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1 Differentiating Phylogeny

What’s In

Hello everyone! Are you still in? if you found out that there are unfamiliar
items given in the previous activity, do not worry. That is giving a signal that you
are getting ready for the next lesson. Please work on the activity below to show how
much you learned in the previous lessons.

Directions: Below are scrambled letters that you need to arrange to fill-in the blank
in each statement. Write your answer on a separate sheet.

1. The process by which the heritable characteristics of biological population

changes over successive generations is called _______________.(LUTEVOION)

2. The first theory of evolution in the year 1744-1829 known as transmutation

of species was proposed by ____________ . (RCKAMAL)`

3. The theory of evolution by Natural Selection states that organisms change over
time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits was
formulated by _________. (RLESCHA RWADIN)

4. The evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern

humans beginning with the evolutionary history of primates is the _________.
5. An evidence of evolution that supports Darwin’s theory, stating that simple
forms gradually evolved into a more complex one. The use of remains of dead
plants and animals is referred as_____. (SSILFO RDRECO)

What’s New

Perfectly done! You guys learned a lot from your past lesson .Now you are
ready for the next topic we will be dealing today. But before that, may I ask you
have you tried making a family tree? What was your purpose of doing so? Yes! It is
developed for the purpose of documenting a family lineage and history and to show
to everyone that you and your cousin share a common grandmother. The theory of

Common Descent states that all living organisms are descendants of a single
ancestor. Do you believe in this? Well, this is one thing we are going to discuss today.
Activity 1.1

Pictures of various animals and plants were presented on slides. After the
students are grouped, ask them to rank the organisms in order from the closest to
humans to the farthest. Some examples of pictures are Sponges, Monkey, Bird,
Bacteria, Insect, Fungi, and a tree.
After the activity ask students the following question:

 What organism is closest to human? Why

 Which one is farthest from human? Explain why.
 Do you think there is a similarity of making a family tree
compared to what you did in the activity? Why?

What is It

The world is highly diversified. Living things, not just the plants and animals
that are common or easily seen but also the species that are not well known, such
as microorganisms or invertebrates are included. Biodiversity refers to life on land,
in the water, in the air, in deserts and caves—even in hot springs or glaciers. Scientist
work hard to organize living things into groups as they are identified. This is the field
of study called taxonomy which come from a Greek word ‘taxis’ that means Order or
arrangement .Taxonomist is a biologist who studies taxonomy. They decide how to
classify species, explore how they fit in their ecosystem and categorize relationship
with others in their habitat before giving them names according to standardized
system, the binomial naming. This is consists of the genus and specie.

The hierarchical taxonomic classification helps scientists understand and

organize the diversity of life in our planet. Basically, it means groups are classified
within larger groups. Each level of hierarchy is called the taxonomic level wherein
the kingdom is the highest and specie the lowest. It means from general to specific.

Fig.1.This is the taxonomic hierarchy in biological classification

Specie is the basic unit of classification. They are organisms that share many
features and can breed with each other producing fertile offspring. During the time
of Linnaeus the kingdoms were only the plants and animals.
After the discovery of microscope where other organisms and cells can be seen,
it became six, the plants, animals, protists, fungi, archaebacteria and eubacteria.

Fig.2 a sample phylogenetic tree showing relationship between organisms

based on shared anatomical features.

Gorilla Bonobos

Orangutan Humans

What’s More

Directions: Match the definition on column A to the vocabulary words at column

B. Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Column A Column B
1.Study of the evolutionary relationships of species A. tree based on fossil records
2. The highest taxonomic category B. Diversity
3. Refers to the evolutionary history of species C. Kingdom
4. Relating to the structure of organism D. Species
5. A science of identifying, describing and E. Phylogeny
classifying organisms F. Phylogenetics
6. Degree of variation of living things G. Morphologic
in an ecosystem
7. Lowest taxonomic category H. Genetic
8. Relating to DNA, genes or origin I. Most informative
9. A tree that helps a species trace back its phylogenetic tree
evolutionary history J. Taxon
10. A tree based on DNA sequence K. Descendants
L. Taxonomy

What I Have Learned

Direction: Read the paragraph carefully and choose the best answer for each blank
among the words written inside the box below.Write the answers on a
separate sheet of paper.




The variety of life in the world is known as (1) _____.A branch of biology called
(2)_____is in charge of classifying species and giving names via (3)_____system. A (4)
who are experts in taxonomy, helps scientists understand and organize the diversity
of life in our planet. Basically, it means groups are classified within larger groups.

The hierarchical (5) ______helps scientists understand and organize the

diversity of life in our planet .Each level of hierarchy is called the taxonomic level
wherein the (6) _____is the highest and specie the lowest. Phylogeny is different
because it tells the history of the (7) _____ of a species or group of organisms. A field
of science called (8)______ works on the evolutionary history of an organism where
most modern systems of classification are based on. Scientist must collect accurate
information using (9) ____ like fossil record. A phylogeny is often depicted using a
(10)_____which looks like a sequentially branching tree, starting with one common
branch, and then splitting into more branches.

What I Can Do

Directions: Use Venn diagram to compare and contrast phylogeny from taxonomy.

Taxonomy Phylogeny

Phylogenetic Tree and
2 Evolutionary Relationship

What’s In?

In the previous activity you were able to differentiate the methods of

classification taxonomy and phylogeny.

The focus of taxonomy is classifying and naming living organisms while

phylogeny is to trace the evolutionary history of an organism. I hope you can now
make the taxonomic classification of the organisms given to you in activity 1.1. Do
not forget in taxonomic classification the different ranks can be remembered by this
mnemonics KPCOFGS , for Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order ,Family, Genus, Specie
which means ‘Keep Ponds Clean Or Frogs Get Sick’.

What’s New
In the next lesson, you will learn how to interpret a phylogenetic tree to be
able to know the evolutionary development of a species and also its relationship
between the other organisms found within the tree.

What is It

What is a Phylogenetic Tree?

A phylogenetic tree is a branching diagram that represents hypotheses about

the evolutionary relationship among organisms. The pattern of branching reflects
how specie or other groups evolved from ancestors. It is showing the inferred
relationship between various biological species. Two species are more closely related
if they have a more recent common ancestor and less related if they have a less recent
common ancestor.

Several evidences are employed such as external morphology, internal

anatomy, biochemical pathways, behavior and DNA. It also includes evidence of
fossils during the generation of a phylogenetic tree. There are two forms of
phylogenetic tree, the phylogram and cladogram. They differ based on whether the
branches are scaled or unscaled. The phylograms are scaled while cladograms are
unscaled so lines in this tree are of the same size.

Homologous and analogous structures provide evidence for common ancestry.
Homologous structure shared similar embryonic origin like the bone of the flipper of
a whale and the human arm. Analogous structures have similar function like the
wings of butterfly and of a bird. Homologous structures share common ancestry but
the analogous structures do not share a common ancestry.
Figure: 2.1 Parts of a Phylogenetic Tree

External Node Tip

Internal Node
Polypheletic group

Branch Monophyletic group

Root or Basal Node

How to Read a Phylogenetic Tree

Important features that help in understanding a phylogenetic tree are described


1. A phylogenetic tree is a branching diagram, showing the evolution of closely-

related species from their ancestor.
2. It is composed of lines that represent the branches of trees.

3. The root or basal node of the tree represents the common ancestor.

4. A line shows the propagation of a particular species over time. The length of a
line represents the existence of the species over time.

5. The branching of the line at a particular point called external node shows the
split of a lineage or speciation or formation of new and distinct species in the
course of evolution.
6. The internal node is the one connecting the branches of the tree

7. The distance of the branches in the phylogenetic tree represents the amount
of inferred evolutionary change.

8. Each tip of the phylogenetic tree represents a unique species. They are called
the descendants.
9. From root to tips, the branching represents the descendant of species from
the common ancestor.

10. The phylogenies traces show the uniqueness of a particular species and the
parts that it share with the other related-species during evolution.

11. Each species has its own ancestor every time it splits; the organisms are
closely related if they have common ancestor.
12. Monophyletic groups are organisms descended from the same common

13. Polyphyletic group are organisms composed of unrelated organisms

descended from more than one ancestor.

14. An ingroup is the clade that is the focus of a phylogenetic analysis while the
outgroup is the distantly related group of organisms that serves as reference
group, nearest to the root.

What’s More

Phylogenetic tree is constructed based on a given evidence of evolution.

Below is an example of a phylogenetic tree where organisms have evolved
forming homologous and analogous structures. Organisms that share similar
physical features and genetic sequences tend to be more closely related than those
that do not.
Key Takeaways
 Organisms may be very closely related, even though they look quite different,
due to minor genetic changes that cause a major morphological difference.
Yet, they have similarities in physical features and genetic sequences.
 Unrelated organism may appear very similar because both organisms
developed common adaptations that evolved within similar environmental
 To determine the phylogeny of an organism, scientist must know whether a
similarity is homologous or analogous

Directions: A phylogenetic tree is drawn inside the box. Read and answer the
questions written below it. Use a separate sheet of paper for your



1. What organism is the common ancestor?
2. Name at least three (3) clades?
3. Who are the descendants?
4. What happens at points I, J and K?
5. Which among the organisms found in the tree are most closely related?
6. Which of the organisms are not closely related? Mention at least three pairs of
7. Name the organisms that have similarity in physical features and genetic
8. Name the ingroup.
9. Which is the out group?
10. Give the names of organisms that belong to the monophyletic group.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Match the parts of the phylogenetic tree at A with its function at B by
placing the letter of the definition on a separate sheet of paper.

1.Used to connect branches A. Root

2.Represents the organisms that has evolved B. Branches
3. Used to indicate that another species has evolved C. Tip of the branch
4.Another group of specie has evolved D. Internal node
5.Represents the common ancestor E. External node
6. Represents the mostrecent ancestor F. Lines
G. Splitting
H. Bending

What I Can Do

One of the most persistent myths concerns the relationship of humans to great
apes. Based from your learning and an illustration of the degree of morphologic
similarity shown below, infer evolutionary relationship of human to apes. Does it
mean apes have changed into human beings? But why are there apes until now? Use
a separate sheet of paper for your answer.


Completion Accuracy Comprehension Organization Conventions Score

Content is well
Content No major
All organized and
demonstrates grammatical or
The answer is information easy to read.
deep spelling errors. No
complete provided is Points follow a 10
understanding of more than two
accurate. logical
the question . minor errors.

Content is well
No major
All Content organized and
The answer is grammatical or
information demonstrates easy to read.
missing slight spelling errors. No
provided is understanding of Points follow a
details. more than five 8
accurate. the question logical
minor errors.

Content is well
Content organized and Some major and
The answer is Most
demonstrates easy to read. minor errors that
missing information
basic Points follow a don’t necessarily
multiple provided is
understanding of logical impair 6
details accurate
the question progression communication

Content may be
Content Major and minor
Content unorganized
suggests lack Some errors significantly
demonstrates and difficult to
of preparation information weaken quality of
less than basic read . Points do
or provided is communication,
understanding of not follow a 4
comprehensio accurate although still
the question solidly logical
n comprehensible.
Content only A small Content Content is Communication
marginally amount of demonstrates a unorganized, seriously impaired
related to the the lack of illogical and by multitude of 2
question information understanding to difficult to read spelling and
is accurate the question grammatical error .
Content fails None of the Content Content is very Multitude of major
to meet the information demonstrates a poorly organized and minor errors
basic provided is complete lack of ,illogical and make answer 0
requirements accurate understanding of difficult to read incomprehensible
of the task the question


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