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2 Grammar Worksheet
Making plans & predictions First conditional with if,
when, unless, as soon as, until
1 Choose the correct answer.
1 At the weekend, I ’ll joined / ’ll joining / ’m joining a new 4 Choose the correct answer.
salsa club. I love dancing!
1 If / Unless / As soon as you work hard, you’ll be able to
2 When we go to Florida, we go / may going / ’ll go to
follow your dreams.
Disneyworld. It will be fun!
2 Unless / When / Until I get home, I’ll do my homework
3 You ’ll having / ’ll be having / ’re going to have an
and then watch TV for a while.
accident, if you aren’t careful.
3 You won’t be able to stay fit when / if / unless you
4 Tom might be doing / might doing / is might be doing
exercise a few times a week.
a course in lifeguarding. He wants to work at the pool.
4 Until / As soon as / Unless Dad goes on holiday, he’ll be
5 Bess is going to do / is doing / will going to do
able to forget about work.
volunteer work with children. She wants to help.
5 I won’t be relaxed until / when / if you call me to let me
6 The bus to Oxford usually leaves / is leaving / will leave
know you’ve arrived.
every fifteen minutes during the day.

2 Tick ( ) or correct the sentences. Some of them are First conditional with modals
1 The London Marathon Wheelchair race will starting at 5 Complete the sentences with the verbs below and the
9.20am on Sunday. modals in brackets.
The London Marathon Wheelchair race starts at 9.20am on
afford not buy decide focus not go take
2 At the end of next week, we breaking up for the school
holidays. 1 If Mum has time, she might take (might) me to the sports
centre later.
3 It won’t be easy to do exercise every day, but it will be 2 If you want to succeed, you
good for me. (must) on your studies.
3 If Nick saves enough money, he
4 Be careful! Your cup is going to fall off the table! (could) to buy a new bike.
4 If you get to know Irene, you
5 Mum and Dad might doing a course to brush up their (may) that you like her.
Italian next year. 5 If the tickets are too expensive, we
(might) them.
6 If Tara wants to stop feeling so tired, she
(must) to bed at midnight every night.
Future continuous
3 Complete the sentences with the future continuous First conditional with imperatives
form of the verbs below.
6 Rewrite the sentences using imperative modals.
be come not go make start not wait
1 If you want to learn grammar, you could sign up for a class.
If you want to learn grammar, sign up for a class.
1 We’ll be in Venezuela this time next year.
2 If you want Sally to forgive you, you must say sorry.
2 When our exams start, we
out very much.
3 If you need to eat, you could make a sandwich.
3 While Mum’s playing tennis, Dad
4 If you are thirsty, a glass of water could be a good idea.
4 Tony for you at the train
station when you arrive; I will!
5 If you need help, all you have to do is ask!
5 you the yoga
class when you get back from holiday?
6 Carrie to the party on Saturday.

Photocopiable © Richmond Publishing S.A. de C.V., 2015 UNIT 2 GRAMMAR WORKSHEET Consolidation 39

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