife and said with a sneer, "Second Young Master, no way, this kid is too good
at pretending!"

"I've been in Jinling for so long, and this is the first time I've met someone who is
so incompetent and capable of pretending!"

"I'm going to fuck him!"

Having said that, Taro Sasaki's Broken Knife pointed at Harvey York's nose, and
said coldly, "Boy, I'm not as patient as you are!"

"I'll give you a minute!"

"Hand over Danilo Hoffman!"

"Otherwise, I will kill all your relatives and friends in front of you first, and then kill

Accompanied by Sasaki Taro's movements, he heard all the people in suits with
gold threads appearing from all directions.

Those pretty girls even took out slender ladies' cigarettes and lit them one by
one. While puffing the clouds, they clearly felt that Harvey York's bastard's
pretense was too much.

Pretend, but you will be struck by lightning!

Harvey York ignored Sasaki, but looked at Ernesto Hoffman and said lightly:
"What? With an Akita dog from an island country, can you scare me?"

"If you don't take good care of your Akita, aren't you afraid that I will kill him?"

Ernesto Hoffman said with a half-smile, "Harvey York, if you say this, you have to
be responsible for the consequences yourself!"

"Sasaki is an international friend, a foreign guest."

"He kills you, he has the privilege to protect you, and he can't die."

"You hurt him, but it's an international dispute. It's very troublesome. No one can
protect you."
"So, if he's upset with you, I can't do anything about it."

"After all, I can't chill the hearts of my island friends!"

Having said that, Ernesto Hoffman changed his words and his expression turned

"Harvey York, stop the nonsense here."

"I'm talking to you in a good voice. I want to see that everyone is from Country H,
and I will leave you a corpse, so that your relatives and friends will know where to
go to burn incense during the festivals in the future."

"But you don't cherish it, and you don't know what's good or bad."

"You're not really stupid enough to think that you're qualified to be on an equal
footing with me and talk to me about conditions, right?"

"Don't be ashamed."

"If you are reincarnated eighteen times, it is impossible for you to be on an equal
footing with our Jinling Hoffman Family!"

"Do you know what the top ten top families represent?"

"So, I'll give you an ultimatum, one minute, no, there's only forty seconds left."

"Hand over my brother and commit suicide, then I'll leave you a whole body."

"The time is up, I can't see anyone, so I'm sorry..."

"I'll kill all the creatures in your blessed hall first in front of you!"

"Even if it's a turtle, I won't let it go!"

Having said that, Ernesto Hoffman stood with his hands behind his back, as if he
was planning to win thousands of miles away.

When several beautiful female companions heard the words, their eyes lit up.

This is the real prince!

People don't talk much!

A few words went straight to the topic. This is comparable to the fake second
generation who only speaks loudly. I don't know how many times it is compared!

Chapter 4645

In contrast to Ernesto Hoffman's domineering and extraordinary, Harvey York is a

poor and rude scumbag.

Harvey York squinted his eyes, smiled noncommittally, and said, "Isn't the second
young Master Hoffman ready to bully the young and unreasonable?"

Ernesto Hoffman said with a serious face: "That's right, it's just using more to
bully the less, and it's just unreasonable!"

Several beautiful women spewed the smoke from their mouths, looking at Harvey
York with a sneer.

What time is it, still pretend!

Load a ball! Load it!

At the moment, Sasaki Taro is holding a broken knife and stepping forward, with
a condescending attitude: "Idiot!"
"Don't kneel down and die for Lao Tzu!"

"Don't call anyone out!"

"Do you want Lao Tzu to freak out?"

The macho men in suits with gold threads all had grinning expressions on their


At this time, the sound of car engines suddenly came from the sides of the street,
making Jinling at night noisy.

Almost everyone was attracted by the loud noise.

Ernesto Hoffman and others looked at it subconsciously, especially Ernesto

Hoffman's face still had a bit of chill.

He wanted to see, under this circumstance, who would dare to harm his own
good deeds.

But at first glance, Ernesto Hoffman's eyelids jumped.

Because in the darkness, almost countless figures appeared, all of them wearing
black suits, their faces were indifferent and calm, and at first glance they were
powerful thugs.

The next second, someone shouted loudly, "Five hundred brothers from the New
Chamber of Commerce."

"Three hundred brothers in the Concierge Department of Evergreen Capital!"

"Two hundred brothers from Jinling Real Estate!"

"Come here and ask Young Master York for instructions!"

Harvey York stood with his hands behind his back, and said lightly, "They're all
adults, aren't you afraid of scaring Second Young Master Hoffman by doing such
a thing?"

"Even if you can't scare the second young master of Hoffman, it's not good to
scare the kittens and puppies on the side of the road!"



In the field, nearly a thousand people instantly quieted down.

But this quiet atmosphere is even more amazing and colder.

Looking at Harvey York's calm demeanor, he felt the chilling eyes around him.

The cigarettes in the mouths of several beautiful women couldn't help falling to
the ground, all of them were completely dumbfounded...

Ernesto Hoffman also looked a little ugly at the moment.

He could never have imagined that Harvey York had already made arrangements.

New Chamber of Commerce, Evergreen Capital, Jinling Real Estate...

These obvious forces are naturally nothing in the eyes of Ernesto Hoffman.

But behind the new coach is the hidden Shidu Family, the hidden Hidd Family
behind Evergreen Capital, and the hidden Luo family behind Jinling Real Estate...
To put it simply, the people Harvey York called already represented nearly half of
the six hidden families.

The energy behind this scene is already qualified to challenge the Jinling Hoffman

It can be said that being able to clean up Danilo Hoffman represents that Harvey
York is somewhat capable.

Holding Alexa Joiner's thigh, it means that Harvey York is good at it.

So Ernesto Hoffman felt that he had overestimated Harvey York as much as


Therefore, he immediately recruited all the people who could be recruited. He

originally thought that he could easily trample Harvey York to death.

But it was unexpected, but it was wrong, so wrong!

Two hundred men in suits with gold thread, no matter how good they are, they
are still insignificant in the face of nearly a thousand people who are banned.

The faces of those beautiful girls were extremely pale at this moment, and they all
huddled together and shivered.

And Sasaki Taro, there is also a cold sweat on his forehead at this moment, how
awesome he was just now, how scared he is now...

Chapter 4646

"York, who the hell are you!"

Ernesto Hoffman is not a fool, on the contrary, being able to become the second
young master of the Hoffman Family already shows that his ability is

After all, in the Hoffman Family, only those who have the ability can ascend to the

Being able to become the first person under Araceli Hoffman of the Jinling
Hoffman Family, Ernesto Hoffman's ability is also unimaginable for ordinary

He knew that there must be something wrong with the information he collected,
so he took a deep breath before slowly saying, "How come I never heard of
someone like you in Jinling?"

Obviously, he is also a person with a head and face in Jinling.

But a person like Harvey York should be a famous person. This is the first time he
has heard of it, which is really incredible.

The most important thing is that Ernesto Hoffman also saw Sean Gao, Daniel
Ovalle, Mateo Oliveira and others from the crowd...

These people, when they meet him on weekdays, are respectful, open to the
second young master, and close to the Hoffman Family.

However, at this moment, these people didn't seem to see him, Ernesto Hoffman,
but stood by Harvey York's side with a respectful attitude.

This made Ernesto Hoffman have to take a good look at Harvey York again.

Harvey York said lightly, "Jinling is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties."
"An ancient capital, with a population of 10 million, you won't know everything,
no matter how good you are, Second Young Master Hoffman?"

"Okay, stop talking so much."

"Kneel down, kowtow, admit your mistake."

"I won't kill you."

Daniel Ovalle and others also sneered: "Kneel down, kowtow, admit your

Nearly 1,000 people spoke at the same time, plus these thugs were all tall and
big, no matter how they looked at it, they could easily trample 200 men in gold-
lined suits to death.

So this scene is shocking.

The eyelids of Sasaki Taro and the others jumped.

If they had dared to scold them like this on weekdays, they would have slapped
each other away.

But now, they didn't dare to get angry, but looked at each other in dismay.

After all, they belong to the Jinling family!

What an awesome existence!

Kneeling down before you start, how can you hang around in Jinling in the

Even if they could kneel themselves, the Jinling family couldn't kneel!
This will bring shame to the signboard of Jinling Hoffman Family.

Seeing this scene, Harvey York sighed with regret, and then waved his hand.

The dark crowd stepped forward in an instant, but after a moment, all the people
brought by Second Young Master Hoffman collapsed to the ground, all twitching
and wailing.

The thugs of the Hoffman Family who can stop the children from crying at night
on weekdays are now as miserable as a dog.

"Idiot, I will kill you!"

Seeing that all the people around him fell down, Harvey York had a calm
expression on his face. At this moment, Taro Sasaki had an expression of anger
that turned from anger to fear.

He grasped the broken knife in his hand, and accelerated his pace, rushing
towards where Harvey York was.

Shoot people first shoot horses!

Catch the thief first catch the king!

In the eyes of Taro Sasaki, as long as Harvey York is taken down, then the crisis
will naturally be over!

At this moment, Taro Sasaki used up all his strength to suckle.

The broken sword of the island country in his hand transformed into several
sword shadows, obviously he also came from a powerful school in the island

It's just that Sasaki is stronger and Harvey York is stronger.

As soon as he approached Harvey York, he saw Harvey York slap backhand and
slap him directly in the face.


With a scream, Taro Sasaki flew out and smashed to the ground.


Chapter 4647

This touching scene directly shocked the audience for a whole year.

Those beautiful women gasped even more at the moment, screaming again and
again, and they didn't dare to despise Harvey York any longer.

Harvey York kept walking, took a step forward, and stepped on Sasaki Taro's calf
with an indifferent expression.

With a crisp "click", Sasaki broke a leg directly.

"Kneel down!"

Harvey York's words were indifferent, but like an imperial decree, with a taste of
having to obey.

Ernesto Hoffman was furious and said loudly, "Harvey York!"


Harvey York stepped on Taro Sasaki's foot again, and said lightly, "Kneel or not?"
"Kneel, kneel, kneel!"

"We all kneel!"

Seeing Harvey York's fierce and indifferent scene, all the thugs in the golden
thread suits knelt down one by one.

All the sticks and blades in their hands fell to the ground, and the clanging sound

After all, in the face of such a ferocious opponent, no one dared to continue
clamoring and showing off their might.

As long as you can survive, what if you admit it?

How about kneeling down?

There was no need for Harvey York to speak, Daniel Ovalle and the others
stepped forward directly, scrapped all the men in suits with gold threads, and
threw them out of the alley one by one, leaving only the strength to mourn.

Jinling Hoffman’s family, who had been menacing, was now only Ernesto
Hoffman who was able to stand completely.

"The surname is York!"

"Don't deceive people too much!"

Seeing this scene, Ernesto Hoffman's eyelids jumped, and then he opened his

"What can I say, it's also the second young master of the top ten top families,
Jinling and Hoffman Family!"
"I am in the upper circle of Jinling, and I am also a well-known big man!"

"You want me to kneel down!?"

"You are humiliating me!"

"Shame the Hoffman Family!"

Harvey York was noncommittal and looked indifferent: "Kneel or not?"

"I kneel on your face!"

Ernesto Hoffman was completely provoked, and his gloomy face was full of
hideous colors.

"Harvey York, a son-in-law who came to the door, just hugged the long legs of
the red-trained fairy from Joiner Family!"

"Do you think you are a character?"

"You think you can talk to me?"

"Let me tell you, let alone Jinling, no one can make me Ernesto Hoffman kneel
even if we look at the entire summer!"

"Because, our Jinling Hoffman Family cannot be humiliated!"

"Top ten top families, don't be deceived!"

"If you want me to kneel, you are not only fighting against me, but also against
the top ten top families, and against the entire upper-class circle of Country H!"

"Harvey York, do you dare!?"

"Do you know what you're facing?"

At this moment, Ernesto Hoffman was breathing hot air, and his eyes were red.

In addition to the top ten top families that cannot be shamed, he also has an
unknown identity.

He is one of the masters lurking in Jinling in the Hall of Longevity!

Compared with Araceli Hoffman, who is known to many related households in

the Hall of Longevity, Ernesto Hoffman is more low-key.

Because he is a dark child.

When an accident happened to Araceli Hoffman, he would stand up and take

over the secret son of Araceli Hoffman.

Over the years, Ernesto Hoffman has kept a low profile enough and worked hard
not to reveal his identity.

But when Harvey York stepped on his head recklessly, Ernesto Hoffman decided
that he should not hide it anymore!

He wants to kill the sky!

He wants Harvey York to know why the flowers are so red!

"Son of a bitch!"

"I'll let you know today!"

"What is a real master!"

The next moment, Ernesto Hoffman took out a long sword with his backhand.
Chapter 4648

"Big master?"

Harvey York looked at this scene, smiled lightly, and stretched out his index
finger to tick the position of Ernesto Hoffman: "Come on, let me see your

Ernesto Hoffman was provoked, his figure roared out, and the sword beams
gathered on the long sword in his hand.

"One sword breaks longevity!"

This move is the ultimate move taught to him by the Hall of Longevity. It is said
to be able to cross a small realm to kill people.

In addition, Ernesto Hoffman is a hidden first-level master of the king of soldiers,

so he is very confident in himself.

He felt that if he went all out to make a move, no one in Jinling would be his
opponent except Javier Shidu and Ferney Huo!

Even Araceli Hoffman doesn't like him!

But the next moment, Harvey York took a step forward, and then slapped it out!


In front of Harvey York, what a master of the king of soldiers, what crosses a small
realm, what a big killer move, is completely meaningless.
In Ernesto Hoffman's eyes, the moment Harvey York shot, all the surrounding
light suddenly disappeared.

There is only one palm that covers the sky and the sun, and it keeps expanding!

The next moment, Ernesto Hoffman's eyes turned black and his face hurt. He
smashed to the ground with a slap in the face, a scarlet slap print on his face, and
the long sword in his hand flew out.

Before Ernesto Hoffman could react, Harvey York took a step forward and
slapped his backhand again.


Ernesto Hoffman screamed, and his figure flew out again.


"Soldier King!"


"Great master!"


"One sword breaks longevity!"

"The Hoffman Family can't be humiliated!"

"The top ten top families are not allowed to commit crimes!?"

"You still carry out the upper-class circle of Country H to press me?"
"Are you worthy?"

Harvey York slapped his hands and scolded him with no face at all.

His slap was fast and precise, no matter how hard Ernesto Hoffman struggled to
avoid it, it would fall on his face first, causing Ernesto Hoffman to grunt, struggle,
and his face was extremely swollen.


"What if I insult you?"

"What if I offend you?"

"The mere Jinling Hoffman Family is a fart in front of me!"

"Danilo Hoffman is trash!"

"You are also trash!"

"Do you think you can get a bargain in front of me with your little skill?"

Ernesto Hoffman was slapped by Harvey York one after another, causing his nose
and mouth to bleed and roar again and again.

He is known as a master at the seed level of the Hall of Longevity, and is known
as the dark line of the Hall of Longevity in Jinling.

He has always regarded himself very highly, and thought that even Jinling's eldest
sons and daughters, none of them could be admired by him.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he was beaten by a door-to-door son-in-law

without the ability to fight back, and he was thrown into the air.
Moreover, Harvey York still used a slap.

Although in Ernesto Hoffman's eyes, Harvey York's slap was faster than one at a
time, and one was stronger than the other.

But a slap is nothing but a slap.

With a simple slap, he beat him, the great master of the Hall of Longevity,
constantly flying out.

This great master of the Hall of Longevity really can't stand it!

The most important thing is that no matter what, he can't resist it!

"Come, come, you so-called second young master of the Hoffman Family, come
and tell me!"

"How cool are you?"

"How humiliating are you?"

"I insulted you, what can you do to me?"

Obviously, at this moment, everything Ernesto Hoffman said just now has turned
into a big joke.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, Harvey York slapped him one by one,
slapped his nose blue and swollen, and slapped his cheeks scarlet.

Chapter 4649

At this time, Taro Sasaki on the ground was dumbfounded.

Harvey York was able to defeat him, he was not surprised, at most he was angry.

But Harvey York was able to fan the great Master Hoffman Zejun so easily, which
was really unimaginable for him.

In Sasaki Taro's view, Kanazawa Jun is an existence that can be compared with the
top ten talents of the island country!

It turned out to be like this, which is really...


In the end, Harvey York took another step forward and flew out with a slap.

Ernesto Hoffman, who flew out, twitched and struggled on the ground for a
moment. This time, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and there were a few teeth
in the blood.

He tried hard to support himself to stand up, but his whole body was shaking and

Only he knows how quickly his self-esteem, his conceit, and everything will be
destroyed under Harvey York's slaps one after another!

Seeing Harvey York walking in front of him, he raised his right hand indifferently.


Ernesto Hoffman knelt on the ground without any hesitation.


Really scared!

The next morning, seven o'clock.

Nana Hoffman walked out of the White Swan Hotel with a refreshing look on her

Not only did she help her third brother solve Mandy Zimmer last night, but to
celebrate, she also found a few niggers to celebrate.

Last night, she enjoyed an unprecedented happiness.

When she walked out of the hotel today, her heart was full of comfort.

In addition to being able to get the 500 million from Danilo Hoffman, there is
another point, that is, she has long been unhappy with Mandy Zimmer, who is
pure and clean.

Only by making Mandy Zimmer like herself, becoming a man who rides and
sleeps with thousands of people, can Nana Hoffman dissolve the envy, jealousy
and hatred of Mandy Zimmer in her heart.

Thinking that he not only fulfilled his wish and untied his knot, but also got 500

When Nana Hoffman walked out of the hotel, she almost raised her head and
sang "I really want to live another five hundred years."

And last night, because she was too happy, Nana Hoffman's phone was on mute.

Dozens of missed calls were all from her Ernesto Hoffman.

Ernesto Hoffman's status in the Jinling family is much higher than that of Danilo
So when she saw these calls, Nana Hoffman shivered smartly and didn't dare to
talk nonsense at all, but made a phone call immediately.

Ernesto Hoffman just said the Riverside Tea House in a cold voice, and then hung
up the phone.

However, Nana Hoffman did not dare to waste time, but came to the Riverside
Teahouse for the first time.

The teahouse in the early morning is different from the past.

However, it can still be seen that the place is full of luxury cars, and it seems that
so many people are waiting for a big man to have morning tea.

Nana Hoffman was shocked, but she thought it was because of the arrival of her
second brother Ernesto Hoffman.

After all, Ernesto Hoffman has a very noble status in her heart.

But when Nana Hoffman came to the top floor, the whole person was slightly
shocked, and her heart was full of surprise.

Because at this moment, in the middle of the hall on the top floor, there is a
round Hainan Huanghuali table.

There are one hundred and eight exquisite desserts on the table, in addition to
this, there are various kinds of tea.

And Harvey York crossed His legs and sat upright in the main seat, eating

He was also holding a copy of the Jinling Morning News in his hand, looking at
each one.
On one side, a tall and handsome man knelt on the ground, shivering, not daring
to look up!

Chapter 4650

Nana Hoffman took a careful look at the figure, and soon she began to tremble
with an expression of disbelief.

Because the person kneeling in the place is the second young master of the
Hoffman Family, Ernesto Hoffman!

In the past, Ernesto Hoffman, who was invincible and invincible, was a truly
powerful person who could invincible many princes and young people in Jinling.
Ernesto Hoffman, who only bowed his head a little in front of his elder brother
Araceli Hoffman, was now like a dog under water, embarrassed to an
unimaginable level.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

After the huge impact, Nana Hoffman stepped forward subconsciously, trying to
help Ernesto Hoffman up.

"You are the second young master of the Hoffman Family; you represent the
glory of the Hoffman Family!"

"How can you kneel here!"

"So what happened!?"

At this moment, Ernesto Hoffman did not speak, but looked at Nana Hoffman
with a bitter expression, wishing to strangle her to death with his own hands.
If it wasn't for Nana Hoffman and Danilo Hoffman joining forces, they would be
ready to overlord.

How could Danilo Hoffman become a missing person?

And how could he suffer such unimaginable humiliation?

If he had a choice, Ernesto Hoffman would rather he never stood up for Danilo

"Harvey York, how come you are your son-in-law?"

"What are you doing sitting in the seat that originally belonged to my second

At this moment, Nana Hoffman's eyes instinctively fell on Harvey York again, and
then she instantly burst into anger.

"What did you do to my second brother?"

"Did you threaten him?"

"What medicine did you give him!?"

Obviously, in Nana Hoffman's eyes, Harvey York is not even qualified to lick the
soles of Ernesto Hoffman's shoes.

But now Harvey York is sitting, while his second brother is kneeling, and he
knows with his toes that it must be what Harvey York, the son-in-law who came
to the house, used.

Harvey York looked sideways at Nana Hoffman, then he put down the newspaper
in his hand, finished his cup of tea, stood up, and walked out slowly.
When he walked out, every step he took, Ernesto Hoffman felt his eyelids jumped
violently, very unbearable.

However, Nana Hoffman, who has always looked down on Harvey York, did not
perceive the crisis, but subconsciously felt that Harvey York was too arrogant.

"York, do you think our Jinling Hoffman Family is a small family?"

"Is it something you can offend casually?"

At this moment, Nana Hoffman's face is full of hideous and stern expressions.

"I don't care what you do!"

"I don't care what means you use!"

"Anyway, you let my second brother get up immediately!"

"Do you understand!?"

"Otherwise, I can pinch you to death by raising my finger..."

Harvey York smiled faintly, stretched out his right hand and raised Nana
Hoffman's pointed jaw, and suddenly smiled: "Anyway, he is also a person like a
flower and a jade, why don't you do anything?"

"Killing you, it seems a little bit tricky..."


Nana Hoffman screamed and took a step back, her face full of fear.

"Harvey York, how dare you touch me!?"

"How dare you touch me like a piece of shit?"

"What right do you have to move me?"

"Do you know that if you touch me, I will not be clean!"


Harvey York was too lazy to listen to Nana Hoffman continuing to babble, but
slapped her backhand.


Nana Hoffman screamed, and the whole person flew out and smashed to the

At this moment, her skin was ripped apart, blood was bubbling from her nose
and mouth, and she was extremely embarrassed.

"Bastard, brat, you dare to hit me!? Do you know who I am!"

"Who gave you the courage!"

Chapter 4651


Harvey York didn't wait for Nana Hoffman to finish babbling, but slapped
backhand and slapped Nana Hoffman's cheeks red and swollen, and her face was

She covered her face and fell to the ground staggeringly, looking angry,
aggrieved, and unbearable.
"Second brother, although I'm not your sister, but we are also related by blood!"

"I'm also a member of the Jinling Hoffman Family!"

"How could you just watch me get beaten up by a son-in-law who came to my

"And for no reason!"

At this moment, Nana Hoffman couldn't believe it at all, how could anyone dare
to be so arrogant in front of her and beat herself.

"Our Hoffman Family can't be humiliated!"

"This is what you taught me from childhood to adulthood!"

"Do you forget it!?"

Ernesto Hoffman's eyelids twitched and the muscles on his face twitched, but he
didn't dare to say anything, but kept silent.

Kneeling in front of Harvey York last night has made him lose all his so-called
self-esteem that cannot be shamed.

Under such circumstances, what courage does he have to challenge Harvey York?

"For no reason?"

A playful expression appeared on the corner of Harvey York's mouth.

"For your ulterior purpose, you asked Mandy Zimmer out last night and gave him
"She treats you as a good sister, but you treat her as a bargaining chip..."

"You are a piece of shit and shoes, and you hope that all women in the world are
like you."

"What? Nicole made you so cool last night, so you forgot what you did?"

"Or, at this point, you still feel that you are innocent, that you still feel that you
have nothing wrong?"

Harvey York said every word, and although he had a smile on his face, his words
were indifferent.

Every word he said carried an unspeakable aura, which made people daunting
and dare not look directly.

It's because of Mandy Zimmer!?

It's actually because of Mandy Zimmer!?

Nana Hoffman reacted completely at this time!

It turned out that Harvey York came to trouble him because of Mandy Zimmer's

And most of this matter has been known by the Jean Family of the Mordu!

No wonder Harvey York, a son-in-law who came to the door, dared to be so

arrogant and imposing!

This is a big trump card!

It's just that, hasn't Harvey York been swept out by the ninth branch?
How can you still walk with the Jean Family in the Mordu now?

Mostly, the Jean Family in the Mordu didn't want to hurt the friendship between
the top ten top families, and wanted to get enough benefits from this incident, so
they let Harvey York, the son-in-law who came out, jumped up and down!

From this, it can also be inferred that what happened last night should be raw
rice cooked rice!

No wonder Harvey York, who hasn't touched Mandy Zimmer's finger for three
years of marriage, is so angry!

However, Nana Hoffman has already reacted at this moment!

Harvey York is just a dog of the Jean Family in the Mordu. Now he is biting
people, but when the Jean Family in the MorYuly Shiduts enough benefits, then it
will naturally be fine.

At that time, it is naturally cooked by rabbits and dogs!

In other words, his 500 million is destined to get it!

"Hahahaha, I just said, no wonder you are so arrogant, let my second brother
kneel down, and dare to slap me!"

"It turns out that you think you can do whatever you want with the support of the
Jean Family in the Mordu!"

Nana Hoffman thought she saw the truth.

"I tell you, it's useless!"

"Harvey York, I have always looked down on you for a reason!"

"Because you're just a piece of trash, a complete waste!"

Chapter 4652

"You are relying on the tiger skin of the Jean Family in the Mordu, and you dare
to come and shout in front of me!"

"Once the Jean Family in the Mordu sweeps you out, you won't even be a fart!"

Obviously, in Nana Hoffman's self-righteous cognition, Harvey York's confidence

came from the Jean Family in the Mordu.

Otherwise, even if he was given courage for a day, he would not dare to provoke
the Jinling family.

After all, this year, only the top ten families can fight against the top ten families.

Harvey York smiled noncommittally, his eyes slightly mocking.

For such a self-righteous vicious woman, he is not even interested in explaining.

"Harvey York, let me tell you, what happened yesterday was what Mandy Zimmer

"She and my brother Danilo Hoffman are in love with each other, and they are
dry wood and fire!"

"You are a former son-in-law, it's useless to be jealous!"

At this time, Nana Hoffman returned to a high and commanding attitude, and
she continued to speak with a domineering face.
"After a while, I will teach Mandy a good lesson and let her know the right and
wrong, and all this will be over!"

"Mandy will definitely forgive me!"

"In the future, she will thank me!"

"And you, who dared to beat her good best friend, relying on the power of the
Jean Family in the Mordu, and the Jinling family can't get through!"

"Harvey York, you are finished, your fate will definitely be extremely miserable!"

"I want to take a good look at it, under such circumstances, how can you finally
act like a tiger!"

"How can you bully people..."

After all, he's just a door-to-door son-in-law who can't get on the stage. Do you
really think you are very capable?

Obviously, Nana Hoffman feels that her identity is here.

No matter what she did to Mandy Zimmer, and the raw rice was already cooked,
Mandy Zimmer would definitely be soft-hearted and forgive when she begged,
and swept Harvey York out of the house.

Afterwards, Nana Hoffman showed off her mobile phone and prepared to start

However, no matter how she dials, the other party is always busy.

This makes this year's complexion change slightly, and the look is ugly.

"Nana Hoffman, stop jumping up and down and be a clown jumping beam!"
Looking at Nana Hoffman who was still clamoring at the moment, Ernesto
Hoffman's eyelids twitched, and then he couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

"Kneel down! I order you to kneel immediately and apologize to Young Master

"Pray for Young Master York's forgiveness!"

"Otherwise, you are doomed!"

At this moment, Ernesto Hoffman can't wait to take out a firearm and kill Nana
Hoffman directly. He has seen a lot of people who don't have long eyes.

But a woman like Nana Hoffman who doesn't have much ability but doesn't have
long eyes, he really has only seen such a woman!

"Kneel down and apologize?"

"To Harvey York?"

"Do you think I might do this?"

Nana Hoffman had a look of disdain on her face. To her, Harvey York was just a
son-in-law who was a fox and a tiger.

How could she possibly apologize to a door-to-door son-in-law?

Kneel down?

This is simply a big joke in the world, right?

"Second brother, why are you so afraid of Harvey York?"

"He is a door-to-door son-in-law, and he is relying on the Mordu Jean Family to
show off his power!"

"Even if you don't dare to use the Hoffman Family's energy casually because of
your eldest brother, but you are the second young master of the Hoffman Family,
you can still be afraid of a dog from the Jean Family in the Mordu!?"

"If you're really that scared, Harvey York will be completely useless when I call
Mandy and let her recover her energy!"

"At that time, Harvey York, without the support of the Jean Family in the Mordu,
will be just a dog under water!"

Chapter 4653

Nana Hoffman didn't think there was anything wrong with her cognition at all.

Instead, she felt like she saw all the truth.

In her eyes, Harvey York is nothing.

As for what she did to Mandy Zimmer, she felt that she had already cooked rice
with raw rice anyway. Could it be that Mandy Zimmer could still defy the sky? Can
you completely lose face?


During the conversation, Nana Hoffman called Mandy Zimmer's phone in front of
Harvey York again.

It's just that the opposite side is always busy, and no one answers.

She also sent WeChat and text messages, but still no one responded.
Even on the WeChat chat interface, she saw a red exclamation mark.

When she saw this exclamation mark, Nana Hoffman finally reacted and finally
realized it.

She was blocked!

In her eyes, the good best friend, Mandy Zimmer, who has always been obedient
to her, actually blocked her?

How dare Mandy Zimmer?

How does Mandy Zimmer match?

At this moment, Nana Hoffman was extremely angry.

She reacted, stared at Harvey York viciously, and said loudly, biting her teeth, "I

"It's you!"

"It was you who reversed right and wrong, and you gave Mandy Zimmer pillow
air, so she blocked me!"

"From the beginning to the end, you are just a villain who sows discord!"

"But you have to know that no matter what happens between me and Mandy, we
are still good friends and good girlfriends!"

"You are a son-in-law who has been swept out of the house long ago, if you dare
to take action, you will be abolished!"
Obviously, Nana Hoffman believed that Harvey York's slanderous accusations had
falsely accused her, and Mandy Zimmer had blackmailed her.

"York, I'm in a good mood today, and I don't want to bother with you!"

"You kneel down, kowtow to me and admit your mistake, and go as far as you

"The affairs between our top families are not something you can mix with your

"You can't even mix it up!"

Harvey York ignored Nana Hoffman who was like a clown jumping on the beam
at the moment, just squatted down, patted Ernesto Hoffman's face, and said
lightly: "Have you thought about it?"

"If you want to die, just hit the ground directly, so as not to get my hands dirty."

"If you want to live, you have to vote for me."

"Everyone is in the arena, do you understand what I mean?"

Ernesto Hoffman nodded and bowed, the next moment he directly took out the
firearm attached to his waist, and in Harvey York's indifferent eyes, he aimed
directly at Nana Hoffman.

"Second brother, what are you doing!"

"Are you crazy?"

"You can do what Harvey York this waste asks you to do?"

"Have you become one of his dogs?"

Ernesto Hoffman shook his head, even without Harvey York's instructions, he
wanted to kill Nana Hoffman, a silly woman.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several shots were fired.

Nana Hoffman let out a scream, her limbs were shot, she fell to the ground and
kept crying.

"In the next life, be a smart person, you are really stupid."

Ernesto Hoffman stepped forward and pressed the gun to her forehead.


The sound of firearms came out, and Nana Hoffman's face was still unwilling and
unbelievable, and then she slowly stopped breathing.

"Yes, it's kind of interesting..."

Harvey York said lightly.

"Fuck off."

"But remember what I said, send every move of Araceli Hoffman to my

designated mailbox every day."

"Remember, including how many meals he ate and a few sips of water a day..."

Listening to Harvey York's indifferent tone, and seeing Harvey York's figure
turning away, Ernesto Hoffman's eyelids twitched wildly.
He knew very well that the moment he pulled the trigger, Harvey York had
already completely grasped it.

Unless he can find someone, he will solve Harvey York directly at one time.

Otherwise, he can only do what Harvey York says!

He is Harvey York's dog!

Thinking of his dignified second young master of the Hoffman Family, he actually
turned into a dog that came to his son-in-law, Ernesto Hoffman was unwilling,
but in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

Winning the king and defeating the bandit has always been the case.

Chapter 4654

Harvey York didn't take Ernesto Hoffman's affairs too seriously.

He wasn't going to kill Ernesto Hoffman directly now.

After all, Nana Hoffman and Danilo Hoffman are both members of the Jinling
Hoffman Family no matter what.

The Jinling Hoffman Family, which is one of the top ten top families, suddenly
died of two clan members, which would cause a huge disturbance.

Even Araceli Hoffman, who has always been vigilant, will completely shrink back
and stop shooting.

Therefore, Harvey York needs a character like Ernesto Hoffman to appear.

Harvey York believes that since Ernesto Hoffman has handed in his name, he will
wipe his ass clean even for his own sake.

So he simply left.

As for the unwillingness and resentment in Ernesto Hoffman's heart, Harvey York
did not take it seriously.

On the contrary, this kind of unwillingness and resentment is often the driving
force for progress.

Maybe because of this incident, Ernesto Hoffman can run and die with Araceli

Thinking of that scene, Harvey York was still looking forward to it.

As for whether Ernesto Hoffman is a member of the Hall of Longevity, Harvey

York doesn't care.

What he cares about at the moment is how Araceli Hoffman will handle this
matter in the end.

Of course, regarding Araceli Hoffman's next move, Alexa Joiner was also staring
at him.

So he won't worry either.

Not long after Harvey York left the riverside restaurant, an Audi A8 that had been
parked on the street slowly drove over, and then the driver's window rolled down,
revealing Lizandro Parada's face.

"Young Master York, have things been settled?"

"Is there anything you need me to solve?"

Harvey York smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for the concern of the Parada
Department, but the Hoffman Family should be able to solve the problem of the
Hoffman Family themselves."

"I don't need your intervention."

Obviously, Harvey York also knew very well that there was a sound of firearms in
this area, but as a result, no outsiders approached rashly, and Lizandro Parada
mostly helped secretly.

"Okay, since Young Master York said so, I won't say more nonsense."

Lizandro Parada simply and neatly changed the topic.

"Are you free today?"

Harvey York frowned slightly, then remembered something, and said, "Go and
show you the feng shui of Parada's ancestral village?"

Last time, Lizandro Parada said this, but Harvey York never had time to take a

"Young Master York, I'm really sorry, something's really wrong with our Parada
family ancestral village recently."

"And my old man doesn't want to leave."

"It can be said that if it weren't for this, I would be embarrassed to disturb me at
this time."

Obviously, Lizandro Parada knew what Harvey York was busy with recently.
Harvey York and Alexa Joiner teamed up to find trouble in the Hall of Longevity.
In fact, it was also related to the interests of the six hidden families.
Therefore, Lizandro Parada also felt a little embarrassed to ask Harvey York to
take action at this critical moment.

"Brother Parada, stop talking nonsense."

Harvey York opened the co-pilot's door and walked in.

"For me, Brother Parada, your family's affairs are mine."

"And no matter how busy I am, it's not less than a day or two, right?"

Lizandro Parada sighed and said, "Then thank you Master York. With your words,
I won't feel embarrassed."

"But before that, friendship is friendship."

"You can't charge less for a while, understand?"

While speaking, Lizandro Parada started the car, and then the car drove

Soon, the car entered the old town of Jinling.

This area, when it was the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, was an imperial
city, and ordinary people could not approach it at all.

After driving for a while on the fairly spacious gravel road, the car entered a
magnificent gate.

Chapter 4655
Looking at the huge willow nails on the door, Harvey York could only sigh, it was
indeed a thin camel that was bigger than a horse.

The ancestral home of the hidden Parada family is said to be low-key.

This should be the former palace.

It’s just not comparable to the size of the Forbidden City in Wolsing, about one-
tenth the size of the Forbidden City.

But the fact that the Parada family can continue to live in this place has actually
demonstrated the importance of the Leduc Family to the Parada family and the
terrible power of the Parada family.

However, Harvey York thought about it and felt that it was normal. The Sun and
Moon Dynasty, the ancestor of the Parada family, was the last Han Dynasty in
Country H. After that, the Braid Dynasty was already invaded by the border
nation, and it was not considered orthodox in Country H.

Against this background, the Leduc Family acquiesced that the Parada family
lived here, which seemed to be a matter of course.

Soon, the car stopped at the door of a courtyard that looked extremely delicate.

This place occupies quite a large area, and there are red walls and red tiles

The door of the car opened, and Harvey York walked out slowly. He narrowed his
eyes and looked at the former palace, frowning slightly.

There is no evil or bad luck in this place.

Some kind of twilight.

It seems that there was an extremely strong aura that appeared in this place, but
now it is dark and twilight.

However, even if there is only a trace of twilight, it can still support the firm
position of the leader of the six hidden families, the hidden Parada family.

However, once this twilight dissipates, I am afraid that the Parada family...

Harvey York frowned slightly, but didn't say much at the moment.

After all, he still hasn't figured out why this twilight anger came.

At this time, Lizandro Parada got off him, and after he made a gesture to the men
in uniform carrying live ammunition on both sides of the door, he walked in with
Harvey York.

This courtyard is not spacious, but it has nine bends and eighteen bends, which
can be said to be extremely delicate.

Shoushan stone, Taihu stone and other decorations can be seen everywhere,
making the whole courtyard look like a royal atmosphere.

On the way, you can also see a lot of guards. These people are basically hidden in
the shadows of the buildings, and they stare at the passers-by with indifference.

Harvey York took a few glances and knew that these people were not only
masters of martial arts, but also reached the pinnacle of the use of modern

The strength of the hidden Parada family can be seen to be able to afford so
many masters.

Soon, Lizandro Parada took Harvey York to the edge of a fish pond in the center
of the courtyard.
This place is warm and sunny, making people feel comfortable just by looking at

On the corridor on the edge of the fish pond, there is a small pavilion.

At this moment, there is a person standing with his hands behind his back,
holding a few bait in his hand, and occasionally throwing it out, it makes the
golden carp in the fish pond jump up one after the other.

It seems that this simple act of feeding the fish is the only pastime this person
has in his spare time.

Harvey York squinted slightly and looked over, and he could see that although
this person was already old, at least sixty years old, he still carried an unspeakable

Obviously, he should be the head of the Jinling government, the head of the
hidden Parada family, Francisco Parada!

This one has an unspeakable aura on his body, and Harvey York can see that he is
well-official and has an extraordinary aura without looking at his Yintang.

It is not at all that the brothers Lizandro Parada and Felipe Parada can be

At this time, Lizandro Parada waited until Francisco Parada had fed all the bait in
his hand before stepping forward and said respectfully, "Father, Master York is

Chapter 4656
After the report was over, Lizandro Parada gave Harvey York a look, with an
expression that hoped Harvey York would give some face.

Harvey York smiled silently, and also stepped forward: "Junior Harvey York, I have
seen Old Parada..."

Before Harvey York could finish his words, Francisco Parada turned his head back
lightly and glanced at Harvey York.

"Boy, your Feng Shui physiognomy doesn't seem very good..."

Harvey York was slightly taken aback: "I'm not very good at it?"

He secretly called Francisco Parada, after all, his Feng Shui physiognomy is really
not good.

What he understands is murder, not feng shui.

Lizandro Parada was startled: "Father, I can't say that, Harvey York's Feng Shui
physiognomy is the number one in Jinling..."

Francisco Parada said coldly: "I do things in a forward-looking way, fearful of the
head and tail, and I want to be in the limelight, and I am afraid of the follow-up

"Even how lucky the opponent is, I can't tell if I should provoke it..."

"Is such a person really a Feng Shui master?"

Speaking of which, Francisco Parada, who was not angry and arrogant, looked at
Harvey York lightly, and said, "So, what qualifications do you have to come to our
Parada family and show our Parada family Feng Shui?"

Harvey York was stunned for a moment, and soon understood.

On his way here, I am afraid that Francisco Parada has already made people
investigate what he has done.

But in the eyes of this superior, he was not strong enough, nor decisive enough,
so the other party looked down on him.

"I can't even do this little thing..."

Francisco Parada looked at Harvey York indifferently with his hands on his back.

"Where did you get the qualifications to enter our Parada family's door?"

"Look at the feng shui of our Parada family?"

"Do you think you deserve it?"

Francisco Parada's eyes were indifferent, but he seemed to be able to see

through everyone's thoughts.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have been cowardly in an instant when he

stared at him a few times.

Harvey York thought for a while, and said, "Feng Shui is one way, don't pay
attention to one power and ten guilds, but talk about priorities..."

"Many times, cleverness is not necessarily worse than gravity..."

"Due to the situation, let go of the other party's breath, wait until the breath is
almost exhausted, and then take action to break the root, isn't it easy?"

"People who look at Feng Shui, pay attention to being a person who makes the
best of the situation and transforms the four liang into a thousand gold..."
"Those who are good at conspiracy are also used to winning more with less..."

Harvey York said here.

"I feel that some people, some people, are not worthy of me doing my best."

"Just do whatever you want, just do whatever you want."

Harvey York's words were indifferent, but he was tit for tat with Francisco Parada,
and at the same time carried an unspeakable confidence.

"You are so confident that you can control the whole situation with such a little

Francisco Parada's face showed a smile that was not a smile.

"In my opinion, you are looking forward and backward, indecisive..."

When Lizandro Parada heard that Harvey York and Francisco Parada were playing
the game, he quickly recalled that they were talking about Ernesto Hoffman.

He was just a little curious. No matter how good Ernesto Hoffman said it, he was
not qualified to be in the eyes of his own father.

Even a character like Araceli Hoffman is despised by his own father.

A mere second young master of the Hoffman Family, what qualifications does he
have for his father to pay attention and mention it?

However, Lizandro Parada is also a smart person. Although he can't read or

understand, he is waiting quietly at this time, ready to see what the two of them
can say in the end.
Feeling Lizandro Parada's curious sight, and feeling the lightness of Francisco

Harvey York knew that if he didn't explain this matter clearly, I'm afraid he really
wasn't qualified to take action.

Chapter 4657

"Ernesto Hoffman, no matter how arrogant you say it, he's just a second young
master of the Hoffman Family!"

"In the Jinling Hoffman Family, the younger generation, only Araceli Hoffman is
the person who can speak."

Harvey York didn't hide it either.

"Because Araceli Hoffman is not only a direct descendant of the Hoffman Family,
but also has extraordinary talents and extraordinary martial arts."

"The most important thing is that he is suspected to be the most important

person in Jinling in the Hall of Longevity."

"It's a little troublesome for me to deal with him."

"The reason why I let Ernesto Hoffman go is to let him see my connections and
my martial arts."

"I just want him to know that among the younger generation in Jinling, there are
not many people who can suppress Araceli Hoffman."

"But I'm definitely one of them!"

"As long as he wants to be in the position, he will definitely provide me with
enough information and information 1"

"Because he has calmed down and will understand that I am the best person to
suppress Araceli Hoffman."

Harvey York said this and smiled slightly: "So from this point of view, Ernesto
Hoffman will not betray me, but will go all out to help me."

"Even, I can use Ernesto Hoffman's hand to pull out all of Araceli Hoffman's

Francisco Parada frowned slightly and said, "It's easier said than done."

"In terms of Araceli Hoffman's methods, it is too difficult for Ernesto Hoffman to
calculate him!"

"In my opinion, killing Ernesto Hoffman directly is much simpler than this layout."

Harvey York smiled and said, "It's just idle chess, you can try it..."

"It is naturally good to have an effect."

"If it doesn't work, I'll do it again."

"It's not in a hurry anyway, right?"

"After all, fishing always requires some patience."

"What's more, what I want to catch is not only Araceli Hoffman, but also the Hall
of Longevity behind him!"

Having said this, Harvey York looked calm.

"The Hall of Longevity is the source of everything."

"Just Araceli Hoffman, what is it?"

Francisco Parada's expression was noncommittal, and he could not see joy, anger,
sorrow or joy. Then he stepped forward, patted Harvey York on the shoulder, and
nodded, which was regarded as approval.

This action looks simple, but it shows that he was persuaded by Harvey York.

Lizandro Parada also breathed a sigh of relief, and hit the railway while it was hot:
"Dad, I said it long ago, my brother York is very good!"

"Do you believe it now?"

Francisco Parada nodded slightly, in recognition of it.

Lizandro Parada continued to strike while the iron was hot: "Can we let Young
Master York show our family the feng shui of the ancestral village?"

Just as Francisco Parada was about to nod his head, at this time, a very delicate
voice came from outside: "Grandpa Parada, where are you?"

When Francisco Parada heard this voice, he smiled softly and said, "It's Luisa who
is here."

"I heard that she used the relationship of the Wang Family to find a real master in
the west to show our family Feng Shui."

"Come on, let's go have a look."

After saying this, Francisco Parada also glanced at Harvey York and said with a
smile: "Western astrology is also very powerful."
"Brother York, take a good look at it, maybe it can be helpful to your Feng Shui

Lizandro Parada on the side whispered: "Young Master York, Luisa Wang is the
daughter of the hidden royal family, and has always studied in the West."

"And she only believed in Western astrology."

"I really didn't know that he came today, and he brought a so-called master from
the West, I'm really sorry..."

Chapter 4658

Hearing that the other party's surname was Wang and that he had a good
relationship with the Parada family, Harvey York immediately understood.

This should be the only one of the six hidden families that he has not come into
direct contact with.

It is fate to meet here today.

Therefore, Harvey York smiled and said: "It's okay, since there are Western
masters here, let's go and see together."

"I've heard that Western astrology does have some ability."

"Maybe this master can explain the feng shui problem of this house in one

"Yes, you are very good."

When Francisco Parada heard the words, he patted Harvey York on the shoulder
again, obviously he was very satisfied with Harvey York's mentality and

A group of three walked out of the courtyard in nine bends and eighteen bends,
and soon, they saw more than a dozen men and women entering the hall in front.

The leader is a woman who looks delicate and soft, with an incomparably cold

She was wearing a Su-style cheongsam with dark lines of cloisonne on it, which
looked extremely soft.

She also held a long-barreled bong in her hand. Occasionally, when she took a
puff, sweet smoke whistled out.

And beside her, there was also a Westerner wearing a Western Vatican uniform.

The Westerner is in his thirties, he is very tall and straight, with blue eyes and
white muscles, and he has an arrogant demeanor, making him look very aloof.

Behind the two of them, there were more than a dozen Westerners, all wearing
the missionary uniforms of the Western Holy See, and holding small suitcases in
their hands, which seemed to contain a lot of strange things...

"Grandpa Parada, this is a bishop from the Western Holy See, a top student in the
seminary, Ordas."

"Mr. Ordas is not only proficient in the Bible, but also very good at Western
astrology and exorcism."

"He once personally helped the royal family of the French Empire to see the feng
shui astrology and changed the tradition that the descendants of the royal family
died early!"
"I think as long as Mr. Ordas is willing to take action, he can easily solve the
problems the Parada family is encountering now!"

Seeing Francisco Parada walking out, the glamorous woman Luisa Wang quickly
stepped forward and introduced the person behind Francisco Parada directly.

Francisco Parada was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "This is
the Western Holy See, the bishop of Divine Might Prison, Mr. Ordas?"

Ordas looked smug, obviously not expecting his name to be heard in the
mysterious ancient country of the East.

At the moment he smiled and said: "Hello, respected Parada, I am very happy to
have the opportunity to serve you!"

"I heard that your Parada family was also a royal family in the past, and I have
always served the royal family."

"I'm very experienced in this regard."

"Luisa Wang, you are amazing!"

Lizandro Parada couldn't help nodding at Luisa Wang.

After all, Divine Might Prison is a very important department in the Western Holy
See. There are only twelve bishops in total, and they are very powerful in the
Western Holy See.

Ordas, as the head of the twelve bishops of Divine Might Prison, all his
subordinates are top students who graduated from the seminary.

Not only can they read the feng shui astrology, but they can also exorcise evil
spirits and suppress disasters. They can be called all-rounders!
Legend has it that some legendary creatures occasionally appear in the Western
world, and for evil, they are all suppressed by the Divine Might Prison.

Just by looking at this, you can see how powerful Ordas is.

However, Ordas is a very strange person. He has a mysterious obsession with

gold, so he is obviously the bishop of Divine Might Prison, but he often goes to
work everywhere, and every time he charges ten pounds of gold.

Chapter 4659

However, although Ordas's fees are expensive, he does have the ability.

I heard that he once suppressed the werewolves of the Tsarist Russia, the river
gods of the island countries, etc., which can be called terrifying and powerful.

In order to obtain his asylum, many royal families in Western countries hire him
as a consultant with a large amount of gold every year.

The world's top tycoons even ask him to use a crystal ball to show himself their
fortune or something.

Although this Western set of physiognomy and the traditional feng shui
physiognomy of Country H can be said to be two completely different theories
and systems, but Lizandro Parada saw the emergence of Ordas, and it was a little
more to solve the problem of the ancestral house. confidence.

"When I was studying in the West, I accidentally met Mr. Ordas."

"So this time I asked him to come over to help Parada's family check Feng Shui."

"Ordas brought the team here without saying a word!"

"You know, many royal nobles have worn their mouths, and Mr. Ordas will not

"The bishop of Divine Might Prison is not a miscellaneous existence!"

Francisco Parada didn't care too much, but smiled and said, "You have a heart."

Harvey York glanced at Luisa Wang and felt that although this glamorous woman
looked cold and glamorous, she was actually a person with a cold face and a
warm heart.

For the sake of the elders, it's good to use such a big favor.

"This one is the first master of our Jinling Jifu Hall, Harvey York."

Francisco Parada pointed to Harvey York, but he didn't hide it.

"Today, if you want to help our Parada family look at Feng Shui, I'm afraid I have
to compare it with one or two."

Lizandro Parada also smiled and said, "Luisa, don't look at Young Master York, he
is a famous Feng Shui master!"

"Now the entire upper-class circle in Jinling is proud to be in contact with Young
Master York!"


"You still want to fight with Bishop Ordas?"

Luisa Wang stared suspiciously at Harvey York, looked up and down, and then
said with disdain.
"As young as he is, what Feng Shui does he look at?"

"And, maybe even a slap from me can't stop it."

Harvey York's eyes twitched when he heard this, and he took a step back

It was not that he was afraid of Luisa Wang, but that he felt that the glamorous
woman in front of him was completely different from what he imagined.

In case she is unhappy and comes to have two moves with herself, and she
accidentally hurts her, it will be too disrespectful to Francisco Parada.

Seeing that Harvey York seemed to be backing away because of fear, Luisa Wang
was immediately disdainful and snorted: "Grandpa Parada, you can see it too, this
guy is a coward!"

"How could he be the opponent of Bishop Ordas?"

"What's more, in my opinion, our traditional Feng Shui physiognomy in Country

H is all a lie!"

"I heard that many masters in China have come to help Parada's family see Feng

"But after so many years, hasn't the Parada family's fortune changed?"

"If you want me to say, let this guy get out of the way."

"Don't be embarrassed here."

Speaking of which, Luisa Wang looked at Harvey York with disdain, as if she was
ashamed because of the appearance of such a liar in Country H.
Harvey York looked at Luisa Wang lightly, smiled and said: "Yintang is red, his
eyes are as bright as peaches and plums, his face is crimson, and his pores are

"It means that you have had a peach blossom luck recently, but it should be a
rotten peach blossom!"

"If I guessed correctly, the man who was chasing you was found out by you that
he was a married man, and he was so angry that his menstrual period was not

"Your Bishop Ordas is so powerful, why didn't you cut this rotten peach blossom
for you?"

Chapter 4660

Harvey York's words were indifferent, but the expression on Luisa Wang's face
froze slightly.

Her eyes were full of unbelievable expressions, and she obviously didn't expect
that Harvey York could actually see her troubles.

At this moment, Luisa Wang's eyes sank sharply, her face changed sharply, and
she shouted: "Okay you bastard!"

"You actually followed me!?"

Harvey York smiled lightly.

"I'm not interested in a woman like you."

"And before today, I never saw you at all."

"Where am I going to follow you?"

"Tracking with what?"

Hearing this, Luisa Wang's expression froze slightly, and then she snorted with
her nostrils: "I admit that you are somewhat capable, but you are definitely not as
powerful as Bishop Ordas!"

"How can Country H's Feng Shui physiognomy be comparable to the Western
Holy See's astrological physiognomy!?"

"How can you be the opponent of Bishop Ordas with such little skill?"

Harvey York smiled lightly: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let your bishop take

Francisco Parada and his son watched this scene with great interest. After all, the
traditional feng shui techniques of Country H and the astrological techniques of
the West were very interesting.

Moreover, among the six hidden families, Luisa Wang has always been a little
princess-level existence.

It was the first time their father and son saw Luisa Wang so deflated.

Luisa Wang looked at Harvey York coldly, and then walked to Ordas's side,
chattering in Western dialect.

Ordas originally had an indifferent expression, but after listening to it at this

moment, he smiled slightly, and then waved his hand, and the priests behind him
began to disperse quickly.

Tarot cards, crystal balls, planetariums, holy grails, etc. all appeared.
And judging from the shape of these things, they are all very old antiques, and
should be regarded as external magic tools in Western traffic.

After all these things were set up, Luisa Wang squinted at Harvey York and said,
"Boy, have you never seen these things in the Western world?"

"Are you surprised?"


"I tell you, the methods of the Western Holy See are not what you can imagine!"

"It's just this set of tarot cards, you won't be able to see through the secrets
contained in it!"

Having said this, Luisa Wang's expression became more and more proud.

"That's it, how do you compare to Ordas!?"

Harvey York said lightly: "The problem of the Parada family's ancestral house is
just because the anger is heavy."

"I can see it at a glance."

"Unless you are not good at learning, who needs to use these messy instruments
to make a move?"

"Yo hoo, did you see the situation?"

Luisa Wang had a noncommittal expression on her face.

"You didn't even look at a compass, and you didn't even take out this century-old
"You said that you can see the problem of Parada's feng shui?"

"I think you're either guessing or talking nonsense, trying to get our attention?"

"Grandpa Parada, I've said it a long time ago, none of these charlatans can't be

"Can't believe what they say, understand!?"

Without waiting for Francisco Parada to speak, at this moment, Ordas had already
picked up the tarot card in his hand and recited something. After a while, he put
down the tarot card and whispered: "Mr. Parada, there is a big problem with your
Parada family's ancestral house. It was originally here. A breath of it will be

"I suggest that your ancestral house be demolished immediately, or even blown
up directly, and then move out with the whole family!"

"Otherwise, within three months, there will be catastrophe!"

Chapter 4661


Hearing this, Luisa Wang gasped, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

On the one hand, she could not have imagined that the problems in the Parada
family's ancestral house would be so big.

On the other hand, she didn't expect that Harvey York could immediately identify
the Parada family's problem.
Even Francisco Parada glanced at Harvey York with great interest at the moment,
obviously very interested in his methods and attainments.

Lizandro Parada's eyelids jumped, and he subconsciously said, "How is that


"Will something big happen to our Parada family within three months?"

"What are you kidding!?"

Francisco Parada waved his hand and said, "My question."

"Actually, I should have left this ancestral house a long time ago, but I should
have feelings for my homeland and want to keep this ancestral family business,
so I am reluctant to leave..."

"I didn't expect that it might actually hurt you..."

"It was my fault!"

Having said that, Francisco Parada looked at Ordas and said, "Protagonist Ordas,
do it."

"It's fine to blow up my ancestral house, or sacrifice my old man alive."

"But I only have one request, and that is that after the event is completed, this
event will not affect our children and grandchildren."

Obviously, many masters should have said similar things to Francisco Parada.

So at this moment he is inevitably a little disheartened.

Luisa Wang didn't care about being shocked at the moment, but said loudly:
"Yes, Mr. Ordas, hurry up and take action!"
"Only you can save the Parada family!"

"The Parada family can't be in trouble, and neither can Grandpa Parada!"

Luisa Wang looked excited.

Francisco Parada smiled lightly and said, "Luisa, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"And our hidden Parada family is in the same spirit, and it will be fine."

"Mr. Parada, I can take action, but I have a habit!"

"That is, before making a move, you must clarify the risks."

Ordas looked serious.

"Either your feng shui masters in Country H, or our Western astrology!"

"To put it bluntly, it is to suppress that breath with feng shui methods!"

"But now, the breath of your Parada family has become dull!"

"I can break it up and suppress it, but I can't make sure that after handling it, it
won't affect the luck of your Parada family..."

"Even if it's not right, I can't even make it through three months!"

"Simply put, the stakes are high."

Luisa Wang was stunned for a moment, then said with a condensed expression:
"Protagonist Ordas, what are your chances and confidence in this matter?"
Ordas looked solemn. After a while, he stretched out two fingers and said softly:
"Twenty percent, or even thirty percent..."

"It's too high..."

"Two or three percent?"

Francisco Parada smiled lightly.

"There is only such a small chance of winning?"

"Then let's not deal with it."

"Even if it's only three months to survive, it's enough for our Parada family to
properly arrange the funeral."

"After all, it is better to live on and die than to die outright!"

Although Francisco Parada is not clear, how such a big crisis will come.

But these days, he has begun to notice that the Parada family seems to be being
watched by someone.

Once the luck of the air is exhausted, I am afraid that some people will
unscrupulously want to swallow this dragon energy that belongs to the Parada

Lizandro Parada was also slightly taken aback: "How is it possible..."

"Our Parada family has only three months to live?"

"how can that be!?"

Chapter 4662

Obviously, for Lizandro Parada, he could not accept it.

The Hidden Parada family, which is now the leader of the six hidden families, has
only three months of fortune after 600 years?

how can that be!?

Francisco Parada was not as surprised as Lizandro Parada, he just smiled lightly
and said, "Okay, this is the end of this matter, and don't ask so many people to
come to see it in the future."

"Bishop Ordas is not easy to come."

"You prepare a pound of gold for him, which is a little bit of our heart."

Obviously, for Francisco Parada, time is extremely precious now, and the Parada
family must use the remaining three months to do enough things.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, the Parada family will be doomed, and there will
be no way out in the end.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the only way out is to make the
people of the hidden Parada family become completely ordinary people.

Francisco Parada also wants to understand now, and is ready to stop fighting with
the sky.

Ordas is also a shrewd person, how can he not know Francisco Parada's mind at
this moment.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Parada!"

"It's just that I'm here this time, and I can't help!"

"So, I am too embarrassed to accept this gold."

"This time, just treat it as my friendly cameo."

Luisa Wang on one side was still unwilling to give up: "Mr. Ordas, can't you really
think of another way?"

"The hidden Parada family can't fall!"

Luisa Wang knew very well that the six hidden families were of the same spirit,
and if the hidden Parada family collapsed, the Wang Family might also be

After all, in Jinling, they are the same as the six hidden families, and their lips are
dead and their teeth are cold!

"Putting down the Parada family Courtyard is the only way I can think of at the
moment, and I still have to spend a month to prepare!"

"Other than that, there is no other way!"

Ordas opened his mouth with an ugly expression.

"Either, try this less than 30% chance, or three months later, the family will be

Luisa Wang was silent for a moment.

For a big family like the hidden Parada family, they will definitely choose to make
good use of these three months, rather than gamble at this time.
Just when the atmosphere in the field solidified, Harvey York suddenly came out,
glanced at Francisco Parada, and said, "Old Parada, I can settle the situation of
your Parada family."

Luisa Wang's face was uncomfortable at first, but her face turned cold when she
heard the words: "Boy, can you stop talking nonsense!"

"Even Bishop Ordas is not absolutely sure!"

"You actually said that you can solve this yourself!?"

"What are you kidding!"

Ordas also smiled slightly, with a sarcastic look on his face.

He has traveled all over the world and has seen many charlatans.

Normally, these charlatans wouldn't even dare to fart in front of him.

But today Harvey York actually said such words in front of him, which really made
Ordas very interesting.

He has long heard that there are many great figures in the mysterious ancient
country of the Far East.

But Harvey York is not a big man no matter how you look at it!

Francisco Parada looked at Harvey York with great interest, and said lightly:
"Brother York, if you take action, how confident are you that you can solve our
Parada family's affairs?"

Harvey York opened his mouth lightly, but it was earth-shattering, shocking the
"Hundred percent, 100 percent certainty!"

Chapter 4663

"Ten percent!?"

"One hundred percent certainty!?"

Luisa Wang went into a frenzy at the moment.

"Harvey York, can you stop blowing!"

"Blow again, and the sun will come out from the west!"

"How dare you say ten percent?"

"Do you think you're acting now?"

On the other hand, when Lizandro Parada heard Harvey York speak, he
subconsciously stepped forward and said, "I believe in Young Master York!"

He felt that Harvey York's actions had always been calm and calm.

Since he said he was 100% sure, then he was 120% sure!

"Young man! You are very good!"

"At least I didn't have as much courage as you when I was young, and I dared to
come out like this to be kidnapped!"

Ordas looked at Harvey York with disdain.

"It's just that it's okay to pretend to be a fool or cheat, it all depends on your own

"Grandstanding, there is no good end to us here!"

"I put my words here today, if you can solve this matter!"

"I will follow your Country H rules, kneel down for you, and respect you as a

Obviously, Ordas has always been smooth sailing over the years, and the name of
Divine Might Prison Bishop also has great authority.

No matter what happens, he said that if it can be solved, it can be solved.

He said that the odds of winning are the odds of winning.

Now that Harvey York slapped him in the face like this, he didn't give him any
face at all. If he questioned his judgment, he, Ordas, was of course unhappy.

And the several beautiful preachers and handsome priests behind him looked at
Harvey York with disdain.

Moreover, Westerners have never known what a courtesy is, so the contempt and
disdain on their faces at this moment can be said to be undisguised.

For them, this was a situation that even the astrology of Bishop Ordas' sacred
artifact could not solve.

How can an ordinary oriental monkey have any qualifications and confidence to
say that he can solve it?

Are you kidding!?

Luisa Wang also sneered: "That's right!"

"If you can solve the Parada family's problems, I will call you a good brother in
the future!"

"Whatever you ask me to do, I will do it!"

"It's okay if you want to marry me!"

"Anyway, if you can solve the problem, I'm yours!"

"But if you can't solve the problem, I'll kill you!"

Obviously, Luisa Wang felt that Harvey York was here to make trouble.

She was accustomed to the Western style of doing things, but at this moment
she didn't have the demeanor that a lady should have.

Harvey York was speechless; I have no interest in you tigress.

Also become my woman, I don't want it.

Therefore, Harvey York didn't bother to pay attention to Luisa Wang at the
moment, but turned to look at Francisco Parada and said, "Old Parada, do you
want to believe me?"

"If I make a move, I can rejuvenate your hidden Parada family's precarious anger!"

"Of course, after your hidden Parada family has been subjected to my means, I
am afraid there is still a hurdle to overcome!"

"But as long as you get through this hurdle again, I guarantee that you will be
hidden from the Parada family for another hundred years!"
Hearing Harvey York's words, Francisco Parada's eyes flashed with a hint of

He has met many Feng Shui masters, but this is the first time he has met
someone as confident as Harvey York!

It can only be said that this young man is indeed not easy!

At least, this confidence is not something ordinary people can have, right?

"Harvey York, did you talk nonsense?"

"Ten percent?"

Francisco Parada said with a smile.

Chapter 4664

Harvey York nodded lightly and said, "It's ten percent."

"it is good!"

Francisco Parada raised his head and laughed, and seemed to make up his mind
instantly, and then he said solemnly: "Since you are very confident, Brother York, I
will take the fate of the hidden Parada family and bet with you!"

"Little friend, do whatever you want."

Obviously, in Francisco Parada's eyes, he is more interested in Harvey York, who

dares to say that he is 100% sure.

Luisa Wang saw that Harvey York, a shrewd man, had actually won the trust of
Francisco Parada, and she couldn't help but lose her voice: "Grandpa Parada..."
Alston's handsome face turned black instantly, and then shook his hands: "No,
Mr. Parada, no!"

"If you let this liar mess around, something big will really happen!"

"At that time, even I can't solve it."

"Ok, deal."

Francisco Parada smiled and put his hands on his back.

"Harvey York, how are you going to solve this?"

"Is it also demolishing my ancestral house?"

At this moment, Luisa Wang stared at Harvey York with a cold expression on her
face, and said coldly, "Bastard, if something happens to the Parada family, I will
definitely let you be buried with me!"

"Even I will let your family, friends, all come to be buried with you!"

Harvey York ignored Luisa Wang, but squinted at the location in the courtyard,
smiled and said, "I don't know what to do yet, but I'll find out soon."

While speaking, Harvey York didn't talk nonsense, but took a step forward with
his hands on his back.

Looking at the direction Harvey York walked out, Francisco Parada's face showed
a hint of thought, but he didn't say anything, but quickly followed.

Following Harvey York's walk, an ancient hall appeared in front of him.

The decoration of the hall is antique, and at first glance it looks like something
from the era, and in the middle of the hall, there is a portrait wearing a dragon

The owner of the portrait has a shoehorn face, which looks very ugly, but he is
also born with an unspeakable domineering.

This one is the ancestor of the hidden Parada family, the emperor of the beggar,
Parada Ba!

And this portrait should have been handed down from the time of the Sun and
Moon Dynasty.

After hundreds of years of wind and clouds, it can still remain the same, which
can be said to be rare.

Such things can be called national treasure-level cultural relics.

Harvey York squinted at the portrait for a long time before slowly saying: "Old
Parada, the problem of your hidden Parada family lies in this portrait..."

Francisco Parada was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

How does a portrait affect the fortune and even the fate of the hidden Parada

"The person in the painting, although a hidden ancestor of the Parada family, is
also a generation of emperors!"

"This painting should be a real-life version drawn by a master for him. It is not
only full of charm, but also imposing!"

"I even suspect that the blood of your ancestors was used in the painting, so this
painting will be full of beauty..."
"In addition to the sacrifices in the deep palace of the Sun and Moon Dynasty for
hundreds of years, this portrait has already been contaminated with one thing,
that is, the emperor's dragon spirit..."

"Royal Dragon Qi, exclusive to the royal family!"

"If the Sun and Moon Dynasty is still there, this emperor's dragon energy will
naturally be able to shelter the hidden Parada family for thousands of years."

"However, the Sun Moon Dynasty has now been destroyed for three hundred

"This royal aura that could have sheltered your hidden protagonist, but without
the blessing of an emperor's aura, has turned into a dark and twilight aura..."

"Once this twilight qi completely dissipates, your hidden Parada family will be

Chapter 4665

Hearing Harvey York's words, Francisco Parada had a thoughtful expression on

his face.

Luisa Wang said coldly: "Return to the emperor's dragon spirit?"

"The feng shui issue of the Parada family is so exaggerated by you that you think
it's a movie!"

Obviously, in Luisa Wang's cognition, what Harvey York said are all plots in Hong
Kong and Taiwan movies, and who really believes who is stupid.
On the contrary, Ordas showed a hint of thought, and then he took out a crystal
ball and began to look at it.

It's just that if you look at the dragon energy in the east with Western astrology,
you will definitely not see anything coming from it.

Harvey York ignored these people, but whispered a few words to Lizandro

Lizandro Parada was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, but he
quickly turned and left.

A few minutes later, there was an old iron plate in his hand, which was used to
burn paper money downwards.

"What the hell is this for?"

"Is it possible to prepare incense to ask the ancestors to forgive?"

"The ancestral money of the East is so mysterious?"

Ordas and a group of beautiful missionaries all looked at each other.

"Isn't this a joke on the Internet?"

"If the ancestor's money is useful, what do we priests do?"

Luisa Wang's face turned black at the moment, as if Harvey York was simply
going to burn some paper money to solve this matter, she would definitely slap
the liar.

"Director Parada, set fire to..."

Harvey York ignored other people's gazes, but spoke softly.

Lizandro Parada stepped forward, took out a box of matches and lit it.

The next moment, Harvey York flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood flew out,
landing directly between Parada Ba's eyebrows in the portrait.


An invisible sound resembling a dragon but not a dragon and a tiger but not a
tiger rang out at this moment, spreading in the minds of everyone, very shocking!

And where people can see with the naked eye, they can see the original bright
and beautiful portrait, which seems to be carbonized at this moment.

When Harvey York moved, he ripped off the portrait, rolled it up, and threw it
into the iron plate.

Lizandro Parada struck the match and threw it directly.


At this moment, it was like cooking oil on a raging fire, it was obviously just a
little spark, but a pillar of fire suddenly shot up into the sky at this moment, and
seemed to let out an unwilling roar.

And if you look closely, the pillar of fire seems to be somewhat dragon-shaped.

"Bastard! You are a waste of money!"

Seeing this scene, Luisa Wang was completely shocked.

"Do you know the meaning of this thing to the hidden Parada family?"

"Do you know this is a national treasure?"

"You do this, do you know the consequences!?"

In the screams, Luisa Wang wanted to rush over and slap Harvey York, but was
stopped by Francisco Parada himself.

And those beautiful missionaries all looked regretful, looking at Harvey York's
expression as if looking at a fool.

After all, in their eyes, if this kind of thing is auctioned, it will cost at least several
hundred million.

"Twilight, dissipated!?"

Compared with the others' incomprehension, Ordas frowned fiercely at this


He looked in all directions with a shocked expression, and was surprised to find
that the twilight aura shrouded in the hidden Parada family ancestral house had
gradually dissipated at this moment, and was replaced by a brand new aura.

Ordas subconsciously looked at where Harvey York was.

I saw that Harvey York didn't know when to take out a chopstick and a dinner

He stretched out his chopsticks and moved in the iron plate, and soon, he picked
up the remaining portrait.

This is just a corner of the portrait with a carp...

Chapter 4666
Harvey York put the carp painting on the dinner plate, and then put it back on
the place where the portrait was originally hung.

Then he said lightly: "Old Parada, from now on, no outsiders are allowed to enter
this place for three days."

"Three days later, if the carp portrait is burned clean, then the hidden Parada
family can last for at least a hundred years."

Francisco Parada looked at this scene in astonishment, and after a while he

nodded slightly.

At the same time, I don't know if it was a psychological effect, Francisco Parada
felt that his tiredness slowly disappeared, and his qi also dissipated.

Instead, it is full of energy, like the second spring.

And Ordas, who has been observing Francisco Parada, also has a ghostly
expression at the moment: "How is it possible!? How is this possible!?"

Luisa Wang said strangely: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"No no no, there is no problem!"

Ordas's mouth was bitter, and his face was unbelievable.

"When I entered the hall just now, I could see that Mr. Parada was covered in

"The entire ancestral home of the hidden Parada family is also shrouded in

"However, now not only has the Twilight in the Parada family's ancestral house
disappeared, but also the Twilight in Mr. Parada's body..."
"This, this, this is simply a god-like method!"


"Magic Eastern Power!"

Ordas didn't want to believe it, and he didn't think there was anything special
about Harvey York's simple actions just now.

But the truth is beating.

That is, Harvey York's method is simple and rude, but the effect is obvious.

In his opinion, the situation was very complicated, but it was solved so simply.


"York, you must tell me why this is!"

"Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep tonight!"

At this moment, Ordas was almost on his knees. He hoped to find the answer to
the mysterious eastern power in Harvey York.

Seeing Ordas jumping up and down, Luisa Wang and others were completely

"It's simple."

Harvey York didn't have a bad impression of Ordas, and he didn't hide it at the

"Fengshui is one thing, mysterious and mysterious."

"Many times, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is metaphysics."

"And in our big summer, the dragon has represented the royal family since
ancient times."

"And the hidden Parada family is no longer the royal family, so the royal road
dragon energy, naturally there is no way to protect them..."

"But, in the legend of our Country H, there is another thing..."

"That is, the dragon is actually transformed by the carp."

"Fish leaping from the Dragon Gate, that's what it's all about!"

"And a fish can turn into a dragon, and a dragon can naturally turn into a fish!"

"When a dragon turns into a fish, it represents a new life..."

Harvey York's eyes fell on the carp with the fragment of the scroll, and said
lightly: "From now on, the Parada family will start all over again..."

"But after all, it's a dragon-like fish, so the foundation is still..."

"do you understand?"


"Doing this to regenerate the Parada family's qi? Is it similar to the legend of our
western phoenix reborn from ashes?"

Ordas suddenly realized.

"So it is, so it is!"

"I can't think of such a good method!"

"Master York is indeed a master!"

Ordas is very clear, don't look at Harvey York's simple words, but the picture is set
on fire, but only the carp is left. This is not something ordinary people can do.

If it was him, Ordas, if he went on fire, I'm afraid there would be nothing left.

The hidden Parada family must also be finished!

Chapter 4667

So at this moment, in Ordas' eyes, Harvey York is definitely a master figure.

At least several times better than his Ordas cattle ratio.

At this moment, Ordas didn't talk nonsense, but knelt down with a "pop".

"Master York, you have a saying in the East called a promise of gold!"

"So from now on, you are my teacher!"

"The teacher is up, please accept the students!"

The voice fell, and Ordas kowtowed directly.

This scene made all the beautiful missionaries present stunned and speechless.

After all, Ordas is known as the youngest bishop and the most terrifying genius of
the Western Holy See in ten years.
But now he is kneeling in front of an Oriental?

this this this...

my Lord!

A group of missionaries and priests looked at each other, not knowing what to
show at this moment.

At the moment, Luisa Wang's eyelids jumped, but she remembered her previous
promise to Harvey York, she finally walked over with gritted teeth slightly, and
said, "Harvey York, just now I was blind, from now on, I am... ..."

"Mr. Ordas, stop joking!"

Before Luisa Wang could say the word "woman", Harvey York interrupted him
directly, and then helped Ordas on the ground.

"I'm not qualified to be your teacher!"

"Old Parada, remember my words!"

"I go first!"

When the words fell, Harvey York patted his butt and left.

Just kidding, he didn't want to have another woman here inexplicably, a woman
from the hidden royal family.

He wasn't so hungry that he didn't choose food.

After all, Luisa Wang's identity background is there.

Coupled with her strong style, if she enters her own fish pond, then I am afraid
that none of the fish will be able to live better.


Walking out of the house of the hidden Parada family, in front of him, a
Lamborghini Gallardo that had been waiting for a long time slowly started and
stopped beside Harvey York.

Then the car window rolled down, revealing Alexa Joiner's charming face.

"Young Master York, would you like to sit in my co-pilot with honor?"

Harvey York smiled, but he was not polite, but opened the car door and got in,
and then said with great interest: "Thank you, Miss, how did you know that I
would appear here?"

Alexa Joiner smiled and said: "I got the news today, you come to help Parada's
family to see Feng Shui."

"I believe that with your means, it will definitely be solved perfectly."

"And after the solution, the Parada family was in a hurry, so naturally they forgot
to pick up your distinguished guest."

"Then I'll help the Parada family and give you a ride!"

"Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

Harvey York nodded slightly, looking at Alexa Joiner's intelligence a little more.

However, he still thought about it and said, "Is it the matter of the hidden Parada
family? Apart from you, the other five hidden families are also very concerned
about it?"
"It's just that in terms of their identities, it's too obvious that it's not good to

Alexa Joiner smiled sweetly and said, "That's right, the six hidden families are of
the same spirit."

"The Parada family, the head of the six families, has a problem, and the other five
families naturally care."

"If you care about it, you will be confused. Of course, you don't dare to come and
see it closely. You can only let me, an outsider, come and see it..."

"Now Young Master York, you have solved this matter, so congratulations!"

"The six hidden families will all owe you a huge favor..."

Chapter 4668

"What's the meaning?"

Harvey York frowned slightly.

He heard something in Alexa Joiner's words, presumably, a lot of big things have
happened these days.

"In order to prevent Araceli Hoffman from doubting your ability and purpose, I
deliberately don't tell you about some things."

"But in fact, these days, it seems calm, but there are a lot of big things!"

Alexa Joiner didn't hide it this time. She took out her thermos cup, poured a cup
of Pu'er tea for Harvey York, and smiled.
"The Parada family and Joiner Family have already completely met Wayner."

"He didn't know where he found a lot of big players in the arena, and launched a
lot of attacks on us."

"I judge that the dragon energy of the hidden Parada family will deplete so fast,
and it should also have something to do with Wayner."

"However, you directly resolved the troubles of the hidden Parada family today,
so Wayner's careful layout is destined to be cracked by you."

"Besides that, you will also be in the sight of Wayner and Araceli Hoffman, so
there is no need to hide these things from you, Young Master York..."

Harvey York smiled and said, "So it is."

"Then you will be attacked and killed by Wayner obediently? No response?"

Alexa Joiner smiled sweetly and said, "How is that possible?"

"All ten poison masters under my command have taken action."

"It's a pity that all of them are now invisible to life and death, but Wayner is

"In this kind of confrontation, it is difficult to really separate life and death."

"So, Wayner has said today that he will die with us in his arms."

"And we decided to fight him to the end after you solved the big trouble of the
hidden Parada family, Young Master York."
"Jinling is the Jinling of the six hidden families. There are too many secrets in this
place, and it must not fall into the hands of the Hall of Longevity..."

Harvey York nodded slightly. Although he didn't know much about the rivers and
lakes, he could hear how much blood and blood was contained in Alexa Joiner's
simple words.

"Did Araceli Hoffman stand up?"

Harvey York smiled lightly.

"Stand up."

Alexa Joiner had a sarcastic smile on her face.

"Araceli Hoffman has already released his words. He said that this incident will
not only affect Jinling's good economy, but also make Jinling turbulent and even
attract the attention of Wolsing."

"So, Araceli Hoffman suggested that this matter must find a simple solution!"

"He demanded that both parties must give the Jinling Hoffman Family face, and
stop fighting and killing like this!"

"If you really want to fight, go to the ring to decide the winner!"

"Whoever wins on both sides has the final say!"

"Wayner wins, then the Hall of Longevity will be able to have a hall in Jinling in
the future, and Wayner will return strongly!"

"And if we win, Wayner will just die!"

Alexa Joiner saw that Harvey York had finished drinking the tea, her pretty face
was a little red, I don't know if it was because she was a little embarrassed by the
indirect kiss.

Harvey York didn't notice this, but smiled lightly.

If he wanted to, he would have known it long ago.

Just in order to maintain the image of a master in Feng Shui and let Araceli
Hoffman take the bait, he didn't do anything deliberately.

"Although it seems that Araceli Hoffman stood up for the interests of Jinling,
hoping to suppress the chaos and losses of all parties in Jinling within a certain

"But his fox's tail has leaked out. If you think about it, you can see that he is
inclined to the Hall of Longevity..."

Harvey York spoke lightly.

Chapter 4669

"No matter how powerful Wayner is and how many people there are in the Hall
of Longevity, the situation in Country H is now on the bright side. It is impossible
for the Hall of Longevity to mobilize people to Country H without restrictions."

"So, his energy should be extremely limited."

"Wayner lacks the strength at hand, and it is very likely that he can't even match
his peak in Jinling."

"And the attacks and kills he launched these days are likely to be his trump
"Facing Jinling Joiner Family and the six hidden families at home, Wayner is likely
to have turned into a paper tiger now."

"If everyone comes to fight and kill for ten days and a half months, it is very likely
that people from the Hall of Longevity will kill Wayner without you having to do

"After all, no matter how good the Hall of Longevity is, it is impossible to keep
losing like this forever."

"And Araceli Hoffman stood up at this time, it seems that it is for the good of

"But if you think about it carefully, you don't even want your face anymore, you're
pulling the strings!"

Harvey York said with emotion, and at the same time he also felt that fishing
these days may not be useless.

Araceli Hoffman finally couldn't take it anymore.

The fox tail leaked out.

"Young Master York is Master York."

Alexa Joiner smiled slightly, alluring the country.

"A group of us discussed it all night before we came to this conclusion."

"I didn't expect to be broken by you, Young Master York."

"I think, as long as we kill each other a few times, Wayner is afraid that the last
piece in his hand will be finished."
"It's just that since Araceli Hoffman of the Jinling Hoffman Family has stood up,
their top ten top families, at a certain level, can also represent the right to speak
for the new elite."

"So, we can't help but give Araceli Hoffman face!"

"The result of our discussion is that since we want to fight in the ring, we will

"When we get rid of all the people under Wayner who can fight, I'll see how Yan
Que is still making waves after watching it."

Harvey York nodded slightly and said, "When will the ring be played?"

Alexa Joiner said with a smile: "A week later, the Southwest Tianmen Martial Arts
Hall will decide the outcome and life and death..."

Harvey York thought for a while and said, "Is there enough manpower? Do I need
someone to come?"

Alexa Joiner shook her head and said, "You don't need to worry about this,
Young Master York."

"For the sake of our Jinling structure, for the secrets of the six hidden families of
Jinling and the Jinling Joiner Family, we will definitely be of one mind."

"Now the masters of all parties are rushing back."

"Even Javier Shidu is prepared to sit in the town himself, and when necessary, he
will appear on the stage himself."

"With Javier Shidu here, Wayner can't make any waves!"

Having said that, Alexa Joiner had a smile on her face, obviously she was very
confident about this matter.

Seeing Alexa Joiner's expression, Harvey York frowned slightly.

He knew very well about such a heroic character as Wayner. It is impossible for
such a character to hit a stone with an egg without being fully prepared.

Alexa Joiner and others, I'm afraid they think things are too perfect!

One bad, this time it will capsize in the gutter!

As soon as he thought of this, Harvey York took out his mobile phone, sent a
message overseas, and at the same time sent another message to George Zabel.

The time is too tight, and I am afraid that we have to start from two directions
before it is possible to figure out these things.

And almost at the same time, in the Zimmer Family villa.

Lilian Yates had a sad expression on her face.

But suddenly, her phone vibrated violently.

After a while, Lilian Yates's face brightened: "What?"

"Young Master Hoffman is going back to Jinling?"

Chapter 4670

The next day, Harvey York appeared in Jifutang as usual.

These days his reputation in Jinling is getting bigger and bigger, and his name is
getting louder and louder.

It can be said that big figures from all over Jinling will try their best to come to
Jifutang to get a number, and come to ask about the fortune if they have nothing
to do.

Harvey York was too lazy to have too much contact with these people, but he had
no choice but to receive them.

This is called people in the rivers and lakes, involuntarily.

This day, Harvey York was busy until the afternoon, and when it was almost time
for his lunch break, he saw a group of people wearing martial arts robes walking

The breath of this group of people is terrible, but the moment they walked into
Jifu Hall, they all quickly restrained their breath, becoming a little servile and

It is John Shidu and Yuly Shidu father and daughter duo.

Harvey York glanced at them, then motioned them to sit down, and continued to
do his own business.

"Master York, are you busy?"

John Shidu didn't show the gesture of showing off his power in the past at all,
and now he has a smile on his face.

"If you have anything to do, we'll come back later!"

While speaking, he took Yuly Shidu and the two to the side of the sofa and sat
down, waiting quietly.
And Yuly Shidu, who was a bit arrogant and domineering, sat obediently on the
side just like his father at the moment. There was no hatred in her eyes, but more
of an unspeakable worship.

Harvey York didn't pay any attention to them, but invited them to eat together
after he was busy with his own affairs.

It's just that Marisol Yegar went out today, and he's not there. The cook is Sean
Gao, so this meal is just a simple egg fried rice.

But John Shidu and Yuly Shidu were both flattered.

"Old Shidu, I'm sorry, I don't have a big meal here to greet you."

Harvey York motioned Tian Zora to serve John Shidu tea, and then smiled.

"Otherwise I'll be the host tonight and invite you to a big meal?"

John Shidu quickly shook his head and said, "Master York is too polite. I came
here uninvited. Logically speaking, I should be the one who treated the guest!"

"If you are interested, Master York, I will be the host tonight."

Harvey York smiled, how could he miss this meal, it was just a courtesy.

Therefore, Harvey York did not respond at the moment, but smiled and said:
"Okay, I have eaten and drank tea, why don't you just say it directly, what are you
doing here today?"

It stands to reason that John Shidu needs to come back in half a month, and he
doesn't need to appear now. After all, the deadline set by himself and him is to
come once a month.
"It's okay, nothing else."

"Since you took action, Master York, I have recovered seven or eight percent. Not
only do I need a wheelchair now, but I have become a master again!"

Obviously, John Shidu knew Harvey York's character very well, and he didn't hide
it at the moment.

"Today, there are two things that I have asked Master York to solve."

"First of all, thank you Master York for your generosity, and for raising your

"After your instructions, after I went back, I have unblocked several of my

daughter's acupuncture points according to your instructions."

"But I don't know how to make her recover completely. I would like to ask Master
York to give some pointers."

While speaking, John Shidu called him a very respectful one.

He also took out a check that had been prepared for a long time, and handed it
to Harvey York respectfully.

Chapter 4671

"It's not my money, but a little thought from my daughter."

"This is her own private money, she said it is for dowry, please don't be polite,
Young Master York!"

John Shidu said with a smile, the number above is not much, 8.88 million!
However, the delicate signature above made Harvey York's mouth twitch.

If he really took this money, wouldn't it be equivalent to taking Yuly Shidu's


This old thing!

Harvey York was too lazy to talk nonsense, but directly stretched out his hand
and buckled on Yuly Shidu's pulse gate.

Yuly Shidu was shocked, his delicate body was trembling, his face was red and his
ears were red.

Soon, Harvey York let go of his hand and said, "There is no major problem. For
the next half month, she will take a bath with salt water every day. Remember,
don't stimulate the internal breath for half a month."

"After half a month, you can recover."

"Also, in the future, it's best not to bully men and women, act recklessly, and beat
people at every turn."

"As long as you are at peace and be kind to others, then there will be no

"But if you are too serious and want to be unscrupulous and show off your
power, then I'm afraid you will relapse, or even destroy you completely."

Harvey York doesn't have much affection for Yuly Shidu, but if the other party is
willing to reform and become a new person, he doesn't mind giving another

After all, martial arts cultivation is not easy.

"Thank you, Young Master York!"

There is no need for John Shidu to speak, Yuly Shidu has already spoken softly at
this moment.

"In the future, I will definitely follow Young Master York's teachings and be a
good person!"

Obviously, she has no hatred for Harvey York, only infinite admiration and

After all, if Harvey York wanted to destroy her, it was only a matter of one palm,
and it was also a matter of a few words to save her.

It can be said that the two sides are really different.

Under such circumstances, what qualification does she have to be unconvinced?

"No, I don't think that's enough!"

John Shidu suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, with an angry expression on his

"In order to give you a chance, Young Master York has violated his own

"No matter what, you have to thank Young Master York, and you have to

"Look, there are so many guests in this episode of Futang, but none of them even
bring tea or water!"

"We still have to pour water for us by the little Tianshi himself!"
"Well, starting from tomorrow, you will come to Jifutang as a waiter, serving tea
and water!"

"do you understand?"

"In this way, not only will you have a long memory, but most importantly, it will
also let you know what it means to be someone who is outside of people, and
there is a heaven outside of heaven!"

"In the future, you should study hard by Young Master York's side!"

Yuly Shidu was stunned for a moment, but he said quickly, "Understood!"

"I'll be here starting tomorrow!"

Harvey York was caught off guard by this move, and now subconsciously said:
"Old Shidu, this is not good, after all, she is a girl, come to me..."

After all, this is a Fengshui Sun House, not a foot-washing city. What is Yuly Shidu
doing here?

John Shidu interrupted Harvey York and said, "Young Master York, she can't
practice martial arts now, she has to rest for half a month!"

"Let her come by your side and learn how to behave like you, and I will feel more
at ease as a father..."

"After all, when people make mistakes, they must admit..."

"If you are beaten, you must stand at attention!"

"Don't worry, she is a volunteer and doesn't need half a cent of your salary. I also
arranged for a chef to come here to cook for you..."
Chapter 4672

Listening to his father's words, Yuly Shidu also clenched his teeth at the moment,
sighing like blue: "Young Master York, I will definitely do what I should do..."

"I won't embarrass you, just use me as a maid..."

Harvey York's head suddenly throbbed.

After all, although Yuly Shidu has a delicate face, her temperament and
personality are really not suitable for acting like a spoiled child.

"Oh, Young Master York, is it possible that you have always been pity, and you
can't bear my precious daughter to do rough and tiring work?"

"I think otherwise..."

John Shidu looked like he was thinking of Harvey York.

"I heard that Young Master York, you are divorced, do you intend to continue the

"Although my daughter is quite self-willed, she has a good figure and a beautiful
appearance, and I only have such a daughter..."

"From now on, my net worth will be..."

"Don't talk, don't talk..."

Harvey York's temple jumped, and John Shidu's words were quickly interrupted at
this moment.

"For your sake, I'll let Yuly Shidu do the errands here!"
"I don't take advantage of you either. How much Tian Zora pays a month is how
much she pays!"

"I'll use her as a man, I can do it if I can, get out if I can't!"

"Ok, no problem!"

John Shidu had an excited look on his face. Living together day and night, alone,
there will always be opportunities to cultivate feelings.

Immediately, he said loudly: "Good girl, what tea are you drinking at this time?
Didn't you see the mess in Jifu Hall?"

"Go and wipe the floor!"

Yuly Shidu glanced at Harvey York resentfully, and saw that Harvey York had
goose bumps all over his body.

Immediately, she was in a hurry to clean up and organize.

It's just that she is the eldest lady after all. When did you do this? Naturally, it is
dry and ordinary.

Harvey York's eyelids jumped, but he didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Tian Zora jumped out to point out excitedly.

There was no way before, he was the one sweeping and mopping the floor, and
now someone helps with the work, which is really great!

Harvey York sighed, then looked at John Shidu and said, "Old Shidu, the matter
between you and your daughter is settled."
"What are you going to ask me to do now?"

"It's within my power!"

"Also, I'm going to say the ugly thing up front, we don't need other people here."

John Shidu laughed and laughed, but soon his expression became condensed, he
looked at Harvey York and said, "Mr. Shidu knows about you and me..."

"He wants to see you..."

"Mr. Shidu? Javier Shidu?"

Harvey York was stunned for a moment. He had basically seen all the big figures
of the six hidden families.

However, Javier Shidu of the Shidu Family, he has really heard his name for a long
time and has never seen him.

And this Javier Shidu is not only the head of the reclusive Shidu Family, but also
the head of the Jinling branch of Tianmen Village in the southwest.

Such an identity, such a position, is definitely a big man in the arena.

Therefore, Harvey York was also a little curious about Javier Shidu.

Now that John Shidu opened his mouth, Harvey York did not refuse, but nodded
in agreement.

After the two parties agreed on a time, John Shidu walked away, saying that he
was going to report back.
At eight o'clock in the morning the next morning, Harvey York was just having
breakfast when John Shidu drove a low-key Hongqi sedan and appeared at the
gate of Jifutang.

"Old Shidu, what do you think Mr. Shidu wants from me?"

Harvey York leaned on the back seat of the Hongqi sedan and spoke with great

"The feng shui of the Shidu Family is not good? Need my help?"

"Still think that Prince Shidu has lost someone with me and wants justice?"

Chapter 4673

John Shidu thought for a while and said, "I think Mr. Shidu wants to ask you to
help me check Feng Shui."

"He always felt that there was a problem with the feng shui of our Shidu Family,
so the descendants of the Shidu Family died early."

"And none of the Shidu Family who can grow up can pass the hurdle of being
sixty years old..."

"However, these are my guesses."

"When Mr. Shidu met me, he just told me that he thought you were interesting,
so he wanted to meet you."

"However, he shouldn't come forward for Prince Shidu."

"After all, if he wants to get ahead, he doesn't need to let me invite you."
"Just let the generals under him take action and take you away, Young Master

Hearing John Shidu's explanation, Harvey York didn't say anything, but nodded

Anyway, no matter whether Javier Shidu is ready to make friends with him, or he
is ready to make trouble with himself, he can continue.

However, Harvey York believed that a smart person like Javier Shidu would not be
able to live for a playboy and someone like himself who had just risen in Jinling.

Because if this is the case, he is not qualified to be called Javier Shidu.

An hour later, the Hongqi car came to an ancient villa on the edge of Xuanwu

This villa has been developed for at least several decades, and there are single-
family villas everywhere, which looks unique.

The most important thing is that these villas are all traditional Su family gardens,
which are full of charm no matter how you look at them.

The people who appeared here were all men and women wearing martial arts
robes, and many people in the martial arts field were shouting and practicing
martial arts.

Harvey York saw with his own eyes a young girl who blew a sandbag with one

Obviously, this is the ancient martial arts school, the modern martial arts holy

Harvey York squinted for a while, but didn't say anything.

Soon, the car stopped in front of the tallest villa by the lake.

This place has a wide field of vision, and the blue waves in front of it make people
feel relaxed and happy.

"Young Master York, this way please."

John Shidu stopped the car, took out the warrant and showed it to a few guards,
then led Harvey York into the villa.

Not long after, the two walked into a unique place.

This place looks like a peninsula in the middle of a lake, full of willow trees.

When the breeze blows, you can see the willow branches fluttering, which is of
course refreshing.


In an open space in front, there are more than a dozen men and women in
Chinese clothes standing, and an old man with a sturdy back is sitting in a

In front of them, a girl in a martial arts robe was practicing martial arts.

Her movements are very fast, and each punch is unparalleled in strength. When
she hits, there is a loud explosion sound, which makes those spectators nodded

Harvey York took a few glances, and then his eyes fell on the old man in the
The old man was wearing a martial arts robe with five-color sika deer
embroidered with gold threads on the robe.

He looks nearly sixty years old, not tall, but his hands are over his knees.

Such a person should be very powerful.

But Harvey York felt that his Yintang was dark and lifeless.

Harvey York frowned slightly, already knowing that this person should be the first
person in the Jinling rivers and lakes, the head of the reclusive Shidu Family, and
the head of the Jinling branch of the Southwest Tianmen Village, Javier Shidu.

Javier Shidu's status in Jinling Rivers and lakes is too high, it can be said that he is
admired by countless people.

Because of his existence, other Rivers and lakes forces dare not set foot here at

Chapter 4674

Terrible strength, great family energy, strong backing from the division...

Javier Shidu can say that a person has the right time and place.

Such a person, in a place like Jinling, naturally has an extremely noble status.

As if feeling Harvey York's eyes, Javier Shidu, who was watching the girl practicing
martial arts, slowly turned his head to the side, and his eyes fell on Harvey York.

A powerful aura spread out and enveloped Harvey York, as if to test out Harvey
York's depth.
But Harvey York had his hands on his back, his expression was indifferent, and
there was a noncommittal smile on his face.

Javier Shidu was slightly taken aback by Harvey York's expression, and began to
try to strengthen his coercion.

But no matter how strong he was, Harvey York, who looked soft and weak and
would collapse at any time because of his breath, still looked like he was okay.

At the end, a look of surprise flashed across Javier Shidu's face, and then his
pressure receded like a tide.

John Shidu didn't see the confrontation between the two people on the side, but
his face was inexplicable.


At this time, the woman who was practicing martial arts threw another punch, this
time smashing a human-shaped pile into two pieces with one punch, and then
she turned around excitedly, as if to show off her boxing skills.

Harvey York looked over and couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

It can only be said that it is really the enemy's road narrow, and now it is Luisa
Wang who appears in front of him.

But after thinking about it, Harvey York also understood.

The six hidden families are of the same spirit, and Luisa Wang can freely enter
and leave the Parada family, so it is a matter of course to be able to come here to
be instructed by Javier Shidu.

And at this moment, Luisa Wang, who was practicing boxing wholeheartedly,
didn't care that there were two more people in the field.
She moves swiftly, with a sonic boom with every punch.

In addition, her hands, elbows, knees, legs, head, etc., were turned into sharp
weapons on her body, and it seemed that she could easily tear her opponents

Harvey York nodded again and again, with Luisa Wang's style like a little cheetah,
I am afraid that if he goes to the battlefield, he can also become a generation of
beautiful girl soldiers.

As for whether she can go further and become a generation of God of War, it
depends on her chance.

When Luisa Wang's set was finished, she abruptly withdrew her power and
landed on the ground.

With a sound of "Boom", the ground paved with blue bricks cracked directly. This
scene can be called overbearing.

Even John Shidu had a look of admiration, and felt that Luisa Wang's talent was
far superior to that of his daughter, Yuly Shidu.

The other spectators kept nodding.

It can only be said that Luisa Wang's boxing technique shows unspeakable

"Grandpa Shidu, am I good at Tianmen boxing today? This is one of your

housekeeping skills in Tianmen Village in the southwest."

Luisa Wang spoke contentedly, waiting for Javier Shidu's evaluation.

Obviously, she had long wanted to show off in front of Javier Shidu.

Before Javier Shidu could speak, Harvey York sighed and muttered.

However, although his words were slight, the people present were all martial arts
masters, and they belonged to the kind that could hear the drop of needles, so
how could they not hear them.

In an instant, everyone's eyes swept over with a "swoosh".

Luisa Wang even heard someone say that she is a pity, her face turned pale, and
her eyes were locked on Harvey York.

When she saw Harvey York's handsome face clearly, Luisa Wang was stunned for
a moment, and then her pretty face became cold: "Harvey York, what a pity you
are a coward!"

"Are you worthy?"

Chapter 4675

Now Luisa Wang is angry when she sees Harvey York.

She had been slapped in the face by Harvey York once at Parada's house before.

When she was ready to fulfill her promise to be Harvey York's woman.

Harvey York, this bastard, actually rolled and crawled away.

Whether it's Harvey York being shy or Harvey York being cowardly, in Luisa
Wang's eyes, it's all a slander of herself.
So these few days, when Luisa Wang thinks of Harvey York, her teeth are itchy.

She wanted to run to Jifutang several times to find trouble with Harvey York, but
when she came to the gate, she flinched.

After all, although she has received a Western education, she also knows how to
write the word shy.

Therefore, Luisa Wang's mental journey in the past few days can be called ninety-
nine-eighty-one difficult.

Naturally, she put all of this mental journey on Harvey York's account.

Seeing Harvey York appear today, with another sigh of regret, Luisa Wang
immediately had the urge to strangle this bastard.

Seeing this woman's resentful eyes with a hint of resentment, Harvey York
suddenly shivered.

He retreated directly behind John Shidu, avoiding Luisa Wang's sight.

The women of these hidden families are too troublesome, but Harvey York has
no interest in provoking them.

Can't afford to be provoked, can't you hide?


"A feng shui master thinks he knows everything after learning Zhouyi for two

"What a pity!"

Seeing Harvey York's gesture, Luisa Wang became even more angry.
"This lady was blind two days ago before she fell in love with you!"

"I knew you were such a grandstanding clown, I didn't even bother to talk to

Obviously, for Luisa Wang, who came from a prominent background and has no
white background.

Once she was angry, she would naturally not give Harvey York any face.

Seeing the conflict between the little men and women, Javier Shidu smiled with
great interest, and then he did not stop it, but signaled to others not to come

Even John Shidu looked at Harvey York with a strange expression, with a bit of
resentment in his eyes.

The meaning is very clear, that is, you don't like my daughter, but you like this

Harvey York was speechless, seeing that things continued to develop, he was
either regarded as a heartless man or a bragging clown.

He could only sigh and said, "I said it's a pity, because you practiced this punch

"Neijiaquan, it's not a flowery show."

"I only know the way of boxing, but I don't know how to breathe..."

"Keep practicing, you won't live to be sixty years old..."

"Can't live to be sixty years old!?"

Hearing this, Luisa Wang was instantly furious.

"Bastard, it's okay if you curse me!"

"You're still sneering, implying that my Grandpa Shidu won't survive his 60th
birthday this year!?"

"Believe it or not, I'll kill you first!"

As soon as the words fell, Luisa Wang stepped forward, came directly to the place
in front of Harvey York, and landed a punch.

Javier Shidu's eyes narrowed: "Luisa, stop!"

John Shidu also said quickly, "Young Master York, Mr. Shidu's guest!"

Luisa Wang was stunned for a moment, but she still kept on working.

Harvey York went too far, she was going to beat Harvey York directly, and then
cried and shouted that she wanted to marry her...

No, you should marry yourself!

While biting her teeth, Luisa Wang punched, but suddenly, her movements froze.

I don't know when, Harvey York's right hand has already raised her pointed jaw,
as long as Harvey York wants, it seems that he can crush her throat at any time...

Chapter 4676

It can only be said that Luisa Wang has been defeated before the fight between
the two sides has begun.
The whole place was dead silent.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Harvey York's action is too fast!

It is said that all martial arts in the world are invincible, but only fast is invincible.

But Harvey York's speed was beyond everyone's imagination.

Even a Master Rowlingke John Shidu didn't see how Harvey York made his move.

Only Javier Shidu was slightly surprised, obviously he saw Harvey York's

"Miss Wang, you are not my opponent..."

Harvey York smiled slightly and withdrew his right hand.

It's just that the place between the fingers is full of fragrance.

Luisa Wang's face was red and her ears were red, her delicate body was
trembling, and she quickly backed away.

Obviously, this is the first time she has had such close contact with a man.

Harvey York's powerful masculine aura made her delicate body tremble.

She never thought that Harvey York's skills were so good and his speed was so

Afterwards, she swung her right hand, and an exquisite firearm was added in her
hand, obviously wanting to fight Harvey York to death.
"Bastard, you tease me..."

When the voice fell, she opened the insurance directly.

"Luisa, stop!"

At this time, Javier Shidu spoke quickly.

"Don't be rude!"

Obviously, Javier Shidu had already seen that Harvey York was definitely a top

Even if it is not a generation of God of War, it is also a generation of peak


Such a person, Luisa Wang is not an opponent.

"Young Master York has no ill will towards you."

"If he had, you would be crippled if you didn't die now."

"Young Master York has already shown mercy to you, you can't be

Hearing Javier Shidu's words, Luisa Wang also calmed down at the moment.

Then she remembered Harvey York's speed, and she shivered smartly.

Because she knew very well that even if she did it herself, she probably wouldn't
be able to stop Harvey York's three moves.
"Young Master York, I'm sorry, I have a strong temperament in my younger life.
Don't look at her usual iceberg appearance, but she is actually like a child."

"If there is any offense, the old man will say sorry!"

While speaking, Javier Shidu stood up tremblingly, bowed slightly to Harvey York,
and then fell back down again.

Harvey York's eyes narrowed at this scene, because he could see that Javier
Shidu's limbs should be sore and weak, and his muscles were atrophied.

Being able to stand up all depends on his powerful inner breath.

And Javier Shidu not only did not stand up for Prince Shidu, but also politely
apologized, which made Harvey York feel good.

"Mr. Shidu is too polite. I am also responsible for this matter, so I shouldn't talk
too much."

Harvey York smiled and returned the gift.

"Also, I didn't get hurt, and I don't need to apologize."

"Hehehe, if you don't dislike it, just call me Brother Shidu."

"I heard that Daniel Ovalle can have a relationship with you. I also treat him as a
little brother on weekdays, so don't be polite in front of me."

Javier Shidu took the initiative to pull into the relationship with Harvey York, then
glanced at Luisa Wang, and said, "Luisa, I don't know what conflict there is
between you two."

"But in such an occasion, it's your fault to shoot at will."

"Don't you hurry up and apologize to Brother York!?"

Luisa Wang looked depressed, remembering that Harvey York had been slapped
in the face in Feng Shui before, and now Martial Arts has been slapped in the face

She was about to vomit blood.

But since Javier Shidu had spoken, she could only step forward and bite the
bullet: "I'm sorry!"

Chapter 4677

Harvey York smiled slightly, and calmly said: "It doesn't matter."

"You are young and look cold as ice, but your personality is as reckless"

"Besides that you have lived in the West for a long time and have been
influenced by the Western hypocrite culture, there is another reason that you
practice Neijiaquan as if it were a foreigner."

"If the internal breath in the body can't be vented, it is natural that the anger is

"And you recently encountered Rotten Peach Blossoms, and your whole person is
full of anger."

"Under internal and external troubles, you want to vent at any time, and you want
to explode at any time."

"Fighting at me, it's just your subconscious action."

"You're not targeting me, you're targeting everyone."

"Or to be more precise, for all men..."

Hearing Harvey York's words, Javier Shidu was stunned for a moment, and there
was a bit of deep thought in his eyes.

"Ha ha ha, although I can admit that you have a set of feng shui physiognomy..."

"I can also admit that I am not your opponent in martial arts!"

Luisa Wang sneered.

"But this Tianmen Fist is one of the unique skills of the town school in the
Southwest Tianmen Village!"

"Do people like you understand such unique skills?"

Harvey York smiled lightly.

can't read?


His generation of gods of war is the pinnacle of gods of war. He is proficient in

the world's killing techniques, and he can see through the essence at a glance.

"Your so-called Tianmen boxing looks mighty and scary..."

"But if I guessed correctly, you should only have half a volume of Fist of Heaven

"Either it was when it was passed down, that the method of inner-breath
conditioning was lost."
"Either the person who passed this Heavenly Fist to you deliberately concealed
the inner breath conditioning part."

"So, an internal boxing practice that is both internal and external, has become a
set of flowers!"

"The domineering aura in the body can't be vented when needed, which leads to
the fact that when cultivating this Tianmen Fist, it will impact the internal organs,
and there is no solution..."

"And with the deepening of cultivation, the damage to myself is even more!"

"So, instead of calling it Tianmen Fist, it might as well be called Seven Wounds

"Don't hurt anyone, hurt yourself first."

"After completing this set of boxing skills, I will occasionally feel tight in my chest,
and I will suffer from insomnia and dreams at night."

"When punching has reached the point of completion, the whole person will
suffer from asthma and cough, and there is blood in the cough!"

"And in the later stage, it will directly vomit blood and die!"

"I can even judge that those who practice Tianmen Fist will definitely not live to
be sixty years old!"

"And before everyone died, they coughed up blood and even coughed up their

"For example, Luisa Wang, although she has mastered her boxing skills now, she
can't sleep every night. She thought it was because her heart was sprouting."
"And Mr. Shidu, every time you use this boxing technique, you will suffer from
asthma for three days, which also causes your muscles to become weak, and the
whole person only hangs with one breath..."

"Even so, Mr. Shidu needs martial arts masters every three months to urge his
internal breath to regulate his blood vessels so that he can maintain his
physiological functions."

"Am I right?"

Hearing Harvey York's indifferent words, Javier Shidu and Luisa Wang were both
shocked, looking at Harvey York's expression full of disbelief.

Obviously, it is unexpected that Harvey York is so proficient in martial arts, and to

this point.

Not only did they clarify their symptoms, but also the symptoms of all the
ancestors of the Shidu Family.

Chapter 4678

Harvey York's eyes fell on John Shidu's body again, and said lightly: "Old Shidu,
you were almost paralyzed to death before, and then it has a certain relationship
with the Xuanyin Palm of the Zombie Clan."

"But this day's door boxing might not be an incentive."

"If you don't hurt others, hurt yourself first, so your physical condition is not as
good as that of ordinary martial arts practitioners."

"Once there's damage, you can't fix it, it's going to get worse..."
John Shidu's expression was ugly, and after a long time he slowly said: "Yes, I said
that no matter how domineering the Xuanyin Palm of the Chasing Zombies is, it
will definitely not be as good as our Tianmen Fist, after all, our martial arts holy
land is not blown out! "

"No wonder, I was slapped by that yin man and sat directly on the wheelchair!"

"So it is!"

"And if you think about it carefully, among the direct descendants of the three
major techniques of Tianmen Village in the southwest, the descendants of
Tianmen Fist really haven't lived past the age of sixty..."

"Mr. Shidu originally thought that there was a problem with the feng shui of our
Shidu Family, but it turns out..."

"It's about boxing!"

Having said that, John Shidu didn't know what expression he should show.

If Harvey York didn't talk nonsense, then no matter how powerful Feng Shui
master came, there would be no way to solve the Shidu Family's affairs.

Because this is not a matter of feng shui at all.

And Javier Shidu's face changed rapidly at the moment, and after a long time, he
said in a trembling voice: "Brother York, according to what you said, is the feng
shui of our Shidu Family really okay?"

After all, these days, he is also approaching his sixtieth birthday.

So I have been worried that I will burp at this time.

Therefore, after hearing about Harvey York's method, Javier Shidu wanted to let
Harvey York try it out.

After all, so many feng shui masters in the past felt that there was a problem with
the feng shui of the Shidu Family, but they couldn't solve it.

But unexpectedly, Harvey York put forward constructive comments today.

It turned out that the Shidu Family's disasters since ancient times were all related
to Tianmen Fist.

Harvey York looked at Javier Shidu's Yintang, and then looked at the Shidu
Family's house not far away, and after taking out the centuries-old scriptures and
looking at it for a while, he said lightly: "The feng shui of the Shidu Family is a bit
problematic, but at most this is the white tiger. Just retreat and go back to

"It will make your Shidu Family's fortune bad, but it won't make your Shidu Family
have bad luck again and again."

"And this kind of feng shui is generally found in major martial arts families. With
two or three weapons handed down from the ancestors, it can be suppressed

"For example, Mr. Shidu, it looks like your Yintang is dark now, but your fortune is
not affected much. I can even solve this problem at will."

"However, your biggest problem is cultivating Tianmen Fist."

Harvey York narrowed his eyes.

"If you think about it carefully, it's not just your Shidu Family. Besides the Shidu
Family, how many people who practice Tianmen Boxing have died well?"
Javier Shidu was stunned for a moment, then after thinking for a long time, he
smiled bitterly: "Originally in the Southwest Tianmen Village, only our surnamed
Shidu can practice Tianmen Boxing, and those who do not live to the age of sixty
are also surnamed Shidu, so everyone has always I think it's a feng shui problem,
and no one thinks it's a Tianmen boxing problem."

"Thinking about it now, a former uncle of mine also practiced Tianmen Fist by
chance, but he didn't live to be sixty years old..."

"I always thought it was all accidents and coincidences..."

Luisa Wang also looked ugly at the moment: "Grandpa Shidu, what do you mean,
this Tianmen Fist, we can't practice anymore in the future?"

Chapter 4679

"Tianmen Fist, but the unique skill of the Shidu Family, is also the unique skill of
the Southwest Tianmen Village!"

"Without this unique skill, how can the Shidu Family continue to maintain their
orthodox status within the Southwest Tianmen Village!?"

Luisa Wang looked worried. For the martial arts family, a martial arts that can be
passed down is 10,000 times more important than other things.

Javier Shidu looked ugly, and after a while he said decisively: "From now on,
Tianmen Fist is banned, and no one in the Shidu Family can continue to practice!"

"Those who practice Tianmen Boxing are regarded as rebellious!"

Obviously, Javier Shidu is also a decisive person. In his eyes, the lives of everyone
in the family are more important than the inheritance of a boxing technique.
However, Javier Shidu was also distressed when he said this.

After all, Tianmen Boxing has been circulated in the Shidu Family for hundreds of
years, but in the end, the inheritance was broken in his hands. How distressed this

But compared to the whole family, the disciples and grandchildren will not live to
be sixty years old.

At this point, you should be decisive.

Luisa Wang was also in a trance.

After all, she also spent several years on top of Tianmen Fist.

Obviously, she stopped cultivating Tianmen Fist directly, which was equivalent to
abolishing her martial arts.

And John Shidu and others also changed their faces wildly.

Once the Shidu Family can no longer practice Tianmen Fist, then the Shidu Family
is likely to lose the control of the Jinling branch, and even make the reclusive
Shidu Family lose their qualifications to reclusive.

Just connecting down and facing Wayner, it is very likely that they will be
completely defeated because of the absence of the hidden Shidu Family.

If one is not good, Jinling will fall into Wayner's control.

Thinking of these consequences, all the senior members of the Shidu Family
turned pale.

Everyone is reluctant to believe this, but the cruel facts are in front of them, and
they have to believe it.
Harvey York smiled at this moment and said, "Mr. Shidu, although there is indeed
something wrong with Tianmen Fist."

"But there's no need to give up because of this problem."

"After all, it is the internal boxing of our Great Country H Ancestor. There is no
method of inner breath conditioning, just make up for it."

"After making up, the power of your Tianmen Fist will increase by at least 30%.
The most important thing is that if you can remove the violent aura in your body,
you will naturally be able to live a hundred years."

"After all, the original purpose of Neijiaquan is to keep fit."

John Shidu and Luisa Wang both looked stunned: "Complete the method of inner
breath conditioning?"

You must know that the method of inner breath conditioning is a secret that is
not passed on in all schools and sects.

For example, Javier Shidu, although he has also mastered a method of inner
breath conditioning, this is still a great achievement in the past, and the
Southwest Tianmen Village rewarded him.

And this inner breath conditioning law enforcement, but it does not match
Tianmen Fist in the slightest.

Even in the past dynasties of Tianmen Village in the southwest, there were
experts who wanted to find a matching method of inner breath conditioning to
cooperate with Tianmen Boxing, but they all failed.

But at this moment, Harvey York actually said that he made up the method of
inner breath conditioning?
At this time, everyone was stunned and didn't know what to show.

Harvey York looked strange.

Is such a small thing difficult?

For him, finding three or five suitable inner breath conditioning methods is just a
matter of minutes.

"Brother York, I am rude and can't speak well!"

"But listening to your words is worth a word!"

Javier Shidu jumped up with excitement.

"Today, to be able to come to us with you, brother, is simply our Shidu Family's
prosperity, and my Javier Shidu life is fortunate!"

Chapter 4680

"And brother, you can also make up for the incompleteness of our Tianmen Fist
and match the method of inner breath conditioning!"

"This is simply saving countless children of our Shidu Family!"

"This great kindness and virtue can't be repaid!"

"If you don't mind, Brother York, how about we become brothers?"

"From now on, you are my own brother!"

"You are the master uncle of all the disciples of Jinling Branch!"
"Whoever dares to offend you is to offend me!"

"Whoever dares to get along with you is the one who can't get along with me!



Master Uncle?

A group of people were all stiff and confused, unable to react at all.

Harvey York was stunned.

Luisa Wang was also stunned.

John Shidu even had an incredible expression on his face, if that's the case, isn't
Harvey York's seniority higher than him!?

The other Shidu Family executives looked at each other and wanted to stop them,
but they knew exactly what Javier Shidu was doing.

People who can even complete Tianmen Fist in minutes will not be drawn to their
own camp unless their brains are broken!

"Brother York, since you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence!"

"We people in the rivers and lakes don't pay attention to pomp, but we pay
attention to a fate!"

"If you have no opinion, you will be my brother from now on!"

Javier Shidu took Harvey York's hand and looked affectionate.

Before Harvey York could react, Javier Shidu had already waved a few long
incense sticks.

After the fire, the two swore to each other.

Harvey York, who had never seen this scene, was stunned.

He came here today to see the head of the Shidu Family in the hidden world.
How could he become the uncle of the Shidu Family in the hidden world?

"Brother York, from now on, the Shidu Family will be yours!"

"You and I are brothers of life and death!"

"I'm a few decades older than you, so I won't say anything disgusting about
dying in the same year, same month, same day!"

"But if there is one day for me, there must be one for you!"

"No matter what you want to do in the future, just speak up!"

"Our children of the Shidu Family and the children of the Jinling branch are all

"If you open your mouth, I will help you in the Jinling Hoffman Family."

Harvey York was speechless, not knowing what to say.

Although he really doesn't value these things.

But Javier Shidu's attitude showed that in the future, no matter under any
circumstances, the hidden Shidu Family will stand behind Harvey York.
John Shidu and other high-level officials and Luisa Wang and others all looked at
each other in dismay.

Luisa Wang even slapped herself to make sure she was not dreaming.

She really couldn't accept the scene in front of her.

After all, over the years, there have been countless people who want to make
friends with Javier Shidu and call him brothers.

But Javier Shidu didn't even look at them directly.

But today, Javier Shidu's friendship with Harvey York, in the eyes of Luisa Wang
and others, is even a little low-key, begging for Harvey York's feeling.

This is simply...


Harvey York came back to his senses and smiled bitterly at this moment: "Mr.
Shidu, I'm afraid this is not very good..."

"What Mr. Shidu? I'm your brother Shidu!"

Javier Shidu had an angry expression on his face.

"Unless you, Young Master York, look down on me, look down on our hidden
Shidu Family!"

"Otherwise, you brother, we must recognize it!"

Hearing Javier Shidu's words, Harvey York, who was speechless, could only
slightly decapitate, and said helplessly: "Okay, Brother Shidu, what you say is what
you say..."
Harvey York understands the tempers of these Rivers and lakes people, and if he
doesn't give him face at this time, it will be a revenge!

Chapter 4681

In the strange eyes of the senior members of the Shidu Family, they have an
uncle, an elder.

However, these Shidu Family members do not know.

In terms of Harvey York's identity, it was Javier Shidu, the Shidu Family, not
Harvey York, who really took advantage of the sworn relationship with Javier

"Hahaha, good!"

"Brother York is indeed a man of temperament!"

Javier Shidu laughed at this moment.

"Come on, Luisa, hurry up and call Master uncle!”!"

Luisa Wang's face was doubtless, the proud expression on her face was gone at
this moment, she could only step forward, and said: "Master Uncle..."

At this time, Luisa Wang didn't know what to show.

She was still thinking that she was going to marry the bastard Harvey York.

Now it seems that there is no need to think about it. The generations are
different, so there is no need to get married at all.
The most important thing is that Harvey York has this status, she can only be
respectful in the future.

Thinking of this, Luisa Wang had a feeling of fainting.

John Shidu also stepped forward with a smile and said, "I have seen Master

But compared to Luisa Wang's arrogance, John Shidu is more of a blessing.

Harvey York said speechlessly, "Old Shidu, you can just call me Harvey York."

"You're calling me that, I'm a little embarrassed!"

John Shidu shook his head and said, "No, among the rivers and lakes, the most
important thing is etiquette, righteousness, integrity, and the most important
thing is seniority and status!"

"If I'm not big or small, you don't need to teach me a lesson!"

"I'm going to hit the ground myself!"

Harvey York was speechless.

Got it!

"By the way, Uncle Shi, you just said that you can make up for the inner breath
conditioning method of Tianmen Fist?"

"I don't know how you're going to make up for it?"

At this moment, Luisa Wang looked expectant. She wanted to see if Harvey York
was a silver gun candle head, or if she really had the ability.
Javier Shidu also had a look of anticipation, and said, "Brother, it's true, this
Tianmen Fist has been passed down by our Shidu Family ancestors for hundreds
of years, and it's a pity to lose it!"

"Even if the power of the inner breath conditioning method is not as strong as
before, I can accept it."

Obviously, although Javier Shidu was shocked by Harvey York's vision, he didn't
dare to expect too much.

He is afraid that the more he expects, the more disappointed he will be.

And John Shidu and the other senior Shidu Family members all had their faces so
hot that they almost knelt down.

Harvey York smiled, took a step forward, and said, "Your Tianmen Fist should be
derived from an ancient boxing technique, the Seven Wounds Fist."

"Qi Shangquan was a unique skill of a great school in the Tang and Song
Dynasties. At the end of the Song Dynasty, the Central Plains were turbulent, and
this school also died under the general trend of anti-Yuan."

"Since then, Qishangquan has also been lost."

"Later, this thing appeared a few times, and what you got from Southwest
Tianmen Village should also be a fragment..."

"And the best way to make up is the original version."

"However, I definitely can't master the original version, but I have an unexpected
method of inner breath conditioning, which can match your Tianmen boxing..."
Harvey York didn't talk nonsense, but motioned Luisa Wang to bring a pen and
paper, and after thinking for a while, he directly wrote the method of inner breath

A group of people all gathered over, and when they first saw Harvey York wrote
that if you want to practice this skill, you must first leave the palace, everyone's
expressions changed.

But then, seeing Harvey York's next words, everyone looked at each other in
dismay, because this self palace, it doesn't seem to mean that...

Chapter 4682

After writing out the method of regulating the internal breath, Harvey York said
slowly: "Tianmen Fist is just fierce and tyrannical, which will cause the internal
breath to be equally domineering. The internal breath in the body needs to be
regulated immediately, especially when punching... ..."

"You look good..."

While speaking, Harvey York stepped forward and punched out.

His boxing stance did not change much from Luisa Wang's movement just now,
but there was a little more gentle force in the swift and swift punching stance.

Harvey York punched Tianmen in one breath. When he hit it with one move, it
looked very soft, but Harvey York's momentum became stronger and stronger.

When the last move fell, the invisible air wave spread out forward, directly
splitting the water-like traces on the ground.

"how can that be!?"

Seeing Harvey York taking such a random shot, with such an effect, John Shidu
and the others gasped.

The most important thing is that Harvey York's shot seems weak, but his strength
is much greater than when Luisa Wang shot just now.

It can be said that if the same person uses this set of Tianmen Fist, their strength
can definitely increase by more than 30%.

The most important thing is that this method of inner breath conditioning is not
complicated, but fits into the boxing posture, which can be called both internal
and external cultivation.

John Shidu and Luisa Wang soon also stood up, imitating Harvey York's posture.

As a result, a set of punches came down, and their feeling was completely
different from before.

The previous set of punches came out, and it was more than fierce, but my heart
was aching.

But now when a set of punches comes out, it is soft in the middle, the whole
person is refreshed, and the inner breath seems to be a lot stronger.

This is simply a magic trick!

Luisa Wang looked at Harvey York with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

She pondered, such a person has to find a way to fool into the Wang Family, then
the Wang Family will not be afraid of no successor.

It's just that in order to win Harvey York, most of them have to put down their
eldest air.
After thinking for a moment, Luisa Wang decided to go for it!

Isn't it just a little lady's air?

Who is afraid of who!

"Neijia Quan, the real inner boxing!"

Javier Shidu watched this scene and was so excited that it was difficult to attach.

"In the past, only Tai Chi, Wing Chun and Bagua were the orthodox internal

"But starting from today, Tianmen Fist is also an orthodox Neijia Fist!"

For a Master Rowlingke Javier Shidu, he doesn't even need to practice in person
to see the extraordinaryness of the current set of Tianmen Fist.

With this set of Tianmen Fist, both internal and external, the status of the hidden
Shidu Family will be extremely stable.

"Brother York, on behalf of the ancestors of the Shidu Family and the Southwest
Tianmen Village, I thank you!"

"Our Shidu Family and Southwest Tianmen Village will owe you a big favor from
now on!"

While speaking, Javier Shidu stood up again, ready to thank Harvey York in

Harvey York smiled and said, "Big Brother Shidu, the family doesn't speak two
"You don't stand up now, but sit and try the method of internal breath

"let me help you."

"Ten minutes at most, I think you will be able to relieve the symptoms
immediately, and even completely solve the mania of internal breath, and the
internal organs can also be repaired..."

While speaking, Harvey York stepped forward and put his right hand on Javier
Shidu's pulse gate, and then a faint inner breath slowly spread out.

"Just pressing the pulse gate like this can solve Grandpa Shidu's old ailments?"

A look of doubt flashed across Luisa Wang's face, feeling a little unbelievable.

Although this guy Harvey York has created miracles again and again, is this kind
of old disease so easy to solve?

Chapter 4683

Even Javier Shidu himself didn't quite believe it.

After all, the one who can do this kind of thing is definitely a master of a
generation of God of War.

An ordinary soldier can never do it.

But the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, looking at Harvey York in

Because in Javier Shidu's feeling, a breath like a big river rushed out frantically at
this moment, it guided Javier Shidu's breath, and charged into his body.
The damaged internal organs, blocked meridians and blood vessels, etc., are all
repaired by this breath at this moment.

And Harvey York is also equivalent to guiding Javier Shidu to practice an internal

The most important thing is that Javier Shidu clearly felt that Harvey York's
guidance seemed to be a little different from what he wrote.

But this little gap is equivalent to taking Tianmen Fist to a higher level.

To put it simply, Harvey York reserved a hand for him, and this hand can also
allow Javier Shidu to maintain an absolute position in the hidden Shidu Family
and the Southwest Tianmen Village.


When Harvey York let go of his finger, Javier Shidu's whole body was shocked, a
violent breath spread out from his body, and this time, he didn't need to use any
inner breath to stand up directly.

Immediately afterwards, Javier Shidu swung his right hand and punched out.

A bamboo not far away was cut off with a "click".

Cattle across the mountain!

Javier Shidu, who was already a king of soldiers, got Harvey York's personal
guidance, and he cultivated both internally and externally, and his strength
improved to a higher level.
John Shidu and the others were dumbfounded, obviously they could not imagine
that Javier Shidu at this moment was actually a bit stronger than his previous

Luisa Wang was also stunned for a moment, and then said with a strange
expression: "Grandpa Shidu, you are not too old, you can't do that, so you don't
need to go to the palace, you can achieve great skills, right?"

Javier Shidu rolled his eyes, stared at Luisa Wang viciously and said, "Little girl, do
you still want to get married? If you want, don't talk nonsense!"

At this moment, Javier Shidu didn't talk nonsense, but looked at Harvey York and
said, "Brother York, thank you for your kindness.

"I won't talk nonsense."

John Shidu and other senior members of the Shidu Family also bowed their
hands to Harvey York: "Thank you for your guidance."

"It's just a small matter, you're welcome."

Harvey York smiled and was about to say something.

At this moment, a large group of people suddenly came from a distance.

These people all looked bruised and swollen, with bandages on their heads.

The person who took the lead was Prince Shidu.

At this moment, Prince Shidu had one foot in a plaster cast and jumped over.

When he saw Harvey York, Prince Shidu was stunned for a moment. In the next
instant, he laughed horribly and said, "Well, your surname is York. If there is a way
to heaven, you won't go, but if there is no door to hell, you have to break in!"
"Father, it's this bastard who dares to bully me!"

"He asked Uncle John to break one of my feet!"

"Hurry up and kill him!"

"Let him know why the flowers are so red!"

"Let him know what will happen if you offend our hidden Shidu Family!"

Having said that, Prince Shidu pointed at Harvey York's nose and said loudly,
"Harvey York, you are finished!"

"You're dead!"

"Don't say it's John Shidu this time, even if Jesus comes, it can't save you!"

"I said!"

It was only half of the shouting, and he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a
bit wrong, because everyone looked at him with the eyes of an idiot.

Javier Shidu didn't look at him, but glanced at John Shidu and said, "You need a
full set of work, this time, break the other foot..."

Chapter 4684

Harvey York smiled and stopped John Shidu who was about to do it.

If Javier Shidu wanted to give him enough face, he would definitely break Prince
Shidu's leg.
But the relationship between the two parties is OK now, and Harvey York has no
interest in holding a junior accountable.

After all, in this year, everything stays on the line, and we will see each other in
the future.

And Harvey York believed that after this incident, Prince Shidu should also know
what it was like to provoke him.

But even if Harvey York opened his mouth to plead, Javier Shidu didn't get used
to Prince Shidu, but gave him a few slaps in person and asked him to kowtow in
front of Harvey York to admit his mistake, then the matter was over.

Next, Javier Shidu personally hosted a banquet to entertain Harvey York. At the
same time, he also invited Harvey York to be the honorary elder of the West
Tianmen Village, and he would personally report the matter to the higher-ups.

Harvey York originally wanted to refuse, but he could only nod his head in
agreement because of the kindness.

In addition, Javier Shidu also took a simple jade token, saying that this is the
token of the head of the Southwest Tianmen Village.

See the token as see the head.

To put it simply, this thing can be called the guarantee of the Shidu Family's
position in the Southwest Tianmen Village.

But Javier Shidu gave it to Harvey York without hesitation, which shows that he
really wants to make friends with Harvey York.

Harvey York refused again and again, but in the end, because he couldn't resist
Javier Shidu's words, brother, he could only accept it helplessly.
When Harvey York left the Shidu Family of the hidden world, it could be said that
he already had friendship with all the hidden families in Jinling.

As for the relationship between the Six Hidden Worlds and the Hall of Longevity,
the two sides have already stood on opposite sides.

Harvey York believed that if his bait was so heavy, it would only take a day or two
to see the effect.

He not only solved the feng shui of the hidden Parada family, but also solved the
hidden martial arts hidden dangers of the hidden Shidu Family.

In addition, he had made friends with the Luo family, the Joinerr family, and the
Huo family before, and also knew the eldest Miss of Wang Family.

The most important thing is that the relationship between him and Alexa Joiner
of Joiner Family is inseparable.

Under such circumstances, Araceli Hoffman, who got the news, can still sit still
and be a ghost.

After sending a few more messages and making some arrangements, Harvey
York returned to Jifutang and continued to show people Feng Shui and facial

When the last group of guests saw off at sunset, Harvey York felt a little back

He took a few sips of some cold tea, and was about to order a takeaway, but he
smelled the faint fragrance of a girl at the door.

Xynthia Zimmer, who was jumping, didn't know when she came, she quickly
grabbed Harvey York's arm like a koala.

"Brother-in-law, you are too much. You quarrel with your parents and fall out
with your sister."

"Why are you ignoring me these days?"

"Is it because I don't take the initiative to find you, you will pretend that you don't
know me?"

Harvey York was speechless. It was the first time he saw such an active sister-in-
law; couldn't he be more reserved?

"Know, know."

"But I've been too busy recently. After all, I'm no longer a door-to-door son-in-
law who eats soft rice. Is it strange to earn some money to support myself?"

Harvey York explained it casually.

"Oh, people who rely on themselves to eat, just speak hard!"

Xynthia Zimmer smiled and said.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, are you free today?"

Xynthia Zimmer, who was talking, turned around in front of Harvey York at this

Today, she is wearing a Chanel little black dress, showing her long legs that are as
crystal clear as jade. With fishnet stockings, she outlines a breathtaking absolute
Chapter 4685

Looking at the youthful sister-in-law in front of him, Harvey York instinctively felt
hot all over, and wanted to take a deep breath, but he knew it was impolite to do

Harvey York turned his eyes away and said softly, "What's the matter?"

"Aren't you going to shoot the Jinling Film and Television movie? What are you
doing here without reading the script properly?"

Xynthia Zimmer curled her lips and said, "My heroine is settled, but the hero has
never been settled."

"I don't know what the director's nerves are. If you want to decide every role, you
have to come to me to discuss."

"But I don't like the little fresh meat protagonists they chose!"

"The worst thing is that a little fresh meat actually called me in the middle of the
night, saying that as long as I choose him as the male lead, he can sleep with me

"Bastard, who do you think Miss Ben is!?"

"This eldest miss is the eldest daughter of a yellow flower!"

Speaking of this, Xynthia Zimmer looked angry.

Harvey York laughed dumbly, he turned around and sent a message to Marisol
Yegar in thought.

Don't be so blatant about this kind of thing, it's better to be low-key.

Although I can give Xynthia Zimmer absolute protection, I also hope that she can
grow up on her own.

"Okay, let's not talk about me."

Xynthia Zimmer changed the subject.

"Brother-in-law, should you be fine tonight?"


Xynthia Zimmer hugged Harvey York's wrist happily and said, "That's great!"

"I have a party tonight, and I want you to come and be my male guest."

"Still partying?"

Harvey York was speechless.

"I'm not going. The last time I went to the Shangpai bar, it caused such a big
incident. I don't know where to go this time. God knows what will happen..."

It's not that Harvey York is afraid of trouble, but that he feels that every time he
goes to a party, something always comes up.

Although he wanted to catch Araceli Hoffman's fish, it was better not to meet too
many unrelated people.

"Brother-in-law, just give me a face!"

Xynthia Zimmer took Harvey York's hand and shook it from side to side.

"Tonight, it's a party organized by the big star Yadira Lawrence!"

"Many of the people who come are not locals, but big figures in the
entertainment industry!"

"I remember correctly, there are also big stars from the island country, and big
stars from the imperial capital are coming!"

"I didn't want to go, but Yadira Lawrence said that everyone is from the
entertainment industry, and it's good to know each other."

"So I can only reluctantly go to the first half!"

"The most important thing, I also want to see if those big stars are suitable for
acting with me."

Xynthia Zimmer has a career-oriented expression on her face.

"But I don't know those people, let me go by myself, I'm still a little scared!"

"So I can only take my brother-in-law and you go with me!"

"With my brother-in-law here, I will definitely feel safe!"

"The most important thing is that I heard that there are many beauties at this
party. At most, I will reluctantly give up my love. How about introducing a few
beauties to you?"

"Brother-in-law, just accompany me, I swear, it's the last time I've pestered you
this month..."

Speaking of which, Xynthia Zimmer had a crying expression on her face.

Harvey York was speechless enough: "You said the last time this month, do you
mean how many times will there be next month?"
"I said can you be more reliable and find a boyfriend by yourself?"

"Does it make sense to always pull my ex-brother-in-law out of the house?"

Chapter 4686

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Xynthia Zimmer prayed.

"If I don't say it, no one will know that you are my brother-in-law?"

"And ah, we have been in a relationship for so many years."

"If I go by myself and something happens, don't you feel guilty?"

"You think about my mother's temperament!"

"If something happens to me, and she knows that you refuse to protect me, do
you still want to live a peaceful life!?"

Hearing Lilian Yates, Harvey York suddenly had a black line on his forehead:
"Okay, I'll go with you, don't say any more!"

"But it's okay to go, I'll make a contract with you for three Chapters!"

"No matter what happens, up to eleven o'clock!"

"At eleven o'clock, I'll take you home!"

Obviously, on the bright side, he was afraid that Lilian Yates would come to find
trouble for him.
But in fact, Harvey York didn't want Xynthia Zimmer to have any accident, so if
Xynthia Zimmer insisted on going out, Harvey York would definitely accompany

When Xynthia Zimmer heard that Harvey York finally let go, she couldn't help
cheering: "Brother-in-law, you are the best!"

"I knew that you would definitely promise me!"

Harvey York shook his head helplessly. He was going to order a takeaway, but
now that there is a meal, the few dollars will be saved.

After ten minutes, Harvey York and Xynthia Zimmer walked to the entrance of the
alley where Jifutang was located, and there was already an extended Bentley
parked on the side of the road, flashing icy blue light.

Then the car door opened, and I saw a woman who was wearing sunglasses and a
sun hat on her head one night, but she couldn't hide her bright color and walked

He is a big star, Yadira Lawrence.

Yadira Lawrence was wearing a bat suit, revealing a smooth little belly, coupled
with amazing long legs, which made all the passers-by gasp.

It's just that her powerful aura is destined to make people dare not approach him
at will.

"Yadira, you are here!"

Xynthia Zimmer walked up with Harvey York.

"I thought I was late!"

Harvey York squinted at the woman who was slapped in the face by him in
Baibaolou, with a somewhat interested expression on his face.

Because judging from Yadira Lawrence's behavior, how could a big star like her
come to greet Xynthia Zimmer in person?

This scene made Harvey York's mouth curl slightly, and his smile was very playful.

"Xynthia Zimmer, what are you going to do like this?"

Seeing Xynthia Zimmer holding Harvey York's hand, Yadira Lawrence's face sank

"Do you know who is hosting tonight?"

"Island star, Nobita Chiba!"

"He has never liked our Country H man!"

"Young Master Chiba will definitely be unhappy seeing this guy."


Chiba Nobita?

Harvey York narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew why Xynthia Zimmer had to
come and use him as a shield tonight.

But he also fully understood, after all, if there was no other way, Xynthia Zimmer
would not have come to find her like this.
Xynthia Zimmer did not respond directly to Yadira Lawrence at the moment, but
said with a smile: "Yadira, Harvey York is my brother-in-law no matter what, it's
normal for me to bring him to parties..."

"After all, at this gathering, you didn't say you can't bring outsiders?"

Yadira Lawrence's eyes froze when he heard the words, and he looked at Harvey
York with a bit of gnashing of teeth.

How many days did she come to Jinling? As a result, Harvey York slapped her
face madly.

Tonight's arrangement is a game for her to win over the people of the island
country, how could she let this guy Harvey York do something bad?

Chapter 4687

"It seems that Yadira Lawrence looks down on me as an ordinary person!"

Harvey York smiled indifferently at the moment, not at all afraid of Yadira
Lawrence's sight.

"Since I'm not welcome, then I won't join in the fun."

"I'm not going."

"You two can do it yourself."

Seeing Harvey York's move to retreat, Xynthia Zimmer also blinked her big eyes
and said, "Brother-in-law, why are you talking!"

"Anyway, if you don't go, I definitely won't go either!"

"Let's go out shopping and eat supper, the two of us."

Hearing Xynthia Zimmer's words, Yadira Lawrence's crystal clear forehead had
even more black lines.

She took a deep breath, and then said coldly, "Okay, stop talking nonsense."

"Get in the car."

Obviously, although she saw Harvey York's instinctive dissatisfaction, she also
showed extreme indifference.

But she has already investigated Harvey York's details.

In the final analysis, it is a man who shows off his strength by eating women's soft

How could she like Yadira Lawrence?

In the imperial capital, all she knew were the eldest sons of the top circles.

When she came to Jinling, the people who received her were all arranged by the
young master of the Hoffman Family.

As for the eldest son of the Chiba family in the island country tonight, the star of
the island country, Nobita Chiba, is not a mere Harvey York who can be

After all, being able to become a big star in the new generation of the island
country is enough to show how handsome Chiba Nobita looks.

In addition, the Chiba family is a new noble in the island country, and its power is
prominent, and his mother is from Country H, and his mother's family is from
Tianmen Village in the southwest.
So whether in the island country or in Country H, Nobita Chiba has deep
connections and resources.

Such people, even Araceli Hoffman, the eldest son of the Hoffman Family, and
Jonatan Leduc, the eldest son of the Leduc Family, valued them very much.

How does Harvey York compare to someone like Chiba Nobita?

After all, the difference between the two sides is like a dragon and an ant, and
there is no way to compare them.

For Yadira Lawrence, as long as she can fool Xynthia Zimmer to the scene tonight.

As for Harvey York, she thought she had a way to clean up.

If Harvey York knew how to advance or retreat, she might consider giving Harvey
York some favors.

But if this guy Harvey York didn't know how to write dead words and actually ran
to their home court, then Yadira Lawrence wouldn't mind letting Harvey York
realize the cruel side of life.

Soon, a group of three got into the car in embarrassment.

Xynthia Zimmer still needs to care about Yadira Lawrence's face, but Harvey York
doesn't have to.

This scene made Yadira Lawrence even more unhappy. She stepped on the
accelerator violently, as if she wished to smash Harvey York directly to the

Soon, the car came to the Qinhuai River and stopped on an elegantly decorated
On the edge of the pier, you can see that small yachts are already ready.

Apparently, tonight's party was on a yacht.

Yadira Lawrence first let Xynthia Zimmer walk into the pier, and then she blocked
Harvey York with an indifferent expression.

"The surname is York, it's boring for you to do things like this."

"Is it possible that you don't have the slightest correct understanding of

"Is it possible that you don't have the slightest self-knowledge?"

Harvey York looked at the big star whose eyebrows were standing upright at the
moment, and said with great interest: "What is self-knowledge?"

"You are a liar, a Feng Shui master!"

"People like you are the lower third among the three religions and nine streams!"

Yadira Lawrence's face was ugly.

"What qualifications do you have to follow Xynthia Zimmer all the time?"

Chapter 4688

"Being a person, you must understand your own position and the gap between
yourself and the upper class!"

"A person like Xynthia Zimmer is something you will never be able to climb in
your life!"
"If you want to eat soft rice, just eat soft rice obediently, don't get in the way

"As a friend of Mandy Zimmer, I feel it is necessary for me to warn you!"

"Get out of here, and stay away from her in the future, because you are not
qualified to stand by her side!"

"She is the flower of the high mountain, and you are the stinky mud of the

"You guys are from two worlds!"

He clearly disliked Harvey York, but Yadira Lawrence had a literary accent, but it
also seemed to be more bossy and arrogant.

Harvey York said lightly, "I don't think it has anything to do with you whether I
eat soft rice or not?"

"How is my relationship with Xynthia, it has nothing to do with you, right?"

"You Star Lawrence, are you taking it too far?"

Hearing Harvey York's words, Yadira Lawrence's face turned black.

"Harvey York, I am here for your own good!"

"What are you? What right do you have to say these things to me?"

"I'll tell you the truth today!"

"You are an ex-husband, a soft-boiled man who was swept out of the door!"
"Don't say you want to be with Xynthia Zimmer and be a couple with her!"

"You are not qualified to be her licking dog, do you understand?"

"For us, people in the nasty circle like you are Xia Chong!"

"I brought Xynthia here today to introduce Young Master Chiba from the island
country to her!"

"With the support of Young Master Chiba, Xynthia is destined to have a bright

"And your existence will only make Young Master Chiba very unhappy!"

"Maybe if Young Master Chiba is unhappy, he will destroy Xynthia Zimmer!"

"At that time, I will see what you will do!"

"So, if you still have some brains, and you're still half smart, I suggest you don't
eat this meal!"

"Get out of here and do what you need to do!"

"You go to the roadside to cry, or to get drunk, I don't even care about you!"

Harvey York looked at the self-righteous woman in front of her with a half-smile,
and was about to punch the woman directly in the face, but at this moment,
Xynthia Zimmer, who couldn't wait for Harvey York, turned back.

"Harvey York, come in quickly!"

While speaking, she took the initiative to hold Harvey York's arm, obviously afraid
that Harvey York would run away.
"Xynthia, Harvey York said he was not feeling well and was seasick, so he didn't
go up!"

"I have some money here to give him a taxi home!"

Yadira Lawrence had an old-fashioned expression on his face, took out a cheque
and wrote the number with "Swish", and then handed it to Harvey York: "Take it,
this is a number that you will never see in your life.

Ten million!

I have to admit that Yadira Lawrence's shot is still generous.

But it also shows that she is absolutely uneasy and kind to Xynthia Zimmer

Harvey York watched this scene, took the check, and when Yadira Lawrence
smiled, he slowly tore the check into two pieces.

"Sorry, I suddenly found out that I have never built a yacht in my life, and I want
to see the world tonight."

While speaking, Harvey York took Xynthia Zimmer's arm and said with a smile,
"Xynthia, let's go in."

The action is simple and direct, not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

At this moment, Yadira Lawrence was so angry that he almost vomited blood...

Chapter 4689

"Bastard, don't give a shit, I really think I'm a character!"

"You will know how serious the consequences will be when Young Master Chiba
gets angry for a while!"

"A mere Country H native, how do you fight a mixed-race? How do you fight
against the eldest son of the Chiba family?"


Yadira Lawrence scolded secretly while gnashing his teeth.

Soon, the group got on the yacht and came to the cabin.

The cabin is very spacious, about a hundred square meters, surrounded by

exquisite Italian soft leather sofas, showing luxury.

At this moment, in the cabin, there are already more than a dozen young men
and women in Chinese clothes sitting together.

These people are all handsome men and women, and the luxury high-order
clothing on their bodies is a dream that ordinary people can't reach in their entire

It can be said that this scene shows wealth, luxury and status.

But seeing Xynthia Zimmer and her party appear, everyone who was playing dice
stopped moving, their eyes lit up instantly, and there was a wolfish impulse in

Obviously, Xynthia Zimmer, a well-known pure goddess in the entertainment

industry, is the target of countless princes and young masters who want to hunt.

After all, no matter who can get her, they feel that they can show off for ten or
eight years.
"Star Lawrence, you are finally here!"

At this time, a man who was not very tall and spoke with an island-like accent
stood up and hugged Yadira Lawrence.

His face is full of high-tech products, and he looks very handsome. At the same
time, he also shakes the Patek Philippe watch on his wrist, which is very heroic.

Judging from his shape and dress, he is definitely a real rich and powerful family,
with an aristocratic atmosphere.

"Young Master Chiba, I'm sorry."

"Originally, you came from the island country, and those of us who are the
masters should have arrived earlier."

"But on the way, I saw a mangy dog begging and begging me for food."

"I have to deal with it properly, and as a result, time is delayed, hey..."

While speaking, Yadira Lawrence had a mean expression on his face.

At the same time, her face was full of spring breeze, as if she was eager to give
herself to Nobita Chiba.

After all, in Yadira Lawrence's eyes, these young masters of Chiba have money,
connections, resources, and energy!

Being able to sleep with such a person once, there are countless benefits!

"Hehehe, although it is said that I came from an island country, don't forget that
Jinling is also half of my hometown!"
Nobita Chiba was holding the champagne at the moment, with a gentle
expression on his face.

"You can come to the banquet I organized today, that is to give me face."

"It's not late to be late, right?"

While speaking, Nobita Chiba walked in front of Xynthia Zimmer with an

aggressive aura.

He looked at Xynthia Zimmer up and down a few times before smiling and said,
"This is the newly emerging pure goddess in the Mordu entertainment circle,
Xynthia Zimmer, Miss Zimmer, right?"

"That's right, it's her!"

Yadira Lawrence smiled at this moment.

"Since he entered the entertainment industry, let alone scandals, there is no man
even in the rivalry."

"It can be said that she is a real pure goddess, the idol of countless male stars!"

"It turns out that it is really an honor for me, Nobita Chiba, to meet Miss

Chiba Nobita stretched out his right hand with a warm expression.

"In the next Chiba Nobita, the direct son of the Chiba family, I hope that Miss
Zimmer will take care of me in the future and give me more opportunities to
cooperate with each other..."

Chapter 4690
Nobita Chiba, who was speaking, was breathing heavily, and there was a glint in
his eyes, and his whole person was full of aggression.

What he likes most is this young, innocent, clean, little girl with no experience.

This is not only a first-hand product, but the most important thing is that the little
girl doesn't know that his time is short.

This is called no comparison; everyone is super god.

At this time, Nobita Chiba was even ready to show the unique temperament of
the people of the island country, and the overlord would bow hard!

He was going to eat Xynthia Zimmer in one bite.

Nobita Chiba was extremely satisfied with the meeting ceremony that Araceli
Hoffman arranged for him.

He felt that this time the cooperation between the two sides should be very easy.

"Young Master Chiba, hello."

Xynthia Zimmer frowned slightly, but she nodded slightly as a greeting.

Then she took Harvey York's hand and said, "I'll also introduce you to Young
Master Chiba."

"This one is my boyfriend, Harvey York."

Obviously, from the beginning, she was going to use Harvey York as a shield, and
now, practice makes perfect.

"Harvey York!?"
Chiba Nobita's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

"The boyfriend of the pure goddess?"

"Boy, you have a good life!"

It's just that during the conversation, Chiba Nobita's breath, no matter how he
feels, has a cold taste.

"Young Master Chiba, don't get excited, Xynthia is just playing a kind joke with

Yadira Lawrence didn't give Harvey York face at all, but sneered.

"This Harvey York is a door-to-door son-in-law, Xynthia Zimmer's door-to-door

brother-in-law, and he has been swept out of the house!"

"Xynthia Zimmer has always used him as a shield to block all kinds of wild bees
and butterflies for her!"

"To a certain extent, he is helping Young Master Chiba to protect Miss Zimmer!"

"We should thank him!"

"Besides, he is also a Feng Shui master. I heard that he can see pictures, which is
very powerful!"

Hearing this, the audience was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Such a useless man can become a son-in-law and a liar again!?

And what happened to this year?

Can such a piece of shit come to a party of this level?

A few beautiful girls with flamboyant branches looked at Harvey York with
undisguised disdain in their eyes.

In their opinion, the appearance of Harvey York lowered their grades, making
them feel that the air was a lot polluted because of Harvey York's existence.

"That's it, it's interesting, it's really interesting..."

Nobita Chiba looked at Harvey York up and down, the smile on the corner of his
mouth became more and more disdainful and unbearable, he said with a smile:
"Son-in-law, as a man, you must know your qualifications and your ability."

"Some things can be done, and some things can't be done even if killed!"

"Otherwise, once trouble arises, it's easy to die without a place to be buried..."

At this moment, Nobita Chiba spoke with a hint of calmness, but there was a faint
threat in the calmness.

After all, the woman he saw was attached to Harvey York at the moment, which
made him envious, jealous and hated!

He had a feeling that something he liked was tainted by Harvey York.

Xynthia Zimmer hurriedly said at the moment, "Don't talk nonsense, Harvey York
is really my boyfriend!"

"I wouldn't accept anyone else as my boyfriend except him!"

Chapter 4691
Hearing Xynthia Zimmer's words, the audience burst into laughter.

Everyone thinks that Xynthia Zimmer's brain is not broken, or her acting skills are
too poor.

After all, taking someone like Harvey York as a boyfriend?

What a joke!

"Okay, Xynthia, stop talking nonsense here!"

"You Country H have a saying very well!"

"How can a pheasant match a phoenix!?"

"How can a toad eat swan meat?"

Nobita Chiba said that he was very cultured.

"Just like him, who is worthy of him?"

"Even if it's the waiter who serves the dishes, you might not like him, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

There was laughter all around, and many people laughed so much that tears
came out.

It was really fun tonight.

With such a jumping clown, it adds a lot to this party.

When the words fell, Harvey York pressed against Xynthia Zimmer's face and
kissed her.

Although he looked at Chiba with interest, he said, "Young Master Chiba, right?"

"Whether the two of us are worthy, it doesn't matter if you say it, and it doesn't
matter if they say it."

"We have the final say about the two of us..."

Listening to Harvey York's words, watching Harvey York's actions.

At this moment, Chiba Nobita's eyelids kept twitching, and murderous intent
appeared in his eyes.

Who is Nobita Chiba?

He is the new aristocrat of the island country, the direct son of the Chiba family,
and a big star in the entertainment circle of the island country!

His grandfather is the Great Country H Martial Arts Holy Land, an outer sect elder
in the Southwest Tianmen Village!

With such an identity, whether in Country H or in the island country, he has

always walked sideways.

He has to take the initiative to post any woman he likes, without any exceptions.

Even if it was a big star who was known as a beautiful girl once in a thousand
years in the island country, didn't he get it by hooking his finger?

But today, he actually suffered a big loss from Xynthia Zimmer.

Not only did he lose face, but he was also provoked by Harvey York in public, and
lost face to his grandma's house...

At this moment, Nobita Chiba had anger in his heart.

After all, the challenge of an ant really seems to be so unaware of life and death.

Chiba Nobita looked ugly.

Yadira Lawrence and the others also looked angry.

After all, they all knew that Xynthia Zimmer used Harvey York as a shield.

But who would have thought that Harvey York would be so bold.

He kissed Xynthia Zimmer in front of so many people, how did Nobita Chiba step

Xynthia Zimmer was also blushing. She was looking forward to this day, but she
was still shy in front of so many people.

But, could it be brother-in-law...

"Everyone now believes that Xynthia is my girlfriend, right?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm the man who holds Xynthia in the back!"

"Where I'm here, no one wants to hit Xynthia."

"do you think so?"

After speaking, Harvey York grabbed Xynthia Zimmer's waist and seemed to tell
everyone that Xynthia Zimmer was his woman.

Xynthia Zimmer didn't know how to react at this moment, her whole body was
stiff, but she didn't resist subconsciously.

Chiba Nobita's face was extremely ugly, a bit uglier than eating shit.

He glanced at him, and immediately saw a young man with oily head and pink
face step forward, looking at Harvey York fiercely.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"A mere Country H person, dare to rob a woman with Young Master Chiba!?"

Chapter 4692

"Let me tell you, in front of the noble island nation's nobles, the people of
Country H are not at all competitive!"

The young man with oily head and noodles is obviously also from Country H, but
he looks like a dog from an island country, and his eyes staring at Harvey York at
this moment are extremely fierce.

"Let me tell you, even if you have 10 billion in your family, you are not qualified
to grab a woman with Young Master Chiba!"

"What's more, just like you, I'm afraid you don't have a hundred dollars for your
whole body, right?"

"Another 10 billion!?"

"You're thinking about farting!"

"The most important thing is that Xynthia Zimmer is so beautiful and pure
goddess, do you think you are worthy of it?"

"Can you afford it?"

"Can you protect it?"

Having said that, this oily and powder-faced young man has an expression of
mastery and truth on his face.

It seems that only in this way can he be able to show his ability in front of his
island master.

When other people can appear here, naturally they all come to hug Chiba
Nobita's thigh.

Therefore, at this moment, they all sneered one after another.

In addition, the words of the young man with oil head and powder noodles are
not wrong.

Beautiful women have been exclusive to the rich and powerful since ancient
times. What qualifications do poor people and hanging silk have?

Even if he is lucky, if he has it for a while, it will bring him unimaginable disasters,
even the disaster of destroying his family.

Harvey York smiled lightly and said, "I'm sorry, I really have 10 billion..."

Yadira Lawrence on the side sneered: "Harvey York, are you too embarrassed to
say this?"
"In terms of your temperament of eating soft rice and the tonality of Jifutang, you
have 10 billion?"

"If you have it, I will support it for you!"

Harvey York glanced at Yadira Lawrence and said with a look of disgust, "I'm
sorry, I'm not interested in broken shoes."

Harvey York's words made Yadira Lawrence's face darken. This bastard actually
dared to mock her, Yadira Lawrence who is so good!?

"Boy, do you have ten billion?"

"Let me tell you, after three generations of Lao Tzu's family struggled for
decades, and relied on the island country's nobles to enjoy their meals, they only
saved hundreds of millions of net worth!"

"And this, it took thirty years!"

"It's 10 billion when you say it, it's a good comparison!"

"There are young people with this wealth in Country H, not from the top ten top
families, or from the five ancient clans?"

"I don't know, Young Master York, which family are you from!?"

The young man with oily face and powder face looked sarcastic at the moment,
but everyone could hear it, this was sarcasm Harvey York.

I'm afraid this person who eats soft rice has never seen even 100 yuan, but also
10 billion?

Does he know what the concept of 10 billion is?

Simply hilarious!

"I'm not a member of the top ten top families, nor a member of the five ancient

Harvey York smiled lightly.

"I'm just the owner of Jifutang."

The owner of Jifutang!?

A group of people rolled their eyes wildly.

Several beautiful girls heard that Harvey York was a liar, and even more disdain.

A liar has 10 billion, how funny?

You are so good at blowing, why don't you blow the cow away?

Hearing Harvey York say this, Xynthia Zimmer was also a little embarrassed.

After all, she has been to Jifutang, and she believes that Jifutang is worth 100

It is worth 10 billion, which inevitably contains exaggeration.

Only Yadira Lawrence's face changed slightly, and she suddenly remembered that
the jadeite jade that Harvey York and Damian Huo had sold would definitely
exceed 10 billion.

However, at this time, how could she admit such a thing and hit Nobita Chiba in
the face?
Chapter 4693

"A small owner of Jifutang, with a net worth of tens of billions!?"

"Isn't that the streets and alleys of our Jinling, there are billionaires everywhere?"


Chiba Nobita and the others all covered their stomachs and laughed wildly,
looking at Harvey York with endless banter and sarcasm.

Mr. Feng Shui.

To put it bluntly, it is the servant of the powerful!

In the industry of feng shui, if you want to make a living, you have to rely on the

They have never heard of Feng Shui being so good.

If there is, it is definitely Jinling, and even the first Feng Shui master of Country H.

Will it be so anonymous?

Especially Chiba Nobita, looking at Harvey York's eyes is simply disgusting to the

Does this Country H kid think he is from the Yuwu family?

Still a billionaire?

Don't you know it's daytime?

This is where the dream begins.

"Oh, let's not talk about it, I suddenly remembered that in the island country,
several well-known great onmyoji have a net worth of more than 10 billion."

The young man with oily head and powder face seemed to remember something
at the moment, with a pretentious look on his face, and then pretended to salute
Harvey York.

"It seems that our Master York is a Feng Shui master at the level of the Great
Onmyoji of the island country!"

"This is simply the number one Feng Shui master in Country H!"

"Everything just now is my fault!"

"Please also take care of Master York in the future!"

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter.

Everyone thought this young man with oily head and noodles was too funny.

Punching Harvey York's face like this is a rhythm that will swell his face.

"Eider Rowling, since you know that Master York is the number one Feng Shui
master in Country H, why do you still offend him like this?"

Chiba Nobita showed a lesson in the tone of his servants.

"In case Master York gets angry, a spell will curse you to death, you know?"

"Know, know!"

Eider Rowling nodded and bowed at the moment.

"I will do my best to serve Master York tonight, lest he kill me in one anger!"

His pretending to be a servant made everyone laugh.

The beautiful woman present looked at Harvey York's expression more and more

"By the way, Master York, since you are the number one feng shui master in
Country H, you must be very knowledgeable about antiques and feng shui

At this moment, Nobita Chiba held the champagne in his hand and walked in
front of Harvey York.

"When I came to Jinling this time, in addition to visiting the entertainment

industry in Country H, I was ordered by my family to invest in a cultural relics
exposition in Jinling."

"I originally wanted to invite several great onmyojis from our island country to sit
in town."

"Now that you are so capable, Master York, I want to invite you otherwise, right?"

"As long as you attend Master York and become the chief feng shui master of our
cultural relics expo, how about I give you ten points of dividends from the expo?"

"Of course, if you want to be the chief Feng Shui master, you also have to have
the ability. If you look wrong and let us accept fakes, I'm afraid you will have to
be responsible."

"How about it, do you dare to play?"

Hearing Nobita Chiba's words, the ladies who were holding the goblet all fell
forward and backward with laughter.
Young Master Chiba is too bad.

Even the cultural relics exposition has been moved out. This is a rhythm that will
never give up unless Harvey York's face is completely swollen!

"Brother-in-law, let's go home!"

Xynthia Zimmer was a little angry at the moment, she felt that Chiba Nobita was
too much and had no bearing at all.

Chapter 4694

Harvey York waved his hand at this moment, motioning Xynthia Zimmer to stop
talking, and then squinted at Nobita Chiba and said, "What is the purpose of your
cultural relics exposition?"

"If it's a simple exhibition, I'm afraid you don't have the right to exhibit anything
from your island country."

"If you want to take this opportunity to take away our Country H cultural relics,
then I'm sorry, I refuse this matter."

"Not only will I refuse, but I will also notify the Jinling government to prevent this
from happening."

"So, please send me a plan tomorrow."

"After I take a closer look, I'll see how this matter can be resolved..."

Harvey York looked serious.

For him, if the islanders are just here to hold an exposition, then he doesn't care.
If the islanders come with other thoughts, then I'm sorry, don't leave when you

"Send you a plan?"

"Let's see how to solve it?"

Everyone present couldn't hold back any longer when they heard the words, and
they all burst into laughter.

The eyes they looked at Harvey York were the same as when they looked at an

Nobita Chiba said these words just to slap you in the face.

The results of it?

This Harvey York not only has no self-knowledge, but also asked Chiba Nobita to
send the plan?


Do you really think Chiba Nobita wants to ask him for help?

Notify the government? He said it as if he could sway the decision of the

government with a single word.

This is the first time I've seen such a man who pretends to be so ignorant and has
no self-awareness!

Xynthia Zimmer's cheeks were also flushed at the moment, and she pulled Harvey
York and said, "Brother-in-law, let's go back quickly, this place is not suitable for
"Oh, thank you Master York for your concern..."

"Master York, who can say such a thing, must be the chief feng shui advisor of
the Jinling government, right?"

"In that case, I really have to visit you with the plan book!"

Chiba Nobita laughed uncontrollably, and then he looked back at everyone and
said loudly.

"Come on, everyone, come and take a photo with Master York!"

"This is the chief feng shui master of your Country H, and the feng shui
consultant of your Jinling government!"

"In these years, we have never seen such an awesome person!"

"In the future, if you have any troubles at home, or fortune-telling or feng shui,
you will have to find Master York!"

"This is our chance!"

"Master York!"

Nobita Chiba came forward with a group of friends, all of them pretending to
salute Harvey York. The purpose is simple and direct, that is, to completely swell
Harvey York's face.

The many beautiful women present looked at Harvey York with contempt.

I have never seen such a man before, this is a shame for the Country H people!

Sure enough, the island man is handsome.


At this moment, Harvey York's mobile phone vibrated violently. He glanced at it

and connected it, but the wind on the yacht was very strong and the signal was
not good, so he couldn't hear what the other side said clearly.

After Harvey York fed a few words, he could only press the speakerphone button
with a speechless expression.

This time, the other party's voice became clear.

A slightly majestic voice with a bit of high-ranking bearing came out: "Hey,
Brother York, I'm Francisco Parada!"

"Just now I had a meeting with several other senior officials of the Jinling

"Everyone has unanimously decided to invite you to be the chief Feng Shui
consultant of the Jinling government."

"I don't know if you are interested!?"

Francisco Parada!?

Jinling official government leader!?

The laughter in the audience suddenly condensed, and the needle drop could be

Chapter 4695

Chiba Nobita, Eider Rowling and the others all looked at Harvey York with a dull
expression, and for a while seemed to not know how to speak.
The smiles on their faces were frozen, and it could even be said that they were a
little shocked.

No one dared to believe that this Harvey York was actually invited by Francisco
Parada to become the chief Feng Shui consultant of the Jinling government.

Xynthia Zimmer was also taken aback. Harvey York was surprised that Harvey
York had such a skill, and being able to know Francisco Parada was valued so

And Harvey York himself was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that
Francisco Parada would call at this time to talk about this matter.

After thinking for a while, he still said: "Old Parada, this matter is a bit
inappropriate, please let me think about it again."

"Okay, if you think it's inappropriate, Brother York, we won't force it."

"But feel free to call if you're interested..."

After speaking, Francisco Parada hung up the phone with a smile.

Chiba Nobita and the others all looked ugly and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Yadira Lawrence was the first to stand up and question.

"Hehehe, the head of the Jinling government, Francisco Parada called you

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

"I don't know who I found to call you, you really think you have this ability!?"
"In order not to reveal the secret, you still have a humble refusal?"

"Harvey York, you are really acting in a full set!"

"Didn't you still say that you have 10 billion?"

"You take it out for us to see!"

"When you take it out, we believe that you are qualified to be hired as the chief
Feng Shui consultant!"

"That's right!"

A group of beautiful women echoed Yadira Lawrence's words at the moment.

Obviously, they didn't want to believe that even if they were beaten to death,
Harvey York was so valued by Francisco Parada.

Harvey York glanced at the group of people calmly. For these people who didn't
want to believe the truth, he didn't even have the interest to slap their face.

They specially took out 10 billion to slap these people in the face, they are not yet


At this moment, Harvey York's cell phone vibrated again, this time he
subconsciously pressed the speakerphone button, and soon, a nice female voice
came out.

"Dear Mr. York, I am the exclusive customer service of your black gold card. Just
now, you received a 10 billion transfer from Mr. Damian Huo. Would you like to
deposit it into a wealth management account or a current account..."

"Let's stay in the current account first." Harvey York said lightly.
"Okay, then the current balance of your current account is 50 billion. If you need
financial management, feel free to contact me, and I will serve you 24 hours a

"Then I won't bother you anymore!"

"wish you a happy life."

Opposite the phone, the exclusive customer service hung up the phone

In the yacht, a group of people looked at each other!

The balance is 50 billion!?

Just a current account!?

What a joke!

Even Xynthia Zimmer had a strange look on her face, she never imagined that
Harvey York was so rich.

Harvey York was a little surprised. He never thought that Damian Huo would sell
the previous batch of jadeite so quickly.

It seems that the people of the hidden Huo family are really capable!

"Hey, my Master York, you really prepared enough for the pretense in advance,
acting in a full set!"

Yadira Lawrence, who knew exactly what was going on with these 10 billion,
almost bit his teeth.
"Just got someone to call to be the chief feng shui consultant of the Jinling

"Now let's call people pretending to be billionaires!"

"Are you really that capable!?"

"You are so capable, you need to eat a woman's soft rice? You need to be a son-

Chapter 4696

Chiba Nobita and the others, who were shocked one after another, all reacted
when they heard this.

How could a guy who opened a Feng Shui Japanese Pavilion and a former son-
in-law be valued by Francisco Parada, the head of the Jinling government?

And how can such a person have a net worth of more than 10 billion?

It's funny!

"As I said, the whole body is full of street goods, and the total does not exceed
one hundred yuan. How can it be a master? How can it be a billionaire!"

"It turned out to be a pretense, and people deliberately called over to act?"

"How could there be such a vain person in the world? It's like disgracing the face
of the pure goddess!"

"Yeah, don't you look at what kind of goods you are, pretending to be a master?
pretending to be the second generation? Are you worthy?"
"Young Master Chiba and Young Master Rowling are just teasing you, but you are
playing with your body? Do you really think you have the ability?"

Chiba Big Bear, Eider Rowling and the others all sneered, showing no mercy to
Harvey York's ridicule.

Because they felt that they were almost fooled by the bastard Harvey York.

Harvey York put away his mobile phone and looked at these jumping clowns with
great interest.

It seems that the self-righteous pattern of the islanders is nothing more than that.

"Shut up!"

Xynthia Zimmer was angry.

"I forbid you to say that to my brother-in-law!"

"He really didn't lie to you!"

"My brother-in-law is amazing!"

"Many dignitaries look to him for Feng Shui!"

"Including the people from the six hidden families are here!"

Hearing Xynthia Zimmer's words, the people present laughed even more.

The six hidden families in Jinling are the local snakes in Jinling!

Such a person must go to Jinling Feng Shui masters like Mateus Zora and Hugo
yegar to see Feng Shui, right?
Just like Harvey York, how can he be qualified to enter the eyes of the six hidden

It seems that Xynthia Zimmer is too simple and deceived too deeply by this
bastard Harvey York.

"Okay, Young Master Chiba, give me a face!"

"Since it's fate for everyone to meet each other, don't talk about this anymore!"

"Even if Harvey York is poor, he still wants face!"

Seeing Xynthia Zimmer's angry gesture of leaving, Yadira Lawrence hurriedly

stood up as a fake good person.

"You haven't eaten yet!"

"Come on, things won't taste good when they're cold!"

"Okay, let's chat while we eat!"

At this moment, Chiba Nobita has a polite attitude. He smiled and said: "I
specially invited the Michelin chef to prepare dinner for us. You can have
everything you want to eat!"

"Tonight, I will definitely be drunk!"

During the conversation, a group of beautiful women became excited.

Yadira Lawrence was afraid that Xynthia Zimmer would run away, so she came to
take her hand and sat down inside.
At the moment, Eider Rowling deliberately fell behind half a step, stood beside
Harvey York, looked at the man in front of him, and said lightly, "Harvey York,

"I don't care if you are a real Feng Shui master or a fake Feng Shui master!"

"I don't care if you are a real boyfriend or a fake one!"

"In a word, Young Master Chiba has taken a fancy to Xynthia Zimmer!"

"If you get out of here now, I can make decisions for Young Master Chiba and
pretend that nothing happened!"

"Then you can walk out of here safely and get five million by the way!"

Speaking of which, Eider Rowling twisted his neck, cracked his eyes, and said,
"Otherwise, you will definitely know how the word regret should be written..."

"Do you understand what I said?"

Chapter 4697

"What? You are an islander's dog, so you can be a teacher?"

Harvey York smiled noncommittally.

"Come on, teach me how to write regret!"

Eider Rowling sneered: "Although I don't come to Jinling very often, but you must
understand that the upper-class circles in Country H are inextricably linked!"

"For example, have you heard of the Jinling Hoffman Family?"

"Ernesto Hoffman, the second young master of the Hoffman Family, this is my
distant cousin!"

"With his status in Jinling, one sentence can make you die ugly!"

Speaking of this, Eider Rowling looked cold.

Obviously, when he was in Jinling, as long as he carried Ernesto Hoffman's

signboard, he was always in a position to win.

"Ernesto Hoffman?"

Hearing this familiar name, Harvey York smiled, and then said lightly: "Okay, you
can ask Ernesto Hoffman to come over and let him tell me how to write regret!"

Eider Rowling, who was waiting for Harvey York to kowtow, was stunned for a
moment. Obviously, he did not expect that Harvey York would react like this
when he heard the three words Ernesto Hoffman.

Son of a bitch, I'm talking about the top ten families, the second young master of
the Jinling family, Ernesto Hoffman!

"Boy, you are also from Jinling anyway!"

"You know the Jinling Hoffman Family?"

"Do you know the second young master of the Hoffman Family?"

Eider Rowling couldn't help but remind Harvey York.

"In the Hoffman Family, there is a young man who is under one person and more
than ten thousand people!"
Harvey York smiled slightly and said, "Of course I know the Hoffman Family, you
just ask this second young Master Hoffman to teach me how to do things."

"Good, you have the kind!"

Eider Rowling was stimulated by Harvey York's indifferent words. At this moment,
he couldn't help but give Harvey York a thumbs up and said coldly: "Okay, you
have the ability, you have the kind!"

"Since you want to kill me, I will fulfill you!"

"You will soon know what the consequences of offending the Hoffman Family in
Jinling are!"

"I will also let you know, regret these two words, how many strokes and strokes,
and how to write them..."

Obviously, Eider Rowling is also quite confident in his words.

Although he is only the dog leg of the island people, although he is not as
arrogant as Chiba Nobita.

But he, Eider Rowling, is definitely not something that any little person can

On the contrary, because Eider Rowling is not a real eldest son, his disposition
must be reported.

All along, the little people who dared to provoke him would die without a place
to be buried and die horribly.

A few beautiful women not far away looked at this scene with expressions they
couldn't bear to see.
This hanging silk doesn't know what it means to be low-key, what is it to be

Compared with a wealthy young man like Chiba Nobita, Harvey York is a fart!

I really thought I was a character!?

Once Eider Rowling takes the shot regardless, I am afraid that the surnamed York
will soon not know how to write the word "dead"...

Moreover, they also felt that a good show should not be far away!

The two sides at this moment are full of gunpowder.

But because of Xynthia Zimmer's relationship, everyone sat together in the end.

After all, we have already arrived on the yacht, so we can't just leave like this,

Harvey York didn't mean to give other people face. He sat directly in the seat
Yadira Lawrence reserved for Chiba Nobita, next to Xynthia Zimmer, without
giving any face or opportunity to Chiba Nobita.

Yadira Lawrence's eyes had a murderous look, but in the end he didn't say
anything under Chiba Nobita's gesture.

Soon, the Michelin chef delivered the prepared delicious food, and Chiba Nobita
also signaled to others to open the Suntory whisky in the island country, and the
whole cabin was filled with the aroma of wine.

Chapter 4698
Under Chiba Nobita's signal, Eider Rowling stood up and poured a big glass for

The whisky of the island country is sweet, but it is very high-end, and it belongs
to the type that people with a small drinker will fall down after a few glasses.

So, when Eider Rowling came to Xynthia Zimmer with the bottle, Xynthia Zimmer
directly covered the glass and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know how to drink, just
drink some juice today."

Obviously, the lessons from the Shangpai Bar are still vivid in my mind, and
Xynthia Zimmer doesn't want to stage a troublesome incident.

Otherwise, Harvey York won't come out with her in the future.

"Miss Zimmer, everyone knows that you are a rookie in the entertainment
industry and a pure goddess."

"It's an honor for all of us to know you!"

"So, today is a rare good day!"

"It's fate to meet everyone. When you are happy, how can you do without wine?"

"Come on, take a sip, just take a sip!"

"This is a tribute from the royal family brought by Young Master Chiba from the
island country. Ordinary people can't drink it at all!"

Eider Rowling looked very honored.

"Come on, just have a cup, we won't force you..."

While speaking, Eider Rowling filled Xynthia Zimmer's glass with a smile.
Xynthia Zimmer said with an ugly face, "I'm sorry, I really can't drink it."

"Hey, Xynthia, everyone is present at this time. It's nothing to drink and have fun.
This is a tribute to the royal family!"

"Yeah, if you miss it, there will be no more!"

"Just give Chiba Young Master and Master Rowling some face!"

"People have come all the way from the island country, and you are also half a
landlord. How can you do this?"

Yadira Lawrence and others all spoke at this moment, hoping that Xynthia
Zimmer would save face and take a sip.

It's a pity that Xynthia Zimmer's face turned black at the moment, and she was
not moved at all.

Nobita Chiba smiled and said, "Miss Zimmer, are you still depressed? We made
things difficult for your brother-in-law just now, so you are very angry?"

Xynthia Zimmer said unceremoniously, "That's right!"

Hearing Xynthia Zimmer's words, Chiba Nobita and the others narrowed their
eyes slightly, obviously not expecting that this woman looks innocent, but she is
so tricky and difficult to deal with.

But soon, the hostility on Chiba Nobita's face dissipated, and it was replaced by a
playful look.

He squinted at Harvey York, who was feasting on the side, and said with a smile,
"Young Master York, we were wrong just now, we shouldn't make fun of you!"
"Everything is my fault!"

"Also please adults, don't worry about it!"

After speaking, Nobita Chiba bowed to Harvey York respectfully according to the
etiquette of the island country.

After doing this, he smiled slightly: "It's just that it's fate to meet today!"

"Since everyone met and are so happy, shouldn't we have a good drink?"

"The most important thing is that the wine has already been opened. If you don't
drink it, isn't it a waste!?"

While speaking, Chiba Nobita waved his hand and saw that the wine bottles were
all placed on the table, which was very attractive no matter how he looked at it.

Harvey York smiled and said, "Yes, you should really have a good drink, such a
happy day!"

"But, Xynthia doesn't know how to drink, so don't force her!"

"For her sake, I'll come!"

"After all, I'm her boyfriend, and I'll help everyone. It's not a big problem, right?"

While speaking, Harvey York squeezed the wine glass.

Yadira Lawrence was about to say, what kind of thing are you, but he quickly
reacted with a playful look on his face.

Chapter 4699
Eider Rowling put on a smile and said, "Oh, Young Master York, since you are
Xynthia's boyfriend, then you should drink for her!"

"But there's a rule in our circle!"

"That is, you can't get away with your own cup besides her cup!"

"Since you're going to replace the wine, you shouldn't be breaking the rules,

While speaking, Eider Rowling poured another glass of whiskey, and the two
glasses had been pushed to Harvey York's body.

This scene made Xynthia Zimmer's eyelids twitch, and she hurriedly kicked Harvey
York, signaling him not to run out stupidly and fight with others.

Obviously, Xynthia Zimmer is not stupid, she can see at a glance that Eider
Rowling and the others have bad intentions.

Harvey York didn't seem to feel Xynthia Zimmer's kick, so he laughed and said,
"Okay, since Young Master Rowling said so, I will definitely follow your rules!"

"Come on, let's go!"

While speaking, Harvey York picked up two glasses of wine and poured them

"Young Master York is really refreshing!"

Chiba Nobita also picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

At the same time, Eider Rowling also drank the wine.

The two self-righteous guys looked at Harvey York with a sneer, obviously in their
eyes, Harvey York is a fool.

As long as you get Harvey York drunk, are you afraid that you won't have time to
mess with Xynthia Zimmer?

You can do whatever you want at that time.

"Come on, let's all come together!"

Chiba Nobita laughed and walked forward on his own initiative.

"Knowing that Young Master York is so refreshing, we should be able to become

good friends!"

"Come on, let's have another drink, it's not like we don't know each other!"

"No problem! I'll still follow the rules!"

Harvey York raised the wine glass and Chiba Nobita clinked the glasses, then
raised his head and drank the two glasses.

Yadira Lawrence watched this scene with a smile on her face. At this moment, she
was conscientiously serving as a little girl who poured wine, and she was not
polite at all.

"Young Master York, I just lost sight of Mount Tai, come and come, let's go!"

Another young man in Chinese clothes came over and toasted Harvey York with a

"We won't go home tonight if we don't get drunk!"

"Harvey York, don't drink too much!"

Xynthia Zimmer looked at this scene worriedly, she was more afraid of Harvey
York's accident than she was afraid of her own accident.

"Okay, okay, have a drink!"

Harvey York didn't seem to see Xynthia Zimmer's fear, but drank again with a
smile on his face.

"Young Master York, you are worth tens of billions, and you are the person I need
to admire!"

"And you are also the Feng Shui consultant of the Jinling government, you are a
big man!"

"Come, come, let's go!"

The sons and brothers present all came to toast with a smile on their faces.
Everyone had half a catty and eight taels in their wine glasses. When they saw
Harvey York, they were all as enthusiastic as their long-lost brothers.

Harvey York refused to come, no matter who came, he would drink it one-to-two,
and everyone shouted loudly.

Soon, the dozen royal whiskies were exhausted.

The aroma of wine in the whole cabin is tangy.

"Brother-in-law, don't drink anymore, if you drink it again, you will have an

Seeing Harvey York's attitude, Xynthia Zimmer became even more anxious. She
kept persuading her, but Harvey York seemed to be on top and would not listen
to any persuasion.
Xynthia Zimmer started to get scared, why did she bring Harvey York to this
party, what if something happened to Harvey York!?

By the time the men present finished drinking, Harvey York had already drank
three catties of wine, which was scary.

Chapter 4700

"Oh, Young Master York, you are really a hero!"

At this time, Yadira Lawrence himself came over with a wine glass.

"I'm lucky to be able to drink with you for three lifetimes, but don't give me face!"

While speaking, Yadira Lawrence gave Harvey York a coquettish wink.

Xynthia Zimmer subconsciously stopped in front of Harvey York and said, "Yadira,
you can't do this, let me drink with you..."

"Xynthia, it's not good for you!"

"Since ancient times, men have been drinking for women. How can there be a
reason for women to drink for men?"

"By doing this, you are telling everyone that Harvey York is a waste!"

Having said this, Yadira Lawrence smiled coquettishly at Harvey York: "Young
Master York, you shouldn't be, can you?"

Hearing the words "No", all the beautiful women in the field laughed coquettishly
and ambiguous.
The atmosphere in the field was instantly hot.

"Xynthia, sit down, I'll tell you, Miss Lawrence is right!"

"Man, how can you say no?"

Harvey York laughed, picked up the wine glass and touched Yadira Lawrence, the
bottom of the glass turned upside down.

Yadira Lawrence picked up the wine bottle again, filled both wine glasses, and
said, "Young Master York, let's go for another one."

"Let me apologize to you, Young Master York, for what I did before!"

"I hope you can forgive me, Young Master York!"

Harvey York smiled, with a gesture of accepting the beauty's apology, and then
he drank a glass of wine.

Afterwards, Harvey York's body shook slightly, as if he was out of control.

Seeing this scene, Chiba Nobita gave a few other ladies a look.

Soon these women all came forward with wine glasses, as if they were about to
get Harvey York drunk.

Obviously, they won't let Harvey York get drunk and make Harvey York look ugly.

Soon, a lap of wine was drank, and another case of Royal Whiskey was emptied.

When Nobita Chiba saw this scene, he immediately sneered again and again. In
his eyes, Harvey York was a brainless person and a fool.
After being fought by so many people and being drunk by so many people, I
can't see it with pride.

Isn't that what a fool is?

Moreover, according to Nobita Chiba's experience, Harvey York is already like

this. I am afraid that after half a round at most, Harvey York will be completely

If you don't vomit after falling down, you will faint.

And Eider Rowling looked at this scene with a playful expression.

It can only be said that it really is still the Chiba Young Master.

The people of the island country are not bloody, and they are very good at killing
people and killing their hearts.

You can play a small character like Harvey York with just a click of a finger.

The most important thing is that a small character like Harvey York is still being
played willingly, and he has no idea that he has become a plaything for the
young and old.

Thinking of this, Eider Rowling waved another box of royal whisky, opened it
directly, and said, "Young Master York, it's too late for us to meet!"

"Come on, let's go one more time!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone continued the wheel battle, and soon, another
box of whiskey went down.

Xynthia Zimmer saw that Harvey York was holding the table and couldn't stand
still, so she hurriedly said, "Harvey York, you really can't drink anymore!"
"If you drink again, I'll be angry!"

Harvey York pulled open the neckline, his eyes blurred and said: "Men can't say

"Young Master Chiba, your wine is not strong enough, let's go to Maotai!"

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