Phone Book Applicaion: 1.stakeholders

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A phone book application is a software program that allows users to store and manage
their contacts' information in an electronic format. It provides a centralized location to
store contact information such as names, phone numbers, email addresses, and other
The phone book application can be accessed on various devices, including smartphones,
tablets, and computers. It allows users to quickly search for and retrieve contact
information, add new contacts, and edit existing ones. Users can also organize their
contacts by creating groups or categories, making it easier to find specific contacts.
Phone book applications are essential for individuals and businesses that manage a large
number of contacts. They offer a convenient way to keep track of contact information,
reduce the risk of losing or misplacement of important information, and improve
communication and organization.
Overall, a phone book application is an essential tool for anyone who needs to manage
their contacts efficiently and effectively
A stakeholder is any individual, group or organization that has an interest in or is affected
by a particular project, business, or activity. Stakeholders can be internal or external to
the organization and may include employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders,
government agencies, local communities, and other groups or individuals with a vested
interest in the success or outcome of a particular initiative. In phone book application
stake holders:
⦁ Users
⦁ Developers
⦁ Business owners

⦁ Investors

⦁ Investors

⦁ Advertisers

⦁ Regulators

⦁ Service providers

⦁ User:
These are the individuals who will use the phone book application to store and retrieve
contact information.
⦁ Developers:
The developers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the phone book
⦁ Business owners:
Business owners may be stakeholders if they plan to use the phone book application as a
tool to manage customer contacts or employee phone numbers.
⦁ Investors:
Investors who have put money into the development of the phone book application may
be stakeholders who have a vested interest in the success of the product.
⦁ Advertisers:
Advertisers may be stakeholders if they plan to use the phone book application as a
platform to advertise their products or services.
⦁ Regulators:

Regulators may be stakeholders if they have an interest in ensuring that the phone book
application complies with relevant laws and regulations.

VII. Service providers:

Service providers may be stakeholders if they are responsible for hosting the phone book
application or providing other technical support services.

2.Functional Requirement:

Functional requirements are important because they provide a clear understanding of

what the system should do and how it should perform. They help ensure that the project
meets the needs of its users and stakeholders, and they provide a basis for testing and
validation of the project. Functional requirements can also help identify potential design
or implementation issues before they become major problems.

3.Nonfunctional requirement:

Non-functional requirements are the qualities or attributes that describe how a system

operates or performs. They are often related to performance, security, reliability,
maintainability, and usability. Here are some examples of non-functional requirements for
a phone book application:

⦁ Performance:
The application should load contacts and perform searches quickly and efficiently, even
with a large number of entries.
⦁ Security:
The application should store contact information securely and protect user data from
unauthorized access.
⦁ Reliability:
The application should be available and functional at all times, with minimal downtime
for maintenance or updates.
⦁ Maintainability:
The application should be designed in a way that makes it easy to maintain and update
over time.
⦁ Usability:
The application should be easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface that allows
users to quickly find and manage their contacts.
⦁ Accessibility:
The application should be accessible to users with disabilities, with features such as
screen reader support and keyboard navigation.
VII. Scalability:
The application should be able to handle a growing number of users and contacts without
sacrificing performance or reliability.
VIII. Compatibility:
The application should be compatible with a wide range of devices and operating
systems to ensure that it can be used by the largest possible audience.
IX. Interoperability:
The application should be able to integrate with other systems and software, such as
email clients or calendar applications, to provide a seamless user experience.
X. Data privacy:

The application should comply with data protection laws and regulations and ensure that
users' personal data is not misused or mishandled in any way.

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