Chapter III Methodology

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Research Design

This research study used a quantitative approach that utilized descriptive survey

design to determine the awareness and practices of the students in terms of waste

segregation. Descriptive research is a purposive process of data gathering, analyzing,

classifying and tabulating data about prevailing conditions, practices, beliefs, processes,

trends, and cause-effect relationships and then adequate and accurate interpretation

about such data with or without aid of statistical treatment.

Sampling Method

The respondents of the study are the students in Angelo Levardo Loyola Senior

High School (ALLSHS). Using the Slovin’s Formula in computing for the sample size

with a margin of error of 5%, 555 were randomly selected out of a population of 1,805

Grade 11 and 12 Senior High School Students. The simple random technique in

selecting the respondents was done by placing all the name of all Grade 11 and 12

students in a different bowl and objectively picked 555 names. 283 were randomly

picked in grade 11 and 272 were also randomly picked in grade 12, one by one so that

the researchers are assured that there was no biased in selecting the respondents and

that all the members of the population was given an equal chance of being selected.

The main instrument used in gathering data was a standardized questionnaire

adapted from the study entitled “A Study on the Effectiveness of Solid Waste

Management of Municipality in Kerala” and “Awareness, Attitude and Practice of School

Students towards Household Waste Management”. The said instrument has two parts,

the first part has 2 statements that are concerned about the level of awareness towards

waste segregation which will be measured using the choices yes, no and don’t know

while the second part of the questionnaire, which is also in the form of a checklist; it has

41 statements which dealt on waste management practices in terms of segregation.

Data Gathering

The questionnaire are distributed by means of giving the respondents a survey

form. The respondents are ensure that their personal information is secured. They will

be oriented that the researcher has no intention to force them because the participants

was randomly choose. After giving the questionnaire, the researcher has collected the

data from the survey. After that, the researcher interpreted the collected data from the


Statistical Treatment

To answer the following problem, the following statistical tool are applied to the

study and is used to treat problem gathered

1. For the demographic profile. Frequency and percentage are used to determine

the profile of the students form Angelo Levardo Loyola Senior High School in

terms of gender and year level.

Formula: % = F/N x 100

Where % = percentage

F = Frequency

N = Number of Cases

2 and 3. Arithmetic Mean is used to determine the practices and awareness of the

students from Angelo Levardo Loyola Senior High School


Where: = Mean

Ʃfx = Summation of frequency and number of respondents

N = Number of Cases

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