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Verbal Bullying: Body Shaming Experienced by Grade 10 Learners of

San Pedro National High School


Group 7

Belen, Jeremias lll H.

Cagalawan, Kristel Ann A.

Caldo, Marie Ashley G.

De Villa, Jhona Mae N.

Mancia, Ryan M.

Naz, Kaisha Samantha K.

SUBMITTED TO: Noricris Marie E. Tolentino


Verbal bullying is a form of aggressive behavior that involves using words, language, or
verbal expressions to intentionally intimidate, belittle, or humiliate another person. It typically
involves repetitive and persistent negative comments, insults, name-calling, teasing, mocking,
or derogatory remarks directed towards the victim. Verbal bullying can occur in various
settings, such as schools, workplaces, social groups, or online platforms. However, the
researchers will only focus on the students of Grade 10 serenity and Grade 10 determination of
San Pedro National High School and it aims to increase the person’s self-worth, confidence,
and emotional wellbeing in an effort to establish authority and loving themselves.

While body shaming, a type of verbal bullying, may take many different forms on how it
was done, such as verbal abuse, racist remarks, internet harassment, the propagation of rumors,
or even nonverbal cues and acts. It frequently targets those who don't fit the standard of beauty
or who have body types that are different from what is considered "normal" of "desirable" in a
specific culture or society. Recognizing that each person has a distinct body form and size, it is
important to spread the message of body positivity and acceptance. A society free from body
shaming and its detrimental effects may be made more inclusive and helpful by respecting and
accepting various bodies.

According to Alice E. Schluger, Ph.D. (2022), body shaming in teenagers is particularly

susceptible to appearance-based, body-based, and weight-based bullying. Your attitudes and
beliefs regarding body image and self-esteem during the teen years are significantly influenced
by your family, peers, and social media. For example, mothers are frequently good role models
for their daughters. It's inevitable that the constant criticism of your mother's appearance,
weight, or eating habits will have an effect on how you see yourself. It's typical to become
extremely sensitive to remarks about your appearance, weight, and body shape as you mature
during adolescence. Teenage bullying overweight has been linked to bad body image and
obsessions with particular body parts. Overweight adolescents are especially at risk, and this
frequently results in depression. You might believe that body shaming primarily affects
teenage girls, but it can also happen to boys. They can be especially worried about not being
masculine enough in terms of the prevalent definition of masculinity.

The purpose of this study is to know the body shaming experiences of the students of grade
10-serenity and grade 10-determination and to find possible strategies to strengthen awareness
about this problem. Verbal bullying, specifically as body shaming is a problem that existed a
long time ago and is still happening right now, sadly the victims of this type of bullying tend
to keep what happened just to themselves.

The researchers study aims to make the body shamers realize that every body type has a
different purpose in life, that anyone can make themselves fat or skinny by time. This research
study will serve to spread awareness, overcome social stigma, boost body acceptance, and
improve mental health. By examining the behaviors and attitudes of those who engage in body
shaming, researchers can identify effective strategies to strengthen awareness about this
harmful behavior. Additionally, studying verbal bullying related to body shaming can help
raise awareness of the issue and promote empathy and understanding towards those who have
experienced it.

Research Paradigm


1. Type of Bullying experienced by Grade
10-Serenity and Grade 10-Determination
students: Strategies to
Collection and data
1.1 Verbal Bullying; strengthen
analysis through
awareness about
1.2 Cyberbullying ; google forms with
body shaming
1.3 Physical Bullying; closed-ended
among Grade 10
1.4 Social Bullying; serenity and Grade
10 determination
students, a form of
2. Form of Verbal Bullying experienced verbal bullying.
by Grade 10-Serenity and Grade 10-
Determination students:
2.1 Body Shaming;
2.2 Face Shaming;
Research Questions/Objectives

In the light of views presented above, the researcher will study verbal bullying specifically
as body shaming experienced by grade 10 serenity and grade 10 determination students of San
Pedro National High School.

This research specifically seeks answers to the following questions:

1. What type of bullying is commonly experienced by Grade 10 serenity and Grade 10-
Determination students?

1.1 Verbal Bullying;

1.2 Cyberbullying ;

1.3 Physical Bullying;

1.4 Social Bullying;

2. What form of verbal bullying was experienced by Grade 10 serenity and Grade 10
determination students?

2.1 Body Shaming;

2.2 Face Shaming;

2.3 Racism;

3. What possible strategies can be done to strengthen awareness about body shaming
among Grade 10 serenity and Grade 10 determination students, a form of verbal


This research study will use descriptive quantitative design. Quantitative Descriptive
Research is a type of Non-Experimental research in which the variables under investigation
are not controlled or manipulated by the researcher, unlike in experimental research. Instead,
the variables are only identified, observed, and measured. (Dr Geoffrey Mbuva, 2023). In this
research study, the researchers will use paper survey as part of descriptive research. The
researchers will use a paper survey as the descriptive research design since this research
purpose is to have a description about body shaming the students have experienced.
Furthermore, it aims to determine strategies to strengthen awareness about verbal bullying
specifically as body shaming. It will then open up opportunities for awareness, empathy, and
learning in order to strengthen awareness about body shaming by this generation of young
students from employing the strategies that the researchers will identify in this study.


This study will be conducted at San Pedro National High School premises. Questions
related to what form of verbal bullying they experienced and to be answered by grade 10-
serenity students and grade 10 determination students school year 2022-2023 located at
PAGCOR Building, Room 101 and 102. The names of the students will not be included to
guarantee their anonymity. Additionally, the target respondents’ class schedule will not be
disrupted to ensure that their learning will be continuous.


In this study, random sampling will be used, which is mainly used in quantitative research
investigations. These methods guarantee that every respondent of the population has an equal
probability of being selected for the sample. This is important since the main objective of the
majority of quantitative research is to apply the results from the random sample to the
complete population. The researchers will choose 71 random students out of 86 populations of
grade 10-serenity and grade 10-determination students to be used in their random sampling.
By the use of a sample size calculator, it has a confidence level of 95%, which the 71 random
students are enough to answer the researchers objectives. Then, the paper survey will be given
to the 71 students that will be picked.


Paper surveys indicating agreement likert scale will be used as a research instrument.
Paper survey is a paper-and-pencil approach and allows researchers to gather data from a large
sample of respondents in a systematic and standardized way and so that their answers will be
specific in our objectives, since the paper survey will indicate the choices, which because of
agreement likert scale. For research and reporting, paper surveys provide respondents a
tangible record of their replies. When a physical record is required or if internet access is not
guaranteed, it can be used in a variety of situations. Paper surveys can be structured and easy
to administer, making them ideal for collecting data on people's experiences, attitudes, and
perceptions on body shaming. Paper surveys can also provide quantitative data, which can be
analyzed using statistical methods to identify patterns and relationships of variables.
Additionally, the researchers will not indicate their names even if needed, which can
encourage respondents to be more honest and candid in their answers. Overall, paper surveys
indicating agreement likert scale are a useful tool for gathering data on the prevalence of body
shaming on grade 10-serenity and grade 10-determination students of San Pedro National High
School and for identifying possible strategies.


The researchers will conduct a paper survey and should be answered by the respondents.
But before that, the researchers will ask the respondents' consent by asking them in-person to
ensure their safety, privacy, liberty, and anonymity. Then, the paper survey containing the
researcher's question will be given to them. And once the paper survey is given to them, the
first survey questionnaire to appear is asking their full name, but their name will be used
anonymously if needed. Then after that, the next survey questionnaire will be the research
questions/objectives to be answered by them. And for them to be sure in their answers, the
survey questionnaire will be a closed-ended questionnaire, so that their answers will not be
against or beyond our objectives. Then after the data were collected, it will be evaluated using
the descriptive statistics.


To present and quantify the data from the collected responses of the students more effectively,
descriptive statistics will be employed. The researchers will count the data through the use of frequency
and to get the percentage of the responses that is also called proportion. And the data will be presented
by the use of measures of central tendency including average or mean and median. To get the average,
add all the value in the data, then divide it by the total number of the data. To get the median, arrange
the data into numerical order then find the center value. Also, measures of central tendency are
insufficient to describe the data, so the researchers will use measures of variation to determine how the
data are spread out. The two data sets can have the same mean, and can be completely different.
Therefore, to explain the data, the researchers need to know how spread out the data are to measure the
extent of variation. But before gathering the data, the research protocol needs to be approved by the
teacher. The researchers will send a letter to the school administration to ensure that ethical
considerations are thoroughly met by the researchers. The researchers will use paper surveys to gather
the necessary data parallel to the research objectives. To test the reliability of the data, the gathered
responses from the respondents will undergo Content Data Analysis to extract the verbal bullying
experienced by Grade 10-Serenity and Grade 10-Determination Students. The data that will be
gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

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