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“Class 11 Civil Engineering” Final Report In

“On The Job Training”

A Report Submitted
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For class 11 Civil Engineering

Bipin Belbase
Registration o

Department of Civil Engineering
Gautam Buddha Secondary School
Buddhabhumi-2, Gorusinge
Approval Letter

On the Job Training (OJT) report submitted by Bipin Belbase,[ entitled Civil
Engineering has been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the completion of Class 11 Civil Engineering

Approval Committee




I hereby declare that I carried out this OJT report under the supervision of Er Teacher name.
I solemnly declared that to the best our knowledge, no part of the report has been
submitted here or elsewhere in previous applications for the award of class 11 civil
engineering. All source of knowledge used have been duly acknowledged.
(Bipin Belbase)

Efforts, dedication and commitment were fundamental elements for the
completion of my internship; more important was the support by my family
members and friends. To my mother in particular Mrs……… and my father MR.
…….., brothers, sisters and friends, today dedicate this very important report to
them because without their presence support love and understanding I would
have never have been able to achieve my goal.
Foremost, I would like to thank the National Examination Board (NEB), Gautam
Buddha Secondary School for including such opportunities in our syllabus.
Especially, I am indebted to senior Er. Yuvraj Belbase, whose continuous effort
always guided me and my classmates.

I would also like to extend my thanks to Er. Surendra Khanal and Er. Ramu
Tamang, for their suggestion, helps in all possible ways during internship

Last but not least I would also like to thank all the staff of Gautam Buddha
Secondary School for their Cooperative and helpfulness attitude during my

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