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Why does Levi say that it was due to Lorenzo that he remained alive?

Levi uses strong language at the end of ch. 13 'If I was God, I would spit at
Kuhn's prayer.' How do you interpret Levi's exasperated attitude here?

Levi largely credits his survival to an Italian citizen he meets named Lorenzo.
He describes all the good deeds Lorenzo did for him, like bring him extra food
each day, provide him with a vest and sent a postcard from him to Italy. It is
clear that food in the camp was crucial for the prisoners’ survival, as they were
constantly starving, so we can assume that these extra rations Levi was getting
could have been the difference between life and death. However, I believe that
Lorenzo did not only help Levi in this way, as the spiritual and mental aid he
provided him with was equally important. I think that these simple acts of
kindness, without expecting anything in return, could have shown Levi that
there are still good people out there and restored his faith, leading him to be
determined to survive the camp.
Levi’s faith and hope is strongly challenged in this chapter. All of the prisoners
are waiting to be ‘judged’, to learn if they will live or die. Levi has almost lost
himself, finding it very difficult to care even for his own fate, almost giving up.
He watches as the prisoners’ fate is decided in a single second by the officers,
by just one look, and understands how arbitrary and pointless hope is in the
camp, as everything can change at any moment. Levi speaks harshly, because
he understands that no God could allow such things to happen, and he has
finally stopped troubling himself with emotions.

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